Curriculum Committee February 6, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Curriculum Committee
February 6, 2014 Meeting
Members Present: Linda Phillips, Jeff Seger, Lynda Robinson, Yingqin Liu, Mandy Husak, William Carney,
Gregory Herring, Dennis Frisby, Aubree Walton, Derik Steyn, John Hodgson (representing Susan Hall)
1. Approval of minutes: John Hodgson moved to approve the minutes from the November 2013
meeting; Dennis Frisby seconded. The motion carried.
2. Curriculum and program changes:
a. School of Liberal Arts
i. Department of History and Government
1. Course addition requests were received for HUM 2113 and HUM 2223.
John Hodgson moved to recommend approval; Gregory Herring
seconded. The motion carried.
2. Course modification requests were received for PS 3223, 4023, and
4043. Lynda Robinson moved to recommend approval; Derik Steyn
seconded. The motion carried.
ii. Department of Sociology
1. A program modification was requested for the BS in Sociology. Derik
Steyn moved to recommend approval; William Carney seconded. The
motion carried.
b. School of Science and Technology
i. Department of Physical Sciences
1. A course modification was requested for PSCI 1055. John Hodgson
moved to recommend approval; Gregory Herring seconded. The motion
ii. Department of Computing and Technology
1. A program deletion request was received for the AAS in AT, along with
an accompanying course deletion request for TECH 2033. Gregory
Herring moved to recommend approval; William Carney seconded. The
motion carried.
c. Office of Academic Enrichment
i. The Office of Academic Enrichment requested a program modification to the
Honors Program, with related course addition requests for HON 2133, 3113,
3123, 4001-3, and UNIV 4593. Lynda Robinson moved to recommend approval;
John Hodgson seconded. The motion carried.
d. Office of Teaching and Learning
i. Course modifications were submitted for UNIV 1001 and 1113. Dennis Frisby
moved to recommend approval; Lynda Robinson seconded. The motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.