نشرة التربية جامعة السلطان قابوس- كلية التربية 0202 يناير نشرة فصليت ترصد أخبار كليت التربيت العلميت والثقافيت والفنيت واالجتماعيت في هذه النشرة ضشة 1 كمهث العهيدت 1 أقسان الكميث 1 أألصول واإلدارت الحرةويث 2 الحرةيث الفنيث 2 العمون اإلسالهيث 2 حكنولوجيا الحعمين والحعمن 3 الهناهج والحدريس 3 طفل ها قةل الهدرسث 3 عمن النفس 4 الحرةيث الرياضيث Please register for the Conference: 5-4 -هكحب العهيد الةحوخ والجودت 9-6 نشاطاج أخرى لمكميث The Integration of Learner-Centered Approaches into Pre-Service Teacher Training This is a one-day event being held at the Intercontinental Hotel in Muscat, Oman. The conference is free to attend, but online preregistration is required. A limited number of slots are available for attendees. Please register early to ensure that you are able to attend. Important note: the language of the conference is English Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Location إشراف وإخراج ماهر أبو هالل.د.أ تصميم وإعداد إنتصار ناصر مراجعت اللغت اإلنجليزيت وليم شريك.د Intercontinental Hotel, Muscat Jabrin Ballroom - Lower Level لغة المؤتمر هي اللغة اإلنجليزية كلمة عميدة الكلية ٖا قد َك ٢عاّ يٝػط ٘ٝعاّ ددٜدٖ .را ايعاّ عباز ٠عٔ ؾفش ١بٝكاْ ٤ططس فٗٝا أسالَٓا ،تٛقعاتٓاٚ ،خططٓاْ .هتب فٗٝا فؿال ددٜدا َٔ سٝاتٓا ٚخرباتٓاٚ .عٓٛإ ٖرا ايفؿٌ ،نُا آٌَ ،ايٓذاح ٚضٓٝازٖٜٛات يتشكٝل ايٓذاحٚ .سٝح أْٓا ْهتب ٖرا ايفؿٌ ادتدٜد ال ميهٓٓا ابدا إ ْٓط ٢املاق ،ٞإذ عًٓٝا إٔ ْتعًِ َٔ َا سككٓاَٚ ٙا مل ْتُهٔ َٔ حتكٝك٘. َٔ املتٛقع إٔ ٜهٖ ٕٛرا ايفؿٌ أنرب بهجري َٔ أ ٟسدخ ضبكَ٘ .ا ٖ ٛعً ٢احملو نبري ٚنجري ٜٚتطًب تؿُُٓٝا عً٢ جتاٚش نٌ َا ٖ ٛنبري ٚنجريٖٓ .اى بساَر ددٜدٜٓ ٠تظس َٓا إٔ ْؿٛغٗا ؛ ٖٓاى حتدٜات ددٜد ٠تٓتظسْا ٖٓٚ ،اى أٜكا مثاز ضٓكطفٗا. َٔ خالٍ ٖر ٙايٓػس ٠ايفؿً ،١ٝأخاطب نٌ ٚاسد َٓهِ ٚأمتٓ ٢يهِ مجٝعا عاَا َجُسًا ٚضعٝداًٖ .ر ٙايٓػس ٠متجٌ ٚاسد٠ َٔ ايدٚزٜات املتعدد ٠يًهً ، ١ٝيهٓٗا َهسض ١يتٛثٝل بعض َٔ أْػطتٓا ايٚ ١َٝٛٝاألضبٛعٚ ١ٝايػٗس ١ٜ؛ ٖر ٙايٓػس ٠يٝطت نػريٖا َٔ ايدٚزٜات ٚايٓػسات ٚاجملالت ٚايتكازٜس اييت تتٓا ٍٚداْباً َٔ دٛاْب أْػطتٓا ٚإصتاشاتٓا .اْٗا ال تكتؿس عً ٢داْب ٚاسد َٔ ْػاطاتٓا بٌ تػط ٞناف ١ايٓٛاس ٞاالدتُاع١ٝ ٚاألنادميٚ ١ٝايجكافٚ ١ٝست ٢ايػدؿ .١ٝاْٗا طسٜكٚ ١اسد ٠يٓك ٍٛيًذاَعٚ ١اجملتُع َٔ ضتٔ َ ،ا ْك ّٛب٘ٚ ،إىل أْ ٜٔتذ٘. نٌ دا٥س ٠يف نًٝتٓا يدٜٗا َطاس ١يكا ١ُ٥أْػطتٗا ٚإصتاشاتٗاٚ .ايعدد األْ" َٔ ٍٚػس ٠ايرتب ٖٛ " ١ٝعدد خافٚ .أٚد إٔ أغٝد بادتٗٛد اييت برهلا ايفسٜل اير ٟطسح ٖر ٙايفهسٚ .٠أؤند يهٌ غدـ يف ايهً ١ٝأْٓا ْكدز ْٚسسب ظُٝع األفهاز ادتدٜدٚ ٠املٓتذ. ١ نُا أٚد إ أق ٍٛيهٌ أٚي٦و اير ِٖ ٜٔخازز نًٝتٓا ٜٚكسأْ ٕٚػستٓا ،إْٓا ْسسب بهِ ْٚأٌَ إٔ تتُتعٛا بٓػستٓا اإلخبازٚ ١ٜتكدزٚا َا ٜك ّٛب٘ األقطاّ يف نً ١ٝايرتب .١ٝضتٔ ٖٓا رتدَ ١ادتاَعٚ ١اجملتُعْ .تُٓ ٢يهِ نٌ ايتٛفٝل ْٚأٌَ إٔ ْتًكَ ٢السظاتهِ سٖ ٍٛر ٙايٓػس ٠يف األعداد املكبًٖ َٔ ١ر ٙايٓػس٠ ضٝهٖٓ ٕٛاى َطاس ١يألفساد املعٓٝني يف اجملتُع يًتعبري عٔ أفهازِٖ ٚآزا ِٗ٥سَ ٍٛا ْك ّٛب٘ .نُا أْين أتكدّ بدع ٠ٛخسجيٓٝا يف املػازن ١بايهتاب ١إيٓٝا. ضتٔ تٛاق ٕٛيٓعسف دٝدا نٝف نٓا يف إعداد طالبٓا ٚ ،نٝف َٚاذا تعًُ ٕٛاآلٕ فُٝا تعًُتَُٓ ٙٛا. ٖر ٙايٓػس ٠تٗدف اىل ايٛؾ ٍٛاىل مجٝع املعٓٝني ٚاملٗتُني يف تعً ِٝأبٓآ٥ا .ضتٔ عاد ١ملعسف ١غاًَ َٔ ١ادتُٝع نْ ٞتُهٔ َٔ تكد ِٜأفكٌ خدَ١ يتشطني تعً ِٝغبابٓا. د .ثويبه البرواني عميد كلية التربية ايسبزاح األقشبه ”األضيبء اهؼظييج ال خأخي ٌخيسج قسى األصٕل ٔاإلدارة انتربٌٕت 15 عاَاً عً ٢طسح بسْاَر املادطتري يف اإلداز ٠ايرتب١ٜٛ األيبٌي ّاألحالىّ ،هنٌِب شوشج يً اهسِّد اهظغيرث اهخي ّضؼح سٌتبً إهٓ سٌة تدكج ٌّظبى“. دٔ .جٍّٓ انعاًَ رئٍس قسى األصٕل ٔاإلدارة انتربٌٕت اى شنشنج امسَُد ُاميشبعبح امخٓ قبوح تَب األقشبه تلنٔج امخرتٔج خالل امؾبه امويضره (ُ )022 9لذمك امؾبه امضبمٓ ٍُٓ ،إى تبيخغبر ضضبد ذوبر تؾط ٍذً اموسَُداح . ُضٔد ؤييب ٍيب -فٓ ٍذً اميشرث -يؾرط ٔؾد قشه األضُل ُاإلدارث امخرتُٔج وى األقشبه امضُٔٔج تلنٔج امخرتٔج تسبوؾج امشنعبى قابتُس ويذ يشإخٌ فٓ ؽبه 6991/6991ه ضٔد ٔقاده تؾظب ويَب ،ال ميؾنوله ؤى املنٔج خقدر لل سَد امقشه امتراوز ؽناّ واشخُِ امتلابمُرُٔس ٔقده فضشةُ ،ملى ملٓ يرِ سؤؾب وب فؾنيبً، ُاموبسشخٔر .فوذال ٔقده امقشه شَبدث وبساشخٔر ُؤٔى يضى ُوب ؽنٔيب امقٔبه تٌ. ادارث خرتُٔج ويذ ؤلذر وى خوشج ؽشر ؽبواب ُقد تنغ ؽدد امخرٔسٔى ويٌ ُامضبضنٔى ؽنّ صفحت 1 وبسشخٔر ادارث خرتُٔج ( )48خرٔسبُ .منقشه عوُش فٓ عرش تريبوز ؽنّ واشخُِ امادلخُراً فآ خخضضٓ امخخعٔع امخرتُْ ُامقٔبدث امخرتُٔج. يخييز أػضبء ُيئج اهخدريس تبمقشه تخيُػ وسبالح خخضضبخَه ووب ٔيؾلس ؽنّ خيُػ األيشعج امخآ خيسز وى قتنَه لبمخدرٔس ُاأليشعج امتضذٔج ُخدوج اموسخوؼ .لوب ٔخؤز ؤؽظبء امقشه توشخُِ ؤلبدٔوٓ رفٔؼ اذ ضضل ذالذج ويَه ؽنّ خرقٔج ؽنؤج تدرسج ؤشخبذ وشبركّ ،حظوح اهدنخّرث ظبهحج ػيسشبً ػوٓ سبئزث اهتبحد اهيخييزّ ،اهسدنخّرث ّسيِسج ذبتح اهؼبٌي ػوٓ سبئزث األنبدييي اهيخييز. أزبع ددازٜات يكطِ ايرتب ١ٝايفٓ ١ٝيف َدخٌ ايهً١ٝ وى ؤٍه ايسبزاح قشه امخرتٔج امفئج اقبوج ؽدد وى اموؾبرط حيً يؼتر اهفٌبً تريضخَ ػً فنرث امفئج ؽنّ ودِ امؾبه اموبظٓ، ُويَب وؾرط يخبسبح عنتج فئٌَ ينخة هِب اهخوّد امقشه امذْ إكيى ػوٓ ُبيص برٌشت انفُاٌ :د .صبٍح كهش اهيؤخير اهدّهي اهراتغ ّاهخيشيً هوخرتيج ّاهخؼويى د .يُى انعٕادي رئٍس قسى انتربٍت انفٍُت ( ،)ICET, 0229ووب ٔؾلس ؤٍؤج وخرسبح امخؾنٔه مدِ امعنتج. ُخسدر اإلشبرث تإى امقشه قبه ترشه ُيضح ؤرتؼ سدارٔبح فٓ ودخل لنٔج امخرتٔج فٓ سبوؾج امشنعبى قبتُس .لوب يفذ امقشه امونخقّ األُل مخرٔسٓ امخرتٔج امفئج فٓ وبرس ُ ،0229خؾختر ٍذً امخعُث رائدث برٌشت انفُاٌ :د .حسٍ عبد انباسط موب خوذنٌ وى اخضبل وؼ امخرٔسٔى. طسح بسْاَر يًُادطتري يف ايعً ّٛاإلضالَ١ٝ اى ؤٍه ايسبزاح قشه امؾنُه اإلشالؤج ٍُ امؾول ؽنّ عرش تريبوز منوبسشخٔر فٓ امؾنُه اإلشالؤج، ُلذمك خيفٔذ ؽدد لتٔر وى اموضبظراح ُامدُراح امذقبفٔج ُامخُؽُٔج مخرشٔخ اموفَُه امؾضرْ منذقبفج اإلشالؤج ُخدوج اموسخوؼ ،وذل خيفٔذ امدُراح امفقَٔج امشئُج فٓ فقٌ امضز ُامؾورث ُامقظبٔب امعتٔج امفقَٔج اموؾبضرثُ ،تىفُز بشوبمج محبضشاث جمعُت انمشأة انعمبوُتُ ،تحكُم مسببقبث انقشآن انكشَم وانحذَث انىبىٌ انطشَف عهً مستىي انجبمعت ودول مجهس انتعبون .لوب لبى منقشه دُر فبؽل فٓ تنُرث رئٔج لنٔج امخرتٔج ُرشبمخَب. د .