Document 12158262

AND PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
AWARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
RESEARCH CENTRES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Centre for Entrepreneurship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Centre for Strategic Marketing and Innovation . . . . . . .
Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Centre
for International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
PricewaterhouseCoopers Centre
for Corporate Social Responsibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Case Development Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
ORGANIZED BY GSOM SPBU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
ACADEMIC JOURNALS PUBLISHED IN GSOM SPBU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
The Russian Management Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
FACULTY PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
International Peer-Reviewed Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
International Peer-Reviewed Journals of ABS list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other International Peer-Reviewed Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Russian Academic Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1-5 Academic Journals According to Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Rating (Economics and Economic Sciences) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other Russian Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals of the VAC
(State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles) list . . . . . . . . . . .
Other Russian Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals of the VAC list . . . . . .
Other Russian Academic Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Publications in Professional Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Russian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Books. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Collections Scientific Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Doctoral Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. 27
. 27
. 27
. 32
. 35
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
National Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Working Papers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GSOM SPbU Working Papers Series .
Working Papers Published at Social
Science Research Network . . . . . . .
Scientific Editing of the Russian Translation
Cases Rregistered at ecch . . . . . . . . . .
Textbooks and Manuals . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
APPENDIX 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
The List of Research Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
APPENDIX 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Membership of GSOM SPbU Faculty
in Journal Editorial Bords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Research Programmes and Publications
Sergey Kushch
Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor
Deputy Dean of the Faculty, GSOM SPbU
Dear colleagues!
Being a university business school, Saint Petersburg
University Graduate School of Management (GSOM
SPbU) is equally focused on the development of
educational programmes and research in Management.
Building on the achievements of the past, in 2012 GSOM
SPbU continued its vigorous work with the creation and
dissemination of valuable new knowledge for science,
business and society in general, in accordance with the
Development Programme of Saint Petersburg University
until 2020 and the Strategic Development Plan for
GSOM SPbU for 2008-2012.
The past year proved to be particularly successful
and in many respects iconic for the School. GSOM
SPbU became the first business school in the post-Soviet
region that gained the international EQUIS institutional
accreditation in recognition of its high quality of education
and research. The school was also reaccredited with
international AMBA accreditation, which has been
granted to not more than ten Russian business schools.
Currently GSOM SPbU is considered to be the
leading management research center in Russia, being
the leader among Russian business schools in terms of the
number of publications in international peer-reviewed
scientific journals in management and a leading Russian
Case Studies Center that has the largest own collection
of cases registered in European Case Clearing House
Now the key task of GSOM SPbU is to defend its
leading position among business schools in the postSoviet region and to develop the School as a world
class intellectual center in the field of management. I am
confident that success in this endeavor will contribute to
the development of the Russian economy in general and
the international competitiveness of Russian education in
Research Book 2012
Aleksandr Muravyev
PhD, Associate Professor
Head of Research Programmes Committee
Dear friends and colleagues!
We are pleased to present the GSOM SPbU
Research Book for 2012.
St. Petersburg University GSOM has uniquely
innovative in the Russian business schools research
environment: it includes four research centres,
internships at leading universities and research centres
around the world, a post-graduate programme that
meets international standards, a library possessing
collection of books on management and subscriptions
to journals and databases which is unique for Russia,
the publication of two journals on management, regular
conferences and workshops, grants to support research
and conference participation, bonuses for articles
publication in leading international scientific journals.
The main areas of research at GSOM SPbU are
Entrepreneurship, International Logistics and Supply
Chain Management, Corporate Social Responsibility,
Strategic Marketing and Innovation. The School has
four research centers that specialize in these areas.
Other areas, although not yet having the status of
research centers, are actively developing, particularly
in the field of comparative analysis of policies
and practices of Human Resource Development in
international and Russian companies. Research grants,
a number of research articles, case studies and book
chapters indicate the success of this area. Thus, at
the latest anniversary conference of the International
Academy of Human Resources Development (AHRD)
in Denver (USA), GSOM SPbU was described by the
organizers as the Russian leader in research in Human
Resource Management.
GSOM SPbU faculty serve as members of the
editorial boards of leading international and Russian
journals on Management (International Journal of
Human Resource Management, Journal of Business
Logistics, Journal of Change Management), guest
editors (Journal of Operations Management,
Management Learning, Industrial and Corporate
Change) and reviewers (Entrepreneurship Theory
and Practice, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of
Business Ethics, Journal of Comparative Economics).
In 2012 GSOM SPbU hosted conferences
with participation of leading Russian and foreign
researchers: VI International Research Conference
“Game Theory and Management”, XIV International
Research Conference “Public Sector Transition” and the
conference “Dynamic Capabilities, and the Sustainable
Competitiveness of Firms and Nations”.
The report provides detailed information on the
research activities at GSOM SPbU in 2012, including a
comparison with previous years. We are confident that
these achievements will contribute to the development
of the School as the leading international center of
research on Management.
Research Programmes and Publications
Research Programmes
and Publications
Publications in international scientific journals on
Management are given the highest priority for GSOM
SPbU, as for the most university business schools. At the
same time the School values other forms of the dissemination
of research activity, such as books,chapters in a book,
articles in professional journal, cases, publications in
a series of research papers, as well as presentations
at Russian and international conferences. Research at
GSOM SPbU is defined as a wide spectrum of intellectual
activities, including fundamental and applied research,
and the development of educational materials.
In 2012 the growth or stabilization of quantitative
indicators is typical for most types of research activity.
This success is due to a further increase in the number of
publications in the leading international journals of the
Association of Business Schools (ABS) Academic Journal
Quality Guide (Table 1) which is indicative of the beginning
of a long-term upward trend in the quality of research
(Figures 1, 2, Tables 2, 3). In 2012 64 full-time faculty
members, 4 Senior Researchers, 10 Laboratory Assistants
and Research Engineers, researchers and 6 Research
Projects Managers contributed to the development of
GSOM SPbU research activities (Figure 3).
The achievements of GSOM SPbU should be
attributed to further growth of its case study collection,
including cases registered in the European Case Clearing
House (ecch), an increase in the number of monographs
published by GSOM SPbU faculty, including those in
English (e.g., the book “Russian Multinationals: From
Regional Supremacy to Global Lead” by A. Panibratov
published at “Routledge”), as well as the chapters in
collective monographs.
2012 has also seen high activity in the categories
“National and Research Reports” (e.g., “Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor. Russia 2011” report prepared
by O. Verkhovskaya and M. Dorokhina) and “Scientific
Editing of Translations”.
In 2012 GSOM SPbU continued to issue two journals
in the field of Management, holding leading positions
according to the Russian Science Citation Index impact
factor: Russian Journal of Management – 1st place
among magazines specializing in management issues
(4th among published in Russia scientific journals on
“Economics. Economic Science”), and Vestnik (Herald) of
St. Petersburg University. Management Series – 1st place
in specialized academic journals of national universities.
Financial support for research is organized at GSOM
SPbU according to the principle of co-financing. In 2012
the annual research budget of the School amounted to
about 1.6 mln Euro, which is slightly lower than in 2011
(see Table 4). The main sources are competitive grants
from the Russian government (including those which are
part of the Development Programme of Saint Petersburg
University until 2020), and foreign government research
support funds, private Russian and international funds, as
well as targeted funding of research projects by GSOM
SPbU corporate partners and other companies.
Research Book 2012
Table 1. 10 Best Publications of 2012
Fugate B.S.,
Autry Ch.W.,
B., Germain R.
Bertrand O.,
Muravyev A.
Andreeva T.,
Kianto A.
Gavrilova T.,
Andreeva T.
Lehmann H.,
Muravyev A.
Paper title
Does Knowledge
Differentiation? The
effect of global
manufacturing reach
Performance of
Domestic and CrossBorder Acquisitions:
Empirical evidence
from Russian
Investor Protection
and the Value of
Shares: Evidence
from Statutory
Rules Governing
Variations of
Class Rights in an
Emerging Market
Does Knowledge
Really Matter?
Linking knowledge
and economic
Elicitation Technique
in Knowledge
Labour Market
Institutions and
Labour Market
Performance: What
Can We Learn from
Transition Countries?
Journal title
Vol., Issue
(2011 /
SJR (2011)/
SNIP (2011)
of Production
Vol. 139,
Issue 2
1.760 /
2.278 /
Journal of
Vol. 40,
Issue 3
1.028 /
1.405 /
Journal of Law,
Economics and
40 p.
1.023 /
1.014 /
Journal of
Vol. 16,
Issue 4
0.678 /
Journal of
Vol. 16,
Issue 4
0.678 /
Economics of
Vol. 20,
Issue 2
0.679 /
0.634 /
Research Programmes and Publications
Table 1. 10 Best Publications of 2012 continues
Should Countries
Block Foreign
Takeovers of R&D
Champions and
Promote Greenfield
Bertrand O.,
Journal of
Hakkala K. N.,
Norbäck P.-J.,
- Revue
Persson L.
Canadienne D
The International
Journal of
Blagov Yu.,
Philanthropy in
Business in
PetrovaRussia: Evidence
Society (Special
Savchenko A.
from a national
issue: Changing
awards competition
Role and
Responsibility of
Journal of
HRD Practices and
Training and
Talent Management
Zavyalova E.,
in the Companies
Kucherov D.
(Journal of
with the Employer
Vol. 45,
Issue 3
0.610 /
1.034 /
Vol. 12,
Issue 4
0.342 /
Vol. 36,
Issue 1
0.298 /
Table 2. GSOM SPbU Faculty Research Output, 2008-2012
Articles in academic journals
Research Collections
Articles in professional journals
Cases and teaching notes / registered in ecch
Books and textbooks translations
Research Book 2012
Table 3. Number of GSOM SPbU Faculty Publications in International and Russian
Academic Journals, 2008-2012
Number of Publications in International
Academic Journals
Number of Publications in Russian Academic
incl. ABS list
incl. A, В
incl. VAK list
incl. 1-5 acc. to RSCI
Articles in Russian academic
Articles in international
academic journals
incl. articles in ABS journals
Fig. 1. GSOM SPbU Faculty Publications in International and Russian Academic Journals, 2007-2012
Research Programmes and Publications
Articles in Academic Journals
Research Collections
Articles in Professional Journals
Cases in Teaching Notes
Cases and Teaching Notes registered
in ecch
Fig. 2. GSOM SPbU Faculty Research Output, 2012
Research Projects
Junior Researchers
Investigating Researchers
Professors doing Research
Fig. 3. Faculty and Staff Involved in Research in Management, 2012
Research Book 2012
Case collection
incl. registered in ECCH
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Fig.4 Cases Developed by GSOM SPbU Faculty, 2007­—2012
Table 4. Research Projects Funding, 2008–2012 (in Euro)
Federal Budget
GSOM tuition
1 250
2 842
36 821
24 698
64 518
3 745
16 706
22 343
25 036
67 831
6 049
5 458
21 423
25 860
58 791
1 525
6 652
14 589
20 421
43 187
5 000
2 220
27 120
35 090
13 319
36 659
97 396
123 136
269 416
Best Paper at the Conference
The Best Publishing Project
Nikulin E.D., Candidate of Science (Economics),
Assistant Professor of Finance and Accounting
Shatalov A.I., Candidate of Science (Economics),
Assistant Professor of Strategic and International
The paper “Franchising in the Russian Market: Does
an Optimal Franchise Proportion Exist?” is awarded
with Best Competitive Paper Award: Second Rank at
2012 Emerging Markets Conference organized by
International Management Research Academy (IMRA).
The focus of this study is on the problem of finding the
optimal balance between the number of company-owned
and franchised outlets. Additionally, this paper studies
factors which determine a company‘s propensity to
franchise. The data on 46 companies of different industrial
affiliations for 2010 were examined. It‘s revealed that the
proportion of franchised units is positively related to the
number of cities a company operates in and is negatively
related to a company‘s size. The hypothesis of a nonlinear
relationship between the proportion of franchised outlets
and a company‘s return on assets is also supported in the
sample of organizations considered which means that
an increase in the proportion of franchised outlets over a
certain limit is not appropriate for the firm. This result can
be explained in terms of two major risks inherent in the
franchising strategy which come into play: risk of brand
disruption and risk of losing a business.
GSOM SPbSU Publishing Center won the 1st place in
the one of the most prestigious nominations of the 6th RussiaWide Competition of University Books at 25th Moscow
International Book Fair – “The Best Publishing Project” for
the anthology “Contemporary Management Classics“.
The Anthology includes 3 books:
Andreeva T.E., Gutnikova T.Y. (eds.) Knowledge
Management. St. Petersburg: GSOM SPbSU Publishing
Center, 2010. – 576 p.
This anthology represents the classical works on
theory of knowledge management, one of the youngest
and most popular disciplines in the field of management.
