Degree and Study Plan College: Department: Cohort: Degree: Major: Specialization: Economics & Political Sciences Department of Accounting 2010-2016 Bachelor of Science Accounting Summary of Credits: University Requirements (UR) Foundation Program Arabic Contemporary Omani Society Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture University Electives (UE) See List A College Requirements (CR) NC 3 1 2 + 6 6 60 See list B College Electives (CE) 0 See list C Departmental Requirements (DR) 0 See list D Departmental Electives (DE) 0 See list E Major Requirements (AR) 24 See list F Major Electives (AE)1 27 See list G Specialization Requirements (SR) 0 See list H Specialization Electives (SE) 0 See list I Minor Requirements (IR) 2 18 See list J Minor Electives (IE) 0 See list J TOTAL + 123 Not Credited For reference contact: 1 HoD Date Dean’s Office Date Admission and Registration Date Students with Minor have to take only 9 Credits hours from Major Electives and 18 credit hours from Minor Requirements & Electives (See List J). 2 Only counted for students with Minor, Please see list J (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) Page 1 of 14 Department of Accounting Study Plan for 2010-2016 Cohorts Semester 2 Spring Semester 1 Fall Course Code Semester 4 Spring Cat. UR Foundation Program 0 UR Arabic 0 3 LANC1070 English for Business I 3 MATH1105 Business Mathematics 3 MNGT1515 Principles of Management 3 HIST1010 Oman & Islamic Civilization 2 University Elective(1) 2 UR FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 or FPEL0560 or FPEL604, LANC2033**, LANC2035**, LANC1113**, LANC1115**, CR LANC1117**, LANC1073**, LANC2140**, LANC2058**, LANC2160**, LANC1016** (FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 CR or FPEL0560 or FPEL604) + FPMT0103 FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 CR or FPEL0560 or FPEL604 ISLM1010** UR UE 16 ACCT1112 Introductory Financial Accounting 3 (FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 CR or FPEL0560 or FPEL604) + FPMT0101 ECON1211 Principles of Microeconomics 3 (FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 CR or FPEL0560 or FPEL604) + FPMT0101 LANC1070 or LANC2033 or LANC2035 or LANC1113, or LANC1115 or LANC1117or LANC1073 or LANC2140 or LANC2058 or LANC2160 or LANC1016 LANC1071 English for Business II 3 STAT1811 Business Statistics I 3 (FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 CR or FPEL0560 or FPEL604) + FPMT0103 University Elective(2) 2 UE Total Semester 5 Fall Pre-req./Co-req.*/Equivalent** 0 Total Introductory Management Accounting 3 ECON2221 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 LANC2070 POMG2710 English for Business III Operations Management University Elective(3) Total Principles of Finance 3 3 2 14 3 Introduction to Management Information Systems 3 INFS2412 MRKT3611 BCOM2911 MNGT2515 CR 14 ACCT2121 FINA3311 Semester 6 Spring Cr. Foundation Program Total ARAB1001 Semester 3 Fall Course Title Principles of Marketing 3 Business Communication 3 International Business 3 SOCY1001 Contemporary Omani Society 1 Total 16 (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) ACCT1112 CR (FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 CR or FPEL0560 or FPEL604)+ FPMT0101 LANC1071 CR STAT1811 CR UE ACCT2121 CR LANC2070 CR ECON1211+ECON2221 LANC2070 MNGT1515 + LANC2070 CR CR CR UR Page 2 of 14 Department of Accounting Study Plan for 2010- 2016 Cohorts Semester 8 Spring Semester 7 Fall Course Code Course Title Semester Summer Semester 9 Fall Cat. Intermediate Accounting I Intermediate Management Acct. Accounting Information Systems Major Elective 3 3 3 3 ACCT2121 ACCT2121 ACCT2121 AR AR AR AR BCOM3921 Public Speaking for Business 3 BCOM2911 CR ACCT3114 ACCT4141 Total Intermediate Accounting II Principles of Auditing 15 3 3 ACCT3113 ACCT3113 AR AR ACCTXXXX Major Elective 3 AE ACCTXXXX Major Elective 3 AE BCOM4931 ACCT4185 PRLW4181 ACCT4116 ACCT4182 MNGT4541 Semester 10 Spring Pre-req./Co-req.