عًر اندردٌري رئٍس قسى انعهٕو اإساليٍت حيتفٌ قطِ تهٓٛيٛدٝا ايتعًٚ ِٝايتعًِ بتدسٜر دفعت٘ األٚىل األلبدٔوٓ فقد شبرك ؤؽظبء ٍٔئج امخدرٔس فٓ امقشه فٓ اسراء ُيشر ؽدث تضُد ضُل امخؾنه االملخرُيٓ ُوُاد امخؾنه امُشابئعٔج ُامذقبفاج امتضرٔج لوب شبرلُا فٓ خقدٔه تضاُذَه فآ د .عهً انًٕسٕي رئٍس قسى تكُٕنٕجٍا انتعهٍى ٔانتعهى ٔؾختر خخرٔز امدفؾج األُمّ وى عالة قشه خليُمُسٔب امخؾنٔه ُامخؾنه ٍذا امؾبه وى ؤترز ايسبزاخٌ ُؽالوج فبرقج فٓ وشٔرخٌ ويذ تأسيسه عام 5002؛ ُؽنّ امضؾٔد وئخوراح داخل امشنعيج ُخبرسَب ُلبى آخرٍب اموئخور امدُمٓ مخرتٔج اموؾنؤى(.)ICET2009 ُفٓ وسبل امخدرٔسٔ ،قادّه امقاشه وقاررا املخرُئب فٓ وَابراح امدراشاج لبخخٔابرْ سبوؾجُ ،وقررا ضأفٔب مالمضاب اموَايٓ، تبإلظبفج امّ اموقرراح امخخضضٔج ُامخدؤج اموخخنفجُ ،امقشه ضبمٔب فٓ ضدد اؽداد خعاج تريبوز اموبسشخٔروى اموخُقؼ عرضٌ ؽبه صفحت 2 ، 0266لوب ٔؾقد امقشه اسخوبؽبح دُرٔاج واؼ امدُائر امخقئج فٓ ُزارث امخرتٔج ُامخؾنٔه مخياشٔ خععٌ ُشٔبشبخٌ ُوقرراخٌ ُتراوسٌ توب ٔخاالءه ُوخعنتبح امؤداى امخرتُُُْٔ .اضل امقشه امخزُّد تأخر اموشخسداح امخليُمُسٔج ُخسَٔز وخختراخاٌ ُوؾبونٌ تضٔد ٔفخخص فٓ امفضل امدراشٓ امرتٔؾٓ 0262وؾوال ُشبئعٔب سدٔدا ُٔفر امتٔئج امخؾنؤج امالزوج إلؽداد عالة امخخضص ُخدرٔتَه خقئُب. ُفٓ اعبر خعُٔر اموُارد امتشرٔج تبمقشهٔ ،خبتؼ ويخشتُ امقشه وى ضونج اموبسشخٔر ُامتلبمُرُٔس دراشبخَه امؾنٔب لوب خه خؾٔٔى وؾٔدث وى خرٔسآ امقشه ٍذا امؾبه. : املٓاٖر ٚايتدزٜظ :قطِ ٜتُٝص خالٍ ايعاّ 9002 هلد اخشى كشى اهيٌبُز ّاهخدريس خالل اهؼبى اهيٌظرى تبهؼديد يً اهٌضبطبح اهيخييزث ٌّسزُب تبآلخي: .1اهفّز تبهيرنز اهذبٌي في سبئزث اهضيخ خويفج تً شويبً تً يحيد آل خويفج هوتحد اهؼويي في يسبل اهطفّهج. .5ضبرم كشى اهيٌبُز ّاهخدريس ييذال تخخظط اهوغج اإلٌسويزيج يغ يؤششج Sewardاأليرينيج في د .عهً انشعٍهً يضرّع”اهظفّف اهدراشيج اهيخيحّرث حّل اهطفل .نيب ضبرم في تحد ييّل تبالضخرام يغ سبيؼج رئٍس قسى انًُاْج ٔانتدرٌس اإليبراح اهؼرتيج اهيخحدث يدرس ظؼّتبح اهخؼوى في اهريبضيبح ّطرق خدريشِى اهفؼبهج. .3اهفّز تسبئزث نّنال يً سبيؼج شخوً تّص سٌّة افريليب هوٌشبء ”اهتبحذبح اكل يً 53ػبى“. .4اإلضراف ػوٓ إٌخبر اهحليتج اهخؼويييج اهيخوفزث اهخبظج تترايز اهخدرية أذٌبء اهخديج تّزارث اهخرتيج ّاهخؼويى. .5خٌظيى اهلشى هٌدّث اهيٌبُز اهدراشيج :رؤْ يشخلتويج في يبرس .9002 .6 ٌضر 93تحذبً في دّريبح يحنيج إكويييبً ّػبهييبً. طفٌ َا قبٌ املدزض :١قطِ بسٚح ددٜد٠ قطِ عًِ ايٓفظَ :ان ١ٓٝعٛخ َتذدد٠ يؼيل اهلشى ُذٍ األيبى تحسرارث ييسر يشتّكج في اهخخطيط هخلديى تسرايز فسي اهدراشبح اهؼويب ،ضٔاد خُاضال مسياج امدراشبح امؾنٔب فٓ امقشه تبمخيشٔ ُامخؾبُى د .سًٍرِ يٕسى دْ .الل انُبٓاًَ رئٍس قسى تربٍت طفم يا قبم انًدرسّ رئٍس قسى عهى انُفس توشئُمٔبح لتٔرث فٓ اإلشراف ؽنّ ورلز امعفُمج، لوب ؤى امقشه ٔشبٍه فٓ خدوج اموسخوؼ لوب ؤْ قشه آخر وى ؤقشبه املنٔج ،فقد شبُى اهلشى في هسبً يفظويج ػوٓ يشخّْ اهشوطٌج ويَب مسيج وئخور امورؤث امؾوبئج ُمسيج شٔداح األؽوبل اظبفج امّ خفبؽنٌ امُاظص وؼ امُٔيشلُُٔ .قده امقشه اشخشبراح وسخوؾٔج لوب ٔيشع ؽنّ ضؾٔد امتضد امؾنوٓ ،اذ ٔشبرك ؤؽظبء فٓ امقشه فٓ وشرُػ تضد خؾبُيٓ تٔى سبوؾج امشنعبى قبتُس ُسبوؾج اإلوبراح. صفحت 3 شخج تراوز منوبسشخٔر فٓ خخضضبح يُؽٔج فرٔدث ؽنّ وشخُِ امشنعيج ُامويعقج ،وذل: قشه عفل وب قتل امودرشج ُاضد وى األقشبه امضدٔذج فٓ لنٔج امخرتٔجُ ،تبمرغه وى ضداذخٌ فبيٌ ٔظعنؼ وؼ سؤؼ امنسبى امفرؽٔج مخقدٔه ضزوج واى ٔقخرة تؾط ؤؽظبء امقاشه واى االيخَبء وى تضد ٔوُمٌ ولخة امخرتٔاج امؾرتٓ تقٔوج 82ؤمف رٔبل ؽوبيٓ .لوب ُضل ؽدد اموشبرٔؼ امتضذٔج امووُمج وى ؤزائج امسبوؾج فٓ امقشه 02تضذبً تقٔوج امخُسٌٔ ُاإلرشبد اموَيُٓ ،ويبٍز امتضاد ُاإلضضبءُ ،ضؾُتبح امخؾناه ُامخرتٔاج امخبضج ُ .شخُاضل مسيج امدراشبح امؾنٔاب ؽونَب امدئُة مخعُٔر تريبوز امدلخُراً فٓ ؽنه اميفس امخرتُْ امذْ وى اموخُقؼ ؤى ٔتدؤ خسبُزح 612ؤمف رٔبل ؽوبيٓ. امقتُل فٌٔ ؽبه .0266 ُٔنؾة قشه ؽنه اميفس دُراً تابرزًا فاآ خقاادٔه اماادُراح امخدرٔتٔااج ُاالشخشبراح ،اذ لبى آخار ياشبعبح امقشه خيفٔذ دُرث خدرٔتٔج فٓ اإلضاضبء ُتريبوز SPSSشابرك فَٔاب 02 ؤلبدٔؤبً وى لنٔج امخرتٔج. لوب ضضل ذالذج ؤؽظبء وى امقشه ؽنّ شَبدث امُرقج امتضذٔج اموخؤزث مؾبه 0229 لوب ضضل ذالذج ؤؽظبء آخرٔى مذالد شيُاح وخخبمٔج ؽنّ شَبدث امتبضد اموخؤز ؽنّ وشخُِ لنٔج امخرتٔج. ثالخ غٗادات دنتٛزا ٙفدس ١ٜيف ْد ٠ٚقطِ ايرتب ١ٝايسٜاق١ٝ يغه قشه امخرتٔج امرٔبظٔج يدُث "اهذلبفج اهتدٌيج ّفشيّهّسيب اهريبضج" خالل امفخرث تٔى 9-4دٔشوتر 0229 تبمخؾبُى وؼ االخضبد امؾرتٓ منذقبفج امتدئج ُاأللبدٔؤج امترٔعبئج منذقبفج امتدئج ،اذ قده وى خالمَب ؤ .د فُزْ امخظرْ رئٔس االخضبد امؾرتٓ منذقبفج امتدئج ُودٔر امؾالقبح امؾبوج تبأللبدٔؤج امترٔعبئج منذقبفج امتدئج ذالذج شَبداح دلخُراً فخرٔج ملل وى وؾبمٓ ُزٔر امخؾنٔه امؾبمٓ اموَيدس ؽنٓ تى وشؾُد امشئدْ ُشؾبدث رئٔس سبوؾج امشنعبى قبتُس امدلخُر ؽنٓ امتٔوبيٓ ُامولروج امدلخُرث ؽؤد لنٔج امخرتٔج امدلخُرث ذُٔتج تيح ؤضود امترُايُٓ .ؽنّ ضؾٔد امتضد امؾنوٓ فنقد قبه ؤؽظبء ٍٔئج امخدرٔس تبمقشه تيشر 4تضُد ويذ وعنؼ امؾبه 0229فٓ وسالح ؽبمؤج ُؽرتٔج وضلوج تبإلظبفج امّ وشبرلخَه امفبؽنج فٓ شتؾج ؽشر وئخورا دُمٔب ُ 1يدُاح وضنٔج شُاء لوخضدذٔى رئٔشٔٔى ؤُ لوقدوٓ ؤُرا ؽول ُفظال د .كاشف زاٌد رئٍس قسى انتربٍت انرٌاضٍت ؽى ذمك فبى ؤؽظبء ٍٔئج امخدرٔس تبمقشه ٔؾلفُى ؽنّ اؽداد وشبرٔؼ تضذٔج وؼ ؤقشبه ؤخرِ تبملنٔج (ؽنه اميفس ،امؾنُه اإلشالؤجُ ،امويبٍز ُامخدرٔس) ُوؼ لنٔبح ؤخرِ تبمسبوؾج (امعة ُامخورٔط) ،ؤُ سَبح ؤلبدٔؤج خبرسٔج (سبوؾج اإلوبراح امؾرتٔج اموخضدث)ّ .يً اهيضبريغ اهرائدث امخٓ يفذٍب امقشه خالل امؾبه " 0229يضرّع األػداد اهتدٌي هرسبل اإلطفبء تيطبر يشلط اهدّهي" ضٔد خه رفؼ املفبءث امتدئج ُامفشُٔمُسٔج ألرتؾج ُخشؾٔى رسل اعفبء خالل فخرث زوئج تنغح شخج ؤشَر ؤشَه خالمَب فٓ خضقٔ وعبر وشقع امدُمٓ منوؾبٔٔر ُاموخعنتبح امدُمٔج امخبضج تبشخؾداداح اموعبراح امودئج امدُمٔج مضبالح امعُارةُ ،قد در اموشرُػ دخال منسبوؾج تنغح قٔوخٌ 28ؤمف رٔبل ُُفر ُغبئف وئقخج مودث شخج ؤشَر مخوشج وى خرٔسٓ امقشه .لوب ايخَّ امقشه وى اؽداد تريبوز مندراشبح امؾنٔب فظال ؽى ايٌ ٔؾد وشرُؽب مخشؾٔة وخرسبخٌ ؽنّ يضُ ٔنتٓ اضخٔبسبح امشُ اموخيبؤج منوَى ذاح امؾالقج تبمخدرٔةُ ،اإلدارث ُاإلشراف امرٔبظُٓٔ .ضبُل عرش وقرر سبوؾج اخخٔبرْ ُٔظص فٌٔ وفبٍٔه ضدٔذج منيشبع امتديٓ ُامضضج. : َهت ب ايعُٝد — ايبشٛخ ٚادتٛدٙ د .اّذريً ٌيشور ختيرث اهتحّد -ينخة اهؼييد neisler@squ.edu.om أفاد األضتاذ ايدنتٛز عً٢ عاَس زٝ٥ظ تحرير يسوج اهدراشبح اهخرتّيج ُل خرية في اهحظّل ػوٓ إرضبداح اإلظدار اهشبدس هدهيل اهٌضر اهظبدر ػً سيؼيج ػوى اهٌفس األيرينيج ّاهٌفشيج ()APA؟ إذا نٌح ييً يريتًّ في يؼرفج يّاػيد ّأيبنً اهيؤخيراح اهلبديجّ ،اهدػّاح اهخبظج هويشبُيج تّركج ؤى ٍٔئج امخضرٔر قد قبوح تضٔبغج تحد فلد أظتح األير شِالً .إذ أينً خسييغ نل ُذٍ اهيؼوّيبح في ينبً ّاحد الشخخداى أػضبء ُيئج اهخدريس ّطوتج رئٔج ُرشبمج اموسنج وى سدٔد فٓ اهدراشبح اهؼويب ،هوّظّل إهٓ ذهم يب ػويم إال اختبع اهخطّاح اآلخيج: أدخل إهٓ يّكغ سبيؼج اهشوطبً كبتّس. اضغط ػوٓ أيلٌّج (.)E-Learning أدخل نويج اهيرّر ّنويج اهشر اهخبظج تم. اضغط ػوٓ (.)Moodle خحح أيلٌّج ( )My Coursesاضغط ػوٓ (.)All Courses اٌزل إهٓ أشفل حخٓ خظل إهٓ حلل اهتحد ذى اطتغ ""College of Education Research Resources اطتغ نويج يفخبحيج أّ نويج شر " "researchذى اضغط ػوٓ ""Register for this course تذا خنًّ كد ّظوح إهٓ اهيظبدر ّشّف يظِر اهيّكغ خحح " "My Coursesفي نل يرث خدخل إهٓ يّكغ ال .E-Learning يينً هنل ػضّ ُيئج خدريس أّ طبهة دراشبح ػويب أً يشسل في ُذا اهنّرس .نويج اهشر ُي " "researchنيب يينً هم أً خنًّ يً ضيً يسيّػج يٌبكضج هويضبرنج في األفنبر اهتحذيجّ ،خحنيى يضبريغّ ،خنّيً تحّد يضخرنج يغ آخريً. صفحت 4 ظُء رئٔج امسبوؾج ُرشبمخَب ُؤٍدافَبُ ،ؤفبد امدلخُر ؽنٓ تإيَب وسنج دُرٔج وضلوج خنخزه تيشر امتضُد األضٔنجُ ،خشؾّ ٍٔئج امخضرٔر يضُ امخُاضل اإلملخرُيٓ ُامّ يشر ؤؽداد اموسنج ؽنّ وُقؼ امسبوؾج تشلل دُرْ ؤلذر خيغٔوبً ُذمك ُضُالً امّ ورضنج امفَرشج فٓ قُاؽد امتٔبيبح امؾبمٔوج. تعصٜص ايتُٝص يف ايبشح ايعًَُ ، ٞهتب ْا٥ب ايعُٝد يًدزاضات ايعًٝا ٚايبشح ايعًُٞ ايشسبوبً وؼ رئٔج لنٔج امخرتٔجٔ ،عوص ولخة يبئة امؾؤد منتضد امؾنوٓ ُامدراشبح امؾنٔب ؤى ٔضتص يوُذسبً مخؾزٔز امتضد امؾنوٓ ُامدراشبح امؾنٔب فٓ وسبل امخرتٔج .خخوذل رشبمج امولخة فٓ شؾٌٔ مخشَٔل ُتيبء ُخعتٔ ُيشر اموؾرفجُ .فٓ ٍذا اموشؾّ فبى امولخة ٔدؽه ذوبئج تراوز منوبسشخٔر ُؤرتؾج تراوز مندتنُه فٓ وسبالح امويبٍز ُامخدرٔسُ ،ؽنه اميفس ُاإلدارث امخرتُٔجُٔ .يخغه فٓ تراوز اموبسشخٔر 010عبمتبً اظبفج امّ 612عبمتبً ٔيخغوُى فٓ تراوز امدتنُه اموخخنفج. خالل امؾبه امدراشٓ اموبظٓ ( )0229/0224قبوح مسيج خقُٔه امتراوز تدراشج شبونج مخقُٔه تراوز اموبسشخٔر فٓ املنٔج .تبإلظبفج امّ ذمك ،فقد قبه ولخة يبئة امؾؤد مندراشبح امؾنٔب ُامتضد امؾنوٓ تخشَٔل ويبقشج 84رشبمج وبسشخٔر ،لوب يغه 00شويبراً منلنٔج .ؽالُث ؽنّ د .يحًد انطاْر يساعد انعًٍد نهدراساث انعهٍا ٔانبحث انعهًً ذمك ،فبى امولخة ٔقده امخيشٔ اإلدارْ أللذر وى 61وشرُؽبً تضذٔبً ٔخه خؤُنَب وى امؤزائج امورلزٔج منسبوؾج تقٔوج 668,482رٔبالً ؽوبئب ،تبإلظبفج امّ ذالذج ؤتضبد خؾبُئج. تكدّ ادتٛد ٠ديٝالً ناَالً يًعٌُ ادتُاع ٞمبا يف ذيو املبادئ ٚايككاٜا ٚأٚد٘ ايبٓاٚ ٤ايتطٜٛس املدتًف١ خه خشلٔل مسيج امسُدث فٓ وبرس 0229لذراػ مخيفٔذ رئٔج املنٔج امسدٔدثُ .ويذ ذمك امخبرٔخ ُامنسيج ويخرعج فٓ ضٔبغج رئٔج املنٔج ُرشبمخَب ُؤٍدافَبُ .قبوح امنسيج تضٔبغج رئٔخَب ُرشبمخَب ُؤٍدافَب تؾد يقبشبح وؾوقجُ .خشبٍه امنسيج فٓ امُقح امراٍى فٓ خعُٔر امخعج اإلشخراخٔسٔج منلٔج .لوب خؾول تشلل فؾبل فٓ أ.د .ياْر أبٕ ْالل رئٍس نجُت انجٕدة ٔانتطٌٕر خيفٔذ امخعج االشخراخٔسٔج منسبوؾج فٓ اعبر وشئُمٔبح ؽؤدث املنٔج .لوب تدؤح امنسيج تدراشج خعع إلؽبدث ٍٔلنج املنٔج موُافقخَب وؼ شرُع االؽخوبد األلبدٔوٓ، ُلذمك خعُٔر تريبوز امخقُٔه فٓ املنٔجُ .خنؾة امنسيج دُراً ؤشبشٔبً فٓ خعُٔر امتراوز امسدٔدث خضُضبً تراوز امدراشبح امؾنٔبُ .قد قدوح امنسيج يوُذسبً ٔشول امؾيبضر امخٓ ٔسة ؤى ٔخظويَب امتريبوز اموقخرش ُويَب خضدٔد وترراح امتريبوز ُوخرسبخٌُ .ليخٔسج موشبٍوج امنسيج تخضُص ؽيبضر امتريبوز ،خولى قشه ؽنه اميفس وى اؽداد ضزوج وى تراوز امدراشبح امؾنٔب ُقد سبءح لنَب ويشسوج وؼ اميوُذر اموقده وى مسيج امسُدث ُامخعُٔرُ .خدٔر ُخشرف امنسيج ؽنّ ويشُراح ااملنٔج ُوعتُؽبخَب مظوبى سُدخَب ُلبى ويَب خقرٔر امتضُد ُوعُٔبح األقشبه ٍُذً اميشرثُ ،خخعع امنسيج موزٔد وى امُذبئ امخٓ خشبٍه فٓ امخضظٔر مالؽخوبد األلبدٔوٓ. صفحت 5 Continuous Training, Job Security, and Friendly Atmosphere: The CoE administrative team enjoys the friendly atmosphere ١ٝ ايرتب١ًٝ نٟل اإلدازٜ ايفس٣سٜ ٖهرا،ًٞ٥ عاٛدٚ ،ٞفٝظٚ َٔ أ،س َٗينٜٛتط Dean’s Office Coordination Team: If you have any inquiries related to the college, please contact the following helpful and friendly coordinators: ألٌت يعهٕيا ث أٔ استفساراث:يكتب عًٍد انكهٍت :خاصت بانكهٍت ًٌكُكى االتصال :ًانفاضم عبدهللا انتٕب Mr. Abdullah Al Toubi مكتب وبئب انعمُذ:صفٍت انًعًري ،ٍنهذساسبث انعهُب وانبحث انعهم ًتعمم فٍ انكهُت مىز عطشَه عبمب .وتشي أن انكهُت راث بُئت عبئهُت Safiya Al Ma’mari: Office of ADGS&R. She has been in the CoE for 20 years. She sees the college as a friendly atmosphere. Office Coordinator: Tel: 00968 24143952 Email: atobi@squ.edu.om ٌانفاضم أحًد عثًا Mr. Ahmad Osman مكتب وبئب: ًسهطاٌ انربٍع َعمم،انعمُذ نهذساسبث انجبمعُت فٍ انكهُت مىز ثمبوٍ سىىاث وَشي أن انكهُت تمذ َذ انعىن نهمىظفُه مه خالل دوساث انتذسَب ووسش .انعمم Sultan Al Rubai’e: Office of ADUS has been in the CoE for 8 years. He sees the college as supportive of professional development. مكتب وبئب انعمُذ:سهًى انحجري 9 وتعمم فٍ انجبمعت مىز، نهتذسَب سىىاث وتشي أن انكهُت تعُص أجىاء .عبئهُت Salma Al Hajari: Office of ADT. She has been at SQU for 9 years. She feels that the college has a family atmosphere. Office Coordinator: Tel: 0098 24143904 Email: ahmedo@squ.edu.om مختبش انحبسب:ًَُعًٍت انحس ، سىىاث7 تعمم فٍ انكهُت مىز:ٍاِن ٍوتشي أن انكهُت تتطىس وتزدهش ف .مجبل انتكىىنىجُب Naima Al Hasani: Computer lab technician who has been in the CoE for 7 year. She sees that the CoE is progressing in technology. مكتب وبئب:سعٍدة انًعًري تعمم فٍ انكهُت،نهذساسبث انجبمعُت سىىاث تشي فٍ انكهُت بُتهب11 مىز .ٍانثبو Saida Al Ma’mari: Office of ADUS and has been in the CoE for 10 years. She sees the college as her second home. مكتب وبئب انعمُذ:ًفاٌسة انحبس 7 وتعمم فٍ انكهُت مىز،نهتذسَب سىىاث وتشي أن انكهُت تتسم .ٍببألمه انىظُفٍ وانجى انعبئه Fayzeh Al Habsi: Office of ADT. She has been in the CoE for 7 years. She feels that the college has job security and a family atmosphere. ٍ عبمبً وَستمتع بعمهه ف11 َعمم فٍ انكهُت مىز،ٌ وبئب انمذَش اإلداس:سعٍد انجرادي .