Faculty Assembly Executive Council Minutes April 17, 2013 ASB-230 900-1015 AM

Faculty Assembly Executive Council Minutes
April 17, 2013
900-1015 AM
Present: Jill Weiss, Jennefer Mazza, Jonathan Lipkin, Irene Kuchta, Donna Crawley, Bob
Becklen, Ken McMurdy, Tae Kwak, and Murray Sabrin
Absent: None
Secretary: Dean Chen
1. Approval of FAEC minutes from 4/10/13
a. Approved, one abstention
2. General Education Planning Task Forces
a. Membership on General Education Task Force II:
i. Proposed to include a non-voting student representative.
ii. Discussed whether to include a DAC representative, and, if so,
whether this representative should be a faculty and voting member.
1. FAEC members voted the inclusion of a DAC
representative (a faculty, elected by DAC) to serve as a
voting member. All voted in favor, and Jill abstained.
b. Discuss Task Force II’s conceptual framework in bullet point 2: add
achieving Ramapo’s four pillars (International, interdisciplinary,
intercultural, and experiential).
i. Proposed to change “LEAP Goals” to “conceptual framework” in
bullet point 3.
c. To include full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty in Task Force II?
i. FAEC members voted: 7 in favor, 1 abstain, and 1 against
3. Strategic plan: the Strategic Planning Task Force will meet and revise the plan
based on the comments provided by faculty.
4. RF policy: Emma is working on it.
5. Deans’ reappointment follow-up.
6. Campus climate follow-up: Bob will follow up.
7. Graduate programs follow-up: Jennefer will follow up.