Program Development Plan DRAFT Program: Philosophy and Religion (PAR) DRAFT Department: Philosophy and Religion Date: TBD Strengths: The PAR program … offers a strong and rich curriculum that thoughtfully balances serving the needs of its undergraduate majors and those of the larger student body has a strong faculty, including not only a talented and highly collegial group of tenured and tenure-track faculty but a dedicated if under-supported group of adjuncts The review team thinks highly of the basic structure of PAR’s new plan to assess the major, the model of having bookend seminars for majors, is a national best practice and should prove an excellent structure faculty, individually, have done an admirable job of seeking external support for their research and endeavors Recommendations Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review A. Curriculum 1. The administration is urged to recognize the importance of PAR’s adjunct faculty in supporting PAR majors with a religion concentration. (P. 6, R1) 2. Create more major-only course options for students through its newly introduced sophomore and capstone seminars. Given the philosophy degrees of the present PAR faculty, PAR needs adjuncts to support the 2/3 of our PAR majors who are Religion majors. Administration PAR created those courses this year. Current Kevin Schilbrack (PAR DH) (P. 6, R2) Philosophy and Religion 1 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations 3. Department should follow through on its plans to develop a pre-law track. (P. 6, O1) 4. There is a significant opportunity for the expansion of PAR’s footprint on campus, as well as the continued reimagining of philosophy as a discipline pertinent to contemporary and practical academic discourses, through Arts & Sciences’ Humanities Program. Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action PAR will propose a pre-law concentration in 2011-12. DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review Kevin Schilbrack (PAR DH) PAR will begin to run the Humanities Program. Current Kevin Schilbrack (PAR DH) PAR will offer new religion courses as Special Topics. Current Kevin Schilbrack (PAR DH) (P. 6, O2) 5. With a long-term adjunct having her specialization in Native American religions, there is not only an opportunity to offer courses covering the neighboring Cherokee peoples but also to extend courses in the area of environmental studies from the philosophical to the religious side of the curriculum (even possibly ecofeminism). (P. 6, O3) Philosophy and Religion 2 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations 6. A number of untapped curricular opportunities in the area of religion could be addressed, in particular courses in specific religions. Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action PAR will offer new religion courses as Special Topics. Current DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review Kevin Schilbrack (PAR DH) (P. 6, O4) B. Faculty 7. The area of specialization of the next tenure-track faculty should be women in religion/feminism/ecology (in line with PAR faculty desire). Hire a new faculty member with a specialization in religion. (P. 7, R1) 8. At least one or two offices should be dedicated to PAR’s adjunct faculty. (P. 7, R2) 9. There is an opportunity to diversify PAR’s tenure and tenure-track faculty, especially in area of religion. If PAR has adjuncts, we would like an office for them in Stillwell. See Strategic action #7. (P. 8, O1) 10. A model of a visiting professorship in which a scholar resides in the department for an academic year might fit the current needs of PAR particularly well. [no funding available?] (P. 8, O2) C. Assessment Philosophy and Religion 3 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations 11. The department needs to work to further refine the rubrics it proposes to use in PAR 295 and 495. Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible The PAR faculty will further refine its assessment rubrics. Current Kevin Schilbrack (PAR DH) The PAR assessment committee will review and evaluate student materials in PAR 295 and 495. Current Kevin Schilbrack (PAR DH) Date of Review (P. 8, R1) 12. Introduce the use of an assessment committee constituted by a cross section of departmental faculty to annually consider a sample of papers, tests, or other student materials from the entry and capstone seminars and individually scores the work by means of the rubrics discussed above. (P. 8, R2) 13. Develop a plan for assessing the attainment of general education learning outcomes in all lower-level offerings satisfying WCU graduation requirements. (P. 8, R3) 14. Present collected data and findings at the regional meetings of the APA and the national and regional meetings of the AAR (thus making important contributions to the understanding of assessment in philosophy and religion). PAR will cooperate with the university’s programs for assessing general education courses. PAR will look for opportunities to present scholarship on teaching and learning. Kevin Schilbrack (PAR DH) (P. 9, O1) D. Advancing the Department through Funding and Promotion Philosophy and Religion 4 Academic Affairs DRAFT Recommendations Program Development Plan Resources needed C = current R = reallocation N = new Strategic Action DRAFT Costs Person(s) Responsible Date of Review 15. There are opportunities for the faculty to become engaged with the national efforts and research of the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), which has spear-headed the introduction and implementation of the LEAP outcomes for undergraduate education. (P. 9, O1) 16. Promote some of the existing and planned programs—the Washington D.C. service-learning program, the contributions to Liberal Arts and Humanities, the proposed pre-law track—on the website, through brochures, via campus forums and hosted panels. PAR will promote our programs in those forums. Kevin Schilbrack (PAR DH) PAR will consider creating this board for community outreach. Kevin Schilbrack (PAR DH) (P. 9, O2) 17. Consider creating an advisory “board of visitors” from outside of WCU. (P. 9, O2) Philosophy and Religion 5 Academic Affairs