Knowledge is what creates value in the majority of
modern companies, but knowledge management as an
intangibleand often unconscious resource, is a serious
conceptual and practical issue. This anthology collects
the basic works in the field of theoretical analysis and
practical knowledge management tools, including
papers by such renowned authors as I. Nonaka,
R. Grant, J. Quinn, P. Romer, J. Barling, N. Bontis,
E. Wenger, M. Zack, A Dagfus, D. Delong, U. Schneider
and others.
Research Book 2012
Shirokova G.V. (ed.) Change Management. St.
Petersburg: GSOM SPbSU Publishing Center, 2010. –
528 p.
This anthology represents the classical works
on theory of change management, one of the most
important disciplines in the field of modern management.
The theory of change management includes life-cycle
theory of organizations, as well as various concepts
for the understanding of the change process, the tools
used to measure it, the methods to control it. This book
brings together the most interesting and useful results of
researchers in this field and, in particular, the works of such
renowned scholars as I. Adizes, W. Barnett, L. Greiner,
J. Kimberly, G. Carroll, R. Nelson, E. Penrose, J. Freeman,
M. Hannan, R. Quinn, C. Levine, H. McLaughlin, etc.
Most of the translations are done for the first time.
Klemina T.N. (ed.) Organization Theory. St. Petersburg:
GSOM SPbSU Publishing Center, 2010. – 605 p.
The anthology includes translations of the most
significant conceptual papers written by leading
international experts in the field of organization theory that
represent the most influential schools of the organizational
thought of the second half of XX-early XXI centuries. The
vast majority of anthology materials have been translated
into Russian for the first time. The anthology gathers the
most interesting and useful research in this area, including
the works of such renowned scholars as G. Morgan,
J. Davies, K. Marquis, R. Duncan, J. Child, L. Donaldson,
R. Duncan, J. Pfeffer, G. Salancik, T. Kascharo,
M. Piskorski, K. Oliver, W.R. Scott and others.
Research Centres
Research Centres
According to the priority areas of research the four
research centers continued to operate in GSOM SPbU
in 2012:
Centre for Entrepreneurship;
Centre for Strategic Marketing and Innovation;
Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Centre for International Logistics and Supply Chain Management,
PricewaterhouseCoopers Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility.
The centres aim to contribute to formation and further
development of GSOM SPbU competencies on its profiles targeting at leadership in Russia and worldwide in
the relevant areas.
In addition, there is the Case Development Center in
GSOM SPbU, which has the most extensive in Russia
collection of full-length and mini-cases based on Russian
and international companies doing business in Russia.
Most of the cases developed in the center are research-
based, i.e. are the result of the collection and processing
of raw materials.
All centers have three interrelated priority areas:
world-class research on current issues in the theory and
practice of management, promoting the quality of teaching in GSOM SPbU specialized degree programs at all
levels and the development and implementation of innovative training programs for managers and entrepreneurs. Young researchers, graduate students and GSOM
SPbU undergraduates are involved in the activities of the
centres, which is important to ensure the high level of
academic and practical significance of their theses.
The publication of research results in highly ranked
international and Russian academic journals and other
types of publications, and the execution of research and
educational projects for leading companies in the country and the world are the most important criteria for the
Centres’ success.
National reports
Verkhovskaya O.R., Dorokhina M.V.
National report “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor –
Russia 2011”. St. Petersburg. GSOM SPbU, 2012,
– 62 p.
Germain R., Günter A.
Contract Logistics and Outsourcing in Russia: A Report
by the Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Center for
International Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
/ Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Center for International Logistics and Supply Chain Management,
St. Petersburg. GSOM SPbU, 2012, – 34 p.
Research Group of PricewaterhouseCoopers Center
for Corporate Social Responsibility
Analysis of Information Disclosure on the Implementation of the Commitments Made in the Non-financial
Reports of Major Russian Companies in 2007-2009
(Part II, 2.4., p. 73-75) // Shokhin A.N., Alenicheva
L.V., Feoktistova E.N., Prokopov Ph.T., Ozeryanskaya
M.N. Increasing Transparency of Business through the
Development of Corporate Non-financial Reporting.
Analytical Review of Corporate Non-financial Reports,
2008 – 2011. – Moscow: RSPP, 2012. — 102 p.
Research Book 2012
Centre for Entrepreneurship
GSOM SPbU Centre for Entrepreneurship is created
as a separate unit within the framework of the Graduate
School of Management SPbU. It is aiming to unite and
concentrate GSOM SPbU faculty, alumni, post-graduates and undergraduate student’s efforts on Entrepreneurship as one of the key research areas. The main goal
of Center’s creation is developing and dissemination of
knowledge on entrepreneurship.
Director of the Center: Galina Shirokova, Doctor of
Science (Economics), Professor, Strategic & International Management Department GSOM SPbU.
Main projects 2012
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor — Russia (GEM).
The Center for Entrepreneurship is GEM Russian partner and implements the project in cooperation with the
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow). Project leader: Associate Professor Olga
Verkhovskaya, researcher – Maria Dorokhina.
Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’
Survey (GUESSS). GSOM SPbU is a main partner of
Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey (GUESSS) project in Russia. Since 2003 the Swiss
Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship at the
University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) leads the survey.
Project leader: Professor Galina Shirokova, researchers:
Junior Researcher Alexander Kulikov, Doctoral student
Karina Shishkova.
Factors of Creation, Development and Growth of
Entrepreneurial Firms in Russia. Project leader: Professor Galina Shirokova, researchers: Assistant Professor
Alexander Shatalov, Junior Researchers Dmitry Knatko,
Alexander Kulikov and Lyubov Sokolova, Doctoral student Tatjana Tsukanova.
Institutional Aspects of Entrepreneurship Development in Emerging Economies. Project leader: Professor
Galina Shirokova, researchers: Junior Researchers Dmitry Knatko and Lyubov Sokolova.
The Influence of Institutional Environment on Strategic Choices and Development of Entrepreneurial Firms
in Russia. Project leader: Professor Galina Shirokova,
researchers: Junior Researchers Dmitry Knatko and Lyubov Sokolova, Doctoral students Tatjana Tsukanova
and Karina Shishkova.
The Influence of Institutional Barriers on the Issue of
Ownership and Control Separation in Russian SME’s.
Project leader: Professor Galina Shirokova, researcher:
Junior Researcher Dmitry Knatko.
Main partners
• EMLYON Business School (
• The Fund of Regional Social Programs “Our
Future“ (
• Swiss Institute for Small Business and
Entrepreneurship at the University of St. Gallen
(Switzerland) (
Projects are sponsored by:
• Citi Foundation
• GSOM SPbU tuition revenues
• Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian
• Centre for Entrepreneurship
Selected publications:
Shirokova G., Vega G., Kozyreva T.
DiPaul, Inc.: Transitioning in Measured Steps // Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 2013, (forthcoming).
Blagov Y., Petrova-Savchenko A.
Shirokova G., Morris M., Shatalov A.
The Business model and firm performance: The case
of Russian retail ventures // Journal of Small Business
Management, 2013 (forthcoming).
Shirokova G., McDougall-Covin P.
The Role of Social Networks and Institutions in the Internationalization of Russian Entrepreneurial Firms: Do
They Matter? // Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2012, Vol. 10 (3), p. 177-199.
Shirokova G., Knatko D., Vega G.
The influence of institutional environment on CEO succession: Evidence from Russian companies // Journal of
Ethics & Entrepreneurship, 2011, Vol. 1, (1), p.41-59.
Shirokova G., Shatalov A.
Factors of New Venture Performance in Russia //
Management Research Review, 2010, Vol. 33, (5),
p. 484-498.
Verkhovskaya O.R., Dorokhina M.V.
Activity and Potential of the Russian Entrepreneurship (Evidence from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
Data, 2006–2011) // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, 2011, Issue
4, p. 68-99.
Research Centres
Centre for Strategic Marketing and Innovation
The objective of the Centre for Strategic Marketing
and Innovations of GSOM SPbU is creation of competences in studying marketing and innovation theories
and methodologies using advanced experience of Russian companies in the comparative studies and spreading new knowledge among Russian academics and the
Director of the Centre: Sergey Kushch, Doctor of
Science (Economics), Professor, Marketing Department GSOM SPbU.
Main projects 2012
Methodology of the Development of Customer
Management Technologies of Russian Enterprises. Project leader: Professor Sergey Kushch; researchers: Investigating Researcher Alexander Krasnikov, Associate
Professor Maria Smirnova, Assistant Professor Vera Rebyazina, Doctoral students Daria Zagorskaya and Irina
Brand Management in Emerging Markets: Competitive Advantages Development, Trademarks Protection,
Brand Strategies. Project leader: Associate Professor
Sergey Starov, researchers: Investigating Researcher Alexander Krasnikov, Associate Professor Maria Smirnova, Assistant Professor Olga Alkanova, Doctoral students Polina Landgraf and Daniil Muravskii.
GSOM SPbU Participation in Job Fair of the American Marketing Association in 2011–2013. Project
leader: Professor Sergey Kushch; project participants:
Associate Professor Maria Smirnova, Assistant Professor
Main partners
• National Research University – Higher School of
Economics (
• Aalto University School of Business ( )
Projects are sponsored by:
• SPbU Federal budget
• GSOM SPbU tuition revenues
Selected publications:
Smirnova M., Podmetina D., Vaatanen J., Torkkeli M.
Collaborative Approaches to New Product Development: Case of Russia // International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2012, Vol.
15 (1/2), p. 91-107.
Smirnova M., Naude P., Henneberg S., Mouzas S.,
Kushch S.
The Impact of Market Orientation on the Development
of Relational Capabilities and Performance Outcomes:
The case of Russian industrial firms // Industrial Marketing Management, 2011, Vol. 40 (1), p. 44–53.
Smirnova M., Henneberg S., Ashnai B., Naude P.,
Mouzas S.
Understanding the Role of Marketing–Purchasing Collaboration in Industrial Markets: The case of Russia //
Industrial Marketing Management, 2011, Vol. 40
(1), p. 54–64.
Rebyazina V.A., Kushch S.P., Krasnikov A.V., Smirnova M.M.
Innovation Activities of the Russian Companies: The Results of Empirical Study // Russian Management Journal. 2011, Vol. 9 (3), p. 29­—54.
Starov S.A., Moreva I.A., Alkanova O.N.
Services Branding Effectiveness Assessment: The Usage
of Brand Touch-Points Model (on the Example of Siberia Air Company) // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series. 2011, Issue 1,
p. 105-136.
Research Book 2012
Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Centre
for International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
The objective of the Centre is education programs and
research development in logistics and supply chain management area in order to improve the quality and competitiveness of international transport and logistics in European
and Russian markets.
Director of the Centre: Richard Germain, PhD, Professor, Operations Management Department GSOM SPbU.
Main projects 2012
Contract Logistics in Russia. Project leader: Professor
Richard Germain, researchers: Associate Professor Yury
Fedotov, Senior Lecturers Andrey Zyatchin, Konstantin
Cases Development on International Logistics and
Supply Chain Management on the basis of data from
JSC “Russian Railways” and Deutsche Bahn Mobility Logistics AG. Project leader: Professor Richard Germain,
researchers: Professor Vitaliy Cherenkov, Associate Professors Nikolay Zenkevich and Yuri Fedotov, Senior Lecturer Konstantin Krotov.
Development of concept of higher and executive
education in logistics and supply chain management under Federal State Educational Standard for Management
and corporate requirements of JSC “Russian Railways”.
• Deutsche Bahn Mobility Logistics AG (Deutche
Bahn, Germany) (
• JSC “Russian Railways” (
• Petersburg State Transport University (www.
• EBS University of Business and Law (Germany)
Projects are sponsored by:
• JSC “Russian Railways”
• Deutsche Bahn Mobility Logistics AG
Selected publications:
Fugate B.S., Autry Ch.W., Davis-Sramek B., Germain R.
Does Knowledge Management Facilitate Logistics-Based
Differentiation? The Effect of Global Manufacturing
Reach // International Journal of Production Economics, 2012, Vol. 139 (2), p. 496—509.
Germain R., Meek W.R., Baucus M., Davis-Sramek B.
Commitment in Franchising: The Role of Collaborative Communication and a Franchisee’s Propensity to
Leave // Entrepreneurship, Theory & Practice, 2011,
Vol. 35 (3), p. 559–581.
Germain R., Krotov K.V., Fedotov Y.V.
Outsourcing and Vertical Integration: Research Propositions from an Organizational Perspective // Russian
Management Journal. 2011, Vol. 9 (2), p. 93–108.
Germain R., Davis-Sramek B., Iyer K.
