Speaking of Science Hot Air: Meeting Canada’s Climate Change Challenge

Speaking of Science
The Ting Series on Understanding Climate Change
Hot Air: Meeting Canada’s
Climate Change Challenge
Free Public Lecture
7:00 pm, Thursday
October 18, 2007
Fletcher Challenge Canada
Theatre, Room 1900
Simon Fraser University at
Harbour Centre
515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC
As seating is limited,
reservations are
recommended. To reserve,
email cs-science@sfu.ca or
telephone 778.782.5100.
This is the first lecture
in the Ting Series on
Understanding Climate
Change. To be added
to the mailing list for
information about future
lectures and dialogues,
please contact Continuing
Studies in Science:
email cs-science@sfu.ca or
telephone 778.782.5466.
Canadian governments have a legacy of failure in reducing greenhouse
gases for the past twenty years. What went wrong and why? What do
we need to do if we wish to address this threat to our country and the
Dr. Mark Jaccard, co-author of Hot Air: Meeting Canada’s Climate Change
Challenge, will answer these questions and explore themes from his
recently released book. There will be a book signing and presentation
followed by questions and discussion with the audience.
Dr. Mark Jaccard has been professor in the School of Resource
and Environmental Management at Simon Fraser University,
Vancouver, since 1986 – interrupted from 1992–97 while he
served as Chair and CEO of the British Columbia Utilities
Commission. His PhD is from the Energy Economics and Policy
Institute at the University of Grenoble.
He has served on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (1993–96) and the China Council for International
Cooperation on Environment and Development (1996–2002).
He has chaired several public inquiries, advised governments
throughout the world, and is a frequent media contributor. He is a member of
Canada’s National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy and a research
fellow at the CD Howe Institute.
He has over 90 academic publications. His 2002 book, The Cost of Climate Policy,
won the Policy Research Institute award for best policy book in Canada and was
shortlisted for the Donner Prize. His 2005 book, Sustainable Fossil Fuels, won the
Donner Prize for best policy book in Canada. His most recent book, Hot Air, coauthored with Jeffrey Simpson and Nic Rivers, was published in September 2007 by
McClelland and Stewart.
Cont i nu i n g S t u d i e s i n S ci en ce