BGS 39/08-09 (Revised) Guidance on Dissertation Word Lengths and Credit Tariffs

BGS 39/08-09 (Revised)
For the meeting of the Board of Graduate Studies to be held on 15 January 2009
Guidance on Dissertation Word Lengths and Credit Tariffs
The maximum word length for a Masters Degree by Research, with a credit value of
180 credits at level 4/M is 40,000 words. Departments should set maximum word
lengths for assessments relating to specific modules based on their credit weightings
that are approximately proportionate to this figure. It is suggested that:
For modules/dissertations/projects rated 10 - 19 credits, a maximum word
length of 4,000 words be adopted
For modules/dissertations/projects rated 20 - 39 credits, a maximum word
length of 7,000 words be adopted
For modules/dissertations/projects rated 40 - 59 credits, a maximum word
length of 12,500 words be adopted
For modules/dissertations/projects worth 60 - 89 credits, a maximum word
length of 20,000 words be adopted
For dissertations/projects worth 90 - 119 credits, a maximum word limit of
25,000 words be adopted
Where a maximum word length is specified above these limits, it is expected that
there will be a reasoned justification for this clearly set out in the course
approval/revision documents.
Departments should also consider introducing a recommended word-limit to be set
on a case-by-case basis to take account of the nature of the assessment and its
intended audience.
Departments may also wish to consider introducing a student “self certification”
procedure to invite students to confirm that assessed work submitted by them
conforms to the prescribed word-length and to use this as a means both to dissuade
students from submitting work that is overly-long and readily to identify those pieces
of work exceeding maximum limits.