* /Equivalent** ACCT3113 ACCT3122 ACCT3131 ACCTXXXX Technical Writing for Business Total 3 BCOM2911 CR ACCT41711** AR BCOM3921 ACCT3114 ACCT3113 CR AR CT4 AR 116 15 Internship in Accounting 3 Total Business Law Advanced Financial Accounting Taxation Major Elective / Minor Requirement Major Elective / Minor Requirement Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 15 Strategic Management 3 Major Electives / Minor Requirement 3 Major/ Minor Elective Major/ Minor Elective 3 3 Major/ Minor Elective 3 Total 1 Cr. MNGT2515 + BCOM4931 CR 15 With Consent of the department, if ACCT4185 is unavailable, students can take ACCT4171 (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) Page 3 of 14 Department of Accounting Degree Plan for 2010- 2016 LIST A – UNIVERSITY ELECTIVES (6 Credits) General Electives are standard regular courses offered by any college in the University, which the student may freely choose to take (subject to fulfilling prerequisite requirements). Courses that students may take should not duplicate with other courses already taken. Exceptions of examples of courses that are NOT considered as general electives for CEPS students since they overlap with existing courses in the CEPS degree plans: Course Code Course Title Credits College/Dept CAMS2001 Microcomputers 3 Agriculture INFO1030 The Internet 2 Arts BCOM1950 Varieties of Public and Professional Communication 3 Commerce BCOM1960 Cross-Cultural Communication 2 Commerce ECON1050 Introduction to Economics 3 Commerce COMP1100 Personal Computer Applications in Arabic 2 Science COMP1200 Personal Computers and Software Packages 2 Science MATH1106 Pre-Calculus Mathematics 4 Science MATH1192 Mathematics for Agriculture I 4 Science MATH2193 Mathematics for Agriculture II 3 Science STAT1001 Introduction to Statistics 4 Science (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) Page 4 of 14 Department of Accounting Degree Plan for 2010- 2016 LIST B: COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS (60 Credits) Course Code Course Title Credit LANC1070 English for Business I 3 LANC1071 English for Business II 3 LANC2070 English for Business III 3 Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/ Equivalent** FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 or FPEL0560 or FPEL604, LANC2033**, LANC2035**, LANC1113**, LANC1115**, LANC1117**, LANC1073**, LANC2140**, LANC2058**, LANC2160**, LANC1016** LANC1070, LANC1070 or LANC2033 or LANC2035 or LANC1113, or LANC1115 or LANC1117or LANC1073 or LANC2140 or LANC2058 or LANC2160 or LANC1016 LANC1071 (FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 or FPEL0560 or FPEL604)+ FPMT0103 (FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 or FPEL0560 or FPEL604) + FPMT0101 MATH1105 Business Mathematics 3 ACCT1112 Introductory Financial Accounting 3 ACCT2121 PRLW4181 Introductory Management Accounting Business Law 3 3 ACCT1112 BCOM3921 BCOM2911 Business Communication 3 LANC2070 BCOM3921 Public Speaking for Business 3 BCOM2911 BCOM4931 Technical Writing for Business 3 BCOM2911 (FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 or FPEL0560 or FPEL604) + FPMT0101 (FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 or FPEL0560 or FPEL604) + FPMT0101 ECON1211 Principles of Microeconomics 3 ECON2221 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 FINA3311 Principles of Finance 3 ACCT2121 INFS2412 Introduction to Management Information Systems 3 LAN2070 MNGT1515 Principles of Management 3 FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 or FPEL0560 or FPEL604 MNGT2515 International Business 3 MNGT1515 + LANC2070 MNGT4541 Strategic Management 3 MNGT2515 + BCOM4931 MRKT3611 Principles of Marketing 3 ECON1211+ ECON2221 POMG2710 Operations Management 3 STAT1811 STAT1811 Business Statistics I 3 (FPEL0601 or FPEL0602 or FPEL0600 or FPEL0603 or FPEL0560 or FPEL604) + FPMT0103 Total (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) 60 Page 5 of 14 Department of Accounting Degree Plan for 2010-2016 LIST F: MAJOR REQUIREMENTS (24 Credits) Course Code ACCT3113 ACCT3114 ACCT3122 ACCT3131 ACCT4116 ACCT4141 ACCT4182 Course Title Intermediate Accounting I Intermediate Accounting II Intermediate Management Accounting Accounting Information Systems Advanced