Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project May 29, 2016

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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
May 29, 2016
Banner Technical Team
Committee/Meeting Name
August 24, 2009
10:00 am
Time Convened
Time Terminated 11:00 am
Julie Duncan
Location Admin 201
Rick Clyburn, Chase Bailey, Julie Duncan, Debbie Goode, Angela Melton, Sherry Hendrix, Kelly Simon, Dawne Massey;
Members Present
Cheryl Davis, Kurt Jn Marie, Greg Duncan
Members Absent
Minutes from Aug 10
Next meeting
Update from Sherry
Discussion, Information
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
August 31.
Is there any information about CRP that needs to be delivered to ILT? They need to test the communication plans.
Are printers and sleep/wake printers ready to go for CRP? Shepler/Library/Burch all need set up. Transcript
needs set up. Greg wants to train the end users to create the sleep/wake processes. The person who creates it
is the one who can send it. He sent instructions to Linda and will forward this to Sherry as well. Cash receipts,
purchasing, and checks will also be sleep/wake. Need to set up network printers for the cashiers instead of
their current slave printers. ILT also needs to decide who prints transcripts and if they will use ssb or inb.
E-print, e-Vision, AppWorx, Nolij and ODS/Cognos. Need to answer the following questions for each area: Who is the
administrator? Who will be creating the manual for CU? Who will be leading the training? How and by whom will
participants be chosen for each software? When do we need to schedule training for end users?
Who is the administrator. The administrator will be leading training if training is needed.
1. ODS: Dawne and Kurt. ILT will start with the list of transit users and then break it down to the people
who need it. Paul will be doing some training and we can also ask him to create the manual.
2. Nolij: Kelly and Julie for backup. We’ll find out more in training and Linda would determine who if any
end users will be using training.
3. E-Print: Greg, Chase and Kurt. Anybody who will not be in Cognos to get their reports or other people
who need access to banner reports who don’t have INB. Probably each department chair will need it.
ePrint will save us seats in Cognos. Greg will work on a quick and dirty manual for training. We need
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
the list of what reports will be in ePrint to know who will be trained. Sherry will contact Tom. Custom
reports that need used by ePrint will have to have a standard header in order for ePrint to recognize it.
4. E-Vision: Rick and Cheryl. Shouldn’t be any training for the end users. It’s all behind the scenes.
5. Appworx: Greg and Chase. Scheduler. It’s supposed to be just a two hour end user training.
End Users need to go through the documentation and figure out if there are any reports that already meet their
needs and would be good candidates for ePrint.
Status of interfaces and extracts. After we have ODS training in early September, we can begin on some of these.
End User ODS training schedule November 16 HR/FI/AD and January 25 th for FA/ST/AR (not confirmed just yet)
AD will have another conversion in September. Angie will send more information.
Load test: All areas to test the system on Wednesday, Sept 2 between 9:00-10:00, specifically between 9:00-9:15. This
should include everyone who has an ssb or inb account. Hit the system hard. Later in the meeting this was revisited
and we changed our mind. We are not on the production environment yet and load testing will just raise panic. Would
like to test the production environment in October.
Go live dates. Cloning dates TBD not right. Other questions?
Extracts preparation (last day for data clean up)
Conv3 GP
GP Load data
Conv3 FIN
FI load data
Conv3 FIN
Conv3 HR
Conv3 FIN
FI load vendors, GL beginning fund balances, beginning budgets, ledger
summary balances (July 2009-Nov 2009)
HR Load data
FI Manual entry of outstanding items as of legacy freeze
Clone CONV to TEST - Post Conv3
Clone PPRD to TRNG post Conv3
ConV3 AD
AD Production Run
Conv3 ST
ST Load Data (Intersession 2009-10 and earlier)
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
Conv3 FIN
FI Ledger Summary balance (December 2009)
Conv3 AR
AR Load data (summer 2010) Balance Forward
Conv3 ST
ST Academic History Supplement for Spring and Summer 2009
We need to have Laurene/Chase to determine a better schedule. We need to know what dates things will be down so that team leads
can set up workloads. Also need to discuss in IT when sunfire to sunray refreshes will happen.
