PROVOST’s COUNCIL MINUTES March 16, 2016, 8:30-10:00 Present Alison Morrison-Shetlar, Brandon Schwab, Jeff Ray, Doug Keskula, Lowell Davis, Richard Starnes, Darrell Parker, Farzaneh Razzaghi, George Brown, Carol Burton, Jill Granger, Brian Kloeppel, Susan Fouts, Tony Johnson, Greg Hodges Guests Kevin Koett, Sam Miller, Phyllis Robertson for Dale Carpenter Recorder Anne Aldrich ANNOUNCEMENT/INFORMATION New Science Building (Richard Starnes) Richard provided an update on plans moving forward with the new science building. The bond was voted in on March 15. DISCUSSION Update on YikYak and UC postings discourse around ‘Black Lives Matter’ (Sam Miller/ Kevin Koett) Chalking around campus has been occurring for several weeks now. This morning there were chalking’s at the entrance of HFR. To provide context, last week at the University Center, across from the Intercultural Affairs Office there is an art gallery space celebrating Black History month exhibiting a poster from ‘Blacks Lives Matter’. Tuesday of this week there was an addition referencing police brutalities against blacks. An undergraduate student leader on campus posted on social media that the posters were not accurate. This began a dialogue that moved into YikYak which is much rawer. YikYak is anonymous and focused around geographical location only. Sam distributed information on the postings for our area. Sam additionally described the Tunnel of Oppression event that took place on campus on Tuesday. There were between 400-500 students who attended the Tunnel of Oppression. Student Affairs has been having individual communications but there has not been a campus wide statement to date. Kevin Koett is meeting with student leaders tonight to create action plans to address the issues being presented. Discussion ensued. Action Item New Health Sciences Degree Next steps - create a ‘Safe Space’ and provide talking points to faculty who may choose to frame a conversation in their classes or for those who are less comfortable. We need to tap into faculty expertise and communicate this is a place where we embrace the free exchange of ideas through civil discourse. In addition we need to reinforce there are strong emotions associated with these topics. Alison requested Richard, Carol and Jeff to assist in crafting a communication to the faculty. Doug presented a PowerPoint on the new Health Sciences degree and reviewed details with the council. He plans to present this to the faculty after spring 1 (Doug Keskula) break with the goal of having the program in the pipeline to GA by the fall. Discussion ensued. Doug is happy to meet with any of the council individually to discuss further details. Provost Council voted unanimously in support of moving this program forward. Update on Master in Athletic Training (Doug Keskula) There is a movement in the Athletic Training profession towards a master level entry. There was a conference call with GA last week regarding this topic. As a system we are moving forward with application to GA for January 2017 with the goal to have a fall of 2018 implementation. We are currently working on addressing various issues. Doug hopes to have further details by the end of the semester. WCU has done very well in the bachelor’s level program as compared to others in the state. We will provide a teach-out program for the bachelor students then proceed with just the Masters in Athletic Training. Hunter Library Scholar Course Release (Farzaneh Razzaghi) The agenda item is deferred to the March 31st Provost Council Workday. Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club of Buncombe County (Alison) Alison has followed up with the appropriate deans regarding this initiative. Deans will keep the council updated. Budget Priorities (All) We will defer this item to the March 31st workday. In preparation please consider where we are in terms of our budget, as we have no new reoccurring funds. However, we have a priority of increasing salaries and improvement in recruitment and retention. Until we receive enrollment growth money we are limited in our efforts. Come to the workday considering: Where we are regarding budget; What we need to do to have increased enrollment, retention, and improved graduation rates; Where do you think we need to be from your perspective; What would you put on the table to shift dollars towards the current priorities (salaries, scholarships, etc.). We need to think institutionally. Greg gave an update on computer refresh. 2