PRESENTATION TO THE REGIE DE L'ÉNERGIE FILE R-3492-2002 By: Dr. Lawrence Kryzanowski Dr. Gordon Roberts March 13, 2002 Part I PRESENTATION OUTLINE § Economic and financial market conditions § Capital structure § Rate of return on common equity § Critique of Dr. Morin's evidence ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL MARKET CONDITIONS • 2 trends - Derivatives growing – hedging - Opportunities to reduce business and financial risks - Equity risk premium lower going forward ECONOMIC FORECAST UPDATE § § Continued GDP growth in Canada Negative factors more significant for US • Weaker economic performance • Iraq § Québec – 2003 another good year § Lower rates in the first half year INTEREST RATE FORECAST § First estimate for 20 years Canada 5.22% = 10 year Canada forecast = average spread 30 year over 0.40% 10 year Canada __________ 5.62% INTEREST RATE FORECAST… § Second estimate – average of 30 year forecasts = 5.58% FORECAST § Average = 5.60% § Retain original 6.00% § Temporary decline § Regulation is longer term CAPITAL STRUCTURE § § Sample of 9 Canadian utilities Bond ratings typically: • A (low) DBRS and A- (S&P) • BBB companies operate efficiently and profitably and beat allowed ROEs • Relevance for HQ DIST BUSINESS RISK § Uncertainty of operating income § HQ DIST lower business risk vs average Canadian electricity distributor BUSINESS RISK… § § Business risk lower than average Canadian gas distributor No forecasting risk FIVE CANADIAN BENCHMARK FOR EQUITY RATIO AVERAGES § § § § § § Actual for 9 utilities Allowed for 9 utilities Allowed for 2 gas utilities in our sample Allowed for 2 alternative gas companies Actual for 2 alternative gas companies Result: 36 – 37% RECOMMENDATION FOR EQUITY RATIO • Lower than 36% due to lower risk • Above 30% allowed for TransEnergie Distribution more risky • Recommend 33-35%