Conferences attended from Dec 2008 (last updated 18 July 2013) ‘The Contribution of Teaching about Religions and Beliefs to Education for Democratic Citizenship in Europe and Beyond: Consequences of the REDCo Project’, European Parliament, Brussels, 3rd December, 2008 (in the presence of Commissioner Jan Figel). ‘Teaching about Religions and Beliefs in Public Schools: Initiatives from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, the Council of Europe and the REDCo Project’, Conference on l’istruzione Religiosa Nell’ Europa delle Differenze, 11 and 12 December 2008, University of Perugia, Italy. ‘Research in Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit (WRERU)’, Keynote lecture at inaugural meeting of the BERA Religious Education SIG, University of Cumbria, April 3rd 2009 ‘Understanding Another Person’s Religion or Worldview’, Presentation at the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Istanbul Forum, Istanbul, April 6 th 2009 ‘Education for Intercultural Understanding, from Policy to Practice’, Lecture at the Inauguration of the European Wergeland Centre, Oslo (in the presence of the Norwegian Prime Minister and Minister of Education), 29 May 2009 ‘The Evolution of Religious Education in England’ and ‘The European Wergeland Centre’, conference on Religious Education, University of Helsinki, Finland, June 1 & 2, 2009. ‘Religion, Education and Dialogue: Initiatives from European Institutions’, Robert Jackson, Keynote Lecture at the Association of University Lecturers in Religious Education conference, University of Exeter, July 2009 European Developments in Religious Diversity and Education, Keynote, Symposium on Ethics and Religious Culture in Public Schools, McGill University, Montreal, October 2nd 2009. Developments in Education about Religious Diversity in the Council of Europe, Keynote, Conference on Religious Education University of Iceland, Reykjavik , 7 November 2009. The Interrelationship of Research and Policy Making in Europe: Disseminating Research Findings from the REDCo Project, EC Framework 6 Conference, University of Hamburg, November 28th 2009. January 29th 2010: Keynote at DCSF launch of Warwick Report on Materials used to Teach about World Religions in Schools in England, London: Department for Children, Schools and Families, Southwark Cathedral 1 2 March, 2010 ‘Religious Diversity in Intercultural Education: European Developments’, Religious Diversity in Intercultural Education Seminar, Oslo University College & European Wergeland Centre, Oslo, March 2nd 2010 29 April, 2010 ‘Tolerance, Religions and Education: Designing a Contextual Comparative Research Project’, European Network for Religious Education through Contextual Approaches (ENRECA) Conference, Schönberg, Germany, April 29 2010. 17 May 2010, Keynote at DfE seminar on ‘Warwick research into materials used to teach about world religions: taking forward the recommendations for the sector’, Westminster Central Hall, London 27 July 2010, ‘Education about Religions and Beliefs within a Human Rights Framework: European Policy Recommendations’, International Seminar on Religious Education and Values: ISREV XVII, 'Religious Education and Freedom of Religion and Belief', Saint Paul University, Ottawa. 17 August 2010, ‘Teaching about Religions in Schools: Developing as a Professional’, Opening of new teacher training programme. MF Norwegian School of Theology, Oslo. 25 August 2010, Keynote lecture: ‘The Challenge of Inclusive Religious Education’, European Forum for Teachers of Religious Education Conference: "Challenging RE " Poverty and Social Inclusion as European Issues, Bruges, Belgium. 10 September 2010, ‘Estonian Religious Education in the Context of European Debates and Research: Pille Valk’s Contribution’ International Conference on Spirituality and the Encounter with the ‘Other’ (Conference in memory of Pille Valk), Tartu University, Estonia. 14 September 2010, ‘Dialogue about Religion: Some Findings of the REDCo Project’, Lecture, Litteraturhuset, Oslo. 3rd October, 2010, Education about Religions and Beliefs in relation to Citizenship Education: European Policy, Research, Pedagogy and Practice, Keynote lecture, Council of Europe Pestalozzi/European Wergeland Centre International Conference, Wels, Austria. 30 October, 2010, Religious Diversity in Education: The Toledo Guiding Principles (2007) and The Ministerial Recommendation from the Council of Europe (2008), American Academy of Religion SIG on Religion Education and Citizenship in Europe and Beyond, Atlanta, USA. 30 November, 2010, ‘Integrating Religious Education within a Social Studies Framework: The Interpretive Approach’, International Symposium on Didactics in Social Studies, University of Karlstad, Sweden. 2 10 December, 2010, ‘Disseminating the Toledo Guiding Principles’, Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Hofburg, Vienna. 