Minutes for November 13, 2015

Minutes for November 13, 2015
Members present: Saeed Ahmad, Marie-Ginette Baillargeon, Cathy Blackman, Maureen Durant,
Mike Estep, Loree Gaines, Kevin C. Garrett, Bayard Godsave, James Heflin, Dwight Hite, Dana
Hilbert, Jeff Metzger, Teresa Morales, Dejan Mraovic, Roni Kay O’Dell, Deidre Onishi, Holly
Rice, Lynda Robinson, Derick Steyn, Andrew Stonerock, Brenda Sweeney, Keith Vitense.
Dr. Robinson called the meeting to order.
The minutes from the last meeting on October 9, 2015 were brought up for approval. Before any
motion was made to approve the minutes, VP Vanderslice wanted a change made to her
comment concerning the administering of IDEA evaluations. The amended sentence reads: Dr.
Vanderslice suggested that the IDEA be given during class time to ensure greater participation.
A motion was made to approve the amended minutes by Dr. Vitense and the motion was
seconded by Dr. Morales.
Committee Reports: Rules Committee: Dr. Vitense said that the Cameron website shows two
vacancies on the Faculty Committee, but really there is only one vacancy, and that vacancy is
due to a member who is no longer working at the university. In order to fill the vacancy, Dr.
Vitense looked at the most recent election results, but there was a tie between the two next
eligible faculty. In order to avoid having a new election, Dr. Vitense requested that he be allowed
to speak to the two persons and see if one will refuse and one will accept a position on the
committee. Lynda said this is possible and ratified the proposal.
SAFAC: Approved four new student organizations. The names of these new organizations were
not stated.
Long Range Planning Committee: They met on November 12 and are brainstorming to see what
classes/programs can be offered totally online.
Old Business: Dr. Robinson noted that the new excused student absence for religious reasons and
makeup examination policies were approved by President McArthur.
Dr. Heflin passed out handouts with the possible wording of Flex Loading for the faculty
handbook. Dr. Robinson explained that the faculty handbook’s current wording does not allow
for Flex Loading—12 hours in the Fall and 12 hours in the Spring is how the faculty handbook
spells it out, but Flex Loading would state 24 hours in an academic year. After much discussion,
it was decided to table Flex Load until the next Faculty Senate meeting. Senators are asked to
bring this issue to their departments and discuss it. Dr. Heflin made the motion to table Flex
Load and Dr. Baillargeon seconded.
Q & A with VPAA Vanderslice: Dr. Vanderslice thanked faculty for encouraging students to see
the visiting speaker on November 12. The VPAA explained that this is the direction that Faculty
Development is headed: bringing speakers to campus instead of having faculty go away and
bring information back to campus. Thus, funding for Faculty Development through Dr.
Wohlers’s office will be reduced. VPAA explained that her office is seeing which classes and
degree programs could be offered online. Quality is of high importance for online classes, and
with this in mind the VPAA encouraged all faculty to attend the Faculty Development speaker
that VP Burgess is bringing to campus on December 18. There will be two sessions: “Applying
the Quality Matters Rubric” and “Improving Your Online Courses.” Faculty must attend the first
class to attend the second class. By taking these classes, faculty can qualify as Evaluators of
online courses. The goal is to have Deans and Chairs able to be Evaluators. Spring schedule: no
extra days for emergency weather days. Faculty were encouraged to think of ways to handle this.
All faculty will have Blackboard shells for their classes. VPAA encouraged faculty to place their
syllabus and gradebook on Blackboard—SGA asked for these. Budget: travel restrictions: The
OU legal team has been asked how CU could define and interpret “essential” for essential travel.
The VPAA asked Deans to make a compelling case for their faculty members’ travel being
essential. “Attending” a conference will make it difficult to be seen as “essential,” but if a faculty
member is “presenting,” then that would make for a stronger argument for funding the travel.
Cameron cannot send faculty to expensive conferences. Taking students to a conference or on a
trip has a greater likelihood of being seen as “essential” travel. The VPAA has not passed out
grant funds because Cameron is waiting to see if the state will ask for money back. There might
be a mid-year budget cut.
New Business:
1. Dr. Robinson explained the approvals from the Board of Regents: Endowed Chairs: Dr.
Kuchta in Education received the Endowed Chair in Educational Leadership & Dr.
Mireles in Music received the Joye R. Lentz Endowed Professorship in Music. Both
positons became effective on October 1
2. Advancement in rank for non-tenure track faculty: Dr. Robinson explained that this is
from Dean Terry Conley. Cameron relies on non-tenure track faculty, but currently there
is nothing in place for them to be promoted. Can we create an upper rank? Instructor I &
II? Dr. Estep asked: Didn’t Faculty Senate discuss this a few years ago? Dr. Heflin: Yes,
it was discussed, but not voted on. Dr. Robinson said she would look through the minutes
of Faculty Senate meetings to see what was discussed concerning this in past years.
Dr. Robinson adjourned the meeting.