RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files The RAND Enhanced Flat Files were developed as a first step towards facilitating the use of Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old (AHEAD) data in empirical analysis. The Flat Files are developed with funding from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) by the RAND Center for the Study of Aging. With guidance and support from the Social Security Administration and further funding from NIA, the Center has developed the RAND HRS Data, a separate file containing a broad range of derived variables. The development of this additional data set begins with the RAND Enhanced Flat Files. A typical analysis would probably use some "off the shelf" variables from the RAND HRS Data, with variables specific to the analysis derived using the Flat Files. For more information on the RAND HRS Data and for information on downloading this data set or the Flat Files, please see RAND Center for the Study of Aging's Data Products web page. This document describes the RAND Enhanced Flat Files, with details for AHEAD 1993 and AHEAD 1995, also known as AHEAD Waves 1 and 2. [Note that on the RAND HRS Data, AHEAD 1993 derived variables are assigned to Wave 2 and 1995 derived variables are assigned to Wave 3.] ● ● ● What makes these files different from the Public Release HRS/AHEAD Data? Specific Changes and Additions to the Public Release Data Downloading the SAS data sets What makes these files different from the Public Release HRS/AHEAD Data? The HRS and AHEAD surveys collect a considerable amount of information about elderly and very elderly households, and utilizes a complicated questionnaire structure to minimize the burden on any single respondent within the household. For example, the respondent who answered the household finance module may not be the same person who answered the module on children and other household members. (For more information, see: Who answered which questions?) This format complicates the way the data is structured upon its public release. For instance, since only one person in a couple file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdidx.html (1 of 4)12/22/2003 8:25:33 AM RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files household provides financial and family information, the raw HRS data provides these data at the household level, but many analyses use respondent level observations. We have created public use files which simplify this data structure in a number of ways. We reorganized the data so that each observation represents one individual, and we merged the appropriate information from the various modules to each observation. Thus, household level information is present for each individual respondent. Similarly, certain individual-level information was collected by asking one household member to answer about another. For example, the financial respondent provides earnings information about himself or herself, and about his or her spouse. We reassigned this data to "self" and "spouse/partner" variables for both respondents to clarify to whom the information applies. Finally, we make the files easy to merge across waves and with the RAND HRS Data, and applied consistent variable naming conventions across waves that reflect those already used by the HRS/ AHEAD. Generally variables begin with the following letters: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● "V" in HRS 1992 (HRS Wave 1) "W" (some begin with "C") in HRS 1994 (HRS Wave 2) "E" in HRS 1996 (HRS Wave 3) "B" in AHEAD 1993 (AHEAD Wave 1), except for ISR-derived variables OR "V" (some begin with "B") in AHEAD 1993, except for ISR-derived variables "D" in AHEAD 1995 (AHEAD Wave 2) "F" in HRS 1998 "G" in HRS 2000 Note that beginning in HRS 1998 the AHEAD and HRS studies are combined. Note also that in AHEAD 1993 data we offer the variables named in two ways: one with variables that begin with the letter "V" as they are in the public release data set, and one with variables that begin with the letter "B", so as to distinguish them from HRS 1992 variables. The file with variable names beginning with "V" is a93f2a_v; the file with variable names beginning with "B" is a93f2a. If you plan to merge HRS and AHEAD data together, you should use the a93f2a file. Otherwise, you can choose either file, depending on your preference. Beginning with AHEAD 1995 and HRS 1996, the public use data have been distributed by ISR with variables starting with "D" and "E", respectively. The data can be downloaded as SAS data sets, one per HRS or AHEAD Wave, with one observation for each responding individual in the wave. AHEAD 1993 and 1995 include most of the public release data. "Other Person" files containing data on children, siblings, household members, helpers, and parents, with observations for each other person, are distributed by ISR but have not yet been included in the file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdidx.html (2 of 4)12/22/2003 8:25:33 AM RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files RAND Enhanced Flat Files. Please note also that if you plan to merge AHEAD data with the HRS/AHEAD overlap cases which also responded to HRS 1992, that there are two versions of the HRS 1992 data which have slightly different respondent identifiers. One uses the identifier provided in the raw 1992 data for all cases and the other identifies HRS/AHEAD overlap cases by their AHEAD IDs, which make it easier to merge with AHEAD and other files, including the RAND HRS Data. Please see HRS/AHEAD Overlap Cases for more details. Specific Changes and Additions to the Public Release AHEAD 1993 and 1995 Data. AHEAD Data Sets Type of Change / Addition AHEAD 1995 (Version 1) AHEAD 1993 (Version 2.10) (does not include exit interviews, resp and hhold data only other person or helper (does not include other person or information) helper information) Generally helpful variables In a93f2a_v and a93f2a In a95f1a Assignment of financial variables to "self" and "spouse" In a93f2a_v and a93f2a variables for the individual In a95f1a Adding Spouse/Partner Variables In a93f2a_v and a93f2a In a95f1a Notes on Skip Patterns and Problems For a93f2a_v and a93f2a In a95f1a Assignment of Family variables to "self" and "spouse" variables not applicable for the individual In a95f1a RAND Imputations for Income and Assets Not available yet Kids, other household members, and Helper data Not incorporated yet Not incorporated yet Exit Interview Data not applicable possible future development Please forward any questions, comments, or suggestions for current or future development to Patricia St. Clair, stclair@rand.org. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdidx.html (3 of 4)12/22/2003 8:25:33 AM RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files About downloading these files The RAND Enhanced Flat Files data currently incorporate the following versions of data: ● ● ● Tracker File, Version 1 AHEAD 1993, part of the Second full public release AHEAD 1995, public release Version 1 The RAND site adds to the information and data available on the HRS/AHEAD web site, but does not replace it. Because we are a third party distributor of these data, you must register with HRS/AHEAD before using these SAS data sets. In this way you can receive user support and information concerning the public release data from HRS and AHEAD directly. **** RESTRICTED DATA USERS, PLEASE NOTE: If you are using any HRS/AHEAD restricted data, such as SSA data, you should check as to whether you may or may not merge them with the RAND versions of these datasets. If you intend to use the RAND datasets with restricted data please contact Cathy Leibowitz at ISR before doing so. Restricted data users are reminded that HRS/AHEAD must be informed of any data files used in conjunction with restricted data. And you will want to go to the HRS/AHEAD Data web page to download the questionnaires and public release data from the HRS/AHEAD web site. The public release data includes the data description and codebooks necessary to use these files. The SAS data sets available can replace the raw data and SAS programs included in the public release data, but do not include this important documentation. The RAND HRS Data file can be downloaded from the HRS/AHEAD Data page as well. You'll find documentation only on the HRS/AHEAD Documentation page. If you work with data longitudinally you will find the HRS/AHEAD Concordance file useful. It will help you find variables from different waves that measure the same concepts. The Concordance file is also available from the HRS/AHEAD Documentation page. Send questions or comments to Patricia St.Clair file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdidx.html (4 of 4)12/22/2003 8:25:33 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables AHEAD: Generally Helpful Variables, Original and Derived These are variables that help you figure out general response status of the household or respondent, e.g., whether this is a 2-respondent household and if this respondent is the Financial or Family Respondent. In addition we've brought over spouse/partner characteristics such as HHIDPN, race, birth date, and interview status. We also added some variables from the Tracker File (Version 1.00, track010) to these SAS data sets. Some of the variables from the Tracker file, such as gender, are not specific to any HRS or AHEAD wave. Others, such as whether R is the financial respondent, are wave-specific. Most are also on the AHEAD Public Release Data, and we've compared them to the Tracker File variables. If there are any differences they are noted in the table below. With AHEAD 1995 we added preloaded variables that were used when the Financial Respondent answered questions for the household. For example, we've added the FinR's preloaded D152, whether R received Social Security Income in 1993, and FinR's preloaded entry point (low, medium, high) into asset bracket questions. See derived variables about the financial respondent. In AHEAD 1993, nursing home residents were not supposed to be interviewed, but in 1995, they could be. We've added a variable that indicates whether R is living in a nursing home, and if married, whether R's spouse is. See derived variables about respondents and spouses. Please refer to the Tracker file documentation (track010.txt) for variable codes and descriptions. ● ● ● ● ● Variables from Tracker file: not wave-specific Variables from Tracker file: wave-specific General Variables derived or already on AHEAD files ❍ Respondent variables ❍ Family Respondent variables ❍ Financial Respondent variables ❍ Spouse/Partner variables ❍ Deceased Spouse/Partner variables (1995 only) ❍ Other Notes on 1993 data Notes on 1995 data From Tracker file: not wave-specific file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (1 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables Description Variable Name in a93f2a_v, a93f2a, and a95f1a Analogous Variable in a93f2a_v from 1993 public release data Analogous Variable in a93f2a from 1993 public release data Analogous Variable in a95f1a from 1995 public release data From Tracker file: not wave-specific Household ID: Numeric HHID ---- ---- ---- Household ID: Character HHIDC ---- ---- ---- Household ID + Person Number: Numeric HHIDPN ---- ---- ---- Household ID + Person Number: Character HHIDPNC ---- ---- ---- Person Number: Numeric PN ---- ---- ---- Person Number: Character PNC ---- ---- ---- HRS Overlap ID information OVHHIDPN, OVHHID, ---OVPN, OVRESULT ---- ---- HRS Overlap ID Flag (derived from OVHHIDPN) INOVRLAP (=1 if HRS ---overlap case) ---- ---- Old AHEAD Household ID: Numeric OLDHHID ---- ---- ---- file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (2 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables Gender GENDER D210, D374 derived DGENFLAG>0 if any difference SEX SEX derived derived in GENDER, 93 BGENFLAG=1 BGENFLAG=1 SEX, D210 or if Tracker file if Tracker file D374 GENDER not GENDER not derived the same as SEX the same as SEX GEND_R: selects gender using DGENFLAG Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic Flag RACE1 0=Not Hisp 1=Hisp V140 1=Hisp 5=Not Hisp B140 1=Hisp 5=Not Hisp D664 1=Hisp 5=Not Hisp Race/Ethnicity: Other Type RACE2 1=White 2=Black 7=Other V143 1=White 2=Black 3=Other B143 1=White 2=Black 3=Other D667M 1=White 2=Black 7=Other 8=DK Birthdate: Month BIRTHMO ---- ---- D636 Birthdate: Year BIRTHYR V114, AGE (2 cases with discrepancies) B114, AGE (2 cases with discrepancies) D373, D638 (21 cases with any discrepancy) Age Eligibility ELIGIBLE ---- ---- ---- Alive or Deceased Summary Flag ALIVE ** Files have only living respondents ** National Death Index information NDIALIVE, NDIYEAR, NDISCORE ** Files have only living respondents ** First Interview: Study Year FIRSTIW ---- ---- ---- Study Membership STUDY ---- ---- ---- From Tracker File: wave-specific file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (3 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables Analogous AHEAD 1993 Variable in in a93f2a_v, a93f2a_v Description a93f2a, and from 1993 1995 file public release a95f1a data Analogous Analogous Variable in Variable in a95f1a AHEAD 1995 a93f2a from 1995 in a95f1a from 1993 public public release data release data From Tracker File: wave-specific (on a93f2a, a93f2a_v, or a95f1a) Beginning of Interview: Month BIVIEWMO V359 B359 DIVIEWMO D398 Beginning of Interview: Year BIVIEWYR V361 B361 DIVIEWYR D397 Mode of Interview BMODEIW MODE MODE --- --- B105 (=1,3) Please see FinR and FamR discrepancies DFAMR01 0 = Not Fam Resp 1 = Family Resp _DFAMR01 (original Tracker file value if changed) DFAMR 1 = Family Resp 5 = Not Family Resp Family Respondent BFAMR V105 (=1,3) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (4 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables Financial Respondent Marital Status BFINR BMARSTAT 05=Widow 06=Never marr 11=Marr,sp present 12=Marr,sp absent 13=Live w/ partner 14=Div/Sep Please see FinR and FamR discrepancies DFINR01 0 = Not Fin Resp 1 = Financial Resp _DFINR01 (original Tracker file value if changed) DFINR 1 = Financial Resp 5 = Not Fin Resp TYPE (=3,4) TYPE (=3,4) V150 1=Marr,sp present 2=Marr,sp absent 3=Live w/ partner 4=Div/Sep 5=Widow 6=Never marr D256, D674 not available 0=Exit proxy bef IW w/ derived surviving DMSTATR spouse 1=Marr,sp 1=Marr,sp present B150 present 2=Marr,sp 1=Marr,sp 2=Marr,sp abs-Nhm present abs-Nhm 3=Live w/ 2=Marr,sp 3=Live w/ partner absent partner 4=Div/Sep 3=Live w/ 4=Div/Sep 5=Widow partner 6=Never marr 5=Widow 4=Div/Sep 6=Never marr 7=Marr,sp 5=Widow 7=Marr,sp abs not in 6=Never marr Nhm abs not in Nhm Please see Marital Please see Marital Status discrepancies Status discrepancies file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (5 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables Partner/ Spouse Person Number BPPN (only if SP/P responded) BP_PN BSPN (includes nonresponding SP/P) BSPN not available derived DP_PN (includes non- DPN_SP responding SP/P) *** No new spouses 1993 not available, derived DNEWSP 0=Not a new spouse 1=New spouse PROXY 1=Self 2=proxy PROXY 1=Self 2=proxy DPROXY 0=Not proxy 1=Proxy Please see Proxy variables D218 1=Not proxy 2=Spouse proxy 3=Non-sp proxy V1934 B1934 DPROXYR, _DPROXYR Please seeProxy variables D557 Proxy: Reason BPROXYY 3=Refusal 6=Ill 7=Language PTYPE 1=Ill 2=Refusal 3=Language PTYPE 1=Ill 2=Refusal 3=Language ** Not available ** DPROXYY is on Tracker file but seems to actually be DPROXY. Dropped DPROXYY HouseholdLevel Weight ---- WTHHPOP, WTHHPOP, WTHHNORM WTHHNORM New Spouse BNEWSP Flag Proxy Flag BPROXY 0=not proxy 1=proxy Proxy: Relationship BPROXYR to R RespondentLevel BRWGT Weight WTRPOP (WTRNORM is normalized version) WTRPOP (WTRNORM is normalized version) ** Not available ** ** Not available ** file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (6 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables BSUBHH (All are zero) ** Dropped DSUBHH from Tracker File. It conflicted with public release version DSUBHH ** Not on file ** ** Dropped DSUBHH from Tracker File. It conflicted with public release version DSUBHHC DCASE ---- DSTATUS Only respondents Detailed BRESCODE Result Code *** Only respondents are in these files (1=Complete and 5=partial interviews) DRESCODE Only respondents (1=Complete and 5=partial interviews) Alive or Deceased Flag *** All Alive 1993 DALIVE *** All Alive SubHousehold Identifier: Numeric BSUBHH SubHousehold Identifier: Character Case Identifier BCASE ---- Interview Status BSTATUS *** Only respondents are in these files BALIVE ---- Derived or already on AHEAD files These variables were either already available in the AHEAD data (marked by '*' in table below) or were derived in the process of creating the RAND version of the AHEAD SAS data set. On the AHEAD 1993 data set with variables beginning with "V", some variables derived from Tracker file data begin with "B". Description AHEAD 1993, "V" variables (on a93f2a_v) AHEAD 1993, "B" variables (on a93f2a) AHEAD 1995, "D" variables (on a95f1a) Respondent Information file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (7 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables Coversheet Respondent --- * DCSR: Whether Cover sheet respondent (1=yes, 5=no) * DPN_CS: Person Number of cover sheet R (char) * DPN_NCS: Person Number of non-cover sheet R (char) --- DPRVIW: Whether had previous interview (" "=no, "B"=Ahd 93) DPRVIWMO: Month of previous interview DPRVIWYR: Year of previous interview --- DNHM, =0 not in Nhm, =1 living in Nhm Derived from D240 and spouse's D240, D241 and D246. See Nursing Home Residence for details. Previous Wave Interview Whether R is in a Nursing Home Description AHEAD 1993, "V" variables (on a93f2a_v) AHEAD 1993, "B" variables (on a93f2a) AHEAD 1995, "D" variables (on a95f1a) Family Respondent (see also BFAMR, DFAMR) Any Family Resp for HHold DANYFAMR --- ● ● HHIDPN of Fam Resp --- 0=No FamR 1=1 FamR DFAM_RHP (num) DFAMRHPC (char) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (8 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables DXMOD_DH: Any data in Section D_H Any nonmissing data in Section D_H (Family Structure) ● ● --● 0=FamR and some nonmissing data 1=No FamR (and no non-missing data) 9=FamR, but no nonmissing data There are 8 cases with no FamR and 18 cases with FamR but no data in Section D_H. Description AHEAD 1993, "V" variables (on a93f2a_v) AHEAD 1993, "B" variables (on a93f2a) AHEAD 1995, "D" variables (on a95f1a) Financial Respondent (see also BFINR, DFINR) Any Financial Resp for HHold DANYFINR BANYFINR ● ● 0=No FinR 1=1 FinR ● ● (see note for BNOFINR) Any Financial Resp for HHold (see note for DNOFINR) * BFINRHH ** BFINRHH is from original AHEAD data, =0 if no FinR (see note for BNOFINR) Any nonmissing data in Section J (Income and Assets) 0=No FinR 1=1 FinR --- DXMOD_J: Any data in Section J ● ● ● --- ● 0=FinR and some nonmissing data besides will data 1=No FinR, has will data 2=No FinR, has asset income=DK and will data 3=FinR, but only asset file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (9 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables ● ● ● income=DK 4=FinR, but only will data 5=FinR, but only will data and asset income=DK 9=FinR, but no nonmissing data Please see Known problems with Will data DXMOD_F, DXMOD_N: Any data in Sections F and N, respectively Any nonmissing data in Sections F (Housing) and N (Widowhood and Asset changes) ● ● --- ● 0=FinR and some nonmissing data 1=No FinR (and no nonmissing data) 9=FinR, but no nonmissing data [NOTE: Many individuals in nursing homes are missing all data in section F but have data in J and N.] See also DNOFINR. No Financial Resp for HHold BNOFINR ● ● ● 0=HHold has FinR, answered some of sections F,J,K or R. 1=HHold has FinR and health care data in section E, but all responses in section F,J,K,R are missing 2=HHold may or may not have FinR, but all responses in section F,J,K,R are missing (effectively NO FinR) BFINRHH differs from BANYFINR for 6 single-R households. DNOFINR ● ● ● ● 0=HHold has FinR, answered some of sections F,J,or N. 1=Hhold has no FinR, but may have Wills data in section J 2=HHold has FinR but only has Wills data in section J and all other responses in sections F,J, N are missing 3=HHold has FinR but all responses in sections file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (10 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables These individuals are flagged as FinR in TYPE but all sections F,J,K and R data is missing, except where imputed. (list of HHIDs) In addition, there are another 8 households which appear to have a FinR (BANYFINR=1 and BFINRHH=1) but all section F,J,K and R financial data is missing, except where imputed. (list of HHIDs) DNOFINR is derived from DXMOD_F, DXMOD_J, and DXMOD_N. Please see Known problems with Will data and Households with limited Financial Data. HHIDPN of Fin Resp BFIN_RHP (num) BFINRHPC (char) DFIN_RHP (num) DFINRHPC (char) Flag to select one observation per HHold using Fin Resp BHHPICK1 DHHPICK1 flags only one observation per HHold-can be used to select HHold level analysis ● =1 if R is FinR or file. if last R in HHold (highest PN) if ● =1 if R is FinR or DANYFINR=0 ● =0 if R is not FinR or if last R in HHold (highest PN) if if first R in 2-R HHold BANYFINR=0 ● =0 if R is not FinR or (lowest PN) if DANYFINR=0 if first R in 2-R HHold (lowest PN) if BANYFINR=0 Financial Respondent Current Interview information Financial Respondent Previous Interview information --- F,J,N are missing (effectively NO FinR) DFIVWMO month FinR's 95 iview DFIVWYR year FinR's 95 iview D370FR FinR D370 (Preloaded 93 Interview status) ● ● ● 0=New spouse 1=Reinterview 5=Refused SP D95FR FinR D95 (Preloaded 93 iview month) D96FR FinR D96 (Preloaded 93 iview year) DFPRVIW FinR last iview file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (11 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables --● ● " " = no prev iview "B" = AHEAD 1993 DFPRVIWM month prev iview .Z = no prev iview DFPRVIWY year prev iview .Z = no prev iview [Note: skip patterns and text fillins are based on preloaded values. DFPRVIW... variables are based on Tracker and 93 public release data.] Whether Financial Respondent treated as single or couple D674FR, Marital status (D674) of FinR DF_CPL (based on D674FR) --- ● ● Asset Bracket Entry Points for FinR (low, medium, high) --- 0=treated as single (D674FR=4,5,6) 1=treated as couple D169FR:W1 Real Estate D170FR:W1 Transportation D171FR:W1 Business D172FR:W1 IRA D173FR:W1 Stocks D174FR:W1 Checking/ Savings D175FR:W1 CDs D176FR:W1 Bonds ● ● ● ● 0=None 1=Low 2=Medium 3=High Please see Notes on preloaded value of 1993 assets. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (12 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables Other FinR preloaded 1993 values D152FR: Whether FinR had Soc Sec income in W1 D153FR: Whether FinR's W1 Spouse had Soc Sec income in W1 D155FR: Whether FinR and W1 Spouse had SSI in W1 D157FR: Whether FinR and W1 Spouse had Vet Benefits in W1 D179FR: Whether owned or rented in W1 D181FR: Whether had mortgage in W1 from FinR's values of D152-D181. --- Description AHEAD 1993, "V" variables (on a93f2a_v) AHEAD 1993, "B" variables (on a93f2a) AHEAD 1995, "D" variables (on a95f1a) Household and Spouse/Partner Type of Household (one R or two Rs) "Single R" includes married, spouse absent B_HHTYP, based on V105 from BR21 ● ● ● 1=single R, unmarried or married-sp absent (V105=3, only R) 2=Couple, both responded 3=Couple, one is NonResp B_HHTYP, based on B105 from BR21 ● ● ● 1=single R, unmarried or married-sp absent (B105=3, only R) 2=Couple, both responded 3=Couple, one is NonResp D_HHTYP ● ● ● 1=unmarried/ unpartnered R 2=Couple, both responded 3=Couple, one is NonResp file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (13 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables Type of B_HHTYPA, based on B_HHTYP and Household BMARSTAT (one R or two Rs) ● 1=single R, unmarried "Single R" is ● 2=Couple, both responded unmarried only ● 3=Couple, one is NonResp ● 4=single R, married-sp absent --- # in HHold BR_INHH, based on B_HHTYPA: who could =1 if B_HHTYPA=1 have responded =2 if B_HHTYPA=2,3,4 DR_INHH, based on D_HHTYP: =1 if D_HHTYP=1 =2 if D_HHTYP=2,3 # in HHold who actually did respond DN_INHH BN_INHH Spouse/Partner BPHHIDPN HHIDPN DPHHIDPN Whether Spouse/Partner on Tracker File DP_TRK --- ● ● ● New spouse/ partner --- .Z=no spouse 0=Not on tracker 1=On tracker DANYNEWP, =1 if any new spouse/partner 95 DNEWP, PN of new spouse/ partner if any DNEWSP, =1 if R is new spouse/partner NOTE: this is just our best guess based on BRESCODE and cover sheet variables file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (14 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables BPGENDER, BPSEX (from GENDER Gender of spouse/partner on Tracker, SEX on BR21) (1=Male, 2=Female) DPGENDER from GENDER on Tracker or D290 if GENDER missing DP374 from D374 DPGEND_R derived from DPGENDER and DPGENFLG DPGENFLG from DGENFLAG and DPGENDER derivation Same Sex Couple Flag DSAMEGEN BSAMEGEN ● ● ● ● .Z=single R 0=not 1=both male (doesn't happen) 2=both female (just 1 case) ● ● ● ● ● .Z=unmarried R .Y=DK a gender 0=not 1=both male (3 cases) 2=both female (just 2 case) NOTE: derived using GEND_R and DPGEND_R. Spouse/Partner BPBIRTHM, BPBIRTHY (from Birth date BIRTHMO, BIRTHYR on Tracker file) DPBIRTHM, DPBIRTHY (from BIRTHMO, BIRTHYR on Tracker file) DP638 (from D638) Spouse/Partner BPRACE1, BPRACE2 (from RACE1, Hispanicity/ RACE2 on Tracker file) Race DPRACE1, DPRACE2 (from RACE1,RACE2 on Tracker file) Spouse/Partner BPMSTAT (from BMARSTAT on Marital Status Tracker file) DPMSTATR (from derived DMSTATR) DP674 (from D674 in 95 data) Spouse/Partner BPPROXY (from BPROXY on Tracker Proxy file) DPPROXY (from derived DPROXY, 8=no spouse/ partner) DPPROXYR (from derived DPROXYR) Spouse/Partner BPSTATUS (from BSTATUS on Status Tracker file) DPSTATUS (from DSTATUS on Tracker file) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (15 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables Spouse/Partner BPRESCOD (from BRESCODE on DPRESCOD (from Detailed DRESCODE on Tracker file, Tracker file) Result Code NOTE: BRESCODE=41 for Refusal, =93 see Tracker doc for codes) for in Nursing Home Spouse/Partner BPIVIEWM, BPIVIEWY (from DPIVIEWM, DPIVIEWY Interview BIVIEWMO,BIVIEWYR on Tracker file) (from DIVIEWMO, Month DIVIEWYR on Tracker file) Spouse/Partner BPFINR, BPFAMR (from BFINR, BFAMR on Tracker file) Financial, Family Respondent DPFINR01, DPFAMR01 (from DFINR01,DFAMR01 on Tracker file) Spouse/Partner BPTYPER (from TYPE on BR21) Type Respondent --- Spouse/Partner VP105 (from V105 BP105 (from B105 Lead or on BR21) on BR21) Second R --DPNHM Whether Spouse/Partner in Nursing Home ● ● ● --- ● .Z=no spouse 0=Not in Nhm 1=In Nhm 9=DK if in Nhm DP240, DP241, DP246 (from D240, D241, D246) See Nursing Home Residence for derivation of DPNHM. Description AHEAD 1993, "V" variables (on a93f2a_v) AHEAD 1993, "B" variables (on a93f2a) AHEAD 1995, "D" variables (on a95f1a) Deceased 1993 Spouse/Partner, Available 1995 only (Exit interviews not in the public release, but limited information on deceased spouses available through Tracker File) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (16 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables Whether deceased spouse/partner has exit interview DXEXIT ● --- ● ● Deceased Spouse/Partner HHIDPN DXHHIDPN --- Gender of deceased spouse/partner (1=Male, 2=Female) DXGENDER (from GENDER on Tracker) DXGENFLG from DGENFLAG --- Deceased Spouse/Partner Birth date Spouse/Partner Detailed Result Code Description .Z=no deceased spouse/ partner 0=deceased spouse but no exit interview 1=deceased spouse has exit interview AHEAD 1993, "V" variables (on a93f2a_v) --- DXBIRTHM, DXBIRTHY (from BIRTHMO, BIRTHYR on Tracker file) --- DXRESCOD (from DRESCODE on Tracker File) =1 for Complete Exit Ivw, =5 for Partial Exit Ivw, =54 final refusal of exit proxy AHEAD 1993, "B" variables (on a93f2a) AHEAD 1995, "D" variables (on a95f1a) Other Experimental Modules BINMOD 2-char variable 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,12,13,14,16,17 depending on which module(s) R has, e. g., '12' means has modules 1 and 2 DINMOD 4-char variable, = #:rsp where #=number of the module R was selected for and rsp="Did" if R responded or "Ref" if R refused ** AHEAD 1993 NOTES: Comparisons between original 1993 public release and Tracker file information Age and Gender Differences file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (17 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables BIRTHYR and AGE differences between Tracker file and BR21 variables: there is 1 case where BIRTHYR from the Tracker file is different from V114 on BR21, and 2 cases where age as calculated from Tracker file variables BIRTHYR and BIRTHMO disagrees with AGE on BR21 (by at most 1 year). These cases and their variables are: OBS BIVIEWYR 1 HHIDPN BIRTHYR 201433010 1909 1994 ** AGE at IW=84 2 203716010 1910 1994 ** AGE at IW=83 3 206473020 1915 1993 ** BIRTHYR NE V114 BIRTHMO V114 AGE BIVIEWMO 8 1909 85 2 8 1910 84 2 1 1917 76 12 BGENFLAG=1 if Tracker file GENDER not the same as BR21 variable SEX: There are 7 cases with BGENFLAG=1: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 200099010: GENDER=Female, SEX=Male 200250010: GENDER=Male, SEX=Female 201863010: GENDER=Male, SEX=Female 202934010: GENDER=Male, SEX=Female (from 1995 data, we suspect Tracker GENDER is wrong) 203611010: GENDER=Male, SEX=Female (from 1995 data, we suspect Tracker GENDER is wrong) 204270010: GENDER=Male, SEX=Female 204999010: GENDER=Female, SEX=Male, Spouse/Partner is Male (both GENDER and SEX) For these cases, skip patterns would follow gender specified by SEX. ISR-derived variables that are assigned to Male and Female versions (e.g., RELATE_F and RELATE_M) are assigned based on Tracker file GENDER. ** NOTES comparisons between 1993 BPPN, BSPN, and BP_PN: BPPN, BSPN, and BP_PN are all spouse/partner person number (PN). BPPN is provided on the Tracker file, BSPN comes in the AHEAD 1993 data set, and BP_PN has been derived for the RAND version of AHEAD data. BPPN and BSPN are exactly the same, and hold the PN of a responding spouse. BP_PN is the same as BPPN and BSPN if the file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (18 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables spouse responded, but adds the PN of a non-responding spouse if one was found on the Tracker file. We determined that a spouse was non-responding (and not added in 1995) by looking at BRESCODE (available on the RAND file as BPRESCOD for R's spouse). If BRESCODE is 41 for Refusal or 93 for spouse's in a nursing home, we assigned the spouse's PN to BP_PN. 1993: List of HHIDs for single-R households where R has TYPE=3 (Lead R/Fin R) but answered no financial questions: BFINRHH=0 (no FinR in HHold) and BANYFINR=1 (is FinR in HHold). These cases have only imputed data in sections F,J,K and R. Answers are not missing for medical services use in section E (V605/B605, V622/B622, V639/B639, V654/B669, V685/B685), but these questions were all asked of individuals as well as the FinR. Values are identical to the VnnnR/BnnnR versions of these variables. BNOFINR is set to 2 for all these cases. ● ● ● ● ● ● HHID=200817, HHIDPN=200817010, BNOFINR=2 HHID=201863, HHIDPN=201863010, BNOFINR=2 HHID=202934, HHIDPN=202934010, BNOFINR=2 HHID=203061, HHIDPN=203061010, BNOFINR=2 HHID=204282, HHIDPN=204282020, BNOFINR=2 HHID=208250, HHIDPN=208250010, BNOFINR=2 1993: List of HHIDs for households where looks like there is a FinR but all or most financial data missing: BFINRHH=1 (is FinR in HHold) and BANYFINR=1 (is FinR in HHold). These cases have only imputed data in sections F,J,K and R. Answers are not missing for medical services use in section E (V605/B605, V622/B622, V639/B639, V654/B669, V685/B685) except for 2 households, but these questions were all asked of individuals as well as the FinR. Values are identical to the VnnnR/BnnnR versions of these variables. The 3 singleR households answered all questions of the FinR in the health care costs part of section E. For these 3 cases, BNOFINR is set to 1; for all others in this list BNOFINR is set to 2. ● ● ● ● ● HHID=202747, HHIDPN(s)=202747010, BNOFINR=1 **answered health care part of sec E HHID=204995, HHIDPN(s)=204995010 (FinR), 204995020, BNOFINR=2 HHID=205358, HHIDPN(s)=205358020, BNOFINR=1 **answered health care part of sec E HHID=208328, HHIDPN(s)=208328010 (FinR), 208328020, BNOFINR=2 HHID=208347, HHIDPN(s)=208347010, BNOFINR=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (19 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables ● ● ● **answered health care part of sec E HHID=208355, HHIDPN(s)=208355010 (FinR), 208355020, BNOFINR=2 HHID=208452, HHIDPN(s)=208452010 (FinR), 208452020, BNOFINR=2 **no data in health care part of sec E HHID=208865, HHIDPN(s)=208865010, 208865020 (FinR), BNOFINR=2 **no data in health care part of sec E ** AHEAD 1995 NOTES: Comparisons between original 1995 public release and Tracker file information Birth year differences between Tracker File BIRTHYR and Ahead 95 D373 or D638: There are 21 cases where D373 from the Cover Sheet (Section CS) and D638 from Demographics (Section A) are not the same. Among the 21 are 3 cases that were identified as problems in the Errata for the preliminary version of the data. These cases are members of couples where IDs were swapped. Please see Couples where IDs were swapped. Except for those 3 cases, the Tracker File BIRTHYR matches D373. D636F indicates whether certain background variables, including D638, were set by merging in 1993 data or whether they represent responses in 1995. Cases where D638 was filled from 1993 data are noted below. DPBIRTHY is spouse/partner's BIRTHYR. HHIDPN 201284020 201363010 201632020 201644020 201691020 202147020 202409020 202703020 202862020 203874010 205019020 205117020 206473020 filled from 93 BIRTHYR 1923 1918 1920 1919 1921 1919 1927 1922 1919 1909 1922 1922 1915 D373 1923 1918 1920 1919 1921 1919 1927 1922 1919 1909 1922 1922 1915 D638 1925 1919 1918 1921 1920 1922 1922 1921 1925 1908 1918 1921 1917 DPBIRTHY 1920 1941 1920 1919 1923 1913 Z 1922 1919 1923 1916 1919 1915 * D638 * also discrepant 93 207180020 207254020 207811020 1918 1920 1932 1918 1920 1932 1920 1922 1931 1920 Z 1921 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (20 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables 207958020 208898020 1922 1909 1922 1909 1924 1920 1922 1909 These 3 cases are Couples where IDs were swapped: HHIDPN 201390020 filled from 93 BIRTHYR 1917 D373 1914 D638 1917 DPBIRTHY 0 * D638 * Spouse died, born 1914 204532010 1918 filled from 93 204532020 1917 filled from 93 1917 1918 1917 * D638 1918 1917 1918 * D638 Gender discrepancies in 1995: We compared Tracker File GENDER, 1993 SEX, D210 and D374. In 9 cases discrepancies were found. We examined other information in the data that might reveal gender, e.g., whether R had a PAP smear or prostrate check. We then derived these variables: ● ● DGENFLAG gives a summary of the comparison results. ❍ 0.No gender discrepancy ❍ 1.W1 SEX different, W2/Tracker same, use W2/Tracker ❍ 2.W2 and Tracker different, recommend using W2 D374 ❍ 3.W2 and Tracker different, recommend using Tracker GENDER ❍ 9.DK which gender to use If spouse/partner gender DPGENDER was missing on the Tracker file, and D290 (spouse gender) was not missing, we filled DPGENDER from D290. DPGENFLG has 2 codes that DGENFLAG does not: ❍ 7.SP/P gender filled from D290 ❍ 8.SP/P gender not checked, no data (DPGENDER missing or SP is NR) DGENFLGD gives more details about the discrepancy. ❍ 0.No gender discrepancy ❍ 1.trk ne W1; W1=D374, trk=D210: think W1=D374 correct ❍ 2.trk ne W1,trk=D210=D374: think trk correct ❍ 3.trk eq W1,D210 ne D374, swapped couple: think trk correct ❍ 7.trk eq W1, W1 ne D210=D374: DK which correct ❍ 8.trk ne W1, D210 ne D374: DK which correct ❍ 9.trk eq W1, D210 ne D374, swapped couple: DK which correct file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (21 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables ● GEND_R recodes GENDER using DGENFLAG information ❍ If DGENFLAG=0,1,3: use GENDER ❍ If DGENFLAG=2: use D374 ❍ If DGENFLAG=9: set to .Y Spouse gender (DPGEND_R) is derived like GEND_R, from DPGENDER and DPGENFLG, it uses DPGEND_R=DPGENDER if DPGENFLG=7 or 8. FinR and FamR discrepancies in 1995: The coding differs between the Tracker and public release versions of these variables. In the Tracker versions 0=no and 1=yes, but in the public release versions, 1=yes and 5=no. We renamed the Tracker DFINR to DFINR01 and DFAMR to DFAMR01 so both versions could be kept on the file. DFINR and DFAMR on the Tracker file do not always agree with DFINR and DFAMR on the public release data. The public release DFINR and DFAMR identified the same respondent whose person number (DPN_FIN and DPN_FAM) was given on the financial and family modules, respectively, and the Tracker DFINR01 and DFAMR01 did not. We used the public release versions DFINR and DFAMR to set DFINR01 and DFAMR01. If the Tracker file version was different we saved the original values in _DFINR01 and _DFAMR01. 