Cameron professor authors new math textbook

For Immediate Release – Lawton, OK, Oct. 3, 2006
Cameron professor authors new math textbook
Cameron University Mathematical Sciences Professor Ioannis K. Argyros, Ph.D., has authored a new
textbook entitled “Approximate Solution of Operator Equations with Applications,” which was recently
published by World Scientific Publishing Corporation in New Jersey.
“The book contains new research related to numerical methods for solving equations,” said Argyros. “It is
designed to assist researchers, practitioners and students to efficiently utilize numerical methods to
approximate solutions of equations resulting from the study of real life problems arising in engineering,
mathematical programming, mathematical physics and mathematical economics.”
Several Cameron students participated in the production of the textbook as part of their course work. In
order to gain working experience, the students produced numerical results in the exercises of the book’s
introductory chapters.
Dr. Argyros has published another 13 books and more than 500 peer reviewed articles in computational
mathematics. He was also elected to serve on the editorial board of the peer reviewed journals entitled:
Antarctica Journal of Mathematics, Polimetrica, PUJM and has been included in the list of reviewers for the
Mathematical Reviews of the American Mathematical Society and eleven other Mathematical Journals.
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