LONDON’S GLOBAL UNIVERSITY UCL EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) Enterprise

UCL EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) Enterprise
Secondments – Guidance on application for funding
IAA projects must be based on underpinning research in the EPSRC remit. They don’t have to be linked
to specific EPSRC research, but such links must be recorded where they exist.
Funding for IAA projects will be prioritised based on their impact. These will be monitored through
identifiable and measurable outcomes e.g. new jobs, public engagement, scientific dissemination and
follow-on activity e.g. business startups and/or new collaborations.
IAA funding is for direct costs only – PI time, estates and indirect costs cannot be funded.
HoD’s approval is necessary for projects as they will necessarily be funded at less than fEC.
The IAA will be administered through the research ledger in FIS. To allow auditing and monitoring
according to EPSRC requirements, costs should be charged directly to the dedicated account, rather
than by transferring money to other accounts.
Each project must be costed using pFACT – see below.
The funds provided on this grant cannot be used for purchase of items of equipment with an individual
value of £10,000 or more.
Each project will have a unique reference number, based on a project area, for budget control.
All projects will be issued with an award letter, signed by SC as PI, detailing the funds they have been
awarded and their conditions; they will then be given a dedicated departmental finance code.
All projects will have a start and end date. No commitments can be made after the end date; after this
end date departments will have 3 months to process invoices etc, then the account will be shut down.
Unspent funds will be reclaimed and reallocated; overspends will be the responsibility of the
Claire Arbon ( will be costing the secondments only using pFACT, please see for information on other forms of funding.
This pFACT costing must have passed departmental review, but RFU approval is not required.
Matching funding contribution, either cash or in kind, is expected from commercial partner
organisations. The target cash/in kind contribution is at least 1/3 of the IAA award value; this cash
contribution may be waived for governmental or charity/not-for-profit partners, and reduced for SMEs.
PI time can NOT be funded for secondments.
To allow overall fund management, a best-estimate of the spend profile should be included on the
application. This profile can of course be adjusted, as long as reasons for changes are logged with us
for EPSRC auditing purposes.
Vice-Provost (Enterprise), University College London
2nd Floor, Gordon House, 29 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PP
Tel: +44 (0)20 3108 5071 Fax: +44 (0)20 3108 5072
Awards of >£10k:
 These must be approved by the ESC following review by 3 academic reviewers.
 ESC meets 6 times per year; applications must be received 20 days ahead in order to be reviewed at
the next meeting and must include a costing.
 You will be informed of the outcome by the award letter, which will trigger set-up of the code.
Awards of <£10k
 These can be made after evaluation by the local budget holder; review using the same evaluation form
is required.
 Please send OVPE approved applications and evaluation forms; we will then issue an award letter.
Monitoring and Reporting
Applying for this grant implies consent to contribute to and cooperate with all reasonable requests for
reporting and monitoring.
The application form includes an impact capture form which should be filled in at the end of the
secondment and returned to Claire Arbon.
All costs should be documented and charged directly to the account, rather than transfers made from
the account later.
Submission deadlines for ESC decisions in the academic year 2012/13
10 January 2013
21 February 2013
09 May 2013
04 July 2013
Decision date
04 February 2013
18 March 2013
03 June 2013
29 July 2013