ACRONYMS ACH ACR ADPL ADS AFB AF AMC BBA BRAC BSR CDR CEIS CHAMPUS CHCS CHIC CMAC CRIS CSH DEERS DHHS DME DMIS DoD DRG EBC EDB EAPP EEHAS ESRD FEHBP FFS FHFS FORSCOM FY GAO GHP GME HCFA HCSR HHS HMO ICU LA LOE LOS MC MCFAS MCP MCS MCSC MDC Army community hospital Adjusted Community Rate average daily patient load Ambulatory Data System Air Force base Air Force Army medical center Balanced Budget Act of 1997 Base Realignment And Closure Beneficiary Service Representative Commander Corporate Executive Information System Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services Composite Health Care System Current Health Insurance Claim number (Medicare) CHAMPUS Maximum Allowable Charge CHAMPUS Regional Intermediary System combat support hospital Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. durable medical equipment Defense Medical Information System Department of Defense Diagnostic Related Group enrollment-based capitation Enrollment data base (HCFA) Enrollment Application Enrollee Education and Health Assessment Strategy end stage renal disease Federal Employees Health Benefits Program fee for service Foundation Health Federal Services, Inc. Forces Command fiscal year General Accounting Office group health plan graduate medical education Health Care Financing Administration Health Care Service Records Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of health maintenance organization intensive care unit Lead Agent level of effort length of stay medical center Managed Care Forecasting and Analysis System managed care program managed care support managed care support contractor major diagnostic categories MEDPAR MEPRS MEQS MHS MOA MPC MTF MTW M+C NMC OMB OSHPD PCM PGBA PLCA PMO POC PPS PRO PROFIS PRPWG PWP QA QISMC QM RWP SADR SIDR SNF SSN TEFRA TMA TSP UM USAF VA VRI VTC WPS Y2K Medicare Provider Analysis Review Medical Expense and Performance Reporting System MEPRS Executive Query System Military Health System Memorandum of Agreement Medicare Processing Center military/medical treatment facility major theater war Medicare+Choice Navy medical center Office of Management and Budget Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development primary care manager Palmetto Government Benefits Administrators Patient Level Cost Allocation Program Management Office (CEIS) point of contact Prospective Payment System professional review organization Professional Filler System Population and Resource Projection Working Group Professional Weighted Product quality assurance Quality Improvement System for Managed Care quality management Relative Weighted Product Standard Ambulatory Data Record Standard Inpatient Data Record skilled nursing facility Social Security number Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act TRICARE Management Activity TRICARE Senior Prime utilization management U.S. Air Force Veterans Affairs, Department of Vector Research, Inc. video-telephone conference Wisconsin Physicians Service Year 2000