انكهُت بذسجت كبُشة وَشي أن فشظ انتشقٍ فٍ انجبمعت وفُشة نمه َعمم Saead Al Jaradea: Assistant to the Director of administration, he has been in the college for 11 years. He enjoys his job and believes that promotion is available for those who work. D 6 صفحت Awards & Distinction THE KLUKA - LOVE AWARD Dr. Yousra Al-Sinani (Curriculum & Instruction Department) received the Kluka Love Award in 2009. We wish her continuous success. Dr. Yousra Al Sinani ْٞ ايطٓا٣طسٜ . سؿًت د:ناًٛ ن٠ص٥دا ناًٛ ن٠ص٥ دا٢ًظ عٜايتدزٚ املٓاٖر٠س٥َٔ دا .ايٓذاحٚ مٛاّ ايتفٚ هلا د٢ُٓ ْت.9002 ّيعا ِ َٔ قطٟدٝ ايصبٟٛ عبد ايك.د..سؿٌ أ ٢ًص عُٝ ايباسح املت٢ًعًِ ايٓفظ ع .١ٝ ايرتب١ًٝ ن٣َٛطت Prof. AbdelQawi Al Zubaidi Prof. AbdelQawi (Psychology Department) reAl Zubaidi ceived the award of the distinguished researcher in the CoE. . دٚ ًَٞ ايصاًٞ ع.نُا سؿٌ نٌ َٔ د ِ َٔ قطٞ ادتُاي١ٜشٛ ف. دٚ ِ ناظًٞع ١ يًطًب١" َطاس١ٝ ايرتب٠ف ختؿـ "ْػسٛض ِٗاتٜاٖٛ ٢ًايتعسف عٚ قنيٛاملتف .٠اٖتُاَاتِٗ يف نٌ عدد َٔ أعداد ايٓػسٚ ٠ص٥ دا٢ً ع١ّ ادتاَعٜٛ عًِ ايٓفظ يف ٕٛقٛ َتف١طًب . ١ٝ ايرتب١ًٝ ن١ً يف زت٠صُٝ املت١زقٛاي عُٝيًذٚ ِ هل٢ُْٓتٚ ًعاْٝٝبازى هلِ مج .صُٝايتٚ ايٓذاحٚ ّاّ ايتكدٚد ،١ٝاقٜ ايس١ٝيب َٔ قطِ ايرتبٝدابسستُد ايػب Dr. Ali Kazem Also, Dr. Ali Al Zamli, Dr. Ali Kazem, and Dr. Fawzia Al Jamali of the Dept. of Psychology were awarded the best research article published in the college journal. We wish them all the best. ٤ عدا،اٝ اجملتُع سايٚ ١اقٜ ايس١عُٛظ زتٝ٥ز لٜد فس٥قاٚ ، يًػباب١ٓيف َٓتدب ايطًط ادٝملبٚ غازى يف ا،٣ٛ أليعاب ايك١ادتاَع .9002 اٝؾسبٚ 9002 ،ًٓدٜ تا- داَعات ايعامل ١يٛ يف بط١ل ادتاَعٍٜ َع فسٚأسسش املسنص األ يطٓتني٣ٛ أليعاب ايكِٞ ايعايًَٝؤضطات ايتع Dr. Ali Al Zamli ٍ يف مخظٚاملسنص االٚ 9002ٚ 9002 تنيَٝتتاي .١ بادتاَع١ٝ الخرتام ايكاس١ٝضباقات َتتاي Jaber Mohammed Al Shabibi, from the Department of Physical Education, is the chairman of the Sport and Society Group. He is one of the runner athletes in the National Omani Team for Youth and the captain of SQU athletics team. He participated in the Olympiad of the World Universities in Thailand (2007) and Serbia (2009). He ranked first in the athletics Gulf universities competition for two consecutive years (08, 09). He ranked first in five consecutive marathon بسمة races at SQU. Basma ١ يػ/١ٝ َٔ ختؿـ ايرتبُٞإ ايدزعًٝ ض١ُبط Dr. Fawzia Al Jamali ٞ٘ ادتُايٜشٛ ف.د ١ًُطعدْا إٔ ْطذٌ نٜ ١ٜٚ ايصاٙيف ٖر ٟ سسب ايرٛ أب٢ٝز حيٛداع يًدنتٚ . اهلل٤ٕ إْػاُٛٝس امل٥ ايطا٢ًػادزْا عٜ ات يفٛٓ ضْٞ مثا٠ سسب ملدٛ أب.عٌُ د ١ًٝ قدّ خالهلا ايهجري يًه١ٝ ايرتب١ًٝن ٠ص٥ دا٢ً عٞسؿٌ خالٍ ايعاّ املاقٚ ٘ ي٢ُٓ ْت.١ ايطادض١ًُٝ ايع١فًٝ بٔ ضًُإ آٍ خ١فًٝذ خٝايػ ١ َٔ قُٔ ايطًب١ظ ادتاَعٝ٥هسَٗا زٜ ١ٜصًٝإصت .ايٓذاحٚ لٝفٛاّ ايتٚد ،١ايهتابٚ ِٜاتٗا ايتكدٜاٖٛ َٔ ،9002 ١ٓقني ضٛاملتف زؽٛايٚ اتٝد َٔ األَطِٜ ايعدٜهلا َػازنات يف تكدٚ .١ُٜٛٓايت Basma Sulieman Al Derai from the College of Education (English major) was among the high achieving students in year 2009 and the recipient of the Vice Chancellor Award. Among her hobbies is presenting, introducing and writing; she has many contributions in presenting workshops and lectures. C ًَٞ ايصاًٞ ع.د In this space, we register a word of farewell and goodbye to Dr. Yahia Abu Harb who spent 8 years in the CoE where he contributed a lot to its progress. Dr. Abu Harb received Shiekh Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa’s sixth award. We wish him continuous success and all the best. 7 صفحت Art & Exhibitions Goodbye ١ٝ فإٕ قطِ ايرتب،١ٝعاملٚ ١ًُٝٝإقٚ ١ًٝص ست٥اٛ د٢ًهلِ عٛ عؿ١ٝ ايرتب١ًٝ يه١ظ يف األقطاّ املدتًفٜ ايتدز١٦ٖٝ ٤ص نجري َٔ أعكاٝإٕ نإ قد متٚ .١ً يف األعداد املكب٣ نُا ْعدنِ إٔ ْكدّ أعالّ أخس،ص ايفينُٝف ْكدّ ٖٓا عًُني يف ايتٛ ض.٘كتٜ طس٢ً ميتاش ع١ٝٓايف Although the College of Education has many distinguished faculty members who have been recognized locally, regionally, and globally, the Department of Art Education expresses its quality in its own way. We will introduce two distinguished examples here and promise to introduce others in future issues. ح نًؼ (أضتاذ َػازى يفٝز ؾبٛايدنت د َٔ املعازضٜ) أقاّ ايعد١ٝٓ ايف١ٝقطِ ايرتب ًٞني احملٜٛ املطت٢ً ع١املػرتنٚ ١ٝايػدؿ ًًُال٥ ) أقاّ عددا ٖا١ٝٓ ايف١ٝ ( أضتاذ يف قطِ ايرتبِٟ بهسٖٝز إبساٛفطٚايرب د َٔ املعازضٜضاِٖ يف ايعدٚ ، يف ثالخ قازات١َٝٔ املعازض ايػدؿ إذ،٠املعاؾسٚ ١ مبصد٘ بني األؾايٟز بهسٛفطٚص فٔ ايربُٝتٜ .١املػرتن ثكايفٞام تازخيٝيهٔ يف ضٚ ٌٝدقل يف ايتفاؾٜٚ ايٓاعٚ ١عٝكسأ ايطبٜ ىلٚ األ١ بايدزد١ٜٛ تسب١ زضايٖٞٚ ١ إٔ ايفٔ زضاي٢ًت٘ عّٜ زؤٛ تك.ٞيٛمش . ٔد ايٓاع َٔ ايفٝطتفٜ ٕ أ٠زٚؤَٔ بكسٜ .١ٜ َاد١ٕ زضايٛسفض إٔ تهٜٚ ٕاٜدٍٛ ايْٚصٚ ٍد ادتباٛؾعٚ ٍ ايسسا٠٘ نجسٝػكٜ َٔ أدٌ ذيو فإْ٘ الٚ .“ ايسضاَني١ٓ٘ “عُإ دُٝطٜ س ملاٜٛ ايتؿْٚا بايسضِ أَٚد ِٖ زنٓاً َٔ أ١ٝاقٜ ايس١ٝدع قطِ ايرتبٚ دُٛست. د،١ٝطٝأعُدت٘ ايتأضٚ ْ٘أزنا َٔ كازبٜ َاٛ ضت٢ قكٟ ايرٟ٘ محدٝدٚ ١ ادتاَع١َ عػس عاَا يف خد١األزبع ٠س٥ ايطا٠ظ َكسزات ايهسٜتدزٚ ١ًٝايهٚ ٘اتٓا يٝٓ مت،١ْٝ ايبد١اقًٝايٚ ١ً ايط٠نسٚ .لٝفٛبهٌ ايت PHED organized a farewell for Dr. Wajih Hamdi, one of the corner stones in the department, who has served SQU and the College oF Education during the past 14 years. Dr. Wajih taught volley ball, basketball, and physical fitness. We wish him all the best. B إلي المقاءGoodbye Professor Ibrahim Al Bakry ( Art Education Department) has held numerous one man art shows on three continents and participated in many group exhibitions. The art of Prof. Al Bakry combines heritage and modernity. He reads nature and people and he scrutinizes details but within a global historical and cultural context. His vision has been of a mission and an educational one rather than a materialistic endeavor. Prof. Al Bakry believes that people should benefit from art . In pursuing this goal, he travels distances, climbs mountains and descends valleys recording what he calls “Oman A Painters Paradise” . ٛعكٚ ، ص٥اٛد َٔ ادتٜسؿد ايعدٚ ،ٞايعاملٚ ،١ٝايعاملٚ ١ًٝات احملٜيف عدد َٔ املٓتد "إْين:ٔفًطفت٘ يف ايفٚ ٘تٜ غازنٓا بعض زؤ.