1995 Marital Status Discrepancies: Marital status in the public release of AHEAD 1995 is given in D674. It is derived from Cover Sheet (CS) section questions: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● D226 (if married or partnered W1): Still same spouse/partner as in W1? D227 if not still same spouse/partner, is spouse/partner from W1 alive? D230 if not still same spouse/partner, is R married now? D231 if not still same spouse/partner, is R partnered now? D233 (if not married or partnered W1): Married now? D234 (if not married or partnered W1): Partnered now? D240 Is R in a nursing home? D241 (if R married or partnered): Living with spouse/partner? D246 Is spouse/partner in a nursing home? Some of these questions are only asked of the CS respondent in a household. In some cases the marital status in D674 did not agree with the answers to these questions. For example, there are cases where a respondent specifically reported being widowed and answered NO to being married and NO to being partnered, but D674 is coded "married". Also some partners who split up were given D674 of "married", even though they should file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (22 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables have reverted to their marital status before being partnered, which is generally available in 1993. In other cases the answers to these questions were updated based on coder notes between the preliminary and public release of the data in ways that should have changed D674, but D674 did not seem to be updated. There is not a DMARSTAT on Version 1.00 of the Tracker File. We created a new variable DMSTATR based on BMARSTAT, the questions listed above and on prior marital status reported by partners in 1993. DMSTATR is our best-guess at the correct marital status based on public release data. Eventually ISR will create a DMARSTAT on an updated Tracker file, and there is no guarantee that it will agree with the DMSTATR that we have derived but we hope our guesses will be close. The 85 discrepancies fall into the following categories: ● ● ● ● 6 cases: DMSTATR is married or partnered, D674 is NOT married 22 cases: DMSTATR is NOT married, D674 is married 44 cases: both DMSTATR and D674 are married or partnered, but they are not the same, e.g., DMSTATR says spouse absent and D674 says spouse present or DMSTATR says partnered and D674 says married. 13 cases: D674 is zero. We filled DMSTATR. List of cases where DMSTATR differs from D674 Please note that skip patterns based on marital-status in the questionnaire use D674, not DMSTATR. 1995 Proxy variables: The Tracker File had 2 proxy variables for AHEAD 1995, DPROXYY and DPROXYR. DPROXY is listed in the Tracker File documentation but is not actually on the file. In the 1995 public release data, D218 and D577 indicate whether the interview is a self- or proxy interview and who served as proxy. The codes for these variables are: ● ● ● ● ● DPROXY: 0=not a proxy, 1=proxy DPROXYY: 0=not a proxy, 1-7=reasons for proxy DPROXYR: 0=not a proxy, 1=spouse, 2-16=other relation, 99=NA D218: 1=self, 2=spouse proxy, 3=other proxy D557: .=Inap., 2-13=other relation (1=spouse but no cases are coded 1) DPROXYY seemed to be what we would expect for DPROXY rather than distinguishing between reasons for the proxy; DPROXYY=0 when D218=1 and DPROXYY=1 when D218=2 or 3. DPROXYR has no occurences of codes 8 and 9 (sister and brother), but file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (23 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables otherwise agrees with D218=2 (DPROXYR=1) or the D557 code. We dropped DPROXYY which seems to be mis-named. We created a DPROXY variable from D218, where DPROXY=0 if D218 is 1 and DPROXY=1 if D218 is 2,3. And we incorporated D557 information into DPROXYR, i.e., we filled DPROXYR if it was zero, DPROXY=1 and D557 gave a relationship. If we filled DPROXYR, we saved the original DPROXYR value in _DPROXYR; 22 cases were filled in this way. Variable derivations and background Comparison between 1995 DPN_SP and DP_PN DPN_SP in the public release data and DP_PN which we've derived are both spouse/ partner person number (PN). DPN_SP is the PN of a responding spouse. DP_PN is the same as DPN_SP if the spouse responded, but adds the PN of a non-responding spouse if one was found on the Tracker file. If R was married or partnered at 1995 (DMSTATR=1,2,3, or 7), we looked for a spouse (someone other than the respondent in the same 1995 household) on the Tracker file who was alive at 1995. Nursing home residence We derived the DNHM to indicate whether R is living in a nursing home at the time of the AHEAD 1995 interview. DNHM is derived from the following variables as answered either by R or by R's spouse: ● ● ● D240: Does R lives in a nursing home or other health care facility? D241: Do R and spouse live together? D246: Does R's spouse live in a nursing home or other health care facility? The file carries the values of these variables for R's spouse as DP240, DP241, and DP246. For R, we derive DNHM as follows: ● ● ● ● ● ● if D240=1 then DNHM=1 if D240=5 then DNHM=0 if D240 is missing, and DP246=1 then DNHM=1 if D240 is missing, and DP246=5 then DNHM=0 if D240 is missing, and DP240=1 and DP241=1 then DNHM=1 if D240 is missing, and DP240=5 and DP241=1 then DNHM=0 We also derive DPNHM for R's spouse, if R is married or partnered: file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (24 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● if R is not married or partnered then DPNHM=.Z, Inapplicable if DP240=1 then DPNHM=1 if DP240=5 then DPNHM=0 if DP240 is missing, and D246=1 then DPNHM=1 if DP240 is missing, and D246=5 then DPNHM=0 if DP240 is missing, and D240=1 and D241=1 then DPNHM=1 if DP240 is missing, and D240=5 and D241=1 then DPNHM=0 if DP240, D240, D241, and D246 are missing, then DPNHM=9, DK 1995: Known Problems with Will Data It appears that the part of Section J that asked about wills (D4768-D4775) was asked of all individuals, but the data is only available at the household level (see AHEAD Data Alert #3). The questionnaire seems to indicate that all individuals should have been asked these questions. Even households with no FinR have non-missing information about wills. If a household has a FinR, the information in D4768-D4775 was probably given by the FinR. If not, and the household is a couple household, it is not clear who answered these questions. In this version of the data set, both individuals in a couple household get the same (and only) will data. ISR hopes to release these data in a future supplement. 1995: Households with limited Financial Data Households with no Financial Respondent do have non-missing values in Section J; all have data in the questions about wills. (See Possible problems with Will data). And there are households with a FinR that have no nonmissing financial information besides the Will data. There are also a few cases that have DK codes for asset income in Section J, even though the asset ownership and value questions were skipped. Generally these cases have no other non-missing data in section J, except the Will data. We have derived variables DXMOD_J, DXMOD_F, and DXMOD_N to flag these cases and cases with no non-missing data in Section F and N. If a household has no non-missing data except will data or DK for asset income in Sections J, F and N, then they effectively have no FinR. DNOFINR identifies cases where this occurs. The households are: DNOFINR=1, No FinR (all have will data) ● 200959020 (* has asset income=DK) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (25 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 201905020 (* has asset income=DK) 202294020 (* has asset income=DK) 205617020 (* has asset income=DK) 205722010 (* has asset income=DK) 206669010 (* has asset income=DK) 208379010 208379020 208882010 DNOFINR=2, FinR but only non-missing data is will data ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 200783010 202424020 202467020 202473020 202717020 (* also has asset income=DK) 206041020 206529010 (* also has asset income=DK) 206542010 (* also has asset income=DK) 206814010 206846020 207258020 207948010 208202010 (* also has asset income=DK) 208202020 (* also has asset income=DK) 208395010 208414020 DNOFINR=3, FinR but no non-missing data ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 200136010 201078010 201078020 201205010 201572020 201665010 202597010 202618010 202618020 205555010 205748010 (* except has asset income=DK) 205792010 207254020 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (26 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables 1995: Notes on preloaded value of 93 assets If the Financial Respondent responded DK or RF when asked the value of an asset in Section J, he/she was then asked a series of unfolding bracket questions to determine a range into which the asset value falls. Each bracket question asked if FinR's asset had more or less value than a given number; if FinR said the asset value was higher, the skip pattern went to the next higher bracket question. The actual unfolding bracket questions asked depended on FinR's 1993 reports of the asset. For example, if FinR had "low" assets in 1993, the first bracket question value was lower than if FinR had "high" assets in 1993. The series of bracket questions have been recoded into single categorical bracket variables in the public use data, but the analyst may want to know exactly what wording and what order of bracket questions a particular FinR was asked. We have added the values from the preloaded 93 data (D169-D176) for FinR as D169FR-D176FR. If R is the FinR, then D169FR is exactly the same as D169. But if R is not FinR and his/her spouse is, D169FR would be the value from R's spouse's preloaded D169. In couples, these preloaded 93 values were not always the same for FinR and non-FinR. Note that the cut-offs for low, medium and high vary with the asset type. See the codebook for Section PR (preloads) for specifics. 1995: Couples where IDs were swapped An Errata for the preliminary release data (dated 7/1/98, titled "ID Changes and Corrections") included an ID "slippage" problem where the 1995 IDs for 2 couples had been swapped. It appears that the correction has been made to the public release data, but there are a few discrepancies that result from this. The HHIDPNs affected are: 1. 20139010 and 20139020: one of this couple died between 1993 and 1995. In the public release data, 20139020 has a live interview, but exit interviews (for those who died) are not included. In the preliminary data, 20139020 is in the exit interview data. If you are using preliminary exit interview data with public release data you should change 20139020 in the preliminary exit interview data to file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (27 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM AHEAD: Generally Useful Variables 20139010. The current Tracker file (V1.0) also shows 20139020 as having died in ALIVE and DALIVE, and shows 20139010 as alive. In the 20139020 is alive and 20139010 has died. There are also discrepancies in gender and age for these cases. See table below. 2. 20453010 and 20453020: both of these are respondents in 95. There are discrepancies in gender and age for these cases. See table below. Discrepancies in gender and age for these cases are listed below: HHIDPN Tracker 1993 1995: 1995: Gender=D210, Gender=D374, Birthyr=D373 Birthyr=D638 Couple 1: HHID=20139 20139010 20139020 Gender 1=Male 1=Male If swapped to Exit: 1=Male Age 1914 If swapped to Exit: 1917 1914 Gender 2=Female 2=Female 1=Male 2=Female Age 1917 1917 1917 1914 Couple 1: HHID=204532 204532010 204532020 Gender 1=Male 1=Male 1=Male 2=Female Age 1918 1917 1918 1918 Gender 2=Female 2=Female 1=Female 2=Male Age 1917 1917 1917 1918 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdgenlv.html (28 of 28)12/22/2003 8:26:01 AM The SAS System dmstatr ne d674 dmstatr=married/partnered, d674 is not married 17:23 Friday, March 3, 2000 ==> "**"s mark the variable value(s) that made us guess an DMSTATR different from D674. O B S D H H I D N H H I D P N D N _ I N H H D M S T A T R D 6 7 4 B M A R S T A T D 2 2 6 D 2 2 7 D 2 3 0 D 2 3 1 D 2 3 3 D 2 3 4 D 2 4 0 D 2 4 1 D 2 4 6 D P _ T R K D P R E S C O D D P M S T A T R D P 6 7 4 D P 2 4 0 D P 2 4 1 D P 2 4 6 D X E X I T D X R E S C O D ** These cases said they are currently married (D233=1). 1 2017850 201785010 1 1 4 14 . . . . 1** . 5 8 8 0 0 0 . . . . Z Z 2 2053880 205388010 1 1 4 14 . . . . 1** . 5 8 8 0 0 0 . . . . Z Z ===================================================================================================================== ** This case said he/she is currently partnered (D234=1). 3 2042480 204248010 1 3 5 5 . . . . 5 1** 5 8 8 0 0 0 . . . . Z Z ===================================================================================================================== ** This case indicates that R is neither currently married (D233=5) nor partnered (D34=5), but was partnered in Wave 1 (BMARSTAT=13). R is in a Wave 2 household with another respondent (DN_INHH=2), who says he/she is partnered (DP674=DPMSTATR=3) and living with the partner (DP241=1). Since they seem to be treated as a couple in the survey, we assigned DMSTATR=3, partnered. 4 2051070 205107020 2** 3 4 13 . . . . 5 5 5 . . 1 1 3** 3 5 1** . Z Z ===================================================================================================================== ** These cases were married in Wave 1 with spouse absent (BMARSTAT=12). They say they are still with the same spouse (D226=1), but there is no answer to whether they are living together (D241=.). We assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that they are living together, and assigned DMSTATR=1, married. It could be that these cases should be married- spouse absent, but we think married is closer than separated/divorced as is coded in D674. (NOTE: BMARSTAT has only one code for married spouse absent. It does not distinguish between spouse in nursing home or not). 5 2032860 203286010 1 1 4 12 1** . . . . . 5 . . 0 0 0 . . . . Z Z 6 2036400 203640010 1 1 4 12 1** . . . . . 5 . . 0 0 0 . . . . Z Z ===================================================================================================================== 1 The SAS System dmstatr ne d674 dmstatr=unmarried, d674=married/partnered 17:23 Friday, March 3, 2000 ==> "**"s mark the variable value(s) that made us guess an DMSTATR different from D674. B D D D M P D H N M A D R H H _ S R D P E H I I T D S D D D D D D D D D P _ S O I D N A 6 T 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 _ T C B D P H T 7 A 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 P R O S N N H R 4 T 6 7 0 1 3 4 0 1 6 N K D ** these cases seem to be widowed. HHID from Wave 1. D P M S T A T R D P 6 7 4 D P 2 4 0 D P 2 4 1 D P 2 4 6 D X E X I T 2 D X R E S C O D There is another respondent on the Exit Interviews (i.e., deceased) with the same 1 2024240 202424020 1 5 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 2 2060410 206041020 1 5 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 3 2071930 207193010 1 5 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 4 2024670 202467020 1 5 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 5 2029530 202953010 1 5 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 6 2048920 204892020 1 5 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 7 2053600 205360010 1 5 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 8 2056650 205665020 1 5 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 9 2072580 207258020 1 5 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 10 2073390 207339020 1 5 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 11 2079480 207948010 1 5 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 12 2083950 208395010 1 5 1 0 . . . . . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 ===================================================================================================================== ** This case is part of a couple that split between waves 1 and 2. This R was non-response in Wave 1 but his/her ex-spouse was married spouse absent in Wave 1 (BMARSTAT=12) and responds to Wave 2. So we set DMSTATR=4, sep/div. 13 2031912 203191020 1 4 1 0 . . . . 5** 5** 1 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ===================================================================================================================== ** This case was not in Wave 1, but his/her deceased spouse was. The deceased spouse was widowed in Wave 1. We looked at the deceased spouse's exit interview data and see that he/she married R before dying. So we set DMSTATR=5, widowed. 14 2024730 202473020 1 5 1 0 . . . . 5** 5** 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 ===================================================================================================================== ** This case was widowed in Wave 1 (BMARSTAT=5) and reports not being currently married (D233=5) or partnered (D234=5). So we kept this case widowed, i.e., set DMSTATR=5. 15 2068140 206814010 1 5 1 5** . . . . 5** 5** 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z ===================================================================================================================== ** the following were partnered at wave 1 but are no longer with the wave 1 partner. we used the V158 and V160 to figure whether R had ever been married or if married how it ended, before the partnership. D674 was set to married for all these cases but it seems pretty clear that they are all not married. 16 2028231 202823010 1 5 1 13 5** 1 5** 5** . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 17 2028232 202823020 1 4 1 13 5** 1 5** 5** . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 18 2088900 208890010 1 5 1 13 5** 1 5** 5** . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 19 2074350 207435010 1 6 1 13 5** 5 5** 5** . . 1 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1 1 20 2013230 201323020 1 5 1 13 5** 5 5** 5** . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1 1 21 2059140 205914020 1 5 1 13 5** 5 5** 5** . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1 1 22 2078310 207831020 1 4 1 13 5** 5 5** 5** . . 5 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1 1 The SAS System dmstatr ne d674 dmstatr and d674 married/partnered, or both unmarried, but different 17:23 Friday, March 3, 2000 3 ==> "**"s mark the variable value(s) that made us guess an DMSTATR different from D674. O B S D H H I D N H H I D P N D N _ I N H H D M S T A T R D 6 7 4 B M A R S T A T D 2 2 6 D 2 2 7 D 2 3 0 D 2 3 1 D 2 3 3 D 2 3 4 D 2 4 0 D 2 4 1 D 2 4 6 D P _ P N D P _ T R K D P R E S C O D D P M S T A T R D P 6 7 4 D P 2 4 0 D P 2 4 1 D P 2 4 6 D X E X I T D X R E S C O D ** for these cases, R is in a nursing home (D240=1), but the spouse is not (DP240=5) and the spouse says they are not living together (DP241=5). So R's marital status is set to 7=Married, spouse absent but not in nursing home. Note that the spouses' marital statuses are (DPMSTATR) 2=Married, spouse absent, in nursing home 1 2088470 208847010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 1 5** 5** . Z 2 2001680 200168020 2 7 2 12 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 3 2011900 201190020 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 4 2013430 201343010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 5 2020180 202018010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 6 2021070 202107020 2 7 2 12 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 5 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 7 2022040 202204010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 8 2024850 202485020 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 9 2027560 202756020 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 10 2030500 203050010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 11 2031940 203194020 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 12 2036250 203625010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 13 2037000 203700020 2 7 2 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 14 2040840 204084010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 15 2041000 204100020 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 16 2066860 206686010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 17 2067800 206780010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 18 2067880 206788010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 19 2071950 207195020 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 20 2073710 207371010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 21 2076200 207620010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 22 2085600 208560020 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 23 2086690 208669010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z ===================================================================================================================== Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z The SAS System dmstatr ne d674 dmstatr and d674 married/partnered, or both unmarried, but different (continued) 17:23 Friday, March 3, 2000 3 ==> "**"s mark the variable value(s) that made us guess an DMSTATR different from D674. O B S D H H I D N H H I D P N D N _ I N H H D M S T A T R D 6 7 4 B M A R S T A T D 2 2 6 D 2 2 7 D 2 3 0 D 2 3 1 D 2 3 3 D 2 3 4 D 2 4 0 D 2 4 1 D 2 4 6 D P _ P N D P _ T R K D P R E S C O D D P M S T A T R D P 6 7 4 D P 2 4 0 D P 2 4 1 D P 2 4 6 D X E X I T ** In these cases, R's spouse has the "living together" information, and says they are living together (DP241=1). So DMSTATR is set to 1=married instead of 2=married, spouse absent. 24 2008800 200880020 2 1 2 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 10 1 1 1 1 5 1** . Z 25 2027850 202785010 2 1 2 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 20 1 1 1 1 5 1** . Z 26 2029240 202924010 2 1 2 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 20 1 1 1 1 5 1** . Z 27 2053260 205326010 2 1 2 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 20 1 1 1 1 5 1** . Z 28 2073040 207304010 2 1 2 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 20 1 1 1 1 5 1** . Z 29 2075300 207530020 2 1 2 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 10 1 1 1 1 5 1** . Z ===================================================================================================================== D X R E S C O D Z Z Z Z Z Z ** This case was married in wave 1 and appears to still be married but D674=3 partnered. 30 2087320 208732010 2 1 3 11** . . . . . . 5 . . 20 1 1 1 1 5 1** . Z Z ===================================================================================================================== ** In these cases, the spouse says he/she is in a nursing home (DP240=1) and that they are not living together (DP241=5), so DMSTATR is set to 2=married, spouse absent in a nursing home. 31 2003320 200332010 2 2 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 20 1 1 7 7 1** 5** 5 Z 32 2016950 201695020 2 2 1 0 . . . . . . 5 . . 10 1 1 7 7 1** 5** 5 Z 33 2022710 202271020 2 2 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 10 1 1 7 7 1** 5** 5 Z 34 2045580 204558010 2 2 3 11** . . . . . . 5 . . 20 1 1 7 7 1** 5** 5 Z 35 2075640 207564020 2 2 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 10 1 1 7 7 1** 5** 5 Z ===================================================================================================================== Z Z Z Z Z The SAS System dmstatr ne d674 dmstatr and d674 married/partnered, or both unmarried, but different (continued) 17:23 Friday, March 3, 2000 3 ==> "**"s mark the variable value(s) that made us guess an DMSTATR different from D674. O B S D H H I D N H H I D P N D N _ I N H H D M S T A T R D 6 7 4 B M A R S T A T D 2 2 6 D 2 2 7 D 2 3 0 D 2 3 1 D 2 3 3 D 2 3 4 D 2 4 0 D 2 4 1 D 2 4 6 D P _ P N D P _ T R K D P R E S C O D D P M S T A T R D P 6 7 4 D P 2 4 0 D P 2 4 1 D P 2 4 6 D X E X I T D X R E S C O D ** In these cases, R's spouse says they are not living together (DP241=5) but neither is in a nursing home (D240 and DP240=5). So DMSTATR is set to 7=married, spouse absent, not in nursing home. 36 2023760 202376010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 20 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 37 2071030 207103020 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 10 1 1 2 2 5** 5** 1 Z 38 2020550 202055010 2 7 1 11 . . . . . . 5 . . 20 1 1 7 7 5** 5** 5 Z 39 2066120 206612020 2 7 2 12 . . . . . . 5 . . 10 1 1 7 7 5** 5** 5 Z 40 2071800 207180020 2 7 1 0 . . . . . . 5 . . 10 1 1 7 7 5** 5** 5 Z ===================================================================================================================== Z Z Z Z Z ** These cases appear to be in the same marital/partner situation as they were in wave 1 (D226=1 and D241=1). So we put them back to the Wave 1 status. 41 2082650 208265010 1 1 3 11** 1** . . . . . 5 1 . 11 1 72 0 . . . . Z Z 42 2075940 207594020 2 3 1 13** 1** . . . . . 5 1 . 10 1 1 3 3** 5 . . Z Z ===================================================================================================================== ** In this case, R says they are not living together (D241=5) and spouse says he/she is in a nursing home (DP240=1). So we set DMSTATR to 2=married, spouse absent, in nursing home. 43 2088470 208847020 2 2 1 11 1 . . . . . 5 5** . 10 1 1 7 1 1** . . Z Z ===================================================================================================================== ** This case was a little less straight forward. This is a partnered couple. R says they are no longer together (D226=5), but the partner is alive (D227=1). The partner says they are not living together (DP241=5) and he/she is in a nursing home (DP240=1). We looked at additional data and the month of the partner's entry into the nursing home was the same as the month R gave for their separation, so an explanation may be that R is reporting the separation because the partner entered a nursing home, even though the partnership is maintained. The file has both in the same wave 2 sub-household (DN_INHH=2). So we opted to leave R partnered (DMSTATR=3). This case is listed in an AHEAD Data Alert (12/22/99 "DSUBHH Variable") as possibly having a problem with DSUBHH. 44 2043530 204353020 2** 3 1 13** 5?? 1 5 5 . . 5 . . 10 1 1 3 3** 1** 5** 5 Z Z ===================================================================================================================== The SAS System dmstatr ne d674 d674 is zero 18:31 Friday, March 3, 2000 5 ==> "**"s mark the variable value(s) that made us guess an DMSTATR different from D674. O B S D H H I D N H H I D P N D N _ I N H H D M S T A T R D 6 7 4 B M A R S T A T D 2 2 6 D 2 2 7 D 2 3 0 D 2 3 1 D 2 3 3 D 2 3 4 D 2 4 0 D 2 4 1 D 2 4 6 D P _ P N D P _ T R K D P R E S C O D D P M S T A T R D P 6 7 4 D P 2 4 0 D P 2 4 1 D P 2 4 6 D X E X I T D X R E S C O D ** In this case there is another person with the same HHID who has an Exit Interview (i.e., is deceased, DXEXIT=1). We assumed the prior marital status was married, and so DMSTATR=5, widowed. 1 2084140 208414020 1 5 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1** 1 ===================================================================================================================== ** For these cases, R is in a nursing home (D240=1), and the spouse says marital status=2, married spouse absent in a nursing home. The spouse also says he/she is NOT in a nursing home (DP240=5). So we set DMSTATR=7, married spouse absent but spouse not in a nursing home. (NOTE: for HHIDPN=200141020, the last case in this group, the spouse says R is not in a nursing home (DP246=5). So he/she also has a marital status of 7, rather than 2.) 2 2001830 200183020 2 7 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2** 2 5** 5** 1 Z Z 3 2003080 200308020 2 7 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2** 2 5** 5** 1 Z Z 4 2019580 201958020 2 7 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2** 2 5** 5** 1 Z Z 5 2027430 202743020 2 7 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2** 2 5** 5** 1 Z Z 6 2027890 202789020 2 7 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2** 2 5** 5** 1 Z Z 7 2030440 203044020 2 7 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2** 2 5** 5** 1 Z Z 8 2041290 204129020 2 7 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2** 2 5** 5** 1 Z Z 9 2049460 204946020 2 7 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2** 2 5** 5** 1 Z Z 10 2053280 205328020 2 7 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 2** 2 5** 5** 1 Z Z 11 2068650 206865010 2 7 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 20 1 1 2** 2 5** 5** 1 Z Z 12 2001410 200141020 2 7 0 0 . . . . . . 1 . . 10 1 1 7** 7 5** 5** 5 Z Z ===================================================================================================================== ** In this case, R's spouse has a married status, and says they live together (DP241=5). So we set DMSTATR the same way =1, married. 13 2083510 208351020 2 1 0 0 . . . . . . 5 . . 