Supply Chain Technology: The Role of Environment in
Predicting Performance // Journal of the Academy of
Marketing Science, 2010, Vol. 38 (1), p. 42–55.
Fedotov Y.V., Krotov K.V.
Supply Chain Management: In Search of Paradigm
// Russian Management Journal, 2010, Vol. 8 (1),
p. 67–70.
Research Centres
PricewaterhouseCoopers Centre
for Corporate Social Responsibility
The Centre’s goal is to support GSOM SPbU mission
— to educate and advance the national managerial elite
strongly committed to the idea of implementing the principles of social responsibility and sustainable development in Russian companies and respecting interests of all
Director of the Centre: Yuri Blagov, Candidate of
Science (Economics), Associate Professor, Strategic &
International Management Department GSOM SPbU.
Main projects 2012
Managing Corporate Social Performance. Project
leader: Associate Professor Yuri Blagov, researchers:
Senior Lecturer Maksim Storchevoy, Junior Researcher
Anastasia Petrova-Savchenko.
National “Report on Social Investment in
Russia–2012”. Project leader: Associate Professor
Yuri Blagov, researcher: Junior Researcher Anastasia
Leaders in Corporate Philanthropy (within the
framework of the project of the Noncommercial
partnership “Russian Donors Forum”, Vedomosti
Newspaper and PwC Russia). Project leader: Associate
Professor Yuri Blagov, researcher: Junior Researcher
Anastasia Petrova-Savchenko.
Participation in International Network of Leading
Research Centers GOLDEN for Sustainability. Project
leader: Associate Professor Yuri Blagov, researcher:
Junior Researcher Anastasia Savchenko.
Main partners
• PricewaterhouseCoopers Russia (
• The Foundation of Regional Social Programs “Our
Future” (
• Charitable Foundation “Research for Change”
Projects are sponsored by:
• PricewaterhouseCoopers Russia
• SPbU Federal budget
Selected publications:
Blagov Yu.
Responsible Leadership and “Shared Value” — the
New Russian Experience // EuroCharity Yearbook
2011/2012: Leadership for Sustainability, 2012,
p. 80–81.
Blagov Yu., Petrova-Savchenko A.
Corporate Philanthropy in Russia: Evidence from a
National Awards Competition // Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society
(Special Issue: Changing role and responsibility of
business), 2012, Vol. 12 (4), p. 534–547.
Blagov Yu.E., Petrova-Savchenko A.A.
Sustainability Reporting: Disclosure on Compliance
// Economics of Contemporary Russia, 2012, No.2
(57), p. 130–135.
Blagov Yu.E., Savchenko A.A.
Analysis of the Corporate Philanthropy Leaders’ Practices in Russia in 2007–2009 // Russian management
Journal, 2011, Vol. 9 (2), p. 27–48.
Blagov Yu.E., Ivanova E.A.
Corporate Social Responsibility in Russia: Lessons of
the National Report on Social Investments // Russian
management Journal, 2009, Vol. 7 (1), p. 3–24.
Savchenko A.A.
Normative Business Ethics: Problems of Effective Application // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, 2009, Issue 4, p.76–106.
Research Book 2012
Case Development Centre
Development, dissemination and implementation in
the educational process of case studies on Russian firms
and international companies based in Russia is among
the priority directions of scientific and teaching work at
GSOM SPbU. Most of the cases developed at GSOM
SPbU — both full-length and mini-cases — are based on
field research, i.e. the data was provided by company
Currently GSOM SPbU is the largest center of Case
Studies on business practices in Russia. GSOM SPbU is
Russia’s first business school, which formed its own collection of case studies at the European Case Clearing
House (ecch) in English. As of December 31, 2012,
GSOM SPbU case collection at ecch consists of 195
registration units (122 cases and 73 teaching notes). At
the moment GSOM SPbU cases are available for use in
training programs anywhere in the world. They are ordered for use in teaching at universities in Europe, U.S.,
Asia and Africa.
The collection of business case studies developed at
GSOM SPbU in 1996–2012, consists of 240 cases, including 140 cases supported by teaching notes. 72 professors and 7 graduate students took part in case development. More than 50 case studies and teaching notes
are being developed in conjunction with colleagues from
other schools of business, i.e. Haas School of Business,
University of California (Berkeley), University of Texas,
Babson College, Helsinki School of Economics and other international business schools.
By now seven collections of cases were published
at GSOM, 93 cases in total (17 cases were published
in 2003–2005, and 69 cases were published in collections of 2008–2010, and 7 cases in 2012). More
than 20 case studies and articles on the development
of case-method were published in journals and periodicals in Russia. Five editions of guidelines for teachers of
business disciplines on case study development were
published at GSOM SPbU. 25 case studies and articles
on case-method were published in leading international
journals, covering the use of case-method.
In 2007 GSOM SPbU became the founder of the
project “Russian Case Studies Centre” ( It is a digital library of case studies for use in business education programs at various levels. The Electronic
Library includes case studies in Russian, developed in
Russia. The project aims at supporting business education teachers by expanding access to teaching materials
created by the authors in different universities and educational centers in Russia, as well as the ones published
in professional journals. The major direction of activity of
the Russian Case Studies Centre is creating a data base
of cases developed in Russia, with the ability of authorized access from the Internet. The project web site provides access to the updated bibliography of publications
on the case-method; it also provides the ability to search
and view case abstracts. Registered users can order cases on-line. The electronic library of teaching materials is
supported by all project participants. At the moment, 23
Russian universities and business media, including “Harvard Business Review Russia”, “Vedomosti”, “The secret
of the firm”, “Business Petersburg”, “”
and others. As of September 1, 2012 the electronic library recorded 240 cases, of which 179 cases were
written by GSOM SPbU professors.
Head: Igor Gladkikh, Associate Professor, Marketing Department GSOM SPbU.
List of Higher School Institutions Participating in the Russian Case Development Centre Project
1. Lomonosov Moscow State University Business
2. Siberian Federal University
3. I.I.Polzunov Altai State Technical University
4. Institute of World Economy and Business, Peoples’
Friendship University of Russia
5. Novosibirsk State University
6. Baikal International Business School, Irkutsk State
7. Moscow State Forest University
8. Moscow Financial Industrial Academy
9. Institute of Business and Management
Technologies, Belorussian State University
10. Institute of Management and Information
Technologies, Branch of St.Petersburg State Polytechnical
University in Cherepovets
11. Faculty of Management, Herzen State
Pedagogical University
12. National Research University Higher School of
Economics, St.Petersburg
13. Perm State Technical University
14. Graduate School of Economics and
Management, Ural Federal University
15. Novosibirsk State University of Economics and
Research Centres
16. St.Petersburg State University of Engineering and
17. Omsk State Transport University (joined the
project in 2012)
Registered in ecch
Teaching Notes
18. Faculty of Economics, Peoples’ Friendship
University of Russia (joined the project in 2012)
19. European Institute of Education and Recruiting
(joined the project in 2012)
Developed by GSOM SPbU Faculty
Teaching Notes
Fig. 5 GSOM SPbU Case Collection, 2008—2012
Collected Books of GSOM SPbU Cases
1. Cross-border Strategy and Operations: Finnish
Companies in Russia. A Collection of Cases // Edited
by Andrey G. Medvedev and Marina O. Latukha. —
SPb.: SPbSU GSOM. 2012. — 196 с.
2. Organizational Behavior and Human Resource
Management: GSOM SPbSU Case Collection / Edited by I.V. Gladkikh, V.N. Minina; Graduate School of
Management SPbSU. St.Petersburg: Graduate School of
Management Publishing, 2010. – 440 pp.
3. Organizational Development: GSOM SPbSU
Case Collection / Edited by I.V. Gladkikh; Graduate
School of Management SPbSU. St.Petersburg: Graduate
School of Management Publishing, 2009. – 456 pp.
4. Marketing: Edited by I.V. Gladkikh; Graduate
School of Management SPbSU. St.Petersburg: Graduate School of Management Publishing, 2008. –340 pp.
5. Collected Book of Cases: Change of External
Environment and Companies’ Development / Edited by
I.V. Gladkikh, Yu.V. Fedotov. St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg
State University Publishing, 2004. – 264 pp.
6. Strategic Management at Russian Companies:
Collected Cases / Edited by I.V. Gladkikh, V.S. Katkalo.
S.P. Kushch. St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University
Publishing, 2004. – 248 pp.
7. Collected Book of Cases: Cases of Russian Companies (Northwestern Region) / Edited by S.P. Kushch;
St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg State University Publishing,
2003. – 232 pp.
Research Book 2012
Collected Books of Cases Developed with GSOM SPbU Participation
1. CSR Instruments Usage for Successful Business
Development: Business Cases Colletion / Edited by. S.E.
Litovchenko. — Moscow: Association of Russian Man-
agers, 2011. — 152 p. (consultant — I.V. Gladkikh,
Head of Case Development Centre of GSOM SPbU).
Research Conferences and Seminars
Research Conferences
and Seminars
Organized by GSOM SPbU
Annual Conferences
International Conference “Game Theory and Management”, GTM 2012
The conference has been held since 2007 in
collaboration with Faculty of Applied Mathematics &
Control Processes of St.Petersburg University and the
International Society of Dynamic Games (ISDG, Russian
Chapter). 80–90 leading researchers, 50% of whom
are foreign ones, take part in the conference every year.
Key Conference Presentations in 2007–2012:
I GTM Conference (June 28–29, 2007)
• Professor R. Aumann (Israel), Nobel laureate in
economics, 2005
• Professor G. Zaccour (Canada)
• Professor S. Hart (Israel)
II GTM Conference (June 26–27, 2008)
• Professor J. F. Nash (USA)
• Professor T. Basar (USA)
• Professor G. J. Olsder (the Netherlands)
• Professor L. A. Petrosyan (Russia)
• Professor D. W.K. Yeung (Hong-Kong)
III GTM Conference (June 24–26, 2009)
• Professor R. Selten (Germany), Nobel laureate
in economics, 1994
• Professor P. Bernhard (France)
• Professor M. Wooders (USA)
• Professor D. A. Novikov (Russia)
IV GTM Conference (June 28–30, 2010)
Professor A. Haurie (Switzerland)
Professor R. T. Rockafellar (USA)
Professor H. Moulin (USA)
Professor A. Kryazhimskiy (Russia)
V GTM Conference (June 27–29, 2011)
• Professor R. Myerson (USA), Nobel laureate in
economics, 2007
• Professor J. Weibull (Sweden)
• Professor Sh. Zamir (Israel)
• Professor V. Mazalov (Russia)
VI GTM Conference (June 27–29, 2012)
• Professor S. Aseev (Russia)
• Professor M. Breton (Canada)
• Professor E. Kalai (USA)
• Professor S. Sorin (France)
• Professor J. Hofbauer (Austria)
Research Book 2012
XIV International Conference
Public Sector Transition
International Conference “Public Sector Transition”
The conference has been held since 1998 together
with Association for Studies in Public Economics, ASPE.
80–90 leading Russian and foreign researchers take
part in the conference every year.
Key Conference Presentations in 2012:
XIV Conference (November 9–10, 2012)
• Professor A.E. Shastitko (Russian Presidential
Academy of National Economy and Public
• Professor S.B. Avdasheva (National Research
University ”Higher School of Economics”)
Other Conferences and Seminars
International Research Conference “Dynamic
Capabilities, and the Sustainable Competitiveness of
Firms and Nations” was held at GSOM SPbU on October
11, 2012. This conference continues the International
Research Conference “Dynamic Capabilities and
Beyond” held at GSOM SPbU in 2007.
The event celebrates 30 years since Richard
R. Nelson and Sidney G. Winter’ evolutionary theory of
organization and economic change and 15 years since
David J. Teece, Gary Pisano, and Amy Shuen’ dynamic
capability perspective to economic organization.
The key conference themes included:
• Generic capabilities and sustainable competitive
• Firm sustainable competitive advantage
• National sustainable competitive advantage
The conference is organized by St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management
November 09–10, 2012
per. 3 (National
• Petersburg,
S.V. Golovanova
11, 2012 Professor
of Economics”,
The sections on
• strategic management in the public sector
• modernization
of management systems
public education andCOMPETITIVENESS
public health service
management of public enterprises and budgetary institutions
public sector policy issues
public sector procurement issues
Key Note Speakers:
Phone +7 (812) 3238453, Fax: +7 (812) 3293234
Sidney G. Winter,
Professor Emeritus, The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, USA
David J. Teece,
Professor, Haas School of Business;
Director, Center for Global Strategy
and Governance, University of California,
Berkeley, USA
Giovanni Dosi,
Professor, Sant'Anna School
of Advanced Studies
(Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna), Pisa, Italy
The key conference themes:
Plenary lectures were delivered by:
• firm sustainable competitive advantage
• Assistant Professor David
• nationalU.