ٔابط ايفٚزٚ إىل١نريو اذتادٚ ٠ املعاؾس٠اٝ اذت١ُٖٝأؾبشت أدزى أ ٞاقع االدتُاعٛ يف اي١ر تستبط بايتػريات اذتادث٥ٍ إىل ْتاٛؾٛاي ”. يًبػس١ُٗا املٜ٘ عٔ ايككاٝباُ أعرب فًٛز أضًٛ أبٞايجكايف نٚ ٢ًقع٘ عَٛ ٠ازٜ نًؼ ميهٓهِ ش.د عٔ فٔ دٜ املص١ملعسفٚ :اإلْرتْت www.kalashart.com Dr. Sabeeh Kalash ( Art Education Department) has had several local and international exhibitions, and received many awards and prizes, and is a member in many regional and international associations. He conveyed to us his views and philosophy of art: “I have realized the importance of contemporary life and the need to achieve results associated with changes in the social and cultural reality in order to crystallize a style to express issues concerning human substance”. ً يف ايكطِ فؿال٢ال قكَٝ ش١ٝٓ ايف١ٝدع قطِ ايرتبٚ ،الٜٛقتاً طٚ ٢ع نُٔ قكُٝا تعاٌَ خالي٘ َع ادتٝدزاض عربٜ ٕٔ امحد ستُد أٜز سطاّ ايدٛقد زغب ايدنتٚ ١ًٝب املكاّ يف نٝ ط٢ً عٙغهسٚ ْ٘بهًُات٘ عٔ اَتٓا ” ؤُد ؤى ؤشٔر امّ ودِ اشخوخبؽٓ تبمخدرٔس:١ٝايرتب موب خشخول ؽنٔج وى اولبئبح،فٓ ٍذً امسبوؾج امؾرٔقج ُخسَٔزاح خؾول ؽنّ خٔشٔر ؤداء وَبه ؤؽظبء ٍٔئج .”امخدرٔس ؽنّ امُسٌ األلول Dr. Hussam El Din Ahmed Mohammed: “I would like to express my gratitude and joy in teaching and instructing the students at SQU. This is due to the fact that SQU is equipped with hi-tech facilities which facilitate the outcomes sought”. 8 صفحت Special Thanks سٜتكدٚ غهس ١ٝ ايرتب١ًٝ ن٠دُٝ ع١َح اييت متازضٗا املهسٛ ايباب املفت١اضٝ ض١ًٝس يف ايهٜٛايتطٚ ٠دٛ ادت١ٓ تكدز دت١ًٝظفني يف ايهٛاملٚ ظٜ ايتدز١٦ٖٝ ٤باضِ أعكا .زٛٓ اي٣ إٔ تس٠ ايٓػسٙ فإْ٘ أَهٔ هلر١اضٝ ايطٙ هلر١ذْٝتٚ .ْٞاٚ ايرب١بٜٛ ث٠زٛايدنت In the name of all faculty and staff, the QDC would like to acknowledge the policy of open door exercised by Dr. Thuwayba Al Barwani, the dean of the CoE. It is due to this policy that this newsletter has seen the light of day. Mohammad Al Gailani lands in the Col٘طتكس بٜ ٌُٔ َٔ ايعٜ بعد عكدْٞالٝستُد ايػ lege of Education after two decades of ١ٝ ايرتب١ًٝاملطاف يف ن work at the SQU. He has finished two decades of serving in different departments عٌُ خالهلا،عٛ ايطًطإ قاب١ داَع١َٔ يف خدٜ عكد٢ْٗأ and has held different administrative positions in public relations, Deanship of Stuٚ ١َ ايعالقات ايعا٠س٥ دا، ١َٜٓاؾب إدازٚ ١س شتتًف٥اٚيف د dent Affairs, students counseling center, نُا غازى يف،َٞسنص اإلزغاد ايطالبٚ ١ٕ ايطًبٚغؤ and finally director of administration at the ١ٓايطًطٚ ١ ادتاَع٣ٛ َطت٢ًد َٔ ايًذإ عٜايعد CoE. He has participated in many committees at the university , the Sultanate and ،ٞذًٕٝ ارتٍٚ زتًظ ايتعاٚ د٣ٛ َطت٢ًنريو عٚ even the GCC. Despite of the short period since he َٔ بايسغِ َٔ أْ٘ مل ميض أنجسٚ .١ٝ ايرتب١ًٝا يف نٜسا إدازٜأخريا َدٚ joined the CoE, he acts as if he has known everyone for a long time. He deals with everybody in a coopع َٓرُٝعسف ادتٜ ْ٘ناٚ ٌُعٜ ْ٘ إآل أْ٘ أ١ًٝ عًُ٘ يف ايه٢ً أغٗس ع١أزبع erative spirit whether small or big the requests are. The Quality and Development Committee relies on ال تصعذ٘ طًبات، أخالم١دَاثٚ ؾدز١ع بسسابُٝتعاٌَ َع ادتٜ .ٌٜٛشَٔ ط his cooperation and considers his service essential صتاحٟتعصٚ ٘ نجريا بٓػاط٠دٛ ادت١ٓد دتٝ تػ.ٙ ناْت أّ نبري٠أسد ؾػري to the CoE progress. . ؤب َعٗاْٚ٘ ايدٚ إىل تعا١ٝٓايفٚ ١ٜاْب اإلدازٛايهجري َٔ ْػاطاتٗا يف ادت ١ظ مجاعٝ٥ ) زْٞد ايعُساٝايطايب زغ ْ٘ املطتُسٚ تعا٢ً غهس خاف ي٘ ع:ٟايفاقٌ ْصاز ادتابس ٙدٜٚ تص٢ًد عٝ غهس خاف يًطايب زغ:)١ٝايرتب .كٗاٝثَٛاً بتّٚ دٛكٜ ز اييتٛفري ايؿٛ يف تٙدٛٗ د٢ًعٚ .ٜٔصُٝ املت١ بايطًب١َات ارتاؾًٛيٓا باملع .٠ ايٓػسٙؿاً هلرٝز اييت ايتكطٗا خؿٛ ايؿ٢ً عْٙػهسٚ Student Rasheed Al Omrani: Many thanks are due to him for providing us with information related to distinguished students. The QDC would like to acknowledge the continuous efforts of Prof. Hashem Al Kilani, a member of the QDC, in various areas, particularly in reviewing some subjects in this newsletter. Prof. Al Kilani promises to take care of your health through continuous health advice in each issue. We herein offer some of them: Drink plenty of water. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. Play more games. Read more books than you did in 2009. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day. Sleep 7 hours daily. Take a 10-30 minutes walk daily, and smile while you walk. A A Nizar Al Jabri: Special thanks are due to him for his continuous cooperation and his efforts in making available the necessary pictures for this newsletter. ْٞالٝز ٖاغِ ايهٛس يألضتاذ ايدنتٜايتكدٚ ٌ ايػهسٜ ظص٠دٛ ادت١ٓتتكدّ دت ١ أُٖٗا َسادع٠ يف زتاالت عد١ًاؾٛ املتٙدٛٗ د٢ً) ع٠دٛ ادت١ٓ دتٛ(عك ٕ بأْٞالٝز ٖاغِ ايهٛعدْا ايدنتٚ نُا.٠ ايٓػسٙع يف ٖرٝاقٛبعض امل ذيو بعددٚ ٠ بؿشتهِ َٔ خالٍ إطاليت٘ يف نٌ ْػس١ٜ ايعٓا٢ًطاعدنِ عٜ :دص يف ٖرا ايعدد بعكا َٓٗاْٛ ،١ٝح ايؿش٥َٔ ايٓؿا ٤ إغسب نجرياً َٔ املا ٤ ايفكسا٤عػاٚ ٤ األَسا٤غداٚ ،ىًٛز املٍٛ فطٚ تٓا ِتٜ ٟقًٌ َٔ ايطعاّ ايرٚ ،ايٓباتاتٚ األغذاز٢ً عُٜٛٓ ٟ نٌ َٔ ايطعاّ اير . ع٘ َٔ ايٓباتاتٝٓتؿ . ١ٝاقٜد َٔ األيعاب ايسٜ َازع املص . ٠٤قت ايكساٚ َٔ قاعف . ّٜٛ ٌل ن٥ عػس دقا٠ ادًظ بؿُت ملد .