THE JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY 497:542–565 (2006) Afferent and Efferent Connections of the Cerebellum of a Salmonid, the Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): A Tract-Tracing Study MÓNICA FOLGUEIRA,1 RAMÓN ANADÓN,2 AND JULIÁN YÁÑEZ1* Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of A Coruña, 15071 A Coruña, Spain 2 Department of Ecology and Cell Biology, University of Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain 1 ABSTRACT The connections of the cerebellum of the rainbow trout were studied by experimental methods. The pretectal paracommissural nucleus has reciprocal connections with the cerebellum. Three additional pretectal nuclei project to both the corpus and valvula cerebelli, and seem to receive cerebellar afferents. A large number of cells of the lateral nucleus of the valvula project to wide regions of the cerebellum, including the valvula, the corpus, the granular eminences, and the caudal lobe, whereas the contralateral inferior olive and scattered reticular cells project only to the corpus and valvula cerebelli. Afferents to the corpus were also observed from the ventral tegmental nucleus, the “paraisthmic nucleus,” the perilemniscal nucleus, the central gray, and the octavolateral area. Valvular afferents were also observed from the torus semicircularis and the midbrain tegmental areas. In most cases of cerebellar application, labeled fibers were seen in the thalamus, the pretectum, the torus longitudinalis and torus semicircularis, the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle, and midbrain and rhombencephalic reticular areas. From the corpus cerebelli some fibers also project to the posterior tubercle and the hypothalamus. Moreover, the granular eminences project to the cerebellar crest. DiI application to most of the areas showing labeled fibers after cerebellar tracer application led to the labeling of characteristic eurydendroid cells, mainly in the valvula cerebelli and the caudal lobe. A few putative eurydendroid cells were labeled from the octavolateralis regions. These results in a teleost with a generalized brain indicate several differences with respect to the cerebellar connections reported in other teleost fishes that have specialized brains. J. Comp. Neurol. 497:542–565, 2006. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Indexing terms: cerebellar connections; pretectal nuclei; octavolateral system; eurydendroid cells; projections; teleosts The cerebellum is a suprasegmental dorsal center located in the rostral rhombencephalon that plays a major role in motor control and is involved in cognitive and emotional functions (see Roberts et al., 2002; Rodrı́guez et al., 2005). The cerebellum of teleost fishes consists of three main regions: 1) the valvula cerebelli; 2) the corpus cerebelli, sometimes lobed; and 3) the caudoventral cerebellar region or vestibulolateral lobe (Larsell, 1967; Nieuwenhuys, 1967; Finger, 1983; Meek, 1992a). The corpus cerebelli is the principal region of the cerebellum and is visible as an unpaired dorsal protrusion of the brain. A rostral extension of the corpus cerebelli into the midbrain ventricle forms the valvula cerebelli, which is present only in actinopterygian fishes (Kappers et al., 1936; Larsell, 1967; Nieuwenhuys, 1967) and is located in the midbrain © 2006 WILEY-LISS, INC. ventricle under the optic tectum. The caudoventral cerebellar region is frequently referred to as the vestibulolateral lobe because of its connections with the octavolateral Grant sponsor: Spanish Science and Education Ministry; Grant number: BFU2004-03144/BFI; Grant sponsor: Diputación Provincial de A Coruña (to M.F.). *Correspondence to: Julián Yáñez, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of A Coruña, 15071 A Coruña, Spain. E-mail: Received 28 July 2005; Revised 19 October 2005; Accepted 7 February 2006 DOI 10.1002/cne.20979 Published online in Wiley InterScience ( The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne CEREBELLAR CONNECTIONS IN TROUT 543 region; it consists of the caudal lobe and paired granular eminences (Pouwels, 1978a; Bass, 1982; Finger, 1983; Nieuwenhuys and Pouwels, 1983; Bernochi et al., 1987; Murakami and Morita, 1987). The cellular organization of the corpus cerebelli of teleosts is known from a few Golgi (Cajal, 1911; Franz, 1911; Nieuwenhuys, 1967; Nieuwenhuys and Nicholson, 1969a,b; Pouwels, 1978a– c; Murakami and Morita, 1987) and electron microscopic studies (Kaiserman-Abramof and Palay, 1969; Pouwels, 1978b,c). It appears similar to that observed in other vertebrates and shows 1) an outer molecular layer containing scattered stellate cells, dendrites of Purkinje cells and other large cerebellar neurons, and parallel fibers originating from granule cells (no basket cells have been described in teleosts); 2) a layer of large cells, the Purkinje cell or ganglionic layer, which is a single sheet in salmonids; and 3) a granule cell layer, containing both granular and Golgi cells (Pouwels, 1978b,c). The Purkinje cells of ray-finned fishes appear to have connections only within the cerebellum. Teleosts have no cerebellar nuclei, but show a group of specialized cells, the eurydendroid cells that are intermingled with Purkinje cells and send their axons out of the cerebellum carrying cerebellar outputs (Finger, 1978b; Pouwels, 1978c; Murakami and Morita, 1987; Meek and Nieuwenhuys, 1991; Torres et al., 1992; Ikenaga et al., 2005). Numerous granular cells occupy the lateral parts of the corpus cerebelli, forming two masses called granular eminences that are visible on the outer surface of the brain. Granular cells give rise to parallel fibers that run in the cerebellar molecular layer and the cerebellar crest overlying the rhombencephalic lateral line region (Maler, 1974; Bass, 1982; Meek, 1992a). Although the molecular, Purkinje cell, and granular cell layers are also present in the valvula cerebelli and the caudal lobe, the order and arrangement of these three layers is apparently inverted with respect to that described in the corpus cerebelli, as a result of the invagination of the embryonic cerebellar plate into the midbrain ventricle (see Pouwels, 1978a; Meek and Nieuwenhuys, 1998, for details). A number of studies of the connections of the teleost cerebellum have been carried out in electroreceptive species, where the cerebellum is highly hypertrophied and modified (Nieuwenhuys and Nicholson, 1969a; Bell, 1981; Finger et al., 1978a,b, 1981; Szabo, 1983; Meek et al., 1986a,b; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1990; Wullimann and Rooney, 1990; Striedter, 1990). Electroreception is present in ancient actinopterygian groups (cladistians and chondrosteans), was lost in neopterygians (Bullock et al., 1983), and reappeared as a sensory modality during evolution in several groups of teleosts, such as the silurids, mormyrids, and gymnotids (Wullimann, 1998). Gymnotids, mormyrids, and a small group of synodontid catfishes (Hagedorn et al., 1990) are actively electroreceptive and detect changes in weak electrical fields generated by their electric organs. Such fishes exhibit various specializations in the brain for the detection and processing of electrosensory information, which are notably reflected in the hypertrophy and complex anatomical and cellular organization of the cerebellum (Meek et al., 1986a,b; Meek and Nieuwenhuys, 1998). The cerebellar organization of nonelectroreceptive species probably represents the primitive condition of teleosts (Wullimann and Northcutt, 1989). Knowledge about the cerebellar connections in non- Abbreviations ATh ATN BC CB CC CG CPn D Dc fr GE GR H HL Hy IN IO IP IRN LC ll lln LR LRN LTN LV MB ML MLF MN MR NI nMLF anterior thalamic nucleus of Holmgren (⫽ nucleus glomerulosus) anterior tuberal nucleus corpus cerebelli cerebellum cerebellar crest rhombencephalic central gray central pretectal nucleus diffuse nucleus of the inferior hypothalamic lobe central area of the dorsal telencephalon fasciculus retroflexus granular eminence cerebellar granular layer habenula inferior hypothalamic lobe hypothalamus intermediate pretectal nucleus inferior olive interpeduncular nucleus inferior reticular nucleus locus coeruleus lateral lemniscus lateral line nerves lateral recess lateral reticular nucleus lateral tuberal nucleus lateral nucleus of the valvula mammillary body cerebellar molecular layer medial longitudinal fascicle medial octavolateralis nucleus ventromedial nucleus of the midbrain reticular formation nucleus isthmi nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle OB OC OLa OT PC PG pisth PL pll PM PP PR PT PSp PTN R Retic RF SG SGN SR T Td Tegm Th TL Tlo TS Tv vAO VC VIIIn VS VT olfactory bulb optic chiasm octavolateral region optic tectum paracommissural nucleus preglomerular complex paraisthmic nucleus posterior hypothalamic lobe perilemniscal nucleus magnocellular preoptic nucleus parvocellular preoptic nucleus posterior recess posterior tubercle superficial pretectal nucleus, parvocellular part posterior tuberal nucleus superior raphe nucleus reticular region reticular formation nucleus subglomerulosus secondary gustatory visceral nucleus superior reticular nucleus telencephalon dorsal thalamus tegmentum thalamus torus lateralis torus longitudinalis torus semicircularis ventral thalamus ventral accessory optic nucleus valvula cerebelli octaval nerve vagal viscerosensory column ventral tegmental nucleus The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne 544 M. FOLGUEIRA ET AL. electroreceptive teleosts comes from experiments in cyprinids (Ito et al., 1982a; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988, 1989; Ito and Yoshimoto, 1990; Wullimann and Meyer, 1993; Vonderschen et al., 2001; Ikenaga et al., 2002), a “primitive” teleost (the osteoglossomorph Pantodon: Wullimann and Meyer, 1993; Wullimann and Roth; 1994), and a few species of the most advanced groups of teleosts (percomorphs: Ito et al., 1986; Murakami and Morita, 1987; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988, 1989; Imura et al., 2003; Xue et al., 2004). Most of these studies have centered on specific areas of the cerebellum. The salmonids (Protacanthopterygii; trout and salmon) are nonelectroreceptive teleosts with a generalized cerebellum. They occupy a key position in the teleost phylogeny, between primitive and advanced groups. Moreover, the available studies in trout have proved very important for comprehension of the cellular organization and morphogenesis of the cerebellum in teleosts (Pouwels, 