Are you interested in knowing more about community-­‐engaged water research in BC? As a preamble to the Canadian Water Summit, SFU BLUE is a dialogue of community-­‐engaged water research, profiling work emerging between the university and its partner organizations. Innovative research and case studies will support conversations on the themes of ecological conservation, urban sustainability, climate change, socio-­‐economic factors, health, governance, stakeholder management and technological change. Objectives: 1. To build and maintain partnerships and engage interest groups 2. To understand how research can inform future water policy 3. To highlight successes and share how to overcome obstacles Day Format: The day is organized around identifying and informing community engaged research. To encourage dialogue, SFU researchers will provide short 10 -­‐ 15 minute overviews that profile different aspects of the topic, leaving time for partners and other panellists to highlight their priorities and engage the audience. Canadian Water Summit: The 6th Annual Canadian Water Summit is being held in Vancouver on June 25th with expert plenary sessions and panel presentations filled with case studies and positive examples of nexus opportunities that exist for water and energy which benefit government, industry and first nations. For more information, visit: Simon Fraser University, Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Asia Pacific Hall, 580 W. Hastings, Vancouver SFU BLUE AGENDA 8:00 -­‐ 8:30 8:30 -­‐ 8:45 8:45 – 9:45 MEET AND GREET; LIGHT REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED WELCOME Ingrid Leman Stefanovic, Dean, Faculty of Environment, Simon Fraser University (SFU) DIALOGUE MODERATOR: Steve Conrad, Member, Board of Directors, American Water Works Association and PhD Candidate, Resource and Environmental Management, SFU ECOLOGICAL CONSERVATION: PROTECTING WATERSHEDS 15-­‐minute presentations on research followed by 5-­‐10 minutes of discussion with community partners and open discussion. Dialogue Questions: • How does this research invite improved decision making around watersheds? • What are the key obstacles to healthy and sustainable watersheds? • What are the threats to key natural resources and the people and cultures that rely upon them? • How does this research relate to local communities and their engagement with watershed decision-­‐making? Watershed connections, salmon biodiversity, and First Nations fisheries Jonathan Moore, Liber Ero Chair in Coastal Science and Management, Biological Sciences and School of Resource and Environmental Management, SFU Harvey James Russell Jr., Senior Fisheries Technician, Lax Kw’alaams Fisheries Jen Gordon, Fisheries Biologist, Lax Kw’alaams Fisheries Community engagement: a powerful approach for the restoration of urban aquatic ecosystems Leah Bendell, Professor, Biological Sciences, SFU Ken Ashley, Director, Rivers Institute, BCIT Michelle George, Research Assistant, Consultation and Accommodation Section, Treaty, Lands and Resources, Tsleil-­‐Waututh Nation 9:45 -­‐ 10:00 BREAK 10:00 -­‐ 11:00 SOCIO-­‐ECONOMIC FACTORS AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 15-­‐minute presentations on research project followed by 5-­‐10 minutes of discussion with community partner(s) and open discussion. Dialogue Questions: • How does your research invite improved decision making around water? • What are the key obstacles to healthy and sustainable water? • What are the threats to the watershed services? • What information might inform and assist communities developing a regional Water Sustainability Plan? • What are the key obstacles to a healthy and sustainable Lower Fraser River? • What information might inform and assist stakeholders in developing a sustainability plan for use of the Lower Fraser River? Which is safer in BC, a small drinking water system or a gigantoid municipal drinking water system? Tim Takaro, Professor, Health Sciences, SFU Eleni Galanis, Interim Medical Director, CD Prevention and Control Services, BC Centre for Disease