College of Arts and Social Sciences Information Studies Course Portfolio Knowledge Economics and Information Marketing Period: Spring 2015 15/2/2015 Course File I. COURSE FILE SUMMARY 1. COURSE INFORMATION College/Institute/Centre COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Department Information Studies Program Title Semester\Year Spring 2015 Program Code English Arabic اقتصاديات المعرفة وتسويق المعلومات Course Code Knowledge Economics and Information Marketing INFO4545 Course Type Department Requirement Pre Requisites - Teaching Language English Credit Hours 3 Lecture 1:30 (Weekly) Practical/Fieldwork 1:30 (Weekly) 15 Course Title Teaching Hours Teaching Weeks Number of students Lecture Practical/Fieldwork Number of Student dropped 1 Total 3 2. COURSE DESCRIPTION ENGLISH COURSE DESCRIPTION ARABIC COURSE DESCRIPTION Libraries offer services as to information professionals in whatever setting they find themselves. Even the الوكخباث وهزاكز الوعلىهاث حقذم خذهاحها نجاح.للوسخفُذَن بأٌ طزَقت كانج Internet is one big service. The success of الخذهاث األشخاص والوؤسساث الخٍ حقذم organizations and individuals offering services will depend heavily on the quality of their services from َعخوذ بشكل كبُز علً هذي جىدة الخذهاث .الخٍ َقذهها هن وجهت نظز الوسخفُذَن the customer's point of view. ٌالوقزر َزكز علً الخحذٌ الكبُز الذ The course focuses on the unique challenges of حىاجهه الوكخباث فٍ الخحكن فٍ خذهاحها managing services and delivering quality service to وكذلك َزكز.وطزق حقذَوها بأفضل السبل customers. The attraction, retention, and building of علً طزق جذب الوسخفُذَن وطزق بناء strong customer relationships through quality service .عالقاث قىَت هعهن are at the heart of the course content. 3. COURSE AIM This course aim to provide students with comprehensive understanding and critical skills to implement quality services and service strategies for competitive advantages. 4. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Identifies the major concepts and issues related to knowledge economics and information marketing. 2. Learn frameworks for customer-focused management. 3. How to increase client satisfactions and retention through service strategies. 4. How to understand customer expectations and develop relationship marketing strategies. 5. COURSE INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Gain skills and capability to apply the key marketing concepts in information service organizations. 2. Create marketing plan for information service organizations. 3. Evaluate information services applying gap theory. 2 6. LECTURES SCHEDULE WEEK TOPIC 1 Course overview and introduction 2 Definition of Knowledge economics and information marketing 3 Basics of knowledge economics 4 Marketing plan 5 New marketing tools 6 Marketing Mix 7 Marketing Mix 8 Mid-term exam 9 Public relations as information marketing 10 Marketing information systems (External speaker from main library) 11 Information marketing using information technologies 12 Electronic marketing (Assignment due date Wednesday 6/5/2015) 13 Marketing strategies in information centres 14 Assignments’ presentations and assessment 15 Assignments’ presentations and assessment 7. TEACHING STRATEGIES AND TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION Teaching Method Power point presentations Lectures Practical training Teaching Media Play videos Online discussions 8. GRADING AND ASSESSMENT Moodle Assignment: discussions 20% 10% Class Mid-term discussions Exam: 5% 10% Practical exam: 0% Final Exam: 40% 3 Practical work 15% 9. COURSE RULES Attendance Attendance at class is mandatory. Course Instructors should keep attendance records. An "absentee warning notice" will be issued if a student is absent for: • More than 10% in courses with less than 75 total contact hours. • More than 5% in courses with 75 or more total contact hours. An "absentee withdrawal notice" will be issued and the student will be deemed to have withdrawn from the course with an 'FW' grade if a student is absent for: • More than 20% in courses with less than 75 total contact hours. • More than 15% in courses with 75 to 150 total contact hours. • More than 10% of total contact hours for courses with more than 150 total contact hours. 10. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS DESCRIPTION English Reference Books 1. Arnold, Stephen E.(1989). Guidelines for Information Marketing. (Prepared for the Special Libraries Association) ting.pdf 2. Ibnlkhayat, Nozha (2005). Marketing des Systemes et Services d'Information et de Documentation. Montreal: Presse de l'Universite du Quebec. 