10 1 1 1** 1 5** 1** . Z Z ===================================================================================================================== AHEAD: Financial Variables Added Financial Variables Added to the Rand Version of AHEAD Data Described below are: ● ● ● Assignment of Financial Variables to "Self" and "Spouse" Variables for the Individual Adding Spouse/Partner Variables Notes on Skip Patterns and Problems To go directly to detailed information by AHEAD Wave: ● ● ● AHEAD 1993 (Wave 1): "V" variable version (a93f2a_v) AHEAD 1993 (Wave 1): "B" variable version (a93f2a) AHEAD 1995 (Wave 2): "D" variable version (a95f1a) Assignment of Financial Variables to "Self" and "Spouse" Variables for the Individual Financial variables are generally reported by one respondent from each household in AHEAD. This respondent is called the Financial Respondent (FinR). In a single R household that person is the FinR. In a couple household only one of the couple is designated as the FinR, and answers questions about household finances including income, housing, and assets. These data are provided as one observation per household. We merge these with individual respondent data so that each observation stores the household data, regardless of whether the respondent is the FinR or not. In some sections the FinR provides financial information about himself or herself, and about his or her spouse. For instance, the FinR will report the amount of Social Security received each month for her/ himself and for her/his spouse. We reassigned these data to "self" and "spouse/partner" variables for both respondents to clarify to whom the information applies. For example, variables that begin with VR on a93f2a_v, BR on a93f2a or DR on a95f1a apply to "self" while variables that begin with VP on a93f2a_v, BP on a93f2a or DP on a95f1a apply to "spouse/partner". If these variables are used, the analyst doesn't need to check whether an individual is the FinR or not in order to know whether income belongs to the individual or his or her spouse. AHEAD 1993: Financial variable reassignments for AHEAD 1993: "V" variable version (a93f2a_v) Financial variable reassignments for AHEAD 1993: "B" variable version (a93f2a) AHEAD 1995: Financial variable reassignments for AHEAD 1995: "D" variable version (a95f1a) "Self" versons of variables with codes for FinR and Spouse file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv.html (1 of 2)12/22/2003 8:26:59 AM AHEAD: Financial Variables Added Adding Spouse/Partner Variables As we examine the data we sometimes find the need to look at both the respondent and her/his spouse's individual information. When it seems useful and appropriate we provide the spouse's information in this data set. These variables are usually named by adding a "P" as the second letter, e.g., VPnnnn on a93f2a_v, BPnnnn on a93f2a, or DPnnnn on a95f1a for the spouse information from variable Vnnnn, Bnnnn, or Dnnnn. AHEAD 1993: Spouse/Partner Earned Income Variables for AHEAD 1993: "V" variable version (a93f2a_v) Spouse/Partner Medical Services Variables for AHEAD 1993: "V" variable version (a93f2a_v) Spouse/Partner Earned Income Variables for AHEAD 1993: "B" variable version (a93f2a) Spouse/Partner Medical Services Variables for AHEAD 1993: "B" variable version (a93f2a) AHEAD 1995: Spouse/Partner Medical Services Variables for AHEAD 1995 (a95f1a) Notes on Skip Patterns and Problems When we've worked thorugh a particularly difficult skip pattern or explored seeming discrepancies in the data, we document them here. Sometimes we derive variables to help the analyst through the skips or to flag problem cases. Skip pattern difficulties and data problems are usually different for each AHEAD wave. AHEAD 1993: Notes on AHEAD-provided Imputations and problems with some of them for AHEAD 1993: "V" variable version (a93f2a_v) Notes on AHEAD-provided Imputations and problems with some of them for AHEAD 1993: "B" variable version (a93f2a) AHEAD 1995: Calculated Last Calendar Year Income Variables file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv.html (2 of 2)12/22/2003 8:26:59 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) Assignment of Financial Variables to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (VR/VP) on AHEAD 1993 data set with "V" variables (a93f2a_v) The Financial Respondent (FinR) provides financial information about himself or herself, and about his or her spouse. We reassigned this data to "self" and "spouse/partner" variables for both respondents to clarify to whom the information applies. Variables that begin with VR apply to "self" while variables that begin with VP apply to "spouse/partner". Generally, if an individual is the FinR, then the Vnnnn variables for FinR are assigned to VRnnnn and the Vpppp variables for FinR's spouse are assigned to VPnnnn. And if an individual is the spouse/partner of the FinR then the Vnnnn variables for FinR are assigned to VPnnnn and the Vpppp variables for FinR's spouse are assigned to VRnnnn. In AHEAD 1993 the FinR answers questions about his/her spouse's income (other than from a job) in Section J and life insurance in Section R. In AHEAD, income from work is reported in the employment section (Section G) by individual respondents and not in the income section (Section J). We have added spouse/partner's earnings to this data set. In the Health Care and Costs section (Section E), the FinR is asked whether he/she and his/her spouse received certain medical services, such as inpatient hospital and nursing home stays. Non-FinR's were asked for this information individually as well. We have added the spouse/partner's variables for these questions, so that each observation has available both individuals' information about medical services. Medical service cost information was generally given by the FinR for the household. We recoded the "Who received __ service" variable as answered by the FinR. We also created a "Who received __ service" variable based on the individual self-reports. We have also added some notes on AHEAD-provided imputations and pointed out some possible problems with these among the income variables. ● ● ● ● ● Medical Services Used (from Section E) Earned Income Variables for Spouse/Partner Financial Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (VR/VP) Notes on imputations and problems with some of them List of Single-R Households with Some Spouse/Partner Information Medical Services Used Some of the questions in the Health Care and Costs portion of Section E were asked only of the FinR and some were asked of each respondent. For inpatient hospital stays, nursing file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (1 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) home stays, doctor's visits, outpatient surgery, dentist visit, and prescription medicines the FinR was asked if he/she or his/her spouse or both received the service. The non-FinR was also asked individually if he/she received the service. We have carried the spouse/partner's individual response on each observation to complement an individual's own response on each observation. In quite a few cases the individual reports of who used a service disagree with the FinR's summary of usage for the couple. We created 2 new series of variables which: 1) recode the FinR's summary of use but from the "self" perspective; and 2) summarize usage based on the individual reports of usage. The table below shows the variables from this section that we derived or carried over from the spouse/partner record. For the variables for which we added spouse/partner information, we also show the individual's variables from the original AHEAD data. Note that not all original AHEAD variables from this section are listed here. Please refer to the AHEAD 1993 codebook for a complete list of variables and their codes. Medical Services Used (from Section E) Variable Description FinR E1.R IN HOSPITAL LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt for "Self" V605R VR605 ● ● ● ● Comments VP605R 1=YES, 5=NO if R=FinR then VR605=V605 V605 E1.R/SP IN HOSPITAL LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt for "Spouse/ Partner" 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither if R not FinR then ● ● ● VR605=1 if V605=3 VR605=2 if V605=2 VR605=3 if V605=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (2 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) ● VR605A E1.R/SP IN HOSP LAST 12 MOS / from Indiv Rpt ● ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● =1 if V605R=1, VP605R=5 =2 if V605R=1, VP605R=1 =3 if V605R=5, VP605R=1 E2.# TIMES IN HOSPITAL LAST 12 MOS V606 VP606 E3.# NIGHTS IN HOSPITAL LAST 12 MOS V607 VP607 E5.R IN NURSING HM LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt V622R VP622R 1=YES, 5=NO if R=FinR then VR622=V622 V622 E5.R/SP IN NURSING HOME LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt VR622 ● ● ● ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither if R not FinR then ● ● ● VR622=1 if V622=3 VR622=2 if V622=2 VR622=3 if V622=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (3 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) ● VR622A E5.R/SP IN NURSHM LAST 12 MOS/ from Indiv Rpts ● ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● =1 if V622R=1, VP622R=5 =2 if V622R=1, VP622R=1 =3 if V622R=5, VP622R=1 E6.# TIMES IN NURSING HOME LAST 12 MO V623 VP623 E7.# NIGHTS IN NURSHM LAST 12 MOS V624 VP624 E11.R VISIT DOCTOR LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt V639R VP639R 1=YES, 5=NO if R=FinR then VR639=V639 V639 E11.R/SP VISIT DOCTOR LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt VR639 ● ● ● ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither if R not FinR then ● ● ● VR639=1 if V639=3 VR639=2 if V639=2 VR639=3 if V639=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (4 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) ● VR639A E11.R/SP VISIT DOCTOR LAST 12 MOS / from Indiv Rpt ● ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● =1 if V639R=1, VP639R=5 =2 if V639R=1, VP639R=1 =3 if V639R=5, VP639R=1 E12. #TIMES TALK TO DOCTOR LAST 12 MOS V640 VP640 E14.R O/P SURG LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt V654R VP654R 1=YES, 5=NO if R=FinR then VR654=V654 V654 VR654 E14.R/SP O/ P SURG LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt ● ● ● ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither if R not FinR then ● ● ● VR654=1 if V654=3 VR654=2 if V654=2 VR654=3 if V654=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (5 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) ● VR654A E14.R/SP O/ P SURG LAST 12 MOS / from Indiv Rpt ● ● ● ● E17.R DENTIST LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither V669R VR669 ● ● ● ● ● VP669R 1=YES, 5=NO if R=FinR then VR669=V669 V669 E17.R/SP DENTIST LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither if R not FinR then ● ● ● ● VR669A E17.R/SP DENTIST LAST 12 MOS / from Indiv Rpt =1 if V654R=1, VP654R=5 =2 if V654R=1, VP654R=1 =3 if V654R=5, VP654R=1 ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● VR669=1 if V669=3 VR669=2 if V669=2 VR669=3 if V669=1 =1 if V669R=1, VP669R=5 =2 if V669R=1, VP669R=1 =3 if V669R=5, VP669R=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (6 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) E19.NOT FILL MEDS LAST 12 MOS B/C OF $ V680 VP680 E20.R TAKEN MEDS LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt V685R VP685R 1=YES, 5=NO if R=FinR then VR685=V685 V685 E20.R/SP TAKEN MEDS LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt VR685 ● ● ● ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● if R not FinR then 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● E20.R/SP TAKN MEDS LST 12 MOS/ from Indiv Rpt E20a. USUAL # MEDS TAKE PER MONTH VR685A ● ● ● ● V686 ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● VR685=1 if V685=3 VR685=2 if V685=2 VR685=3 if V685=1 =1 if V685R=1, VP685R=5 =2 if V685R=1, VP685R=1 =3 if V685R=5, VP685R=1 VP686 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (7 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) if R=FinR then VR701=V701 V701 E22.R/SP IN-HOME MED SERV NOT COVERD / from FinR rpt VR701 ● ● ● ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● if R not FinR then 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● ● if R=FinR then VR715=V715 V715 E24.R/SP USE OTHER SVC LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt VR715 ● ● ● ● VR701=1 if V701=3 VR701=2 if V701=2 VR701=3 if V701=1 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● if R not FinR then 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● ● E31.DAYS IN BED AT HOME LAST MONTH V753 VP753 E31a. COVERED BY MEDICARE V754 VP754 E31b. COVERED BY MEDICARE PART B V755 VP755 VR715=1 if V715=3 VR715=2 if V715=2 VR715=3 if V715=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (8 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) Spouse/Partner Earned Income Variables "Job" can be a type of regular income reported in Section J, but the amount of income questions are skipped for income of this type. Earnings from a job are reported in Section G by individuals. In order to provide income from jobs, we have added spouse/partner information about earned income from Section G. So in a couple household, each respondent's observation stores both her/his earned income and that of her/his spouse. Most individuals that had "Job" as a type of regular income report that they are currently working or have worked in the last 2 years. There are only 4 individuals (three are half of a couple household) who report no work in Section G but report "Job" in regular income. They are: ● ● ● ● HHIDPN=204034020 (spouse=204034010) HHIDPN=204263010 (spouse=204263020) HHIDPN=205205010 (no spouse) HHIDPN=208227010 (spouse=208227020) Variable Description for "Self" for "Spouse/ Partner" G1.WORKING CURRENTLY? V1174 VP1174 G1a.WORK LAST 2 YRS? (asked if not currently working) V1175 VP1175 G2. CURRENTLY SELF EMPLOYED V1178 VP1178 G8.CURR WORK:$ EARNED 19921993 V1189 VP1189 FLAG:G8.CURR WORK:$ EARNED 1992-1993 V1189F VP1189F IMP:G8.CURR WORK:$ EARNED 1992-1993 V1189X (see note below) VP1189X (see note below) G8a.CURR WORK:$ EARNED PERIOD V1190 VP1190 G12.JOB LAST 2 YRS:SELF EMPLOYED V1217 VP1217 G17.JOB LAST 2 YRS:TOT $ EARN 1992/93 V1227 VP1227 FLAG:G17.JOB LST 2 YRS:TOT EARN 92/93 V1227F VP1227F file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (9 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) IMP:G17.JOB LAST 2 YRS:TOT EARN 92/93 V1227X (see note below) VP1227X (see note below) G17a.JOB LAST 2 YRS:TOTL $ EARNED PERIOD V1228 VP1228 FLAG:LCY R TOTAL EARNINGS JOBLCYF JOBLCYFP IMP:LCY R TOTAL EARNINGS JOBLCYX (see note below) JOBLCYXP (see note below) NOTE on imputed earnings variables: Questions about amount earned in 1992 or 1993 (depending on interview year) are asked in 2 different places and the results are combined in one AHEAD-imputed variable, JOBLCYX. The question was: About how much did you earn on all jobs in (1992/1993) before taxes? The variables that hold the answer to this question are: ● ● V1189=amount, V1190=earnings period --> if R is currently working V1127=amount, V1228=earnings period --> if R is not currently working but worked in the last 2 years Imputed variables V1189X and V1227X use the values of variable pairs V1189/V1190 and V1227/V1228, respectively to calculate an annual amount earned. V1190 and V1228 provide the period to which the amounts given in V1189 and V1227 apply. So for instance, if V1189=$150 and V1190=3 for monthly, then V1189X is set to 12 x 150 = $1800. If V1189/V1227 is missing (DK or RF) or if V1190/V1228 is DK, RF, or Other (=7) then V1189X/V1227X is imputed, and V1189F/V1227F is set to 1. If V1189X/ V1227X are imputed because V1190/V1228 is missing or "Other", the imputed value does not seem to take into account the value of V1189/V1227 at all. For instance, if V1189=0 and V1190=Other, V1189X is likely to be imputed as a value greater than zero. JOBLCYX uses one of the values in V1189X or V1227X, depending on whether R is currently working or not. If R is currently working, JOBLCYX is set to V1189X. If R is not currently working but worked in the last 2 years then JOBLCYX is set to V1127X. JOBLCYF takes on the value of V1189F or V1227F similarly. There are some apparent inconsistencies in the data. For instance, there are cases where R reported earnings in V1227 from work in the last 2 years, but also reports that job ending before 1992. There are also cases that are currently working and have been working for file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (10 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) many years but who report $0 as income in V1189. Financial Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (VR/VP) These financial variables are reassigned to clarify to whom the data apply. In these data sets we create "self" and "spouse/partner" variables for both the FinR and the non-FinR. The variables take on the numeric portion of the FinR variable name, with the following prefixes: Variable Name assignments AHEAD 1993, "V" variables (on a93f2a_v) Original Variable FinR Finr's Spouse Reassigned Variable Self AHEAD 1993, "B" variables (on a93f2a) Original Variable Finr's Spouse/ FinR Spouse Partner Reassigned Variable Self Spouse/ Partner Vnnnn Vpppp VRnnnn VPnnnn Bnnnn Bpppp BRnnnn BPnnnn For example, in a couple household where both receive separate Social Security checks, V1379 is the amount the FinR received from SS last month and V1390 is the amount the FinR's spouse received last month. In the FinR's data on the RAND AHEAD file, VR1379 would come from V1379 and VP1379 would come from V1390. In the FinR's spouse's data, VR1379 would come from V1390 and VP1379 would come from V1379. The "self" and "spouse/partner" variable reassignments were done for income variables from Section J and life insurance variables from Section R. They are listed in the tables below. We have also added spouse/partner variables for income from jobs, and provided some notes on income imputations and possible problems with some of the imputed variables. ● ● ● ● Section J Income Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (VR/VP) Section R Insurance Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (VR/VP) Earned Income Variables for Spouse/Partner Notes on imputations and problems with some of them Section J Income Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (11 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) Notes on Who Received Social Security Income The variable V1376 indicates who receives Social Security income. If the answer was missing, AHEAD imputed this variable in V1376H and V1376F is set to one if it was imputed. We have reassigned both these variables (V1376 and V1376H) to "self" variables (VR1376 and VR1376H). The values of V1376/V1376H are: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 1=Both R and spouse receive Social Security 2=Just R receives Social Security 3=Just R's spouse receives Social Security 5=Neither R nor spouse receives Social Security .D=Don't Know (V1376 only) .R=Refused (V1376 only) . = Not Ascertained, i.e., no FinR or not asked (V1376 only) The reassignment was done as follows: if R is FinR then VR1376=V1376 and VR1376H=V1376H if R is not FinR then ● ● ● ● if V1376/V1376H=1 then VR1376/VR1376H=1 if V1376/V1376H=2 then VR1376/VR1376H=3 if V1376/V1376H=3 then VR1376/VR1376H=2 if V1376=.D,.R, or . then VR1376=V1376 If both the FinR and FinR's spouse received Social Security then AHEAD asked if they received a single joint check or separate checks (V1377). V1377 is skipped (= .) if V1376 does not indicate both (V1376=3). AHEAD imputed V1377 in V1377H, with V1377F indicating an imputed value. V1377H has a value for all households where V1376H shows at least one person received Social Security; households where only one respondent received it are given the code for "two separate checks" (=2). If V1376H indicates "Neither" (=5) then V1377H is skipped (= .). Note: If V1377/V1377H shows the couple receiving one joint check, then the total amount is reported in V1379 (FinR's SocSec) and V1390 (FinR's spouse's SocSec) is skipped. However other questions, such as the type of benefit (V1389), ARE asked about the spouse's SocSec. In the VR/VP variables, when there is one joint check, the amount is assigned to VR1379/VR1379X for both the FinR and non-FinR, and the VP1379/ VP1379X variables will be missing. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (12 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) Possible problem with a skip pattern: A majority of cases skipped the question on whether the FinR's SocSec started more than 2 years ago, and hence also skipped the question on when it started if less than 2 years. We could find no apparent reason for the large number of skips. The data on FinR's spouse's analogous question are far more complete. If R is If R is If R is Spouse of Spouse of FinR, Financial Financial FinR, FinR, Respondent Assign Respondent Assign Assign Assign (FinR) Spouse FinR Spouse Spouse FinR Variables variables Variables variables variables variables to ... to ... to ... to ... If R is FinR, Income Variable Description Social Security Income J2-J3.SS:TYPE V1378 VR1378 VP1378 V1389 VP1378 VR1378 J2b-J3a.SS:$ LAST MONTH (see note above. V1379 VR1379 VP1379 V1390 VP1379 VR1379 FLAG:J2b-J3a.SS:$ LAST MONTH V1379F VR1379F VP1379F V1390F VP1379F VR1379F IMP:J2b-J3a.SS:$ LAST MONTH X 12 V1379X (see note above. VR1379X VP1379X V1390X VP1379X VR1379X J2c-J3b.SS:START >2YRS AGO (see note on possible problem above. V1380 VR1380 VP1380 V1391 VP1380 VR1380 J2d-J3c.SS:START MONTH V1381 VR1381 VP1381 V1392 VP1381 VR1381 J2e-J3d.SS:START YEAR V1382 VR1382 VP1382 V1393 VP1382 VR1382 J5-J4.SS:EXPECT IN FUTURE V1403 VR1403 VP1403 V1395 VP1403 VR1403 J5a-J4a.SS:FUTURE V1404 START AGE VR1404 VP1404 V1396 VP1404 VR1404 J5b-J4b.SS:FUTURE V1405 $ PER MONTH VR1405 VP1405 V1397 VP1405 VR1405 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (13 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) J5c-J4d.SS:SSA CALC BEN EVER V1406 VR1406 VP1406 V1399 VP1406 VR1406 J5d-J4e.SS:SSA CALC BEN IN LAST 2YRS V1407 VR1407 VP1407 V1400 VP1407 VR1407 J5e-J4f.SS:SSA CALC $ V1408 VR1408 VP1408 V1401 VP1408 VR1408 J5f-J4g.SS:SSA CALC $ PERIOD V1409 VR1409 VP1409 V1402 VP1409 VR1409 J5e-J4f.SS:SSA CALC $ MONTHLY V1408R VR1408R VP1408R V1401R VP1408R VR1408R RegIncV1456 1 VR1456 VP1456 after RegInc- V1473 1 VR1473_1 VP1473_1 V1533 VP1473_1 VR1473_1 after RegInc- V1491 2 VR1473_2 VP1473_2 V1555 VP1473_2 VR1473_2 RegIncV1457 1 VR1457_1 VP1457_1 V1517 VP1457_1 VR1457_1 RegIncV1475 2 VR1457_2 VP1457_2 V1539 VP1457_2 VR1457_2 RegIncV1492 3 VR1457_3 VP1457_3 V1560 VP1457_3 VR1457_3 RegIncV1458 1 VR1458_1 VP1458_1 V1518 VP1458_1 VR1458_1 RegIncV1476 2 VR1458_2 VP1458_2 V1540 VP1458_2 VR1458_2 RegIncV1493 3 VR1458_3 VP1458_3 V1561 VP1458_3 VR1458_3 RegIncV1459 1 VR1459_1 VP1459_1 V1519 VP1459_1 VR1459_1 Regular Sources of Income J19-J29. REG INC: RECEIVE ANY J26-J36. REG INC: ANY OTHER J20-J30. REG INC: TYPE J21-J31. REG INC: PAID PER MONTH VP1456 V1515 VR1456 J21b-J31b. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (14 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) REG INC:$ PERIOD J21c-J31c. REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD RegIncV1477 2 VR1459_2 VP1459_2 V1541 VP1459_2 VR1459_2 RegIncV1494 3 VR1459_3 VP1459_3 V1562 VP1459_3 VR1459_3 RegIncV1460 1 VR1460_1 VP1460_1 V1520 VP1460_1 VR1460_1 RegIncV1478 2 VR1460_2 VP1460_2 V1542 VP1460_2 VR1460_2 RegIncV1495 3 VR1460_3 VP1460_3 V1563 VP1460_3 VR1460_3 VR1460F1 VP1460F1 V1520F VP1460F1 VR1460F1 VR1460F2 VP1460F2 V1542F VP1460F2 VR1460F2 VR1460F3 VP1460F3 V1563F VP1460F3 VR1460F3 RegIncV1460X 1 VR1460X1 VP1460X1 V1520X VP1460X1 VR1460X1 RegIncV1478X 2 VR1460X2 VP1460X2 V1542X VP1460X2 VR1460X2 RegIncV1495X 3 VR1460X3 VP1460X3 V1563X VP1460X3 VR1460X3 RegIncV1461 1 VR1461_1 VP1461_1 V1521 VP1461_1 VR1461_1 RegIncV1479 2 VR1461_2 VP1461_2 V1543 VP1461_2 VR1461_2 RegIncV1496 3 VR1461_3 VP1461_3 V1564 VP1461_3 VR1461_3 RegIncV1462 1 VR1462_1 VP1462_1 V1522 VP1462_1 VR1462_1 RegIncV1480 2 VR1462_2 VP1462_2 V1544 VP1462_2 VR1462_2 RegIncV1497 3 VR1462_3 VP1462_3 V1565 VP1462_3 VR1462_3 RegIncV1460F FLAG:J21c- 1 RegIncJ31c.REG V1478F 2 INC:$LCYR RegIncV1495F 3 IMP:J21cJ31c.REG INC:$LCYR (see imputation notes and problems) J21d-J31d. REG INC: FED INC TAXED J21e-J31e. REG INC: START >2YRS AGO file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (15 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) J21f-J31f. REG INC: START MONTH J21g-J31g. REG INC: START YEAR J22-J32. REG INC: VET BEN TYPE RegIncV1463 1 VR1463_1 VP1463_1 V1523 VP1463_1 VR1463_1 RegIncV1481 2 VR1463_2 VP1463_2 V1545 VP1463_2 VR1463_2 RegIncV1498 3 VR1463_3 VP1463_3 V1566 VP1463_3 VR1463_3 RegIncV1464 1 VR1464_1 VP1464_1 V1524 VP1464_1 VR1464_1 RegIncV1482 2 VR1464_2 VP1464_2 V1546 VP1464_2 VR1464_2 RegIncV1499 3 VR1464_3 VP1464_3 V1567 VP1464_3 VR1464_3 RegIncV1465 1 VR1465_1 VP1465_1 V1525 VP1465_1 VR1465_1 RegIncV1483 2 VR1465_2 VP1465_2 V1547 VP1465_2 VR1465_2 RegIncV1500 3 VR1465_3 VP1465_3 V1568 VP1465_3 VR1465_3 RegIncV1466 1 VR1466_1 VP1466_1 V1526 VP1466_1 VR1466_1 VR1466_2 VP1466_2 V1548 VP1466_2 VR1466_2 VR1466_3 VP1466_3 V1569 VP1466_3 VR1466_3 RegIncV1467 1 VR1467_1 VP1467_1 V1527 VP1467_1 VR1467_1 RegIncV1485 2 VR1467_2 VP1467_2 V1549 VP1467_2 VR1467_2 RegIncV1502 3 VR1467_3 VP1467_3 V1570 VP1467_3 VR1467_3 RegIncV1468 1 VR1468_1 VP1468_1 V1528 VP1468_1 VR1468_1 RegIncV1486 2 VR1468_2 VP1468_2 V1550 VP1468_2 VR1468_2 RegIncV1503 3 VR1468_3 VP1468_3 V1571 VP1468_3 VR1468_3 J23-J33. RegIncREG INC: V1484 2 ADJ FOR INFLATION RegIncV1501 3 J23a-J33a. REG INC: ADJ FOR COLA J24-J34. REG INC: FOR LIFE file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (16 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) J24a-J34a. REG INC: YRS WILL RECEIVE J25-J35.IF R DIES: REG INC TO SP RegIncV1469 1 VR1469_1 VP1469_1 V1529 VP1469_1 VR1469_1 RegIncV1487 2 VR1469_2 VP1469_2 V1551 VP1469_2 VR1469_2 RegIncV1504 3 VR1469_3 VP1469_3 V1572 VP1469_3 VR1469_3 RegIncV1470 1 VR1470_1 VP1470_1 V1530 VP1470_1 VR1470_1 RegIncV1488 2 VR1470_2 VP1470_2 V1552 VP1470_2 VR1470_2 RegIncV1505 3 VR1470_3 VP1470_3 V1573 VP1470_3 VR1470_3 RegIncV1471 1 VR1471_1 VP1471_1 V1531 VP1471_1 VR1471_1 VR1471_2 VP1471_2 V1553 VP1471_2 VR1471_2 VR1471_3 VP1471_3 V1574 VP1471_3 VR1471_3 VR1471R1 VP1471R1 V1531R VP1471R1 VR1471R1 VR1471R2 VP1471R2 V1553R VP1471R2 VR1471R2 VR1471R3 VP1471R3 V1574R VP1471R3 VR1471R3 RegIncV1472 1 VR1472_1 VP1472_1 V1532 VP1472_1 VR1472_1 RegIncV1490 2 VR1472_2 VP1472_2 V1554 VP1472_2 VR1472_2 RegIncV1507 3 VR1472_3 VP1472_3 V1575 VP1472_3 VR1472_3 J25a-J35a. IF R DIES:$ RegIncV1489 2 REG INC TO SP RegIncV1506 3 RegIncV1471R 1 J25a-J35a. IF R DIES:$ RegIncV1489R 2 REG INC SP-MONTH RegIncV1506R 3 J25b-J35b. IF R DIES: INC TO SP $ PERIOD Any Regular Income that Ended in (1992/1993) J27-J37.REG INC: ANY END 1992/3 V1508 VR1508 VP1508 V1576 VP1508 VR1508 J27a-J37a.REG INC END1992/3:TYPE V1509 VR1509 VP1509 V1577 VP1509 VR1509 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (17 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) J28-J37c.REG INC END 1992/3:PD PER V1510 MO VR1510 VP1510 V1580 VP1510 VR1510 J28a-J37d.REG INC END 1992/3:$ PER V1511 VR1511 VP1511 V1581 VP1511 VR1511 J28b-J37e.REG INC END 92/3:$ LAST PER V1512 VR1512 VP1512 V1582 VP1512 VR1512 J28c-J37b.REGINC END92/3:LAST MO V1513 RECD VR1513 VP1513 V1578 VP1513 VR1513 J28d-J37b.REGINC END92/3:LAST YR RECD VR1514 VP1514 V1579 VP1514 VR1514 V1514 Section R Insurance Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables If R is If R is If R is Spouse of Spouse of FinR, Financial Financial FinR, FinR, Respondent Respondent Assign Assign Assign Assign (FinR) Spouse FinR Spouse FinR Spouse Variables variables Variables variables variables variables to ... to ... to ... to ... If R is FinR, Insurance Variable Description Term Life Insurance R11-R18.LIFE INSURANCE: ANY V1884 VR1884 VP1884 V1900 VP1884 VR1884 R12-R19. TERM LIFE INS:ANY V1885 VR1885 VP1885 V1901 VP1885 VR1885 R12a-R19a. TERM LIFE INS:# POLICIES V1886 VR1886 VP1886 V1902 VP1886 VR1886 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (18 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) R12b-R19b. TERM LIFE INS:POLICY COST V1887 VR1887 VP1887 V1903 VP1887 VR1887 FLAG:R12bR19b.TERM V1887F LIFE INS: POLICY COST VR1887F VP1887F V1903F VP1887F VR1887F IMP:R12bR19b.TERM LIFE INS: POLICY COST V1887X see imputation notes and problems) VR1887X VP1887X V1903X VP1887X VR1887X R12c-R19c. TERM LIFE INS:COST PERIOD V1888 VR1888 VP1888 V1904 VP1888 VR1888 R12d-R19d. TRM LIFE INS: V1889 PAYMT IF DIES VR1889 VP1889 V1905 VP1889 VR1889 R13-R20. TERM LIFE INS: V1890A1 BENEFICIARY1 VR1890A1 VP1890A1 V1906A1 VP1890A1 VR1890A1 R13-R20. TERM LIFE INS: V1890A2 BENEFICIARY2 VR1890A2 VP1890A2 V1906A2 VP1890A2 VR1890A2 R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-1 VR1891A1 VP1891A1 V1907A1 VP1891A1 VR1891A1 V1891A1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (19 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-2 V1891A2 VR1891A2 VP1891A2 V1907A2 VP1891A2 VR1891A2 R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-3 V1891A3 VR1891A3 VP1891A3 V1907A3 VP1891A3 VR1891A3 R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-4 V1891A4 VR1891A4 VP1891A4 V1907A4 VP1891A4 VR1891A4 R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-5 V1891A5 VR1891A5 VP1891A5 V1907A5 VP1891A5 VR1891A5 R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-6 V1891A6 VR1891A6 VP1891A6 ------- VP1891A6 VR1891A6 Whole Life Insurance R15-R22. WHOLE LIFE INS:ANY V1893 VR1893 VP1893 V1909 VP1893 VR1893 R15a-R22a. WHOLE LIFE INS:# POLICIES V1894 VR1894 VP1894 V1910 VP1894 VR1894 R15b-R22b. WHOLE LIFE INS:TOT PREMIUM V1895 VR1895 VP1895 V1912 VP1895 VR1895 FLAG:R15bR22b.WHOLE LIFE INS: PREMIUM V1895F VR1895F VP1895F V1912F VP1895F VR1895F file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (20 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) IMP:R15bR22b.WHOLE LIFE INS: PREMIUM (see imputation notes and problems) V1895X VR1895X VP1895X V1912X VP1895X VR1895X R15c-R22c. WHL LIFE INS: V1896 PREMIUM PER VR1896 VP1896 V1913 VP1896 VR1896 R15d-R22d. WHL LIFE INS: V1897 PAYMENT, DIES VR1897 VP1897 V1914 VP1897 VR1897 R16-R23. WHOLE LIFE INS: V1898A1 BENEFICIARY1 VR1898A1 VP1898A1 V1915A1 VP1898A1 VR1898A1 R16-R23. WHOLE LIFE INS: V1898A2 BENEFICIARY2 VR1898A2 VP1898A2 V1915A2 VP1898A2 VR1898A2 R16-R23. WHOLE LIFE INS: V1898A3 BENEFICIARY3 VR1898A3 VP1898A3 V1915A3 VP1898A3 VR1898A3 R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-1 V1899A1 VR1899A1 VP1899A1 V1916A1 VP1899A1 VR1899A1 R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-2 V1899A2 VR1899A2 VP1899A2 V1916A2 VP1899A2 VR1899A2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (21 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-3 ------- VR1899A3 VP1899A3 V1916A3 VP1899A3 VR1899A3 R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-4 V1899A4 VR1899A4 VP1899A4 V1916A4 VP1899A4 VR1899A4 R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-5 V1899A5 VR1899A5 VP1899A5 V1916A5 VP1899A5 VR1899A5 R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-6 V1899A6 VR1899A6 VP1899A6 ------- VP1899A6 VR1899A6 Notes on imputations and problems with some of them This describes the imputed amounts provided in the AHEAD 1993 data. Variables containing imputations are usually named VnnnnX and cases where values have actually been imputed are flagged by variables named VnnnnF. Imputed variables generally carry a value based on the respondent's answer if given and a hot-decked value when the respondent did not give full information. A non-zero flag (VnnnnF) indicates that the value in VnnnnX was imputed. Many imputed variables standardize the time period to which a dollar amount applies. Most often this is an annualized amount, but sometimes it is a monthly amount. Imputations that are calculated as monthly amounts are: ● ● ● how much added to savings (V1773X) term life insurance premium information for both R and spouse/partner (see table above) whole life insurance premium information for both R and spouse/partner (see table above) Some variables are annualized at the current rate. Others take into account the month the amount began. For instance, SSI uses the information about whether SSI had been file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (22 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) received for more than the last 2 years, and if not, when SSI started, in calculating the amount of SSI last calendar year. That is, if SSI began in November of the last calendar year before the interview, the monthly amount was multiplied by 2 for Nov/Dec. The same is true for food stamps. But Social Security income is annualized by multiplying the current monthly amount by 12 regardless of when the payments began. So the analyst should be aware that annualized amounts do not always refer to last calendar year, even when the variable label indicates this is so. (We have changed the label for Social Security). The questions sometimes ask for an amount per period and then the period to which this applies. For some types of income the questions ask if the amount is paid monthly, and only if not, ask for the period. The calculated value takes the amount per period and multiplies it by the appropriate factor to get the annual or monthly value. So for instance, if R reports receiving $50 per month, and the imputed variable is annualized, the VnnnnX variable would contain $600. Variables specifying the period can have a code for "Other" (=7). If the period is specified as "Other" or is missing (DK/RF), then the imputed value is hot-decked, regardless of the amount given. Thus the respondent could have responded $0, but said "Other" for the period and be imputed to have a positive amount. If the annualized amount imputed uses a start month and year in the calculation, it appears that if either is missing, the annualized amount is imputed without regard to any monthly amount given. Other imputed variables use unfolding bracket categories (if given) to impute continuous variables. The imputation flags for these indicate whether brackets were used or not in the imputation. And some imputations combine other imputed fields, such as earned income (JOBLCYF) and total household income (HHINC). In the case of total household income HHINC is the sum of total R and spouse income (V1648X) and total other household member income (V1681X) in the last calendar year (1992/1993). The imputation flag (HHINCF) is the sum of the individual imputation flags (V1648F and V1681F), with a maximum of 9. See NOTE on imputed earnings variables for more details on imputations for earned income. Potential Problems with Imputations We checked AHEAD-provided imputed values for consistency with the information available for all the VnnnnX variables. For most no problems were detected, or under 10 cases showed any inconsistency. We have listed those variables with just a few problems file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (23 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) in ahdw1imp1.txt. Some of the imputed income components in Section J appear to have more problems than those in other sections. The problems include: ● ● ● ● A positive value is imputed, even though the respondent said there was not income of this type. The imputed value doesn't match the values and period given but is not flagged as an imputation. The respondent said there was income of this type, but the amount is missing, and there is no imputed value. In these cases the imputation flag can be missing or 1. The respondent gave valid amounts and periods for income but the imputed variable and imputation flag are missing. The income components with these types of problems are: ● ● ● ● SSI (V1414X/V1414F) food stamps (V1423X/V1423F) regular income, all three types of regular income for both R and spouse/partner (see table above). investment income (V1587X/V1587F, V1593X/V1593F, and V1599X/V1599F) For SSI and food stamps, a question asked if the income started more than 2 years ago, and if not, when it began. The calculated values for last calendar year take into account the start month, most of the time correctly. For investment income which ended in the last calendar year (V1599X), AHEAD asks which month the income ended in. There appears to have been a systematic error in the calculations for the imputed value--they seem to have multiplied the monthly amount as though the income started instead of ending in the given month. For instance, if R reports (in a 1993 interview) having received $300 per month ending in February 1992, V1599X is set to $3300 instead of the $600 we would have expected. And there are a few problems with the monthly term and whole life insurance premiums for both R and spouse. There are also 3 widows for whom spouse social security was imputed. These cases are listed below under List of Single-R Households with Some Spouse/Partner Information. We have added flags to indicate problem cases for the income imputations listed above and for the insurance premiums. These flags are named VnnnnG, e.g., V1414G for the SSI file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (24 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) imputation. For V1599X, we have recalculated the investment income that ended in 1992/1993, using the end month given in V1597/V1598. The recalculation replaces V1599X and V1599G flags the remaining imputation problems. The original value of V1599X is saved in _V1599X. We also saved the original imputation check flag (V1599G) in _V1599G. We created another variable V1599XF which indicates whether the value of V1599X was changed. Details of flagged cases are listed in ahdw1improb.txt. The added flag variables have the following codes. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 0.VnnnnF=No / any=missing / amount-period missing / VnnnnX missing / OK 1.VnnnnF=No / VnnnnX ne amount-period given / PROBLEM 2.VnnnnF=No / amount-period given but VnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 3.VnnnnF=No / any=Yes / amount-period=missing but VnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 4.VnnnnF=No / any=No / but VnnnnX not missing / PROBLEM 7.VnnnnF=No / any=missing / amount-period given / FLAG PROBLEM 8.VnnnnF=No / amount-period given=VnnnnX / OK 9.VnnnnF=No / any=Yes / amount-period=missing / VnnnnX not. / FLAG PROBLEM 10.VnnnnF=Yes / any=missing / VnnnnX missing / OK 11.VnnnnF=Yes / VnnnnX ne amount-period given / ?OK 12.VnnnnF=Yes / amount-period given but VnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 13.VnnnnF=Yes / any=Yes / amount-period=missing but VnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 14.VnnnnF=Yes / any=No / but VnnnnX not missing / PROBLEM 17.VnnnnF=Yes / any=missing / amount-period given / OK 18.VnnnnF=Yes / amount-period given=VnnnnX / FLAG PROBLEM 19.VnnnnF=Yes / any=Yes / amount-period=missing, VnnnnX not. / OK 90.VnnnnF=missing / any=missing / amount-period missing / VnnnnX missing / OK 91.VnnnnF=missing / VnnnnX ne amount-period given / PROBLEM 92.VnnnnF=missing / amount-period given but VnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 93.VnnnnF=missing / any=Yes / amount-period=missing but VnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 94.VnnnnF=missing / any=No / but VnnnnX not missing / PROBLEM 97.VnnnnF=missing / any=missing / amount-period given / FLAG PROBLEM 98.VnnnnF=missing / amount-period given=VnnnnX / FLAG PROBLEM 99.VnnnnF=missing / any=Yes / amount-period=missing, VnnnnX not. / FLAG PROBLEM file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (25 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) "OK" means the combination of given or missing values, imputation flag, and imputed value make sense. "FLAG PROBLEM" means that the imputed value makes sense, but the imputation flag doesn't. "PROBLEM" means that something may be wrong with the imputed value. Imputation Flag Variables Added Imputed Variable Label Imputed Variable Added Flag Variable Comments Household Variables V1414G used V1413, V1414, V1414F, V1414X, V1415, V1416, V1417, BIVIEWYR in comparison compared value calculated, based on month started SSI V1432X V1432G used V1430, V1432, V1432F, V1432X, V1441, V1442, V1443, BIVIEWYR in comparison compared value calculated, based on month started food stamps IMP: J42b-1. INVEST INC: V1587X TOTAL PD-LCYR1 V1587G used V1583, V1587, V1587F, V1587X, V1588 in comparison IMP: J42b-2. INVEST INC: V1593X TOTAL PD-LCYR2 V1593G used V1589, V1593, V1593F, V1593X, V1594 in comparison V1599G used V1595, V1597, V1598, V1599, V1599F, V1599X, BIVIEWYR in comparison recalculated V1599X based on V1597 (end month), V1598 (end year), BIVIEWYR, and V1599 (last monthly amount) V1599XF Flags whether V1599X value changed (1=changed) _V1599X Saved original value of V1599X IMP: J7. SSI: $LCYR IMP: J13a. FS: $ LCYR IMP: J43d. INVEST INC END1992/3: $LCYR V1414X V1599X file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (26 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) _V1599G Saved original value of V1599G, i. e., V1599G for _V1599X Individual Variables, "Self" and "Spouse" versions (we only flagged VR/VP versions of these) IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/ Self used VR1456, VR1458_1, VR1459_1, VR1460_1, VR1460X1 VR1460G1 VR1460F1, VR1460X1 in comparison IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/ Self used VR1473_1, VR1458_2, VR1459_2, VR1460_2, VR1460X2 VR1460G2 VR1460F2, VR1460X2 in comparison IMP:J21c-3.REG INC:$-LCYR-3/ Self used VR1473_2, VR1458_3, VR1459_3, VR1460_3, VR1460X3 VR1460G3 VR1460F3, VR1460X3 in comparison used VP1456, VP1458_1, IMP:J21c-1.REG VP1459_1, VP1460_1, INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp- VP1460X1 VP1460G1 VP1460F1, VP1460X1 in P comparison used VP1473_1, VP1458_2, IMP:J21c-2.REG VP1459_2, VP1460_2, INC:$-LCYR-2/Sp- VP1460X2 VP1460G2 VP1460F2, VP1460X2 in P comparison used VP1473_2, VP1458_3, IMP:J21c-3.REG VP1459_3, VP1460_3, INC:$-LCYR-3/Sp- VP1460X3 VP1460G3 VP1460F3, VP1460X3 in P comparison IMP:R12b.TERM used VR1884, VR1885, VR1887, LIFE INS:POLICY VR1887X VR1887G VR1887F, VR1887X, VR1888 in COST/Self comparison IMP:R12b.TERM LIFE INS:POLICY VP1887X COST/Sp-P VP1887G used VP1884, VP1885, VP1887, VP1887F, VP1887X, VP1888 in comparison IMP:R15b.WHOLE used VR1884, VR1893, VR1895, LIFE INS: VR1895X VR1895G VR1895F, VR1895X, VR1896 in PREMIUM/Self comparison file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (27 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("V" variables) IMP:R15b.WHOLE LIFE INS: VP1895X PREMIUM/Sp-P VP1895G used VP1884, VP1893, VP1895, VP1895F, VP1895X, VP1896 in comparison List of Single-R Households with Some Spouse/Partner Information HHIDPN BMARSTAT Description of Information 203618010 5=Widowed Widow with spouse Soc Security imputed 207158010 5=Widowed Widow with spouse Soc Security imputed 207161010 5=Widowed Widow with spouse Soc Security imputed 205708010 14=Separated/ Divorced Reports Soc Security and regular income for spouse 207432010 14=Separated/ Divorced Reports Soc Security for spouse file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1v.html (28 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:03 AM The SAS System impute flag=0 but values missing V1099 CATEG: F26. F26. VALUE VALUE OF HOUSEHOLD OF HOME HOME AND IDENTIFIER AND LAND LAND 15:07 Tuesday, October 12, 1999 FLAG: F26. VALUE OF HOME AND LAND IMP: F26. VALUE OF HOME AND LAND 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER F26. VALUE OF HOME AND LAND CATEG: F26. VALUE OF HOME AND LAND FLAG: F26. VALUE OF HOME AND LAND IMP: F26. VALUE OF HOME AND LAND 206154 207702 D D 1 1 1 1 150000 125000 201407 205944 208022 D D D imputed outside bracket V1099 impute flag=0 but values missing V1123 F32. F32a. AMOUNT MORTGAGE HOUSEHOLD MORTGAGE PYMT IDENTIFIER PAYMENT PERIOD 200057 202249 . . FLAG: F32. AMOUNT MORTGAGE PAYMENT IMP: F32. AMOUNT MORTGAGE PAYMENT 0 0 2808 0 3 . impute flag=0 but values missing V1133 F37a. AMOUNT F37b. HOUSEHOLD OTHER LOAN OTHER LOAN IDENTIFIER PMT PMT PERIOD 202722 204928 208409 . R R imputed outside bracket V1796 K39. LUMP HOUSEHOLD SUM: $ IDENTIFIER RECEIVED-1 208606 R FLAG: F37a. AMOUNT OTHER LOAN PMT IMP: F37a. AMOUNT OTHER LOAN PMT 6 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 CATEG: K39. LUMP SUM: $ RECEIVED-1 FLAG: K39. LUMP SUM: $ RECEIVED-1 IMP: K39. LUMP SUM: $ RECEIVED-1 1 1 40000 7 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem flags, Individual=obs FLAG PROB WITH V1414X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1414F Cumulative Cumulative V1414G Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 2 0.0 2 0.0 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 527 6.4 529 6.4 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 1 0.0 530 6.4 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 45 0.5 575 7.0 12.impf=1/amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 576 7.0 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 577 7.0 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 10 0.1 587 7.1 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 1 0.0 588 7.2 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 18 0.2 606 7.4 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 7582 92.2 8188 99.6 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 8189 99.6 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 33 0.4 8222 100.0 FLAG PROB WITH V1432X / V1432F Cumulative Cumulative V1432G Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 434 5.3 434 5.3 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 4 0.0 438 5.3 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 45 0.5 483 5.9 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1 0.0 484 5.9 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 2 0.0 486 5.9 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 4 0.0 490 6.0 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 26 0.3 516 6.3 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 7678 93.4 8194 99.7 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 28 0.3 8222 100.0 3 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem flags, Individual=obs 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self Cumulative Cumulative VR1460G1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 216 2.6 216 2.6 7.impf=0/any=./amt givn/FLG 1 0.0 217 2.6 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 2888 35.1 3105 37.8 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 34 0.4 3139 38.2 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 22 0.3 3161 38.4 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 20 0.2 3181 38.7 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 2 0.0 3183 38.7 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 4 0.0 3187 38.8 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 539 6.6 3726 45.3 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 4375 53.2 8101 98.5 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 64 0.8 8165 99.3 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 57 0.7 8222 100.0 FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 /Self Cumulative Cumulative VR1460G2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 188 2.3 188 2.3 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 581 7.1 769 9.4 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 41 0.5 810 9.9 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 10 0.1 820 10.0 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 9 0.1 829 10.1 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 2 0.0 831 10.1 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 5 0.1 836 10.2 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 120 1.5 956 11.6 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 7249 88.2 8205 99.8 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 6 0.1 8211 99.9 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 11 0.1 8222 100.0 FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X3 / VR1460F3 /Self Cumulative Cumulative VR1460G3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 37 0.5 37 0.5 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 111 1.4 148 1.8 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 52 0.6 200 2.4 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 2 0.0 202 2.5 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 203 2.5 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 26 0.3 229 2.8 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 7974 97.0 8203 99.8 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 13 0.2 8216 99.9 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 6 0.1 8222 100.0 4 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem flags, Individual=obs 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 /Sp-P Cumulative Cumulative VP1460G1 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 121 1.5 121 1.5 7.impf=0/any=./amt givn/FLG 1 0.0 122 1.5 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 1547 18.8 1669 20.3 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 35 0.4 1704 20.7 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 8 0.1 1712 20.8 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 9 0.1 1721 20.9 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 2 0.0 1723 21.0 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 8 0.1 1731 21.1 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 287 3.5 2018 24.5 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 6095 74.1 8113 98.7 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 59 0.7 8172 99.4 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 50 0.6 8222 100.0 FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X2 / VP1460F2 /Sp-P Cumulative Cumulative VP1460G2 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 122 1.5 122 1.5 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 311 3.8 433 5.3 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 44 0.5 477 5.8 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 5 0.1 482 5.9 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 3 0.0 485 5.9 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 1 0.0 486 5.9 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 4 0.0 490 6.0 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 72 0.9 562 6.8 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 7645 93.0 8207 99.8 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 5 0.1 8212 99.9 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 10 0.1 8222 100.0 FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X3 / VP1460F3 /Sp-P Cumulative Cumulative VP1460G3 Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 28 0.3 28 0.3 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 59 0.7 87 1.1 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 52 0.6 139 1.7 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1 0.0 140 1.7 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 14 0.2 154 1.9 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 8052 97.9 8206 99.8 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 11 0.1 8217 99.9 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 5 0.1 8222 100.0 5 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem flags, Individual=obs FLAG PROB WITH V1587X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1587F Cumulative Cumulative V1587G Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.impf=0/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 1 0.0 1 0.0 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 2635 32.0 2636 32.1 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 26 0.3 2662 32.4 12.impf=1/amt givn but imp=./PROB 6 0.1 2668 32.4 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 5 0.1 2673 32.5 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 5 0.1 2678 32.6 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 8 0.1 2686 32.7 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 1227 14.9 3913 47.6 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 4306 52.4 8219 100.0 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 8220 100.0 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 2 0.0 8222 100.0 FLAG PROB WITH V1593X / V1593F Cumulative Cumulative V1593G Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 10 0.1 10 0.1 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 705 8.6 715 8.7 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 46 0.6 761 9.3 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 1 0.0 762 9.3 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 5 0.1 767 9.3 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 226 2.7 993 12.1 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 7229 87.9 8222 100.0 FLAG PROB WITH V1599X / V1599F Cumulative Cumulative V1599G Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 140 1.7 140 1.7 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 15 0.2 155 1.9 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 52 0.6 207 2.5 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 120 1.5 327 4.0 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 7891 96.0 8218 100.0 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 8219 100.0 98.impf=./amt givn=imp/FLG 3 0.0 8222 100.0 6 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem flags, Individual=obs 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 FLAG: V1599X value changed (1=chg) Cumulative Cumulative V1599XF Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ----------------------------------------------------0 8089 98.4 8089 98.4 1 133 1.6 8222 100.0 Saved original value of V1599G Cumulative Cumulative _V1599G Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 130 1.6 130 1.6 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 10 0.1 140 1.7 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 15 0.2 155 1.9 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 52 0.6 207 2.5 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 120 1.5 327 4.0 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 7891 96.0 8218 100.0 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 3 0.0 8221 100.0 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 8222 100.0 FLAG PROB WITH VR1887X / VR1887F /Self Cumulative Cumulative VR1887G Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.impf=0/any=./amt givn/FLG 2 0.0 2 0.0 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 1305 15.9 1307 15.9 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 26 0.3 1333 16.2 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 7 0.1 1340 16.3 12.impf=1/amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 1341 16.3 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 2 0.0 1343 16.3 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 1483 18.0 2826 34.4 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 5393 65.6 8219 100.0 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 8220 100.0 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 2 0.0 8222 100.0 7 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem flags, Individual=obs FLAG PROB WITH VP1887X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / VP1887F /Sp-P Cumulative Cumulative VP1887G Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.impf=0/any=./amt givn/FLG 2 0.0 2 0.0 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 660 8.0 662 8.1 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 22 0.3 684 8.3 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 6 0.1 690 8.4 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 7 0.1 697 8.5 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 918 11.2 1615 19.6 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 6605 80.3 8220 100.0 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 8221 100.0 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 8222 100.0 FLAG PROB WITH VR1895X / VR1895F /Self Cumulative Cumulative VR1895G Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.impf=0/any=./amt givn/FLG 1 0.0 1 0.0 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 1043 12.7 1044 12.7 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 27 0.3 1071 13.0 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1 0.0 1072 13.0 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 3 0.0 1075 13.1 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 832 10.1 1907 23.2 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 6314 76.8 8221 100.0 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 8222 100.0 FLAG PROB WITH VP1895X / VP1895F /Sp-P Cumulative Cumulative VP1895G Frequency Percent Frequency Percent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.impf=0/any=./amt givn/FLG 1 0.0 1 0.0 8.impf=0/amt givn=imp/OK 686 8.3 687 8.4 10.impf=1/any=./no imp/OK 25 0.3 712 8.7 17.impf=1/any=./amt givn/OK 5 0.1 717 8.7 19.impf=1/any=1/amt=., imp not./OK 583 7.1 1300 15.8 90.impf=./any=./no amt/no imp/OK 6921 84.2 8221 100.0 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 0.0 8222 100.0 8 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR V1414 / V1414X / V1414F HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 200008 200139 200140 200254 200264 200307 200471 200562 201152 201340 201833 FLAG PROB WITH V1414X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1414F J6. SSI: RECEIVE ANY LAST MONTH J7. SSI: $ LAST MONTH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 460 R D D D 301 D D D D R 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 12.impf=1/amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J8. SSI: START >2YRS AGO J8a. SSI: START MONTH J8b. SSI: START YEAR J9. SSI: RECEIVE ANY 1992/3 J10. SSI: LAST MONTH RECD 1992/3 J10a. SSI: LAST YEAR RECD 1992/3 200008 200139 200140 200254 200264 200307 200471 200562 201152 201340 201833 D 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J11. SSI: $ LAST MONTH 1992/3 1993 Beginning of Interview: Year 200008 200139 200140 200254 200264 200307 200471 200562 201152 201340 201833 . . . . . . . . . . . 1993 1993 1993 1994 1993 1994 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 Beginning of Interview: Month FLAG: J7. SSI: $-LCYR IMP: J7. SSI: $-LCYR 11 11 11 1 11 3 2 11 2 12 1 0 . . . . 1 . . . . . 2760 . . . . . . . . . . 9 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR V1414 / V1414X / V1414F HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 201841 202598 202605 202726 202872 203191 203285 203545 203552 203561 203579 FLAG PROB WITH V1414X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1414F J6. SSI: RECEIVE ANY LAST MONTH 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J8. SSI: START >2YRS AGO 201841 202598 202605 202726 202872 203191 203285 203545 203552 203561 203579 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 . 1 J8a. SSI: START MONTH J7. SSI: $ LAST MONTH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 R D D D D D R R R . D J8b. SSI: START YEAR J9. SSI: RECEIVE ANY 1992/3 J10. SSI: LAST MONTH RECD 1992/3 J10a. SSI: LAST YEAR RECD 1992/3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J11. SSI: $ LAST MONTH 1992/3 1993 Beginning of Interview: Year 201841 202598 202605 202726 202872 203191 203285 203545 203552 203561 203579 . . . . . . . . . . . 1993 1994 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 Beginning of Interview: Month FLAG: J7. SSI: $-LCYR IMP: J7. SSI: $-LCYR 11 1 12 12 12 12 4 11 11 11 12 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . 3000 . 10 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR V1414 / V1414X / V1414F HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 203590 203634 203648 203963 204025 204146 204370 204437 205189 205261 205326 FLAG PROB WITH V1414X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1414F J6. SSI: RECEIVE ANY LAST MONTH 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J8. SSI: START >2YRS AGO 203590 203634 203648 203963 204025 204146 204370 204437 205189 205261 205326 1 . . . . 1 1 1 5 1 1 J8a. SSI: START MONTH J7. SSI: $ LAST MONTH 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 R . . . . R D D 80 D D J8b. SSI: START YEAR J9. SSI: RECEIVE ANY 1992/3 J10. SSI: LAST MONTH RECD 1992/3 J10a. SSI: LAST YEAR RECD 1992/3 . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 5 5 5 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J11. SSI: $ LAST MONTH 1992/3 1993 Beginning of Interview: Year 203590 203634 203648 203963 204025 204146 204370 204437 205189 205261 205326 . . . . . . . . . . . 1994 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1993 1994 1993 1994 1993 Beginning of Interview: Month FLAG: J7. SSI: $-LCYR IMP: J7. SSI: $-LCYR 3 11 12 11 11 3 2 12 1 12 4 . 1 1 1 1 . . . . 1 . . 5064 1308 2484 4560 . . . . . . 11 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR V1414 / V1414X / V1414F HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 206286 206379 206380 206443 206667 206947 207330 207448 207943 208519 208534 FLAG PROB WITH V1414X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1414F J6. SSI: RECEIVE ANY LAST MONTH J7. SSI: $ LAST MONTH 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 5 1 1 1 D D D D . . D . 2598 D R 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J8. SSI: START >2YRS AGO 206286 206379 206380 206443 206667 206947 207330 207448 207943 208519 208534 1 1 1 1 . . 1 . 5 1 1 J8a. SSI: START MONTH J8b. SSI: START YEAR J9. SSI: RECEIVE ANY 1992/3 J10. SSI: LAST MONTH RECD 1992/3 J10a. SSI: LAST YEAR RECD 1992/3 . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . 5 5 . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J11. SSI: $ LAST MONTH 1992/3 1993 Beginning of Interview: Year 206286 206379 206380 206443 206667 206947 207330 207448 207943 208519 208534 . . . . . . . . . . . 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1993 1994 1994 1994 1993 Beginning of Interview: Month FLAG: J7. SSI: $-LCYR IMP: J7. SSI: $-LCYR 11 11 12 12 10 11 4 12 3 5 5 . . . . 1 1 . 1 0 . . . . . . 2988 2652 . 144 2857 . . 12 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR V1432 / V1432X / V1432F HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 200136 200170 200307 200322 200759 201360 201416 201439 201841 201854 202605 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 200136 200170 200307 200322 200759 201360 201416 201439 201841 201854 202605 FLAG PROB WITH V1432X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1432F J13. FS: RECEIVE ANY FOOD STAMPS LAST MO J13a. FS: $ LAST MONTH J14. FS: START >2YRS AGO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D R 100 D D D 100 D R D D 1 5 1 1 1 1 D 1 1 D 1 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB J14a. FS: START MONTH FOOD STAMPS . 7 . . . . . . . . . 13 J14b. FS: START YEAR FOOD STAMPS J15. FS: RECEIVE ANY 1992/93 J16. FS: LAST MONTH RECD 1992/3 J16a. FS: LAST YEAR RECD 1992/3 J17. FS: $ LAST MONTH 1992/3 . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1993 Beginning of Interview: Year 1993 Beginning of Interview: Month FLAG: J13a. FS: $ -LCYR IMP: J13a. FS: $ -LCYR 200136 200170 200307 200322 200759 201360 201416 201439 201841 201854 202605 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1993 1993 1994 1993 1993 1993 11 11 3 2 1 11 11 1 11 11 12 . 0 1 . . . 0 . . . . . 0 0 . . . 600 . . . . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR V1432 / V1432X / V1432F 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 14 J13. FS: RECEIVE ANY FOOD STAMPS LAST MO J13a. FS: $ LAST MONTH J14. FS: START >2YRS AGO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R D D 0 D D D 32 D D 59 1 5 5 5 1 5 5 D 1 5 D HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH V1432X 203285 203561 203634 203648 203667 203797 203832 204105 205380 205635 206601 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp imp=./PROB imp=./PROB imp=./PROB imp=./PROB imp=./PROB imp=./PROB imp=./PROB not./FLG imp=./PROB imp=./PROB not./FLG HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J14a. FS: START MONTH FOOD STAMPS J14b. FS: START YEAR FOOD STAMPS J15. FS: RECEIVE ANY 1992/93 J16. FS: LAST MONTH RECD 1992/3 J16a. FS: LAST YEAR RECD 1992/3 J17. FS: $ LAST MONTH 1992/3 203285 203561 203634 203648 203667 203797 203832 204105 205380 205635 206601 . D D D . 11 12 . . 10 . . D D D . 3 1 . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / V1432F HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1993 Beginning of Interview: Year 1993 Beginning of Interview: Month FLAG: J13a. FS: $ -LCYR IMP: J13a. FS: $ -LCYR 203285 203561 203634 203648 203667 203797 203832 204105 205380 205635 206601 1994 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1993 1994 1993 4 11 11 12 12 2 3 1 11 1 12 . . . . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . . . . 192 . . 354 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR V1432 / V1432X / V1432F HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 206651 206947 207164 207218 207220 207448 207953 FLAG PROB WITH V1432X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1432F 15 J13. FS: RECEIVE ANY FOOD STAMPS LAST MO J13a. FS: $ LAST MONTH J14. FS: START >2YRS AGO 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 300 D R D D 0 . 5 1 1 1 5 5 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J14a. FS: START MONTH FOOD STAMPS J14b. FS: START YEAR FOOD STAMPS J15. FS: RECEIVE ANY 1992/93 J16. FS: LAST MONTH RECD 1992/3 J16a. FS: LAST YEAR RECD 1992/3 J17. FS: $ LAST MONTH 1992/3 206651 206947 207164 207218 207220 207448 207953 . D . . . D 11 . D . . . D . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 1993 Beginning of Interview: Year 1993 Beginning of Interview: Month FLAG: J13a. FS: $ -LCYR IMP: J13a. FS: $ -LCYR 206651 206947 207164 207218 207220 207448 207953 1993 1993 1994 1993 1993 1993 1994 10 11 2 11 11 12 3 1 . . . . . . 276 . . . . . . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 200036 200037 200042 200044 200051 200169 200202 200203 200276 200281 200346 200355 200359 200376 200378 200386 200389 200580 200595 200624 200673 200687 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4000 . D 2000 R 1500 945 4940 634 0 1300 . . 1000 5000 575 560 3500 5000 40 2000 2980 16 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 200036 200037 200042 200044 200051 200169 200202 200203 200276 200281 200346 200355 200359 200376 200378 200386 200389 200580 200595 200624 200673 200687 5 . D 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 5 . . 1 5 5 1 1 5 1 1 5 6 . . 6 . . . 4 . 4 4 . . . 6 4 . . 6 . . 6 0 . 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 . . 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3996 . . 1992 . 0 0 19752 0 12756 5196 . . 0 0 2292 996 35000 4992 4800 14000 2976 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 200724 200739 200818 200880 200882 200922 200947 200994 201009 201012 201022 201076 201127 201144 201181 201185 201194 201210 201230 201264 201293 201295 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 415 1199 500 1000 1700 425 1600 2200 977 R 500 R 160 2000 1000 1100 R 294 2000 2500 R . 17 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 200724 200739 200818 200880 200882 200922 200947 200994 201009 201012 201022 201076 201127 201144 201181 201185 201194 201210 201230 201264 201293 201295 5 1 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 R 5 1 5 5 R 1 1 5 5 . 4 . 6 6 6 . 6 4 6 4 6 . 6 . 4 6 . . . 4 R . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 . 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 . 1656 3597 492 996 1692 3024 1596 8796 0 . 492 . 26 0 3996 1092 . 2940 0 9996 . . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 201299 201319 201379 201485 201580 201583 201605 201626 201669 201686 201736 201759 201785 201800 201826 201865 201917 201935 201942 202008 202016 202034 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R 838 400 3000 5000 1700 500 683 0 1300 142 500 20000 340 4000 215 159 250 . 167 200 R 18 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 201299 201319 201379 201485 201580 201583 201605 201626 201669 201686 201736 201759 201785 201800 201826 201865 201917 201935 201942 202008 202016 202034 1 1 5 5 5 1 1 1 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 . 1 1 1 . . 6 6 6 . . . 6 4 . 6 6 6 6 6 . 6 . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 1 . 3352 33 2250 4992 10200 . 0 4800 5196 . 492 19992 336 3996 187 0 240 . . 0 . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 202205 202207 202210 202215 202261 202297 202361 202380 202387 202397 202421 202430 202479 202485 202503 202506 202516 202519 202563 202637 202646 202651 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 31 300 4000 5000 2000 4000 3500 5000 200 45 . 