Page 1 Cameron University Banner Project Advancement Advancement Training Committee/Meeting Name February 23, 2009 1:00 p.m. Date Time Convened Time Terminated Location South Shepler Recorder Jennifer Bowen Jennifer Bowen, Hillary Ashton, Karen Echols, Anna Swanson, Angie Melton, Diana Smith, Tina Jensen Members Present Members Absent Notes Topics Adding the form names (APACONS)title names Training Forms Constituent Searching Donor Categories Prefered Address APACONS Parents Information Discussion, Information Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations GUAUPRF Click on Display Form name on title bar Under Advancement, Advancement Individuals The training PowerPoint is on the CU website. Individual or organization To add a pledge or gift, they must be set up as a constituent and have a general person record. This record is shared by the entire university. To be advancement constituent you must fill out or interfaced (rolled in) and have a constituent record. Best to use the SOAIDEN. This will search the entire system not just the advancement module Each constituent must have one Must Have this field. You can choose from the available fields (Address list) or Add and address College Two options: Create a Parent Record or add on the APACONS and add into the parent field We must make sure to include the core categories in the documentation manual. We will need to have a standard address to select unless otherwise notified. We are showing none of our constituents have a college. We need to look at this and find out where this code is??? Page 2 Topics Spouse Cameron University Banner Project Advancement Discussion, Information You must mark the cross reference field with a selection SP1 If they live in the same house leave the household checked. If they are not at the same house, uncheck the household record. Updating Information APANAME APAMAIL Exclusions Child Record APPCUPD Homework Action Taken, Decisions, Recommendations We will need to put as one of the first steps of our procedures (campus wide) to check the GUASYST to see if you should be changing their record. This MUST be done if the fine grain access is not set up. Used to update gift society membership names Used to keep track of what mailings people should receive. GTVMAIL is the table to set these up. For the President’ mailing list for the magazine, add an exclusion code to the mail exclusions. The cross reference is Child. You must update the cross reference tab for it to be complete. If we want the child addition to pull for alum notes, you must check the OK for notes field. Then the next time you pull the okay for notes, it will pull. Uploading information. Is used to update the NCOA records. A Update the ATVEXCL list with the different advancement departments We need to find out WHEN this training will occur! This was part of the very initial discussion on the potential limitations of banner. Any issues that come up and creating your documentation.