14 December, 2010, ‘Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters’, Council of Europe, Strasbourg. Education about Religions and Beliefs within a Human Rights Framework, Meeting of Swedish Religious Education Researchers, Stockholm University, 8 February 2011. REDCo, DCSF, AHRC/ESRC, TBFF: Some Recent Research Projects in Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit, Meeting of Swedish Religious Education Researchers, Stockholm University, 8 February 2011. European Policy and Research on Religions and School Education, Department of Theology, University of Durham, 9 March 2011. ‘Council of Europe Policy on the Religious Dimension of Intercultural Education’, “Teaching Intercultural Dialogue and Religious Diversity in the Euro-Mediterranean”, North–South Centre and The Ismaili Centre, Lisbon, Portugal,16 May 2011, Education about Religions and Beliefs within a Human Rights Framework: European Policy Recommendations and Research, Keynote lecture at ‘Global Migration and Multiculturalism: Religion, Society, Policy and Politics’, Joint international multidisciplinary conference of the Centre for Research on Nationalism, Ethnicity and Multiculturalism (CRONEM), University of Surrey, and VU Institute for the Study of Religion, Culture and Society (VISOR), Free University Amsterdam, 28 June, 2011. ‘Religion, Society and Education: Issues about Religions and Education in the UK and Europe’, keynote lecture, Conference on: ‘Religion in Education: Findings from the Religion and Society Programme’, Conference organised by AHRC/ESRC Religion & Society Programme & Warwick Religions & Education Research Unit (WRERU), University of Warwick, 25 July 2011. ‘Issues in Religious Education within Public Education in the United Kingdom’, Conference on ‘How to teach to believe: Nation building and teaching religion in contemporary Europe’, University of Brescia, Italy, 23 September 2011. ‘Why Education about Religions and Beliefs? European Policy Recommendations and Research’, Keynote lecture, conference: Toward Mutual Ground: Religious Education, Education and Diversity, Irish Centre for Religious Education, Mater Dei Institute of Education, Dublin City University, 21st October 2011 ‘Religious Education and Human Rights’, Westminster Faith Debate (AHRC /ESRC Religion and Society Programme) with Prof Richard Dawkins et al. 3 ‘What's the Place of Faith in Schools? Westminster, London, 22 February 2012. ‘RU 4 EC RE? Research and European Policy Making on Religious Education: Taking account of young people’s views in developing the subject’, National Association of Standing Advisory Councils for Religious Education (NASACRE), Keynote, AGM, London 23rd May 2012. ‘Learning about Religions and Non-religious Worldviews: European Research Findings and Ongoing Policy Development in the Council of Europe’, International Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV) Conference, Turku, Finland, July 2012. Education about Religions and Beliefs within a Human Rights Framework: European Policy Recommendations and Research, keynote lecture, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) conference on “What is religious and spiritual education good for?”, Nijmegen, Netherlands, Thursday 23 August, 2012. Towards a roadmap for implementing the Council of Europe ministerial recommendation on teaching about religions and beliefs, presentation to the joint Council of Europe and European Wergeland Centre committee on teaching about religions and beliefs, St Petersburg, October 3, 2012. A “Road Map” to the implementation of Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec (2008)12: Main issues and tentative responses, conference on Education and Religious Diversity in the Western Mediterranean Strasbourg, 7 Dec 2012, Palais de l’Europe. Intercultural Religious Education: Connecting the Local to the Global, Keynote lecture, conference on Globalization and School Subjects – Challenges for Civics, History, Geography and Religious Education, 14 December 2012, Karlstad University, Sweden. The interpretive approach: a hermeneutical methodology for studying religion in society, Lecture to Theology Faculty, Tartu University, Estonia, 14 February 2013. Learning about Religions and Beliefs: Developments in European Policy and Practice, Conference on Religious Education in Estonia, Tallin,16 February 2013 Learning about Religions and Beliefs: Developments in European Policy and Practice, Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki, Finland, 18 February 2013 Implementing Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)12 on the dimension of religions and non-religious convictions within intercultural education, presentation to the Council of Europe Education Committee, Strasbourg, 21 February 2013, Palais de l’Europe. 4 'Towards a Roadmap for Religions and Beliefs in European Intercultural Education', keynote presentation, 12th Nordic Conference on Religious Education (NCRE) June 10-13 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland on ´Religious education in post-secular(?) societies’ ‘Developments in European Policy and Practice’ Keynote presentation, Prospects and Problems for Religious Education (Revisited): A Seminar on the Future of Religious Education, University of Worcester, 19thJune 2013. 'Signposts towards Religions and Beliefs within European Intercultural Education‘, Association of University Lecturers in Religion and Education Annual Conference 5th-6th July 2013, The Influence of Research on Professional Practice in Religious Education, York St John University. Towards a Roadmap for Religions and Beliefs in European Intercultural Education, Religious Education in a Global-Local World University College Cork, Ireland, 29-30 August 2013. 5