An Empirical Examination of Rational Expectations Hypothesis in the Foreign Exchange Market Fazlul Miah Fayetteville State University M. Kabir Hassan University of New Orleans Aminur Rahman Independent University Abstract The Efficient Market (EMH) and Rational Expectation Hypothesis (REH) have been examined for the Canadian Dollar / US Dollar and Swiss Frank / US Dollar exchange rates using data from February 1988 to May 1999 published by the Financial Times’ Currency Forecaster. Using unit root, and restricted co-integration techniques, we find that one-month ahead forecast is rational for the Swiss Frank / US Dollar exchange rate. However, one-month-ahead Canadian Dollar forecast is not rational. The study shows that when forecasting errors are corrected for serial correlation because of moving average process, three-month-ahead forecasts become rational for both the currencies. The twelve-month-ahead forecasts are not rational for any of the currencies. Introduction It has been documented in the empirical literature on foreign exchange that forward discount is a biased predictor of actual exchange rate change. There are a large number of studies that investigated the causes of this biasi. Fama (1984) argued that the existence of a time-varying risk premium is the cause of the forward discount bias. Another argument of expectational failure comes from Krasker (1980), who attributed the failure to the “peso problem”ii. Lewis (1989) attributes it to the learning effect while Bilson (1981) attributed it to simple irrationality. The absence and presence of a risk premium has been of considerable interest to economists and policymakers because of its far-reaching implications for the substitutability of assets denominated in different currencies and, hence, for the efficacy of sterilized foreign exchange market intervention. Dominguez and Frankel (1993) showed that foreign exchange intervention had a significant impact on risk premium in currency markets during the 1982-88 period. They also found that when rational expectations are imposed, intervention became ineffective. The use of survey data allows the direct measurement of a risk premium from the observation of the forward discount (fdt)iii, which can be decomposed into the expected currency depreciation and risk premium: fdt+j = tf t+j -st = (Et st+j -st) + rpt where tft is the log of the forward exchange rate set in period t, Et is an expectations operator based on the set of information available in period t, st+j and st are the log of the spot exchange rate in period t+j and t respectively, and rpt is a risk premium. Engel (1996) surveyed the literature that attempted to attribute the bias to a foreign exchange risk premium. All these studies assume that agents’ forecasts are rational. He concluded that the null hypothesis that the forward rate is a conditionally unbiased predictor of the future spot rate is routinely rejected and that the models of the risk premium have been unsuccessful at explaining the magnitude of this failure of unbiasedness. Using survey data on exchange rate expectations, a number of studies (for example, Frankel and Froot (1987, 1989), Cavaglia, et al. (1993a, 1993b), Chinn and Frankel (1994), tried to decompose the measure of the forward rate biasedness into a component due to risk and a component due to irrationality, and a fair summary of the literature suggests that both time-varying risk premia and irrationality are responsible for the failureiv. However, most of these studies do not investigate the time series properties of the survey data and use traditional regression techniques, which are criticized for being inappropriate. A good way to start an investigation of the causes of the forward discount bias is to investigate whether agents’ forecasts satisfy the Rational Expectation Hypothesis (REH). A number of studies such as, Dominguez (1986), MacDonald and Torrance (1989), Liu and Maddala (1992a, 1992b), Miah, Hassan, Waheeduzzman and Abual-Foul (2003) and Miah, Hassan and Alam (2003) investigated the REH using survey data. The majority of these studies in this area found that survey data do not satisfy REH, thus, implying that the failure is due to the existence of a risk premiumv. In the context of the foreign exchange market, REH says that if economic agents use all available information in forming expectation about future exchange rates, then, the expected exchange rate will be