May 2011 Seventh International Conference on on Science, Mathematics & Technology Education : Transforming society through Science, Mathematics and Technology: Towards creative, innovative generations VENUE: MUSCAT, OMAN, 44-7 NOVEMBER 2012 Jointly organised by the national Key Centre for School Science and Mathematics, Curtin University, Australia and College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman Following the successful conferences in Vietnam, South Africa, Canada, Thailand and most recently in Taiwan, this conference will provide another intellectually challenging and culturally enriching experience for science, mathematics and technology teachers, teacher educators, researchers, and administrators from all education levels from around the world. The conference will include keynote addresses and papers. Papers may be presented either in Arabic or English and participants will be invited to submit their presentations for consideration for inclusion in the conference proceedings. A social and sightseeing program will be organised in conjunction with the conference. If you are interested in presenting a paper, attending the following conference, or need further information, please contact either of the following Conference convenors. Professor Darrell Fisher, Key Centre for School Science & Mathematics, Curtin University of Technology, GPO Box U1987, Perth WA 6854, Australia. Tel +61 8 9266 3110, fax +61 8 9266 2503, Email: Dr. Ali Al-Shuaili, HoD Curriculum & Instructions, College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University. P.O Box 32 PC 123 Muscat, Oman. Tel +968 24141604 fax +968 24413817, Email: Inside this Newsletter Dean's message 1 Dean's Office 2 Accreditation & Publication 3 International 4 Conferences & Workshops College Activities 5 Special Events 6 Goodbye & Special Thanks 7 Distinction & Congratulations 8-9 Supervised & Directed by: Prof. Maher Abu Hilal Prepared, Translated &Designed, by: Intisar Nasser English revised by: Dr. William Schreck Page 1 "Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand." ndeed, we want all to be involved in all activities of our endeavors. In this newsletter, I‘d like to extend my gratitude to those who have worked hard to support our efforts in carrying the college forward on its journey to higher levels of performance. In the next newsletter, I hope that I will be in a position to thank an increasing number of passionate contributors who will serve in development committees or research teams that will enhance policy decisions. o the faculty, I say that your excellent teaching and research is a model for your students who are the teachers of coming generations. Each and every one of you ought to have a share in what we do. Our college is moving ahead and this is noticeable; but we want our work to be as collective and collaborative as possible. We know that faculty can make a difference and I am sure you will. o the Unknown Soldiers, the staff, let me say that your role in the success story of our college is indispensible. Your support to the development of our framework and the related activities will certainly contribute to the success of our teaching, service, and research of our faculty. Faculty and students alike will need your diligent service and contribution. o our students, I say that you are the torch bearers. Your diligence, commitment and motivation to do your best will light our way and that of our children and grandchildren. I do expect that you will take your work seriously and help us achieve our noble mission and goals. ogether we can hold the torch to light our path and that of future generations. Serious work is ahead of us and I hope to see every name on our large tree of committees. I trust that your contribution, no matter how small it is, will make a difference in the quality and efficiency required to reach our goal of achieving International Accreditation. Thank you and may God bless you all. Our Vision: to be a professional and contemporary centre of excellence that contributes to the quality of life, prosperity of society and inculcation of its values. Our Mission: to prepare distinguished graduates in teaching, counseling, and research through bachelor and post-graduate programs; and to be a centre of excellence that serves the community and fosters its values and its sustainable development on the basis of scientific research. Our Main Objectives: Prepare teachers, educational leaders, researchers, counselors, and trainers both at under— graduate and post graduate studies. Improve the profession of teaching, training, and other educational and psychological services on the basis of scientific research. Authenticate scientific research and enhance its role in solving educational and professional problems. Page 2, New Administrative Proposal to Accommodate the CoE New Developments The Administrative Director of the College of Education, Mr. Mohamed Al Gealani presented to the college a new proposal that aims at: Securing all health and safety requirements . Meeting the requirements of all CoE units and departments. Establishing new