EUSPRING EUSPRING TUNIS WORKSHOP Université El Manar 1, Campus universitaire Farhat Hached, Tunis th 19 February 2016 Honorating the memory of Giulio Regeni Italian PhD student, tortured and murdered in Cairo while studying Egyptian trade unions Seminar on State-Societies relations and socioeconomic rights in North Africa since 2011: increasing divergences? The current workshop focuses on the relations between State and Society in three North African countries (Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt) in their many different underpinnings, addressing some vital questions: Have 2011 socio-economic rights’ demands been met? Which are the government policies putin place to meet the major citizens’ grievances voiced? Are we witnessing a broadening of the middle-class and the extension of a minimum of welfare to underprivileged groups? Is a partial redistribution of national resources underway? The scope is to reflect on the interaction between the degree of advancement of socio-economic rights and the real level of citizens' empowerment, which means also the ability for citizens to take an active role in defining major social policies, funneling public resources and investments and influencing the public debate. The aim shall be to assess empirically whether the democratic potential enshrined in the new constitutional texts is translating itself in a real improvement in governance or whether we assisted only to promises of reform or the adoption of cosmetic measures, failing to address the urgent need for a wealth redistribution across these countries. EUSPRING 9 - 9.30 INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Prof. Ruth Hanau Santini Università L’Orientale, Naples 9.30-11.30 PANEL 1 STATE-SOCIETY RELATIONS IN NORTH AFRICA: WHAT IS NEW? 9.30-11.30 Chair: Prof. Mohamed Kerrou Université Tunis El-Manar Prof. Hamadi Redissi, Shall Tunisia Succeed in Becoming a Strong Democratic State? Observatoire Tunisien de la transition démocratique, Tunis Dr. Mohamed el-Agaty, The social contract in Egypt: any change after the Arab Spring Executive Director of the Arab Forum for Alternatives Prof. Maati Monjib, Essor et déclin du Printemps arabe au Maroc: L'Etat et la société face à face. Université Mohammed V, Rabat 11.30-11.45 COFFE BREAK 11.45- 13.30 PANEL 2 FIGHTING FOR ECONOMIC RIGHTS IN TUNISIA, MOROCCO AND EGYPT Chair: Prof. Zouhour Kourda Université Tunis El Manar Dr. Asma Nouira, Les droits socio-economiques dans la Constitution tunisienne de 2014 Faculté de droit et des sciences politiques de Tunis. Prof. Hafidha Chékir, Un bilan des droits socio-economiques des femmes en Tunisie Faculté de droit et des sciences politiques de Tunis. Dr. Dina Mansour, The Socioeconomics of Exclusion: Re-questioning Citizenship in relation to Social Justice in Egypt Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB) Dr. Claudia De Martino, Droits socio-économiques au Maroc depuis 2011 Università L’Orientale, Naples 13.30-14 CONCLUDING REMARKS Prof. Ruth Hanau Santini, Università L’Orientale, Naples EUSPRING