1400 R 560 3000 2500 578 281 150 861 7900 200 19 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 202205 202207 202210 202215 202261 202297 202361 202380 202387 202397 202421 202430 202479 202485 202503 202506 202516 202519 202563 202637 202646 202651 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 . 5 R 1 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 4 . 6 4 6 6 6 4 . . . 6 . . 6 6 6 . 6 4 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 900 3996 19992 1992 3996 3492 19992 1200 450 . 1392 . . 1000 2496 576 1124 144 0 7896 792 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 202664 202704 202706 202759 202763 202814 202830 202833 202868 202890 202904 202939 202945 202975 203015 203020 203022 203028 203034 203039 203043 203048 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 250 D 2156 2000 500 300 120 1600 38 . 3500 418 350 8000 1000 7000 242 2600 2800 200 800 R 20 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 202664 202704 202706 202759 202763 202814 202830 202833 202868 202890 202904 202939 202945 202975 203015 203020 203022 203028 203034 203039 203043 203048 5 1 5 5 1 5 5 5 1 . 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5 5 1 4 . 5 4 . 4 6 4 . . 4 . 5 4 4 6 . . 6 4 4 . 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 1 996 . 4308 7992 24 200 10 6396 1512 . 13992 418 696 31992 3996 6996 . 18200 2796 792 3192 . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 203075 203076 203093 203113 203145 203150 203154 203155 203160 203165 203211 203213 203218 203222 203236 203291 203359 203409 203433 203516 203520 203525 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 993 500 275 D 125 1000 597 108 3500 1700 78 1000 4000 8500 2000 218 1000 35 5000 1000 63 10000 21 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 203075 203076 203093 203113 203145 203150 203154 203155 203160 203165 203211 203213 203218 203222 203236 203291 203359 203409 203433 203516 203520 203525 5 5 5 D 1 5 1 1 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 4 4 . . 4 . . 6 6 . 4 4 6 6 . 6 6 4 6 . 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1980 1992 1092 . 625 3996 1791 324 3492 1692 1692 3996 15996 8496 1992 0 996 24 19992 996 378 39996 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 203581 203605 203616 203648 203725 203832 203870 203906 203963 203995 204031 204036 204050 204077 204113 204171 204316 204321 204336 204363 204410 204451 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 700 2500 111 D 677 194 5000 2500 252 2500 2300 300 160 470 1400 25 109 421 . . 167 1000 22 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 203581 203605 203616 203648 203725 203832 203870 203906 203963 203995 204031 204036 204050 204077 204113 204171 204316 204321 204336 204363 204410 204451 1 5 1 1 5 1 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 1 1 . . 1 5 . 6 . . 6 . 5 4 . 6 4 6 4 . 6 4 . . . . . 6 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 1 1 0 4900 1456 555 . 672 3180 9996 9996 . 2496 792 25 636 4230 1392 96 981 . . 1308 11400 996 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 204502 204563 204630 204649 204663 204713 204714 204782 204804 204847 204928 204938 204941 204969 204972 204978 205005 205089 205107 205132 205179 205205 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 884 150 300 2000 300 721 387 900 0 1100 . 1700 . 2642 1000 . . 1000 341 850 . . 23 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 204502 204563 204630 204649 204663 204713 204714 204782 204804 204847 204928 204938 204941 204969 204972 204978 205005 205089 205107 205132 205179 205205 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 1 5 5 . 5 . 5 5 . . 5 1 1 . . 4 6 4 6 . 4 . . 6 5 . 6 . 4 4 . . 6 . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 . 0 . 0 1 . . 0 0 1 . . 3528 144 600 1494 1500 2880 387 3600 12000 2196 . 1692 . 10560 14400 . . 996 2046 780 . . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 205270 205286 205348 205357 205373 205374 205387 205421 205507 205516 205524 205549 205564 205569 205577 205589 205628 205687 205708 205757 205761 205771 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 555 600 77 5000 2000 8000 500 1100 2000 2000 3000 2000 400 900 1000 1800 155 7000 5000 159 2300 24 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 205270 205286 205348 205357 205373 205374 205387 205421 205507 205516 205524 205549 205564 205569 205577 205589 205628 205687 205708 205757 205761 205771 . 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5 5 1 5 . . . 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 4 6 . . 6 6 6 . 6 . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 27324 300 4992 1992 7992 492 1092 1992 3996 4000 7992 1596 675 11000 18000 144 6996 4992 0 2292 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 205844 205850 205864 205867 205898 205939 205960 205982 206025 206029 206033 206067 206071 206077 206083 206133 206169 206173 206198 206208 206221 206256 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 260 111 1395 400 1000 400 128 5300 1900 3500 22 2000 120 247 4000 R 6000 976 . 2000 7000 400 25 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 205844 205850 205864 205867 205898 205939 205960 205982 206025 206029 206033 206067 206071 206077 206083 206133 206169 206173 206198 206208 206221 206256 1 1 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 1 5 1 1 5 1 5 5 . 5 5 5 . . 6 6 6 6 . 6 6 6 . 6 . . 5 . 6 4 . 5 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 . 0 . 0 0 0 780 0 1392 396 83 396 13200 5292 1896 0 44 1992 . 0 7992 . . 3900 . 3996 27996 1596 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 206262 206352 206356 206383 206500 206576 206636 206651 206676 206736 206777 206801 206813 206829 206880 207014 207041 207193 207299 207352 207369 207399 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 350 1000 2600 1144 . 90 1000 . 303 3000 654 R . 75 148 R D 2000 927 175 250 500 26 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 206262 206352 206356 206383 206500 206576 206636 206651 206676 206736 206777 206801 206813 206829 206880 207014 207041 207193 207299 207352 207369 207399 5 5 5 1 . 5 5 . 1 5 5 R . 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 6 6 6 . . 6 6 . . 6 6 . . . . . . 4 . . 6 . 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 . 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 3780 996 2592 8008 . 84 996 12864 606 1692 648 . . 4956 592 . . 7992 0 0 240 5400 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 207447 207516 207517 207545 207581 207601 207609 207610 207618 207680 207710 207834 207852 207912 207950 207989 208222 208379 208436 208492 208545 208571 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 7.impf=0/any=./amt givn/FLG 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 219 4800 900 667 . 7000 1300 400 R . 3500 R 5000 218 5000 89 800 420 150 80 46 . 27 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 207447 207516 207517 207545 207581 207601 207609 207610 207618 207680 207710 207834 207852 207912 207950 207989 208222 208379 208436 208492 208545 208571 1 1 1 1 . 5 1 5 1 . 5 R 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 1 . . . . . . 6 . 6 . . 5 . 6 . 4 . . . . 4 . . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 1 . 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 19200 1020 2668 . 583 6500 231 . . 5247 . 4992 2398 19992 6480 4000 5040 1050 312 0 . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_1 / VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X1 / VR1460F1 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self 208680 208683 208882 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Self FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 208680 208683 208882 5 . 1 6 . . 0 . . 28 J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Self 750 . 71 IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Self 744 . . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_2 / VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 /Self ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt amt 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Self 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2000 1000 1000 200 116 0 2000 5000 1000 200 1100 579 5000 167 83 5000 0 900 118 2250 4000 4000 givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/?OK givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/?OK givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB givn/PROB 29 200031 200037 200044 200050 200276 200343 200355 200359 200374 200510 200578 200580 200594 200619 200647 200691 200825 200918 200950 200960 200964 200987 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 11.impf=1/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 11.impf=1/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp 1.impf=0/imp HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Self FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self 200031 200037 200044 200050 200276 200343 200355 200359 200374 200510 200578 200580 200594 200619 200647 200691 200825 200918 200950 200960 200964 200987 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 . 6 6 6 4 4 6 . 6 . . 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1992 83 996 192 0 3600 1992 4992 1665 792 0 3474 2912 1837 913 4992 996 525 468 2244 3996 3996 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_2 / VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Self 201002 201004 201012 201076 201117 201153 201235 201293 201392 201430 201466 201482 201501 201528 201532 201570 201681 201729 201782 201806 201824 201942 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 700 1400 100 R 500 320 600 R 3572 1000 350 300 1700 200 1400 1000 200 1500 750 350 2000 . 30 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Self FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self 201002 201004 201012 201076 201117 201153 201235 201293 201392 201430 201466 201482 201501 201528 201532 201570 201681 201729 201782 201806 201824 201942 5 5 1 R 5 1 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . 6 6 . . 6 . 6 R 6 6 . 5 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 6 . 0 0 . 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 696 116 . . 492 2560 300 . 0 996 0 350 1692 1800 0 996 792 1375 744 348 166 . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_2 / VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Self 201962 202008 202120 202140 202185 202186 202192 202319 202369 202387 202405 202421 202454 202523 202553 202589 202601 202610 202637 202663 202690 202695 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1700 74 200 356 2000 1000 400 59 1550 57 575 175 . 55 1500 483 125 . 123 4810 85 61 31 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Self FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self 201962 202008 202120 202140 202185 202186 202192 202319 202369 202387 202405 202421 202454 202523 202553 202589 202601 202610 202637 202663 202690 202695 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 1 5 1 . 5 D 5 1 . 1 5 5 1 6 . 6 4 6 6 6 . 6 . 6 . . 6 . 6 . . . 4 4 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . 0 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 1692 . 192 1416 1992 996 396 472 . 627 564 . . 48 . 480 1125 . 0 19236 336 0 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_2 / VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Self 202751 202881 202917 202924 202951 202984 203039 203075 203177 203222 203243 203256 203414 203441 203449 203464 203525 203616 203648 203704 203764 203811 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 730 1000 175 400 2000 1000 100 770 0 5500 1400 130 493 2000 1500 5000 6000 101 D 90 700 1000 32 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Self FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self 202751 202881 202917 202924 202951 202984 203039 203075 203177 203222 203243 203256 203414 203441 203449 203464 203525 203616 203648 203704 203764 203811 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 5 4 6 . 4 6 6 4 4 6 6 6 . . 6 6 6 6 . . . . 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2916 996 0 1596 1660 996 396 3072 1368 5496 1392 0 0 1992 125 3328 1000 505 . 270 4900 3996 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_2 / VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Self 203848 203906 203953 203991 204009 204286 204406 204488 204530 204589 204623 204779 204793 204801 204810 204839 204841 204863 204895 204937 204941 204963 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 325 2600 R 600 4000 2000 . 340 1100 0 800 500 7000 500 3600 2000 1310 725 740 2700 100 2000 33 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Self FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self 203848 203906 203953 203991 204009 204286 204406 204488 204530 204589 204623 204779 204793 204801 204810 204839 204841 204863 204895 204937 204941 204963 5 1 1 5 5 5 . 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 . . 6 6 6 . 6 6 6 4 6 6 5 6 4 4 6 6 6 4 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1296 15600 . 50 2997 1992 . 336 1092 4200 3192 492 6996 996 300 7992 5232 720 732 1800 396 300 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_2 / VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Self 204969 204992 205017 205026 205047 205054 205063 205071 205076 205134 205138 205144 205177 205232 205252 205257 205274 205343 205357 205469 205542 205553 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1268 7000 1000 301 307 305 2670 500 1000 3500 500 7000 2600 800 . 400 R 100 634 4600 6500 350 34 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Self FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self 204969 204992 205017 205026 205047 205054 205063 205071 205076 205134 205138 205144 205177 205232 205252 205257 205274 205343 205357 205469 205542 205553 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 . 5 1 1 5 5 5 1 4 6 6 4 . . . 6 6 6 . 6 6 6 . 4 . . 4 6 6 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 . 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 5064 6996 83 1200 0 1830 5340 492 996 3492 8400 6996 216 792 . 1596 . 1100 2532 4596 6492 0 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_2 / VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Self 205562 205600 205624 205748 205778 205957 206008 206022 206071 206081 206094 206103 206125 206164 206169 206173 206236 206331 206354 206522 206620 206639 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 60 200 30 250 300 46 150 325 . 2600 4000 1000 100 1000 250 900 200 200 100 1058 2000 2500 35 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Self FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self 205562 205600 205624 205748 205778 205957 206008 206022 206071 206081 206094 206103 206125 206164 206169 206173 206236 206331 206354 206522 206620 206639 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . 5 5 5 1 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . 6 5 6 4 5 6 4 . 6 6 6 . 4 . 6 4 4 6 4 6 6 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 192 5 240 . 84 144 1296 6108 2592 3996 996 0 3996 . 300 792 792 96 4224 332 2496 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_2 / VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Self 206655 206712 206735 206844 207034 207195 207359 207416 207465 207466 207470 207481 207581 207605 207611 207671 207761 207767 207912 207950 207991 208227 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 800 800 6500 500 D 2000 2000 1000 1700 5800 689 503 1100 1800 659 475 200 1000 200 200 140 4000 36 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Self FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self 206655 206712 206735 206844 207034 207195 207359 207416 207465 207466 207470 207481 207581 207605 207611 207671 207761 207767 207912 207950 207991 208227 5 5 5 5 D 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 4 6 6 6 . 6 6 4 4 6 4 4 6 6 6 6 . 4 4 6 4 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3192 792 6492 0 . 1992 1992 3996 6792 3381 2748 2004 1001 150 648 468 1800 3996 792 720 552 3996 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_2 / VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 208415 FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X2 / VR1460F2 /Self 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Self FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self 208415 1 . 0 37 J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Self 800 IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Self 0 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_3 / VR1460X3 / VR1460F3 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X3 / VR1460F3 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-3/Self 200506 200567 200580 200834 201004 201236 201242 201820 201824 201916 202380 202527 202610 202637 202663 202722 202976 203019 203173 203222 203382 203719 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1300 200 277 700 2500 2500 500 2000 2500 500 100 190 . 43 1294 3500 0 396 400 2435 1100 197 38 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-3/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-3/Self FLAG:J21c-3.REG INC:$-LCYR-3/Self IMP:J21c-3.REG INC:$-LCYR-3/Self 200506 200567 200580 200834 201004 201236 201242 201820 201824 201916 202380 202527 202610 202637 202663 202722 202976 203019 203173 203222 203382 203719 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . 1 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 1 6 6 . 6 4 6 4 4 6 6 4 4 . . 6 4 6 . 6 6 6 . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . . 192 2770 . 9996 2496 1992 . 208 492 396 756 . 0 1284 13992 . . 396 2424 1092 . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_3 / VR1460X3 / VR1460F3 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X3 / VR1460F3 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-3/Self 203929 204034 204402 204406 204554 204610 204621 204623 204738 204923 204928 204972 205054 205134 205142 205528 205778 206114 206125 206149 206198 206275 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 141 . 470 . 3700 275 . 500 45 2000 200 4000 2060 650 800 150 300 2200 440 290 1000 400 39 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-3/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-3/Self FLAG:J21c-3.REG INC:$-LCYR-3/Self IMP:J21c-3.REG INC:$-LCYR-3/Self 203929 204034 204402 204406 204554 204610 204621 204623 204738 204923 204928 204972 205054 205134 205142 205528 205778 206114 206125 206149 206198 206275 1 . 5 . 5 1 . 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 . . 6 . 6 . . 6 . 6 6 6 6 4 4 . 6 6 4 4 6 6 1 . . . 0 . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 1080 . . . 3696 . . . . 1992 4500 3996 342 2592 3192 . . 2196 1752 1152 996 396 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1460_3 / VR1460X3 / VR1460F3 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1460X3 / VR1460F3 /Self J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Self J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-3/Self 206500 206815 207034 207143 207517 207665 207728 208415 208683 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8000 . D 2900 1100 500 2200 550 1000 40 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-3/Self J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-3/Self FLAG:J21c-3.REG INC:$-LCYR-3/Self IMP:J21c-3.REG INC:$-LCYR-3/Self 206500 206815 207034 207143 207517 207665 207728 208415 208683 5 . 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 6 . D 6 6 . 6 5 6 0 . 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 7992 . . 2892 1092 . 2196 0 996 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1460_1 / VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 /Sp-P J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Sp-P J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Sp-P 200035 200047 200050 200117 200166 200306 200414 200456 200580 200594 200691 200789 200806 200877 200914 200947 201227 201236 201290 201292 201319 201495 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1500 50 . 500 . . 100 . 5000 2000 D 2800 100 700 2600 . 2500 5000 . D 100 41 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Sp-P J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Sp-P FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P 200035 200047 200050 200117 200166 200306 200414 200456 200580 200594 200691 200789 200806 200877 200914 200947 201227 201236 201290 201292 201319 201495 . 5 5 . 1 . . 5 . 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 . 5 5 . 5 1 . 6 6 . . . . 6 . 6 6 . 6 4 6 6 . 6 4 . D . . . . . . . . 0 . . . 1 . 0 . 0 . . 0 . 1 . . . . . . . . 48 . . . . . 396 . 2592 . . 19992 . . . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1460_1 / VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 /Sp-P J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Sp-P J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Sp-P 201532 201539 201632 201672 201764 201802 201824 201854 202008 202023 202040 202090 202118 202143 202173 202185 202238 202269 202297 202508 202550 202621 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . 510 15000 100 200 800 . 30 . 269 470 2000 . 1000 2000 160 180 1000 0 128 412 42 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Sp-P J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Sp-P FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P 201532 201539 201632 201672 201764 201802 201824 201854 202008 202023 202040 202090 202118 202143 202173 202185 202238 202269 202297 202508 202550 202621 . . 5 1 5 1 5 . 1 . 1 5 5 . 1 5 5 1 5 1 5 5 . . 6 . 6 . 6 . . . . 6 6 . . 6 4 . 4 . 4 4 . . 0 0 . . . . . . . 0 . . . . 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . 504 18000 . . . . . . . 468 . . . . 636 . 3996 . 504 1644 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1460_1 / VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 /Sp-P J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Sp-P J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Sp-P 202637 202654 202704 202803 202811 202830 202836 202904 202955 203019 203022 203036 203047 203141 203160 203170 203191 203350 203382 203511 203525 203530 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 . D 280 400 . 500 . 1400 244 230 1450 1000 . 450 0 D 200 1200 . 10000 200 43 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Sp-P J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Sp-P FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P 202637 202654 202704 202803 202811 202830 202836 202904 202955 203019 203022 203036 203047 203141 203160 203170 203191 203350 203382 203511 203525 203530 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 5 5 . 5 5 D 1 5 . 5 5 . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 . 6 6 . . 6 . 4 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 1 . . . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444 . . . . . 39996 792 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1460_1 / VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 /Sp-P J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Sp-P J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Sp-P 203605 203811 204025 204119 204263 204342 204623 204665 204814 204843 204865 204872 204879 204961 204972 205007 205039 205164 205166 205175 205177 205229 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2500 . 25 500 . . 500 650 . 1800 . 500 . 750 1700 3500 R 3800 100 2000 5000 . 44 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Sp-P J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Sp-P FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P 203605 203811 204025 204119 204263 204342 204623 204665 204814 204843 204865 204872 204879 204961 204972 205007 205039 205164 205166 205175 205177 205229 5 . 1 1 . . 5 5 . 5 . 1 . 1 5 5 1 5 1 5 5 . 6 . . . . . 4 5 . 6 . . . . 6 4 . 6 . 6 6 . . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 . 0 . . . . . . . . 1992 1296 . . . . . . 1692 13992 . 3792 . 1992 . . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1460_1 / VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 /Sp-P J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Sp-P J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Sp-P 205252 205373 205395 205456 205490 205521 205561 205566 205584 205757 205816 205833 205850 205914 206008 206065 206176 206416 206420 206534 206612 206651 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 5000 375 500 211 223 62 . 598 8000 8000 . 700 140 150 203 2000 732 . . . R 45 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Sp-P J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Sp-P FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P 205252 205373 205395 205456 205490 205521 205561 205566 205584 205757 205816 205833 205850 205914 206008 206065 206176 206416 206420 206534 206612 206651 . 5 1 5 1 1 1 . 1 5 5 . 5 5 5 1 5 5 . . . 1 . 6 . 5 . . . . . 4 6 . 6 4 6 . 6 6 . . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 . . . . . . 4992 . 996 . . . . . 31992 7992 . 696 552 144 . 1992 . . . . . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1460_1 / VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X1 / VP1460F1 /Sp-P J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Sp-P J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-1/Sp-P 206695 206752 206763 206798 207223 207269 207404 207587 207725 207736 207756 207761 207909 208227 208890 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 200 1200 194 1833 664 29 350 . 2000 494 . 400 . . . 46 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-1/Sp-P J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-1/Sp-P FLAG:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp-P 206695 206752 206763 206798 207223 207269 207404 207587 207725 207736 207756 207761 207909 208227 208890 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 . 5 1 . 1 . . . . 6 . . 6 . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1992 . . . . . . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1460_2 / VP1460X2 / VP1460F2 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X2 / VP1460F2 /Sp-P J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Sp-P J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Sp-P 200122 200378 200524 200687 200834 200974 201646 201852 201946 202023 202173 202180 202261 202376 202563 202656 202687 203019 203042 203133 203141 203211 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 800 25 5000 1900 300 D 700 . 1000 217 1000 40000 3500 400 175 . 650 50 1700 . . 69 47 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Sp-P J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Sp-P FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Sp-P IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Sp-P 200122 200378 200524 200687 200834 200974 201646 201852 201946 202023 202173 202180 202261 202376 202563 202656 202687 203019 203042 203133 203141 203211 5 1 5 5 5 1 5 . 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 . 5 1 5 . . 1 6 . 6 6 6 . 6 . 6 . 6 5 6 6 6 . 6 . 6 . . . 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 1 792 10020 4992 1422 175 . 696 . 996 0 664 79992 3492 396 168 . 648 500 1692 . . 3492 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1460_2 / VP1460X2 / VP1460F2 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X2 / VP1460F2 /Sp-P J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Sp-P J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Sp-P 203464 203511 203704 204029 204469 204512 204817 204865 204881 205357 205421 205617 205652 205701 205715 205771 205805 206013 206075 206275 206638 206641 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5000 . 100 4800 1300 R 1450 234 200 1700 700 100 500 250 1000 515 85 350 600 500 400 2000 48 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Sp-P J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Sp-P FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Sp-P IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Sp-P 203464 203511 203704 204029 204469 204512 204817 204865 204881 205357 205421 205617 205652 205701 205715 205771 205805 206013 206075 206275 206638 206641 5 . 5 5 5 1 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 6 . 4 5 6 . 4 . 6 6 6 4 4 5 6 6 . 6 6 6 4 6 0 . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3328 . 396 800 1296 . 5796 1404 160 0 696 396 1992 492 996 504 0 348 100 492 1596 498 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1460_2 / VP1460X2 / VP1460F2 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X2 / VP1460F2 /Sp-P J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Sp-P J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-2/Sp-P 206651 206655 206740 207223 207562 208788 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 200 2500 . 650 . 49 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-2/Sp-P J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-2/Sp-P FLAG:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Sp-P IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/Sp-P 206651 206655 206740 207223 207562 208788 . 5 5 . 5 . . 4 6 . 4 . 1 0 0 . 0 . 4424 792 2496 . 2592 . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1460_3 / VP1460X3 / VP1460F3 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1460X3 / VP1460F3 /Sp-P J19|29.REG INC:RECEIVE ANY/Sp-P J21c|31c.REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD-3/Sp-P 200500 201928 202204 203141 203525 204587 204865 208788 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2000 2000 700 3800 1400 1000 445 . 50 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J21|31.REG INC:PAID PER MONTH-3/Sp-P J21b|31b.REG INC:$ PERIOD-3/Sp-P FLAG:J21c-3.REG INC:$-LCYR-3/Sp-P IMP:J21c-3.REG INC:$-LCYR-3/Sp-P 200500 201928 202204 203141 203525 204587 204865 208788 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 . 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1992 666 290 3792 1392 83 444 . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR V1587 / V1587X / V1587F HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 201012 201736 202008 203130 203963 204025 205261 205286 206071 206169 206651 206667 207301 208881 208882 FLAG PROB WITH V1587X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1587F J40-1. INVEST INC: RECEIVE ANY-1 J42b-1. INVEST INC: TOTAL $ PD 1992/3-1 1 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 R 2400 300 . D 6000 . D 500 . D . 600 . 840 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 12.impf=1/amt givn but imp=./PROB 12.impf=1/amt givn but imp=./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 12.impf=1/amt givn but imp=./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 12.impf=1/amt givn but imp=./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 13.impf=1/any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 4.impf=0/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J42c-1. INVEST INC: 1992/3 $ PERIOD-1 FLAG: J42b-1.INVEST INC: TOTAL PD-LCYR-1 IMP: J42b-1. INVEST INC: TOTAL PD-LCYR-1 201012 201736 202008 203130 203963 204025 205261 205286 206071 206169 206651 206667 207301 208881 208882 . 6 6 . . 6 . . 3 . . . . . 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 0 . . . . 200 . . 36 . . 8400 . 1300 . 840 . 51 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR V1593 / V1593X / V1593F HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 202999 205194 206071 206721 206750 206777 FLAG PROB WITH V1593X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1593F J40-2. INVEST INC: RECEIVE ANY-2 J42b-2. INVEST INC: TOTAL $ PD 1992/3-2 1 1 5 1 1 1 20000 24000 . 40000 16000 33132 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 14.impf=1/any=5/but imp not ./PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB 1.impf=0/imp ne amt givn/PROB HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J42c-2. INVEST INC: 1992/3 $ PERIOD-2 FLAG: J42b-2.INVEST INC: TOTAL PD-LCYR-2 IMP: J42b-2. INVEST INC: TOTAL PD-LCYR-2 202999 205194 206071 206721 206750 206777 1 3 . 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 10400 28800 1800 20800 8320 17220 52 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR V1599 / V1599X / V1599F HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER 200384 200663 200772 201658 202210 203598 204291 204353 204940 205134 205216 FLAG PROB WITH V1599X 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1599F J43. INVEST INC: ANY END 1992/3 J43d. INVEST INC END1992/3: $ LAST MO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 90 1500 3000 300 200 450 0 1000 1500 200 0 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 98.impf=./amt givn=imp/FLG 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 98.impf=./amt givn=imp/FLG 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp not./FLG 53 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J43b. INVES INC END 92/3: LAST MO RECD-1 J43c. INVES INC END 92/3: LAST YR RECD-2 1993 Beginning of Interview: Year 1993 Beginning of Interview: Month FLAG: V1599X value changed (1=chg) 200384 200663 200772 201658 202210 203598 204291 204353 204940 205134 205216 D D R D D D 2 D 7 D D 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1994 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1993 1994 2 12 11 10 11 2 1 2 2 12 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Saved original value of V1599X Saved original value of V1599G FLAG: J43d. INVEST INC END1992/3: $-LCYR IMP: J43d. INVEST INC END1992/3: $-LCYR 200384 200663 200772 201658 202210 203598 204291 204353 204940 205134 205216 540 9000 18000 1800 1200 2700 . 6000 . 1200 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 92 9 92 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 540 9000 18000 1800 1200 2700 . 6000 . 