Specifiers Properties information exchange (SPie) MEMORANDUM FOR RECORD 1. PURPOSE. This memorandum documents process used to update all SPie templates to the version specified below. 2. SCOPE. The product type to which this memorandum applies can be identified by the name of this file. This memorandum applies to all updates that resulted in the publication of SPie Version 2 product template files. 3. PARTICIPANTS. This work was accomplished as joint effort of the personnel identified below. Apologies are provided to those additional participants whose names did not appear below due to missing affiliation and email information at the time of the drafting of this memorandum. 3.a Construction Specification Institute team Mark Kalin Thomas P. Lewis Michael MacVittie Steve Martin Ric Master David Stutzman Robert Weygant Kalin Associates Door Security Solutions Allen+Philp Architects CADworks USG Building Systems Conspectus Sumex Design mkalin@kalinassociates.com tlewis@assaabloydss.com mmacvittie@allenphilp.com smartin@cadworks.net rmaster@usg.com dstuzman@conspectusinc.com robert@sumexdesign.com 3.b buildingSMART alliance team Deke Smith Dominique Fernandez Nick Nisbet Robert Anderson NIBS NIBS AEC3 Vectorworks dsmith@nibs.org dfernandex@nibs.org nn@aec3.com randerson@nemetschek.net 3.c U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers team Bill East Kristine Fallon Robert Feldman Lourdes Gonzalez ERDC KFA KFA Primera Engineers bill.east@us.army.mil kfallon@kfa-inc.com rfeldman@kfa-inc.com lgonzalez@primerachicago.com CSI builidingSMART UKI NASA GraphiSoft Constructivity OBO CSI UL pbertram@kingspanpanels.com mark.bew@scottwilson.com wbrodt@nasa.gov mchapin@graphisoft.com tim@timchipman.com ClarkeRE@state.gov GCeton@csinet.org 3.d Corresponding team Paul Bertram Mark Bew Bill Brodt Monte Chapin Tim Chipman Robert Clarke Greg Ceton Charles Gerhardt Charles.P.Gerhardt@ulenvironment.com Abeer Haddad Malcom Junkin Robert Keady Russ Manning Rossen Marinov Andy Smith Renee Tietjen Betsy Titus Jim Whitehead Arol Wolford Brad Workman Kaiser Permanente GSA DOD UL Bentley VA UL InDyne Smart BIM Bentley abeer.haddad@kp.org malcolmjunkin@gmail.com robert.keady@gsa.gov Russell.Manning@tma.osd.mil Rossen.Marinov@ul.com Andy.Smith@bentley.com Renee.Tietjen@va.gov Elizabeth.Titus@ul.com james.s.whitehead@nasa.gov arol.wolford@smartbim.com Brad.workman@bentley.com 4. PROCESS. The process of work that began in early 2011 and continued through to December 2011 is summarized as follows. a. Specifiers Properties Version 1 Templates. Version 2 templates began with the revision of the Whole Building Design Guide’s Product Guide in the Spring of 2011. This update was based on the product of generic IFC-based templates for 1200 products and assemblies found in the IFC 2x3 model. b. High Performance Product Properties. A contract between the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers and KFA resulted in the development of product property sets that need to be identified in Building Information Models that promote and verify the use of sustainable products. A total of 56 products were selected under this project scope and these formed the basis of SPie version2. Properties that needed to be added to the IFC generic properties were identified by property set name and originating country. c. CSI Volunteer Review. CSI Volunteers reviewed the combined Version 1, plus Sustainability properties and provided feedback to KFA who collated the information for publication. Properties that needed to be added to the IFC generic properties were identified by property set name and originating country. d. Operators Product Properties. A parallel project at the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers was investigating product properties needed for building operators. The results of a survey aimed at creating the Operators’ Properties information exchange were scrubbed, compared to existing IFC and suggested property sets and a set of additional properties were provided. Properties that needed to be added to the IFC generic properties were identified by property set name and originating country. e. Maintenance, Warranty, Parts Product Properties. Prior to the start of this effort a meeting with product manufacturing associations, in March of 2010, resulted in the consensus statement that the generic specification for maintenance schedules, manufacturer warranty and replacement parts information in the COBie specification provided a proper representation for such information. As such, these properties are included in all SPie Version 2 templates. f. Geometric Representations. Of the 56 products and assemblies that formed the basis for SPie Version 2, 37 of these products could be said to be products with specific geometries (as opposed to assemblies or systems). These products were illustratively modeled, without consumable items, in IFC and implemeneters’ agreements for the use of these geometries were developed and published with the product data. g. Final Version 2 Templates. The combination of all the work above that began in early 2011 and continued through to December 2011 resulted in the final production of the templates. 5. PUBLICATION. 5.a These templates were released for public review at the 2011 NIBS Annual Meeting in Washington DC, 8 Dec 2011. 5.b These templates, and the overall process for the development of consensus templates are expected to be submitted as part of NBIMS-US v3 balloting. 6. FUTURE WORK. 6.a. It is expected that work to develop of consensus templates will continue. 6.b. A simplified XML format called the ifcCutSheet under development by NIBS will be tested in 2012 and published as part of the NBIMS-US v3 balloting process. 6.c All extended properties identified for the products in this effort will be taken to buildingSMART international as recommended model extensions for IFC 2x4. (end of document)