an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate. This is known as the test of unbiasedness in the literature. Consider the following equation: S t = α + β Set + εt where St is the spot rate, Set is the expected future rate and εt is a random error. If the economic agent is rational, then, a regression on the above equation will provide α = 0 and β=1 so that S t = Set + εt. In other words, the difference between the actual spot rate and the expected rate for that period will be a random error. Another test of the REH is based on the forecast error Set -St, which is known as the test of orthogonality. If expectations are rational, then the forecast errors will be uncorrelated with the variables in the information set, I t-1, containing all data available as of time t t-1. In other words, forecast error, Set -St = f (I t-1). The orthogonality test aims to assess whether economic agents use information that is available to them efficiently in order to forecast future exchange rates. Variables that are used for the test of orthogonality include past exchange rates, the forward discount, the inflation rate, money supply and changes in the interest rate, and others. In this paper, we test the REH using survey data published by the Financial Times’ Currency Forecaster. Financial Times’ Currency Forecaster is one of the few major sources of survey data on exchange rates. Takagi (1991) provided a detailed survey on the studies that used different data sources to test the There are only a few studies that explored the rationality of survey data using data from the Financial Times’ Currency Forecaster. However, these studies used the traditional regression analysis and the time period considered for the test is very short.vii In this paper, we will extend those previous studies using twelve years of monthly data and by applying the more recent econometric methods recommended for time series data analysis. The results from this research will provide a better perspective on the survey data and thus, the forward discount bias. 2 We use the old as well the recent unit root tests and the restricted co-integration test. These methods have not yet exploited by researchers using this type of data set. This also shows an econometric example of whether the results provided by different methods are similar, or different. The results obtained from this study can be utilized by the practitioners to see the accuracy of exchange rate movements in the future. This paper is divided into four sections. Section II discusses the estimation techniques and Section III presents the analysis of the results. Section IV concludes the paper. Estimation Techniques Two of the most widely used equations of the unbiasedness test are as follows: S where s t +k e t ,t + k =α + β S e t ,t + k + ε t +k (1) is expectation at time t of the exchange rate for time t+k, realized exchange rate at time t+k and S t +k − S t = α + β ⎛⎜ ⎝ S e t ,t + k ε s t +k is the actual is a random error. t +k − S t ⎞⎟ + ε t + k ⎠ Where st + k − st is actual depreciation and (2) st t + k − st is expected depreciation. e , The null hypothesis in this equation is that α = 0 and β = 1. Recent studies on time series econometrics show that conventional regression analysis may not be valid with non-stationary data. Nelson and Plosser (1982) showed that most macroeconomic variables, including exchange rate data, are non-stationary. This finding has an important implication on econometric analysis. The standard asymptotic distribution theory often does not work with regressions when data is nonstationary, thus making inferences difficult to evaluate. Besides being corrupted with the econometrics problems, the time horizon considered by different studies is also very short which give rise to another problem, known as the “peso problem”viii. The REH should be tested using a longer time period. A longer time period provides ample opportunities to economic agents to learn about an evolving environment, respond to changes in important policy variables, and correct for their earlier mistakes and hence, eliminate the bias created by the peso problem. Thus, Liu and Maddala (LM) (1992a, 1992b) and Osterberg (2000) argue that we should use the co-integration technique to test for rationality in the exchange market. Unit Root Tests In this study, we will use two unit root tests. These are the Augmented DickyFuller (ADF) test, which is the most commonly used in the literature, and the other one is the most recent one, the DF-GLS test. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) regression equation is as follows: p ∆yt = α + δt + ρ yt −1 + ∑ β j ∆yt − j + ε t (3) j =1 Fuller (1976) and Dickey and Fuller (1981) tabulated the critical values for the test statistics. There are two versions of this test: using a constant only or using a constant and a trend. We will report results for both types of estimation. 3 The ADF test is widely criticized for size distortion and poor power problem. Elliot, et al. (1996) suggested a modification of the ADF test, which is known as DFGLS test. The DF-GLS equation is as follows: ∆ y =δ y d 0 t p d t −1 + ∑ δ i ∆y i =1 d t −i +ε t (4) Equation 4 looks very similar to equation 3, the original ADF model. The only difference is that this model uses a de-trended series instead of the original series. Restricted Co-integration technique The co-integration technique that LM (1992a, 1993b) and Osterberg (2000) applied in their studies is known as the Restricted Co-integration Test. This is rather a direct approach. It is also possible to write a formal model as suggested by Granger (1981). In this paper, we will follow their approach. The approach has been discussed bellow. The co-integrating regression equation takes the following form: S t + k = α + β S t t + k + ε t + k , where st + k e , s e t +k is the actual realized spot rate at time t+k, is the predicted rate for time t+k and ε t + k is a random error. Note that if the actual rate s t + k follows a random walk, so should its rational e forecast s t + k , which means that the two time series should be co-integrated with a factor of one and random residuals. In that case α=0 and β=1. Then the equation will look like the following: S t +k = S t t +k + ε t +k e , Thus, we can simply take the difference between the actual and the expected e series, s t + k − s t + k and test for its stationary nature. If the residual series ε t + k is stationary, then, the two series are co-integrated with factor 1. This is called the restricted cointegration test since we have restricted α=0 and β=1 in the above equation. For the expected rates to be rational, we also require that the residual is a white noise process. We will use Q-statistics to test for the serial correlation in the residual series. If the residual series does not show any sign of serial correlation, we can say that the expected exchange rate series satisfies the rational expectation hypothesis. Osterberg (2000) argues that since the forecast periods are finer than the forecast horizon, the residual series will follow a moving average process. So a Q-test will show serial correlation even if the forecasts are rational. He applies a MA (3) estimation on the residuals from the monthly series (the forecast periods were weekly) and analyzes the residuals from the estimation and found that the residuals are white noise. Thus, he concluded that the monthly forecasts are rational. Again, the actual residuals of the three, six and the twelve-month-ahead forecast should be estimated as an MA (2), MA (5) and MA (11) process respectively, as the forecasts were made each month. Thus, the application of Q-test on the residuals from estimating these equations will be meaningful. This technique has been used to the actual residual series, which are stationary (co-integrated). 4 Analysis of Results We analyze data collected from the Financial Times’ Currency Forecaster for the Canadian Dollar/ US Dollar and Swiss Frank / US Dollar exchange rates from February 1988 through May 1999. The survey horizons were one-month, three-month, six-month and twelve-month. Table 1 reports the results of the unit root test performed on the actual as well as on the forecasted series at different horizons and Figure 1 provides the visual picture of all the series: actual as well as expected rates. Looking at the series, it is clear that there are trends in the data. Using the DF-GLS test, we cannot reject the null of a unit root even at the 10% level for all the series. However, using the ADF test, we cannot reject the null at the 5% level for the actual spot rate, one-month and three-month-ahead forecasts and at the 1% level for the six-month and twelve-month-ahead forecasts. So, in general, we can conclude that the actual and the expected future rates are non-stationary. For the Swiss Frank / US Dollar, both versions of the ADF