Luminis News
Cameron’s customization of allowing the faculty to bypass
entering the student’s pin only works when logging
directly into ssb. We had thought they could just click on a
link from luminis and do a separate login to ssb. However,
the cookie prevents this from happening. SSB detects the
cookie and does not allow the user to get to the direct
login screen. Then we thought you could use two
separate browsers. However, SSB only allows you to
have one session at a time. The only way to do this would
be to logout of luminis. Then connect to SSB.
RORSTAT trigger is still an issue. Leaving the trigger on
will create SSB accounts but if they go in through luminis
it goes back to there is content only built for people who
are students.
If student enrollment is allowed, we have to rethink
student account procedures. Now our procedures are to
create email, library, myCU, etc accounts after the first
enrollment is created. In order for student enrollment to
occur, they have to have luminis/ssb logins at the point
they are allowed to enroll. You may have lots of accounts
created that are not used. When do we create email?
Shouldn’t they have email in order to email back and forth
with their advisor?
Need to look at the timeline for the PROD install of
luminis, the load testing and GP conv 3 load. There must
be time in between the PROD install of luminis and the
load test in order to get channels and fragments set up to
test. There should also be data in PROD. We had thought
we could clone the TEST database into PROD for this
and then wipe it out before conversion started. But the
dates may possibly overlap. This whole timeline needs
reviewed and more understanding of what is happening
Add all of these to IT tasklist to not lose them. May need to
discuss some of them with Laurene in the Oct 5 meeting.
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Cognos News
User training
Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Discussion, Information
on the timeline when for luminis needs set forth.
Dawne and Kurt are working diligently in preparation for cognos
user training scheduled to take place in September.
Kurt prepared ePrint documentation from the training he and Greg
attended in NY and it is located at:
w:\workgrps\its\banner\documentation\eprint\ePrint Training
Requests for VPN should be sent to Cheryl. Scott is also working
on a remote desktop server.
Sherry will discuss with the ILT on coming up with ways to
motivate users to continue training and working on their desk
Task Lists
Tech Team &
Tech Team &
Functional Areas
Tech Team
Continue to update:
W:\workgrps\its_share\Banner\BANNER Data handling.docx – OSRHE info
needs to be added and which DBs it will be reported from
Data cleanup - ongoing process
Decision re: no mods to Baseline Banner: possibly w/ the exception of fed &
state mandates??
Research best practices for keeping 3rd party software in sync with Banner
upgrades and patches
Update Milestone Certification & keep up-to-date
Scott & Debbie
Physical Facilities needs a key control system
Scott & Debbie
Printer in Library for CRP: 9/1-9/3 & 9/22-9/24
Tech Team
Julie started a Go-Live Checklist document at w:\workgrps\its\banner
Please add to it so that we remember to do everything after each
conversion. This should be our checklist of things that must be done after
the conversion scripts but before we let the users in for testing.
Patch management procedures documented and request form.
Tech Team
Greg, Chase &
Sherry & Mike
Reviewing critical programs for go live and all programs required @ go live
SSB is still being looked at. Doreen is looking at the broken graphics issue.
May 29, 2016
Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations, Time Line
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Cameron University Banner Project
Meeting Agenda and Notes
Greg & Chase
We have customized versions from 2003-2007 that need explained as to
why these are no longer baseline.
Install patches that can be installed prior to CRP starting Sept. 1
ILT & Tech
Identify what needs to be setup through FormFusion and Intellecheck
LP, ILT & Tech
Evaluate how do deal with policies/procedures surrounding the RORSTAT
trigger for SSB accounts. Do they go through ssb or luminis? If ssb, must
determine username/password setup, support, and how to get the
information to them. If luminis, must develop tabs and channels for
Actionline support procedure
ILT & Tech
ILT & Tech
If student enrollment is pursued, we must revisit policies of when accounts
are created for ssb/luminis, email, library, blackboard, etc.
Evaluate load testing timeline for luminis and production ssb/inb.
May 29, 2016
Patches can be installed if issues are resolved with a patch.