Making a difference Impact and its challenges


Making a difference

Impact and its challenges

Three strategies

1 – The scholar. ‘Filling gaps in the literature’; developing methods; new case studies; academic seminars and conferences; communing with likeminded scholars; academic publishing

3 – The Influencer. Changing minds. Changing policy.

Agency insider. Generating and influencing audiences.

Inveterate networker

2. The engager. Locates the interested. Meets them, talks to them. Builds relationships. Perhaps organises workshops or other events. Offers to attend outside agency meetings and events. Sends reports and articles out to potentially interested parties.


0 All the models are good

0 Leap from 1 to 3 is very rare

0 Move from (1 and) 2 to 3 more feasible, greater potential

0 Model 1 is the necessary base

0 Focus on 1, and in time 2?

0 3 can only effectively evolve from 2?







What is impact?

Research Councils UK (RCUK) defines research impact as

'the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy'.

When we make investment decisions, we do not expect you to be able to predict the impact of your research. However, by considering impact from the outset, we expect you to: explore who could potentially benefit from your work look at how you can increase the chances of potential beneficiaries benefiting from your work.


0 REF impact

0 The Research Excellence Framework. Impact was defined as ‘an effect on, change or benefit to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life, beyond academia’.