and the DF-GLS tests cannot reject the null at the 10% level for the actual and the one-month-ahead expected exchange rates. Both versions of the DF-GLS test cannot reject the null at the 5% level for the three-month, six-month and twelve-month-ahead forecasts. The same is true for the ADF test except for the three-month-ahead forecast. The ADFb cannot reject at the 5% level, but the ADFa cannot reject at the 1% level. Thus, there is clear evidence based on both the tests that the Swiss Frank / Dollar data are non-stationary. Table 2 provides the results of the co-integration tests, which are the unit root tests on the forecast errors at different horizons for the Canadian Dollar / US Dollar exchange rates. The null of no co-integration (i.e., null of a unit root) was rejected for the one-month and three-month-ahead error series at the 1% level by both versions of the ADF test and at the 1% level by the DF-GLSd test. However, both versions of the ADF and the DF-GLS tests accept the null of no co-integration for the six-month and twelve-month-ahead forecast errors. Table 2 also presents the results of the co-integration test on the Swiss Frank / US Dollar exchange rates forecast errors. The results for the one-month and threemonth-ahead forecast errors are highly significant. Both versions of the tests reject the null at the 1% level. The results for the six and twelve-month-ahead forecast errors are mixed. Both versions of the ADF test reject the null for the six-month-ahead forecast error at the 1% level, but both versions of the DF-GLS test accept the null even at the 10% level. The ADFa rejects the null at the 10% level, but the ADFb and both versions of the DF-GLS tests accept the null for the twelve-month-ahead forecast error. The results of the Q-test are reported in Table 3. The lag lengths are chosen to be 4, 8, 12, 24 and 36. The numbers in parentheses refer to the probabilities associated with Q-statistics. We also estimated the residuals from the three-month-ahead forecasts as an MA (2) process. Since the frequency of the data is monthly, a monthly series on the three-month-ahead forecast error will display serial correlation even if the forecasts are rational. The Q-test shows that there is serial correlation with the Canadian onemonth-ahead forecast error. However, one-month-ahead Swiss Frank forecast error does not show serial correlation at the 1% level. MA estimation of the three-month-ahead forecast errors for both the currencies cannot reject the null hypothesis of no serial correlation. Osterberg (2000) estimated forecast errors from a monthly series, which was forecasted weekly as an MA (3) process and found no evidence of serial correlation. The three-month-ahead forecast error series would have a MA (2) moving average process. Table 3 does not report the MA estimation of the twelve-month-ahead forecast errors since we found evidence that the twelve-month-ahead forecasts are not cointegrated. The table does show MA estimation of the six month forecast for comparison purpose only, although the forecast error is not stationary. 5 Summary and Conclusion The Rational Expectation Hypothesis (REH) is upheld for the three-monthsahead expectations for the Canadian Dollar/ US Dollar exchange rate and is rejected for the one, six and twelve-month-ahead forecasts. The hypothesis is also upheld both at the one and three-month-ahead expectations for the Swiss Frank / US Dollar exchange rate, and the hypothesis is rejected for the six and twelve-moth-ahead forecasts. We have also found that both the unit root tests provided fairly consistent results. Our results support the earlier findings that the dispersion of expectations tends to increase with the forecast horizon. However, this study does not necessarily confirm other implications of the REH, such as the orthogonality of forecast errors with respect to the information available at the time of the forecast. It seems that rationality is a country specific phenomenon. At present the authors are investigating whether application of different empirical methods and use of different time periods have any implication on the current result. Notes I See, for example Hodrick (1987), Engel (1996) for a review of literature on this issue. The term was coined by a researcher who took as his classic case the behavior of the Mexican Peso which, although notionally on a fixed exchange rate, traded consistently at a forward discount