• Professor Emeritus Michael H. Best (USA)
• Professor Giovanni Dosi (Italy)
• Valery S. Katkalo, Professor, Vice Rector, St. Petersburg University,
of Strategic
and International Management,
• ProfessorHead
Janof E.
St. Petersburg University Graduate School of Management
• Christos
• ProfessorCentre
S. Katkalo (Russia)
for International Business and Management,
Business School,
of Cambridge,
• Associate
G. Klein
• Professor
Dan Lovallo (USA) Phone: (+7 812) 323 84 53
Anna Menshikova
• Professor Christos N. Pitelis (UK)Fax: (+7 812) 329 32 34
• Professor Vitaly L. Tambovtsev (Russia)
• Professor David J. Teece (USA)
• Professor Emeritus Sidney G. Winter (USA)
• capabilities, innovation
and the sustainable competitive
advantage of firms and nations
Research Seminar of Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor Project, GEM has been held regularly since
2007 aiming to present the results of the yearly research
of the level and factors of entrepreneurship development
in Russia according to GEM methodology and
discussion with the participation of leading Russian and
foreign experts. Seminar participants include professors
Z. Acs (George Mason School of Public Policy, USA),
A.Y. Chepurenko (National Research University –
Higher School of Economics, Russia), M.Virtanen (Aalto
University School of Business) and others.
Dean Pashkus Research Conference (Annual Pashkus
Readings) is held every year in memory of the first Dean
of the Department of Management SPbSU, Professor
Yuri Pashkus (1939-1996). Plenary session “Intelligent
Technologies in Management” took place on November
29. Professor Tatiana A. Gavrilova, Doctor of Science
(Engineering), Head of Information Technologies
in Management Department was a speaker.
The presentation was devoted to the introduction and
review of the current state of research on Artificial
Intelligence (AI). The focus is on the development of
knowledge based systems. The presentation also
considers possibilities of using the results of AI research
in various fields of management — from strategic
management to knowledge management.
Research Conferences and Seminars
Table 5. Conferences Organized by GSOM SPbU in 2008 —2012
Conference Name
Conference Dates
International Conference “Mathematics, Economics, and Management: the
Centenary of L.V.Kantorovich”
February 7—9, 2012
VI International Conference on Game Theory and Management
June 27—29, 2012
Conference “Strategies for Russian and International MNCs following Russia’s
Accession to the WTO”
October 4, 2012
International Research Conference “Dynamic Capabilities, and the Sustainable
Competitiveness of Firms and Nations”
October 11, 2012
XIV International Conference “Public Sector Transition”
November 9—10,
XVII Annual Dean Pashkus Readings
November 29, 2012
XII International Conference “Public Sector Transition: Innovation Prospects”
V International Conference on Game Theory and Management
June 27—29, 2011
International Conference “Foreign Investment, Global Strategies and Leadership”
October 13, 2011
Round table “Ontological modeling of organizations and industries” (with ITMO National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics)
November 09, 2011
XIII International Conference “Public Sector Transition”
November 11—12,
XVI Annual Dean Pashkus Readings
December 09, 2011
International Conference “Research and Education in Logistics and Supply Chain
December 14—16,
XI International Conference “Public Sector Transition: Management in Turbulent
March 5—6, 2010
IV International Conference on Game Theory and Management
June 28—30, 2010
9th Annual Colloquium of EABIS - The Academy of Business in Society
September 20—22,
March 11—12,
Research Book 2012
Table 5. Conferences Organized by GSOM SPbU in 2008 —2012 continues
Conference Name
Conference Dates
September 20—22,
VIII Doctoral Colloquium of EABIS
EEC and EECPCL EFER Alumni Roundtable
October 10—12,
Conference on Current Issues of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
”Transport and Logistics”
October 22, 2010
XV Annual Dean Pashkus Readings
October 29, 2010
III International Conference on Game Theory and Management
June 24—26, 2009
Round table ”Insurance companies and medical institutions — cooperation for the
benefits of consumers”
September 30, 2009
XIV Annual Dean Pashkus Readings
October 30, 2009
The Petersburg Dialogue’s seminar “Education and Research in Logistics and
Supply Chain management: Perspectives for Russian-German cooperation”
November 24—25,
International Research Conference “Teaching and Research in Marketing:
Challenges of the XXI Century”
April 24—25, 2008
The 2nd ISRICH Conference “Innovation and Change in Health Care Systems”
II International Conference on Game Theory and Management
III Summer School of Russian Journal of Management
Round table “St.Petersburg Real Sector Threats and Opportunities”
October 09, 2008
XIII Annual Dean Pashkus Readings
October 17, 2008
X International Conference “Public Sector Transition: Improving Service Delivery”
October 31 —
November 1, 2008
Symposium on Entrepreneurship for Professors and Entrepreneurs
Workshop “Entrepreneurship in Russia: Main Trends in Entrepreneurial Research”
May 8—9, 2008
June 26—27, 2008
July 7—18, 2008
November 2—6,
December 6, 2008
Academica Journals Published in GSOM SPbU
Academic Journals
Published in GSOM SPbU
The Russian Management Journal
All Russian academic journal in
the field of general and strategic
management was established in 2003
by Saint Petersburg State University on
the initiative of the Graduate School
of Management SPbSU. The RMJ is
published in Russian quarterly (4 issues
per year).
RMJ is included in the top RSCI list (first 5) of impact
factors of economics and administration journals and
holds the 1st place in RSCI list of impact factors of
managerial journals (IF = 1.220 on 31.12.2012).
RMJ’s International Academic Advisory Board
represents the leading researchers from the top scientific
and training centers in the field of management in Russia,
including Russian Presidential Academy of National
Economy and Public Administration, National Research
University – Higher School of Economics (Moscow),
Central Economics & Mathematics Institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, as well as the prominent scientists
from the international leading universities and business
schools such as Harvard, Stanford and Warton Business
Shcools, University of California (Berkley and Los
Angeles), INSEAD, Copenhagen Business School, etc.
In 2012 40 people were RJM papers’ authors
(including collaborative work), with 11 GSOM SPbU
faculty members, 1 GSOM SPbU doctoral student,
12 other Russian authors and 16 authors of translated
papers previously published in international journals.
• Katkalo V. S., Professor, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University, Russia
• Teece D. J., Professor, University of California (Berkeley), USA
Editorial board*:
• Baranov I. N., Associate Professor, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University,
Managing Editor
• Blagov Y. Е., Associate Professor, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University
• Bukhvalov A. V., Professor, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University, Associate Editor
• Filonovich S. R. Professor, Graduate School of Management, National Research University “Higher School
of Economics”
• Kachalov R. М., Professor, Central Economics & Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
• Kleiner G. B., Professor, Central Economics & Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Associate
• Klepach A. N. Professor, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation
• Kouchtch S. P. Professor, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University
• Milner B. Z. Professor, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences and State University of Management
• Muravyev A. A. Associate Professor, Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University; Institute for
the Study of Labor (IZA), Germany
• Radaev V. V. Professor, National Research University ”Higher School of Economics”
• Smirnov M.V., St. Petersburg University
• Tambovtsev V. L., Professor, Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University
• Tretyak O. А., Professor, National Research University ”Higher School of Economics”
• Vikhansky O. S., Professor, Graduate School of Business, Moscow State University
• Yakovlev A. А., Associate Professor, Institute of Companies and Markets Analysis, National Research University
”Higher School of Economics”
• Yudanov A. Y. Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
*new editorial board is approved by the order of 17.08.2012
Research Book 2012
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series
The journal Vestnik of Saint
Petersburg University. Management
Series has been published by the
Graduate School of Management
since 2002. The journal Vestnik of Saint
Petersburg University. Management
Series comes out four times a year.
As of April 2012 the journal is
included in the top RSCI list (first 5) of
impact factors among university journals with the Vestnik
(Herald) title in Economics and Economic Sciences
and holds the 1st place among all Vestnik Series of
St. Petersburg University (IF = 0.481).
The journal Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series is included into the Abstract journal
and Data Bases of All-Russian Scientific and Technical
Information Institute of the Russian Academy of Science.
Information about the journal is published in Ulrich’s
Periodicals Directory.
The principal aim of the scientific journal is to contribute
to education and research in the sphere of management
at Russian universities and business schools.
The journal publishes materials based on theoretical
and empirical research in: contemporary issues
of general and strategic management, classics of
management theory (translations from Harvard Business
Review, Strategic Management Journal, etc.), case
studies, overview materials of market and industries, a
review of published books, information on trends and
issues of business education development in Russia and
In 2012 48 people were papers’ authors (including
collaborative work) in Vestnik of Saint Petersburg
University. Management Series, with 27 GSOM SPbU
faculty members, 6 GSOM SPbU master and doctoral
students, 12 other Russian authors, 2 foreign authors,
and 1 author of translated papers previously published
in international journals.
• Blagov Y. E., Associate Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management GSOM SPbU
Editorial board*:
• Zenkevich N. A., Associate Professor; Department of Operations Management GSOM SPbU, Associate Editor
• Berezinets I. V., Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Accounting GSOM SPbU
• Gladkikh I. V., Associate Professor, Department of Marketing GSOM SPbU
• Ilina Y. B., Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Accounting GSOM SPbU
• Katkalo V. S., Professor; Head, Department of Strategic and International Management; Vice-Rector, SPbU
• Kushch S. P., Professor; Head, Department of Marketing; Dean, Graduate School of Management GSOM
• Medvedev A. G., Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management GSOM SPbU
• Raskov N. V., Professor, Department of Strategic and International Management GSOM SPbU
• Ruzhanskaya L. S., Professor, Head, Department of Theory and Practice of Management, Faculty of Economics,
Ural State University
• Sheresheva M. Y., Professor, Department of Strategic Marketing, Faculty of Management, National Research
University Higher School of Economics
• Zavyalova E. K., Professor, Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Relation Management
*new editorial board is approved by the order of 26.06.2012
Faculty Publications
Faculty Publications
International Peer-Reviewed Journals
International Peer-Reviewed Journals of ABS list
Category B (3 stars)
Muravyev A.
Investor Protection and the Value of Shares: Evidence
from Statutory Rules Governing Variations of
Shareholders’ Class Rights in an Emerging Market //
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, March
1, 2012, doi: 10.1093/jleo/ews001.
This article uses a quasiexperimental framework provided by
recent changes in Russian corporate
law to study the effect of investor
protection on the value of shares.
The legal change analyzed involves
the empowerment of nonvoting
shareholders to veto unfavorable
changes to their class rights. We take advantage of the
presence of well-defined treatment and control groups
and use the voting premium, a traditional measure of
private benefits of control and shareholder expropriation,
as the outcome variable. Based on a novel handcollected dataset of dual-class stock companies in Russia
and using a difference-indifference regression analysis
as well as an event study, we find a statistically and
economically significant effect of improved protection
of preferred shareholders on the value of their shares.
The result is robust to several changes in the empirical
Bertrand O., Betschinger M.-A.
Performance of Domestic and Cross-Border Acquisitions: Empirical Еvidence from Russian Аcquirers//
Journal of Comparative Economics, 2012, Vol. 40 (3),
p. 413-437.
This paper investigates the
long-term impact of domestic and
international acquisitions, initiated
by Russian firms, on their operating
performance. In general, acquisitions
can be associated with synergy gains,
internalization advantages, and
higher market power. Acquisitions,
however, may also give rise to agency problems as well
as new integration and organizational costs, leading
to an ambiguous overall impact on the performance
of acquirers. Based on a sample of more than 600
acquirers we show that both domestic and international
acquisitions tend to reduce the performance of acquirers
compared to non-acquiring firms. Examining how
different deal, firm and industry level characteristics
moderate the value destroying effects of acquisitions,
our results suggest that Russian acquirers suffer from the
inability to leverage value due to low M&A experience
and capability, especially when making international
Research Book 2012
Bertrand O., Hakkala K. N., Norbäck P.-J., Persson L.
Should Countries Block Foreign Takeovers of R&D
Champions and Promote Greenfield Entry? //
Canadian Journal of Economics, 2012, Vol. 45 (3),
p. 1083-1124.
i n t e n s i v e
promote greenfield foreign investments,
while being sceptical towards foreign
acquisitions of domestic high-quality
firms. We develop a theoretical model
that shows that foreign acquisitions
are conducive to high-quality targets
because of strategic effects on the
sales price. However, foreign firms ‘cherry pick’ highquality targets to expand R&D rather than to downsize.
Otherwise, rivals expand R&D, making the acquisition
unprofitable. Thus, our model predicts that acquired
affiliates invest more in R&D than greenfield affiliates.
Using affiliate data, we find evidence that acquired
affiliates have a higher level of sequential R&D intensity
than greenfield affiliates.
