FTRE HISTORY TN THE OHIO RTVER VALLEY AND TTS R.ELATION TO CLI]IfATEI Daniel A. Yaussy and Elaine Kennedy Sutherland2 ABSTRACT: Annual wildfire records (1926-77) from the national forests in states bordering the Ohio fuver (lllinois, Indian4 Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, and West Virginia) were compared to climate records to assess relationships. Summaries of spring and fall fire seasons obtained for the Daniel Boone National Forest in Kentucky (1970-92) and for the State of Ohio (1969-84, including national forest lands) allowed for more detailed analysis. A wet spring followed by the onset of drought conditions, as measured by Palmer's Drought Severity Index (PDSI), was significantly conelated to the area burned by wildfire the following year (p < 0.0009). We hypothesize this was caused by a buildup of fine fuel followed by fuel desiccation in the 6r* stages ofdrought. Extremely severe fall fire s€asons were weakly related to El Nifros. Keywords: ENSO, ignition source, southern oscillatioq teleconnections, wildfire. TNTRODUCTION Teleconnections between large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns and regional weather patterns might provide forest managers with an important planning tool. For example, in a broad, regionally based study, Simard and others (1985) found a high correlation with fires in the southern states and El Nifros, but found little or no correlation in the northeastern or southwestern United States. Simard and Main (1987) then used about 50 years of data to develop a regression equation to predict severity ofthe fire season in the south using the El Nifro/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) climate anomaly. Although these preliminary studies showed only a weak relation between the ENSO and wildfires in a region that includes the Southwest, Swetnatn and Betancourt (1990) found significant teleconnections between the ENSO and the occulrence of wildfires in the National Forests of Arizona and New Mexico in 200 years of data. We investigated these relationships for'the Ohio River Valley (OR$, defined as the states of Illinois, Indiura, Kentucky, Mssouri, Ohio, and West Virgini4 and found littte association between the ENSO events and Pdmer Drought Severity Index (a mea$rre of drought) in 93 years of dat4 but r significant correlation beween spring and fall fire seasons from 1970 through 1992 in Kentucky and variables constructed &om PDSI and ENSO (Yaussy and Sutherland, in press). In this paper, we have added data from Ohio and looked at variables constructed from PDSI to capture the drought events. I l2th Conference on Fire and Meteorology: Fire, Meteorology, and the Landscape; Jekyll Island, GA Oaober 26-28,1993. Presented at the 2 USOA Forest Servicg Northeastern Delaware OH 43015. Forest Experiment Station, 359 Main Roa4 DATA and METHODS Annual Nationd Forest fire records (1925-77) for the ORV show that fires in these states are a cultural artifact (figure l). AJthough humans are the primary ignition source for fires in the east (gy/o) and culrural factors should determine the number of fires, the area burned by these fires should respond to' climatic influences. For example, many fires set during wet periods woutd burn only small iueas; however, several 6res set during dry periods could quickly cover large areas. Therefore, we chose to study the ar.ea burned by wildfires, which is indicative of the severity of a fire season as opposed to the number of fires reported. E' co :' co v, tu € IJ o ddd-td- "C-#ru.uu Flgur. f. Area burned by cause of fire for the national forestl in the oRV (Le4O-771. we chose the PDSI to measure drought intensity (PaLner 1965). pDSI is based on climEtc factors (temperature' s€asol\ region), water stored soil moisture), @recipitatioq and wal€r demsnd ryqntv (orapotranspiration' percoluion) posi islot"t respond to sudden changes in the weather, PPq so th€ value from one month is highly conelated to the-value of the jrevious month. PDSJ is a