Control The Fraser River system in flux Jeremy Venditti, Director, Environmental Science Program and Associate Professor, Geography, SFU Carrie Brown, Director of Environmental Programs, Port of Metro Vancouver 11:00 -­‐ 12:00 CLIMATE CHANGE 15-­‐minute presentations on research project followed by 5-­‐10 minutes of discussion with community partner(s) and open discussion. Dialogue Questions: • How does your research invite improved decision making around water? • What are the key obstacles to healthy and sustainable water? • What are the threats to the watershed services? • What information might inform and assist communities developing a regional Water Sustainability Plan? Climate change and natural hazards John Clague, Canada Research Chair in Natural Hazards Research and Professor, Earth Science, SFU Climate change adaptation and water governance: securing the future Deborah Harford, Executive Director, Adaptation to Climate Change Team (ACT) Deborah Carlson, Staff Counsel, West Coast Environmental Law 3 12:00 -­‐ 12:45 LUNCH (PROVIDED) ICBC CONCOURSE (DOWNSTAIRS) 12:45 -­‐ 1:45 URBAN SUSTAINABILITY 15-­‐minute presentations on research project followed by 5-­‐10 minutes of discussion with community partner(s) and open discussion. Dialogue Questions: • How does your research invite improved decision making around water? • What are the key obstacles to healthy and sustainable water? • What are the threats to the watershed services? • What information might inform and assist communities developing a regional Water Sustainability Plan? Still Creek watershed Sean Markey, Associate Dean, Faculty of Environment and Associate Professor, Resource and Environmental Management, SFU Carmen Rosen, Artistic Director, Still Moon Arts Society 1:45 -­‐ 2:45 Water sewage and stormwater Mark Roseland, Director, Centre for Sustainable Community Development, SFU STAKEHOLDER INFORMED WATER GOVERNANCE Moderator: Ingrid Leman Stefanovic, Dean, Faculty of Environment, SFU 15-­‐minute presentations on research project with a 5-­‐minute audience engagement exercise, 5-­‐10 minutes of discussion with community partner(s) and open discussion. Dialogue Questions: • How does this research relate to local communities and their engagement with watershed decision-­‐making? • How does your research invite improved decision making around water? • What are the key issues and obstacles to engaging diverse groups of stakeholders? • What information might inform and assist stakeholders in developing a regional Water Sustainability Plan? Collaborative governance and planning Murray Rutherford, Associate Professor, Resource and Environmental Management, SFU Okanagan community preferences Steve Conrad, Member, Board of Directors, American Water Works Association and PhD Candidate, Resource and Environmental Management, SFU Michael Brydon, Member, Board of Directors, Regional District of Okanagan-­‐ Similkameen and Associate Professor, Beedie School of Business, SFU 4 2:45 -­‐ 3:00 3:00 -­‐ 4:15 4:15 -­‐ 5:15 5:15 -­‐ 5:30 BREAK TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Using geovisual interfaces to understand water and watersheds Nicholas Hedley, Associate Professor, Geography, SFU Stormwater management in UniverCity Jesse Galicz, Manager of Development, SFU Community Trust Video presentation: Water and energy tournament Steve Conrad, PhD Candidate, Resource and Environmental Management, SFU COLLABORATION: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES 5-­‐10 minute presentations followed by discussion on future collaborations Ingrid Leman Stefanovic, Dean, Faculty of Environment, SFU Imogen R. Coe, Dean of Science, Ryerson University and Interim Executive Director, Ryerson Urban Water Marvin Rosenau, Instructor, Fish, Wildlife and Recreation, British Columbia Institute of Technology Oliver Brandes, Co-­‐Director and WSP Lead, Polis Project on Ecological Governance, University of Victoria Bernard Laval, Professor, Civil Engineering, University of British Columbia Thomas F. Pedersen, Executive Director, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions CLOSING REMARKS Todd Latham, Director, Canadian Water Summit and Publisher, Water Canada Magazine 5:30 -­‐ 7:00 RECEPTION AND POSTER/VIDEO VIEWING (SEE “*” in participant list for presenters) SFU LAUNCHES NEW PACIFIC WATER RESEARCH CENTRE! ______________________________________________________________________________ Sponsors: 5 Participants (confirmed at time of printing) Juan Jose Alava, Res & Enviro Mgmt, SFU, Burnaby, BC Faran Ali, Geography, SFU, Burnaby, BC Hussein Allibhai, Essential Life Sciences, Bby, BC Ken Ashley, Rivers Institute, BCIT, Burnaby, BC Sarah Atherton, Langley Environmental Partners Society, Langley, BC Ashley Aune, Langley Environmental Partners Society, Langley, BC Leah, Bendell, BioSciences, SFU, Burnaby, BC Helen Beynon, Evergreen, Vancouver, BC Margaret Birch, City of Coquitlam, BC Angela Bond, AGAT Laboratories, Burnaby, BC Zita Botelho, Zita Botelho Consulting, Vancouver, BC Jennifer Boyer, City of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON *Ryan Bradley, Geography, SFU, Burnaby, BC Val Bradshaw, Vancouver, BC Dick Bradshaw, Vancouver, BC Oliver, Brandes, POLIS, Univ. of Victoria, BC Sarah Breen, SFU, North Vancouver, BC Jerold Brito, Student, SFU, Burnaby, BC Carrie Brown, Environmental Pgms, Port Metro Vcr, BC Don Bryant, Environmental Managers Association of BC, Vancouver, BC Michael Brydon, Regional District of Okanagan-­‐ Similkameen, Burnaby, BC Salome Buglass, Pearson Ecological, Agassiz, BC David Burns, Burns Group, Calgary, AB Anika Calder, Port Metro Vancouver, BC Nastenka Calle, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, SFU, Burnaby, BC Deborah Carlson, West Coast Environmental Law, Vancouver, BC James Casey, WWF Canada, Vancouver, BC Joe Cattani, National Research Council, Winnipeg, MB Laura Cervoni, Environment Canada, Gatineau, QC Melissa Chaun, Coquitlam River Watershed Roundtable, Port Moody, BC Joanna Cheng, Langley Enviro Partners Society, BC John Clague, SFU, Burnaby, BC Linda Coady, Enbridge Inc., Calgary, AB Imogen Coe, Faculty of Science, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON Steve Conrad, Res. & Enviro Mgmt, SFU, Burnaby, BC Cassandra Cummings, UBC, Vancouver, BC Chris Cunada, SFU, Burnaby, BC Carlos da Ponte, Environmental Managers Association of BC, Vancouver, BC Celine Davis, BC Min of Environment, Victoria, BC Ryan De Jong, Simon Fraser, Surrey, BC Dolf DeJong, Vcr Aquarium Marine Science Ctr., BC Wanda Dekleva, Faculty of Environment, SFU, Bby, BC Darcy Dobell, DJ Dobell Consulting, Vcr, BC Rebecca Dolson, WWF-­‐Canada, Toronto, ON Laura Dupont, City of Port Coquitlam, BC Krista Englund, BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Surrey, BC Erin Enns, Langley Environmental Partners Society, Langley, BC Katrina Erdos, Langara College, Vancouver, BC Laura Eyford, Enbridge Inc., Calgary, AB Audrey Faber, U. of the Fraser Valley, Port Moody, BC Darryl Finnigan, Ontario Ministry of Agri., Food & Rural Affairs, Guelph, ON Megan Fong, Langley Environmental Partners Society, Langley, BC Kevin Freer, Fraser Health Authority, Abbotsford, BC Eleni Galanis, CD Prevention & Control Services, BC Centre for Disease Control, Vancouver, BC Jesse Galicz, SFU Community Trust, Burnaby, BC Patricia Gallaugher, Coastal Sci & Mgmt, Burnaby, SFU *Bailey Garden, SFU, Burnaby, BC Manaon Gartside, BCSEA, Vancouver, BC Andrew Gartside, Langara College, Vancouver, BC Michelle George, Tsleil-­‐Waututh Nation, North Vcr, BC Angie Gerst, UBC, Vancouver, BC *Alex Gitto, Geography, SFU, Vancouver, BC Karen Gordon, SFU, Burnaby, BC Jen Gordon, Lax Kw'alaams Fisheries, Prince Rupert, BC Amy Greenwood, Fraser Basin Council, Vcr, BC Laura Guzman, BC Min. of Environment, Vcr, BC Robert Haller, Canadian Water and Wastewater Association, Ottawa, ON Deborah Harford, ACT, SFU, Burnaby, BC Mark Harris, Vernon, BC Greg Harris, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Langley, BC Leanne Harris, Environmental Managers Association of BC, Vancouver, BC Nicholas Hedley, SFU, Burnaby, BC 6 Aaron Hill, Watershed Watch Salmon