Fugate B.S., Autry Ch.W., Davis-Sramek B., Germain R.
Does Knowledge Management Facilitate LogisticsBased Differentiation? The Effect of Global Manufacturing Reach //International Journal of Production
Economics, 2012, Vol. 139 (2), p. 496-509.
In this paper, we describe a
framework for measuring costs and
performance in new forms of business
organization that are evolving to meet
the competitive challenges of the
21st century. A literature review on
cost management and performance
measures in advanced manufacturing
and service organizations provides the basis for our
framework. The framework emphasizes measurement of
costs and performance in the virtual enterprise and along
the supply chain to enhance competitiveness in global
markets. Investing in knowledge capital and information
technology plays an important role in improving
organizational competitiveness in the 21st century, yet
the measurement of performance in these important
areas is at best, imprecise. Managing and controlling
costs and performance in new forms of organization
poses challenges. We hope this article will encourage
research that will help practitioners meet the challenges
of performance measurement in the 21st century.
Category C (2 stars)
Andreeva T., Kianto A.
Does Knowledge Management Really Matter? Linking
Knowledge Management Practices, Competitiveness
and Economic Performance //Journal of Knowledge
Management, 2012, Vol. 16 (4), p. 617-63.
While nowadays an extensive
management (KM) exists, there is
a worrying shortage of empirical
studies demonstrating an actual
connection between KM activities and
organizational outcomes. To bridge
this gap, this paper aims to examine
the link between KM practices, firm
competitiveness and economic performance.
This paper proposes a framework of KM practices
consisting of human resource management (HRM) and
information communication technology (ICT). These
both are hypothesized to impact competitiveness and
economic performance of the firm. Hypotheses are
then tested with structural equation modeling by using a
survey dataset of 234 companies.
The results show that HRM and ICT practices for
managing knowledge are quite strongly correlated
and have a statistically significant influence on both
financial performance and competitiveness of the firm.
The findings also indicate that ICT practices improve
financial performance only when they are coupled with
HRM practices.
The data are limited to companies from Finland,
Russia and China.
The paper contributes to managerial practice by
pointing out the importance of utilizing a combination of
both social and technical means for KM and illustrating
that they do matter for the company bottom line.
This paper contributes to the literature on knowledgebased organizing by empirically analyzing the
performance impact of various areas of KM. It
thereby tests the proposition put forth in many previous
theoretical and case-based studies that KM promotes
high organizational performance. It also addresses
the interaction of social and technical KM practices in
producing organizational outcomes.
Faculty Publications
Gavrilova T., Andreeva T.
Knowledge Elicitation Technique in
Management Context //Journal of Knowledge
Management, 2012, Vol. 16 (4), p. 523-537.
A significant part of knowledge and
experience in an organization belongs
not to the organization itself, but to
the individuals it employs. Therefore,
knowledge management (KM) tasks
should include eliciting knowledge
from knowledgeable individuals. The
paper aims to argue that the current
palette of methods proposed for this
in KM discourse is limited by idealistic assumptions
about the behavior of knowledge owners. This paper
also aims to enrich the repertoire of methods that can be
used in an organization to extract knowledge (both tacit
and explicit) from its employees by bridging KM and
knowledge engineering and its accomplishments in the
knowledge elicitation field.
This paper is based on extensive literature review and
20 years of experience of one of the authors in applying
various knowledge elicitation techniques in multiple
companies and contexts.
The paper proposes that the special agent (analyst)
might be needed to elicit knowledge from individuals
(experts) in order to allow further knowledge sharing
and knowledge creation. Based on this idea, the
paper proposes a new classification of the knowledge
elicitation techniques that highlights the role of analyst in
the knowledge elicitation process.
The paper contributes to managerial practice by
describing a systemic variety of knowledge elicitation
techniques with direct recommendations of their
feasibility in the KM context.
The paper contributes to a wider use of knowledge
engineering methodologies and technologies by KM
researchers and practitioners in organizations.
Category D (1 star)
Blagov Yu., Petrova-Savchenko A.
Corporate Philanthropy in Russia: Evidence from a
National Awards Competition // Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society.
Special Issue: Changing role and responsibility of
business, 2012, Vol. 12 (4), p. 534-547.
The aim of this paper is to examine
how companies officially recognized
in Russia as corporate philanthropy
leaders actually introduce, implement,
and evaluate philanthropic activities.
Focusing on the connections between
these activities and corporate strategy,
the paper seeks to investigate the
main trends in corporate philanthropy
development over the period 2007-2010, assuming that
corporate philanthropy is an integral part of corporate
social performance.
A theoretical framework is based on the recognition
of ‘‘strategic’’ philanthropy as a part as well as the
main trend in current philanthropic activities of leading
companies. The analysis as such is settled on survey data
collected from participants in the national ‘‘Corporate
Philanthropy Leaders’’ award competition conducted
by the Russian business newspaper Vedomosti, PwC,
and the non-profit grant-making organization ‘‘Donors
Forum’’ from 2008 to 2011.
The results testify to strengthening connections
between corporate philanthropy and corporate strategy,
enhancing the strategic nature of philanthropy as such.
Here the responding companies significantly diversified
the directions of their philanthropic activities, whereas the
distribution of corporate philanthropy by form showed
a high stability that was practically unaffected by the
economic crisis of 2008-2009. A common practice
is the professionalization of managing corporate
philanthropy, with a growing role for CSR departments.
The study focuses on the activities of leading Russian
companies participating in the national ‘‘Corporate
Philanthropy Leaders’’ award competition, thereby
restricting the analysis of non-participants. Moreover, the
evolution of competition surveys and their methodology
as well as relatively low repetition of participants also
restrict the degree of generalization. Future research
could be based on the findings of this study to create
hypotheses to be tested on a broader sample of Russian
The majority of studies of corporate philanthropy
in Russia are still covering the necessity of corporate
philanthropy for resolving societal problems and
Research Book 2012
describing particular ‘‘best practice’’ cases rather than
analyzing the relation of corporate philanthropy to the
whole system of CSP and its strategic applications. This
study aims to address this gap by focusing on corporate
philanthropy leaders as a first step to broad nationwide
Minina V., Nikitina I.
Intellectual Competition as Technology for Professional
Training of Managers: GSOM Experience // Journal
of Management Development, 2012, Vol. 31 (3),
p. 263-274.
The purpose of this paper is to
discuss educational technologies
that meet modern requirements for
training and retraining managers.
The authors demonstrate the potential
of interactive learning technologies
in the development of independent
thinking of graduates as an example
of implementation of Graduate School of Management
(GSOM), St Petersburg University, educational
The data in this paper are drawn from a survey by the
authors in 2010 of students attending the programs for
executives in GSOM.
The survey reported that intellectual competitions
contribute to achieving independence of participants
thinking. The most popular intellectual competitions
methods are panel discussion (first place); simulation
games with varying roles (team-consultant and teamclient) and case studies (second place), and modeling
professional situations with limited information in writing
and calculations (third place).
It would be valuable to explore similar questions
with a larger sample of program participants as well,
as it would be valuable to gather longitudinal data to
explore how students’ preferences regarding intellectual
competitions methods change, and why.
The authors prove the feasibility of intellectual
competition as the technology of training, oriented to
the development of independent thinking and creativity
of executives and describe the experience of using this
technology in business education.
Lehmann H., Muravyev A.
Labour Market Institutions and Labour Market Performance: What Can We Learn from Transition Countries? // Economics of Transition, 2012, Vol. 20 (2),
This paper studies the relationship
between labour market institutions
and policies and labour market
performance using a new and unique
dataset that covers the countries
of Eastern Europe and Central
Asia, which in the last two decades
experienced radical economic and
institutional transformations. We document a clear trend
towards liberalization of labour markets, especially
in the countries of the former Soviet Union, but also
substantial differences across the countries studied.
Our econometric analysis implies that institutions matter
for labour market outcomes, and that deregulation of
labour markets improves their performance. The analysis
also suggests several significant interactions between
different institutions, which are in line with the idea of
beneficial effects of reform complementarity and broad
reform packages.
Mihailova I., Panibratov A.
Determinants of Internationalization Strategies of
Emerging Market Firms: A Multilevel Approach //
Journal of East-West Business, 2012, Vol.18 (2),
p. 157-184.
uniqueness of emerging market firms’
(EMFs) internationalization strategies
were a focus of research. Yet, findings
regarding their determinants are
mixed, and conclusions on how EMFs’
internationalization strategies can be
theoretically explained vary greatly.
This article elaborates on the underlying reasons for
these inconclusive results and addresses them by the
development of a multilevel theoretical framework
allowing for a better understanding of integrative
influence of institutional, sector, and firm-specific
determinants of EMFs’ internationalization strategies.
This framework is validated by evidence from Russia, and
a multiple case study approach is adopted to investigate
the determinants of internationalization strategies of
Russian firms.
Faculty Publications
Shirokova G., McDougall-Covin P.
The Role of Social Networks in the Internationalization
of Russian Entrepreneurial Firms: Do They Matter? //
Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2012, Vol.
10 (3), p. 177-199.
Drawing upon network theory
and institutional theory, this paper
examines the influence of networks
on the internationalization of Russian
entrepreneurial firms. Our case
analysis suggests that within the
context of the Russian environment,
networks play a much less important
role in the internationalization process
than it is usually assumed in the literature. For the
Russian entrepreneurial firms examined in our study,
the most important factor in their internationalization
was their engagement in honest business practices that
established trust and commitment in their relationships
with international business partners. This study
underscores the importance of the institutional context of
an entrepreneurial firm’s country.
Smirnova M., Podmetina D., Vaatanen J., Torkkeli M.
Collaborative Approaches to New Product Development: Case of Russia // International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2012, Vol.
15 (1/2), p. 91-107.
The paper focuses on collaborative
practices applied in new product
development (NPD) in Russian firms.
Interfirm collaboration is considered
as a crucial factor of NPD success in
the context of a transitional economy.
The research questions are linked to
analysis of Russian firms’ openness in
interaction with external partners in relation to product
innovation; whether these patterns are related to the type
of product innovation; and to what extent these patterns
reflect the strategic orientation of the firm. The empirical
basis of the paper is a cross-sectional study conducted
on a sample of 223 Russian firms. The results indicate
differences in interfirm collaboration in regard to the
firm’s NPD strategy, the type of product innovation, and
the strategic aims of the firm.
Zavyalova E., Kucherov D.
HRD Practices and Talent Management in the Companies with the Employer Brand // European Journal of
Training and Development (previously published as
Journal of European Industrial Training), 2012, Vol.
36 (1), p. 86-104.
The employer brand could be a
key factor of competitiveness for a
company in a contemporary labour
market. The purpose of this paper is to
identify the features of human resource
development (HRD) practices and
talent management in companies with
employer brand (CEBs).
Design/methodology/approach – The authors
examined three economic indicators (turnover rate,
average share of HR costs in total costs of company,
proportion between the annual HR training budget and
annual labour compensation funds). An employee survey
was conducted to study the HRD system in the CEBs and in
companies without the employer brand (CWEBs). Also,
the survey was conducted among applicants (potential
workers) about their job preferences and identified that
employer brand could be a strong factor for attracting
talent to the company.
The results show considerable differences in terms
of economic indicators, HRD practices and talent
management in the CEBs in comparison with CWEBs. The
potential advantages of employer brand for a company
were identified. The results of the study strongly supported
that the CEBs gained a number of economic advantages
due to lower rates of staff turnover and higher rates of
HR investments in training and development activities of
employees. Also, the authors found out that in the CEBs
internal recruitment practices, internal training programs
and highly efficient incentive activities were widespread
and employees were actively involved in the decisionmaking and management processes.
This paper is the first large-scale study in Russia that
examines the relationship between the HRD system and
employer brand and enables companies to modify their
HRD policies and practices in order to become attractive
employers in an era of the so-called “war for talents”.
Research Book 2012
Ardichvili A., Zavyalova E., Minina V.
Human Capital Development: Comparative Analysis
of BRICs // European Journal of Training and Development (previously published as Journal of European
Industrial Training), 2012, Vol. 36 (2), p. 213-233.
The goal of this article is to conduct
macro-level analysis of human capital
(HC) development strategies, pursued
by four countries commonly referred
to as BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and
This analysis is based on
comparisons of macro indices of
human capital and innovativeness of the economy and
a review of related academic literature and government
The study results suggest that in terms of present
human capital capacity Russia and Brazil are ahead of
China and India. However, during the last decade the
governments of the latter two countries have initiated
impressive national programs of HC development, which
include significant investment and targeted government
regulation in such areas as primary and secondary
education, vocational education and training, and
higher education, especially in science and technology
fields. Russia and Brazil have targeted programs in some
of the above areas, but lack comprehensive long-term
strategies, covering all the above areas and coordinating
effort of various agencies and constituencies.