standardized indea so negative numbers indicate a drought-condition and positive values are wet periods. A pDSI of -l irdi.cates a slight drought while a -4 signifies a severe arought. we are using pDSI as an indicator of fuel moisture, which determines the intensity of the fire seasons] Monthly pDSI measurements were obtained from data supplied by the National Ctimatic Data Center for 1925 through 1992 forhydrologic regions of the states in the ORV. The Southern oscillation lndex (soD is the calibrated difference between atmospheric sea-twel pressure Potynesia ard Darwiq Ausilrali& when rhe SoI is low, the atmospheric $.r{Alrench sea-tw"t is low in Tahitiand high in Dsrwin. This is called an El Mflo .".nt -d *rrrrponis to w€t weather in th€ southwestern united states (Swefium and Betancourt 1990). when the sol is rtigrr it is termed a Ia Mfla tt'd qeiqry rssociated with droughts in the Southwest. Monthly sol rieasurements used in this I study are tlnsc daidogod and gandardized by wright (1989) for lg25 through lggt. we used a 3-month moving average to rerooth the SOI time series toiti*in"t. noise witho"t riLi"g trends, srch that: ir*r, *T SOIAV, = (SO[ + SOLr + SOLJ3. Transformations of PDSI and solAv also were used in this analysis. Several types of fire data were used for this analysis: annual records of area burned by wildfire for the Nationd Forests in the oRV (1925-17); records olinai"iaua fire euenJl for the Daniel Boonc National Forest (DBhIF) in Kentucky; annual_fue records Q9a2-92) fo, u. rrgio-ns of ohio protected by ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODflR); and iecords orspring !h9 v'u'i ' 'v' Ohio ' e '---- A1 fire seasons for tiiiiil -i (1969-84). 778 16,000 14,000 !q) 12,000 c 5 10,000 co th (u 8,000 C' (J 6,000 c, 4,000 2,000 0 JAN FEB [4AR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Flgurr 2. Area burned by wildfire on the fron 1970 to L992. DBNF accumulated by month When the DBNF data are summarized by month, the two 6re seasons of the ORV, spring and frll, ue apparent (figure 2). From figure 2 it appears that the fall season is more s€vere than the sprin& but 6gure 3 demonstrates that 1981, 1987, and l99l were exceptional fall 6re s€asons. To combine the DBNF ard ODNR seasonal data sets, we summarized the individual event data from the DBNF into spring (January through June) and fall (July tkough December) observations to coincide with the ODNR data. The DBNF and ODNR seasonal observatiors of area burned (AB) were then divided by the area under 6re protectiorl scaled by 1,000, to obtain AB per 1,000 ha protecled. A log transformation was taken of these values to normalize the variables, LAB: LAB = ln( (AB / (area protected) ) ' 1000). E 5 $ 1970 1975 l9a5 l9AO 1990 1995 ll,gurr 3. Tlneline of area burned by nonth on the DBNF. with the standard tests of ascertaining whaher the vuiables were indeed normal, we interpreted normal probability plots (figure 4) of the data. These give no Becanse the resrlting data sets were too snull to analy?E indication that the variables are not distributed normally. 779 3 Cl) .2 3 ~ > 2 a. "'0 j Cl) b. 2 +..J i Cl) I i 1 J I u a. r w>< 0 ~ E .._ I 0 ·1 I, ·2 I ·1 0 z I ·2 I ·3 ·3 1. ·2 ·1 0 -3 2 3 3 Cl) .2 -3 I ' > 2 "'0 c. 2 Cl) u Cl) 3 d. . 0 ·1 0 z 2 : 0 ~ E .._ 0 1 a. w>< ·1 3 ~ \ ·2 ·1 ·2 ·2 ·3 -3 -2 ·1 0 Standardized LAB 1 2 ·3 3 ·3 ·2 ·1 0 Standardized LAB 1 2 3 Fi gu re 4. P ro ba bi (b .) DBNF fa ll , (cli ty pl ot s of st an da rd iz ed LAB fo .) ODNR sp ri ng , (d r (a .) DBNF sp ri ng .) ODNR fa ll . , Since we were trying to find variables that would predict severity of fire se SOIAV, PDSI, and transfo ason, we analyzed value rmations of these variable s of s from 1 to 12 months pr seasons. Relationships ec eding the spring or fall fir between LAB and these e lagged values were quan statistics. tified with Pearson corre lation RESULTS Prior to World War II, the value of wood produc ts as war materials prom fire campaigns on preven pted the initiation of na tion (Pyne 1982). Figure tional 5 demonstrates the effec and following World W t of fire suppression du ar II on the area burned ring in national forests of the most severe fires coincide ORV. Yet the years wi with or precede droughts th the that follow wet periods lush growth of fine fuels . This can be explained during the wet periods an by d a rapid drying of these fuels at the onset of drou ght. 780 60, 1 40, I 4 120, H€ctares loo, Bumed ao, 60, 40, 20, 2 PDSI o . -4 s..