3. Mullin, L. James (2007). Library Management and Marketing in a Multicultural World. The Hague: IFLA. 4. Potter, Ned (2012). The Library Marketing Toolkit.London: facet Publishing. 5. Rowley, J. E. (2007). Information Marketing. London: Ashgate Pub Co; 2 Ed. 6. Savard, Rejean (2002). Education and Research for Marketing and quality Management in Libraries. The Hague: IFLA. 7. Zeithaml, Valerie and Mary Jo Bitner (2005). Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill. 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Lecture Moodle Notes/Hand-outs Electronic Moodle Materials, Web Sites etc. LECTURES II. III. LECTURE NOTES/HAND-OUTS IV. EXAMS SAMPLE V. A SAMPLE OF STUDENTS’ ANSWERS VI. A SAMPLE OF EXERCISES AND STUDENTS’ ANSWERS VII. A SAMPLE OF ASSIGNMENTS AND STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES VIII. RESULTS AND GRADES 6 Course Report Template I. Course Identification and General Information College/Institute/Centre COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Department Semester \Year Program Title Program Code English Course Title Arabic Course Code Course Type II. 1. Coverage of planned program 2. Consequences of noncoverage of topics 3. Effectiveness of planned teaching strategies for intended learning outcomes 4. Recommended changes or processes for improvement Course Delivery Complete the table to compare the planned coverage of topics in the planned program with what actually happened. Where there was a large variation (25% or more variation from the plan) give a brief explanation. This item is intended to draw attention to consequences for the program when topics could not be given the time that was planned. For any topics that were not given the time planned comment on whether you believe this is a significant problem for the program and suggest possible compensating action. For example it might be possible to provide special seminars or include extra topics in a later course. Comment under each of the domains on the recommended teaching strategies indicating whether you believe they were effective for their purpose, noting any difficulties experienced and suggesting responses if changes are needed. For example it might be desirable to provide different support material or prepare students in a different way, for the instructors to gain more practice in the use of a strategy, or for a different strategy to be used for that learning outcome. If the description under 3 indicates action is required what would you recommend? III. 1. Number of students commencing 2. Number completing 3. Results summary 4. Distribution of grades Indicate the number of students who enrolled and actually commenced attending classes. This should be the number who attended classes until the end of the semester regardless of whether they passed or failed. Show the numbers and percentages of students who passed / failed etc. Show the distribution of grades or percentage marks using the system normally applied. IV. 1. Difficulties in access to resources or facilities Results Resources and Facilities If there were any difficulties in getting access to the resources or facilities required for the course give a brief description. 7 2. Consequences of difficulties For any difficulties that were experienced explain any effect they may have had on student learning. V. 1. Organizational or administrative difficulties 2. Effect of difficulties on student learning Administrative Issues If there were any organizational or administrative difficulties that affected the course give a brief description. Explain what effect difficulties experienced may have had on students learning in the course. VI. 1. Student evaluation of the course a. List the most important criticisms and strengths b. Response of instructor or course team Attach survey results. List the most common and the most significant criticisms and strengths as shown in the student evaluations. Provide a brief explanation or comment. These may acknowledge or disagree with strengths or areas in need of improvement or provide an explanation or interpretation. VII. 1. Action taken to improve the course this semester/year 2. Progress on other actions proposed 3. Action Plan for Next Semester/Year Course Evaluation Planning for Improvement Provide a summary description of any actions that were taken as a result of previous course evaluations or action plans described in course reports to improve the course and comment on the results achieved. List other action that was taken to improve the course and comment on results achieved. List action proposed to improve the course for the next semester/year noting for each action the planned completion date and the person responsible. 8