offices that enhance the increasing number of both faculty and staff. Using all the dead areas of the CoE. Replacing all old equipment and unused books . It’s worth noting that the implementation will start this year 2011, and work in parallel with the college’s preparation for accreditation, which will provide a suitable environment to meet the quality standards. T he CoE is entering a new era of research. In 2011 the college has won funds for 2 strategic research projects out of six for the whole university (33%), and 1 TRC project. In 2010 the CoE also won funds for 1 strategic research project and 3 internal grants. During this academic year there has been a significant increase in research publications and conference papers. Faculty members have published 85 journal articles, 6 books, 15 chapters in books, 70 conference publications, and 18 technical reports. Overall, the college has secured an amount of more than 300,000RO for research activities during the past 2 years. Finally, it is important to note that “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success”. This year is particularly a fruitful one. Progress and success are the distinctive features of this academic year. Team means: Together Everyone Achieves. Let’s keep on being TOGETHER to keep on our path to success. T he CoE has received an approval for establishing a Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning. The center is expected to achieve the following main objectives: Enrich the professional growth of faculty through programs services and resources that promote significant learning experiences for students. Promote and support a community of teacher-scholars where theory and practice of teaching and learning are shared. Assist faculty to develop, implement and assess a variety of learningcentered approaches and methodologies. Page 3 STEADILY AND FIRMLY, THE COE IS MARCHING TOWARD ACCREDITATION In deed, ‘teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success.’ Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. Our college has achieved success and we do work in accordance with the SQU vision. We are firmly going through the process of quality and accreditation. The COE has taken the following steps to bring accreditation into reality: The college is the second in the region that has the status of pre-candidacy from NCATE. As part of preconditions, the college is developing its conceptual framework. Various stakeholders are involved in the process: faculty members from the COE, Ministry of Education, students, and faculty members from the colleges of Arts and Science. The COE is enhancing its capacity and human resources. Three faculty members and one staff have attended conferences dealing with the process of accreditation (AACTE and NCATE). The college has plans to attend and train other faculty in the process of accreditation. The COE has started contacts with an expert in accreditation. It is planned that the addition of this expert will expedite the process. The Quality and Development Committee (QDC) has been in charge of the process. The college plans to keep the QDC monitoring the process but the process itself will be handled by a committee formed for the purpose of accreditation. fter two years of work on quality and accreditation, it is a great privilege for the chairman of the the QDC (Prof. Maher Abu Hilal) to thank all those who have been involved, the members: Prof. Hashem Kilani, Prof. Nagi Michael, Dr. Ali Kadhem, Dr. Hisham Muheeb, Dr. Humaira Al-Sulaimani, Dr. Sulaiman Belushi, Dr. Salim Ghanbousi and Mrs. Layla Al Hadhrami. Thanks are due to the Hon. Dean Thuwayba Al-Barwani and Mr. Mohammad Al-Ghilani for their support of the committee’s activities. The CoE is speeding up the process of publications to promote teaching, advisement, service and research. Faculty members, mainly those who advise students, can make use of the guide of courses in different programs. Also, faculty and staff can see themselves and assess how good their efforts are in in both publishing and service by looking into the annual report, and the college journal. The newsletter also periodically documents the activities, service and CoE research productivity. All those publications have been published on the college website Also, they are available as hard copies in the deanship office. college-education Page 4 Page 2— Issue 3–2011 forthcoming International Conferences Participation in International Conferences In the spirit of speeding up and increasing faculty productivity, several faculty members are participating in international conferences. 1. SIXTH SELF BIENNIAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, QUEBEC CITY, CANADA, 191922JUNE 2011. ( will be attended by Prof. Maher Abu Hilal). For more information go to: 2. ICET, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, JULY 1111-14, This international conference will be held in Glasgow, Scotland. The dean of the college is the president of the ICET for 2011. For more information go to:\events\ict. 2011, 3. ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY. ISTANBUL, TURKEY, be attended by Dr. Said AlDhafri) For more information go to: http:// JUNE 30 – JULY 3, 2011. 2011.(will 4. 3RD PARIS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION, ECONOMY, AND SOCIETY. PARIS, FRANCE, JULY 2020-23, 2011. (will be attended by Dr. Kashef Zayed) For more information go to: 5. SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS & TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION MUSCAT, OMAN, 4-7 NOVEMBER 2012. For more information contact: Several faculty members have attended international conferences during 2010/2011 academic year. The conferences were held in various parts of the world. They are: A) Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, January 4–7, 2011 (attended by Prof. Hashem Kilani, Dept. of P.E & Dr. Ibrahim Qaryouti, Dept. of ECE). B) The American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) in San Diego, California, Feb. 23-26, 2011 (attended by Prof. Maher Abu Hilal, Dept. of Psych.). C) The regional meeting of the National Council of American Teacher Education (NCATE) in Georgia, USA, March 19-22, 2011 (attended by Dr. Sulaiman Belushi, C & I Dept., and Dr. Salem Ghanbousi, EFA Dept.). D) The 4th International Cognitive Science Conference at Tehran University, Iran, May 10 –12, 2011 (attended by Prof. Maher Abu Hilal, Dept. of Psych.). ACTIVE PARTICIPATION IN WORKSHOPS ABROAD Three faculty members from the Dept. of C&I participated in the TAMAM Project in Lebanon, Jan., 14-16, 2011. This project is a collaboration between the American University of Beirut (AUB) and the Arab Thought Foundation to reinforce the support of top-down in order to change the bottom-up in schools systems. The participants were Dr. Abdullah Ambusaidi, Dr. Mohsen Al Salmi, and Dr. Ali Al Bulushi. he second workshop was the Education for Sustainable Development, in Lebanon between 18-20 Jan., 2011. This workshop was held as part of the UNESCO’s efforts to achieve the goals of sustainable development in education 2005-2014. The colleges of Education in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine along with the Sultanate of Oman are expected to infuse the topics and concepts of sustainable developments in some courses in the teacher preparation programs. Dr. Abdullah Ambusaidi represented the Sultanate of Oman in this workshop. Page 5 TRAINING THE STAFF TO IMPROVE QUALITY IS A COMPREHENSIVE CONTINUOUS INDEAVOUR. UALITY STUDENTS ARE MARCHING ALONG WITH FACULTY AND STAFF AND In line with this framework, the college is working on improving the capacity of its staff as well as faculty. The college has sent many faculty and staff members to attend training workshops and courses. These activities have been subsidized by the office of the Assistant Dean of Training and Community Service. The staff were sent abroad to attend the following workshops: Library and Electronic Information Services: Held in Cairo (September 2010) for 1 week ( attended by Mr. Ali Al Baddai). Preparing , Editing, and Presenting Media Programs: Held in Jordan (September 2010) for 1 week ( attended by Mrs. Salma Al Hajri). NCATE Regional Meeting: Held in Georgia, USA for 1 week (7-8 April, 2011). (attended by Dr. Sulaiman Al Bulushi, Dr. Salem Al Ghanbousi & Mrs. Layla Al Hadhrami). SPORTS DAY: Preparations are underway for the Second Educational Festival of the Educational Group. At the same the various subgroups of the Educational Group have worked diligently to achieve distinction and quality. Following is a summary of the activities of these groups: A) The Technology of Teaching and Learning Sub– group had its fourth technological gathering from April 30-May4, 2011. B) The Psychology group had its major activities during the current academic year. The Autism Gathering and workshop in sign language were conducted in April 4, 2011. The second gathering of the group took place between April 16-20, 2011. C) The Group of Sport and Society organized the sport day for the individuals with special needs in February 22, 2011. INFORMAL AND FRIENDLY DAY In a familial atmosphere, the college of Education members (faculty, staff, students and some families) participated in an entertaining day of sports and social activities. On April 12, 2011, the college members participated in the annual sports day. The sports and social activities took place in two locations: the male sports complex and the female sports complex. Regarding the male section, the members were divided into several groups and these groups competed among them in soccer, volleyball, swimming, basketball, and track. The winning team received the cup of the day which was –along with medals- handed by HH Dr. Fahad Al Said. The day was organized by the Office of the Director of Administration (Mr. Mohammad Gailani, Said Jaradi, & Salim Miqbali) together with a group of students from IT Dept. and PE Dept. The female section was organized by a group of faculty and staff ( Dr. Yusra Al Sinani, Dr. Badriya Al Hdabi, Dr. Fakhriya Al Yahyai, Mrs. Fayzeh Al Habsi, Mrs. Layla Al hadrami, and Mrs. Wafa Al Sadi) with help from the female student groups. The day ended at 9 pm with dinner. a