Curriculum Committee March 26, 2015, 3:45 p.m., CETES 207 Minutes

Curriculum Committee
March 26, 2015, 3:45 p.m., CETES 207
Attending-Metzger, Rogers, Walton, Husak, Phillips, Seger, Herring, Li, Robinson, Carney
The meeting was called to order at 3:45 PM.
1. Approval of minutes from February 24, 2015 meeting—Seger moved to accept with a minor
modification and Rogers seconded. Motion carried.
2. Program and course modifications
A. School of Business
Program Modification: Economics Option Deletion for BBA—Robinson moved to
accept. Herring seconded. Motion carried.
NOTE: Items B I through D.I.i. were treated as a block.
B. School of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Department of Education
i. Program Modifications
1. Early Childhood Education - BS
2. Elementary Education - BS
ii. Course Addition: EDUC 3102
iii. Course Modifications: EDUC 1800; EDUC 3003; EDUC 4313
C. School of Liberal Arts
Department of English and Foreign Languages
i. Program Modification: English Education – BA
Department of History and Government
i. Program Modification: Social Studies Education – BA
Department of Music
i. Program Modification: Music Education – BME
D. School of Science and Technology
Department of Mathematical Sciences
i. Program Modification: Mathematics Education – BA
Herring moved to accept Items B I through D.I.i. Seger seconded. Motion carried.
Department of Biological Sciences
i. Course Modification: BIOL 4154
ii. Course Deletion: BIOL 4154L—These two modifications were moved for
approval by Rogers. Seger seconded motion carried.
3. Schedule next Curriculum Committee meeting—A Doodle Poll will be sent out.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM.