Faculty Senate Meeting Thursday October 23, 2008 UC MULTIPURPOSE ROOM (Note the change of location) 3 - 5 PM I. Administrative Procedures A. Roll Call B. Approval of the Minutes from September 2008 C. Chancellor’s Report II. Council Reports A. Academic Policy and Review Council: Ted Coyle, Chair 1. Eliminate Jumpstart training as a graduation requirement 2. Include Majors on Diplomas 3. Reduce Minimum Required Hours for Continuing Thesis Courses 4. Remove the Requirement to “Re-Apply” after One Semester Separation and Replace with a Request for Re-enrollment Form 5. Eliminate AA-4 forms; use AA-5 forms for minor curriculum changes 6. Final Transcripts verifying conferral of a baccalaureate-level degree must be submitted to the Graduate School by the end of the first semester of admission 7. Curriculum B. Collegial Review Council: Mary Kay Bauer, Chair Extension of the Tenure Clock C. Faculty Affairs Council: Philip Sanger, Chair Reporting the Status of Past and Approved Senate Resolutions III. Other A. Old Business Revision of Section 4.0 of Faculty Handbook B. New Business Rules Committee: Changes to the Faculty Constitution IV. Reports A. Administrative Report B. Faculty Assembly: Gary Jones C. SGA: Michael Frixen D. Staff Forum: Jed Tate E. Chair Report: Richard Beam