1200 0 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR V1599 / V1599X / V1599F HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH V1599X 205654 206282 207149 207565 208882 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp 9.impf=0/any=1/amt=./imp 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 / V1599F J43. INVEST INC: ANY END 1992/3 J43d. INVEST INC END1992/3: $ LAST MO 1 1 1 1 1 22 2500 2000 600 D not./FLG not./FLG not./FLG not./FLG imp=./PROB 54 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER J43b. INVES INC END 92/3: LAST MO RECD-1 J43c. INVES INC END 92/3: LAST YR RECD-2 1993 Beginning of Interview: Year 1993 Beginning of Interview: Month FLAG: V1599X value changed (1=chg) 205654 206282 207149 207565 208882 D D D D 9 D D 1 D 1 1993 1993 1993 1994 1993 12 11 11 2 11 0 0 0 0 0 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER Saved original value of V1599X Saved original value of V1599G FLAG: J43d. INVEST INC END1992/3: $-LCYR IMP: J43d. INVEST INC END1992/3: $-LCYR 205654 206282 207149 207565 208882 132 15000 12000 3600 . 9 9 9 9 93 0 0 0 0 . 132 15000 12000 3600 . The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1887 / VR1887X / VR1887F 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 55 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1887X / VR1887F /Self R11|18.LIFE INSURANCE:ANY/Self R12|19.TERM LIFE INS:ANY/Self 201756 201803 202704 202746 203577 205783 207233 208522 208868 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 93.impf=./any=1/amt=. but imp=./PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 12.impf=1/amt givn but imp=./PROB 7.impf=0/any=./amt givn/FLG 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER R12b|19b.TERM LIFE INS:POLICY COST/Self R12c|19c.TERM LIFE INS:COST PERIOD/Self FLAG:R12b.TERM LIFE INS:POLICY COST/Self IMP:R12b.TERM LIFE INS:POLICY COST/Self 201756 201803 202704 202746 203577 205783 207233 208522 208868 47 35 0 . 11 131 43 27 1 4 3 . . 2 4 4 4 5 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 0 6 15 . . 1 5 22 . 0 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VR1895 / VR1895X / VR1895F 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VR1895X / VR1895F /Self R11|18.LIFE INSURANCE:ANY/Self R15|22.WHOLE LIFE INS:ANY/Self 207285 208868 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 7.impf=0/any=./amt givn/FLG 1 . 1 . 56 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER R15b|22b.WHOLE LIFE INS:TOT PREMIUM/Self R15c|22c.WHL LIFE INS:PREMIUM PER/Slf FLAG:R15b.WHOLE LIFE INS:PREMIUM/Self IMP:R15b.WHOLE LIFE INS:PREMIUM/Self 207285 208868 39 1 4 1 1 0 22 4 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1887 / VP1887X / VP1887F 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 57 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1887X / VP1887F /Sp-P R11|18.LIFE INSURANCE:ANY/Sp-P R12|19.TERM LIFE INS:ANY/Sp-P 202704 202743 203577 207751 208868 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 11.impf=1/imp ne amt givn/?OK 7.impf=0/any=./amt givn/FLG 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER R12b|19b.TERM LIFE INS:POLICY COST/Sp-P R12c|19c.TERM LIFE INS:COST PERIOD/Sp-P FLAG:R12b.TERM LIFE INS:POLICY COST/Sp-P IMP:R12b.TERM LIFE INS:POLICY COST/Sp-P 202704 202743 203577 207751 208868 13 17 11 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 . 1 1 1 0 . 3 3 11 4 The SAS System ahdw1a imputation problem cases, HHold=obs FOR VP1895 / VP1895X / VP1895F 12:45 Thursday, October 14, 1999 58 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER FLAG PROB WITH VP1895X / VP1895F /Sp-P R11|18.LIFE INSURANCE:ANY/Sp-P R15|22.WHOLE LIFE INS:ANY/Sp-P 202704 92.impf=./amt givn but imp=./PROB 1 1 HOUSEHOLD IDENTIFIER R15b|22b.WHOLE LIFE INS:TOT PREMIUM/Sp-P R15c|22c.WHL LIFE INS:PREMIUM PER/Sp FLAG:R15b.WHOLE LIFE INS:PREMIUM/Sp-P IMP:R15b.WHOLE LIFE INS:PREMIUM/Sp-P 202704 13 3 . . AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) Assignment of Financial Variables to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (BR/BP) on AHEAD 1993 data set with "B" variables (a93f2a) The Financial Respondent (FinR) provides financial information about himself or herself, and about his or her spouse. We reassigned this data to "self" and "spouse/partner" variables for both respondents to clarify to whom the information applies. Variables that begin with BR apply to "self" while variables that begin with BP apply to "spouse/partner". Generally, if an individual is the FinR, then the Bnnnn variables for FinR are assigned to BRnnnn and the Bpppp variables for FinR's spouse are assigned to BPnnnn. And if an individual is the spouse/partner of the FinR then the Bnnnn variables for FinR are assigned to BPnnnn and the Bpppp variables for FinR's spouse are assigned to BRnnnn. In AHEAD 1993 the FinR answers questions about his/her spouse's income (other than from a job) in Section J and life insurance in Section R. In AHEAD, income from work is reported in the employment section (Section G) by individual respondents and not in the income section (Section J). We have added spouse/partner's earnings to this data set. In the Health Care and Costs section (Section E), the FinR is asked whether he/she and his/her spouse received certain medical services, such as inpatient hospital and nursing home stays. Non-FinR's were asked for this information individually as well. We have added the spouse/partner's variables for these questions, so that each observation has available both individuals' information about medical services. Medical service cost information was generally given by the FinR for the household. We recoded the "Who received __ service" variable as answered by the FinR. We also created a "Who received __ service" variable based on the individual self-reports. We have also added some notes on AHEAD-provided imputations and pointed out some possible problems with these among the income variables. ● ● ● ● ● Medical Services Used (from Section E) Earned Income Variables for Spouse/Partner Financial Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (BR/BP) Notes on imputations and problems with some of them List of Single-R Households with Some Spouse/Partner Information Medical Services Used Some of the questions in the Health Care and Costs portion of Section E were asked only of the FinR and some were asked of each respondent. For inpatient hospital stays, nursing file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (1 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:07 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) home stays, doctor's visits, outpatient surgery, dentist visit, and prescription medicines the FinR was asked if he/she or his/her spouse or both received the service. The non-FinR was also asked individually if he/she received the service. We have carried the spouse/partner's individual response on each observation to complement an individual's own response on each observation. In quite a few cases the individual reports of who used a service disagree with the FinR's summary of usage for the couple. We created 2 new series of variables which: 1) recode the FinR's summary of use but from the "self" perspective; and 2) summarize usage based on the individual reports of usage. The table below shows the variables from this section that we derived or carried over from the spouse/partner record. For the variables for which we added spouse/partner information, we also show the individual's variables from the original AHEAD data. Note that not all original AHEAD variables from this section are listed here. Please refer to the AHEAD 1993 codebook for a complete list of variables and their codes. Medical Services Used (from Section E) Variable Description FinR E1.R IN HOSPITAL LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt for "Self" B605R if R=FinR then BR605=B605 BR605 ● ● ● ● Comments BP605R 1=YES, 5=NO B605 E1.R/SP IN HOSPITAL LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt for "Spouse/ Partner" 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● if R not FinR then 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● ● BR605=1 if B605=3 BR605=2 if B605=2 BR605=3 if B605=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (2 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:07 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) ● BR605A E1.R/SP IN HOSP LAST 12 MOS / from Indiv Rpt ● ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● =1 if B605R=1, BP605R=5 =2 if B605R=1, BP605R=1 =3 if B605R=5, BP605R=1 E2.# TIMES IN HOSPITAL LAST 12 MOS B606 BP606 E3.# NIGHTS IN HOSPITAL LAST 12 MOS B607 BP607 E5.R IN NURSING HM LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt B622R BP622R 1=YES, 5=NO if R=FinR then BR622=B622 B622 E5.R/SP IN NURSING HOME LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt BR622 ● ● ● ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● if R not FinR then 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● ● BR622=1 if B622=3 BR622=2 if B622=2 BR622=3 if B622=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (3 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:07 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) ● BR622A E5.R/SP IN NURSHM LAST 12 MOS/ from Indiv Rpts ● ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● =1 if B622R=1, BP622R=5 =2 if B622R=1, BP622R=1 =3 if B622R=5, BP622R=1 E6.# TIMES IN NURSING HOME LAST 12 MO B623 BP623 E7.# NIGHTS IN NURSHM LAST 12 MOS B624 BP624 E11.R VISIT DOCTOR LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt B639R BP639R 1=YES, 5=NO if R=FinR then BR639=B639 B639 E11.R/SP VISIT DOCTOR LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt BR639 ● ● ● ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● if R not FinR then 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● ● BR639=1 if B639=3 BR639=2 if B639=2 BR639=3 if B639=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (4 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:07 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) ● BR639A E11.R/SP VISIT DOCTOR LAST 12 MOS / from Indiv Rpt ● ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● =1 if B639R=1, BP639R=5 =2 if B639R=1, BP639R=1 =3 if B639R=5, BP639R=1 E12. #TIMES TALK TO DOCTOR LAST 12 MOS B640 BP640 E14.R O/P SURG LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt B654R BP654R 1=YES, 5=NO if R=FinR then BR654=B654 B654 BR654 E14.R/SP O/ P SURG LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt ● ● ● ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● if R not FinR then 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● ● BR654=1 if B654=3 BR654=2 if B654=2 BR654=3 if B654=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (5 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:07 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) ● BR654A E14.R/SP O/ P SURG LAST 12 MOS / from Indiv Rpt ● ● ● ● E17.R DENTIST LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither B669R if R=FinR then BR669=B669 BR669 ● ● ● ● ● BP669R 1=YES, 5=NO B669 E17.R/SP DENTIST LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● if R not FinR then 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● BR669A E17.R/SP DENTIST LAST 12 MOS / from Indiv Rpt =1 if B654R=1, BP654R=5 =2 if B654R=1, BP654R=1 =3 if B654R=5, BP654R=1 ● ● ● ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● BR669=1 if B669=3 BR669=2 if B669=2 BR669=3 if B669=1 =1 if B669R=1, BP669R=5 =2 if B669R=1, BP669R=1 =3 if B669R=5, BP669R=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (6 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:07 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) E19.NOT FILL MEDS LAST 12 MOS B/C OF $ B680 BP680 E20.R TAKEN MEDS LAST 12 MOS / Indiv Rpt B685R BP685R 1=YES, 5=NO if R=FinR then BR685=B685 B685 E20.R/SP TAKEN MEDS LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt BR685 ● ● ● ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● if R not FinR then 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● E20.R/SP TAKN MEDS LST 12 MOS/ from Indiv Rpt E20a. USUAL # MEDS TAKE PER MONTH BR685A ● ● ● ● B686 ● 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● BR685=1 if B685=3 BR685=2 if B685=2 BR685=3 if B685=1 =1 if B685R=1, BP685R=5 =2 if B685R=1, BP685R=1 =3 if B685R=5, BP685R=1 BP686 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (7 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:07 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) if R=FinR then BR701=B701 B701 E22.R/SP IN-HOME MED SERV NOT COVERD / from FinR rpt BR701 ● ● ● ● 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● if R not FinR then 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● ● if R=FinR then BR715=B715 B715 E24.R/SP USE OTHER SVC LAST 12 MOS / from FinR rpt BR715 ● ● ● ● BR701=1 if B701=3 BR701=2 if B701=2 BR701=3 if B701=1 1=FinR only 2=Both 3=FinR Sp/ P only 5=Neither ● ● ● ● if R not FinR then 1=Self only 2=Both 3=Sp/P only 5=Neither ● ● ● E31.DAYS IN BED AT HOME LAST MONTH B753 BP753 E31a. COVERED BY MEDICARE B754 BP754 E31b. COVERED BY MEDICARE PART B B755 BP755 BR715=1 if B715=3 BR715=2 if B715=2 BR715=3 if B715=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (8 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:07 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) Spouse/Partner Earned Income Variables "Job" can be a type of regular income reported in Section J, but the amount of income questions are skipped for income of this type. Earnings from a job are reported in Section G by individuals. In order to provide income from jobs, we have added spouse/partner information about earned income from Section G. So in a couple household, each respondent's observation stores both her/his earned income and that of her/his spouse. Most individuals that had "Job" as a type of regular income report that they are currently working or have worked in the last 2 years. There are only 4 individuals (three are half of a couple household) who report no work in Section G but report "Job" in regular income. They are: ● ● ● ● HHIDPN=204034020 (spouse=204034010) HHIDPN=204263010 (spouse=204263020) HHIDPN=205205010 (no spouse) HHIDPN=208227010 (spouse=208227020) Variable Description for "Self" for "Spouse/ Partner" G1.WORKING CURRENTLY? B1174 BP1174 G1a.WORK LAST 2 YRS? (asked if not currently working) B1175 BP1175 G2. CURRENTLY SELF EMPLOYED B1178 BP1178 G8.CURR WORK:$ EARNED 19921993 B1189 BP1189 FLAG:G8.CURR WORK:$ EARNED 1992-1993 B1189F BP1189F IMP:G8.CURR WORK:$ EARNED 1992-1993 B1189X (see note below) BP1189X (see note below) G8a.CURR WORK:$ EARNED PERIOD B1190 BP1190 G12.JOB LAST 2 YRS:SELF EMPLOYED B1217 BP1217 G17.JOB LAST 2 YRS:TOT $ EARN 1992/93 B1227 BP1227 FLAG:G17.JOB LST 2 YRS:TOT EARN 92/93 B1227F BP1227F file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (9 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) IMP:G17.JOB LAST 2 YRS:TOT EARN 92/93 B1227X (see note below) BP1227X (see note below) G17a.JOB LAST 2 YRS:TOTL $ EARNED PERIOD B1228 BP1228 FLAG:LCY R TOTAL EARNINGS JOBLCYF JOBLCYFP IMP:LCY R TOTAL EARNINGS JOBLCYX (see note below) JOBLCYXP (see note below) NOTE on imputed earnings variables: Questions about amount earned in 1992 or 1993 (depending on interview year) are asked in 2 different places and the results are combined in one AHEAD-imputed variable, JOBLCYX. The question was: About how much did you earn on all jobs in (1992/1993) before taxes? The variables that hold the answer to this question are: ● ● B1189=amount, B1190=earnings period --> if R is currently working B1127=amount, B1228=earnings period --> if R is not currently working but worked in the last 2 years Imputed variables B1189X and B1227X use the values of variable pairs B1189/B1190 and B1227/B1228, respectively to calculate an annual amount earned. B1190 and B1228 provide the period to which the amounts given in B1189 and B1227 apply. So for instance, if B1189=$150 and B1190=3 for monthly, then B1189X is set to 12 x 150 = $1800. If B1189/B1227 is missing (DK or RF) or if B1190/B1228 is DK, RF, or Other (=7) then B1189X/B1227X is imputed, and B1189F/B1227F is set to 1. If B1189X/ B1227X are imputed because B1190/B1228 is missing or "Other", the imputed value does not seem to take into account the value of B1189/B1227 at all. For instance, if B1189=0 and B1190=Other, B1189X is likely to be imputed as a value greater than zero. JOBLCYX uses one of the values in B1189X or B1227X, depending on whether R is currently working or not. If R is currently working, JOBLCYX is set to B1189X. If R is not currently working but worked in the last 2 years then JOBLCYX is set to B1127X. JOBLCYF takes on the value of B1189F or B1227F similarly. There are some apparent inconsistencies in the data. For instance, there are cases where R reported earnings in B1227 from work in the last 2 years, but also reports that job ending before 1992. There are also cases that are currently working and have been working for file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (10 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) many years but who report $0 as income in B1189. Financial Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (BR/BP) These financial variables are reassigned to clarify to whom the data apply. In these data sets we create "self" and "spouse/partner" variables for both the FinR and the non-FinR. The variables take on the numeric portion of the FinR variable name, with the following prefixes: Variable Name assignments AHEAD 1993, "V" variables (on a93f2a_v) Original Variable FinR Finr's Spouse Reassigned Variable Self AHEAD 1993, "B" variables (on a93f2a) Original Variable Finr's Spouse/ FinR Spouse Partner Reassigned Variable Self Spouse/ Partner Vnnnn Vpppp VRnnnn VPnnnn Bnnnn Bpppp BRnnnn BPnnnn For example, in a couple household where both receive separate Social Security checks, B1379 is the amount the FinR received from SS last month and B1390 is the amount the FinR's spouse received last month. In the FinR's data on the RAND AHEAD file, BR1379 would come from B1379 and BP1379 would come from B1390. In the FinR's spouse's data, BR1379 would come from B1390 and BP1379 would come from B1379. The "self" and "spouse/partner" variable reassignments were done for income variables from Section J and life insurance variables from Section R. They are listed in the tables below. We have also added spouse/partner variables for income from jobs, and provided some notes on income imputations and possible problems with some of the imputed variables. ● ● ● ● Section J Income Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (BR/BP) Section R Insurance Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (BR/BP) Earned Income Variables for Spouse/Partner Notes on imputations and problems with some of them Section J Income Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (11 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) Notes on Who Received Social Security Income The variable B1376 indicates who receives Social Security income. If the answer was missing, AHEAD imputed this variable in B1376H and B1376F is set to one if it was imputed. We have reassigned both these variables (B1376 and B1376H) to "self" variables (BR1376 and BR1376H). The values of B1376/B1376H are: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 1=Both R and spouse receive Social Security 2=Just R receives Social Security 3=Just R's spouse receives Social Security 5=Neither R nor spouse receives Social Security .D=Don't Know (B1376 only) .R=Refused (B1376 only) . = Not Ascertained, i.e., no FinR or not asked (B1376 only) The reassignment was done as follows: if R is FinR then BR1376=B1376 and BR1376H=B1376H if R is not FinR then ● ● ● ● if B1376/B1376H=1 then BR1376/BR1376H=1 if B1376/B1376H=2 then BR1376/BR1376H=3 if B1376/B1376H=3 then BR1376/BR1376H=2 if B1376=.D,.R, or . then BR1376=B1376 If both the FinR and FinR's spouse received Social Security then AHEAD asked if they received a single joint check or separate checks (B1377). B1377 is skipped (= .) if B1376 does not indicate both (B1376=3). AHEAD imputed B1377 in B1377H, with B1377F indicating an imputed value. B1377H has a value for all households where B1376H shows at least one person received Social Security; households where only one respondent received it are given the code for "two separate checks" (=2). If B1376H indicates "Neither" (=5) then B1377H is skipped (= .). Note: If B1377/B1377H shows the couple receiving one joint check, then the total amount is reported in B1379 (FinR's SocSec) and B1390 (FinR's spouse's SocSec) is skipped. However other questions, such as the type of benefit (B1389), ARE asked about the spouse's SocSec. In the BR/BP variables, when there is one joint check, the amount is assigned to BR1379/BR1379X for both the FinR and non-FinR, and the BP1379/ BP1379X variables will be missing. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (12 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) Possible problem with a skip pattern: A majority of cases skipped the question on whether the FinR's SocSec started more than 2 years ago, and hence also skipped the question on when it started if less than 2 years. We could find no apparent reason for the large number of skips. The data on FinR's spouse's analogous question are far more complete. If R is If R is If R is Spouse of Spouse of FinR, Financial Financial FinR, FinR, Respondent Assign Respondent Assign Assign Assign (FinR) Spouse FinR Spouse Spouse FinR Variables variables Variables variables variables variables to ... to ... to ... to ... If R is FinR, Income Variable Description Social Security Income J2-J3.SS:TYPE B1378 BR1378 BP1378 B1389 BP1378 BR1378 J2b-J3a.SS:$ LAST MONTH (see note above. B1379 BR1379 BP1379 B1390 BP1379 BR1379 FLAG:J2b-J3a.SS:$ LAST MONTH B1379F BR1379F BP1379F B1390F BP1379F BR1379F IMP:J2b-J3a.SS:$ LAST MONTH X 12 B1379X (see note above. BR1379X BP1379X B1390X BP1379X BR1379X J2c-J3b.SS:START >2YRS AGO (see note on possible problem above. B1380 BR1380 BP1380 B1391 BP1380 BR1380 J2d-J3c.SS:START MONTH B1381 BR1381 BP1381 B1392 BP1381 BR1381 J2e-J3d.SS:START YEAR B1382 BR1382 BP1382 B1393 BP1382 BR1382 J5-J4.SS:EXPECT IN FUTURE B1403 BR1403 BP1403 B1395 BP1403 BR1403 J5a-J4a.SS:FUTURE B1404 START AGE BR1404 BP1404 B1396 BP1404 BR1404 J5b-J4b.SS:FUTURE B1405 $ PER MONTH BR1405 BP1405 B1397 BP1405 BR1405 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (13 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) J5c-J4d.SS:SSA CALC BEN EVER B1406 BR1406 BP1406 B1399 BP1406 BR1406 J5d-J4e.SS:SSA CALC BEN IN LAST 2YRS B1407 BR1407 BP1407 B1400 BP1407 BR1407 J5e-J4f.SS:SSA CALC $ B1408 BR1408 BP1408 B1401 BP1408 BR1408 J5f-J4g.SS:SSA CALC $ PERIOD B1409 BR1409 BP1409 B1402 BP1409 BR1409 J5e-J4f.SS:SSA CALC $ MONTHLY B1408R BR1408R BP1408R B1401R BP1408R BR1408R RegIncB1456 1 BR1456 BP1456 after RegInc- B1473 1 BR1473_1 BP1473_1 B1533 BP1473_1 BR1473_1 after RegInc- B1491 2 BR1473_2 BP1473_2 B1555 BP1473_2 BR1473_2 RegIncB1457 1 BR1457_1 BP1457_1 B1517 BP1457_1 BR1457_1 RegIncB1475 2 BR1457_2 BP1457_2 B1539 BP1457_2 BR1457_2 RegIncB1492 3 BR1457_3 BP1457_3 B1560 BP1457_3 BR1457_3 RegIncB1458 1 BR1458_1 BP1458_1 B1518 BP1458_1 BR1458_1 RegIncB1476 2 BR1458_2 BP1458_2 B1540 BP1458_2 BR1458_2 RegIncB1493 3 BR1458_3 BP1458_3 B1561 BP1458_3 BR1458_3 RegIncB1459 1 BR1459_1 BP1459_1 B1519 BP1459_1 BR1459_1 Regular Sources of Income J19-J29. REG INC: RECEIVE ANY J26-J36. REG INC: ANY OTHER J20-J30. REG INC: TYPE J21-J31. REG INC: PAID PER MONTH BP1456 B1515 BR1456 J21b-J31b. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (14 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) REG INC:$ PERIOD J21c-J31c. REG INC:$ LAST PERIOD RegIncB1477 2 BR1459_2 BP1459_2 B1541 BP1459_2 BR1459_2 RegIncB1494 3 BR1459_3 BP1459_3 B1562 BP1459_3 BR1459_3 RegIncB1460 1 BR1460_1 BP1460_1 B1520 BP1460_1 BR1460_1 RegIncB1478 2 BR1460_2 BP1460_2 B1542 BP1460_2 BR1460_2 RegIncB1495 3 BR1460_3 BP1460_3 B1563 BP1460_3 BR1460_3 BR1460F1 BP1460F1 B1520F BP1460F1 BR1460F1 BR1460F2 BP1460F2 B1542F BP1460F2 BR1460F2 BR1460F3 BP1460F3 B1563F BP1460F3 BR1460F3 RegIncB1460X 1 BR1460X1 BP1460X1 B1520X BP1460X1 BR1460X1 RegIncB1478X 2 BR1460X2 BP1460X2 B1542X BP1460X2 BR1460X2 RegIncB1495X 3 BR1460X3 BP1460X3 B1563X BP1460X3 BR1460X3 RegIncB1461 1 BR1461_1 BP1461_1 B1521 BP1461_1 BR1461_1 RegIncB1479 2 BR1461_2 BP1461_2 B1543 BP1461_2 BR1461_2 RegIncB1496 3 BR1461_3 BP1461_3 B1564 BP1461_3 BR1461_3 RegIncB1462 1 BR1462_1 BP1462_1 B1522 BP1462_1 BR1462_1 RegIncB1480 2 BR1462_2 BP1462_2 B1544 BP1462_2 BR1462_2 RegIncB1497 3 BR1462_3 BP1462_3 B1565 BP1462_3 BR1462_3 RegIncB1460F FLAG:J21c- 1 RegIncJ31c.REG B1478F 2 INC:$LCYR RegIncB1495F 3 IMP:J21cJ31c.REG INC:$LCYR (see imputation notes and problems) J21d-J31d. REG INC: FED INC TAXED J21e-J31e. REG INC: START >2YRS AGO file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (15 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) J21f-J31f. REG INC: START MONTH J21g-J31g. REG INC: START YEAR J22-J32. REG INC: VET BEN TYPE RegIncB1463 1 BR1463_1 BP1463_1 B1523 BP1463_1 BR1463_1 RegIncB1481 2 BR1463_2 BP1463_2 B1545 BP1463_2 BR1463_2 RegIncB1498 3 BR1463_3 BP1463_3 B1566 BP1463_3 BR1463_3 RegIncB1464 1 BR1464_1 BP1464_1 B1524 BP1464_1 BR1464_1 RegIncB1482 2 BR1464_2 BP1464_2 B1546 BP1464_2 BR1464_2 RegIncB1499 3 BR1464_3 BP1464_3 B1567 BP1464_3 BR1464_3 RegIncB1465 1 BR1465_1 BP1465_1 B1525 BP1465_1 BR1465_1 RegIncB1483 2 BR1465_2 BP1465_2 B1547 BP1465_2 BR1465_2 RegIncB1500 3 BR1465_3 BP1465_3 B1568 BP1465_3 BR1465_3 RegIncB1466 1 BR1466_1 BP1466_1 B1526 BP1466_1 BR1466_1 BR1466_2 BP1466_2 B1548 BP1466_2 BR1466_2 BR1466_3 BP1466_3 B1569 BP1466_3 BR1466_3 RegIncB1467 1 BR1467_1 BP1467_1 B1527 BP1467_1 BR1467_1 RegIncB1485 2 BR1467_2 BP1467_2 B1549 BP1467_2 BR1467_2 RegIncB1502 3 BR1467_3 BP1467_3 B1570 BP1467_3 BR1467_3 RegIncB1468 1 BR1468_1 BP1468_1 B1528 BP1468_1 BR1468_1 RegIncB1486 2 BR1468_2 BP1468_2 B1550 BP1468_2 BR1468_2 RegIncB1503 3 BR1468_3 BP1468_3 B1571 BP1468_3 BR1468_3 J23-J33. RegIncREG INC: B1484 2 ADJ FOR INFLATION RegIncB1501 3 J23a-J33a. REG INC: ADJ FOR COLA J24-J34. REG INC: FOR LIFE file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (16 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) J24a-J34a. REG INC: YRS WILL RECEIVE J25-J35.IF R DIES: REG INC TO SP RegIncB1469 1 BR1469_1 BP1469_1 B1529 BP1469_1 BR1469_1 RegIncB1487 2 BR1469_2 BP1469_2 B1551 BP1469_2 BR1469_2 RegIncB1504 3 BR1469_3 BP1469_3 B1572 BP1469_3 BR1469_3 RegIncB1470 1 BR1470_1 BP1470_1 B1530 BP1470_1 BR1470_1 RegIncB1488 2 BR1470_2 BP1470_2 B1552 BP1470_2 BR1470_2 RegIncB1505 3 BR1470_3 BP1470_3 B1573 BP1470_3 BR1470_3 RegIncB1471 1 BR1471_1 BP1471_1 B1531 BP1471_1 BR1471_1 BR1471_2 BP1471_2 B1553 BP1471_2 BR1471_2 BR1471_3 BP1471_3 B1574 BP1471_3 BR1471_3 BR1471R1 BP1471R1 B1531R BP1471R1 BR1471R1 BR1471R2 BP1471R2 B1553R BP1471R2 BR1471R2 BR1471R3 BP1471R3 B1574R BP1471R3 BR1471R3 RegIncB1472 1 BR1472_1 BP1472_1 B1532 BP1472_1 BR1472_1 RegIncB1490 2 BR1472_2 BP1472_2 B1554 BP1472_2 BR1472_2 RegIncB1507 3 BR1472_3 BP1472_3 B1575 BP1472_3 BR1472_3 J25a-J35a. IF R DIES:$ RegIncB1489 2 REG INC TO SP RegIncB1506 3 RegIncB1471R 1 J25a-J35a. IF R DIES:$ RegIncB1489R 2 REG INC SP-MONTH RegIncB1506R 3 J25b-J35b. IF R DIES: INC TO SP $ PERIOD Any Regular Income that Ended in (1992/1993) J27-J37.REG INC: ANY END 1992/3 B1508 BR1508 BP1508 B1576 BP1508 BR1508 J27a-J37a.REG INC END1992/3:TYPE B1509 BR1509 BP1509 B1577 BP1509 BR1509 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (17 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) J28-J37c.REG INC END 1992/3:PD PER B1510 MO BR1510 BP1510 B1580 BP1510 BR1510 J28a-J37d.REG INC END 1992/3:$ PER B1511 BR1511 BP1511 B1581 BP1511 BR1511 J28b-J37e.REG INC END 92/3:$ LAST PER B1512 BR1512 BP1512 B1582 BP1512 BR1512 J28c-J37b.REGINC END92/3:LAST MO B1513 RECD BR1513 BP1513 B1578 BP1513 BR1513 J28d-J37b.REGINC END92/3:LAST YR RECD BR1514 BP1514 B1579 BP1514 BR1514 B1514 Section R Insurance Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables If R is If R is If R is Spouse of Spouse of FinR, Financial Financial FinR, FinR, Respondent Respondent Assign Assign Assign Assign (FinR) Spouse FinR Spouse FinR Spouse Variables variables Variables variables variables variables to ... to ... to ... to ... If R is FinR, Insurance Variable Description Term Life Insurance R11-R18.LIFE INSURANCE: ANY B1884 BR1884 BP1884 B1900 BP1884 BR1884 R12-R19. TERM LIFE INS:ANY B1885 BR1885 BP1885 B1901 BP1885 BR1885 R12a-R19a. TERM LIFE INS:# POLICIES B1886 BR1886 BP1886 B1902 BP1886 BR1886 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (18 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) R12b-R19b. TERM LIFE INS:POLICY COST B1887 BR1887 BP1887 B1903 BP1887 BR1887 FLAG:R12bR19b.TERM B1887F LIFE INS: POLICY COST BR1887F BP1887F B1903F BP1887F BR1887F IMP:R12bR19b.TERM LIFE INS: POLICY COST B1887X see imputation notes and problems) BR1887X BP1887X B1903X BP1887X BR1887X R12c-R19c. TERM LIFE INS:COST PERIOD B1888 BR1888 BP1888 B1904 BP1888 BR1888 R12d-R19d. TRM LIFE INS: B1889 PAYMT IF DIES BR1889 BP1889 B1905 BP1889 BR1889 R13-R20. TERM LIFE INS: B1890A1 BENEFICIARY1 BR1890A1 BP1890A1 B1906A1 BP1890A1 BR1890A1 R13-R20. TERM LIFE INS: B1890A2 BENEFICIARY2 BR1890A2 BP1890A2 B1906A2 BP1890A2 BR1890A2 R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-1 BR1891A1 BP1891A1 B1907A1 BP1891A1 BR1891A1 B1891A1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (19 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-2 B1891A2 BR1891A2 BP1891A2 B1907A2 BP1891A2 BR1891A2 R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-3 B1891A3 BR1891A3 BP1891A3 B1907A3 BP1891A3 BR1891A3 R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-4 B1891A4 BR1891A4 BP1891A4 B1907A4 BP1891A4 BR1891A4 R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-5 B1891A5 BR1891A5 BP1891A5 B1907A5 BP1891A5 BR1891A5 R14-R21.TRM LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-6 B1891A6 BR1891A6 BP1891A6 ------- BP1891A6 BR1891A6 Whole Life Insurance R15-R22. WHOLE LIFE INS:ANY B1893 BR1893 BP1893 B1909 BP1893 BR1893 R15a-R22a. WHOLE LIFE INS:# POLICIES B1894 BR1894 BP1894 B1910 BP1894 BR1894 R15b-R22b. WHOLE LIFE INS:TOT PREMIUM B1895 BR1895 BP1895 B1912 BP1895 BR1895 FLAG:R15bR22b.WHOLE LIFE INS: PREMIUM B1895F BR1895F BP1895F B1912F BP1895F BR1895F file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (20 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) IMP:R15bR22b.WHOLE LIFE INS: PREMIUM (see imputation notes and problems) B1895X BR1895X BP1895X B1912X BP1895X BR1895X R15c-R22c. WHL LIFE INS: B1896 PREMIUM PER BR1896 BP1896 B1913 BP1896 BR1896 R15d-R22d. WHL LIFE INS: B1897 PAYMENT, DIES BR1897 BP1897 B1914 BP1897 BR1897 R16-R23. WHOLE LIFE INS: B1898A1 BENEFICIARY1 BR1898A1 BP1898A1 B1915A1 BP1898A1 BR1898A1 R16-R23. WHOLE LIFE INS: B1898A2 BENEFICIARY2 BR1898A2 BP1898A2 B1915A2 BP1898A2 BR1898A2 R16-R23. WHOLE LIFE INS: B1898A3 BENEFICIARY3 BR1898A3 BP1898A3 B1915A3 BP1898A3 BR1898A3 R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-1 B1899A1 BR1899A1 BP1899A1 B1916A1 BP1899A1 BR1899A1 R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-2 B1899A2 BR1899A2 BP1899A2 B1916A2 BP1899A2 BR1899A2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (21 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-3 ------- BR1899A3 BP1899A3 B1916A3 BP1899A3 BR1899A3 R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-4 B1899A4 BR1899A4 BP1899A4 B1916A4 BP1899A4 BR1899A4 R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-5 B1899A5 BR1899A5 BP1899A5 B1916A5 BP1899A5 BR1899A5 R17-R24.WHL LIFE INS: WHCH CHILD BEN-6 B1899A6 BR1899A6 BP1899A6 ------- BP1899A6 BR1899A6 Notes on imputations and problems with some of them This describes the imputed amounts provided in the AHEAD 1993 data. Variables containing imputations are usually named BnnnnX and cases where values have actually been imputed are flagged by variables named BnnnnF. Imputed variables generally carry a value based on the respondent's answer if given and a hot-decked value when the respondent did not give full information. A non-zero flag (BnnnnF) indicates that the value in BnnnnX was imputed. Many imputed variables standardize the time period to which a dollar amount applies. Most often this is an annualized amount, but sometimes it is a monthly amount. Imputations that are calculated as monthly amounts are: ● ● ● how much added to savings (B1773X) term life insurance premium information for both R and spouse/partner (see table above) whole life insurance premium information for both R and spouse/partner (see table above) Some variables are annualized at the current rate. Others take into account the month the amount began. For instance, SSI uses the information about whether SSI had been file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (22 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) received for more than the last 2 years, and if not, when SSI started, in calculating the amount of SSI last calendar year. That is, if SSI began in November of the last calendar year before the interview, the monthly amount was multiplied by 2 for Nov/Dec. The same is true for food stamps. But Social Security income is annualized by multiplying the current monthly amount by 12 regardless of when the payments began. So the analyst should be aware that annualized amounts do not always refer to last calendar year, even when the variable label indicates this is so. (We have changed the label for Social Security). The questions sometimes ask for an amount per period and then the period to which this applies. For some types of income the questions ask if the amount is paid monthly, and only if not, ask for the period. The calculated value takes the amount per period and multiplies it by the appropriate factor to get the annual or monthly value. So for instance, if R reports receiving $50 per month, and the imputed variable is annualized, the BnnnnX variable would contain $600. Variables specifying the period can have a code for "Other" (=7). If the period is specified as "Other" or is missing (DK/RF), then the imputed value is hot-decked, regardless of the amount given. Thus the respondent could have responded $0, but said "Other" for the period and be imputed to have a positive amount. If the annualized amount imputed uses a start month and year in the calculation, it appears that if either is missing, the annualized amount is imputed without regard to any monthly amount given. Other imputed variables use unfolding bracket categories (if given) to impute continuous variables. The imputation flags for these indicate whether brackets were used or not in the imputation. And some imputations combine other imputed fields, such as earned income (JOBLCYF) and total household income (HHINC). In the case of total household income HHINC is the sum of total R and spouse income (B1648X) and total other household member income (B1681X) in the last calendar year (1992/1993). The imputation flag (HHINCF) is the sum of the individual imputation flags (B1648F and B1681F), with a maximum of 9. See NOTE on imputed earnings variables for more details on imputations for earned income. Potential Problems with Imputations We checked AHEAD-provided imputed values for consistency with the information available for all the BnnnnX variables. For most no problems were detected, or under 10 cases showed any inconsistency. We have listed those variables with just a few problems file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (23 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) in ahdw1imp1.txt. Some of the imputed income components in Section J appear to have more problems than those in other sections. The problems include: ● ● ● ● A positive value is imputed, even though the respondent said there was not income of this type. The imputed value doesn't match the values and period given but is not flagged as an imputation. The respondent said there was income of this type, but the amount is missing, and there is no imputed value. In these cases the imputation flag can be missing or 1. The respondent gave valid amounts and periods for income but the imputed variable and imputation flag are missing. The income components with these types of problems are: ● ● ● ● SSI (B1414X/B1414F) food stamps (B1423X/B1423F) regular income, all three types of regular income for both R and spouse/partner (see table above). investment income (B1587X/B1587F, B1593X/B1593F, and B1599X/B1599F) For SSI and food stamps, a question asked if the income started more than 2 years ago, and if not, when it began. The calculated values for last calendar year take into account the start month, most of the time correctly. For investment income which ended in the last calendar year (B1599X), AHEAD asks which month the income ended in. There appears to have been a systematic error in the calculations for the imputed value--they seem to have multiplied the monthly amount as though the income started instead of ending in the given month. For instance, if R reports (in a 1993 interview) having received $300 per month ending in February 1992, B1599X is set to $3300 instead of the $600 we would have expected. And there are a few problems with the monthly term and whole life insurance premiums for both R and spouse. There are also 3 widows for whom spouse social security was imputed. These cases are listed below under List of Single-R Households with Some Spouse/Partner Information. We have added flags to indicate problem cases for the income imputations listed above and for the insurance premiums. These flags are named BnnnnG, e.g., B1414G for the SSI file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (24 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) imputation. For B1599X, we have recalculated the investment income that ended in 1992/1993, using the end month given in B1597/B1598. The recalculation replaces B1599X and B1599G flags the remaining imputation problems. The original value of B1599X is saved in _B1599X. We also saved the original imputation check flag (B1599G) in _B1599G. We created another variable B1599XF which indicates whether the value of B1599X was changed. Details of flagged cases are listed in ahdw1improb.txt. The added flag variables have the following codes. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 0.BnnnnF=No / any=missing / amount-period missing / BnnnnX missing / OK 1.BnnnnF=No / BnnnnX ne amount-period given / PROBLEM 2.BnnnnF=No / amount-period given but BnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 3.BnnnnF=No / any=Yes / amount-period=missing but BnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 4.BnnnnF=No / any=No / but BnnnnX not missing / PROBLEM 7.BnnnnF=No / any=missing / amount-period given / FLAG PROBLEM 8.BnnnnF=No / amount-period given=BnnnnX / OK 9.BnnnnF=No / any=Yes / amount-period=missing / BnnnnX not. / FLAG PROBLEM 10.BnnnnF=Yes / any=missing / BnnnnX missing / OK 11.BnnnnF=Yes / BnnnnX ne amount-period given / ?OK 12.BnnnnF=Yes / amount-period given but BnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 13.BnnnnF=Yes / any=Yes / amount-period=missing but BnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 14.BnnnnF=Yes / any=No / but BnnnnX not missing / PROBLEM 17.BnnnnF=Yes / any=missing / amount-period given / OK 18.BnnnnF=Yes / amount-period given=BnnnnX / FLAG PROBLEM 19.BnnnnF=Yes / any=Yes / amount-period=missing, BnnnnX not. / OK 90.BnnnnF=missing / any=missing / amount-period missing / BnnnnX missing / OK 91.BnnnnF=missing / BnnnnX ne amount-period given / PROBLEM 92.BnnnnF=missing / amount-period given but BnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 93.BnnnnF=missing / any=Yes / amount-period=missing but BnnnnX=missing / PROBLEM 94.BnnnnF=missing / any=No / but BnnnnX not missing / PROBLEM 97.BnnnnF=missing / any=missing / amount-period given / FLAG PROBLEM 98.BnnnnF=missing / amount-period given=BnnnnX / FLAG PROBLEM 99.BnnnnF=missing / any=Yes / amount-period=missing, BnnnnX not. / FLAG PROBLEM file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (25 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) "OK" means the combination of given or missing values, imputation flag, and imputed value make sense. "FLAG PROBLEM" means that the imputed value makes sense, but the imputation flag doesn't. "PROBLEM" means that something may be wrong with the imputed value. Imputation Flag Variables Added Imputed Variable Label Imputed Variable Added Flag Variable Comments Household Variables B1414G used B1413, B1414, B1414F, B1414X, B1415, B1416, B1417, BIVIEWYR in comparison compared value calculated, based on month started SSI B1432X B1432G used B1430, B1432, B1432F, B1432X, B1441, B1442, B1443, BIVIEWYR in comparison compared value calculated, based on month started food stamps IMP: J42b-1. INVEST INC: B1587X TOTAL PD-LCYR1 B1587G used B1583, B1587, B1587F, B1587X, B1588 in comparison IMP: J42b-2. INVEST INC: B1593X TOTAL PD-LCYR2 B1593G used B1589, B1593, B1593F, B1593X, B1594 in comparison B1599G used B1595, B1597, B1598, B1599, B1599F, B1599X, BIVIEWYR in comparison recalculated B1599X based on B1597 (end month), B1598 (end year), BIVIEWYR, and B1599 (last monthly amount) B1599XF Flags whether B1599X value changed (1=changed) _B1599X Saved original value of B1599X IMP: J7. SSI: $LCYR IMP: J13a. FS: $ LCYR IMP: J43d. INVEST INC END1992/3: $LCYR B1414X B1599X file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (26 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) _B1599G Saved original value of B1599G, i. e., B1599G for _B1599X Individual Variables, "Self" and "Spouse" versions (we only flagged BR/BP versions of these) IMP:J21c-1.REG INC:$-LCYR-1/ Self used BR1456, BR1458_1, BR1459_1, BR1460_1, BR1460X1 BR1460G1 BR1460F1, BR1460X1 in comparison IMP:J21c-2.REG INC:$-LCYR-2/ Self used BR1473_1, BR1458_2, BR1459_2, BR1460_2, BR1460X2 BR1460G2 BR1460F2, BR1460X2 in comparison IMP:J21c-3.REG INC:$-LCYR-3/ Self used BR1473_2, BR1458_3, BR1459_3, BR1460_3, BR1460X3 BR1460G3 BR1460F3, BR1460X3 in comparison IMP:J21c-1.REG used BP1456, BP1458_1, INC:$-LCYR-1/Sp- BP1460X1 BP1460G1 BP1459_1, BP1460_1, BP1460F1, P BP1460X1 in comparison IMP:J21c-2.REG used BP1473_1, BP1458_2, INC:$-LCYR-2/Sp- BP1460X2 BP1460G2 BP1459_2, BP1460_2, BP1460F2, P BP1460X2 in comparison IMP:J21c-3.REG used BP1473_2, BP1458_3, INC:$-LCYR-3/Sp- BP1460X3 BP1460G3 BP1459_3, BP1460_3, BP1460F3, P BP1460X3 in comparison IMP:R12b.TERM LIFE INS:POLICY COST/Self IMP:R12b.TERM LIFE INS:POLICY COST/Sp-P used BR1884, BR1885, BR1887, BR1887X BR1887G BR1887F, BR1887X, BR1888 in comparison BP1887X BP1887G used BP1884, BP1885, BP1887, BP1887F, BP1887X, BP1888 in comparison IMP:R15b.WHOLE used BR1884, BR1893, BR1895, LIFE INS: BR1895X BR1895G BR1895F, BR1895X, BR1896 in PREMIUM/Self comparison IMP:R15b.WHOLE LIFE INS: BP1895X PREMIUM/Sp-P BP1895G used BP1884, BP1893, BP1895, BP1895F, BP1895X, BP1896 in comparison file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (27 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1993: Financial Variables Added ("B" variables) List of Single-R Households with Some Spouse/Partner Information HHIDPN BMARSTAT Description of Information 203618010 5=Widowed Widow with spouse Soc Security imputed 207158010 5=Widowed Widow with spouse Soc Security imputed 207161010 5=Widowed Widow with spouse Soc Security imputed 205708010 14=Separated/ Divorced Reports Soc Security and regular income for spouse 207432010 14=Separated/ Divorced Reports Soc Security for spouse file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_1b.html (28 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:08 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) Financial Variables Added to the AHEAD 1995 data set with "D" variables (a95f1a) The Financial Respondent (FinR) provides financial information about himself or herself, and about his or her spouse. We reassigned this data to "self" and "spouse/partner" variables for both respondents to clarify to whom the information applies. Variables that begin with DR apply to "self" while variables that begin with DP apply to "spouse/partner". Generally, if an individual is the FinR, then the Dnnnn variables for FinR are assigned to DRnnnn and the Dpppp variables for FinR's spouse are assigned to DPnnnn. And if an individual is the spouse/partner of the FinR then the Dnnnn variables for FinR are assigned to DPnnnn and the Dpppp variables for FinR's spouse are assigned to DRnnnn. We also reassign variables where codes refer to FinR or spouse to "self" variables so that the codes indicate self or spouse. In AHEAD 1995 the FinR answers questions about his/her spouse's income, inheritances, and trusts in Section J. As we did in 1993, we have added the spouse/partner's variables for medical services reported in Section E. In 1993 FinR answered most of the health care costs questions for both individuals in a couple. In 1995, individuals answered these questions. We have added spouse/partner reports on health care costs in 1995, so that both of a couple's health care costs are available to every observation, as they were in 1993. We have also derived last calendar year amounts for most types of income. For each type of income, a continuous amount was requested. Sometimes the question asked how much was received per month and when it began. For some types of income questions asked how much and how often the amount was received and whether the amount was the same every period; if not the same every period, another question asked how much was received last calendar year. In either case, if no continous amount was given, then unfolding bracket questions were asked. The unfolding bracket questions always referred to the amount received last calendar year. We have calculated an amount received last calendar year from whatever continuous amount was given, based on the skip pattern used for a particular type of income. For example, if an amount received per quarter was given and FinR reported it was the same each quarter, we calculated the amount for last calendar year as 4 times the continuous amount. If it wasn't the same every quarter, we used the answer to the "how much last calendar year" question. ● ● ● ● Spouse/Partner Medical Services Data (from Section E) Calculated Last Calendar Year Income Variables "Self" versons of variables with codes for FinR and Spouse Financial Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (DR/DP) Spouse/Partner Medical Services Data In 1993 the Financial Respondent answered many of the health care services questions for both him/ herself and his/her spouse. In 1995 these questions were all asked of individuals. To provide consistent availability of the spouse information in 1995, we have added the spouse/partner's data for married or partnered respondents. The health care services data added for spouses includes data on hospital and nursing home stays, doctors, outpatient surgery, dentists, prescription drugs, and home health services. NOTE: In 1993 each individual was asked if covered by Medicare, and if so, if R had Medicare Part B coverage. In 1995, individuals are asked if covered by Medicare and about Part B coverage in Section R. In most cases, R is only asked these 1995 questions if R did not have Medicare at 1993. The preloaded variable D126 indicates whether R had Medicare in 1993. If the 1995 questions are missing and D126=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (1 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) then R had, and presumably still has Medicare coverage. D127 may also be useful; this preloaded value indicates whether R had Part B coverage in 1993. We have added these preloaded and Section R Medicare variables for spouse/partner as well. The table below shows the specific variables from Sections E and R that we added from the spouse/partner data. Medical Services Variables (from Section E) for "Self" for "Spouse/ Partner" E1. HOSPITAL-YR D1664 DP1664 E2. HOSPITAL TIMES D1665 DP1665 E3. HOSP-1 #NIGHTS D1666 DP1666 E4. HOSP $ NOT COV D1669 DP1669 E5. NURSING HOME-YR D1681 DP1681 E6. NURHM # TIMES D1682 DP1682 E7. NURHM-1 NIGHTS D1683 DP1683 E7A.NURHM-1 MONTHS D1684 DP1684 E7Z.CONTINUE D1685 DP1685 E8.NURHM NOT COV D1686 DP1686 E10. NURHM OR HOSP R PAY $ D1688 DP1688 E10A-E. NURHM OR HOSP DK D1689B DP1689B E11. DR TIMES D1698 DP1698 E13.DR, NOT COV D1701 DP1701 E14. OUTPATIENT SURGERY-YR D1713 DP1713 E16. OUTSURG, NOT COV D1716 DP1716 E17. DENTIST-YR D1728 DP1728 E18. DENTIST, NOT COV D1731 DP1731 E18A.DOCTOR/OUT/DENTAL R PAY $ D1732 DP1732 D1733B DP1733B E20. DRUGS-YR D1744 DP1744 E21. DRUGS, NOT COV D1748 DP1748 E21A.PRESCR R PAY $ D1749 DP1749 D1750B DP1750B E21G.FILL DRUGS D1755 DP1755 E22.IN-HOME SERV D1760 DP1760 E23. IN-HOME R PAY $ D1762 DP1762 E24.R USE SERVICE D1774 DP1774 Variable Description E18B-F. DR/OUT/DENTAL DK E21B-F. PRESCR DK file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (2 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) E24A.SPECIAL R PAY $ D1781 DP1781 E24B-F. SPECIAL DK D1782B DP1782B E26-D. TOTAL MEDICAL DK D1799B DP1799B E27. OTHERS HELP $ D1805 DP1805 E28. WHO HELP D1806 DP1806 E30.AMOUNT OF OTH HELP D1809 DP1809 E31.DAYS IN BED D1812 DP1812 Medicare Coverage Variables (from Preloads and Section R) for "Self" for "Spouse/ Partner" R1. MEDICARE COVER D5144 DP5144 R1A. MEDICARE PART B COVER D5145 DP5145 Preloaded 93 MEDICARE COVER D126 DP126 Preloaded 93 MEDICARE PART B COVER D127 DP127 Variable Description Calculated Last Calendar Year Income Variables We have derived last calendar year (LCY) income for most types of income in cases where a continuous amount was given. We did not impute missing amounts, nor did we incorporate bracket variables. But we did work through the skip patterns for the continuous amounts to derive LCY income. For some types of income the continous amount is the amount received per month, and a starting year and month are given. For these types we multiply the monthly amount by the appropriate number of months. For other types of income, particularly income from assets, FinR is asked for the amount, how often it is received, and if it is the same every period. Some answers, e.g., if it's not the same every period, cause a skip to a question about the total amount for the LCY. For these types of income we follow the skip pattern to calculate the appropriate amount or to use the LCY amount. If the continuous amount is missing (DK or RF), many income types include unfolding bracket questions to try to determine a range of values into which the income falls. All the unfolding bracket questions, when used, ask about total income LCY. One reason we derived the LCY income variables was to facilitate comparison of the bracketed income to amounts reported as continuous. Generally, we set the derived LCY income variables to SAS special missing values if information necessary to derive them was missing: ● ● ● ● ● .A = if missing whether received any .B = if DK continuous amount (brackets asked about total received LCY) .C = if RF continuous amount (brackets asked about total received LCY) .D = if when started (or stopped) was missing .E = if DK continuous amount (or how often amount received) and there were no followup bracket file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (3 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) questions ● ● ● ● ● The types of income are: Social Security, SSI, Veteran Benefits, Welfare Income from Annuities converted from IRAs Income from Annuities and Pensions Asset Income Earned income(no derived variables, documentation only) Transfer Income: Social Security, SSI, Veterans Benefits, Welfare We derived LCY income from continuous monthly amounts reported for Social Security, SSI, and Veterans Benefits, taking into account the starting (or ending) month if the benefits started (or ended) in the LCY. Social Security and Veterans Benefits are reported separately for FinR and spouse. For these we assigned the LCY amounts to DR/DP variables for self and spouse/partner, respectively. (see Financial Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables.) SSI and welfare are reported jointly. We did not need to derive LCY income from welfare, but list it here for your information. Variable Description Social Security Income LCY Joint Variable for "Self" for "Spouse/ Partner" DR3878A DP3878A Comments derviation and possible problems Flags cases where assumptions may be wrong ● ● Soc Sec Income LCY Flag DR3878X DP3878X ● 0=any assumptions made OK 1=D152FR/ D153FR does not match 93 data; DR/ DP3882 not asked, assumed 12 months LCY 2=DR/ DP3882 text was "since last ivw"; 93 ivw within LCY and no 93 start month available, assumed 12 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (4 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) months LCY Supplemental Security Income(SSI) LCY D3912A DR3937A DP3937A derviation Veterans Benefits LCY Welfare LCY derviation D3929 not derived. NOTE: if D3927=5 (no welfare) then D3929=missing, not zero. Also values of 999998/999999 in D3929 mean DK/RF. The analyst may want to recode these. Social Security LCY Income Notes We used the following variables to derive LCY income from Social Security: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● D3875/D3885: If FinR/Spouse received any Social Security D3878/D3888: Amount FinR/Spouse received last month D3882/D3892: If FinR/Spouse started receiving since last interview or last 2 years D3883/D3893: If D3882/D3892=No, Month FinR/Spouse started receiving D3884/D3894: If D3882/D3892=No, Year FinR/Spouse started receiving D152FR/D153FR: Preloaded 1993 indicators of whether FinR/Spouse received Soc Sec at 1993 DFIVWYR: FinR Interview year, LCY=DFIVWYR-1 The question for D3882 was not asked if D152FR indicated that FinR received Social Security income at 1993. Similarly, D3892 was not asked if D153FR indicated that the spouse received Social Security. In addition, the wording for D3882/D3892 asked "since last interview" if the FinR had a 1993 interview, as indicated by D370FR, or "last 2 years" if FinR did not have a 1993 interview. If D3882 or D3892 was skipped based on D152FR/D153FR, or if the question wording was "since last interview", we assumed that the monthly Social Security income reported in D3878/D3888 was received all last calendar year. We know that this may not be a good assumption, as there are 100-200 cases where the last interview is within the LCY. There are also cases where the preloaded information in D152FR/D153FR indicates that FinR/ spouse had Social Security income, but doesn't match the 1993 data. We looked at the 1993 SS start months to try to determine when R or SP actually started receiving SS, but there are almost 100 cases where that information is unavailable (the question was inexplicably skipped). For all cases for which we did have 1993 start month, Social Security did begin before the LCY. So we decided to forego dragging the incomplete start month information forward, and decided to make this simple assumption. We have flagged cases where we made this assumption without the data to back it up. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (5 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) We derived D3878A/D3888A for FinR/Spouse as follows. We then assigned D3878A and D3888A to DR3878A and DP3878A based on whether a individual was FinR or not. (see Financial Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables.) We dropped D3878A and D3888A from the file. ● ● ● ● ● if D3875/D3885=5 (No) then D3878A/D3888A=0 if D3875/D3885=8,9 (DK/RF) then D3878A/D3888A=.A if D3875/D3885=1 (Yes) and D3878/D3888=DK then D3878A/D3888A=.B (brackets on total annual LCY are asked) if D3875/D3885=1 (Yes) and D3878/D3888=RF then D3878A/D3888A=.C (brackets on total annual LCY are asked) if D3875/D3885=1 (Yes) and D3878/D3888 is not missing then ❍ if D152FR/D153FR=1 (had 93) then D3878A/D3888A=12*D3878/D3888 ❍ if D3882/D3892=1 (last 2 yrs or since last ivw) then D3878A/ D3888A=12*D3878/D3888 ❍ if D3882/D3892=5 (not last 2 yrs or since last ivw) and D3884/D3894 (year started) before LCY then D3878A/D3888A=12*D3878/D3888 ❍ if D3882/D3892=5 (not last 2 yrs or since last ivw) and D3884/D3894 (year started) = LCY then D3878A/D3888A=(13-D3883/D3893)*D3878/D3888 ❍ if D3882/D3892=7,8,9 (other, DK,RF) then D3878A/D3888A=.D ❍ if D3882/D3892=5 (not last 2 yrs or since last ivw) and D3884/D3894 (year started) missing then D3878A/D3888A=.D ❍ if D3882/D3892=5 (not last 2 yrs or since last ivw) and D3884/D3894 (year started) = LCY and D3883/D3893 missing then D3878A/D3888A=.D Supplemental Security Income (SSI) LCY derivation We used the following variables to derive LCY income from SSI: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● D3911: If FinR or Spouse received any SSI last month D3912: If D3911=Yes, amount received last month D3916: If started receiving more than 2 years ago D3917: If D3916=No, month started receiving D3918: If D3916=No, year started receiving D3919: If not received last month (D3911=No), did FinR or Spouse received any SSI last calendar year D3920: If D3919=Yes, month stopped receiving D3921: If D3919=Yes, year stopped receiving D3922: If D3919=Yes, amount received in month/year given in D3920/D3921 D155FR: Preloaded indicators of whether received SSI at 1993 DFIVWYR: FinR Interview year, LCY=DFIVWYR-1 If FinR reports receiving SSI last month, and D155FR indicates SSI was also received at 1993, then D3916 is not asked. In these cases we assumed that SSI was received for the whole LCY. We looked at the 1993 SSI start month for these cases, and it appears that this assumption is correct. There is 1 case where D155FR does not match the 1993 data, i.e., no SSI in 1993 but D155FR says SSI was received in 1993 and FinR reports receiving SSI at 1995. For this case we assumed, perhaps incorrectly, that SSI was received all LCY; the HHIDPN for this case is 203634010. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (6 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) If FinR reports not receiving SSI at the 1995 interview, he/she is asked if any SSI was received in the last calendar year, and if so, was asked when it was last received. In this case we assumed that SSI was received during the whole LCY up to the stop month. This may not be a correct assumption, but the questions do not ask when SSI began in these cases. We derived D3912A as follows: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● if D3911=1 (yes) if D3912=9998 (DK) then D3912A=.B (brackets ask about total LCY) else if D3912=9999 (RF) then D3912A=.C (brackets ask about total LCY) else if D3912=0 then D3912A=0 else if D155FR=1 (yes) or D3916=1 (yes) then D3912A=12*D3912 else if D3916=5 (no) and D3918 is before LCY then D3912A=12*D3912 else if D3916=5 (no) and D3918 is after LCY then D3912A=0 else if D3916=5 (no) and D3918 is during LCY and D3917 is not missing then D3912A=(13-D3917)*D3912 else if D3916=7,8,9 (other, DK, RF) then D3912A=.D else if D3916=5 (no) and D3918=7,8,9 (other, DK, RF) then D3912A=.D else if D3916=5 (no) and D3918 is during LCY and D3917=97,98,99 (other, DK, RF) then D3912A=.D else if D3919=1 (yes) if D3922=9998,9999 (DK,RF) then D3912A=.E (no brackets were asked; amount is missing) if D3922=0 then D3912A=0 else if D3921 is before LCY then D3912A=0 else if D3921 is after LCY then D3912A=12*D3922 else if D3921 is during LCY and D3920 is not missing then D3912A=(D3920) *D3922 else if D3921=7,8,9 (other, DK, RF) then D3912A=.D else if D3921 is during LCY and D3920=97,98,99 (other, DK, RF) then D3912A=.D else if D3919=5 (No) then D3912A=0 else if D3919=8,9 (DK,RF) then D3912A=.A Veterans Benefits LCY Derivation We used the following variables to derive LCY income from Veterans Benefits: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● D3935: If FinR or spouse received any income from Veterans Benefits D3936: Who received Veterans Benefits (1=FinR, 2=spouse, 3=both) D3937/D3950: Amount FinR/Spouse received last month D3938/D3951: How often received D3937/D3960 D3945/D3958: If FinR/Spouse started receiving before 2 years ago D3946/D3959: If D3945/D3958=No, Month FinR/Spouse started receiving D3947/D3960: If D3945/D3958=No, Year FinR/Spouse started receiving DFIVWYR: FinR Interview year, LCY=DFIVWYR-1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (7 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) We derived D3937A/D3950A for FinR/Spouse as follows. We then assigned D3937A and D3950A to DR3937A and DP3937A based on whether a individual was FinR or not. (see Financial Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables.) We dropped D3937A and D3950A from the file. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● if D3935=1 (yes) and D3936=1,3 (FinR,both received), derive D3937A if D3937=999998 (DK) then D3937A=.B (brackets ask about total LCY) else if D3937=999999 (RF) then D3937A=.C (brackets ask about total LCY) else if D3937=0 then D3937A=0 else if D3938=7,8 then D3937A=.E (don't know how often) else if D3938=1 (monthly) and D3945=1 (yes) then D3937A=12*D3937 else if D3938=6 (yearly) and D3945=1 (yes) then D3937A=D3937 else if D3945=5 (no) and D3947 is before LCY then D3937A=12*D3937 else if D3945=5 (no) and D3947 is after LCY then D3937A=0 else if D3945=5 (no) and D3947 is during LCY and D3946 is not missing then D3937A=(13-D3946)*D3937 else if D3945=7,8,9 (other, DK, RF) then D3937A=.D else if D3945=5 (no) and D3947=9997,9998,9999 (other, DK, RF) then D3937A=.D else if D3945=5 (no) and D3947 is during LCY and D3946=97,98,99 (other, DK, RF) then D3937A=.D else if D3935=1 and D3936=2 (Sp/P only received) then D3937A=0 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● if D3935=1 (yes) and D3936=2,3 (Sp/P,both received), derive D3950A if D3950=999998 (DK) then D3950A=.B (brackets ask about total LCY) else if D3950=999999 (RF) then D3950A=.C (brackets ask about total LCY) else if D3950=0 then D3950A=0 else if D3951=7,8 then D3950A=.E (don't know how often) else if D3951=1 (monthly) and D3958=1 (yes) then D3950A=12*D3950 else if D3951=6 (yearly) and D3958=1 (yes) then D3950A=D3950 else if D3958=5 (no) and D3960 is before LCY then D3950A=12*D3950 else if D3958=5 (no) and D3960 is after LCY then D3950A=0 else if D3958=5 (no) and D3960 is during LCY and D3959 is not missing then D3950A=(13-D3959)*D3950 else if D3958=7,8,9 (other, DK, RF) then D3950A=.D else if D3958=5 (no) and D3960=9997,9998,9999 (other, DK, RF) then D3950A=.D else if D3958=5 (no) and D3960 is during LCY and D3959=97,98,99 (other, DK, RF) then D3950A=.D else if D3935=1 and D3936=1 (FinR only received) and FinR is married/ partnered then D3950A=0 else if D3935=5 then D3937A=0 and D3950A=0 else if D3935=8,9 then D3937A=0 and D3950A=.A Income from Annuities converted from IRAs Section J asks about IRA/Keogh accounts held, including whether any withdrawals have file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (8 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) been made in the last 2 years or since last interview. Because the time span covered by these withdrawals is not specific to the last calendar year, we did not attempt to derive any LCY income for these withdrawals. However, question J27 asks if any other IRA or KEOGH accounts were cashed in or converted to annuities. If any were converted to annuities, followup questions ask about income received from these annuities, for this we did derive LCY income. Though there is a variable which identifies whether the IRA converted belongs to FinR, spouse, or both, we do not assign the LCY income from these annuities to FinR or spouse, but leave it as a joint variable. We used the following variables to derive LCY income from annuities converted from IRAs: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● D4143: Any other IRAs cashed in or converted to annuities D4145M1 and D4145M2: What was done with withdrawals from other IRAs; =2 if converted to annuities D4150: Amount received from this annuity D4151: How often this amount is received D4157: Month began receiving this annuity D4158: Year began receiving this annuity DFIVWYR: FinR Interview year, LCY=DFIVWYR-1 We derived D4150A as follows: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● if D4145M1 or D4145M2=converted to annuity if D4150=999998 (DK) then D4150A=.B (brackets ask about total LCY) else if D4150=999999 (RF) then D4150A=.C (brackets ask about total LCY) else if D4150=0 then D4150A=0 else if D4151=7,8,9 then D4150A=.E (don't know how often) else if D4151=1 (weekly) then D4150A=52*D4150 else if D4151=2 (2 x month) then D4150A=24*D4150 else if D4151=3 (monthly) then D4150A=12*D4150 else if D4151=4 (quarterly) then D4150A=4*D4150 else if D4151=6 (yearly) then D4150A=D4150 if D4150A>0 and D4158 is after LCY then D4150A=0 else if D4150A>0 and D4158 is during LCY and D4157 is not missing then pro-rate D4150A=D4150 * (13-D4157)/12 else if D4150A>0 and D4158=7,8,9 (other, DK, RF) then D4150A=.D else if D4150A>0 and D4158 is during LCY and D4157=97,98,99 (other, DK, RF) then D4150A=.D else if D4143=Yes or No (1 or 5) and neither D4145M1 nor D4145M2=converted to annuity (=2) then D4150A=0 else if D4143=8,9 (DK,RF) or D4145M1=8,9 or D4145M2=8,9 then D4150A=.A Income from Annuities and Pensions file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (9 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) Income from pensions and annuities is asked separately for FinR and spouse if they have any. Up to 3 series of questions about pensions and annuities are aked. The first 2 series ask about the 1st and 2nd largest. If there are more than 2 pensions or annuities then the 3rd series of questions asks about all the rest. The questions for both pensions and annuities begin with: ● ● A. For pensions: Are you or your spouse/partner currently receiving any income from retirement pensions? A. For annuities: Aside from anything you have already told me about, are you or your spouse/partner currently receiving any income from annuities? B. [If A.=yes and FinR is married/partnered] Who receives that? The answer to B. can be FinR only, spouse/partner only or both. If FinR is not married or if B. indicates FinR or both receive income, then questions are asked about FinR's income from pensions/annuities. If B. indicates that spouse/partner or both receive income then questions are asked about FinR's spouse's pensions/annuities. These sets of questions then ask the following: ● ● C. Do you / Does your spouse receive income from more than one? D. [If C.=Yes] How many? Questions are then asked about the appropriate number of pensions/annuities, up to 3. The questions for each pension/annuity (#1, #2, and #3+) relevant to income LCY are: ● ● ● [If #1 or #2 or if #3 and D.=3] E. How much did you receive last month? [If D. >3] E. About the others you receive, tell me about how much in total you received last month. [If #1 or #2] F. In what year did you start to receive that? [If #1 or #2] G. In what month did you start to receive that? For the 3rd+ pensions or annuities, no start month is asked. We assumed these were received all 12 months of the LCY, which may not be correct. Please note that no followup bracket questions were asked if the amount received last month was not given. We derived 3 LCY income variables for pensions and 3 LCY income variables for annuities for both FinR and spouse. We then assigned "DnnnA" variables to Self/Spouse-Partner variables variables based on whether a individual was FinR or not. Pension LCY income variables are assigned to DR4198A1-DR4198A3 and DP4198A1-DP4198A3 for pensions 13. Annuity LCY income variables are assigned to DR4271A1-DR4271A3 and DP4271A1DP4271A3 for annuities 1-3. (see Financial Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables.) We dropped the "DnnnA" variables from the file. We used FinR's interview year to calculate LCY (DFIVWYR-1). Each variable was derived as follows: If A. is No then LCY income = 0 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (10 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) If A. is DK/RF then LCY income = .A If B. is FinR only, spouse/partner LCY income = 0 If B. is spouse/partner only, FinR LCY income = 0 If B. is DK/RF, LCY income = .A If C. not Yes and series #2 or #3 then LCY income = 0 If C.