PO BOC 743 CPO MUCSCAT PC 111 SULTANATE OF OMAN PHONE +968 24142235 • FAX +968 24141469 • E-MAIL JOHNH@SQU.EDU.OM JOHN HUSBAND PERSONAL INFORMATION Current position: Date of birth: Citizenship: Marital status: Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman 23 November 1971 United Kingdom Married with two children PREVIOUS POSITION Postdoctoral Research Fellow with Prof. S.R. Leone University of California, Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA. EDUCATION Ph.D. Chemistry, University of Massachusetts, Amherst USA May 2001 Thesis Title “Photofragmentation of Transient Ions” Advised by Dr. R.B. Metz. B.Sc. (Hons) Chemistry, University of Exeter, Exeter UK June 1993 Honors project advised by Prof. P.W. Fowler 05/03 – 01/04 03/01 – 05/03 TEACHING EXPERIENCE SINCE JOINING SQU DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY • CHEM1071 – General Chemistry for Engineering Extensively lectured and Course Coordinator • CHEM2101 – Laboratory Component General Chemistry I • CHEM2102 – General Chemistry II Extensively lectured and Course Coordinator • CHEM3335 – Physical Chemistry I Laboratory • CHEM3391- Computers in Chemistry Extensively lectured and Course Coordinator • CHEM4433 – Physical Chemistry II – Quantum Mechanics Extensively lectured • CHEM4435 – Physical Chemistry II Laboratory Extensively lectured • CHEM5000/5501&5502 – Chemistry Project Project supervisor for 20 undergraduate projects and Course Coordinator • CHEM5531 – Statistical Thermodynamics • CHEM6635 – Special Topics In Physical Chemistry I take great pleasure, and pride, in my role as teacher and lecturer and was extremely gratified to receive the College of Science Distinguished Teacher Award in 2011. ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS • Academic Advisor for Chemistry Majors Cohorts 2000, 2008, 2013 • Computer Users Committee Chair, College Committee • Curriculum Committee Chair, Department Committee; Representative, College Committee • Departmental Board Secretary • Employment Committee Division Representative • External Examiner Visit Committee Chair, Department Committee • Final Year Project Committee Chair, College ad hoc Committee • First International Chemistry Conference Member, Organizing Committee • General Chemistry Committee • High Performance Computing Facility Representative, College Committee -2- CURRENT RESEARCH INTERSTS My primary focus is an ongoing investigation of the molecular properties of a series of molecules with the ability to accept and donate hydrogen bonds, and the consequent ability to undergo intermolecular, or solvent, assisted hydrogen transfer. The immediate aim is to characterize their ground and excited state properties when hydrated by water. These systems, which have applications as protein binding-site probes, are computationally demanding due to the dispersed nature of the hydrogen bonds formed. The work in this area is complimented by experimental results from the group of Dr Osama Abou-Zied. Other projects include a continuation of molecular modeling calculations undertaken to support the work of Dr Majekodunmi Fatope, including the use of predicted NMR spectra to aid in the assignment of the stereochemistry of isolated natural products and calculations of NMR and vibrational spectra in support of work of Dr Wajdi Zoghaib and collaborators. INVITED PUBLICATIONS Mobilities: small systems J. Husband and S.R. Leone The Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry. Volume 1: Theory and Ion Chemistry, Armentrout, P. B., Ed.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2003 REFEREED PUBLICATIONS 1. Al Rasbi, N. K.; Husband, J., Excitation and emission properties of Zn (II) Schiff base complex by combined crystallographic, spectroscopic and DFT studies. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 2015, 314, 96-103. 2. Abou-Zied, O. K.; Al-Busaidi, B. Y.; Husband, J., Solvent Effect on Anthranilic Acid Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry a 2014, 118 (1), 103-109. 