It is recommended to expand the scope of analysis to
include other fast growing developing economies (e.g.
Mexico, Indonesia, and Turkey).
The article provides, for the first time, a comparison
of human capital development indices and strategies
of the four largest developing economies. The original
feature of the article is a combination of the analysis of
macro-level indices with an in-depth analysis of policy
documents and academic literature.
Other International Peer-Reviewed Journals
Ivanov A.
Why the Russian Federation Public Procurement Market does not Turn into the Market for Lemons // NACC
Journal, 2012, Special Issue: July 2012, p. 31-42.
This paper examines the results
of implementing the strategy for
combating corruption in public
procurement of the Russian Federation
in 2006-2010 in the part of applying
an auction mechanism for placing
orders. The auction’s mechanism is
simulated given various hypotheses
about the information transparency of procedures and
the bona fides of its participants. For the purchasing
of differentiated goods the model predicts significant
discounts, withdrawal from the market by producers of
high quality goods and, correspondingly, transformation
of some public procurement markets into “markets for
lemons”. The results of the model’s investigation are
significantly contrary to statistical data for electronic
auctions in the Russian Federation in 2010: in most
auctions, there were no discounts. The analysis proves
that the main obstacle to increasing effectiveness of
the auction mechanism in Russia is not so much the
conspiracy of suppliers, as the corrupt behaviour of a
public buyer.
Becker C.M., Merkuryeva I.S.
Disability Incidence and Official Health Status Transitions in Russia // Economics and Human Biology,
2012, Vol. 10 (1), p. 74-88.
This paper examines determinants
of being disabled in Russia, along
with the probability of moving from
one disability status to another, using
data from 1994 through 2005 from
the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring
Survey. Results from multinomial probit
regressions indicate that disability risk
rises sharply with age, declines with income and selfreported good health, and is lower for women. Neither
smoking nor drinking alcohol increases either the risk
of being or becoming disabled. Recovery - health
status improvement - improves with household size.
Misclassification or measurement error is important: a
surprisingly large proportion of “incurably” disabled
Russians do in fact recover. This study has been funded
in part by National Institute of Aging grant #2P30
AG17248-02 through the Population Aging Center
at the University of Colorado at Boulder. We are
grateful to Aleksandr Andreev for outstanding research
assistance. Jeanine Braithwaite, John Komlos, Cem
Mete, Mieke Meurs, Daniel Mont, Frank Sloan, and five
anonymous referees contributed valuable comments.
We acknowledge our appreciation without implicating
them in remaining errors and misinterpretations.
Faculty Publications
Lehmann H., Muravyev A., Zimmermann K.
The Ukrainian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey: towards
Better Understanding of Labor Markets in Transition //
IZA Journal of Labor and Development, 2012, Vol. 1
(9), p. 2-15.
The paper presents the Ukrainian
(ULMS), which is one of the most
widely used household and labor
force surveys in Eastern Europe. It is
based on a statistically representative
sample of the Ukrainian population
aged between 15 and 72 years,
comprising about 4,000 households and 8,500
individuals. The paper introduces the essential aspects
of the ULMS, including sampling, survey instruments and
content as well as discusses the current available data.
Key details of the forthcoming 2012 wave of the survey
are outlined. The article also provides an overview of
major studies accomplished with the help of the ULMS
data. The review suggests the usefulness and high
potential of the survey in tackling important questions in
labor economics and related fields.
Panibratov A.
Russian Restaurant with Japanese Cuisine Makes
Foreign Markets’ Selection: The Case of Two Sticks //
Asian Case Research Journal, 2012, Vol. 16 (2), p.
At the turn of the century, Japanmania struck Russia: Japanese
restaurants were sprouting up like
mushrooms after the rain, and
everyone was reading Murakami and
becoming fond of Japanese movies.
One of the restaurants that opened
was Dve Palochki (Two Sticks) founded
in St. Petersburg in 2003.
The company grew quickly by developing a casual
dining chain. By 2008, twelve restaurants were opened
under the brand in both the historical center and new
residential areas of the city. Every day Two Sticks
restaurants served over four thousand guests, with an
average bill of 450 rubles ($15). All the restaurants
operated 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The Two Sticks restaurants were marketed as “nonJapanese restaurants with Japanese cuisine”. Their
appeal was different from their competitors’ because
they offered an unusual atmosphere and original
advertising campaign. This combination underlay the
company’s marketing activities.
In 2008, the company announced ambitious plans to
open three hundred restaurants in Russia’s biggest cities
and expand abroad within five years.
The chain’s marketing director, Yakov Pak,
understood that maintaining the same level of service
quality was imperative during the expansion. However,
the challenge was to offer the same unique atmosphere
in each and every restaurant.
Shirokova G., Sklyar T.
ONA Clinic: Entrepreneurship in Healthcare (Case)
// International Journal of Case Method Research &
Application (IJCRA), 2012, Vol. XXIV (1), p. 38-47.
The case study deals with the
challenges of an entrepreneurial
company development in the health
care industry. Marina Vlasova founded
and developed ONA Clinic into one of
the leading clinics in the St. Petersburg
From the outset, the clinic provided health preservation
services for women. As the company expanded,
emerging fields unrelated to the core “business” were
added, leading to brand erosion. Vlasova, the founder
tried to hire a team of professional managers to run the
company. Soon, medical doctors and managers (with
no medical education) started to confront each other.
The firm needed to decide between concentrating on the
narrow segment of providing health support for women
or to continue to diversify.
Starov S., Gladkikh I., Rasha E., Coyle W.
International Institutional Case Writing: The Case of St.
Petersburg State University // International Journal of
Case Method Research & Application (IJCRA), 2012,
Vol. XXIV (1), p. 15-22.
The continuing globalization of
business and the globalization of
business education require teaching
boundaries. Case studies co-authored
by writers from several countries
have the potential of widespread application and use.
Experience at the Graduate School of Management at
St. Petersburg University (Russia), shows that institutional
cooperation on joint case writing projects with foreign
universities does work and can yield results.
Research Book 2012
Sawyer C.H., Zamulin A.
Сross-cultural Leadership Laboratory (CLL) in Russian
and United States Graduate Management Programs
// International Journal of Case Method Research
& Application (IJCRA), 2012, Vol. XXIV (3), p. 203–
This paper describes the experience
and outcome of creating a common
educational module, the Cross-cultural
Leadership Laboratory, for graduate
management students from two
business schools located in the United
States and Russia: with discussion and shared video,
this innovative approach supported developing critical
thinking and cross-cultural competence of students in an
interactive and involving manner.
Faculty Publications
Russian Academic Journals
1-5 Academic Journals According to Russian Science Citation
Index (RSCI) Rating (Economics and Economic Sciences)
Publications in Journal “Voprosy Economiki” (Economics Issues)
Sokolova E.V.
Competition on Innovation Markets: Peculiarities of
Definition and Analysis // VOPROSY ECONOMIKI
(Economics Issues), 2012, Vol. 10 (9), p. 126-138.
The article aims to define the main peculiarities of
competition analysis in case of innovation markets. Using the example of Apple’s iTunes Store antitrust suit, the
main characteristics of the development of knowledgebased industries are applied to the analysis.
Storchevoy M.A.
The Economic Theory of the Firm: A Generalization //
VOPROSY ECONOMIKI (Economics Issues), Vol. 10
(9), p. 41—66.
The paper deals with development of a general theory of the firm. It discusses the demand for such a theory,
reviews existing approaches to its generalization, and
offers a new variant of general theory of the firm based
on the contract theory. The theory is based on minimization of opportunistic behaviour determined by the
material structure of production (a classification of ten
structural factors is offered). This framework is applied to
the analysis of three boundaries problems (boundaries
of the job, boundaries of the unit, boundaries of the firm)
and five integration dilemmas (vertical, horizontal, functional, related, and conglomerate).
Publications in Russian Management Journal
Baranov I.N.
New Public Management: An Evolution of Theory and
Implementation (Preface to Section) // Russian Management Journal, 2012, Vol. 10 (1), p. 51-64.
In this issue of “Anthology”, for the first time Russian
Management Journal addresses the issue of public administration, considering its development within the last
two decades in connection with “New Public Management” concept formation and application for public sector transition policy implementation.
Research Book 2012
Bukhvalov A.V.
L. V. Kantorovich and Mathematical Modeling in Economics: Synthesis of Reality, Mathematics and Economics // Russian Management Journal, 2012, Vol.
10 (3), p. 3-30.
Application of mathematical models in economics
and management is a broad and multidimensional area
of research. It is hardly possible to offer an exhaustive
and uniform analysis of such applications. Every experience provided by invention and use of sufficiently broad
set of models has its obvious interest. This paper is timed
to coincide with the centenary anniversary of Leonid
Vitalievich Kantorovich, a prominent Russian mathematician and economist. Getting started with his contribution to creation of linear programming model, moving
further to generalization and applications, we finally get
an opportunity to discuss highly important role of normative optimal models for economics and management.
A special attention is paid to find an appropriate place
and suitable interpretation for linear programming as a
model of managerial decision making.
Bukhvalov A.V., Katkalo V.S.
From the Beginnings of Management Research towards Paradigms of the Future: An Analysis of Innovative Companies // Russian Management Journal,
2012, Vol. 10 (4), p. 49-60.
In this issue “Anthology” chapter the translation
of two chapters of David J. Teece monograph [Teece,
2000] devoted to intellectual capital management is
published. The prestigious Clarendon lecture delivered
by the author in 1998 in Oxford (UK) was the impetus
for writing the book. However, as is often the case with
prominent Western scholars, this book was made up of
(slightly edited) previous journal publications of the author, which were divided into four sections according to
their subjects: Introduction, Foundations, Applications
to Management and Strategy, Public Policy. A number
of included works date back to the second half of the
1980s, which was the initial period of the modern theory of strategic management formation [Katkalo, 2006],
when many modern concepts had not yet been discovered. This fact, which in other circumstances could be interpreted as a drawback for the modern reader, enables
to touch the creative laboratory of modern research of
management in dynamics. Moreover, the opening prospect indicates that management is developing as a positive science that absorbs new empirical facts and finds
their interpretation and applications. That is the viewpoint of our introductory article.
Fedotov Y.V.
Organizational Performance Measurement: Principles of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) Approach
(Preface to Section) // Russian Management Journal,
2012, Vol. 10 (2), p. 51-62.
The measurement and analysis of the operations efficiency are the basis of control of any organization,
regardless of its belonging to private or public sector,
size, and range of its activities, as well as other specifying characteristics. In theory and practice of management the operation of the organization, being versatile
in content and, therefore, multidimensional in description, is considered from different points of view that are
relevant to the analyzed company, i.e. engineering and
technological, organizational, socio- and financial-economic, environmental, political etc. The interaction of
these relatively isolated and simultaneously dialectically
united parties of activity of specifically addressed unit
(organization, business system, business structure, production unit, company, etc.) determines corresponding
efficiency concept (i.e., activity or investigated unit). The
latter is one of the most common terms, both in science
and in everyday practical activity.
Katkalo V.S., Klemina T.N.
The Founder of St. Petersburg (Leningrad) School of
Research in a “Capitalist Firm”: In Memory of Professor Andrey A. Djomin // Russian Management Journal, 2012, Vol. 10 (1), p. 141-156.
The Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation,
Professor Andrey A. Djomin was the founder of the
school of research in a “capitalist firm” at Leningrad
(now St. Petersburg) University in the 1970–80s. The
representatives of the school of thought have later
made solid contributions to market reforms of the
Russian economy and modernization of the national
management education system. In this article the
process of Professor Djomin’s formation — as one of
the leading Russian scholars of the world economy and
the role of large firms in it — is investigated, and basic
characteristics of his school of thought are analyzed.
The authors also discuss major impacts of the works
by Professor Djomin and those of representatives of his
school on development of contemporary management
research and education in Russia.
Faculty Publications
Muravyev A.A., Berezinets I.V., Ilyina Y.B.
Corporate Governance Conflicts and Employment and
Wage Policies of Companies // Russian Management
Journal, 2012, Vol. 10 (2), p. 3-32.
This article studies the link between corporate governance conflicts on the one hand, and employment and
wage policies of companies on the other. We use data
on publicly traded Russian companies with dual class
stock (common and preferred shares), which allows us
to use the concept of voting premium for measurement of
corporate conflicts and private benefits of control. Our
analysis suggests a link between the severity of corporate governance problems between shareholders and
managers and the company’s wage policies. In particular, managers who try to consume private benefits of
control and to expropriate shareholders, have to resort
to more generous policies regarding workers’ wages.