1978a– c; Porteros et al., 1998). However, cerebellar connections in salmonids have not been investigated experimentally, with the exception of preliminary tract-tracing data in the context of the organization of cholinergic systems (Pérez et al., 2000). The aim of the present study was to perform a comprehensive analysis of the connections of the cerebellum in a salmonid fish, the rainbow trout, using a lipophylic tracer (DiI) that diffuses along cell membranes in fixed brain. This study continues a series of studies on connections of the trout brain performed in our laboratories (Folgueira et al., 2002, 2003, 2004a,b). MATERIALS AND METHODS We used 51 young adult rainbow trout (4 –7 cm in standard body length) obtained from a local fish farm (Piscifactoria Berxa, Mesı́a, Spain). The animals were deeply anesthetized with 0.1% tricaine methane sulfonate (MS222; Sigma, St. Louis, MO) and transcardially perfused with cold 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (PB) at pH 7.4. Brains were then carefully removed from the skull and stored at 4°C in the same fixative until use. All experiments conformed to the European Community Guidelines on Animal Care and Experimentation. The lipophylic tracer 1,1⬘-dioctadecyl 3,3,3⬘,3⬘-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI; Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) was applied using two different procedures. A small crystal of DiI was placed on the tip of an electrolytically sharpened insect pin and directly inserted into the brain under a stereomicroscope. The brain structures accessed by this procedure were superficial nuclei and externally accessible brain areas, such as the valvula (6 cases) and corpus cerebelli (8 cases), the caudal lobe (3 cases), the granular eminences (2 cases), the torus longitudinalis (2 cases), the cerebellar crests (5 cases), and the octaval nerve (2 cases). In order to gain access in the cases of valvular labeling, the caudal part of the optic tectum was removed. For DiI application to deeply located or less accessible areas in reciprocal experiments, brains were sectioned on a vibratome (Campden Instruments, Sileby, UK) after being embedded in a block of 3% agarose. Some sections were stained during the procedure with 0.1% methyl blue, coverslipped with PB, and immediately observed under a light microscope in order to determine the appropriate level for the injection. After reaching the appropriate level, the tracer was applied as above. Using this proce- dure, DiI was applied to the following areas: central pretectal nucleus (2 cases), paracommissural nucleus (4 cases), intermediate pretectal nucleus (2 cases), ventral accessory optic nucleus (2 cases), ventral tegmental nucleus (2 cases), nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle (4 cases), torus semicircularis (2 cases), lateral nucleus of the valvula (3 cases), and rostral spinal cord (2 cases). In both procedures the tracer application area was sealed with melted agarose and brains were left in the dark for 2– 8 weeks in frequently renewed fresh fixative at 37°C. To assess the extension of the injection area, brains were observed 24 hours after tracer application (Fig. 1). After the transport period, transverse sections (50 m thick) were cut on a vibratome and mounted on gelatincoated slides. Sections were examined in an epifluorescence photomicroscope (Nikon E-1000) equipped with a rhodamine filter set and photographed on Tmax-400 B&W film (Kodak, Las Rozas, Spain). Negative films were digitally scanned (Epson, Tokyo, Japan), and the images were inverted and balanced for brightness and contrast with Adobe Photoshop (San Jose, CA) and then printed as positive. Unless otherwise stated, the nomenclature for the different brain nuclei and areas was adopted from Northcutt and Bradford (1980), Northcutt and Davis (1983), and Wullimann and Northcutt (1988). RESULTS Connections of the valvula cerebelli Valvular afferents. After DiI application to the rostrolateral region of the valvula cerebelli, retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the pretectum, isthmus, and rhombencephalon, mainly on the ipsilateral side (Fig. 2). At pretectal levels, some retrogradely labeled cells were observed medial to the parvocellular superficial pretectal nucleus (PSp) and intermingled with the optic fibers ascending to the tectum (Figs. 2A, 3A). These are the rostralmost labeled cells, belonging to the central pretectal nucleus. In the dorsolateral periventricular pretectum, a few labeled neurons were detected in the paracommissural nucleus (Figs. 2B–D, 3B). A few retrogradely labeled cells were also observed in an intermediate pretectal nucleus (intermediate nucleus of Brickner, 1929; accessory pretectal nucleus of Butler et al., 1991) (Figs. 2B–D, 3B), which is located between the anterior thalamic nucleus of Holmgren (posterior pretectal nucleus of Butler et al., 1991) and the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus (Garcı́a and Anadón, 1977), and in a region ventral to the anterior thalamic nucleus (ventral accessory optic nucleus) (Fig. 2C). These pretectal cells were mostly pearshaped, although a few slightly polygonal perikarya were also observed. The number of labeled cells was noticeably smaller than that observed after DiI application to the corpus cerebelli (see below). Occasional cells were labeled in the torus semicircularis and in the rostral tegmentum ventral to it (Figs. 2E, 3C,D). At caudal mesencephalic levels, numerous small, round cells were strongly labeled in the medial portion of the lateral nucleus of the valvula (LV) (Figs. 2F,G, 3E). In the corpus cerebelli, scattered granule-like cells were labeled after DiI application to the valvula (Fig. 2I,J). Furthermore, a small group of medium-sized labeled neurons was observed close to the granular eminences and The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne CEREBELLAR CONNECTIONS IN TROUT 545 Labeled fibers. After DiI application to the valvula cerebelli, labeled fibers were observed bilaterally, although the ipsilateral component was predominant. Most labeled fibers course in a compact pretecto-cerebellar tract (often referred to as the mesencephalo-cerebellar tract) traversing the lateral nucleus of the valvula, or run in the brachium conjunctivum to decussate dorsally to the interpeduncular nucleus, and their fibers ascend to midbrain and diencephalic levels, or descend to isthmo-rhombencephalic levels (Fig. 2E–G). Fibers leaving the pretecto-cerebellar tract coursed toward the cerebellopetal pretectal nuclei (central, paracommissural, and intermediate pretectal nuclei) ipsilaterally, and a few fibers also reach the torus semicircularis (Fig. 2B–G). Labeled tracts coursing between the cerebellum and cerebellopetal pretectal nuclei probably include both cerebellar afferents and efferents (see below, Reciprocal experiments). Fibers from the brachium conjunctivum reach the torus longitudinalis through the posterior commissure, the ipsilateral thalamus, and, bilaterally, the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle and the “nucleus ruber” of Oka et al. (1986) (Figs. 2E,F, 3H). This “nucleus ruber” was identified in our trout material after DiI application to one side of the spinal cord, resulting in the labeling of a compact ipsilateral group of rounded medium-sized cells ventrally to the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle. Accordingly, we considered that it does not represent a true nucleus ruber and termed it the ventromedial nucleus of the midbrain reticular formation (see Discussion). In the cerebellum, labeled fibers from the valvula were observed in the granular layer of the caudal lobe and in the granular eminences (Fig. 2H,I). At caudal levels of the corpus, a compact tract of fibers labeled from the valvula course at rostral rhombencephalic levels along the outer surface of the secondary gustatory nucleus (Fig. 2H). These labeled fibers could be followed caudally to the level of the inferior olive (olivocerebellar or spinocerebellar tract?). Labeled fibers reaching the isthmic and rhombencephalic medial reticular areas were also observed (Figs. 2H–K, 3I). Connections of the corpus cerebelli Fig. 1. Photomicrographs of a whole brain (A) and a sectioned brain at the level of the midbrain (B) showing the small extension of the tracer diffusion (arrows) after 24 hours of application of the DiI crystal. Scale bars ⫽ 1 mm. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at] medial to the nucleus isthmi (Figs. 2H, 3F). In view of its location, this cell group can be considered a caudal extension of the LV. Occasional reticular neurons and their processes were labeled at different rostrocaudal rhombencephalic levels and also occasionally in the medial part of the octavolateralis region (Fig. 2I,J). In the contralateral caudoventral rhombencephalon, a few small round cells were labeled in the inferior olive (Figs. 2K, 3G). Afferents. DiI application in the dorsolateral region of the corpus cerebelli at different rostrocaudal levels led to the labeling of cells and fibers in the pretectum and in several nuclei of the midbrain and hindbrain (Fig. 4). Although most of these cerebellopetal nuclei were labeled bilaterally, the ipsilateral component was much more marked. A number of cells and their processes were labeled in four pretectal nuclei: the central pretectal nucleus, the paracommissural nucleus, the intermediate pretectal nucleus, and the aforementioned ventral accessory optic nucleus (Figs. 4A–D, 5A–E). Most of the labeled pretectal cells were pear-shaped, but fusiform cells were also observed. In addition, a few perikarya were labeled in the torus longitudinalis (Fig. 4B–D). At caudolateral midbrain levels, a rather large group of medium-sized cells was labeled in the ventral tegmental nucleus (Figs. 4E,F, 5F–H, 6A,B), located in the lateral corner of the mesencephalic tegmentum, ventral to the torus semicircularis, and extending up to isthmic levels. The labeled perikarya of this nucleus were mostly pear-shaped, but fusiform or multipolar perikarya were also observed. A number of small granule-like cells were conspicuously labeled in the lateral nucleus of the valvula, including its prominent rostral part (Figs. 4F,G, 6C,D). Occasional medium-sized cells were also labeled in the trochlear nucleus (Figs. 4G, 6E), likely through the motor root traversing the cerebel- The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne 546 M. FOLGUEIRA ET AL. Fig. 2. Schematic drawings of transverse sections of trout