This lesson is about learning to use your dictionary and its special symbols. They can help you say words more clearly. The spelling of words in English does not always show how they are actually pronounced. For example, the consonant sound in the word shoe can be spelled in many ways. sh oe s ugar na t ion ra c ial mi ss ion
In addition, many letters have more than one possible pronunciation. For example, the letter “a” is pronounced differently in each of these words. c a t f a ther l a te sof a m a ny
For this reason, dictionaries and pronunciation books (like this one) use special symbols.
This means each sound has only one symbol, no matter how it is spelled. If you learn to read and use these symbols, you can improve your ability to pronounce words you want to say.
NOTE: This lesson is meant to be done in small doses over several days. The beginning of each Essentials section is meant to be done during class-time with a teacher’s assistance. The Exercises marked “Homework” are meant to be done by students on their own.
These words are often difficult to pronounce clearly. Try saying them. Then listen to them.
Discuss how they are difficult. Say them again. clothes usually months work question walk fifth twelfth world year women would
Write three more words you find particularly difficult.
Your own words: _________________ _________________ __________________