ًاَٜٝٛ من ضبع ضاعات . ِ ابتطُٞٓا أْت متػٝبٚ ،ّٜٛ ٌ ن١كٝ دق31-11 ٠ ملدَٞازع املػ9 صفحت 9 صفحت Promoting Excellence in Research In line with the vision of the college of education, the office of the Assistant Dean for Post Graduate Studies and & Research (ADPGS&R) strives to be a regionally recognized model for promoting excellence in research and postgraduate studies in all relevant fields of education. The mission of the ADPGS&R office is to facilitate the construction, application, and dissemination of knowledge. Dr. Mohamad Al Taher Assistant Dean for Postgraduate Studies & Scientific Research Currently, the office of ADPGS&R supports eight Masters programs and four Post Graduate Diplomas in the areas of Curriculum and Instruction, Psychology, and School Administration with a total intake of 262 students in the masters programs, and 150 in the post graduate diplomas. During the past year (2008-2009), the Program Evaluation Committee, for example, conducted a large scope evaluative study for all masters programs in the college. In addition, the office facilitated over 48 theses defense, and organized 22 college seminars. Furthermore, the ADPGS&R office provides administrative support for over 16 research projects funded from internal grants with a total budget of ( R.O.114,740.00), and three collaborative research projects. “The quality gives complete guidance to teamwork including principles, issues for consideration and structural aspects” The Quality and Development Committee was formed in March 2009 to be the tool of implementing the college’s new vision. The committee has developed its own vision, mission and goals that will help guide its plans for the CoE. It has been heavily Prof. Maher Abu Hilal involved in developing the college’s vision, Chairman of Quality & mission and goals. Currently, the committee is Development working on developing the strategic plan of the Committee college; is heavily involved in the implementation of the university’s strategic plan in the college. The committee is working on plans for restructuring the college of education as well as drafting an assessment program in the college. The committee is playing a pivotal role in the development of new programs, particularly, post graduate programs. It has passed a template for program development where rationale and outcomes of programs are clearly specified. As a result of the committee’s contribution, the Department of Psychology has developed six master programs according to the criteria and specifications offered by the QDC. The committee has been a quality auditing apparatus for the college programs, publications and activities. It has been supervising the publication of documents including a research report, conference abstracts, department brochures, and this newsletter. Page 5 Three Honorary Ph.D. Diplomas Awarded in the Symposium of the Department of Physical Education Dr. Kashef Zayed Head of Physical Education Department The Physical Education Department (PHED) conducted a symposium in "Physical Culture and Exercise Physiology" between 8-9 Dec., 2009 with the cooperation of the APCF/Lebanon and the NAPC/UK. Dr Fawzi Khudari, the president of APCF handed three honorary doctorates to Engineer Ali Masoud Alsenaidi, Minister of Sport Affairs, H.E. Dr. Ali Al-Bemani, Vicechancellor of SQU, and Dr. Thuwayba Al Barwani, Dean of CoE. In 2009 the PHED published 8 scientific articles in refereed journals; and has been involved in 17 international conferences and contributed to 6 academic seminars both locally and regionally. The PHED has participated in several interdisciplinary research projects cooperating with departments in the CoE (e.g., Psychology, C & I, and Islamic Studies); and in other colleges ( Nursing and Medicine). PHED has research cooperation with the UAEU. ONE of the important projects that the PHED has accomplished in 2009 is the physical conditioning project for firemen at the Muscat International Airport. Ninety four firemen participated in the project for six months and achieved a high level of physical fitness, by which means they have met international standards in safety. The PHED also has finished the preparation of a master program and has been working on splitting its main bachelor program to meet market demands of the graduates into sport administration and coaching besides teaching. In addition, the PHED is planning to offer an elective course for SQU students entitled “Physical Activity and Health. Prof. Aly Amer, the editor in chief of the Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies announces that the editorial board of the journal has formulated a new vision, mission and goals of the journal in light of the university's vision, mission and goals. Prof. Aly also announced that the journal is a refereed periodical committed to publishing original research. The editorial board is exploring the possibility of going to online submission and reviewing and then publishing the articles of the journal on the website of SQU in pursuit of indexing. Page 4 Dean’s Office —Research & Quality Research Support for Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students: Dr. Otherine Neisler - Research Consultant neisler@squ.edu.om Do you want an easy-to-use template for APA 6th edition guidelines? Can you use a listing of education journals and special calls for papers? Are you interested in the dates and locations of upcoming conferences? All of this information has been compiled in one place for faculty, staff and graduate students. Here is how to find it. Go to SQU home page Click E-Learning Sign in with your username and password Click Moodle (may not show up on all screens – you may go directly to your Moodle courses) Below "My Courses" Click on "All Courses" (very small print) Scroll down to search field and type in "College of Education Research Resources". Type in Key word or password "research" and click 'Register for this course. Now you have complete access to the resources and the site will show up under "My Courses" each time to log into E-learning. All faculty, staff and graduate students may register for this Research Resource site course. The key word or password is "research" We can also use the discussion