Importantly, this link is apparent only in companies with
relatively dispersed ownership, in which managers have
considerable discretion and are not constrained by obligations before large shareholders. In contrast, the link
between extraction of private benefits of control and
wage policies is not visible in companies with a majority
Okulov V.L.
Analysis of the Microstructure of the Russian Stock
Market: Bid-ask Spreads and Risk of Illiquid Shares //
Russian Management Journal, 2012, Vol. 10 (2), p.
On the example of Russian shares traded on the RTS
in 2006–2010 we investigate the magnitude of bid-ask
spreads of shares with different liquidity. It was found that
for all shares, regardless of their liquidity, there is a power-type dependence between the magnitude of the average relative bid-ask spread and the frequency of transactions with these shares. This dependence is explained
in the framework of the approach, in which the liquidity
of the shares is modeled by a combination of imaginary
call and put options. This representation allows us to estimate the volatility of prices of illiquid shares, which may
be important for practical purposes of corporate finance
Shirokova G.V.
Entrepreneurial Orientation: Origins of the Concept
and the Main Research Approaches (Preface to Section) // Russian Management Journal, 2012, Vol. 10
(3), p. 55-72.
Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is considered in
modern literature on management and entrepreneurship
as one of the key concepts in the research of entrepre-
neurship at the level of a firm. Entrepreneurial orientation
describes such a condition of a company when organizational processes, practices and procedures allow a
company to create value through the intrafirm entrepreneurial activity [Lumpkin, Dess, 1996]. Entrepreneurial
orientation emerged as a theoretical construct in the
organizational and management literature and immediately became one of the popular topics in academic
journals [Covin, Green, Slevin, 2006; Hameed, Ali,
2011; Miller, Le Breton-Miller, 2011], textbooks [Morris, Kuratko, Covin, 2010] and professional publications
[Certo, Moss, Short, 2009]. Despite the fact that entrepreneurial orientation is one of the most studied concepts
in the literature on entrepreneurship, since its inception
there was a set of definitions that deeply modify the essence of the concept [George, Marino, 2011]. The two
articles presented in the «Anthology» are classic works
on entrepreneurial orientation the most cited in entrepreneurial research. Strategic Management of Small
Firms in Hostile and Benign Environments [Covin, Slevin,
2012] originally published in Strategic Management
Journal in 1989 is a first attempt to operationalize the
entrepreneurial orientation, the definition of which was
given in [Miller, 1983]. This approach is considered
to be the most popular in EO empirical research. Another article Clarifying the Entrepreneurial Orientation
Construct and Linking It to Performance [Lumpkin, Dess,
2012] published in Academy of Management Review
in 1996 supports the continuation of the conceptualization of the EO and introduces a new perspective on the
nature and definition of the concept, which led to a competing research approach to EO.
Shirokova G.V., Ezhova Y.S.
The Development of Corporate Entrepreneurship System in Russian Company: Creation, Evolution and Perspective // Russian Management Journal, 2012, Vol.
10 (1), p. 117-140.
This paper is devoted to issues of corporate entrepreneurship system development in Russian company. It is
based on the 11-year longitudinal case study. Currently, the issues of corporate entrepreneurship are studied
mainly in relation to large and well-established companies in developed economies. The present paper, on the
one hand, addresses the issues of creating a system of
corporate entrepreneurship in small and medium sized
companies in emerging markets, and on the other hand,
brings a dynamic perspective to corporate entrepreneurship research through examining the influence of organizational design change on the entrepreneurial activity
inside the company.
Research Book 2012
Other Russian Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals of the VAC
(State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles) list
Publications in Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Andreeva T.E., Sergeeva A.V., Golubeva A.A.,
Pavlov Ya.Yu.
Challenges to Knowledge Sharing in Educational Organizations: Evidence from Secondary Schools //
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 3, p. 78-105.
The article discusses challenges to managing knowledge sharing in public educational organizations presenting evidence from secondary schools. Using data
from 26 in-depth interviews with principals and teachers of 11 St. Petersburg schools, we critically analyze
the identified practices and discuss challenges to knowledge sharing within schools (among teachers), between
schools and with a number of key stakeholders — pupils’
parents, higher educational institutions, pre-schools and
local educational authorities. The results of the review
allow formulating a number directions for improving
knowledge sharing processes as a means for increasing
school’s effectiveness
Blagov E.Yu., Bogolyubov P.P.
Construct Validity of the Unified Theory of Acceptance
and Use of Technology: A Case of Russian Organizations // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 4, p. 101-125.
The article presents the results of testing the construct
validity of the unified theory of acceptance and use of
technology on a sample of Russian organizations facing
the implementation of the corporate Web 2.0 systems.
Several conclusions are made about the specificity of
factors influencing the acceptance and use of information technologies in Russian organizations. A number of
recommendations are given about the development of
instruments for supporting the employees’ activity in this
Blagov Yu.E.
R. Edward Freeman and the Stakeholder Concept
(Preface to the Section) // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint
Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 1, p. 109-116.
Among the research concepts claiming for particular
contribution to the theory and practice of modern management the stakeholders concept occupies a prominent place. Over the past 30 years a lot of articles and
monographs, as well as practically-oriented works were
published on the development of this concept. International standards SA 800, AA 1000, GRI, and recently
appeared ISO 26000 that are widely used in modern
business interpret the efficiency of interaction with stakeholders as the most important attribute of successful business. “The spirit and letter” of this concept are acknowledged by leading corporations and business schools,
regulatory bodies and non-profit organizations.
Blagov Yu.E., Gladkikh I.V.
Corporate Social Performance of the Russian Companies: Towards the Issue of the First Business Case
Studies Collection // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 3,
p. 106-127.
The article is devoted to the issue of the business case
studies collection «CSR Instruments Usage for Successful
Business Development». It provides a general description
and the structure of the collection. The methodological
aspects of the case study analysis are presented. The directions for the comprehensive analysis of the focal company’s corporate social performance are explained on
the example of case studies describing projects and programs presented by the “Novard” group of companies.
Faculty Publications
Chanko A.D.
Methodical Aspects of Business Disciplines Teaching
in Top-Managers Groups // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint
Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012,
Issue 1, p. 136-167.
The article examines method for improving the ability
of teachers at business schools to utilize various interactive techniques to train executive managers in groups.
The author addresses general principals of effective
learning as well as a number of key aspects of adult
learning such as «dynamic learning» and «dynamic
knowledge» in reference to top-managers. The author
discusses some of the key social-psychological problems
of group management and patterns of group interactions
between and within groups of executives. In the article
recommendations are offered for different interactive
methods such as group discussions, case studies, business simulations and role plays, and open space discussions within executive education courses and programs.
Cherenkov V.I.
The Competitive Intelligence as a Basis to Form Proactive Marketing Strategies // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint
Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 2, p. 55-77.
The competitive intelligence formation and its main
toolkit are presented in the article. Subject and method
of competitive intelligence as well as its main concepts
(such as early warning, „blind spots“, weak alert signals) are defined. Proactive strategic nature of competitive intelligence and its place built into the strategic marketing management loop are noted. The most important
missions of competitive intelligence are defined as monitoring the relevant part of global marketing environment
as well as anticipating business risks and opportunities
(especially, in the case of innovations). The governing
role of specific analytical capacities of intelligence officers given them by God or cultivated in them in special
closed schools is found. In conclusion of the article, besides a traditional study findings presented, some data
on contemporary state of the Art of competitive intelligencein Russia are given and the upcoming growth of
demand on the proper competitive intelligence services
and training/retraining servicesis forecasted.
Gladkikh I.V., Glazunov O.R., Domnin V.N.,
Starov S.A.
Squirrel: I’m Here!: Paradoxes of the Brand // Vestnik
(Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management
Series, 2012, Issue 3, p. 128-140.
The case study is designed to discuss positioning and
promotion of a new brand in a competitive market. The
case study is based on the introduction of a new brand
of vodka, “Squirrel: I’m here!”, to the Russian market.
The launch of the brand coincided with the launch of online social anti-alcohol campaign advertising, based on
similar consumer associations with the brand name. The
analysis of the reason for the successful brand launch
in the absence of advertising costs, including a deep
psychological study of the concept of positioning, can
be used in the teaching of various topics in the course
“Marketing”. In addition to the issues of positioning, promotion and branding, the case allows to discuss a wide
range of social and ethical marketing issues, including
the very acceptability of intensifying companies’ efforts
in promoting alcohol in Russia, while the problem of alcoholism among the population is worsening, as well as
ethical aspects of marketing technologies, built on the
appeal to irrational motives in consumer behavior.
Kucherov D.G., Zavyalova E.K.
Employer Brand in the Human Resource Management
System of Organization // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint
Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 4, p. 22-48.
In the article the employer brand concept is considered from the human resource management (HRM) function point of view. In the conditions of highly competitive
labour market the employer brand could be an efficient
tool in attracting, engaging and retaining qualified employees. The results of the empirical study of economic
and organizational features of HRM system in the companies with the employer brand are described. On the
basis of the empirical study the number of competitive
advantages in HR attraction, engagement and retention
and long-term advantages for the HRM system by employer branding programs are identified.
Latukha M.O., Panibratov A.Yu.
Rebranding in Educational Sector: An Experiment of
Two Schools’ Merger (Case Study) // Vestnik (Herald)
of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series,
2012, Issue 4, p. 126-139.
The case discusses the problem of two schools’ merger in St. Petersburg. While Gymnasium 261 is known as
high quality educational service provider and possesses
with highly professional pedagogues, the school 257
does not have such good reputation. The prospects of
the merger are not obvious, and director of the Gymnasium 261 Inessa Petrenko (who is responsible for the
merger implementation) has to carefully consider the
merger strategy and practical steps.
Research Book 2012
Minina V.
Organizational Trust as Intangible Asset of the Company: The Problem of Measuring // Vestnik (Herald)
of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series,
2012, Issue 2, p. 107-130.
The article presents a critical analysis of scientific
approaches to investigating trust as intangible asset of
the company. The author shows that in order to ensure
comparability of the results of empirical research and to
make appropriate recommendations to management it
is necessary to develop a special theory for measuring
organizational trust. One can find in literature the attempts to create such a theory. Two concept of measuring organizational trust are examined — the concept of
H. Smyth and the concept of D.& M. Reins. Both of these
concepts are reflected the essence of organizational
trust most precisely. However, the author notes the limitations of the concepts analyzed and makes some recommendations on development of research program for
organizational trust study.
Minina V.
The Missing Link (Case Study) // Vestnik (Herald)
of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series,
2012, Issue 1, p. 168-187.
The case describes particular situation related to development of quality assurance system in the ordinary
school. The key elements of quality assurance system
adopted in the school are given for analysis. Case materials provide an opportunity to make a diagnosis of
existing quality assurance system, to identify its strengths
and weaknesses as well as problems related to internal
system of quality management, and also to propose a
solution of these problems. Case can be useful to the students of the programs “Management in Education” and
“Managing Quality of Education”
Nikulin E.D., Shatalov A.I.
The Strategy for Business Growth through Franchising:
a Trade-off between the Number of Company-owned
and Franchised Outlets // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint
Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012,
Issue 3, p. 25-47.
The study analyzes the problem of finding the optimal
balance between the number of company-owned and
franchised outlets that delivers the best financial results
for a franchiser. The empirical part of the paper is based
on the data on 46 companies of different industrial affili-
ations that conduct the franchising strategy on the Russian market. The hypothesis of a nonlinear relationship
between the proportion of franchised outlets and a company’s return on assets is supported. This result can be
explained in terms of two major risks inherent in the franchising strategy that come into play when the franchise
proportion increases: the risk of brand disruption and the
risk of losing business. On the grounds of the analysis
conducted the algorithm for corporate decision-making
on the use of franchising is proposed.
Okulov V.L., Skripiuk V.I.
The Effect of Hedging Activities on the Stock Price Performance of Russian Companies // Vestnik (Herald)
of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series,
2012, Issue 3, p. 3-24.
We analyzed the reports (2007-2010) from Russian
non-financial companies whose shares are traded on
the MICEX, for direct indication of hedging their production and financial activities. According to the analysis of
reports were formed two portfolios: shares of hedging
companies, and shares of companies which not listed in
its reports on the use of hedging. Analysis of the daily
returns of portfolios showed that the portfolio of hedging companies demonstrate an average the best results
in the crisis period of 2008-2009. However, during the
rapid recovery of the market in 2009, the shares of nonhedging companies had the higher abnormal return.
Results of portfolio simulation show that the difference
between the portfolio of hedging companies and portfolio of non-hedging companies is statistically significant.
Dmitriev A.L., Semenov A.A.
The First Steps of the American System of Scientific
Management in the Pre-revolutionary Russia // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 2, p. 131-155.