brain (A–K) showing labeled perikarya (solid circles) and fibers (dashes and lines) after DiI application to the valvula cerebelli. The shaded area in F represents the application site. The levels of the sections are indicated in the lateral view of the brain. For abbreviations, see list. Scale bar ⫽ 1 mm. lum after decussating dorsally (see Discussion). Moreover, a few labeled cells were observed in the pretrigeminal central gray and in the locus coeruleus (Fig. 4H). Labeled cells were also observed in a population lateral to the nucleus isthmi (Figs. 4G, 6F), here termed the paraisthmic nucleus because of its position (see Discussion). A small number of perikarya were labeled in the perilemniscal nucleus, close to the lateral lemniscus and sometimes intermingled with it (Fig. 6F). Some scattered isthmo-rhombencephalic reticular neurons were also observed (Fig. 4G,I–K). In the caudal rhombencephalon, occasional retrograde labeled neurons were located in the mechanosensory medial octavolateralis nucleus (McCormick, 1983) and in other octavolateral regions (Figs. 4J, 7A,B). Those cells of the medial octavolateralis nucleus are pear-shaped or fusiform and show dendritic processes entering the cerebellar crest overlying the nucleus. Large and medium-sized, pear-shaped perikarya and their pro- The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne CEREBELLAR CONNECTIONS IN TROUT 547 Fig. 3. Transverse sections through the diencephalon (A–C), mesencephalon (D,H), isthmus (E), and caudal rhombencephalon (F,G,I), showing labeled cells and fibers after DiI application to the valvula cerebelli. The midline is at the right, with the exception of G. A: Retrogradely labeled cells (arrowheads) in the central pretectal nucleus. B: Labeled fibers and cells in rostral regions of the paracommissural (arrowhead) and intermediate pretectal nuclei (arrows). C: A few scattered labeled cells (arrowheads) located in the mesencephalic tegmentum. Asterisk: the pretecto-cerebellar tract. D: A few labeled cells in the torus semicircularis (arrowhead). Note the pretectocerebellar tract (asterisk) and anterogradely labeled fibers in the mesencephalic tegmentum. E: Labeled granular cells (arrowheads) and their processes (arrows) in the lateral nucleus of the valvula. F: Retrogradely labeled cells (arrowhead) in a caudal part of the lateral nucleus of the valvula. Note anterogradely labeled fibers (arrow) in the caudal lobe and in the cerebellar peduncle (open arrow). G: Retrogradely labeled cell (arrowhead) in the contralateral inferior olive, and anterogradely labeled fibers (arrow). H: Anterogradely labeled fibers in the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle (arrow). The outlined arrow points to labeled fibers in the ventromedial nucleus of the midbrain reticular formation. I: Anterogradely labeled fibers (arrow) in the caudal rhombencephalon. Note a lateral and a medial tract (arrowheads). For abbreviations, see list. Scale bars ⫽ 100 m in A,C–E; 75 m in B,G,H; 25 m in F; 200 m in I. cesses were also labeled in the inferior reticular nucleus (Figs. 4J, 7A), some probably corresponding to the nucleus of the commissure of Wallenberg (1907). The contralateral inferior olive showed many retrogradely labeled cells (Figs. 4K, 7C). Within the cerebellum, some granule-like cells were labeled in the caudal part of the corpus cerebelli and, in one experiment, labeled stellate cells were observed on the contralateral side close to the DiI application area (Fig. 7E–G). The dendrites of stellate cells radiate in all directions from the cell body. In this experiment, some Purkinje cells showing typical dendritic trees (Fig. 7D) together with some granule cells could be observed slightly caudal to the DiI application point. Labeled fibers. Labeled fibers from the corpus cerebelli were observed predominantly contralateral to the tracer application side. Two main tracts, the pretectocerebellar tract and the brachium conjunctivum, were la- The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne 548 M. FOLGUEIRA ET AL. Fig. 4. Schematic drawings of transverse sections (A–K) showing labeled perikarya (solid circles) and fibers (dashes and lines) after DiI application to the corpus cerebelli. The shaded area in I represents the typical application site. The levels of the sections are indicated in the lateral view of the brain. For abbreviations, see list. Scale bar ⫽ 1 mm. beled as described for the valvula (Fig. 4G,H). At rostral levels, anterograde-labeled fibers coursing in the pretectocerebellar tract seem to innervate the four pretectal nuclei which we denominate the corpopetal nuclei (the central, paracommissural, and intermediate pretectal nuclei, and the nucleus ventral to the anterior thalamic nucleus), as well as the ventral tegmental nucleus (Fig. 4A–F). Nevertheless, the large number of perikarya and their processes labeled in these nuclei make it difficult to see terminal fields. Fibers labeled from the corpus and decussating in the posterior commissure were observed entering the torus longitudinalis (Figs. 4B, 5C). A few labeled fibers were observed bilaterally in the torus semicircularis (Figs. 4E, 5H), the contralateral component showing a higher density of labeled fibers. Labeled fibers coursing in the brachium conjunctivum reach contralaterally the ventromedial nucleus of the midbrain reticular formation, the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle, the dorsal and The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne CEREBELLAR CONNECTIONS IN TROUT Fig. 5. Transverse sections through the diencephalon (A–F) and mesencephalon (G–H) of trout, showing structures labeled after tracer application to the corpus cerebelli. The midline is at the right in D,E, H, at the left in B,G. A: Retrogradely labeled cells (arrowheads) bilaterally in the central pretectal nucleus, and a few anterogradely labeled fibers (arrows) reaching the contralateral thalamus. B: Detail of labeled cells in the ipsilateral central pretectal nucleus (arrowheads) after application of a minute DiI crystal to the corpus cerebelli. C: A few retrogradely labeled cells in the contralateral pretectal area (arrowheads) and in the torus longitudinalis (outlined arrowhead). Anterogradely labeled fibers reaching the thalamus (outlined arrowheads) and the torus longitudinalis (arrows). Note the tracts entering the torus longitudinalis. D: Labeled perikarya in the paracommissural nucleus, the intermediate pretectal nucleus (arrowheads), and the ventral accessory optic nucleus (outlined arrowhead). E: Detail of labeled perikarya in the paracommissural nucleus (arrowheads) and the intermediate pretectal nucleus (arrows). F: Labeled fibers reach- 549 ing the rostral torus semicircularis (outlined arrow), the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle, the ventromedial nucleus of the midbrain reticular formation (arrow), and the posterior tubercle (arrowhead). Note the retrogradely labeled cells in the ventral tegmental nucleus (outlined arrowhead). G: Contralateral to the DiI application side, a few labeled cells in the ventral tegmental nucleus (arrowhead) and anterogradely labeled fibers innervating the medial longitudinal fascicle, the ventromedial nucleus of the midbrain reticular formation (arrow), the posterior tubercle, and the inferior hypothalamic lobe (outlined arrow). Note the compact pretecto-cerebellar tract located ventral to the torus semicircularis. H: Labeled cells in the ipsilateral ventral tegmental nucleus (arrowhead). Note a few labeled fibers and cells in the mesencephalic tegmentum (outlined arrowhead), and fibers reaching the posterior tubercle (arrow). For abbreviations, see list. Scale bars ⫽ 150 m in A,B,D; 200 m in C,G,H; 100 m in E; 400 m in F. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne 550 M. FOLGUEIRA ET AL. Fig. 6. Transverse sections through the mesencephalon (A–E) and isthmus (F) showing structures labeled after DiI application to the corpus cerebelli. The midline is at the right in A,E-F, at the middle in B, and at the left in C. A: Detail of the labeled perikarya (arrowheads) in the ventral tegmental nucleus. B: Retrogradely labeled cells in the lateral nucleus of the valvula (arrowheads) and in the ventral tegmental nucleus (arrow). C: Detail of labeled cells (arrowheads) in the lateral nucleus of the valvula and fibers (arrows) reaching the torus semicircularis. D: Retrogradely labeled perikarya in the lateral nucleus of the valvula (arrow) and in the ventral tegmental nucleus (arrowheads). E: Detail of two labeled perikarya in the region of the trochlear nucleus (arrowheads). F: Retrogradely labeled cells (arrowheads) in the paraisthmic nucleus. Note a labeled cell (arrow) belonging to the perilemniscal nucleus, which is intermingled with the lateral lemniscus. For abbreviations, see list. Scale bars ⫽ 100 m in A,F; 300 m in B; 150 m in C,D; 50 m in E. ventral thalamus, the tuberal nuclei, the posterior tubercle, and the medial part of the inferior hypothalamic lobe (Figs. 4A–F, 5A,C,F–H). Fibers coursing to rhombencephalic levels could be followed to the superior and intermediate reticular formation (Fig. 4G–I). At the level of the granular eminences, a compact tract of labeled fibers was observed running toward ventrolateral rhombencephalic regions (Fig. 4H). As mentioned for the valvula cerebelli, some of the labeled fibers originate in the inferior olive. In the dorsal molecular layer of the corpus cerebelli, varicose parallel fibers run to the contralateral side close to the DiI application area (Fig. 7D–G). Occasionally, the typical T-shaped branching of parallel fibers could be observed. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne CEREBELLAR CONNECTIONS IN TROUT 551 Fig. 7. Transverse sections through the medulla oblongata (A–C) and corpus cerebelli (D–G) showing structures labeled after DiI application to the corpus cerebelli. Photomicrographs D–G show areas close to the point of DiI application. The midline is at the left in B,C, at the right in D–G. A: Reticular (arrowhead) and octavolateral (arrows) labeled cells in the caudal rhombencephalon. B: Detail of a labeled octavolateral cell extending its dendrite into the cerebellar crest. C: Retrogradely labeled cells (arrowhead) in the contralateral inferior olive. D: Putative Purkinje cell (arrowhead) near the point of tracer application showing its dendritic tree entering the molecular layer (arrow), and labeled parallel fibers (outlined arrowhead). E: Labeled stellate cells (arrowheads) and parallel fibers (arrows) in the molecular layer of the contralateral side close to the point of DiI application. F: Detail of a labeled stellate cell. G: Labeled parallel fibers showing the typical T-shaped branching (arrows). For abbreviations, see list. Scale bars ⫽ 150 m in A; 100 m in B,C; 50 in D,F; 75 m in E; 30 m in G. Connections of the caudal cerebellum (caudal lobe and granular eminences) observed in the paracommissural nucleus, but no labeled cells were observed in other pretectal areas (Figs. 8A,B, 9A). A few cells were weakly labeled in medial regions of the lateral nucleus of the valvula (Figs. 8D,E, 9B). Close to the DiI application point a number of labeled large and medium-sized cells were scattered in the medial region of the caudal lobe (Fig. 8F,G). Some of these cells were Purkinje cells, but the possibility that other cell Caudal lobe. Afferents. DiI application to the caudal lobe led to the labeling of both cells and fibers at diencephalic, mesencephalic, and cerebellar levels (Fig. 8). However, the number of labeled nuclei was smaller than that observed after DiI application to the valvula and corpus cerebelli. At diencephalic levels a few labeled cells were The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne 552 M. FOLGUEIRA ET AL. Fig. 8. Schematic drawings of transverse sections (A–H) showing labeled perikarya (solid circles) and fibers (dashes and lines) after DiI application to the caudal lobe. The shaded area in G represents the application site. The levels of the sections are indicated in the lateral view of the brain. For abbreviations, see list. Scale bar ⫽ 1 mm. types were labeled (eurydendroid cells, Golgi cells) cannot be ruled out. Occasional stellate cells were labeled in the molecular layer of the caudal lobe. Labeled fibers. As described for the valvula and corpus cerebelli, labeled fibers were observed in the pretectocerebellar tract and decussating in the brachium conjunctivum dorsally to the interpeduncular nucleus (Fig. 8C– E). Labeled fibers were observed in the paracommissural nucleus, the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle, and the ventromedial nucleus of the midbrain reticular formation (Fig. 8A–C). At rhombencephalic levels, labeled varicose fibers were observed coursing in the cerebellar crest overlying the octavolateral area (Fig. 8H). In the caudal lobe close to the tracer application point, anterogradely labeled fibers coursed through the molecular layer. Two small tracts of labeled fibers coursing ventral to the descending root of the trigeminal nerve could be followed to the level of the obex (Figs. 8H, 9C). Neither the origin nor the final destination of those fibers could be determined. Granular eminences. Afferent neurons. DiI application to the granular eminences led to the labeling of cells The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne CEREBELLAR CONNECTIONS IN TROUT 553 Fig. 9. Transverse sections through the diencephalon (A), mesencephalon (B), and rhombencephalon (C) after DiI application to the caudal lobe. The midline is at the right. A: Anterogradely labeled fibers and a few labeled cells (arrowhead) in the paracommissural nucleus. B: Faintly labeled cells (arrowheads) and a few labeled fibers in the lateral nucleus of the valvula. C: Two labeled tracts (arrowheads) at caudal rhombencephalic levels. Scale bars ⫽ 125 m in A,B; 250 m in C. mostly in the lateral nucleus of the valvula and at rhombencephalic levels (Fig. 10). Some cells were labeled in the lateral nucleus of the valvula (Fig. 10A,B). A group of medium-sized perikarya and their processes were bilaterally labeled ventral to the secondary gustatory nucleus, probably corresponding to the superior reticular nucleus (Figs. 10C,D, 11A,B). Labeled fibers of these cells cross the ventral midline at intermediate dorsoventral levels (Figs. 10C,D, 11A). Occasional perikarya were bilaterally labeled in the medial octavolateralis nucleus and in the locus coeruleus (Figs. 10C,E, 11C,D). Cells of the medial octavolateralis nucleus give rise to arcuate fibers crossing the midline rather dorsally (Figs. 10E, 11C). Some reticular cells were labeled in the lateral reticular region at the level of the vagal viscerosensory lobe (Figs. 10E,F, 11E). These bipolar or multipolar cells give rise to conspicuous commissural axons crossing the midline at intermediate dorsoventral levels. No cells were labeled in the inferior olive in these experiments. In addition, primary fibers of the anterior and posterior lateral line nerves were labeled (Fig. 10E). These fibers were not traced to the cell perikarya in the corresponding ganglia where they originate. Labeled fibers. Fairly abundant labeled fibers were observed in the granular layer of the valvula and corpus cerebelli (Figs. 10A–C, 11F) and, at caudal cerebellar levels, varicose parallel fibers reached the molecular layer of the caudal lobe (Figs. 10D, 11H). Numerous labeled fibers course in thick bundles that were observed crossing to the contralateral side, forming a conspicuous cerebellar commissure in caudal regions of the corpus (Figs. 10D, 11G). In the cerebellar crest overlying the medial nucleus of the octavolateral area there were numerous thin varicose fibers coursing longitudinally (Figs. 10E, 11I), which here were interpreted as cross-sections of parallel fibers arising from granule cells of the granular eminences. between the corpus and valvula (Fig. 12A) and gives off fibers with small swellings coursing in the granular layer of the valvula, corpus cerebelli, and caudal lobe (Fig. 12B). The morphology of these fibers is similar to the mossy fibers revealed in the trout cerebellum by Golgi methods (Pouwels, 1978b). Some labeled fibers or collaterals of the pretecto-cerebellar tract reached the lateral nucleus of the valvula (Fig. 12C,D). In this nucleus, two types of terminal were observed, thin fibers and cup-shaped or round fibers closely associated with a single valvular neuron. This latter type of terminal was more faintly labeled than the thin fibers. DiI application to these nuclei also led to labeling of scattered large perikarya identified as eurydendroid cells, mostly distributed in the valvula cerebelli and caudal lobe, but also in the corpus cerebelli. The analysis of other connections of pretectal nuclei is outside the scope of this study, and they will not be further described. Ventral tegmental nucleus. After DiI application to the ventral tegmental nucleus, anterogradely labeled fibers course caudalward in the pretecto-cerebellar tract to the cerebellum and terminate as mossy fibers in the granular layer of the valvula, corpus cerebelli, and caudal lobe. A number of eurydendroid cells were labeled in the valvula cerebelli. In addition, a number of labeled cells were observed in the optic tectum. Nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle. After tracer application to the cerebellum, anterogradely labeled fibers were observed in the region of the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle and the ventromedial nucleus of the midbrain reticular formation. In order to characterize the cerebellar cells projecting to these nuclei, we used DiI applications to the nuclei, with long incubation periods (more than 2 months) to allow the tracer to fill the large eurydendroid perikarya and their processes. Although DiI application to other brain areas also labeled eurydendroid cells, this procedure more effectively revealed the morphology of these cells (Fig. 12E,F). Labeled eurydendroid cells were located below the Purkinje cell layer and distributed throughout all the regions of the cerebellum, but mainly in the contralateral valvula cerebelli and caudal lobe. In the valvula and corpus cerebelli, eurydendroid cells appeared either as fusiform or multipolar, all showing smooth slender dendrites, scarcely branched, ascending toward the molecular layer. In the Reciprocal experiments Precerebellar pretectal nuclei. Experiments of DiI application to the central pretectal nucleus, the paracommissural nucleus, the intermediate pretectal nucleus, or the ventral accessory optic nucleus led to labeling of similar structures in the cerebellum. Labeled fibers were observed coursing in the pretecto-cerebellar tract. The compact pretecto-cerebellar tract enters the cerebellum The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne 554 M. FOLGUEIRA ET AL. Fig. 10. Schematic drawings of transverse sections (A–F) showing labeled perikarya (solid circles) and fibers (dashes and lines) after DiI application to the granular eminence. The shaded area in D represents the application site. The levels of the sections are indicated in the lateral view of the brain. For abbreviations, see list. Scale bar ⫽ 1 mm. ventral caudal lobe, a number of eurydendroid cells with fusiform or round somata were labeled. Round cells give rise to a single dendrite that branches in the molecular layer rather distant from its origin. Some granule-like cells were also labeled in the granular eminences. Torus longitudinalis. DiI application to torus longitudinalis led to labeling of neurons in the optic tectum, the eminentia thalami, and a few pretectal nuclei (paracommissural, intermediate) (not shown). In the cerebellum, some labeled fibers were observed, but not labeled perikarya. Torus semicircularis. Application of DiI to the torus semicircularis (approached from rostral) led to labeling of a number of neurons in the octavolateralis region (crest cells, medial octavolateralis nucleus, medial region of the ventral octavolateralis nucleus), a few reticular cells, some cells associated with the lateral lemniscus (perilemniscal nucleus), and a few large cells located in the granular layer of the corpus cerebelli. Lateral nucleus of the valvula. DiI application to the lateral nucleus of the valvula was done via a caudal ap- proach in sectioned brain, allowing study of rostral connections only. These experiments led to the labeling of cells in precerebellar structures at pretectal, isthmic, and rhombencephalic levels. In the pretectum, most retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the central pretectal nucleus, and occasionally in the paracommissural and intermediate pretectal nuclei (Fig. 13A–C) and ventral accessory optic nucleus. In the central and paracommissural nuclei, labeled cells are pear-shaped and exhibit oriented dendritic trees. In addition, in the diencephalon we observed some labeled cells in the preoptic nucleus, occasional labeled cells in the dorsomedial thalamus (central posterior nucleus), a few