Institutional Review Board Minutes May 10, 2001 Members Present: Allen, Coogan, Ferrari-Comeau, Kay, Lamb, Preiss, Stewart, Wadsworth, & Woodward. This IRB meeting was opened at 2:06 PM in room 326 of Wyatt Hall. 1) Approval of the minutes from the April 25 meeting will be deferred until the next Board meeting. Board members are encouraged to access the April 25 minutes, via the University website, and review them for accuracy. 2) Ray Preiss reports that he will present the annual IRB report to the Faculty Senate on May 14, 2001. New Business: 3) Review of Protocol #0001-016. The following issues were raised: • Board members voiced considerable confusion as to the number and composition of experimental groups. For example, pertaining to the "activity questions" of Appendix B, is there a distinction to be made between a "swimmer" and a physically "active" individual? Are not swimmers active? The Board wishes to alert the investigator to the possibility of confusion on the part of potential subjects as they attempt to complete this form. • Concern was expressed regarding the level of risk inherent to the VO2 max test when assessing physically inactive subjects. Is there information in the literature which assesses the safety and specific risks of the particular V02 max protocol proposed here, when applied to sedentary individuals? The protocol is somewhat inconsistent in specifying the level of risk associated with this test. • Should subjects be exposed to the V02 max test and LBNP protocol on separate days to avoid confounding the results of one assessment due to the physiological demands of the other? • If a subject responds to item 5 or 8 of the Physical Testing Readiness Questionnaire in a manner requiring follow-up inquiry by the investigator, what specific criteria will be applied at that time to determine subject suitability and safety? • More specificity regarding contraindicated medications is warranted on the Physical Testing Readiness Questionnaire. • The is not the first time the Board has reviewed a protocol employing the use of the Physical Testing Readiness Questionnaire as a medical screening tool to determine if subjects are medically safe to participate in a research study. Questions arose regarding whether or not this is a standard instrument and what literature exists which speaks to its validity as a medical screen for safe subject participation in the type of research proposed. The Board requests that the investigator provide information regarding the origin of this scale and cite relevant literature addressing its validity for use in this context. • What are the qualifications and training of research personnel for handling potential medical emergencies and operating the on-site defibrillator? • The purpose statement, as worded on the consent form, requires clarification. Action on this protocol is deferred until the above issues are addressed. These concerns will be communicated to the investigator, who will be asked to submit a revised protocol for reconsideration. 4) Review of Protocol #0001-017. The following issues were raised: • Why are subjects being asked to stand on a 4" platform? Might some subjects have difficulty with this? Is the platform necessary? • The protocol contained no discussion of the home testing set-up. Is it identical to the clinic set-up? • What is the upper age limit for potential subjects? • The protocol lacks sufficient specificity in describing details of the kicking task. • There appear to be feasibility issues regarding set-up of the assessment tasks in a home setting. The Board recommends piloting the procedure to determine if the assessment tasks can actually be set-up in the home in a manner consistent with the clinic set-up. • Regarding the consent form, please clarify as to whether home/clinic sessions will be held on the same day(s) and indicate what will be the extent of time commitment and transportation requirements of full participation. The consent form must also include a sentence stating that refusal to participate, or discontinuation of participation, will not impact the therapy provided to the child. This protocol was approved, pending revisions addressing the above issues, by a vote of 9-0-0. 5) The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, Roger Allen, IRB secretary