3. Abou-Zied, O. K.; Husband, J.; Al-Lawatia, N.; Steinbrecher, T. B., Ground state spectroscopy of hydroxyquinolines: evidence for the formation of protonated species in water-rich dioxane-water mixtures. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16 (1), 61-70. 4. Zoghaib, W. M.; Husband, J.; Soliman, U. A.; Shabaan, I. A.; Mohamed, T. A., Analysis of UV and vibrational spectra (FT-IR and FT-Raman) of hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene based on normal coordinate analysis, MP2 and DFT calculations. Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2013, 105, 446-455. 5. Al-Lawatia, N.; Husband, J.; Steinbrecher, T.; Abou-Zied, O. K., Tautomerism in 7-Hydroxyquinoline: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study in Water. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011, 115 (17), 4195-4201. 6. Mohamed, T. A.; Hassan, A. M.; Soliman, U. A.; Zoghaib, W. M.; Husband, J.; Abdelall, M. M., Infrared, Raman and NMR spectra, conformational stability, normal coordinate analysis; and B3LYP calculations of 5-amino-4-cyano-3-(methylthio)-1Hpyrazole-1-carbothioamide. Journal of Molecular Structure 2011, 985 (2-3), 277-291. 7. Mohamed, T. A.; Hassan, A. M.; Soliman, U. A.; Zoghaib, W. M.; Husband, J.; Hassan, S. M., Vibrational assignments, normal coordinate analysis, B3LYP calculations and conformational analysis of methyl-5-amino-4-cyano-3-(methylthio)1H-pyrazole-1-carbodithioate. Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 2011, 79 (5), 1722-1730. 8. Mohamed, T. A.; Shabaan, I. A.; Zoghaib, W. M.; Husband, J.; Farag, R. S.; Alajhaz, A. E.-N. M. A., Tautomerism, normal coordinate analysis, vibrational -3- assignments, calculated IR, Raman and NMR spectra of adenine. Journal of Molecular Structure 2009, 938 (1-3), 263-276. 9. Marwah, R. G.; Fatope, M. O.; Deadman, M. L.; Al-Maqbali, Y. M.; Husband, J., Musanahol: a new aureonitol-related metabolite from a Chaetomium sp. Tetrahedron 2007, 63 (34), 8174-8180. 10. Haber, L. H.; Husband, J.; Plenge, J.; Leone, S. R., Mobility of t-C4H9+ in polar and nonpolar atmospheric gases. Chemical Physics Letters 2004, 384 (4-6), 219-223. 11. Aguirre, F.; Husband, J.; Thompson, C. J.; Stringer, K. L.; Metz, R. B., The low-lying electronic states of FeO+: Rotational analysis of the resonance enhanced photodissociation spectra of the (6)Pi(7/2)<- X (6)Sigma(+) system. Journal of Chemical Physics 2003, 119 (19), 10194-10201. 12. Aguirre, F.; Husband, J.; Thompson, C. J.; Stringer, K. L.; Metz, R. B., Electronic spectroscopy of intermediates involved in the conversion of methane to methanol by FeO+. Journal of Chemical Physics 2002, 116 (10), 4071-4078. 13. Husband, J.; Aguirre, F.; Thompson, C. J.; Metz, R. B., Photodissociation spectra of transition metal sulfides: spin-orbit structure in charge transfer bands of FeS+ and NiS+. Chemical Physics Letters 2001, 342 (1-2), 75-84. 14. Thompson, C. J.; Husband, J.; Aguirre, F.; Metz, R. B., Photodissociation dynamics of hydrated Ni2+ clusters: Ni2+(H2O)(n) (n=4-7). Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000, 104 (35), 8155-8159. 15. Thompson, C. J.; Aguirre, F.; Husband, J.; Metz, R. B., Photofragment spectroscopy and dynamics of NiOH+ and NiOH+(H2O). Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000, 104 (44), 9901-9905. 16. Husband, J.; Aguirre, F.; Thompson, C. J.; Laperle, C. M.; Metz, R. B., Photofragment spectroscopy of FeCH2+, CoCH2+, and NiCH2+ near the M+-CH2 dissociation threshold. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2000, 104 (10), 2020-2024. 17. Aguirre, F.; Husband, J.; Thompson, C. J.; Metz, R. B., Gas-phase photodissociation of AuCH2+: the dissociation threshold of jet-cooled and rotationally thermalized ions. Chemical Physics Letters 2000, 318 (4-5), 466-470. 18. Husband, J.; Aguirre, F.; Ferguson, P.; Metz, R. B., Vibrationally resolved photofragment spectroscopy of FeO+. Journal of Chemical Physics 1999, 111 (4), 14331437. -4-