scattered large labeled cells in the diffuse nucleus of the inferior hypothalamic lobe (Fig. 13D), and some medium-sized labeled cells in the nucleus of the posterior tubercle. Numerous retrogradely labeled cells were observed contralaterally in the LV (Fig. 13E). These small cells show a globular morphology, lacking complex dendritic trees. In the midbrain, occasional labeled cells were observed in the laminar nucleus that lies rostromedial to the torus semicircularis. In one tract- The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne CEREBELLAR CONNECTIONS IN TROUT 555 Fig. 11. Transverse sections through the rhombencephalon (A– E,I) and cerebellum (F–H) after DiI application to the granular eminence. The midline is at the right, with the exception of G. A: Labeled cells (arrowheads) of the superior reticular nucleus and labeled fibers in the granular eminences (arrow) and in the rhombencephalic tegmentum crossing to the contralateral side (outlined arrow). B: Detail of the reticular cell perikarya (arrowheads). C: Labeled cells (arrowheads) in the medial octavolateralis nucleus and labeled fibers crossing to the contralateral side (arrow). D: Labeled multipolar cell of the locus coeruleus. E: Labeled lateral reticular cells (arrowheads) in the caudal rhombencephalon and anterogradely labeled fibers. F: Anterogradely labeled fibers (arrows) in the ventrolateral region of the valvula cerebelli. G: Labeled fiber bundles (arrowhead) crossing to the contralateral side at caudal regions of the corpus. H: Varicose labeled fibers (arrows) reaching the ventral part of the caudal lobe. I: Cross section through the cerebellar crest showing thin varicose fibers (arrow). Note the labeled cell in the medial octavolateralis nucleus (arrowhead). For abbreviations, see list. Scale bars ⫽ 125 m in B,C,H; 175 m in A,F; 75 m in D,E,I; 375 m in G. tracing experiment a number of ipsilateral eurydendroid cells were labeled dorsally in the valvula cerebelli (Fig. 13F). At caudal rhombencephalic levels a few labeled cells were observed in medial reticular regions (Fig. 13G). Labeled fibers were observed in the lateral nucleus of the valvula, on the contralateral side. Labeled fibers were also observed reaching the walls of the posterior hypothalamic lobe (Fig. 13H), the inferior hypothalamic lobe, the torus longitudinalis (Fig. 13I), and the dorsal and ventral thalamus. Cerebellar crest. DiI application to the cerebellar crest overlying the octavolateral area led to the labeling of a large number of granular cells in the granular eminences, mostly on the ipsilateral side (Fig. 14A). In some experiments in which DiI affected the deeper regions of the octavolateral region, large retrogradely labeled perikarya were also observed in the caudal lobe (Fig. 14B). Although the dendritic trees of these cells were generally very lightly stained, in some instances these cells were well-stained, showing dendritic trees in the molecular layer (Fig. 14C). These cells were interpreted as eurydendroid cells. Tracer application to the cerebellar crest led to the labeling of large pear-shaped crest cells with perikarya located in the medial octavolateralis nucleus (Fig. 14D). These neurons were labeled even in cases of very superficial tracer application. Occasional labeled stellate cells were observed within the ipsilateral cerebellar crest (Fig. 14E). Labeled cells were also observed in the intermediate and inferior reticular formation (Fig. 14F). In one experiment, retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the locus coeruleus and the superior reticular nucleus (Fig. 14G). Anterograde labeled arcuate fibers were observed reaching the contralateral medial octavolateralis nucleus and The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne 556 M. FOLGUEIRA ET AL. Fig. 12. Transverse sections through the corpus cerebelli (A,B,E,F) and mesencephalon (C,D) showing labeled structures after DiI application to the central pretectal nucleus (A), paracommissural nucleus (B,C), and nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle (E,F). A: Labeled fibers of the pretecto-cerebellar tract (arrow) in the caudal corpus cerebelli. B: Labeled fibers (arrows) at the caudal corpus cerebelli. C: Retrogradely labeled cell (arrowhead) in the lateral nucleus of the valvula (LV). Note labeled fibers (arrows) embracing cells of the LV. D: Detail of a labeled fiber embracing a cell of the LV. E: Labeled multipolar eurydendroid cell (arrowhead) in the ganglionic layer of the valvula cerebelli. Note dendritic processes (arrows) entering the molecular layer. F: Labeled eurydendroid cells in the caudal lobe showing pear-shaped and bipolar (arrowheads) morphologies. The arrow points to dendritic processes. For abbreviations, see list. Scale bars ⫽ 150 m in A; 100 m in B; 75 m in C; 30 m in D,F; 40 m in E. forming a band of terminals parallel to the crest (Fig. 14H); in addition, arcuate fibers or branches of these fibers ascended in the contralateral lateral lemniscus to the dorsolateral part of the torus semicircularis (mechanosensory region) (Fig. 14,I). Octaval nerve. Application of DiI to the octaval nerve led to labeling of fibers coursing caudally and rostrally in the lateral part of the octavolateralis region. A bundle of labeled fibers coursed toward the cerebellum passing over the secondary gustatory nucleus. Fibers of this tract were followed to the granular layer of the corpus cerebelli and caudal lobe. labeling far from the area of interest. The crystals used by us are very small, typically 20 –50 m in diameter, as shown by conspicuous small red points seen after a short time of incubation and the little scar seen in the first few sections. In these experiments the extension of the labeled region after 24 hours of application (see Fig. 1) is very small and limited to the area of interest. Despite the number of experiments done, in large centers such as the cerebellum some projections limited to a small cerebellar region might have been overlooked. Second, DiI diffuses both retrogradely and anterogradely from the branching points of fibers (tracts, collateral fibers), which can lead to wrong conclusions regarding the origin of labeled fibers (this does not apply to labeled perikarya). This problem affects primarily to the putative cerebellar efferents revealed after DiI application to the cerebellum. It can be solved by reciprocal experiments of application of DiI to the presumed targets: only confirmed are those that reveal labeled perikarya in the cerebellum. Since it was not possible to make applications to all possible targets, when experiments were done we distinguished between confirmed and nonconfirmed projections. Third, tracts passing through a nucleus or region are labeled after application of DiI. The problem surfaces when trying to distinguish target nuclei from regions of passage of fibers. To a different extent, similar problems may affect the results of experimental studies based on the application of other types of neuronal tracer (HRP, biocytin, dextran amine). In charts, only terminal fields clearly recognizable by the presence of terminal arbors or DISCUSSION Methodological considerations The DiI methodology used in fixed tissue is highly sensitive (Godement et al., 1987; Holmqvist et al., 1992) and offers the possibility of tracing the connections of very small structures, even if they are of very difficult access (Yáñez et al., 1996, 1997; Folgueira et al., 2002, 2003, 2004a,b). However, results of DiI-tracing experiments in the central nervous system should always be interpreted with caution (see Folgueira et al., 2004a). Here, we discuss some problems that may affect the interpretation of results of cerebellar connections. First, because DiI is applied as a water-insoluble crystal, diffusion is primarily limited to the area immediately adjacent to the crystal, the amount of tracer incorporated into cell membranes in this area is enough to show intense The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne CEREBELLAR CONNECTIONS IN TROUT 557 Fig. 13. Transverse sections through the diencephalon (A– C,F,H,I), mesencephalon (D), valvula cerebelli (E) and rhombencephalon (G) showing labeled structures after DiI application to the lateral nucleus of the valvula. The midline is at the right with the exception of E. A: Labeled cells in the ipsilateral central pretectal nucleus (arrowheads) and in the paracommissural nucleus (arrow). B: Retrogradely labeled cells (arrowheads) in the central pretectal nucleus at a level rostral to A. C: Detail of a labeled central pretectal neuron (arrowhead) and its dendritic processes (arrow). D: Labeled cells (arrowheads) in the diffuse nucleus of the inferior hypothalamic lobe. E: Labeled granular cells (arrowheads) in the contralateral lateral nucleus of the valvula and labeled fibers (arrow). F: Labeled eurydendroid cells (arrowheads) in the ipsilateral valvula cerebelli. G: A labeled reticular cell (arrowhead) and a compact tract of labeled fibers (asterisk) at caudal rhombencephalic levels. H: Anterogradely labeled fibers (arrows) reaching the walls of the posterior hypothalamic lobe (PL). I: A retrogradely labeled cell (arrowhead) in the pretectal area and labeled fibers (arrows) in the torus longitudinalis. For abbreviations, see list. Scale bars ⫽ 125 m in A,D,F,H; 175 m in B,E,G; 35 m in C; 200 m in I. beaded fibers were represented, but this does not rule out that other centers can be contacted by en passant labeled fibers. In teleosts, myelinated fibers may have regions with short myelin segments forming small en passant contacts with postsynaptic structures just at the nodes without any apparent branching (Waxman, 1970, 1971). Fourth, in trout DiI generally fails to diffuse efficiently along highly myelinated pathways, which may lead to false-negative results (Folgueira et al., 2004a). To minimize this problem, we used small immature specimens (4 –7 cm in length) that show poorly myelinated pathways. In terms of brain morphology and connections, these specimens should be considered small adults, not developing stages. Brain morphogenesis is completed in trout of about 2.5 cm in length (Candal et al., 2005a,b), and experimental studies of the retinotectal projection indicate that the branching pattern is completed in trout of about 2.6 cm in length (Mansour-Robaey and Pinganaud, 1996). Moreover, available studies of axonal development in the retinotectal and somatomotor systems of zebrafish have indicated that they do not form an excess of fiber connections to be further