Faculty Senate Meeting Wednesday September 24, 2008 Killian 104: Taft-Botner Room

Faculty Senate Meeting
Wednesday September 24, 2008
Killian 104: Taft-Botner Room
3 - 5 PM
Administrative Procedures
A. Roll Call
B. Approval of the Minutes from August 2008
1. Request feedback on minutes
C. Chancellor’s Report
Council Reports
A. Academic Policy and Review Council: Ted Coyle, Chair
1. Dual Degrees
B. Collegial Review Council: Mary Kay Bauer, Chair
1. Revisions to Section 4.0 of Faculty Handbook
2. Tenure Clock
C. Faculty Affairs Council: Philip Sanger, Chair
1. Policy on Course Management System
2. Student Assessment Instrument (SAI) Validation Plan
3. Survey Wording (Corrected)
4. Standardization of CourseEval Availability Dates
5. Response to Open Ended Question Policy in SAI (given to
Department Heads)
6. Faculty Caucus’/Faculty Forums
7. Engagement
A. Old Business
1. Rules Committee membership
B. New Business
A. Administrative Report
B. Faculty Assembly: Gary Jones
C. SGA: Michael Frixen
D. Staff Forum: Jed Tate
E. Chair Report: Richard Beam