to the US dollar in the mid 1970s, in anticipation of a devaluation that duly materialized in 1976. So a test of REH for this time period will show that the expectations are biased. In this situation, the standard assumption of normality of the distribution of the test statistic will not be appropriate. This problem may arise in other situations as well. For example, when there is a small probability of a large change in the exchange rate each period, a bursting of speculative bubble, or a big change in fundamentals and when the sample size is not large enough to invoke the central limit theorem with confidence. III The forward discount (premium) is the proportion by which a country’s forward exchange rate falls below (exceeds) its spot rate. For example, assume that the 12month-ahead forward rate is 1US. Dollar = 0.60 Pound Sterling. If the spot rate at present is 1 US. Dollar = 0.50 Pound Sterling, it follows that there is a forward premium of 20% on dollars (and a forward discount on sterling), because dollars to be delivered in twelve months cost 20% more than dollars to be delivered on the spot. In this paper, the phrases forward discount or forward premium will be used interchangeably. IV See Frankel and Froot (1989) for a formal derivation of this decomposition of the slope coefficient in a regression of the exchange rate change on the forward discount. V A recent survey of literature in this area is given in MacDonald (2000) and Osterberg (2000). VI Takagi (1991) mentioned five major sources of survey data. They are American Express Banking Corporation , London; Economist Financial Report, London; Money Market Services, New York and London; Godwins, London and Japan Center for International Finance, Tokyo. VII According to our knowledge, there are only two studies that test the rationality of survey data using Financial Times’ Currency Forecaster. They are Chinn and Frankel (1994) and Sobiechowski (1994) studies. The time period considered for the test of REH in these studies do not exceed six years. VIII The peso problem arises when there is a small probability of a large change in the exchange rate for each period, a bursting of a speculative bubble, or a big change in fundamentals and when the sample size is not large enough to invoke the central limit theorem with confidence. The peso problem invalidates the standard assumption of normality of the distribution of the test statistic in a test. II 6 References Bilson, , John F. O., (1981) The Speculative Efficiency Hypothesis, Journal of Business, 54, pp. 435 – 452 Cavalgia, S. W., Verschoor F. C. and C. C. P. Wolff (1993a) Further Evidence on Exchange Rate Expectations Journal of International Money and Finance, 12 (1), pp. 78-98. Cavalgia, S. W., Verschoor F. C. and C. C. P. Wolff (1993b) Asian Exchange Rate Expectations Journal of the Japanese and International Economics, 7(1) pp. 57 – 77. Chinn, M. and Frankel J. A. (1994) Patterns in Exchange Rate Forecasts for TwentyFive Currencies Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 26 (4), pp. 759- 770. Dickey, D. A. and Fuller, W. A. (1981) Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root Econometrica, 49, pp. 1057 – 1072. Dominguez, K. M., and Frankel, J. A. (1993) Does Foreign Exchange Intervention Matter? The Portfolio Effect American Economic Review, 83(5), pp. 1356-69. Dominguez, K. M. (1986) Are Foreign Exchange Forecasts Rational? New Evidence from Survey Data Economic Letters, 21(3), pp. 277-81. Elliot, F., Rothenberg, T. J. and Stock, J. H. (1996) Efficient Test for an Autoregressive Unit Root Econometrica, 64(4), pp. 813-36. Engel, C. (1996) The Forward Discount Anomaly and the Risk Premium: A Survey of Recent Evidence, Journal of Empirical Finance, 3, 123 – 192. Fama, E. (1994), Forward and Spot Exchange Rates, Journal of Monetary Economics, 14, 319 - 338 Frankel, J. A. and Froot, K. A. 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Kabir Hassan and Ikhtiar Alam. “Testing the Rationality of Exchange Rate: Evidence from Survey Data,” American Business Review (Forthcoming). 7 Nelson, C. R. and Plosser, C. I. (1982) Trends and Random Walks in Macroeconomic Time Series Journal of Monetary Economics, 10, pp.139-162 Osterberg, W. P. (2000) New Results on the Rationality of Survey Measures of Exchange-Rate Expectations Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Quarter 1. Sobichewski, D. (1994) New Evidence, Using a Large Cross Section of Currencies, On ‘Standard’ Propositions of Exchange Rate Expectation Mechanisms, Unpublished Dissertation, Department of Economics, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Takagi, S. (1991) Exchange Rate Expectations: A Survey of Survey Studies IMF Staff Papers, 38 (1), pp. 157-183. 