Cameron students kick off a ‘month of action’

For Immediate Release – Lawton, OK, Feb. 19, 2004
Cameron students kick off a ‘month of action’
Cameron University students are raising their voices and their profile in a series of constructive events
intended to get local college students involved in Lawton and surrounding communities. The events are
sponsored by Vocal Oklahomans in Civic Engagement (VOICE), a campaign dedicated to encourage civic
involvement among young adults.
“Raise Your Voice: Month of Action” kicked off last week in the House chambers of the State Capitol.
Chancellor Paul G. Risser welcomed participants from college campuses and from state government in a
forum to discuss the importance of the observance. A delegation from Cameron attended the event, using
it as an opportunity for students to visit with their legislators and tour the capitol building.
Cameron is one of 11 public and private institutions holding such activities as voter registration campaigns,
volunteer recruitment and food bank service projects, said Lindsay Baugh, a junior radio/television major
from Lawton who serves as CU’s VOICE coordinator.
One of Cameron’s projects is “Whose Responsibility is It?” Posters depicting photographs of poignant
social, environmental, or political situations have been hung in prominent campus locations this week with
large sheets of blank papers and pens. Students have the opportunity to write out their answer to the
question, “Whose responsibility is it?”
month of action, ADD ONE
Baugh said the Cameron VOICE organization will sponsor several other projects in the days and weeks
ahead, including a canned food drive during Cameron’s Feb. 23-28 homecoming, a March 11 collaboration
with Cameron Campus Ministries marking Drug & Alcohol Awareness Day, and a moderated discussion of
student issues called “Campus Dialogue.”
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Editors and Broadcasters: For more information contact CU Government & Community Relations at
580.581.2211 or Ben Hardcastle with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher
Education at 405.225.9346. Lindsay Baugh may be reached via email at