Financial Accounting Principles of Auditing Taxation ACCT41851 Internship in Accounting Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pre-requisite / Co-req. */ Equivalent** ACCT2121 ACCT3113 ACCT2121 ACCT2121 ACCT3114 ACCT3113 ACCT3113 3 Total ACCT4171** 24 1 If Internship in Accounting (ACCT4185) is not available during the semester; student can take the following course (3 credits): Course Code ACCT4171 Course Title Senior Project-Accounting Total Credits Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/ Equivalent** 3 ACCT4185** 3 Department of Accounting Degree Plan for 2010- 2016 LIST G1: MAJOR ELLECTIVES (27 Credits2) Course Code Course Title Credits Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** ACCT3161 ACCT4123 Financial Statement Analysis Advanced Management Accounting 3 3 ACCT3114 ACCT3122 ACCT4124 Financial and Management Control Systems 3 ACCT4142 ACCT4144 ACCT4151 ACCT4155 ACCT4161 ACCT4165 ACCT4166 Corporate Governance Advanced Auditing International Financial Reporting Accounting For Oil and Gas Industry International Accounting Accounting Theory Special Topics in Accounting 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ACCT3122 ACCT2121 ACCT4141 ACCT3113 ACCT3113 ACCT3113 ACCT3114 ACCT3113 Total 2 27 Students are allowed to have 6 credits hours as major electives from List G2 (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) Page 6 of 14 Department of Accounting Degree Plan for 2010- 2016 LIST G2: MAJOR ELLECTIVES (6 Credits) List G2: Students are allowed to select three major electives from the following list (9 Credits) Course Code ECON3223 ECON3242 ECON3261 ECON3252 ECON4232 ECON4282 ECON4235 ECON4262 ECON4281 FINA3315 FINA3322 FINA3331 FINA3341 FINA3355 FINA3361 FINA4311 FINA4352 FINA4361 INFS 3410 INFS3412 INFS3415 INFS4421 INFS4414 MNGT3512 MNGT3513 MNGT3519 MNGT3551 MNGT4531 MNGT4535 MRKT3621 MRKT4661 MRKT3634 MRKT3636 MRKT3638 MRKT4651 MRKT4655 POMG3711 POMG3713 POMG3715 POMG3725 POMG3722 POMG4723 POMG4735 POLS2904 Course Title Money and Banking International Finance Introduction to Econometrics Environmental Economics Labor Market Economics Contemporary Issues in Economics Islamic Economics Mathematical Economics Managerial Economics Personal Financial Planning Principles of Investment Risk Management and Insurance Real Estate Feasibility Study and Analysis Working Capital Management Project Finance and Evaluation Commercial Bank Management Multinational Financial Management Fundamentals of Programming in Business Web Applications Development 1 Systems Analysis and Design Business Data Communications and Networking Advance Information Systems Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Management of Non-Profit Organizations Entrepreneurship Small Business Consulting Consumer Behavior International Marketing Marketing Channels New Product Development Pricing Management Business Marketing Internet Marketing Principles of Management Science Quality Management Service Operations Management Supply Chain Management Operations Strategy Technology Management Project Planning and Control Social Media Tools (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 FINA3311 FINA3311 FINA3311 FINA3311 FINA3311 FINA3311 FINA3312 + FINA3322 FINA3311 FINA3311 INFS2412 INFS2412 INFS2412 INFS2412 INFS2412 MNGT2515 MNGT3512 MNGT1515 MNGT3512 MNGT3512 MNGT4531 MRKT3611 MRKT3611 MRKT3611 MRKT3611 MRKT3611 MRKT3611 MRKT3611 POMG2710 POMG2710 POMG2710 POMG2710 POMG2710 POMG2710 POMG2710 Will be waived by Dep Page 7 of 14 POLS4905 POLS4912 POLS4913 BCOM4933 BCOM4921 BCOM4911 BCOM4932 STAT3832 STAT3811 Foreign Policy Of Oman International Security International Political Economy Communication Networks and Diffusion Innovation Group and Team Communication Interpersonal Skills and communication Communication, Conflict and Negotiations Forecasting Methods Probability & Inferential statistic Total (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 Will be waived by Dep Will be waived by Dep Will be waived by Dep BCOM3921 BCOM3921 BCOM3921 BCOM3921 STAT1811 STAT1811 Page 8 of 14 Department of Accounting Degree Plan for 