trimmed and remodeled (Myers et al., 1986; The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne 558 M. FOLGUEIRA ET AL. Fig. 14. Transverse sections through the cerebellum (A–C), rhombencephalon (D–H) and mesencephalon (I) showing labeled structures after DiI application to the cerebellar crest. The midline is at the left in H. A: Labeled granular cells (arrowheads) in the granular eminences. B: Large labeled perikarya in the caudal lobe (arrowheads). C: Labeled eurydendroid cell (arrowhead) and granule cells (arrow) in the valvula cerebelli. D: Labeled crest cells (arrowhead) in the ipsilateral medial octavolateralis nucleus close to the DiI application point. Note their dendritic processes entering the cerebellar crest (arrow). E: Labeled stellate cells (arrowheads) in the cerebellar crest close to the DiI application point. F: Labeled reticular cells in the inferior reticular nucleus (arrowheads). G: Labeled reticular cells (arrowheads) in the superior reticular nucleus. H: Anterogradely labeled fibers coursing to the contralateral medial octavolateralis nucleus (arrowhead) and octaval areas (arrow). I: Anterogradely labeled fibers in the mechanosensory area of the torus semicircularis (arrow). For abbreviations, see list. Scale bars ⫽ 150 m in A,F,I; 100 m in B,D,E,H; 300 m in C,G. Liu and Westerfield, 1990; Stuermer et al., 1990). However, developmental changes of connections have been documented in visual systems of some teleosts (Ebbesson, 1980; Ebbesson et al., 1988; Fritzsch and Wilm, 1992; Rodrı́guez et al., 2003). Although it is expected that the cerebellar connections revealed in 4 –7 cm long trout were representative of those occurring in adults, it is possible that some late-appearing cerebellar connections were not demonstrated, or that some of the connections observed in these trout juveniles were pruned in the later stages. Comparison of the present results with those obtained in the cerebellum of other teleosts with other tracing methods indicates that the present approach reveals most the cerebellar connections reported in teleosts (see below). generally in groups showing notable hypertrophy of sensory systems, such as the cyprinids, catfishes, and electric fishes. In these fishes the cerebellar system has evolved specialized nuclei and differentiations in order to process specialized sensory information. This study considers cerebellar connections in the rainbow trout, a salmonid with a generalized brain lacking hypertrophied sensory systems. The hodology of the salmonid cerebellum revealed here may be representative of generalist teleosts. The connections of the different regions of the trout cerebellum are schematically represented in the Figure 15. Connections of the corpus cerebelli. The results obtained after DiI application to the corpus cerebelli of the rainbow trout confirm and extend previous data by Pérez et al. (2000). After DiI application to the corpus cerebelli, retrogradely labeled cells were observed in various brain regions, mainly ipsilaterally. Most cells afferent to the corpus and valvula cerebelli were located in the pretec- Cerebellar connections Most previous studies of cerebellar connections in teleosts have focused on specific areas of the cerebellum, The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne CEREBELLAR CONNECTIONS IN TROUT 559 tum, mesencephalic tegmentum, and rhombencephalon, as described in other species of nonelectroreceptive (Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988, 1989; Xue et al., 2004) and electroreceptive teleosts (Meek et al., 1986a,b; Striedter, 1990). These results recall the connections observed in a primitive bony fish (Huesa et al., 2003). At pretectal levels, retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the central pretectal nucleus, the paracommissural nucleus, Brickner’s intermediate pretectal nucleus (⫽ accessory pretectal nucleus of Butler et al., 1991) and the (ventral) accessory optic nucleus. Cerebellopetal neurons have been observed in the pretectum of several teleosts, including electroreceptive species (Finger, 1978a; Grover and Sharma, 1981; Ito et al., 1982a; Meek et al., 1986b; Murakami and Morita, 1987; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988, 1989; Ito and Yoshimoto, 1990; Wullimann and Meyer, 1993; Ikenaga et al., 2002; Imura et al., 2003; Xue et al., 2004), and also in nonteleostean fishes (elasmobranchs: Fiebig, 1988; chondrosteans: Huesa et al., 2003). The intermediate (accessory) pretectal nucleus of salmonids receives retinal projections (Shiga et al., 1987; unpubl. results) and projects to the cerebellum (present results), like the dorsal accessory optic nucleus of other teleosts (Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988, 1989), and probably corresponds to the dorsal accessory optic nucleus of other species that projects to the cerebellum. Cerebellar afferents from the central pretectal nucleus, the ventral accessory optic nucleus, and the paracommissural nucleus have been reported in most teleosts investigated (see Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988; Striedter, 1990). The paracommissural nucleus appears to be a conserved cerebellopetal center that acts as a relay in a descending pathway from the telencephalon to the cerebellum (see below; Karten and Finger, 1976; Ito et al., 1982a; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988; Striedter, 1990; Imura et al., 2003). Our previous results in trout showing that the only conspicuous telencephalic projection to the paracommissural nucleus originates from the central zone of the dorsal telencephalon (Dc) (Folgueira et al., 2004b), together with the conspicuous cerebellopetal projection of this nucleus (present results), indicate that the telencephalo-paracommissural-cerebellar pathways originate from Dc in this species. In turn, Dc receives fibers from pallial and subpallial regions (Folgueira et al., 2004b), suggesting that it conveys information from different telencephalic regions. In tilapia, however, both Dc and the dorsal part (Dd) of the dorsal telencephalon project to the paracommissural nucleus (Imura et al., 2003), indicating the existence of species differences in the origin of this indirect telencephalo-cerebellar projection. At caudal diencephalic/midbrain levels of trout, there is a precerebellar nucleus, ventral tegmental nucleus, as reported in the green sunfish and the goldfish (Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988). Nevertheless, the number of labeled cells and the size of the nucleus seem to be greater in trout than in these species. These cells appear to correspond to Fig. 15. Schematic representation of the brain in a lateral view summarizing the afferent (A) and efferent (B) connections of the valvula cerebelli and corpus cerebelli, and the connections of the caudal lobe (C) and granular eminences (C). For abbreviations, see list. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at] The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne 560 the nucleus tegmentocerebellaris and a more lateral precerebellar tegmental group described in advanced teleosts (Percomorpha) (Uchiyama et al., 1988; Imura et al., 2003). Precerebellar cells were observed in the dorsal tegmental nucleus of the green sunfish and the goldfish (Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988), which may be considered a rostral part of the lateral nucleus of the valvula receiving telencephalic projections (Yang et al., 2004). In the trout, as in other teleosts, the lateral nucleus of the valvula mainly projects to the cerebellum (see below). In chondrosteans there is no defined lateral nucleus of the valvula, but numerous precerebellar neurons are located in the midbrain tegmentum; these precerebellar tegmental cell populations might be homologous to the teleost lateral nucleus of the valvula (Huesa et al., 2003). Wullimann and Northcutt (1988, 1989) described precerebellar cells in the nucleus isthmi of the green sunfish and the goldfish after HRP application to the corpus and valvula cerebelli. In trout the nucleus isthmi is well characterized (Pérez et al., 2000); no precerebellar cells were observed in this nucleus in experiments involving DiI application to the cerebellum (present results), although DiI application to the corpus cerebelli labeled cells just lateral to the nucleus isthmi associated with a different neuropil, here termed the paraisthmic nucleus. These results in trout appear consistent with results in Navodon and carp, in which no anterograde labeled fibers observed in the cerebellum after tracer application to the nucleus isthmi (Sakamoto et al., 1981; Ito et al., 1982b; Xue et al., 2001). The partial discrepancy with Wullimann and Northcutt’s results is probably due to the fact that the trout nucleus isthmi were defined as the tectum-related nucleus (Pérez et al., 2000), which does not include the adjacent precerebellar cells and neuropil. On the other hand, precerebellar cells were observed in the EdingerWestphal nucleus of the goldfish and the sunfish (Wathey and Wullimann, 1988; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988), although not in the kelp bass (Wathey and Wullimann, 1988) or the trout (present results). DiI application to the corpus cerebelli of Oncorhynchus mykiss led to labeling of perikarya in the locus coeruleus, located in the rostral rhombencephalon. The trout locus coeruleus consists of a small number of large, multipolar catecholaminergic perikarya located in the isthmicrhombencephalic region (Manso et al., 1993), as in other teleosts (Ekström et al., 1986). In chondrosteans, no projection from the locus coeruleus to the cerebellum was observed (Huesa et al., 2003). At caudal rhombencephalic levels, DiI application to the corpus cerebelli led to the labeling of cells in several reticular and octavolateral areas, in agreement with results in other fishes (Finger, 1978a; Meek et al., 1986a; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988; Fiebig, 1988; Xue et al., 2004). Nevertheless, no labeled neurons were observed in the raphe or the lateral cuneate nucleus after DiI application to the corpus cerebelli, unlike in other teleosts (Ito et al., 1982a; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988; Xue et al., 2004). The inferior olive is a rhombic lip-derived group of cells located at the ventromedial surface of the caudal rhombencephalon. Our results indicate that the trout inferior olive projects to the contralateral cerebellum, as reported in other teleosts (Finger, 