Steering Committee for Information Technology April 16, 2008 Minutes Members Present: V.P. John McArthur, Jennifer Holland, Carol Claiborne, Zoe DuRant, V.P. Glen Pinkston, Debbie Goode 1. Minute Review/Change/Acceptance of April 1, 2008 Minutes – Minutes approved 2. Next Meeting – May 21 at 11 a.m. 3. Online payment on MyCU for tuition – this is complete and being used on a regular basis. All literature needs to be reviewed and modified to add online payment is now available. Jennifer will develop an e-mail for faculty/staff and students. 4. Online payment on XAP’s website for application – Zoe and Brenda are testing and will update current application procedures to accommodate the storefront for online payments. 5. Construction of Student IDs - Jennifer Holland received input from the Student Government Association (SGA). The proposal was signed by Jeff Wozencraft, CUSGA President; Tobias Kuhn, CUSGA Vice President and Jessica Daoang, CUSGA Treasurer. They voted in favor of a change in the student e-mail address to eliminate the use of the student I.D. in student e-mail addresses. SGA proposes construction of student e-mail addresses to be: John Albert Smith will be If the student does not have a middle initial or name, then the e-mail will be: For duplicate e-mail addresses, it is proposed ITS can accommodate SGA’s proposal. Jennifer wants to include this information in the student handbook that will soon be going to press. Debbie will send info regarding what other universities are using for consideration as well. Firstname.lastname is a popular format for students. 6. OBU’s Win progress report from Gary Nickerson, who started the same time as CU - They have hardware installed and fully functional. SunGard started their software installation this past week. This should take another week or so. Their kick-off meetings and initial discovery meetings are completed. They are now working diligently on completing all of the discovery questionnaires and building a chart of accounts. The chart of accounts has proven to be their biggest challenge. They want to make sure they get this right, the first time. They are spending quite a bit of time going over this piece of the "puzzle" in detail. They will have initial technical training in about two weeks, and should be able to do the training on their own system. They added a new position - Software Implementation Coordinator $45K + benefits - and then filled that position with one of their veteran employees. Gary hired a new person to fill her old role. He wanted someone in this new project manager position who knew their staff, history, needs, and plans. They did not want someone from the outside who knew nothing about OBU trying to coordinate such a critical project. They wrote the cost of this position into the overall budget for the project. They have budgeted $2 million for the entire project, and his projections are that they should be able to stay within that budget. 7. Update on contract negotiations with SunGard and EduServe. – Glen reported Barbara Vrana, with EduServe, is negotiating with SunGard Higher Ed on CU’s behalf. Glen and John interviewed Sherry Hendrix, consultant proposed to be hired by EduServe to be CU’s project manager. They were pleased with her resume and work experience. She is perceived to be a hands-on project manager. Proposed start date is June 1, 2008. 8. Any other topics for discussion? I.T. Audit focusing on Financials May 19 – 23 NCATE technology needs close CETES 207 – 2 desktops; 1 printer; power strips; wireless will be used for members w/ laptops Holiday Inn – 2 desktops; 1 printer; 1 network switch & cables; power strips; wireless (provided by Holiday Inn) for members w/ laptops Faculty dining room – 5 laptops Kurt will be staying at Holiday Inn @ night for tech support The question was asked how the unsuccessful emergency contacts are corrected. A list of the unsuccessful students is e-mailed to Kelli Peterson in the Registrar’s Office and a list of the unsuccessful faculty/staff is mailed to Corlis McPhaul. Jennifer is working with Debbie to allow technical support in the residence halls by two of IT’s student workers. There is one already living in the dorm and another moving in Fall 2008. This will be a great service to our students. Procedures will need to be developed. Dr. McArthur says there are web postings for College Portrait to be performed by April 24 deadline. Task Lists Linda Phillips V.P. Pinkston Debbie Goode Debbie Goode Debbie Goode Debbie Goode Steering Committee Jennifer Holland Provide justification for full-time employee to perform daily tasks for Linda and Renee during Banner implementation Sign contracts for professional services so Banner migration may begin. Follow through with Physical Facilities for venting from APC rack and power for the Sun equipment Follow through with Versatile to be sure all equipment is received and installed for Banner installation Investigate more re: student e-mail construction Explore possibilities of visitors (parental) logins to SBI Review literature to publicize online payment availability Update student handbook with new student e-mail format info