group to share research ideas, review proposals, and create research partnerships. Email me with ideas for other information to add to the site. Let me know about new conferences. The Department of Curriculum & Instruction: A department with distinction The department of Curriculum and Instruction has had many distinguished activities and achieveDr. Ali Al Shuaili Head of Curriculum & Instruction Department ments. They can be summarized in the following points: C & I is participating in a research project funded jointly by SQU and UAE University. C & I supervised the production of the television series and educational programs for training during the service of the Ministry of Education. Participating in the organization of the summer club and the accompanying technical exhibition. Participating in the project "Child-Centered Classroom" with the Seward Organizing a seminar for curriculum: – American Foundation. visions for the future - March 2009 Winning second place in the Sheikh Khalifa bin Salman bin Mohammed Publishing 25 articles in regional and Al Khalifa Contest, for scientific research in the field of childhood. international refereed periodicals. C & I received the Award of the Kukla Stilin Bush University in South Africa for women researchers less than 35 years. Department of Psychology is a Research Engine participated in a training course in statistical analysis and the SPSS package. Dr. Hilal Al Nabhani Head of Psychology Department. A group of researchers in the Department of Psychology (DOP) is about to finish a research grant sponsored by the Arab Office of Education (40,000 RO). The number of projects that members in the DOP have received support for from university funds is 23 projects totaling about 150,000 RO. The DOP has offered many workshops, the latest was this semester in which about 20 academicians from the CoE The DOP is working vehemently to submit a package of post graduate programs. Its graduate studies committee in cooperation with all members in the department is working on the following master programs: vocational counseling and guidance, research methodology and statistics, learning difficulties, special education, educational psychology and school counseling. Plans are underway for the doctorate program in educational psychology which will be offered in 2011. Early Childhood Education: a department with a new spirit The Department Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a new department in the CoE. Although new, Dr. Sameera Moosa the department Head of Early Childhood of ECE is superEducation Department vising and monitoring an important center on campus, the childhood center. The department, as any department in the CoE, has its share in the community service. Among the activities of the department is the contribution to many national committees such as the committee for the Omani woman conference, the committee of business women, in addition to its contacts with UNESCO. The department offers consultation to the community and is active on the research front. Members in the department are currently involved in a collaborative research between SQU and UAEU. Page 3 13 Four wall-portraits for the Department of Art Education Dr. Subaih Kalash "Drawing is like making an expressive gesture with the advantage of permanence". One of the most significant achievements of the Department of Art Education (DAE) has been conducting several art exhibitions over the past year. One of these exhibitions has been the one Dr. Muna Al Awadi Head of Art Education in which students Department. products were demonstrated during the ICET 54th annual conference, 2009. It is worth noting that the department has four wall portraits posted at the entrance of the CoE. The department organized the first alumni forum in March 2009 which is considered to be a pioneer step in communicating with its graduates. Dr. Hassan Abdelbaset Development of a Master program in the Department of Islamic Sciences Dr. Omar dardeari Head of Islamic Studies Department. The most important outcome of the DIS has been the development of a Masters program in Islamic sciences. The department has conducted several informative and cultural lectures and seminars to sustain the modern conception of Islamic culture and to serve the community. Such lectures and seminars are the annual seminars in Feqh Al Haj and Omrah, and other contemporary medical issues. The DIS has also conducted a series of lectures for the Omani Women’s Society. The department refereed the Quran and Sunna awards at the university as well as GCC countries. The department has played an effective role in drafting the CoE vision and mission. Department of Learning Technology celebrates its 1st cohort of students One important milestone of ILT’s achievements since its inception in 2005 is the graduation of its 1st cohort of students this year. On the academic level, ILT faculty members have conducted and published many research studies on elearning, learning objects, and visual literacy. In addition, they have presented conference papers in the Sultanate and abroad, amongst which is the recently conducted ICET 2009. In teaching, the department offers a study skills e-course as a university elective and a summer internship course along with a variety of specialized Page 2 and service courses. ILT is currently preparing to offer its M.Ed. program commencing in 2011. The department meets regularly with MOE As for HRD, ILT staff continues their HE studies. The department has recruited this year one of its graduates as a demonstrator. departments responsible for ICT to coordinate its