Nashville Coast Show 2015

Nashville Coast
Show 2015
The coast show is a wholesale trade market for
apparel and accessories held recently in Nashville to
meet the buying needs of fashion retailers across
Tennessee. MTSU TXMD students were invited to
tour the show and interact with vendors and buyers.
The coast show is a new extension of the Miami
coast show, held twice annually.
Madison and Morgan Rogers, of
Nobody’s Buziness, exhibits their
product line. Morgan is a graduate of the
TXMD Apparel Design program.
Left to Right: Jessica Blair, Dr. Teresa King, Kirbe Hughes, Shykea Bruell,
Dr. Lauren Rudd, Stephanie Drake, Anthony Mitchell, Dr. Gina Pisut,
Barbara Clark, Caitlyn Dotson, and Logan McCage
Leslie Stephens exhibiting her product
line, Ola Mai, at the Coast Show. Leslie
is a graduate of the MTSU TXMD
Apparel Design program.