Cameron student organization to host egg hunt

For Immediate Release – Lawton, OK, April 2, 2004
Cameron student organization to host egg hunt
Members of Cameron University's Programming Activities Council (PAC) are hard at work stuffing eggs
with candy and prizes for the organization's annual Easter egg hunt on Thursday, April 8.
Cameron students, faculty, friends and their families are invited to attend the event, which will include face
painting, games, photos with the Easter Bunny and, of course, the traditional egg hunt.
"We host several events every year specifically geared for our students with families," said Cameron’s PAC
Chair, Mande Whittington. "Our mission is to provide a wide selection of activities for Cameron's diverse
student population. The annual egg hunt is just one way of fulfilling that mission."
Festivities begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Activities Building, located across University Drive from the
Davis Student Union in Lawton. Children ages 10 and under are welcome. Admission is free.
For more information on this or other special programs offered by PAC, contact the CU Office of Student
Activities at 580/581-2217.
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