West Midlands Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training Management Meeting

West Midlands Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training
Management Meeting
Tuesday 29 June 2010, Room MG.84, Milburn House, University of Warwick
Fergus McKay (Chair)
Julie Chamberlain
Elaine Goodall
Jill Hardman
Margaret Hunter
Vron Leslie
Mike Smith
Elaine Goodall had informed the committee she would have to arrive late, and attended from Item 5
onwards. Penny Ottewill sent apologies.
Minutes of Co-ordinators Meeting, March 2010
These were the minutes of the final Co-ordinators meeting to be held in Year 3 of WMCETT, now
replaced by the Management Meetings. The minutes were accepted as correct.
Matters arising
Item 4:
Costings for an observation training course had been looked at and discussions were still ongoing.
FM had spoken to the university about WMCETT earning payment for work it brings into the
university, and this was also ongoing.
Item 5:
MS said he would still forward examples of bids for tenders, but there were very few about at the
Chair’s update
On July 6 FM is going to London for the first meeting of ACETT is this business year. LSIS are funding
the meeting and will be represented, as will IfL. IfL have recently advertised for regional coordinators but instead of being co-overseen by the CETTs as last year these posts will be employed
directly by IfL.
FM said Ofsted had recognised the value of the CETT and what it has done. Paula Jones, who leads
ACETT, had talked about the possibility of a Memorandum of Agreement between CETTs to stop
them competing for the same work, but this had not happened yet.
There was a long discussion about changes in the sector. JH reported that LSIS were reducing their
staffing, and MS said LLUK were also making changes. FM said organisations that were once happy to
act as bid holders for us now wanted the chance to make some money themselves. JH suggested
building links with the AoC. FM said WMCETT and EMCETT had shared business plans and may be
able to do some work together. MS said Vince Cable had signalled the end of the SFA and the
possibility of a single funding body. More would come out in the government spending review in the
autumn. JH said more informal teaching could move into the third sector from colleges. FM said in
the future the CETT could maybe work to support the development of programmes that had moved
into formalised working.
JH said she thought there were developments in teaching qualifications for teaching special needs
students and this may also be something the CETT could develop contextualised courses for.
Business Plan
The Business Plan was discussed section by section.
IAG - MS said he wanted to raise awareness of possibilities beyond PTLLS/DTLLS. The IAG Champions
would be identified, trained and then look to identify needs. VL aimed to put together some good
practice models for IAG by looking at what five providers were doing at the moment.
Courses - MH said people were interested in non-accredited courses and she wanted to convert
some accredited courses, and promote them to the voluntary sector. FM reported back on a
discussion with Michele Archer in CLL about how we could run University of Warwick accredited
courses as non-accredited. He suggested we could offer day schools and workshops which would be
non-accredited and would then be able to keep the income from them. EG suggested people could
have a certificate for doing the course, with information about reflecting on it on the reverse so it
could be used for recording CPD. FM suggested VL talk to JISC and Sara Hattersley about some of the
courses she wanted to develop.
Resources – after discussion of the needs of new PTLLS tutors it was agreed to change MH’s idea of
developing on-line mentoring resources for VCS to running a development day and seeing what
needs were discovered there. VL had discovered the Living Library existed nationally but could scope
the idea of setting up a human library to be used as a resource for teacher training information.
Projects – the joint bid for LSIS funding with EMCETT was removed. FM reported that the HEIs in the
region had said they would pay for VL’s time to organise more Professional Dialogue seminars. One
subject could be sharing experiences of Ofsted.
Research – MH said identifying barriers to progression may link in with a bid for IAG work funding.
Networks – EG said Essential Skills had been successful in a bid to deliver work for the CfBT. MS
reported on a plan to produce podcasts about CPD and training with the WMCETT PACs to use them
on the www.WBL-Shots.org.uk website.
Action point: JC to co-ordinate dates with podcast maker
Other – the funding bid to LSIS in conjunction with NIACE had not been successful.
Action point: FM to look into what is happening with the Subject Learning Coach training.
JH said she would be working on research and development bids.
Any Other Business
JC asked everyone to get payment request forms in before July 16 as she was then on holiday. She
distributed copies of the latest newsletter and the national CETT Journal, and asked people to keep
her informed of story and picture ideas for the next newsletter.
She mentioned the Network Meetings it had been agreed WMCETT would hold, and said one must
be arranged for the autumn.
Next meeting
The date for the next meeting was set for Monday, October 4 at 10.30 am at the Hundred House
Hotel, Great Witley.