2010- 2016 LIST J: STUDENTS WITH MINORS, MAY FOLLOW BELOW LIST DEPENDING ON THEIR RELATED MINOR LIST J1: MINOR: ECONOMICS (18 CREDITS) MINOR REQUIREMENTS (9 Credits) Course Code Course Title ECON3222 Intermediate Macroeconomics ECON3212 Intermediate Microeconomics ECON4231 Economic Development Total Credits 3 3 3 Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 9 MINOR ELLECTIVES (9 Credits) Credits 3 3 3 3 Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 Economics of Oil and Natural Resources 3 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON3252 Environmental Economics 3 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON3271 ECON4224 ECON4234 ECON4235 ECON4251 ECON4262 ECON4281 ECON4282 Industrial Organization Public Finance Economics of the Gulf Cooperation Countries Islamic Economics Economic Modeling Mathematical Economics Managerial Economics Contemporary Issues in Economics ECON4284 Special Topics in Economics 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 ECON1211 + ECON2221 Course Code ECON3261 ECON3241 ECON3223 ECON3242 Course Title Introduction to Econometrics International Trade Money and Banking International Finance ECON3251 Total (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) 9 Page 9 of 14 Department of Accounting Degree Plan for 2010- 2016 LIST J2: MINOR: FINANCE (18 CREDITS) MINOR REQUIREMENTS (9 Credits) Course Code Course Title FINA3312 Intermediate Finance FINA3322 Principles of Investment FINA4351 Financial Markets and Institutions Total 3 Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** FINA3311 FINA3311 3 FINA3311 Credits 3 9 MINOR ELLECTIVES (9 Credits) Course Code Course Title Credits Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** FINA3315 Personal Financial Planning 3 FINA3311 FINA3331 Risk Management and Insurance 3 FINA3311 FINA3341 Real Estate 3 FINA3311 FINA3351 Financial Analysis and Security Valuation 3 FINA3312 + FINA3322 FINA3355 Feasibility Study and Analysis 3 FINA3311 FINA3361 Working Capital Management 3 FINA3311 FINA3371 Capital Structure and Budgeting 3 FINA3311 FINA4321 FINA4323 Financial Modeling Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management FINA4334 FINA4352 FINA4361 FINA4365 Futures and Options Commercial Bank Management Multinational Financial Management Special Topics in Finance Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 FINA3312 + FINA3322 FINA3322 FINA3312 FINA3311 FINA3311 Consent of the Department (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) Page 10 of 14 Department of Accounting Degree Plan for 2010- 2016 LIST J3: MINOR: INFORMATION SYSTEMS (18 CREDITS) MINOR REQUIREMENTS (9 Credits) Course Code Course Title INFS3410 Fundamentals of Programming in Business INFS3415 Systems Analysis and Design INFS4416 Database Management I Total Credits 3 3 3 Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** INFS 2412 INFS2412 INFS2412 9 MINOR ELLECTIVES (9 Credits) Course Code Course Title Credits Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** INFS3412 Web Applications Development I 3 INFS3410 INFS3419 Business Software Development I 3 INFS3410 INFS4321 Human-Computer Interaction 3 INFS2412 INFS4344 Health Informatics 3 INFS4416 INFS4414 Advance Information Systems 3 INFS 2412 INFS4417 Electronic Business Strategy, Architecture & Design 3 INFS3412 INFS4418 Business Software Development II 3 INFS3419 INFS4419 Database Management II 3 INFS4416 INFS4421 Business Data Communications and Networking 3 INFS 2412 INFS4422 INFS4425 INFS4432 INFS4441 INFS4444 INFS4451 INFS4461 INFS4462 INFS4463 INFS4466 INFS4473 INFS4481 INFS4491 INFS4492 INFS4493 Java Programming in Business Applications Information Systems Security Web Applications Development II Decision Support Systems Information Systems Outsourcing 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 INFS3410 INFS 4421 INFS3412 INFS3410 INFS2412 INFS2412 INFS2412 INFS3412 INFS2412 INFS3415 Approval of the Instructor Consent of the Department Knowledge Based Information Systems Strategic Information Systems Electronic Commerce Technology E-government Development and