Cameron University – Faculty Senate Minutes September 11, 2015 Members present: Saeed Ahmad, Marie-Ginette Baillargeon, Cathy Blackman, Krystal Brue, Shaun Calix, Maureen DuRant, Mike Estep, Loree Gaines, Kevin C. Garrett, Bayard Godsave, Andra Hunt, Gary Kowaluk, Hong Li, Dwight M. Hite, Jeff Metzger, Teresa Morales, Deidre Onishi, Holly Rice, Maj. Brian Souter, Derik Steyn, Andrew Stonerock, Brenda Sweeny, Matthew Van Sant, Linda Wright-Smith, Ronna Vanderslice. Call to order by Lynda Robinson. Motion to approve previous minutes made by Teresa Morales. The motion was seconded by Cathy Blackman. The motion to approve the previous minutes passed unanimously. Guest Speakers: Tony Wohlers and Terry Conley. Dr. Wohlers spoke about the Honors Program. He passed around a handout on the Honors curriculum and Honors’ course rotation. The handout included a chart showing the active Honors students and their credit hours production. Dr. Wohlers would like to have 130-140 active students in the Honors program. The handout included another chart showing Honors students’ credit hours production in dollars from Fall 2012-Fall 2015. Dr. Wohlers explained that the Leadership class is considering adding a “Leadership Award Recognition” for students who complete the course. Students who completed the course could include the award on their resumes. Dr. Wohlers is looking to add Honors classes, especially in the Sciences. Dr. Wohlers concluded his presentation saying that he is seeking input from faculty with regards to ways the Honors Program could be improved. Dean Terry Conley spoke about faculty teaching loads. According to the CU Faculty handbook, all faculty are to teach 12 credit hours per semester. However, Flex Loading is a new possibility, and Dean Terry Conley used the example: a faculty member teaches 9 hours in the Fall and has 3 hours of reassigned time for research. In the Spring semester, that faculty member would teach 15 hours, so that the number of credit hours taught matches the CU handbook, stipulating that faculty teach 24 hours in an academic year. Dean Terry Conley emphasized that Flex Loading is a way to help promote student research, which can improve retention and graduation numbers After Dean Terry Conley finished his presentation, Lynda Robinson said that she will send the Flex Loading idea to the Faculty Committee for discussion. VPAA Vanderslice reported information from the Council of Chairs and the Council of Deans concerning Intersession advising. She pointed out that now each department handles Intersession advising differently, but in December/January Intersession, CU will implement a new advising structure that will attempt to put all advisement in one location on campus and have advisors who can advise all majors. Next VPAA Vanderslice spoke about the syllabus review she conducted in Spring 2015, which looked at a random sampling of faculty syllabi to see if the syllabi stated Gen Ed objectives, grading and attendance policies, etc. This is in preparation for the next Higher Learning Commission visit. VPAA Vanderslice encouraged faculty to look at the syllabus checklist on Aggie Access to see if our syllabi meet the checklist. Next VPAA Vanderslice said that she is not looking to find a replacement for Lani Malcolm’s position in her office. She explained that Mandy Husak and Vinetta Buchanan will handle Special Requests out of VPAA Vanderslice’s office. This task was previously performed by Lani Malcolm. VPAA Vanderslice explained that at a Council of Chairs meeting President McArthur discussed the possibility of centralizing night classes. Student and faculty safety as well as cost effectiveness are reasons why this plan is under consideration. If this plan is enacted, it will be done so in Spring 2016, and the buildings that are under consideration for the night classes are: the Library, Academic Commons, MCC, Aggie Rec Center, Nance Boyer, Sciences Complex, Ross Hall, and the Music building (for the 8 weeks due to the Community Band practice). The Chairs expressed concern that there might not be enough space for ITV offerings, so Howell Hall is also under consideration, as it has many ITV equipped classrooms. Cathy Blackman asked VPAA Vanderslice whether or not faculty were required to be on campus 35 hours per week. VPAA Vanderslice said that she expects faculty to be on campus for students (availability to the students), and for faculty to remember that their positions are full-time jobs. The 35 hours does not mean only office hours, but includes teaching time, office hours, prep time for classes, and committee work. VPAA Vanderslice concluded by saying that 35 hours a week is important for CU’s claim that we are a “student-centered” university. Old Business: Certify election results: Linda Wright-Smith won the Going Green Committee election, and Jim Heflin is the Faculty Senate Chair-elect. Cathy Blackman made a motion to certify the election of Linda and Jim, and Shaun Calix seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. New Business: Lynda Robinson asked the Senators to check out the new Copyright Compliance Policy. The link was provided on the meeting’s agenda. Discussion: Lynda Robinson said that President McArthur will be at the next Faculty Senate meeting on October 9, 2015. Lynda Robinson adjourned the meeting.