Teacher Education Council Minutes

Teacher Education Council Minutes
August 13, 2012
Members Present: Stephanie Boss, Travis Childs, Jennifer Dennis, Becky Easley, Claudia
Edwards, Courtney Glazer, Tara Grandy, Carla Guthridge, Greg Hoepfner, Jennifer Holloway,
Howard Kuchta, Teresa Lubrano, Rachel McLain, Yoonsin Oh, Lynda Robinson, Michelle Smith,
Vivian Thomlinson, Ronna Vanderslice, Lisa Weis, Stephanie White
Meeting called to order at 3:45 p.m. by Ronna Vanderslice
Director of Teacher Education Report
A. Faculty Development Plans for 2012-2013 – Due October 15
B. HATS off 2012-2013 – This can count as your 10 hours of service. If you are
interested in supervising a student, let Courtney know.
C. OCTP Leadership – Beginning in 2014 OCTP will be part of the Office of
Accountability, and the office will be renamed. This is meant as a costsaving measure. Parts of the OCTP budget (literacy and professional
development) have already been moved to the State Department. The
Commission has recently lost three people and has not replaced them and
is currently operating without a Director of Testing or Director of Program
Accreditation. The Interim Chair is Renee Launey-Rodolf.
D. RSU Social Studies Education update –Information has been presented to
administrators from RSU and Cameron. Once it is approved, we will be
able to enroll students.
Last month’s meeting minutes were approved.
Admission and Retention Committee Report
The committee moved to accept ten candidates for full admission to teacher education,
one candidate for admission conditional on receiving a passing OSAT score this Friday.
The motion was approved.
Other Business
Old Business
1. Approved minutes from previous meetings are posted at
New Business
1. Request for a Program Requirement Change for Social Studies
Education that will allow students to complete any Political Science
class for their required 3 hours and to expand the scope of the
required elective class to include 2000 level courses and also HUM
courses. Teresa Lubrano made the motion and Vivian Thomlinson
seconded. The motion was approved.
Announcements/Discussion Items
A. Thank you for your work on the program report.
B. OACTE/OATE/OCTP Conference – in Broken Arrow this year on
November 16 – everyone gets a pass this year unless you want to
C. Meeting Dates for 2012-2013 to be held in Nance-Boyer 2069
Monday, September 17, 2012 @ 3:45
Monday, November 19, 2012 @ 3:45
Monday, December 3, 2012 @ 4:00 (Student Teacher Recognition)
Monday, January 7, 2013 @ 3:45
Monday, February 25, 2013 @ 3:45
Monday, March 11, 2013 @ 3:45
Monday, April 15, 2013 @ 3:45
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 @ 4:00 (Student Teacher Recognition)
May 2013 TBA
Meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Minutes submitted by Courtney Glazer.