Welcome to Florida State University's Computer Science Department

Welcome to Florida State University's Computer Science Department
CIS4930: Software Engineering II – Design and Implementation
This course is offered as a preliminary offering of the second course for a new two course
series in software engineering. This two project intensive course series takes the place of
COP3331 and CEN4010. The first course, taught as CIS4930 in the Fall 07 semester,
defined the requirements engineering activities, the unified process for software
development and project management activities needed for a project. This course which
is the second course covers software design, implementation, and operational
maintenance of software systems. Additionally in this course a 2 week review is covered
for students who might have taken the course previously at a different university or have
had the first course long before this date. It serves to sufficiently catch up students in a
level playing field.
The prerequisite for this course is COP4530. If you have not had COP4530, you will be
administratively dropped from this course. There is NOTHING I can do about this. The
problem is that it may not happen during the first few weeks so you will be left without a
full schedule. So please don’t test the system. You will not be allowed to take this
course WITHOUT cop4530. Contact the academic advisor Betty Stanton at
stanton@cs.fsu.edu for any problems in this regard. She is the ONLY person who can
give any special permissions.
Also beware, if you are trying to count this course as an elective, it will ONLY count IF
AND ONLY IF you have not had CEN4010.
The exams are designed to evaluate the student’s comprehension of material rather than just
memorization. Questions may include multiple choice, true false, essay, and deliverable
composition. On exams, you will be responsible for all of the assigned readings, the quiz study
guide questions, (including those not actually on the generated quizzes), and the deliverable
composition. .
The best way to learn and understand system analysis is for the students to actually analyze
systems. As such, students will individually do a few homework projects but will be mainly doing
a continuation of the group project started in the previous semester. If you did not have the
course in the previous semester, a SRS is included to allow you to view the deliverables produced
in that semester. This is as if another company or person did the SRS and you have the
implementation contract.
The groups will consist of 3 to 5 students in most cases. If you do not form your own groups, I
will select the groups with input from you. For the group work, group evaluations will also be
performed in which students confidentially evaluate their group members. Based on the
evaluations, all students in the group may not receive the same grade.
One presentations are required during this course. For online students, you will put together this
presentation in powerpoint WITH notes for what you planned to say. An audio file may be
attached to each slide with voices attached. Each person should have at least one slide with
You will be given an environment for this course. You can install it on your computer so you can
easily work at home. It will include an IDE, Database Software, and GUI… Good Luck.
Read the assigned chapter at least once prior to the lecture. Download the PowerPoint slides
from the BlackBoard site and use them to take notes on. You may want to print out the slides
from PowerPoint. There are NOTES in the powerpoint lectures. Make sure you read the notes.
Read the chapter a second time after lecture and go over the notes. Work on the projects
diligently. I select the specifics of the project to complement the important aspects of the
textbook. Thus having a good grasp on the project material will assist you when taking an exam.
If you have questions about the class material, review questions, or the project, post them on
Blackboard for others may have the same questions.
Your main sources of information for this course are the weekly notes and the course calendar.
The calendar appears in the announcement section each time you log on to the course. It can
change if the schedule for the course changes so make sure you always use the one on the web
site not an older printed version.
Instructions on reading the Calendar
TOP of CALENDAR At the top of the calendar there are the following items:
CAMPUS CALENDAR - links to activities and dates on campus.
CENSWE2 – should link to the department description of the course but
That description is not yet up.
Course Syllabus - Links to the syllabus for the course.
Dr. Sara Stoecklin - Links to Dr. Stoecklin's homepage
Schedule - Links to Dr. Stoecklin's schedule for the semester.
Email - Links to email Dr. Stoecklin directly.
CALENDAR TABLE In the table portion of the calendar there is the following items:
WEEK - defines the week of the semester with the corresponding dates.
READINGS/ASSIGNMENTS – The readings you are responsible for that week.
The readings include the chapters from the book and support lectures given in
powerpoint. Make sure you read the notes included in the notes section of the
powerpoint slides.The assignments section provides a link to the assignments.
Assignments are due on Tuesday at midnight of the corresponding week dates.
DUE - The due assignments are listed here.
You have embarked on a career in computing that should serve you well.
We are glad you are here.