plans, policies, courses, and programs in line with educational field requirements. ILT continues to supply its labs with the latest technology. A new multimedia lab will open in the spring semester 2010 to enable students' preparation and training with the necessary technology-enriched envi- Dr. Ali Moosawi Head of Learning & Technology Department Dean’s message: A year has passed and a new one is unfolding. The new year is a white page on which we write our dreams, expectations and plans. We write a new chapter of our life and experience. The title of this chapter, I hope, is success and scenarios to success. When we write this new chapter we can never forget the past. We should learn from what we have and have not achieved. The new chapter is expected to be much larger than any previous one. What is at stake is large and requires our determination to surpass. New programs are awaiting us to write them; new challenges are ahead of us; and new fruits are there for us to pick. Through this newsletter, I address each one of you and wish you all a fruitful and happy year. This newsletter represents one of our various periodicals and is solely dedicated to documenting our daily, weekly and monthly activities; as other periodicals, brochures, journals, and reports address other aspects of our activities and achievements. It is not confined to one aspect of our activities but covers all social, academic, cultural and even personal encounters. It is one way to tell the university and the community about us; who we are, what we are doing and where we are heading. Each department in our college has a space to list its activities and achievements. The first issue of the "Education Newsletter" is a special one. I offer my special acknowledgement to the efforts of the team who brought up the idea. This is to tell every one in the college that I welcome all new and productive ideas and assure you that they will be recognized. To those who are outside our college and read our newsletter, I do welcome you and hope you will enjoy our newsletter and appreciate what we are doing in the College of Education. We are here to serve our university and community. We wish you all the best and hope to receive your feedback on this document as well as our activities. In future issues of this newsletter, there will a space for interested individuals in the community to voice their ideas and opinions about what we do and how we do it. I extend my invitation to our alumni to participate in writing to us. We are eager to know how well we have done in preparing you and how and what you are doing with what you have learnt from us. This newsletter is meant to reach all who are concerned and interested in the education of our children. We need to know from all how we can better serve our teachers to better educate our youngsters. Dr. Thuwayba Al Barwani Dean of College of Education Departments Achievements: Department of Educational Foundations and Administration 15 Years since M.A. in Educational Administration “Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together ”. A series of efforts have been Dr. Wajeeha Al Ani Head of Educational Administration Department done by the departments of the college of Education during the past year, 2009, that will reap fruits during the current year, 2010. Such efforts should be mentioned, not only to tell you that the college appreciates any effort, but also to see together what we did, where we are, and what we have to do. The Department of Educational Foundations and Administration (DEFA) is considered one of the active departments in the College of Education at Sultan Qaboos University since its establishment in the academic year 1995/1996. The department offers various programs at the bachelor and master levels. It has been offering a master degree in Educational Administration for more than fifteen years. The number of graduates has reached (84). The varieties of disciplines and specializations of the academic staff in the department have resulted in the diversity of the activities accomplished in teaching, research and community service. The faculty members are also wellknown for their distinguished academic work, as three of them have been promoted to associate professors. Also, two members received awards in research and teaching. Dr. Salha Issan was awarded the Distinguished Researcher Award; and Dr. Wajeha Al-ani was awarded the Distinguished Teacher Award. Page 1 Education Newsletter College of Education Sultan Qaboos University January, 2010 Quarterly newsletter, covers the scientific, cultural, technical, and social issues in the College of education Inside this Newsletter: Dean’s message 1 College Depart- 1 Educational Foundations & Admini- 1 Art Education 2 Islamic Sciences 2 Learning Tech- 2 Curriculum & Instructions 3 Psychology 3 Early Childhood 3 Physical Education 4 Dean’s Office — Research & Qual- 4-5 Other Activities A-D Please register for the Conference: The Integration of LearnerCentered Approaches into PreService Teacher Training This is a one-day event being held at the Intercontinental Hotel in Muscat, Oman. The conference is free to attend, but online pre-registration is required. A limited number of slots are available for attendees. Please register early to ensure that you are able to attend. Important note: the language of the conference is English Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Location Intercontinental Hotel, Muscat Jabrin Ballroom - Lower Level Supervised & Directed by: Prof. Maher Abu Hilal Designed & Prepared by: Intisar Nasser 1 صفحت English revised by: Dr. William Schreck