Sub-grid scale processes: the role of snow and lakes at the arctic forest/tundra transition Philip Marsh1,2, Stefano Endrizzi1, Cuyler Onclin2, Mark Russell2, Newell Hedstrom2, and Chris Marsh1 2. 1. University of Saskatchewan National Hydrology Research Centre Environment Canada, Saskatoon Outline 1. Study sites 2. 2006/07 data collection 3. Snow processes – Compare the effect of shrub and tundra surfaces on snow accumulation and melt 4. Process modelling 5. Lakes (WILL NOT DISCUSS LAKES IN THIS TALK) 6. Plans for the remainder of year 2 and year 3 Field Sites - Inuvik, NWT area Big Lake Beaufort Sea Denis Lagoon Trail Valley Creek (TVC) TVC HPC TVC Lake 0 50 K ilo m e tre s Mackenzie River @ Arctic Red R. Havikpak Creek (HPC) TVC vegetation cover and station location NWRI and MSC station WSC TVC discharge Tundra station TVC Lake Lake basin discharge Shrub station Similar vegetation maps are available for Havikpak Creek TVC Tundra TVC Tundra HPC Forest TVC Shrub TVC Shrub TVC Lake Lake instrumentation TVC Lake Big Lake Water Survey Canada lake water level gauge Terrestrial sites: Instrumentation – 2006-07 Terrestrial sites (annual) Instrument Air temp/RH HMP35CF Barometric Pressure Setra Wind speed/direction RM Young Rainfall Tipping bucket Precipitation Geonor weighing alter Incoming/outgoing short/long CNR1 Surface temperature Everest IR Ground temp + heat flux Campbell themistors and HFP Snow on ground Campbell SR50 Sensible and Latent Fluxes Campbell CSAT + Krypton Hygrometer + 21x Discharge Water Survey Canada Stream velocity Price + acoustic doppler 7 stations including: 1. HPC main met, 2. TVC MSC, 3. TVC main met, 4. TVC shrub, 5. TVC tundra, 6. Denis Lagoon and 7. Big Lake Sensible and latent flux measurements are seasonal Lake sites: Instrumentation 2007 Lake sites (summer only) Instrument 2 sites including: Same as terrestrial sites as appropriate, plus Water level RBR pressure recorder Water temperature RBR temperature recorder Lake discharge Acoustic doppler 1. TVC Lake 2. Denis Lagoon Typical problems with unattended winter measurements Process and Parameterization • Observations at all study sites during 2006/07, and analysis of these data are ongoing • Process modelling to date include: • Cold Regions Hydrologic Model (CRHM) • Glen Liston’s Snow model • GEOTOP • TOPOFLOW – All of these are small scale hydrologic models that will allow testing of, and comparison of, parameterizations on snow accumulation and melt, and allow comparison of methods to scale to the correct scale needed for prediction Role of shrubs in controlling snow accumulation and melt • Previous work has shown the expansion of shrub areas into the tundra north of Inuvik • Previous modelling of snow accumulation and melt at shrub sites at TVC was shown to have lower accuracy than for tundra sites or for drift locations (Pohl et al.). • This uncertainty is due to difficulties in modelling: • shrub behaviour • effect of shrubs on radiation and • effects of shrubs on turbulent fluxes. During spring 2003, most of the shrubs were ”bent” over, and covered by snow May 2003 Snow depth between 30 to 60 cm Aug 2003 Shrub heights between 1.5 m to 3 m 2003 2004 2005 Range of conditions during the 5 study years, with shrubs almost completely covered in 2003, mostly standing above the snow in 2005, and the other years being between these extremes. 2006 2007 Effects of shrubs on albedo during melt Incoming shortwave 300 TUP and TTS TTS air temperature 30 20 200 10 0 100 Air Temperature (oC) 40 400 Shortwave Radiation at a shrub and tundra site -10 0 Apr/1 Apr/11 Apr/21 May/1 1.2 May/11 May/21 May/31 Jun/10 Jun/20 2003 Albedo 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 TUP TTS 0.2 0.0 Apr/1 Apr/11 Apr/21 May/1 Outgoing Shortwave 300 250 May/21 May/31 Jun/10 Jun/20 May/21 May/31 Jun/10 Jun/20 May/21 May/31 Jun/10 Jun/20 2003 TUP TTS 200 150 100 50 0 Apr/1 Apr/11 Apr/21 May/1 350 250 200 May/11 2003 300 Net Solar May/11 TUP TTS 150 100 50 0 Apr/1 Apr/11 Apr/21 May/1 May/11 2003 Lower albedo at the shrub site, results in less outgoing shortwave, and therefore increased absorbed shortwave Outgoing longwave radiation at a shrub and tundra 2005 site 450 TUP TTS (above "canopy" W/m 2 400 350 300 250 450 120 140 160 180 Day number 400 TUP TTS (above "canopy" 2 W/m 2006 350 300 250 450 120 140 160 Day number 180 2007 TUP TTS (above "canopy" W/m 2 400 350 300 250 120 140 160 Day number 180 Increased longwave emission at the shrub site due to the occurrence of exposed shrubs with warmer stems Sensible Heat Flux at a Tundra site (TUP) Positive flux is upward Sensible Heat Air Temperature Wind Speed 350 Only first 2 days of melt Is the flux towards the surface TUP 300 250 2 Sensible heat flux (W/m ) or Temperature (C) or Wind Speed (m/s) 400 7 day melt period 200 150 100 50 0 2003 May/25 May/30 Jun/04 Sensible Heat Flux at a Shrub site (TTS) Positive flux is upward