University of Puget Sound Technology Services Sprint 10 Details – February 2 to March 13, 2015 Project Name Brief Description Owner Status Advising Placement Questionnaire A questionnaire for incoming first-year students that captures advising and seminar selection, majors/programs/areas of interest, etc. Academic Advising Design and Development Advising Group Assignments Assign incoming students to advising groups and classes. Academic Advising Design and Development Math Placement Test Configure Math Placement Test for incoming students. Academic Advising Design Update to Manage Advisor Availability Eliminate reliance on materialized view in Manage Advisor Availability. Academic Advising Development Department Chairs Page A page for Department Chairs and Administrative Assistants to view information about students with majors/minors in their department. Academic Dean Development myPugetSound Welcome Page Implement a new page in myPugetSound for deposited students to access advising, billing and financial aid, housing, and orientation applications in PeopleSoft. Admission Development Business Services Development Campus Bundle #36 Implement Campus Solutions Bundle #36 to ensure financial aid regulatory compliance and apply bug fixes and updates. Campus Core Development Orientation SelfService Application Provide tool for incoming students to apply for Orientation activities. Dean of Students Design and Development Procurement Tools Update the purchase order inquiry screen to include important information and to fix errors that have been present since initial release. Finances Development Human Resources 9.2 Upgrade HR pillar from 9.1 to 9.2 to take advantage of Upgrade features available in the most current version. Human Resources Development Emergency Response Queries to extract and print student and course data BI Reports that might be needed in an emergency. Registrar Development Commencement Program Produce report for Commencement Program. Registrar Development Incoming Student Housing Application Implement delivered housing application for incoming students. Residence Life Analysis and Configuration Develop interface between PeopleSoft and Simple K. Interface to Simple K Simple K is a software system that will help Security - Phase 2 Services issue and track keys for faculty, staff, and students. Student Financials Development Terms and Conditions Requires students to accept terms and conditions before Student registration can occur. Financials Development Interface to Millennium Develop interface from PeopleSoft to Millennium. Financial Aid 2015-16 Support for Financial Aid process for 2015-16. University Relations Testing