=Yes and D.=2 and series #3 then LCY income = 0 ● ● ● ● ● Otherwise If E. is DK then LCY income = .B If E. is RF then LCY income = .C If E. is other then LCY income = .E If E. is a valid amount and series #3 then LCY income = 12 x E. If E. is a valid amount and series #1 or #2 then ❍ If F. is DK/RF/other/missing then LCY income = .D ❍ If F. is before LCY then LCY income = 12 x E. ❍ If F. is after LCY then LCY income = 0 ❍ If F. is during LCY and G. is DK/RF/other/missing then LCY income = .D ❍ If F. is during LCY and G. is a valid month then LCY income = (13 - G.) x E. Specific Variables for Pension and Annuity Income Received Pension Question FinR Spouse/ Partner Annuity FinR Spouse/ Partner A. Any income from... 1=Yes, 5=No, 8,9=DK, RF D4191 D4266 B. Who receive that? 1=FinR only, 2=SP/P only, 3=Both, 8,9=DK,RF D4192 D4267 C. Receive income from more than 1? 1=Yes, 5=No, 8,9=DK, RF D4193 D4226 D4268 D4299 D. How many? D4194 D4227 D4269 D4300 Largest pension or annuity E. How much did you receive last month? D4198 D4229 D4271 D4302 F. What year did that start? D4200 D4231 D4273 D4304 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (11 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) G. What month did that start? Derived amount received LCY D4201 D4232 D4274 D4305 D4198A D4229A D4271A D4302A 2nd largest pension or annuity E. How much did you receive last month? D4213 D4238 D4285 D4315 F. What year did that start? D4215 D4246 D4288 D4318 G. What month did that start? D4216 D4247 D4289 D4319 D4213A D4238A D4285A D4315A Derived amount received LCY 3rd (or rest of) pension or annuity E. How much did you receive last month? Derived amount received LCY D4221 D4253 D4294 D4324 D4221A D4253A D4294A D4324A Asset Income Asset income includes income from rent, businesses, stocks, bonds, checking and savings interest, CDs and T-bills, and other assets. We derive income last calendar year (LCY) for all but other assets. To derive LCY we used the interview year of FinR (LCY = DFIVWYR - 1). Except for other assets, the questions asked follow similar skip patterns for all of these, with slight variations. For other assets, three questions were asked: ● ● ● A. Do any of these other savings or assets pay any income? B. [If A. = Yes] About how much income did you receive from these other assets in LCY? C. [If B. is DK/RF] About how much did you receive LCY, in unfolding brackets? We do not derive any variables for income from other assets, but have listed the public use variables here for your information. For rent and business income the questions asked: ● ● ● A. Did you receive any? B. [If A. = Yes or Other] How often did you receive that? C. [If B. is a specific period, e.g., monthly, and less than a year] About how much did you receive last time? file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (12 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) ● ● ● D. [If C. is not skipped or DK/RF] Did you get about the same amount each time? E. [If D. is yes, SKIP this question] About how much did you receive in LCY? F. [If E. is DK/RF] About how much did you receive in LCY, in unfolding brackets? For stocks, bonds, checking and savings interest, and CD/T-bill income the questions asked: ● ● ● ● A. Does [this type of asset] pay any dividends or interest? B. [If A. = Yes or Other] How often is that paid? C-1. [If B. is accumulates/reinvest, a year, other, or DK/RF] About how much did you receive from that in LCY? and then ❍ F. [If C-1 is DK/RF] About how much did you receive in LCY, in unfolding brackets? C-2. [If B. is a specific period, e.g., monthly, and less than a year] About how much did you receive last time from that? and then ❍ D. [If C-2. is not skipped or DK/RF] Do you get about the same amount each time? ❍ E. [If D. is yes, SKIP this question] About how much did you receive in LCY? ❍ F. [If E. is DK/RF] About how much did you receive in LCY, in unfolding brackets? In both of these skip patterns the amount received last year [E.] is skipped if question D was asked and the same amount was received each period [D. = 1=yes]. We made a new variable that fills the amount received last year with the answer to E if given, or with the amount calculated from B and C if D=yes and E is skipped. Earlier versions of the questionnaire differed from the skip patterns described above in several places. Because of this, some respondents were asked question E, amount received last calendar year, even if they answered D as same each time. We used the value from E if it was given, and only attempted to calculate the LCY amount from B and C if it was not. In some cases a bracket was asked even when there seemed to be enough information to calculate LCY income. When this happened we compared the calculated LCY value to the bracket range given. In a few cases the calculated amount did not match the bracket range. This happened most often for rent (11 cases), but also happened for stocks, bonds, checking/ savings, and CDs/T-bills. See listing of cases where calculated LCY does not match bracket range. We derived amount received LCY for these variables as follows: if A. is No (=5), i.e., if no income of this type received, then amount LCY=0 if A. is DK/RF (=8/9), then amount LCY=.A if A. is skipped (=.), then amount LCY=. (inapplicable) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (13 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) ● ● ● ● ● if A. is Yes or other (=1 or 7) if E. is not . / DK /RF then amount LCY=E. if E. is . / DK/ RF) and C. is a valid value (1-999996) then ❍ if rent/business and B.=6 (year), then amount LCY=C. ❍ if stocks/bonds/savings/CDs and B.=1,7,8,9 (accumulates,other,DK,RF), then amount LCY=C. ❍ if rent/business and D.=1, Yes, and B.=1, weekly, then amount LCY= 52 x C. ❍ if rent/business and D.=1, Yes, and B.=2, twice a month, then amount LCY= 24 x C. [Note: B.=2 is not used for stocks/bonds/etc.] ❍ if D.=1, Yes, and B.=3, monthly, then amount LCY= 12 x C. ❍ if D.=1, Yes, and B.=4, quarterly, then amount LCY= 4 x C. ❍ if D.=1, Yes, and B.=5, every 6 months, then amount LCY= 2 x C. if C. is DK then amount LCY=.B if C. is RF then amount LCY=.C if C. is . and rent/business and B. is other/DK/RF (7/8/9) then amount LCY=.E [Note: for 4 cases where B. was 7, bracket information is present in the data.] The maximum amount specified in E is 999996. We checked that the calculated amount LCY did not exceed this maximum and found all calculated values were 1-999996. Specific Variables for Asset Income Received ** Note:The codes for "how often" are: 1=weekly OR accumulates/reinvest 2=twice a month 3=monthly 4=quarterly 5=twice a year 6=yearly 7=other 8=Don't Know 9=Refused Asset Income Variables A.Any Description income from... Rental Income Business or Farm Income C. E. D.Do About F.About About you get how how how Derived about B.How often much much much amount the do you did did did you received same you receive that? you receive LCY amount receive receive last yeareach last last brackets? time? time? year? D3983 D3984 [Note: 1=weekly] D3985 D3986 D3987 D3987A D3989B D4024 D4025 [Note: 1=weekly] D4026 D4027 D4029 D4029A D4030B file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (14 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) Stocks or Mutual Funds Dividends or Interest D4358 [Note: 1=accumulates/ D4357 D4359 reinvest, twice a month is not an option] D4360 D4361 D4361A D4363B Bonds or Bond Funds Dividends or Interest D4401 [Note: 1=accumulates/ D4400 D4402 reinvest, twice a month is not an option] D4403 D4404 D4404A D4406B Checking, Savings, Money Market Funds Dividends or Interest D4441 [Note: 1=accumulates/ D4440 D4442 reinvest, twice a month is not an option] D4443 D4444 D4444A D4445B CDs, D4483 Government [Note: Bonds, 1=accumulates/ D4484 D4482 Treasury reinvest, twice Bills a month is not Dividends an option] or Interest D4485 D4486 D4486A D4488B Other savings or assets [not asked] D4518 D4517 [not asked] [not asked] [not derived] D4519B Earned Income (no derived variables, documentation only) Earned income is asked separately for FinR and Spouse-Partner. Up to 4 types of earned income can be reported. The amount of income is asked for LCY, and a followup question asks if any of this income was reported previously: ● ● ● How much did you (your spouse/partner) earn from that during LCY? Did you tell me about these earnings earlier, when I asked about income from business? About how much of these earnings had you already told me about? The analyst may want to adjust for previously reported earnings. These are only reported for self-employment income. We do not need to create LCY income variables, as the question asks about LCY directly. But we do assign these variables to DR/DP variables. (see Financial Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables.) The earned income LCY file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (15 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) variables are: Description LCY LCY Previously Previously Continuous Bracket Reported Reported? Amount Variable Amount For Financial Respondent J57b $ LCY SELF EMP D4536_1 D45371B D4540_1 D4541_1 J57b $ LCY WAGES D4536_2 D45372B D4540_2 D4541_2 J57b $ LCY PROF PRAC/TRADE D4536_3 D45373B D4540_3 D4541_3 J57b $ LCY TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSIONS D4536_4 D45374B D4540_4 D4541_4 For Spouse/Partner of Financial Respondent J58b. $ LCY SELF EMP D4549_1 D45501B D4553_1 D4554_1 J58b. $ LCY WAGES D4549_2 D45502B D4553_2 D4554_2 J58b. $ LCY PROF PRAC/TRADE D4549_3 D45503B D4553_3 D4554_3 J58b. $ LCY TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSIONS D4549_4 D45504B D4553_4 D4554_4 "Self" versons of variables with codes for FinR and Spouse Some of the variables in Section J have codes that indicate FinR, spouse/partner, or both. For instance, for pensions, FinR is asked who receives income from retirement pensions. We have assigned these variables to "self" versions (DRnnnn), recoding based on whether an individual is FinR or not. For instance, the variables that asks who receives retirement pension income is D4192, with codes: ● ● ● 1=FinR only 2=FinR spouse only 3=Both We create DR4192 as the "self" version of D4192. For FinR, DR4192 is exactly the same as D4192. For FinR's spouse, we set DR4192 as follows: ● ● ● if D4192=1, then DR4192=2 if D4192=2, then DR4192=1 otherwise DR4192=D4192 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (16 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) Some of these variables are skipped if FinR is not married. In these cases there are usually 2 questions: ● ● 1. Do you (or your spouse/partner) receive any? [If 1. is Yes and FinR is married or partnered] 2. Who receives this type of income? For variables of this type, we check the corresponding question #1. If it is Yes and FinR is not married or partnered we set the DRnnnn variable to 1=FinR. The variables listed below are recoded in this way when assigned to their DR versions. Unless noted in the table, the codes for these variables that we are changing are: ● ● 1=FinR 2=FinR's spouse/partner Description J12a.WHO RECD WELFARE Any Income Original Self (DR) Variable Variable Variable (if needed) D3927 J13a.WHO RECD VETERAN BENEFITS J21.WHOSE IRA ACCOUNTLARGEST D4046 [Note: D4047 is only skipped if FinR is not married and D4046=1 IRA J21.WHOSE IRA ACCOUNT-2ND LARGEST J27a.WHOSE IRA-OTHER CASHED IN/CONVERTED D4143 D3928 DR3928 D3936 DR3936 D4047 DR4047 D4089 DR4089 D4144 DR4144 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (17 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) J27r.HOW LONG ANNUITY FROM IRA WILL CONTINUE D4162 Codes for this are: 4=Until FinR dies (=>5 if not FinR) 5=Until Sp-P dies (=>4 if not FinR) DR4162 J30a.WHO RECD PENSION D4191 D4192 DR4192 J33a.WHO RECD ANNUITY D4266 D4267 DR4267 J80a. RELATION TRUSTS D4709M1 DR4709M1 J80a. RELATION TRUSTS D4709M2 DR4709M2 J80a. RELATION TRUSTS D4709M3 DR4709M3 Inheritances: Recodes refer to Whose Parents (1=FinR's parents, 2=FinR's Sp-P's parents) J88-1. INHERITANCE-WHO FROM D4753 DR4753 J88-2. INHERITANCE-WHO FROM D4760 DR4760 J88-3. INHERITANCE-WHO FROM D4767 DR4767 Financial Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (DR/DP) These financial variables are reassigned to clarify to whom the data apply. In these data sets we create "self" and "spouse/partner" variables for both the FinR and the non-FinR. The variables take on the numeric portion of the FinR variable name, with the following prefixes: Variable Name assignments AHEAD 1995, "D" variables (on a95f1a) Original Variable Reassigned Variable FinR Finr's Spouse Self Spouse/ Partner Dnnnn Dpppp DRnnnn DPnnnn file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (18 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) For example, in a couple household where both receive separate Social Security checks, D3875 is the amount the FinR received from SS last month and D3885 is the amount the FinR's spouse received last month. In the FinR's data on the RAND AHEAD file, DR3875 would come from D3875 and DP3875 would come from D3885. In the FinR's spouse's data, DR3875 would come from D3885 and DP3875 would come from D3875. These "self" and "spouse/partner" variable reassignments were done for variables from Section J. SOURCES OF INCOME/ VARIABLE LABELS Household Financial Level Respondent (FinR) (FinR + Variables Spouse) Variables If R is FinR, Assign FinR variables to ... If R is Financial If R is FinR, Spouse of Respondent FinR, Spouse Assign Assign Variables Spouse FinR variables variables to ... to ... If R is Spouse of FinR, Assign Spouse variables to ... SOCIAL SECURITY (SS) J1/5.RECEIVE ANY SOCIAL SECURITY D3875 DR3875 DP3875 D3885 DP3875 DR3875 J2/5A. TYPE SOC SEC D3877M1 DR3877M1 DP3877M1 D3886M1 DP3877M1 DR3877M1 J2/5A. TYPE SOC SEC D3877M2 DR3877M2 DP3877M2 D3886M2 DP3877M2 DR3877M2 J3/6.AMT SOC SEC LAST MNTH D3878 J3/6.Derived Social Security Income LCY D3878A [variable dropped; see SocSec LCY Income Notes] J3A/6A.AMT SOC SEC BRACKETS DR3878 DP3878 D3888 DP3878 DR3878 DR3878A DP3878A D3888A [variable dropped; see SocSec LCY Income Notes] DP3878A DR3878A D3879B DR3879B DP3879B D3889B DP3879B DR3879B J4/7. START SS IN LAST TWO YEARS D3882 DR3882 DP3882 D3892 DP3882 DR3882 J4A/7A. MONTH START SOC SEC D3883 DR3883 DP3883 D3893 DP3883 DR3883 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (19 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) J4A/7A.YEAR START SOC SEC D3884 DR3884 DP3884 D3894 DP3884 DR3884 J8/9.SOC SEC FUTURE D3895 DR3895 DP3895 D3901 DP3895 DR3895 J8A/9A.AGE SOC SEC D3896 DR3896 DP3896 D3902 DP3896 DR3896 J8B/9B. SOC SEC AMT FUTURE D3897 DR3897 DP3897 D3903 DP3897 DR3897 J8C/9C. PER TODAY S DLLRS D3898 DR3898 DP3898 D3904 DP3898 DR3898 J8D/9D.SSA CALCULATE FUTURE BENEFITS D3899 DR3899 DP3899 D3906 DP3899 DR3899 D3928 DR3928 (see Variables w/codes for FinR/ Sp-P) J13a.VET WHO REC D3936 DR3936 (see Variables w/codes for FinR/ Sp-P) J13a/n.VET BENEFIT OPEN D3937 DR3937 DP3937 D3950 DP3937 DR3937 WELFARE J12.WHETHER WELFARE LCY D3927 J12a.WHO RECD WELFARE J12b.AMT WELFARE LCY D3929 VETERAN BENFITS J13. RECEIVING VETERAN BENEFITS D3935 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (20 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) D3937A [variable dropped; see VetBen LCY derivation] DR3937A J13b/p.R VET BENEFIT OFTEN D3938 J13z/x. CONTINUE DP3937A D3950A [variable dropped; see VetBen LCY] DP3937A DR3937A DR3938 DP3938 D3951 DP3938 DR3938 D3939 DR3939 DP3939 D3952 DP3939 DR3939 J13d-f/q-s.J13A/ N,DK BRACKETS D3940B DR3940B DP3940B D3953B DP3940B DR3940B J13h/t. VET BENEFIT TYPE D3944M1 DR3944M1 DP3944M1 J13h/t. VET BENEFIT TYPE D3944M2 No SP-P DR3944M2 DP3944M2 variable, use DP3944M2 DR3944M2 missing (.) J3/6.Derived Veteran Benefits LCY D3957M1 DP3944M1 DR3944M1 J13j/u.R VET BENEFIT 2 YEARS D3945 DR3945 DP3945 D3958 DP3945 DR3945 J13k/v.R VET BENEFIT MONTH D3946 DR3946 DP3946 D3959 DP3946 DR3946 J13m/w.R VET BENEFIT YEAR D3947 DR3947 DP3947 D3960 DP3947 DR3947 D4047 DR4047 (see Variables w/codes for FinR/ Sp-P) INCOME FROM IRA J20.IRA D4045 J20A. NUMBER IRAS D4046 J21.WHO IRA ACCOUNT file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (21 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) J21.INTRO IRA ACCOUNT-2 J27a.IRA WHO RECD D4089 DR4089 (see Variables w/codes for FinR/ Sp-P) D4144 DR4144 (see Variables w/codes for FinR/ Sp-P) RETIREMENT PENSION INCOME J30. RECEIVING ANY RETIREMENT PENSION D4191 J30a.WHO RECD PENSION D4192 DR4192 (see Variables w/codes for FinR/ Sp-P) J30b/31.>1 PENSION D4193 DR4193 DP4193 D4226 DP4193 DR4193 J30c/31a. #PENSIONS D4194 DR4194 DP4194 D4227 DP4194 DR4194 J30d/31c.AMT PENSION-1 D4198 J3/6.Derived Pension-1 Income LCY DR4198_1 DP4198_1 D4229 DP4198_1 DR4198_1 D4198A D4229A [variable [variable dropped; dropped; see Annuity/ DR4198A1 DP4198A1 see Annuity/ DP4198A1 DR4198A1 Pension Pension income income LCY] LCY] J30e/31d. TAXES WITHHELD-1 D4199 DR4199_1 DP4199_1 D4230 DP4199_1 DR4199_1 J30f/31e.YEAR START PENSION-1 D4200 DR4200_1 DP4200_1 D4231 DP4200_1 DR4200_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (22 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) J30g/31f. MONTH START PENSION-1 D4201 DR4201_1 DP4201_1 D4232 DP4201_1 DR4201_1 J30g/31f. PENSION COLA-1 D4202 DR4202_1 DP4202_1 D4233 DP4202_1 DR4202_1 J30h/31g.PMT CONTINUE-1 D4203 DR4203_1 DP4203_1 D4234 DP4203_1 DR4203_1 J30j/31h.HOW LONG PENSION-1 D4204 DR4204_1 DP4204_1 D4235 DP4204_1 DR4204_1 J30k/31j. PENSION STOP DEATH-1 D4205 DR4205_1 DP4205_1 D4236 DP4205_1 DR4205_1 J30d/31k.2nd (LARGEST) PENSION-2 D4213 DR4198_2 DP4198_2 D4238 DP4198_2 DR4198_2 J30d/31k. Derived Pension2 Income LCY D4238A D4213A [variable [variable dropped; dropped; see Annuity/ DR4198A2 DP4198A2 see Annuity/ DP4198A2 DR4198A2 Pension Pension income income LCY] LCY] J30e/31d. TAXES WITHHELD PENSION-2 D4214 DR4199_2 DP4199_2 D4245 DP4199_2 DR4199_2 J30f/31e.YEAR START PENSION-2 D4215 DR4200_2 DP4200_2 D4246 DP4200_2 DR4200_2 J30g/31f. MONTH START PENSION-2 D4216 DR4201_2 DP4201_2 D4247 DP4201_2 DR4201_2 J30h/31g. PENSION COLA-2 D4217 DR4202_2 DP4202_2 D4248 DP4202_2 DR4202_2 J30j/31h.PMT CONTINUE PENSION-2 D4218 DR4203_2 DP4203_2 D4249 DP4203_2 DR4203_2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (23 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) J30k/31j.HOW LONG PENSION-2 D4219 DR4204_2 DP4204_2 D4250 DP4204_2 DR4204_2 J30m/31k.STOP WITH DEATH PENSION-2 D4220 DR4205_2 DP4205_2 D4251 DP4205_2 DR4205_2 J30u/31u. OTHER PENSIONS D4221 DR4198_3 DP4198_3 D4253 DP4198_3 DR4198_3 D4253A D4221A [variable [variable dropped; dropped; see Annuity/ DR4198A3 DP4198A3 see Annuity/ DP4198A3 DR4198A3 Pension Pension income income LCY] LCY] J30u/31u. Derived Pension3 Income LCY J30v/31v. TAXES WITHHELD D4222 DR4199_3 DP4199_3 D4254 DP4199_3 DR4199_3 J33a.WHO RECD ANNUITY D4267 DR4267 (see Variables w/codes for FinR/ Sp-P) J33b/35.>1 ANNUITY INC D4268 DR4268 DP4268 D4299 DP4268 DR4268 J33c/35a.# ANNUITIES INC D4269 DR4269 DP4269 D4300 DP4269 DR4269 J33d/35c.AMT ANNUITY INC1 D4271 INCOME FROM ANNUITIES RECEIVING INCOME FROM ANNUITIES D4266 DR4271_1 DP4271_1 D4302 DP4271_1 DR4271_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (24 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) J3/6.Derived Annuity-1 Income LCY D4302A D4271A [variable [variable dropped; dropped; see Annuity/ DR4271A1 DP4271A1 see Annuity/ DP4271A1 DR4271A1 Pension Pension income income LCY] LCY] J33e/35d. TAXES WITHHELD ANNUITY INC1 D4272 DR4272_1 DP4272_1 D4303 DP4272_1 DR4272_1 J33f/35e.YEAR START ANNUITY INC1 D4273 DR4273_1 DP4273_1 D4304 DP4273_1 DR4273_1 J33g/35e. MONTH START ANNUITY INC1 D4274 DR4274_1 DP4274_1 D4305 DP4274_1 DR4274_1 J33h/35f.COLA ANNUITY INC1 D4275 DR4275_1 DP4275_1 D4306 DP4275_1 DR4275_1 J33j/35g. ANNUITY INC CONTINUE-1 D4276 DR4276_1 DP4276_1 D4307 DP4276_1 DR4276_1 J33k/35h.HOW LONG ANNUITY INC1 D4277 DR4277_1 DP4277_1 D4308 DP4277_1 DR4277_1 J33m/35j.STOP WITH DEATH ANNUITY INC1 D4278 DR4278_1 DP4278_1 D4309 DP4278_1 DR4278_1 J33d/35b.2ND (LARGEST) ANNUITY INC2 D4285 DR4271_2 DP4271_2 D4315 DP4271_2 DR4271_2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (25 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) J3/6.Derived Annuity-2 Income LCY D4315A D4285A [variable [variable dropped; dropped; see Annuity/ DR4271A2 DP4271A2 see Annuity/ DP4271A2 DR4271A2 Pension Pension income income LCY] LCY] J33e/35d. TAXES WITHHELD ANNUITY INC2 D4287 DR4272_2 DP4272_2 D4317 DP4272_2 DR4272_2 J33f/35e.YEAR START ANNUITY INC2 D4288 DR4273_2 DP4273_2 D4318 DP4273_2 DR4273_2 J33g/35e. MONTH START ANNUITY INC2 D4289 DR4274_2 DP4274_2 D4319 DP4274_2 DR4274_2 J33h/35f.COLA ANNUITY INC2 D4290 DR4275_2 DP4275_2 D4320 DP4275_2 DR4275_2 J33j/35g. ANNUITY INC CONTINUE-2 D4291 DR4276_2 DP4276_2 D4321 DP4276_2 DR4276_2 J33k/35h.HOW LONG ANNUITY INC2 D4292 DR4277_2 DP4277_2 D4322 DP4277_2 DR4277_2 J33m/35j.STOP WITH DEATH ANNUITY INC2 D4293 DR4278_2 DP4278_2 D4323 DP4278_2 DR4278_2 J34/35u.OTHER ANNUITIES D4294 DR4271_3 DP4271_3 D4324 DP4271_3 DR4271_3 J3/6.Derived Annuity-3 Income LCY D4324A D4294A [variable [variable dropped; dropped; see Annuity/ DR4271A3 DP4271A3 see Annuity/ DP4271A3 DR4271A3 Pension Pension income income LCY] LCY] file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (26 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:12 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) J34a/35v. TAXES WITHHELD D4298 DR4272_3 DP4272_3 D4325 DP4272_3 DR4272_3 WORKED FOR PAY J56/56a. WORK FOR PAY LC YEAR D4528 DR4528 DP4528 D4529 DP4528 DR4528 J57a/58a. EARNINGS FROM SELF EMP D4534_1 DR4534_1 DP4534_1 D4547_1 DP4534_1 DR4534_1 J57a/58a. WAGES D4534_2 DR4534_2 DP4534_2 D4547_2 DP4534_2 DR4534_2 J57a/58a. PROF PRAC/TRADE EARNINGS D4534_3 DR4534_3 DP4534_3 D4547_3 DP4534_3 DR4534_3 J57a/58a. TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSIONS D4534_4 DR4534_4 DP4534_4 D4547_4 DP4534_4 DR4534_4 J57b/58b. $ LCY SELF EMP D4536_1 DR4536_1 DP4536_1 D4549_1 DP4536_1 DR4536_1 J57b/58b. $ LCY WAGES D4536_2 DR4536_2 DP4536_2 D4549_2 DP4536_2 DR4536_2 J57b/58b. $ LCY PROF PRAC/ TRADE D4536_3 DR4536_3 DP4536_3 D4549_3 DP4536_3 DR4536_3 J57b/58b. $ LCY TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSIONS D4536_4 DR4536_4 DP4536_4 D4549_4 DP4536_4 DR4536_4 J57/58b-d. BKT LCY SELF EMP D45371B DR45371B DP45371B D45501B DP45371B DR45371B J57/58b-d. BKT LCY WAGES D45372B DR45372B DP45372B D45502B DP45372B DR45372B J57/58b-d. BKT LCY PROF PRAC/TRADE D45373B DR45373B DP45373B D45503B DP45373B DR45373B J57/58b-d. BKT LCY TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSIONS D45374B DR45374B DP45374B D45504B DP45374B DR45374B file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (27 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:13 AM AHEAD 1995: Financial Variables 1995 ("D" variables) J57e/58e. REPORT PREV: SELF EMP D4540_1 DR4540_1 DP4540_1 D4553_1 DP4540_1 DR4540_1 J57e/58e. REPORT PREV: WAGES D4540_2 DR4540_2 DP4540_2 D4553_2 DP4540_2 DR4540_2 J57e/58e. REPORT PREV: PROF PRAC/TRADE D4540_3 DR4540_3 DP4540_3 D4553_3 DP4540_3 DR4540_3 J57e/58e. REPORT PREV: TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSIONS D4540_4 DR4540_4 DP4540_4 D4553_4 DP4540_4 DR4540_4 J57f/58f. $ REPORT PREV: SELF EMP D4541_1 DR4541_1 DP4541_1 D4554_1 DP4541_1 DR4541_1 J57f/58f. $ REPORT PREV: WAGES D4541_2 DR4541_2 DP4541_2 D4554_2 DP4541_2 DR4541_2 J57f/58f. $ REPORT PREV: PROF PRAC/TRADE D4541_3 DR4541_3 DP4541_3 D4554_3 DP4541_3 DR4541_3 J57f/58f. $ REPORT PREV: TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSIONS D4541_4 DR4541_4 DP4541_4 D4554_4 DP4541_4 DR4541_4 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfinv_2d.html (28 of 28)12/22/2003 8:27:13 AM *** Rental Income OBS HHIDPN D198 D3983 D3984 D3985 D3986 D3987 D3989B D3987A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 201185010 201185020 203762010 204639010 204639020 205342010 205342020 205566010 205566020 206324010 206324020 5 5 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1200 1200 1500 223 223 2000 2000 25000 25000 2000 2000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 999998 999998 999998 999998 999998 999998 999998 999998 999998 999998 999998 6:0-10000 6:0-10000 4:25000-50000 4:25000-50000 4:25000-50000 4:25000-50000 4:25000-50000 2:50000-75000 2:50000-75000 4:25000-50000 4:25000-50000 14400 14400 18000 2676 2676 24000 24000 300000 300000 24000 24000 HHIDPN D198 D4357 D4358 D4359 D4360 D4361 D4363B D4361A 206034010 5 1 1 0 . 999998 4:1000-10000 0 HHIDPN D198 D4400 D4401 D4402 D4403 D4404 D4406B D4404A 205659010 205659020 4 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 . . 999998 999998 4:1000-5000 4:1000-5000 0 0 HHIDPN D198 D4440 D4441 D4442 D4443 D4444 200583010 200583020 203459010 203459020 205509010 206034010 5 5 4 3 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . 999998 999998 999998 999998 999998 999998 1:5000+ 1:5000+ 4:1000-2000 4:1000-2000 4:1000-2000 2:2000-5000 0 0 0 0 0 0 HHIDPN D198 D4482 D4483 D4484 D4485 D4486 D4488B D4486A 201942010 3 1 1 0 . 999998 4:2000-10000 0 *** Stocks OBS 1 *** Bonds OBS 1 2 *** Checking/Savings OBS 1 2 3 4 5 6 D4445B D4444A *** CDs, T-bills OBS 1 AHEAD 1995: Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables AHEAD 1995: Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (DR/DP) These family variables are reassigned to clarify to whom the data apply. In these data sets we create "self" and "spouse/partner" variables for both the FamR and the non-FamR. The variables take on the numeric portion of the FamR variable name, with the following prefixes: Variable Name assignments AHEAD 1995, "D" variables (on a95f1a) Original Variable Reassigned Variable FamR FamR's Spouse Self Spouse/ Partner Dnnnn Dpppp DRnnnn DPnnnn Variables in Section D related to care of grandchildren are asked of the Family Respondent and are reassigned in this way. The questions are: ● ● ● ● D1593: D77. Did you, yourself spend 100 or more hours in total (since last interview/ in last 2 years) taking care of grandchildren (or great- grandchildren)? D1594: D77a. About how many hours altogether did you spend? D1595: D77b. Did your (spouse/partner, late spouse/partner) spend 100 or more hours in total (since last interview/ in last 2 years) taking care of grandchildren (or great- grandchildren)? D1596: D77c. About how many hours altogether did he/she spend? We have created DR1593 and DR1594 as the "self" versions of these variables, and DP1593 and DP1594 as the "spouse-partner" versions of these variables, as follows: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● if R is FamR For Self: DR1593 = D1593 For Self: DR1594 = D1594 For Sp-P: DP1593 = D1595 For Sp-P: DP1594 = D1596 if R is not FamR For Self: DR1593 = D1595 For Self: DR1594 = D1596 For Sp-P: DP1593 = D1593 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfamv_2d.html (1 of 2)12/22/2003 8:30:26 AM AHEAD 1995: Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables ● For Sp-P: DP1594 = D1594 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdfamv_2d.html (2 of 2)12/22/2003 8:30:26 AM HRS/AHEAD Overlap Cases HRS/AHEAD Overlap Cases In some HRS 1992 households, one of the respondents was found to be eligible for the AHEAD study, i. e., born before 1924. These households were interviewed in 1992 but were then given over to AHEAD. They were interviewed in 1993 and remained in the AHEAD study for subsequent interviews. These are the HRS/AHEAD overlap cases. In the raw data for HRS 1992, the overlap cases are identified by HRS IDs. In all other core interviews and on the Tracker file, they are identified by AHEAD IDs. The Tracker file provides the HRS IDs as overlap IDs. In the RAND HRS Data, the 1992 data for these cases are linked to their data in AHEAD 1993 and subsequent interviews. To facilitate linking raw HRS 1992 data to information from other waves, we provide a version of the HRS 1992 flat file that identifies the overlap cases by their AHEAD IDs in HHIDPN. This file is the ha92f1b file and can be merged with the RAND HRS Data or AHEAD files by HHIDPN. There are 107 overlap cases identified on this file. The original HRS IDs are retained on the h92f1b file. Overlap ID Variables on ha92f1b Both the HRS and AHEAD IDs are available on the file for overlap cases. RAOVRLAP flags the overlap cases. For overlap cases, HHIDPN has the same value as RAOAHDID and is the numeric form of the ID. RAHHIDPN is the same as HHIDPN but in character format. Spouse IDs are also provided. The original values of HHIDPN, HHID, PN, and VPHHIDPN are saved in _HHIDPN, _HHID, _PN, and _VPHPN, respectively, for overlap cases; for non-overlap cases, these variables are set to SAS special missing code .Z. The RAO__ and S1O__ identifiers are set to zero for non-overlap cases. Variable Description RAOVRLAP RAOVRLAP: =1 if HRS/AHEAD overlap case HHIDPN Household Identifier + Person Number/Num (AHEAD ID) RAHHIDPN RAHHIDPN: HHold ID + Person Num /9-Char (AHEAD ID) RAOAHDID RAOAHDID: Overlap case-Ahead HHIDPN/Num HAOAHDHH RAOAHDHH: If overlap, Ahead HHID RAOAHDPN RAOAHDPN: If overlap, Ahead Person Number RAOHRSID RAOHRSID: Overlap case-HRS HHIDPN/Num HAOHRSHH HAOHRSHH: Overlap case-HRS HHID/Num RAOHRSPN RAOHRSPN: If overlap, HRS Person Number VPHHIDPN HRS 92: Spouse/Partner HHIDPN/Num (AHEAD ID) S1HHIDPN S1HHIDPN:1992 Spouse HHIDPN/Num (AHEAD ID) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/overlap.html (1 of 2)12/22/2003 8:30:49 AM HRS/AHEAD Overlap Cases S1OAHDID S1OAHDID: If overlap, Spouse Ahead HHIDPN/Num S1OHRSID S1OHRSID: If overlap, Spouse HRS HHIDPN/Num _HHID _HHID: changed value of HHID (HRS) _HHIDPN _HHIDPN: changed value of HHIDPN (HRS) _PN _PN: changed value of Person Number (HRS) _VPHPN _VPHPN: changed value of VPHHIDPN (HRS) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/overlap.html (2 of 2)12/22/2003 8:30:49 AM AHEAD: Notes on Skip Patterns and Data Discrepancies AHEAD: Notes on Skip Patterns and Data Discrepancies In processing the public use AHEAD data to make the RAND versions we have done some checking for discrepancies in the data and worked through some of the skip patterns. We've documented what we've found in notes and descriptions of variable derivations. In some cases we've created variables to help identify possible discrepancies or to clarify skip patterns. AHEAD 1993 (a93f2a or a93f2a_v) [See note below] AHEAD 1995 (a95f1a) Comparisons between original 1993 public release and Tracker file information Comparisons between original 1995 public release and Tracker file information ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Age and Gender Differences Comparisons between 1993 BPPN, BSPN, and BP_PN List of HHIDs for single-R households where R has TYPE=3 (Lead R/Fin R) but answered no financial questions List of HHIDs for households where looks like there is a FinR but all or most financial data missing ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Birth year differences between Tracker File BIRTHYR and Ahead 1995 D373 or D638 Gender discrepancies FinR and FamR discrepancies between Tracker and Ahead data Marital Status Discrepancies Proxy variables Comparison between 1995 DPN_SP and DP_PN Nursing home residence Known Problem with Will Data Households with limited Financial Data Notes on preloaded value of 1993 assets Couples where IDs were swapped Notes on Skip Patterns and Problems in Financial data for 1993 ("B" version, a93f2a) for 1993 ("V" version, a93f2a_v) for 1995 (a95f1a) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdnotes.html (1 of 2)12/22/2003 8:31:26 AM AHEAD: Notes on Skip Patterns and Data Discrepancies ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Medical Services Used Spouse/Partner Earned Income Variables Note on imputed earnings variables Notes on Who Received Social Security Income When FinR and spouse receive a joint SocSec check Possible problem with a SocSec skip pattern Notes on imputations Potential Problems with Imputations List of Single-R Households with Some Spouse/ Partner Information ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Medical Services Used Spouse/Partner Earned Income Variables Note on imputed earnings variables Notes on Who Received Social Security Income When FinR and spouse receive a joint SocSec check Possible problem with a SocSec skip pattern Notes on imputations Potential Problems with Imputations List of Single-R Households with Some Spouse/ Partner Information ● ● Note on Medicare coverage Calculated Last Calendar Year Income Variables ❍ Social Security, SSI, Veteran Benefits, Welfare ❍ Income from Annuities converted from IRAs ❍ Income from Annuities and Pensions ❍ Asset Income ❍ Earned income(no derived variables, documentation only) Note: a93f2a and a93f2a_v are identical except for the names of variables. Most variable names begin with "B" on a93f2a and with "V" on a93f2a_v. The documentation is also the same for both, except for references to the different variable names. Please contact Patricia St. Clair, stclair@rand.org with questions or suggestions for additional notes. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Ahdnew/ahdnotes.html (2 of 2)12/22/2003 8:31:26 AM