- SOLAV 4 € € .t - / I, 19 75 Figurr 5. Tineline of the SOI, PDSI averaged for all hydrologic.regions in the oRv, and area burned by wirdfire in the national forests of the oRV. The DBNF data show the same relationship as found for the annual records of the ORV large fire years P,leceding the worst periods of drought, evident for 1988 and l99l when plotted against ttre ipst for thc climatological region conraining the DBNF (figure 6). Ginger Brudwold, a member olthe Fire and Avirtion staff of the Forest Service's Southern Regior\ assured us that these were s€vere fire seasons ard not a change in fire suppression policy which woutd allow manageable fires to burn to lessen the fuel load. Hectares t,rr":O 2 PDSI -2 1975 l9a5 4 € € tlgur. a. Tinerine of the pDsr Kentucky hydrologic region 4 and area burned by wildfire in the DBNF. The ODNR records do not begin before WWII nor show the increased fire suppression indicated for the national forests (6gures 7-8) while still showing a relationship with fluauating iost a"eraged for the l0 hydrologic regiors in Ohio. Figure 9 demonstrates that the ODNR and DBNF data s€ts are bom different di*ributions and must be analyzed separately; however, they do appear synchronous. The difference may be attributable to diferences in land use and ownerships. 7El 12,000 8 I 10,000 6 I ,! Hectares 4 1! 8, ri Eumed 2 I 6 o lrr 4,000 tl rf I I 2,W0 , -2 ll I lr ,l I u I ? #rr::io'' 'l /r 11 /' lr : ^ u ,/J ot plguro PDSI .., | 4 I 1 1 \ 6 € Tinerine of the ' and area uurnea--uv "o_rT. averaged "irdfi;;'ii hydror?grc fgl."rr iu'os profecteo oy regions the 6,000 5,000 tto E €= 4,000 .t, 3,000 g a(J {u 2,W 1,000 q 1981 ;iffi 1983 3;nfiltn"rison of area burned bv uildfire in areas protected 782 6 3 4 2 2 I 0 3o 'V/.i,,1'r rigurr 1975 9. Conparison DBNF and the 4 1980 1985 \t 5 r' 1965 1970 r975 1980 1985 1990 tt -1965 1970 -) t\,1 -,,/ -2 -l 1990 of transforned fire-season variables for the ODNR. The most significant truuformation, PDDIF, was devised to reflect the buildup of fine fuels in wet periods which is then followed by drought (figure l0): PDDIF,{ = Ma\,*r..r,+.r2)(PDSI) - PDSL{ where: PDSI,* = the lagged value of PDSI index of month beginning the fire season (t = Ianuary for spring t = July for fall) k= index of lagged month (k = 1,..,12) MDt,*r.t*-,2)eDSD = the ma"rimum PDSI meas,rement contained within the preceding 12 months of PDSI,n. t- For example, when Ma\,*t..r*.,2)eDSI) is 3 (a wet period) and PDS[* is -3 (drought conditions) then PDDIF* is 6. Thus, PDDIF,* should be positively conelated to LAB. 3500 I 3000 I 4 J I Hcctrror Burned 2500 l! 2000 i! 2_ rl 'l o 1500 -2 1000 1 500 OL 1979 lgal 1gao tlgrur. 10. Calculation of 783 r9a2 PDDIF. € PDSI so|Av PDDIF of the preceding luly (t = January,.k = 6) was the most significant variable spring LAB on the D,BNF pDDtr exprains about 'wtil; 4r%oof the = 0 64, p 0 000e, i i: r) ilryr iii-lrrv u-ltT*.t #*,*r*lr ;illiJffiSy,ff,lffiJil::;r* 6Z prediaing the il*r'l,f ro#'irrn, lornv of the -o-.,*f,i0 1370, n = rq) _d *as the most signincant Explaining 32o/o of the variation in the spring LAB for the oDNR dat4 PDDIF of the the nrcst significantlv conetatedv#; previous Jury was that the trend is opposite n l-o.rrrr,n = l6). Ho*euer, figure r2 shows *,rr. DINF tes,,r-, r iy *a the hypothesized Tt'e PDSI ortne positive correration. iievlout 'r'"t for in falr rr*b or,r,. qDNR data (r = 0 6r, such as the rowest three orthe rar sapr, ii::"^,:::;r, "ippii; eugu't;.t 4ta/o;ffi;;on ,l,il;?'iil,.,,f]r;?Tm;'rll**#:;:f#fis .t 3 .t, 1 a.t 2 Arr a l.l rootlJ' Flgrurr 11. correrations of t|:nost sisnificant vaiiiurJ" wirh ofLAB for the Dry totll"tM;ffbirnr., ?! rqr aa.a rrgurr.12. correlation of the yith "oJi"ig"iriJi"i=iiriarres ina iaii-L''of the oorii j*i:; ;Bii:r and farr r"es-Ji-ffi The relationstrips betrveen the annual totals the period 1940 to 1992 ll in area and crimate were investigated. uuiJ a* lffJiifl ,,?:3g,1ig,gi;,;um.ur" t",ti!, 3 al2 51 a a O. r-O - a a we chose ro $ppressioi Juring and after wwII. joj, p < =b 0 0076, n = 53), a l 0 -1 -2L -2 pDDtF Juty rlgrurt 13. Relationshio of_annual total.IAB of the fron 19{O to 19e2 ana irooir-"'e-ir,'""iilrrro,rs Jury. DBIIF From tlrese res.rltg PDDIF of rhe prwious July appean to be a variable associated with LAB. We analyzed the coneluion of this variable with the LAB observations of all the national forests in the ORV from igcO to 1977. The resrlts in table I indicate that PDDIF is not conelated to LAB for states in the ORV with the possible exception of Kenrucky. l.- Pearson conelation statistics for LAB of the national forests in the ORV and PDDIF of the preceding July from 1940 to 1977 (1940-92 Trblc folKgntuckv) State p-level Number Illinois 0 060 0.7t9 38 Indiana -0 0r6 0 926 38 Kentucky 0 363 0 008 53 Missouri 0 015 Ohio -0.039 9e3 0.815 38 38 CONCLUSIONS Visually and logically, there should be a sound relationship betrrreen area burned and climatic factors such as drought. The most severe fire seasons on the DBNF were in the fall of 1981, l9g7, and 1991. These are the types of events we would like to be able to predict. With the methods used in this study, these seasons were the least conelated with the variables we chose to depict climate. The reason for the lack of conelation may be that the relationships in climate data look good for a short time but tend to degenerate when the time &ame is ercended. We have been ignoring interference 6'om other sources, such as the North Atlantic Oscillatioq and that may explain this degeneration; or the apparent relationships may well be spurious @urroughs l99Z). As any statistician would say, "We need more data.' We are in the process of obtaining records of individual events from the national forest-fue data base and &om state agencies. However, much of these data cover thc 1970's and 1980's, which had few exreme fire events. We atso will er*end the SOI data through 1992 to irrclude the most recent El Nifro events. Since climate in the ORV is driven by a combination of thc prcv"ailing westerlies, inlluenced by Et Nulos, and moisture from the Gulf of Mexico, we will to explore thc effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation. The effect of drought following a period of growth on 6re s€ason severity warrents further attempts to quanti$ and investigate the relationship. 785 / LITERATURE CITED BtrRRoUgFIfuYJ,l?i;,:rTiH PA'ME& cycles: Rear or rmaginary cambridge University press, New X;i;"i?1;#;:fg"i* l;:"*, Res pap No 65 u s weather Bureau, office or PYIJE, s.J. 1992. Fire in America: A currurar s History ruJtvrt of ur wirdrand wuoliUl(t ttre. Fire. pri PnnCAon University preSS, PrinCetOn, NJ, 654 pp. SIN'{ARD' AJ; and MAIN' w'A' l987.. 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Temporal panerns of El M.fio/Southern oscillationwildfire teleconnections in trtt *tr,t o;; u;;ffi;* In Er Mflo: ruo"ri*r and pareocrimaric oscillation' Edited anJ ?:cambridge universitv btDa;r. frffir::S-H* *ooF*t"i;"H13,,!-oSosenizea YAussY' D'A'; "J;"{ long-period southern-oscittarion indices. tnternationar Journar of qI q and SLJTHERLAND' press). Relationships of the southern oscilration of Pacifc ocesn rnd drorghts ana the witaeres irirr,r tiN" nrrer valrev. and managemenr events' Edited bv lvtevers, w.**r,o, s. university of h;;;;;"ry fiffiffid"?s.'optric 786 Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fire and Forest Meteorology October 2*28, 1993 Jekyll lsland, Georgia Society of American Foresters 5400 Grosvenor Lane Bethesda, MD 2081Z|.2198