Report on Year 3 activity March 2010 Penny Ottewill Work Based Learning 1. With reference to the Year 3 Business Plan, please provide a summary of work/activities undertaken on behalf of WMCETT. An audit of ITT and CPD training needs A questionnaire was sent to all PTLLS candidates past and present to establish their continuing training needs both in terms of continuing ITT and CPD. The data is currently being evaluated. WBL CPD The 3 CPD Programmes of Study, listed below were successfully piloted and are now offered as part of a suite of CPD provision within the CLL Working with 14 – 19 year olds - part 1 – Teaching and Learning Working with 14 – 19 year olds - part 2 – The 14 – 19 Agenda Building Relationships: Managing Challenges Further topics for development are being considered Blended and Extended DTLLS The ‘Contextualised Blended and Extended DTLLS’ within the Work Based Learning Sector commenced in September 2009. 16 candidates enrolled onto the programme (two leaving dues to personal reasons). Initial feedback from candidates is positive with reports that the blended style of delivery is favourable. The feedback from the first SSLC report is due to be in April 2010 and the first monitoring report due in June 2010. WBL PTLLS Plus The WBL PTLLS Plus programmes continued to be developed and delivered across the WMCETT region and included several programmes in Birmingham. There is now a capacity issue that needs to be addressed if we are to continue to meet the demands of the sector 1 Mentoring within the WBL Sector A mentoring framework with the Work Based sector was developed to support trainee Teacher / Trainers undergoing ITT programmes, initially the pilot CBED DTLL. A working group was set up to develop and produce handbooks outlining the roles and responsibilities of both the mentor and mentee and set out the protocols of mentoring framework. Twelve experienced teacher / trainers from across the work based learning in Worcestershire and Herefordshire undertook the CPD programme of study in Coaching and Mentoring for Teacher Development in the Lifelong Learning sector. After completion of the programme, eight mentors were successfully matched with a mentee on the CBED DTLLS Programme with initial reports on progress positive. IAG for WBL Sector Road shows covering themes such as unpacking the ITT reforms, Reflect, CPD and understanding the professional recognition scheme took place this year. A varying response in terms of numbers attending these events; however evaluations received confirm the intended outcomes had been met. Participants stated that their knowledge and understanding reforms had increased which would have immediate impact in their organisation. 2. Identify any activities listed above which have been particularly successful and explain why you think this occurred. The development of the mentoring framework and handbooks has been successful in its development and in the early stages of implementation. This is because of the leadership and support form HWSTPA. 3. Identify any activities listed above which have been particularly difficult to undertake, or targets which have proven difficult to reach, and discuss why. The demise of Coventry and Warwickshire Association of Training Providers has hindered communication and commitment from its former members. Lack of time from the Priority Area Co-coordinator has seen a reduction in new developments and initiatives. The WBL PTLLS Programme has been slow to recruit in Herefordshire and Worcestershire. This may because most teachers / trainers have completed the programme, organisations are finding alternative opportunities or that funding is not available. 2