Society, Vcr, BC Shannon Holding, SFU, Burnaby, BC Kathy Hopkins, BC Ministry of Forest, Lands & Natural Resource, Victoria, BC Adèle Hurley, Water Issues, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, ON Alan James, Stoney Creek Environment Committee, Burnaby, BC Heather Johnson, Port Moody, BC Mary Johnston, WaterMatters for Health & Hydration Inc., Vancouver, BC Ashlee Jollymore, UBC, Vancouver, BC Damian Kettlewell, Partner, JAK Group Liquor Stores and Pubs, Vancouver, BC Lynn Kriwoken, BC Ministry of Environment, Victoria, BC Jaymyn La Vallee, SFU, West Vancouver, BC Jerome Laroulandie, Maxxam Analytics, Bby, BC Todd Latham, Cdn. Water Summit, Toronto, ON Bernard Laval, UBC, Vancouver, BC Ingrid Leman Stefanovic, Faculty of Environment, SFU, Burnaby, BC Doris Leong, UBC, Vancouver, BC Mitch Lepore, University of Victoria, BC Aaron Leung, SFU, Burnaby, BC Alix Main, Delta, BC Sean Markey, Faculty of Environment, SFU, Bby, BC Gabriel Mastico, Metro Vancouver, North Vancouver, BC Lindsay McAlpine, SFU, Burnaby, BC Devin McCarthy, Canadian Electricity Assoc., Ottawa, ON Heidi McGregor, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources, Surrey, BC Leigh McGregor, Faculty of Environment, SFU, Bby, BC James McQueen, Metro Vancouver, Burnaby, BC Natalya Melnychuk, University of Waterloo, Sorrento, BC Christine Mettler, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC David Patterson, Vancouver, BC *Michael Peabody, Molecular Bio & BioChem, SFU, Bby, BC Mike Pearson, Pearson Ecological Inc., Agassiz, BC Tom Pedersen, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, Victoria, BC Rachel Phan, Water Canada, Toronto, ON Chris Quaife, Symmetric Resources, North Vancouver, BC Nicholas Reid, Ontario Clean Water Agency, Toronto Andrea Rivers, AGAT Laboratories, Burnaby, BC *Teresa Rosales-­‐Ramirez, Earth Sciences, SFU, Bby, BC Mark Roseland, Ctr for Sustainable Community Development, SFU, Burnaby, BC Carmen Rosen, Still Moon Arts Society, Vcr, BC Marvin Rosenau, BCIT, Burnaby, BC Remko Rosenboom, Ministry of Forest, Land and Natural Resource Operations, Surrey, BC Suzann Rowden, SFU, Whistler, BC Harvey James, Russell Jr., Lax Kw'alaams Fisheries, Prince Rupert, BC Murray Rutherford, Resource & Enviro Mgmt, SFU, Bby, BC Hafsa Salihue, Environmental Sci, SFU, Burnaby, BC Lee Scarlett, Water Canada, Toronto, ON Olga Schwartzkopf, Rivershed Society of BC, Vcr, BC Hussein Shaffique Allibhai, SFU, Burnaby, BC Sameer Shah, UBC, Vancouver, BC Terry Simmons, Ctr for Global Policy Studies, Vcr, BC Rosie Simms, POLIS Water Sustainability Project, Vcr, BC Binny Sivia, Fraser Health, Abbotsford, BC Robin Smoker-­‐Peters, Pearson Ecological, Agassiz, BC James Snider, World Wildlife Fund Canada, Toronto, ON Brian Stewart, Vancouver, BC Tim Takaro, Health Sciences, SFU, Burnaby, BC Katina Tam, City of Red Deer, AB U Tin Tun, Fraser Health, Abbotsford, BC Caraleen Vanderaegen, Vernon, BC Michael Vegh, SFU, Maple Ridge, BC *Mary Ann Middleton, Earth Sciences, SFU, Bby, BC Jeremy Venditti, SFU, Burnaby, BC Jonathan Moore, BioSci/REM, SFU, Burnaby, BC Cait Murphy, Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Ctr, Delta,BC Veronica Wahl, Douglas College, New Westminster, BC Walter Wardrop, NRC-­‐IRAP, Vancouver, BC Anne Muter, Rivers Without Borders, Vcr, BC Harriet Waterman, Kingston, ON *Negar Naghshinehpour Esfahani, Env Sci, SFU, Bby, BC Michael Wiebe, Park Board, Vancouver, BC Marc Nelitz, ESSA Technologies Ltd., Vcr, BC Frank Williams, Byrne Creek Streamkeepers, Bby, BC Tish Nicolls, UK Trade & Investment, Vcr, BC Laurie Wood, Coastal Sci & Mgmt, SFU, Bby, BC Linda Nowlan, West Coast Environmental Law, Vcr, BC Sherry Yang, Vancouver, BC David Panah, APP TECHNOLOGY INC., West Vcr, BC Glenn Young, IMI Technologies, Vancouver, BC Elli Papangelakis, UBC, Vancouver, BC Mark Zacharias, BC Ministry of Environment, Victoria, BC Alix Patterson, Vancouver, BC Marc Zubel, Fraser Health Authority, Abbotsford, BC 7 NOTES: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 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