8 Figure 1: Future Spot and Expected Future Rates for Can. Dollar / US. Dollar and Swiss Frank / US Dollar respectively 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 ST S6 S3 96 97 98 99 97 98 99 S12 S1 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 89 90 91 92 93 94 S1 S12 S3 95 96 S6 ST Note: St, S1, S3, S6 and S12 are actual, one-month, three-month, six-month and twelve-month-ahead forecasts respectively. 9 Figure 2: The Residual Series for the Canadian Dollar / US Dollar and Swiss Frank / US Dollar Exchange Rates respectively 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 U1 U12 96 97 98 99 U3 U6 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 89 90 91 92 93 94 U1 U12 95 96 97 98 99 U3 U6 Note: U1, U3, U6 and U12 are one-month, three-month, six-month and twelve-month-ahead forecast errors respectively. 10 Table 1: Unit Root Tests on Future (St) and Expected Future (Se t, t+i) Canadian Dollar / US Dollar Exchange Rates Statistics CD$ / US$ ADFa ADFb DF-GLSc DF-GLSd SF / US$ ADFa ADFb DF-GLSc DF-GLSd Note: Actual Spot Rate -0.1866 -3.0580 -0.0633 -1.3525 Survey Forecasts One Month Ahead -0.3609 -3.1739 -0.2537 -1.5032 Three Month Ahead -0.5177 -3.3066 -0.4347 -1.6389 Six Month Ahead -0.5881 -3.5376 -0.5545 -1.7911 Twelve Month Ahead -0.7099 -3.7694 -0.7763 -1.6799 -2.2104 -2.3038 -2.2030 -2.2399 -2.3174 -2.4072 -2.2981 -2.3412 -3.0232 -3.1622 -2.7772 -2.8902 -2.9368 -3.1406 -2.6814 -2.8658 -2.8601 -3.3624 -2.5578 -2.7432 Lag lengths are chosen based on Baysian Information Criterion (BIC) a. ADF test is performed with a constant only. b. ADF test is performed with a constant and a trend. c. DF-GLS test is performed on the series, which are de-trended using a constant only as described in the paper. d. DF-GLS test is performed on the series, which are de-trended using a constant and a trend as described in the paper. Table 2: Restricted Co-integration Tests on Future (St) and Expected Future (Se t, t+i) Canadian Dollar / Dollar Exchange Rates: Unit Root Tests on Forecast Errors (Se t, t+i - St) Statistics CD$ / US$ ADFa ADFb DF-GLSc DF-GLSd ADFa ADFb DF-GLSc DF-GLSd One Month Ahead -12.4255 -12.7575 -1.2343 -10.8283 -9.6519 -9.6506 -9.5991 -9.6342 Survey Forecast Errors Three Month Six Month Ahead Ahead -5.4993 -1.9097 -6.1614 -2.0403 -3.582 -0.7483 -5.69 -1.9465 -6.8333 -4.1978 -6.8129 -4.0988 -5.4918 -2.0971 -6.4967 -2.7093 Note: Legends are the same as in Table 1. 11 Twelve Month Ahead -2.4663 -3.1223 -1.0151 -2.8964 -2.8515 -2.8882 -2.0006 -2.3853 Table 3: Test of Serial Correlation on the Canadian Dollar / Dollar Exchange Rate Using Q-Statistics CD$ / US$ Series 1 month ahead forecast error 3 month ahead forecast error MA(2) estimation 6 month ahead forecast error MA(5) estimation 12 month ahead forecast error SF / US$ 1 month ahead forecast error 3 month ahead forecast error MA(2) estimation 6 month ahead forecast error MA(5) estimation 12 month ahead forecast error Note: Q(4) 2.7667 (0.598) 87.866 (0.000) 2.4237 (0.298) 224.11 (0.000) 24.843 348.86 (0.000) 9.9306 (0.042) 92.267 (0.000) 8.3309 (0.016) 155.98 (0.000) 10.880 243.95 (0.000) Q(8) 17.842 (0.022) 110.11 (0.000) 12.305 (0.055) 298.66 (0.000) 39.673 (0.000) 557.49 (0.000) Q(12) 23.027 (0.028) 134.26 (0.000) 17.647 (0.061) 357.11 (0.000) 54.56 (0.000) 648.54 (0.000) Q(24) 66.254 (0.000) 159.59 (0.000) 27.160 (0.205) 375.03 (0.000) 66.254 (0.000) 691.86 (0.000) Q(36) 72.693 (0.000) 176.78 (0.000) 39.049 (0.253) 383.39 (0.000) 72.693 (0.000) 711.77 (0.000) 12.679 (0.123) 99.978 (0.000) 12.549 (0.051) 157.25 (0.000) 13.248 (0.004) 282.11 (0.000) 15.84 (0.199) 107.29 (0.000) 15.157 (0.126) 164.85 (0.000) 15.963 (0.25) 301.39 (0.000) 34.476 (0.077) 133.93 (0.000) 27.414 (0.196) 226.8 (0.000) 43.119 (0.001) 364.47 (0.000) 45.039 (0.144) 151.81 (0.000) 37.704 (0.304) 237.24 (0.000) 54.325 (0.006) 390.2 (0.000) All Q(k) statistics are distributed as chi-square (k) The Numbers in parentheses are the associated probabilities The null of the Q-test is no serial correlation MA(5) estimation for the six-month-ahead forecast is provided for comparison purpose only although the series is not stationary. 12 13