PEDL Research Workshop Scarman House, University of Warwick Tuesday 10

PEDL Research Workshop
10th – 11th December 2013
Scarman House, University of Warwick
Tuesday 10th December
12.00 – 13.00
- Introduction (Chris Woodruff, Warwick and CEPR)
- Partition of participants into their assigned groups:
Group members will divide out their allotted presentation time amongst their
respective projects. (Please note that we expect more advanced projects to be
granted more time to present.)
13.00 – 14.00
14.00 – 15.45
Group 1 (“Large firms”) presentations:
- Lorenzo Casaburi (Stanford University)
- Yuhei Miyauchi (MIT)
- Tarek Ghani (Berkeley Haas School of Business)
- Samuel Mhlanga (University of Swaziland)
- Mamello Nchake (University of Cape Town)
15.45 – 16.15
Coffee Break
16.15 – 17.45
Group 2 (“Micro enterprises”) presentations:
- Stephen Anderson-McDonald (LBS)
- Natalia Rigol (MIT) / Reshma Hussan (MIT)
- Magda Hassan (Cambridge Judge Business School)
- Douzounet Mallaye (University of Yaounde II) / Urbain Yogo (CERDI, France)
Wednesday 11th December
9.00 – 10.45
Group 3 (“Political Economy / Government policy”) presentations:
- Bruno Caprettini (UPF)
- Dale Mudenda (University of Cape Town)
- Denis Akouwerabou (CEDRES, University of Ouaga II)
- Lauren Young (Columbia University)
- Raul Sanchez de la Sierra (Columbia University)
10.45 – 11.15
Coffee Break
11.15 – 13.00
Group 4 (“Building new datasets on private entreprise development”) presentations:
- Saw Wah (RAND)
- Mari Tanaka (Stanford University)
- Renata Lemos (Cambridge University)
- Meredith Startz (Yale University)
- Shiva Adhikari (Tribhuvan University, Nepal)
13.00 – 14.15
14.15 – 16.15
Group 5 (“Market Institutions”) presentations:
- Morgan Hardy (Brown University) / Jamie McCasland (UC Berkeley)
- Shelby Grossman (Harvard University)
- Rebecca Namatovu / Samuel Dawa (both Makarere Business School, Kampala)
- Lauren Falcao (UC Berkeley)
- Simon Galle (UC Berkeley)
- AKM Shahidullah (University of Manitoba)