Architectural Patterns Support Lecture

Support Lecture
Architectural Patterns
Software Architecture
Architecture is OVERLOADED
System architecture
Application architecture
Architecture for this presentation is
The modules, processes, interconnections, and
protocols which constitute the deployed software
Different from the behavioral architecture which
describes how the business classes execute the
business processes.
Architecture Specification
Document which defines in text and
diagrams the design, flow and technologies
of the design.
Shows how persistence, communication,
and behavior are to be implemented in the
Architectural Layers - Patterns
• Presentation
• interactions with the user – HTML, thick client, MVC, web
• Domain (Logic)
• Business rules, validations, calculations, verifications
• Data Storage
• database
• Environmental
• Session management, messaging
Presentation Architectural Patterns
No Client
Thick Client (rich client)
Thin Client
interactions with the user
Presentation Architectural Patterns
Model View Controller
Application Controller
Input Controller
Page Controller
Front Controller
View Controller
Template View
Transform View
Two Step View
Model View Controller
Model – Domain object
View – Presentation object
Controller – Controller
object to handle user
Separation of Presentation (View/Controller) from Domain (Model)
Separation of View and Controller
Application Controller
Input Controller
Domain Layer
Controller –
determines which
type of input is
needed or which
A centralized point for handling screen navigation and flow of an
Application Controller
Application Controller
A single point of control to change
program flow and navigation
May be in mediating layer between
the presentation and the domain
May be reusable across various
Testable outside the UI framework.
Front Controller
Page Controller
Front vs Page Controller
Front Controller
Single point for adding behavior
Can add behavior dynamically
(filter pattern)
Use with more complex
Page Controller
Simple - Input controller per page
Don’t put controller logic into
scriplets – use separate classes
More prone to duplicate code
with this controller
Template View
Transform View
Data Storage
Need mechanisms to allow RDBMS to
communicate in the OO world.
With OO databases none of these patterns
Useful even if non-OO language wants to
communicate with RDBMS to make the DB
flexible to change in type and to make the
data representation protected.
Data Storage Patterns
Table Data Gateway
Row Data Gateway
Active Record
Data Mapper
Structural Patterns
Foreign Key Mapping, Identify Field
Association, Table Mapping, Single Table
Table Data Gateway
Row Data Gateway
Row Data Gateway (2)
Active Record
Data Mapper
Distribution Patterns
Remote Façade
Data Transfer Object
Remote Facade
Data Transfer Object
No one patterns is an end all
Patterns are mechanisms to help decompose
applications into reusable, maintainable,
The layers of development help to define the
needed patterns
No pattern is always correct -- fit the