1983; Meek et al., 1986a,b; Sas and Maler 1987; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988, 1989), chondrosteans (Huesa et al., 2003), elasmobranchs (Fiebig, 1988), and tetrapods (amphibians: M. FOLGUEIRA ET AL. González et al., 1984; reptiles: Bangma and ten Donkelaar, 1982; birds: Arends and Voogh, 1989; mammals: Brodal et al., 1975; Groenewegen and Voogd, 1977; Brown, 1980; Buisseret-Delmas and Angaut, 1989). The cells of the inferior olive give rise to cerebellar climbing fibers, which in teleosts predominantly terminate on cell bodies and proximal dendrites of Purkinje cells (Pouwels, 1978c; Finger, 1983). The presence of olivo-cerebellar climbing fibers appears to be a highly conserved feature of jawed vertebrates. The present results show that the cerebellar efferents in the rainbow trout are mainly contralateral, coursing in two main pathways (medial and lateral) as reported in other teleosts (Ito et al., 1982a, 1986; Murakami and Morita, 1987; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988, 1989; Ikenaga et al., 2002; Xue et al., 2004) and chondrosteans (Huesa et al., 2003). The medial pathway (brachium conjunctivum) projects to the medial midbrain, thalamus, and pretectum. In the midbrain, cerebellar efferents contact the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle, as reported in teleosts (Finger, 1978a; Meek et al., 1986b; Murakami and Morita, 1987; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988; Striedter, 1990; Ikenaga et al., 2002) and other fishes (chondrosteans: Huesa et al., 2003; elasmobranchs: Fiebig, 1988). In trout, cerebellar efferents also project to our ventromedial nucleus of the midbrain reticular formation, a characteristic compact tegmental nucleus. In the himé salmon, this nucleus has previously been reported to give rise to a pathway descending to the spinal cord, and termed “nucleus ruber” (Oka et al., 1986). Our experiments involving DiI application to the spinal cord also revealed this compact nucleus of rounded medium-sized cells, like those described by Oka et al. (1986), but we could assess that its spinal projection was ipsilateral. This suggests that the “nucleus ruber” of Oka et al. (1986) is not homologous to the nucleus ruber found in tetrapods, because in tetrapods the rubrospinal projections are distinctively crossed (ten Donkelaar et al., 1980; LarsonPrior and Cruce, 1992). All reticulospinal cells of the larval zebrafish midbrain also appear to be ipsilateral (see Gahtan et al., 2002), as found here in rainbow trout. A small number of cells projecting contralaterally to the spinal cord and located in the midbrain tegmentum, and hence corresponding to the tetrapod nucleus ruber, were described in goldfish (Prasada Rao et al., 1987). Cerebellar projections to the optic tectum have been observed in ostariophysans, percomorpha, and mormyrids (Finger, 1978a; Meek, 1986a; Murakami and Morita, 1987; Ikenaga et al., 2002), but not in the rainbow trout (present results) and the sturgeon (Huesa et al., 2003). Cerebellar projections to the torus longitudinalis and hypothalamic areas have been reported in some teleosts (Ito and Kishida, 1978; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988; Striedter, 1990; Ikenaga et al., 2002), but not in the percomorph Sebastiscus marmoratus (Murakami and Morita, 1987). Recent investigations in the carp and four species of holocentrids (Ito et al., 2003; Xue et al., 2003) indicate that the cerebellum does not project to the torus longitudinalis, but fibers labeled in the cerebellum after tracer injection in torus longitudinalis belong to axons of paracommissural nucleus neurons projecting to the cerebellum. Although labeled fibers were also observed in the torus longitudinalis of trout after DiI application to the cerebellar corpus and valvula, no labeled perikarya were observed in the cerebellum after DiI application to the torus longitu- The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne CEREBELLAR CONNECTIONS IN TROUT dinalis. Likewise, these fibers probably represent collaterals of axons of precerebellar neurons, because a number of cells were labeled from the torus in the paracommissural and intermediate pretectal nuclei of trout (present results), which is in line with these recent studies in other species (Ito et al., 2003; Xue et al., 2003). Therefore, although the areas receiving fibers from the corpus cerebelli are rather similar in different teleosts (Finger, 1978a; Murakami an Morita, 1987; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988; Striedter, 1990; Ikenaga et al., 2002) and chondrosteans (Huesa et al., 2003), minor differences exist. Some of these differences may reflect methodological constraints rather than genuine species differences. Connections of the valvula cerebelli. The valvula cerebelli of trout receives most afferent projections from pretectal nuclei (central pretectal, paracommissural, and intermediate nucleus), the lateral nucleus of the valvula (LV) (dorsal tegmental nucleus, see above), and the inferior olive, in agreement with results in the goldfish and sunfish (Wullimann and Northcutt, 1989). Only occasional labeled cells were observed in the torus semicircularis and in rhombencephalic reticular regions. In sturgeon, the neurons afferent to the valvula are located in the pretectum (a few), midbrain tegmentum (a large number; possible LV homolog, see above), torus semicircularis (scarce), and inferior olive (a few) (Huesa et al., 2003), which is rather similar to that observed in the trout. In contrast with the corpus cerebelli, the valvula cerebelli of trout does not receive fibers from the ventral tegmental nucleus, the central gray, and the octavolateral area, and does not project to hypothalamic regions. Other nuclei afferent to the valvula cerebelli (perilemniscal nucleus, nucleus preeminentialis) reported in the green sunfish and the goldfish (Wullimann and Northcutt, 1989) were not observed in the rainbow trout (present results). An afferent projection from the isthmic primary sensory trigeminal nucleus to the valvula cerebelli has been reported in Carassius, but is not present in Lepomis (Wullimann and Northcutt, 1989) or trout (present results). These authors have related this input to the importance of tactile information during the complex feeding behavior of cyprinids. The mormyrids show a hypertrophied valvula cerebelli, most parts of which are dedicated to the processing of electrosensory stimuli (Nieuwenhuys and Nicholson, 1969a; Finger et al., 1981), so it is difficult to compare their valvular connections (Finger et al., 1981) with those of nonelectrosensory teleosts. In any case, the mormyrid valvula receives many of its afferents from nuclei that are also prevalvular in other teleosts (pretectum, nucleus lateralis valvulae) (Finger et al., 1981; Meek et al., 1986a). The valvular peduncle of the mormyrid cerebellum additionally appears to receive olivo-cerebellar projections (Meek et al., 1986a). Further comparison with these electric fishes is beyond the scope of this article. Connections of the caudal lobe. After DiI application to the caudal lobe, only a few labeled cells were observed in the lateral nucleus of the valvula and in the paracommissural nucleus, suggesting that these nuclei are not the most important afferents to this cerebellar lobe. DiI application to the caudal lobe led to labeling of fibers extending to the level of the obex, not observed with other types of DiI application. Although the origin of these fibers could not be ascertained, they may be afferents from the lateral cuneate nucleus or spinal cord. Fibers from these origins have been observed in other teleosts after HRP applica- 561 tion to the corpus (Ito et al., 1982a; Murakami and Ito, 1985; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988). Retrogradely labeled eurydendroid cells were observed in the caudal lobe of the rainbow trout after DiI application to various brain regions (central pretectal nucleus, paracommissural nucleus, ventral tegmental nucleus, and nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle). In Sebastiscus marmoratus, Murakami and Morita (1987) showed that caudal lobe eurydendroid cells project to the ventromedial thalamus, oculomotor region, and the nucleus ruber. Connections of the granular eminences. After DiI application to the granular eminences, retrogradely labeled cells were observed mostly in the lateral nucleus of the valvula and also at rhombencephalic levels (superior reticular nucleus, locus coeruleus, medial octavolateralis nucleus, and lateral reticular region), but not in the pretectum or inferior olive. This indicates on the one hand that this granular layer receives most projections (mossy fibers) from the LV, lacking olivocerebellar climbing fibers, and on the other hand that this region receives rather selectively crossed fibers from two reticular regions (superior reticular nucleus and lateral reticular nucleus). In view of their location in regions of fiber passage, they appear to send to the cerebellum inputs from multiple origins. In chondrosteans, the granular eminences also receive most projections from the precerebellar midbrain tegmentum (Huesa et al., 2003), i.e., from the possible LV homolog. Primary sensory fibers labeled from the trout granular eminence were observed in the anterior lateral line nerve and likely in the posterior lateral line nerve. Lateral line nerve projections terminating in the granular eminence have been observed in various teleosts including the rainbow trout (Schellart et al., 1992; see Meek and Nieuwenhuys, 1998, for further details), in holosteans (Song and Northcutt, 1991) and in chondrosteans (New and Northcutt, 1984; Huesa et al., 2003). On the other hand, DiI application to the granular eminences led to labeling of varicose parallel fibers reaching the molecular layer of the caudal lobe and the cerebellar crest of the octavolateral region. Efferents from granule cells of the granular eminences to the cerebellar crest and caudal lobe molecular layer have also been reported in various other teleosts, including electroreceptive species (Bass, 1982; Meek et al., 1992b; see also Meek and Nieuwenhuys, 1998), and in chondrosteans (Huesa et al., 2003). Connections of the lateral nucleus of the valvula. The lateral nucleus of the valvula is probably the precerebellar nucleus with most numerous neurons in the rainbow trout, so knowledge of its afferents is important for understanding cerebellar circuitry. In two experiments, the LV was approached in sectioned