Sensible Heat Air Temperature Wind Speed 350 300 250 2 Sensible heat flux (W/m ) or Temperature (C) or Wind Speed (m/s) 400 5 day melt period Only 1 day + brief periods is the flux towards the surface TTS 200 150 100 50 0 May/25 May/30 2003 Jun/04 Change in snow covered area and snow water equivalent with increased melt at the shrub site, and snow being removed from first at the shrub site SCA 1 .0 14 SWE 0 .8 12 10 0 .6 8 6 4 2 0 1 6 /M a y 0 .4 T u n d ra S W E S h ru b S W E S h ru b s n o w c o v e r a re a T u n d ra s n o w c o v e r a re a 2 0 /M a y 2 4 /M a y D a te (2 0 0 3 ) 0 .2 2 8 /M a y 0 .0 0 1 /J u n Snow covered area Snow Water Equivalent (cm) 16 Process modelling to date include: • Cold Regions Hydrologic Model (CRHM) • Glen Liston’s Snow model • GEOTOP (see poster by Stefano Endrizzi) • TOPOFLOW Cold Regions Hydrological Model (CRHM • Preliminary test as applied to Trail Valley Creek for 1998/99 • Initial run set up as follows: – 4 HRUs • Tundra (69.8% of basin) • Shrub (21.5%) • Forest (0.5%) • Drift (0.2%) – Evaporation – used the Granger method – Discharge • Soil component set to have minimal effect • Did not use snow from PBSM • Instead used 97 mm SWE from end of winter snow survey CRHM – snow accumulation and melt TVC 1998/99 140 Pohl et al. CRHM Tundra SWE CRHM Shrub SWE 120 Drift = 457 mm CRHM Forest SWE CRHM Drift SWE 100 Forest = 110 mm Measured SWE 80 mm Tundra = 114 mm 60 Shrub = 197 mm 40 20 0 27-Sep 1-Nov 6-Dec 10-Jan 14-Feb 21-Mar 25-Apr 30-May 4-Jul Estimated SWE is underestimated for all sites, but it seems likely that this is due to underestimating snowfall. However, it appears that the drifts are severely under estimated. CHRM – Evaporation using Granger method TVC 1998/99 160 CRHM Tundra evap 140 120 mm 100 CRHM Shrub evap CRHM Forest evap CRHM Drift evap Measured LE 80 60 40 20 0 1-Jun 11-Jun 21-Jun 1-Jul 11-Jul 21-Jul 31-Jul 10-Aug 20-Aug Measured LE is from Eddy Correlation 30-Aug CRHM - Discharge TVC 1998/99 5 5.5 5 4.5 Measured Discharge 4.5 4 Precipitation 4 3.5 CRHM Discharge 3 3 2.5 2.5 mm m3/s 3.5 2 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 20May 30- 9-Jun 19May Jun 29Jun 9-Jul 19Jul 29Jul 8-Aug 18Aug 28- 7-Sep 17Aug Sep 27Sep First test shows that CHRM underestimates total spring discharge and overestimates response to rain events 750 650 Liston Snow model, end of winter SWE 550 450 350 250 150 Liston Snowmodel 50 S. Pohl et al. C. Marsh et al. 2007 Observed vs modelled snow covered area SPOT May 23 1999 May 28 1999 June 10 1999 Model Oblique photos Liston Model Planned activities over the next year NRC Twin Otter Aircraft 9 flight lines (in red), each approx. 16 km in length aircraft observations - 1999 TVC Tower • aircraft eddy correlation measurements provide an estimate of basin average measurement of latent and sensible fluxes, and gridded fluxes at 1 km resolution. Currently working with Dr. Ray Desjardins (Agriculture Canada) to compare aircraft to modelled fluxes Tower vs aircraft comparison 2 Flux (W/m ) 100 80 Tower Tower 120 150 150 140 100 Aircraft 50 100 50 0 Tower 0 0 50 100 Aircraft 150 0 50 100 Aircraft 150 60 Aircraft 40 Tower 20 Sensible 0 May 20 May 24 May 28 Date (1999) Jun 1 May 20 Latent May 24 May 28 Date (1999) TVC Tower vs TVC transect #8 Jun 1 Jun 5 Tower vs aircraft fluxes 200 200 #11 #9 #8 150 150 Flux (W/m2) #9 100 Flight #5 50 100 #7 Flight #7 #5 50 #8 #11 0 0 Tower Tower -50 -50 -100 May 25 May 28 Snowcover = 39% May 28 Latent Sensible May 31 Date (1999) Jun 3 -100 Jun 6 May 25 May 28 May 31 Jun 3 Date (1999) Jun 6 Lidar 1. DEM – is of sufficient accuracy for small scale hydrologic modelling 2. Vegetation – unfortunately the Lidar was flown with minimal overlap between flight paths. Although it is still useful, it has significantly reduced our ability to estimate vegetation height and density. As a result, we hope to acquire new Lidar data during the summer of 2008 TVC Basin TVC Lake Collaborative Modelling Efforts • We are currently working with Murray Mackay (MSC) and Paul Bartlet (MSC) to use CLASS to better understand factors controlling melt at a shrub and tundra site at Trail Valley Creek • Will be providing data to the following IP3 groups – Ric Soulis and Frank Seglenieks – data to initialize MESH for TVC (done) and HPC – Diana Verseghy – data to run CLASS for TVC Lake studies • We are collaborating with Peter Blanken (U. of Colorado Boulder) to analyze our lake flux data • Will be working with Raoul Granger to consider implementing his lake evaporation parameterization to the Inuvik area study sites • We are collaborating with Dr. Ray Desjardins and hope to analyze the NRC aircraft data for the flight lines over lake rich regions near Inuvik Map vegetation cover over entire domain using Lidar, Quickbird, Landsat and ground truthing Beaufort Sea Quickbird TVC HPC Lidar vegetation Mackenzie River 0 50 K ilo m e tre s @ Arctic Red R. THE END