Application for Funding under Commonwealth Specialist Training Program 2015 Rural Supplementation @ $15,000 (GST inclusive) per annum Training Facility Discipline Rural Location (City) State Name of Supervisor Name of Trainee FTE of Trainee Application Contact Principles to be agreed – Please answer below to establish eligibility for the Rural Support: 1. The training position is located within an Australian area classified under the Remote Area classification as RA2, RA3, RA4 and RA5. Y/N 2. The trainee is not on secondment from another country or employed by a hospital/training facility that is not within an Australian rural location. Y/N 3. The trainee is an Australian citizen or permanent Australian resident and enrolled in the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) training program. Y/N 4. The rural training facility is accredited by the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) Y/N 5. The rural training facility will provide trainees with the opportunity to undertake assessment activities in accordance with the RCPA training program (where appropriate) Y/N Evaluation Criteria – (please detail what the proposed funding is to be used for and outline how the proposed activities will contribute to the pathology training in rural areas). See RCPA Guidelines for Rural Supplementation Funding when completing your application. 1. Conference /Course/ Training Session/Study Visit Allowance Estimated Costs 2. Textbook and Publication Allowance Estimated Costs 3. Research Projects Estimated Costs 4. Microscopes/Equipment Estimated Costs 5. Accommodation Allowance Contribution for Rural Rotation Estimated Costs Supervisor Signature Trainee Signature Date Supervisor Name Trainee Name