brains from the caudal end, so only cells rostral to the section plane could be studied. Cells afferent to the trout LV were observed in the telencephalon (ventral nucleus of the ventral area; Folgueira et al., 2004a,b), in the preoptic nucleus, in nuclei of the pretectal region (central pretectal, paracommissural nucleus, intermediate pretectal, ventral accessory optic nucleus), in the central posterior thalamic nucleus (occasional cells), in the posterior tubercle nucleus, and in the diffuse nucleus of the inferior hypothalamic lobe (present results). A recent study of tilapia has also revealed projections to the LV from the dorsal telencephalon, habenula, dorsomedial thalamus, pretectum, mam- The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne 562 millary body, central nucleus of the inferior lobe, anterior and posterior tuberal nuclei, torus semicircularis, dorsal horn, and lateral funicular nucleus (Yang et al., 2004), which show only partial resemblance to those observed by us in the trout. In the carp, labeled cells from the LV were observed in the diffuse nucleus and nucleus ventromedialis thalami (Ito and Yoshimoto, 1990). On the other hand, in trout no labeled cells were observed in the magnocellular superficial pretectal nucleus (PSM), which projects to the LV in the carp and goldfish (see Northcutt and Braford, 1984; Ito et al., 1997). Although there is the possibility that the nuclei termed PSM in trout and carp were not homologous, available results suggest that diencephalic inputs to LV vary widely among teleost species, perhaps reflecting divergent specialization of forebrain centers. Although the region of the LV of goldfish receiving telencephalic afferents has been considered by some authors as a different nucleus termed the dorsal tegmental nucleus (Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988, 1989), other authors consider it an LV region (Yang et al., 2004; present results). Retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the lateral nucleus of the valvula after DiI application to all regions of the trout cerebellum. As far as we know, the efferent projection from the LV to the cerebellum has been observed in all teleost species studied (Ito et al., 1982a; Finger, 1983; Meek et al., 1986a,b; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988, 1989; Striedter, 1990; Ito and Yoshimoto, 1990; Imura et al., 2002; Xue et al., 2004). Topographical organization of the projections from the LV to the valvula cerebelli and corpus cerebelli has been reported in several teleosts (Finger, 1978a; Meek et al., 1986b; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1989; Ito and Yoshimoto, 1990). Although in trout the valvula appears to receive fibers mainly from medial regions of the LV, further investigation is necessary to confirm whether the LV-cerebellar projections are topographically organized. Eurydendroid cells of trout. Tracer application to various brain areas (the central pretectal nucleus, the paracommissural nucleus, the ventral tegmental nucleus, and the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle) led to the labeling of efferent neurons of the cerebellum, termed eurydendroid cells (Nieuwenhuys and Nicholson, 1969b; Finger, 1978b; Pouwels, 1978b). The best staining of the eurydendroid cells was obtained after DiI application to the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle, with long incubation periods. Labeled eurydendroid cells were mainly distributed in the valvula cerebelli and the caudal lobe. Two different morphologies of eurydendroid cells were identified within the trout cerebellum, fusiform and multipolar, probably corresponding respectively to the types A and B reported in Sebastiscus marmoratus (Murakami and Morita, 1987), although the type A cell possess a single dendrite. Three types of eurydendroid cells, fusiform, multipolar (polygonal), and pear-shaped (monopolar), have been recently described in the goldfish cerebellum (Ikenaga et al., 2005). As stated by other authors (Nieuwenhuys and Nicholson, 1969a; Nieuwenhuys et al., 1974; Pouwels, 1978b; Finger, 1978b), trout eurydendroid cells project to a number of nuclei in the brain. In the present study some monopolar cells with dendrites ascending in the molecular layer were labeled in the caudal lobe after performing tract-tracing reciprocal experiments with tracer application in the medial octavolateralis nucleus. Our results indicate that some cells of M. FOLGUEIRA ET AL. this caudal cerebellar region may project directly to the octavolateralis region. These cells appear to be eurydendroid cells, although confirmation must await further investigation with molecular markers of Purkinje cells. Similar results were obtained in sturgeon after DiI application to the octavolateral region (Huesa et al., 2003). The existence of direct projections from the vestibulocerebellum toward octavolateral centers originating from Purkinje cell has been reported in other vertebrates (Dietrichs et al., 1983; Epema et al., 1985; Arends and Zeigler, 1991). Telencephalo-cerebellar pathways. In various teleost fishes the telencephalon maintains indirect connections with the corpus cerebelli via 1) the paracommissural nucleus, 2) the dorsal preglomerular nucleus, and 3) the dorsal tegmental nucleus/LV (see Wullimann and Meyer, 1993; Imura et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2004; present results). Other pathways can also exist (Imura et al., 2003). 1) The indirect telencephalo-cerebellar pathway via the paracommissural nucleus has been described in various species of euteleosts (Karten and Finger, 1976; Ito et al., 1982a; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988; Striedter, 1990; Imura et al., 2003). In the rainbow trout, the paracommissural nucleus can also be identified by its position and hodology (Folgueira et al., 2004b; present results). This nucleus receives afferent fibers from the central area of the dorsal telencephalon (Dc) and gives rise to a conspicuous tract coursing caudally to the lateral nucleus of the valvula and to the cerebellum (corpus and valvula) (Folgueira et al., 2004b; present results). These connections are different from those reported in the cichlid Oreochromis niloticus (Imura et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2004), in which the paracommissural nucleus lacks connection with the LV and receives projections from both the central and dorsal areas of the dorsal telencephalon (Dd). 2) In osteoglossomorphs, the dorsal preglomerular nucleus is an indirect relay center in the telencephalic pathway to the cerebellum (Meek et al., 1986a,b; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1990; Wullimann and Meyer, 1993). In the rainbow trout, the preglomerular nuclei and mammillary body complex maintain connections with several telencephalic areas (Folgueira et al., 2004a,b, 2005), but no efferent projections to any precerebellar nuclei were observed. These results in trout are in partial agreement with those reported in the ostariophysan Ictalurus punctatus (Striedter 1990), in which anterograde labeled fibers but no retrograde labeled cells were observed in the preglomerular complex after DiI application to the corpus cerebelli. This complex does not seem to form part of any descending telencephalo-cerebellar pathway, either in trout or I. punctatus. The telencephalo-cerebellar pathway via the preglomerular nucleus has been proposed to be apomorphic in the osteoglossomorph line (Wullimann and Meyer, 1993). An alternative explanation (Xue et al., 2003) suggests that the dorsal preglomerular nucleus of osteoglossomorphs is homologous to the paracommissural nucleus of other teleosts, because it receives fibers from Dc and projects to the torus longitudinalis and cerebellum, as does the paracommissural nucleus. In this case, the osteoglossomorph novelty would consist of the migration of the paracommissural nucleus far away from the location typical in other teleosts. 3) A dorsal tegmental nucleus adjacent to the LV has been identified in various nonelectroreceptive teleosts (Vanegas and Ebbesson, 1976; Murakami et al., 1983; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1988, 1989, 1990; Wullimann The Journal of Comparative Neurology. DOI 10.1002/cne CEREBELLAR CONNECTIONS IN TROUT and Meyer, 1993) as a relay nucleus in the pathway carrying information from the telencephalon to the cerebellum. The cerebellopetal character of the “dorsal tegmental nucleus” has also been reported in electroreceptive fishes (Meek et al., 1986a; Wullimann and Northcutt, 1990). After DiI application to various telencephalic areas of the trout (Dc, Dp, Vv; see Folgueira et al., 2004a,b, for further details), labeled fibers were observed in a lateral prominence of the LV, but this part is cytoarchitectonically indistinguishable from the remainder of the LV, as also found in tilapia (Yang et al., 2004). Our reciprocal experiments could not unequivocally confirm the origin of these fibers in the ventral nucleus of the ventral telencephalic area (Folgueira et al., 2004a). Accordingly, two of these indirect telencephalo-cerebellar pathways were observed in trout: the telencephalo-paracommissural-cerebellar, and the telencephalo-LV-cerebellar pathways. In addition to the above-mentioned pathways, another indirect telencephalo-cerebellar pathway may be present in trout. Our previous results reveal that the central gray receives telencephalic afferents (Folgueira et al., 2004a,b). In turn, cells of this region project to the corpus cerebelli (present results), so these precerebellar neurons could be relaying descending telencephalic inputs to the cerebellum. Finally, although a direct cerebello-telencephalic pathway projecting to the pallium (Dc) has been described in electroreceptive teleosts (Wullimann and Rooney, 1990) and in goldfish (Vonderschen et al., 2001), no indication of the presence of such a projection was obtained in tracttracing studies of trout (Folgueira et al., 2004a,b; present results). ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Mrs. Pilar Gómez (Piscifactorı́a Berxa, Mesı́a, A Coruña) for supplying the biological material used in this study. LITERATURE CITED Arends JJA, Voogd J. 1989. Topographical aspects of the olivocerebellar system in the pigeon. Exp Brain Res Suppl 17:52–57. Arends JJA, Zeigler HP. 1991. Organization of the cerebellum in the pigeon (Columba livia): I. Corticonuclear and corticovestibular connections. J Comp Neurol 306:221–244. 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