Dissemination Systems Quality Assurance Independent Study Special Topics in Information Systems Wireless Internet & Mobile Business Information Systems Project Management Information Systems Audit and Control Total (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) INFS4421 INFS3415 INFS4421 Page 11 of 14 Department of Accounting Degree Plan for 2010- 2016 LIST J4: MINOR: MANAGEMENT (18 CREDITS) MINOR REQUIREMENTS (9 Credits) MNGT3512 Organizational Behavior 3 MNGT3513 Human Resource Management 3 Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** MNGT2515 MNGT2515 MNGT4531 Entrepreneurship 3 MNGT2515 Course Code Course Title Total Credits 9 MINOR ELECTIVES (9 Credits) Course Course Title Code Research Methods in Organization MNGT3515 MNGT3517 MNGT3518 MNGT3519 MNGT3520 MNGT3521 MNGT3525 Organization Design Fundamentals of Family Business Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Management in the Arabian Gulf: Case Studies International Management Community Reinvestment MNGT3551 Management of Non-Profit Organizations MNGT3555 Leadership in Organization MNGT3556 MNGT3557 MNGT3558 MNGT3559 MNGT3561 MNGT4517 MNGT4544 MNGT4519 MNGT4533 MNGT4535 MNGT4542 Organizational Training and Development Compensation and Performance Management Team Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship Staffing the Organization Organizational Development & Change Seminar in Management-Special Topics /Readings Management of Change and Innovation Small Business Management Small Business Consulting Managerial Decision Making Total (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** MNGT3512 MNGT1515 MNGT1515 MNGT1515 MNGT2515 MNGT2515 MNGT1515 3 MNGT1515 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MNGT3512 MNGT3513 MNGT3513 MNGT3512 MNGT4531 or MNGT4533 MNGT3513 MNGT3512 MNGT1515 MNGT3514 MNGT2515 MNGT4531 or MNGT4533 MNGT3512 9 Page 12 of 14 Department of Accounting Degree Plan for 2010- 2016 LIST J5: MINOR: MARKETING (18 CREDITS) MINOR REQUIREMENTS (9 Credits) Course Code Course Title Credits MRKT3621 Consumer Behavior 3 MRKT3633 Advertising and Promotion Marketing Research 3 3 MRKT4641 Total Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** MRKT3611 MRKT3611 MRKT3611 9 MINOR ELECTIVES (9 Credits) Course Code Course Title Credits Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** MRKT3631 Marketing Management 3 MRKT3611 MRKT3632 Retail Management 3 MRKT3611 MRKT3634 Marketing Channels 3 MRKT3611 MRKT3635 Sales Management 3 MRKT3611 MRKT3636 New Product Development 3 MRKT3611 MRKT3637 Relationship Marketing 3 MRKT3611 MRKT3638 Pricing Management 3 MRKT3611 MRKT4642 Customer relationship Management 3 MRKT3611 MRKT4651 Business Marketing 3 MRKT3611 MRKT4652 Marketing of Services 3 MRKT3611 MRKT4653 Special Topics in Marketing 3 MRKT3611 MRKT4654 Business Ethics Internet Marketing Social Marketing Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations International Marketing 3 3 3 3 3 MRKT3611 MRKT3611 MRKT3611 MRKT3611 MRKT3611 MRKT4655 MRKT4656 MRKT4657 MRKT4661 Total (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) 9 Page 13 of 14 Department of Accounting Degree Plan for 2010- 2016 LIST J6: MINOR: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT( 18 CREDITS) MINOR REQUIREMENTS (9 Credits) Course Code Course Title POMG3711 Introduction to Management Science POMG3713 Quality Management POMG3715 Service Operations Management Total 3 Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** POMG2710 POMG2710 3 POMG2710 Credits 3 9 LIST K: MINOR ELECTIVES (9 Credits) Course Code POMG3726 POMG3718 POMG3719 POMG3720 POMG3722 POMG3725 STAT3822 STAT3823 Course Title Inventory Management Logistics Management Enterprise Resource Planning Purchasing Management Operations Strategy Supply Chain Management Stochastic Models for Business Decisions Statistical Quality Control Total (Last Updated: 3rd March 2016/ New Format: 2010- 2016) Credits Pre-requisite / Co-req.*/Equivalent** 3 POMG2710 POMG3726 + POMG3725 POMG2710 POMG3725 POMG2710 POMG2710 STAT1811 STAT1811 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 Page 14 of 14