The article analyzes the spread of ideas of scientific
management in the prerevolutionary Russia. The nature
of the reaction of the scientific community to the ideas of
scientific management are given, light is cast upon the
position of the most prominent Russian supporters and
opponents of the Taylorism. The authors have chosen a
completely new material on the extent and nature of the
spread of Taylorism and related movements in Russia. In
particular, they show that the theory and practice of scientific management were widely known in our country even
before the First World War and gave rise to lively debate.
Faculty Publications
Shirokova G.V., Tsukanova T.V.
The Impact of Domestic Institutional Environment on the
Degree of Internationalization of SMEs from Transition
Economies // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 1, p. 26-51.
This article offers some analytical results of the study
devoted to the estimation and analysis of the impact of
domestic institutional environment factors on the degree
of internationalization of SMEs from transition economies. The research is focused on a regulative pillar of
institutional environment as one of its most important dimensions. We examine the role of such factors as tax
rate, corruption, political instability, court system and
business licensing and permits that are significant constituents of institutional environment influencing firm’s behavior. Empirical analysis is based on the dataset from
the Business Environment and Enterprise Performance
Survey (BEEPS) 2009 and is relied on multiple regression analysis. The findings highlight that tax rate and
corruption have a negative impact on the degree of internationalization while political instability leads to the
increase in this process.
Sokolova E.V.
The Theoretical Basis of Competition Policy // Vestnik
(Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management
Series, 2012, Issue 4, p. 82-100.
The article provides the analysis of the evolution
of theoretical approaches of definition of competition
and corresponding changes in competition policy. The
comparison of analytical approaches of proponents
and opponents of neoclassical model of competition
is carried out. The article shows the influence of new
approaches on the changes in the peculiarities of the
application of the latter.
Starov S.A., Alkanova O.N., Molchanov N.N.
Brands, Trademarks and Commercial Symbols as Objects of Company Management// Vestnik (Herald)
of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series,
2012, Issue 2, p. 33-54.
The authors of this article seek to identify the main
approaches to defining a brand and branding, and
on the basis of the analysis characterize the brand as
an object of management and branding as a management process. This article provides a brief description
of differences between the concepts of “brand“, “trade
name“ and “trademark“, and introduces the authors
term “commercial symbol“ that is intended to describe
the object of company’s development and management and includes the characteristics of the above three
Starov S.A., Gabisov A.A., Shostka A.D., Cherenkov V.I.
Formation of Balanced Private Label Portfolio for Lenta
Retail Chain // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 1, с. 76-108.
This article is devoted to Lenta retail chain’s own private (own) label portfolio management. Authors propose
methodological approaches aimed at creation of wellbalanced structure of retailer’s private label portfolio. The
solutions are based on the David Aaker’s model of brand
portfolio structural analysis, Nirmalya Kumar’s model of
brand portfolio optimization, and Natalia Storozheva’s
micromodel of assortment optimization. Basing on this
theory authors propose practical recommendations for
Lenta’s private label portfolio development.
Udovichenko O.M.
Academic Programs in Healthcare Management: The
Global Experience // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 2,
p. 156-184.
The article provides an overview of current international practices in organizing and conducting educational programs in health care management. The programs of leading European and US medical schools and
business schools are analyzed in the following determining factors: who is the audience of such programs, what
do they teach, which formats and training technologies
are used. The author also raises the question of the need
for a modern world approaches to the design and curriculum of such programs in order to meet the challenges
of Russian health care system reform.
Volkov D.L., Nikulin Ye.D.
Working Capital Management: Analysis of Cash Conversion Cycle’s Impact on a Company’s Profitability and
Liquidity // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 2, p. 3-32.
The paper analyzes issues connected with a company’s
working capital management. The purpose of the article is
to analyze the relationship between cash conversion cycle — key measure of results of this managerial activity —
and two target indicators of working capital management:
a company’s profitability and liquidity. To reach this goal
we conducted the regression analysis of annual financial
reports of 73 Russian companies of different industrial affiliations for 2003–2006. It’s revealed that to increase liquidity (measured by current ratio) companies should increase
their cash conversion cycle whereas to increase profitability
they need to approach their cycle to zero. The latter means
that depending on the industrial affiliation and the sign of
cash conversion cycle, to increase profitability companies
should adhere to different strategies, i.e. either to increase
or decrease their cash conversion cycle.
Research Book 2012
Zamulin A.L.
Leadership in the Knowledge Age // Vestnik (Herald)
of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series,
2012, Issue 3, p. 48-77.
This paper examines the new socio-economic conditions of environment and the resulting demands for leadership in the XXI century. The main trends of leadership
development in the transition from the industrial economy
to the knowledge economy are described. The features of
power manifestation in knowledge-creating companies
are analyzed. The research explores the effectiveness of
different leadership styles in the era of knowledge. Special attention is paid to transformational leadership as a
possible leadership “bridge” between epochs.
Zavyalova E.K., Kosheleva S.V., Yakhontova E.S.,
Kakhkharov Sh.
Peculiarities of HRM at Innovation-Active Companies
// Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series, 2012, Issue 2, p. 78-106.
The peculiarities of HRM in the Russian innovationactive companies are studied in the present article. Approaches of the Russian and foreign specialists to this
problem are described. The results of the pilot study
of opinions among the top managers of 118 national
Faculty Publications
companies are given, the groups of “innovationactive“
companies (33%) and “non-innovative“ companies
(67%) are singled out. The peculiarities of HRM strategy and practices contributing to innovation activity are
analyzed. The conclusion is made that there is a holistic
strategy of implementing innovative projects in the companies where these projects are realized, including soft
practices aimed at forming innovative work behaviour
of personnel.
Zenkevich N.A., Katkalo V.S., Klemina T.N., Medvedev A.G.
Evolution of Incentive Contracts Modeling with Companies CEOs // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg
University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 1,
p. 3-23.
In the article the problem of CEO incentive to achieve
effective company’s output is investigated. The investigation is a theoretical framework to construct an uncentive
contract model. For this purpose we analyze evolution
of incentive contracts modeling in historical retprospective. The problem of constructing a theoretical incentive
contract model is illustrated by the model of double-rate
contract. Theoretical algorithms are tested on the numerical examples.
Faculty Publications
Other Russian Peer-Reviewed Academic Journals of the VAC list
Blagov E.Yu.
Algorithm for Choosing Ways of Development of the
Technological KnowledgeResources of the Firm //
Russian Entrepreneurship, 2012, No. 22, p. 83-88.
The article presents an algorithm
designed for making managerial decisions about the choice of means of
development of the technological
knowledge resources of the firm. The
algorithm is based on the results of
the empirical testing of the hypotheses concerning the choice criteria of
the technological knowledge resources specificity and
transaction uncertainty on the sample of Russian machinery manufacturing companies.
Blagov E.Yu.
Mathematical Models of the Multi-Sided Network Platform Dynamics // Problems of Contemporary Economy, Issue 4, p. 149-152.
The paper presents the review
and comparative analysis of contemporary literature in applying
mathematical modeling and computer
simulations to researching the dynamics of the multi-sided network platforms. The prospective directions of
development in the field are discussed.
Blagov Yu.E., Petrova-Savchenko A.A.
Sustainability Reporting: Disclosure on Compliance
// Economics of Contemporary Russia, 2012, No.2
(57), p. 130-135.
The article contains results of a study
on the disclosure of information on the
implementation of the commitments
made in the non-financial statements
of the largest companies operating in
Russia. The study showed that companies in general consistently disclose
such information. However, they maintained the continuity of the formal characteristics of reports, but most of
the liabilities are not formulated in the form of targets for
specific programs and projects, as well as the general
ethical principles. The extent and breadth of disclosure
depended on the type and form of non-financial reporting, and the “best practices” demonstrated the companies that produce the reports in the area of sustainable
development, based on international GRI standard.
Cherenkov V.I.
Marketing Approach to the Category of Channels
in the Global Diffusion of Innovations // Problems
of Contemporary Economy, 2012, Issue 2 (42),
p. 211-215.
Multiple forms of the global
distribution of the new useful
knowledge, or the diffusion of
innovations, may be described by
two major alternative categories:
transfer and spillover of innovations.
The corresponding classificatory
criterion is founded on the marketing
approach to the definition of
innovation as commercialization
of useful knowledge. There exists a
lack of agreement in Russian economic science on the
understanding of the principles and the terminological
paradigm within the theory of innovations. The author
describes a number of foreign principles of this theory
related to the interconnections of innovations diffusion,
transfer and spillover, and emphasized the study of
spillover as a mechanism of the global diffusion of
innovations in the context of production-and-marketing
Drozdova N.P.
Institutional Analysis of the Russian Economy // The
Economist, 2012, No. 11, p. 91-96.
Institutional sphere is such a
direction of economic thought to the
development of which more and more
scientists have been drawn recently.
The significance of this approach is due
to many reasons and not least of all is
the aknowledgement of the problem
of conceptual reforms justification
correction based on their practical results. Accordingly,
there is a need for training researchers and practitioners
who know methodology, analytical methods and
procedures of institutional analysis, who can interpret
Research Book 2012
economic and management problems through the
prism of institutions, able to undertake specific research
using appropriate methods. Primary role in preparing
such professionals is performed by college courses of
theoretical and applied institutionalism, that, of course,
must have adequate methodological support.
Maslova S.V., Sokolov M.Y.
The Competent Authorities and Organizations Involved
in Rights and Obligations of the Grantor of the Concession Agreement // Economic Renaissance of Russia,
2012, Vol. 31 (1), p. 49-56.
The competent authorities and organizations involved in rights and
obligations of the grantor of the concession agreement. The authors emphasized that the country as a whole,
government, business and society in
Russia is not sufficiently prepared for
partnership in the sphere of production infrastructure, there are no clear ideas about how
to go to the concession forms of management and the
possible socio-economic impacts. At the same time, the
economic potential of partnerships and concessions in
Russia is high enough. Based on the analysis of regional
practices concluded that at the present stage-trial and
execution of concession agreements has developed an
approach granting rights and obligations of the grantor of the concession agreement of several subjects, and
in some cases – even creating some of the institutional
mechanism that includes a set of interacting between a
state (municipal) authority organs and organizations,
both commercial and noncommercial.
Вступительное слово главного редактора профессора С.Д. Бодрунова:
Модернизация российской экономики на современном этапе * Состояние
и тенденции развития машиностроения в России * Проблемы управления
рентабельностью инвестированного капитала * Современные возможности развития российского ОПК * Реформирование российской газовой
отрасли * О реиндустриализации российской экономики в условиях ВТО
* Проблемы кадрового обеспечения развития мегаполиса * Предпринимательские сети в инновационно-строительной сфере * Принципы построения эффективных систем управления предприятием *
№3 (33)
Kucherov D., Zavyalova E.K.
Employer Brand in a Human Resource Management
System of Company // HR Management, No. 9, p.
The problems of HR attraction, efficient utilization and retention are key
conditions of competitiveness ensuring
for companies. According to practice,
traditional approaches to HRM are
not so efficient to tackle with these issues. The employer brand concept is
presented in the article, which enables
for companies to operate successfully in so-called “war
for talents”.
Faculty Publications
Pustovalova T.A.
Improved Procedures for Granting Credit to Reduce
Credit Risk // Economis and Management, 2012,
No. 4, p. 75-78.
This article analyzes the current
procedures by which Russian
commercial banks grant credit to
legal entities. It discusses the typical
organizational shortcomings found
in the lending process and makes
suggestions how to improve the
credit process. The specific aims
of these recommendations are to
improve service quality for borrowers from commercial
banks and to reduce credit risk. According to the paper,
credit activity could be improved in two fundamental
ways: by transforming customer service procedures
(regulations) and by establishing proper methods to
analyze and control the quality of loans. In conclusion,
the document explains the need for a new link in loan
servicing, the client manager, and describes the jobs
future functions.
Raskov N.V.
Common Market – Different Prices // The Economist,
2012, No. 5, p. 31-38.
Regional and cross-country differences in price levels have remained
relatively stable in spite of the integration processes and the globalization of
the economy. These differences persist
in the conditions of both the common
market of goods, capital, labor, such
as the EU, and the national market, as
in Russia. What are the main causes of differentiation in
the level of prices, and on which basis is their alignment
Faculty Publications
Semenov A.A.
Creation of the Administrative Management Theory by
H. Fayol // Contemporary Problems os Science and
Education, 2012, No. 2.
Semenov A.A.
The Growth and Modernization of Social Production:
The Fordist Model of Entrepreneurship // Economis
and Management, 2012, No. 3, p. 79-83.
The article investigates the process of creation by H. Fayol of the so
called “administrative management
theory”. Major landmarks in the career of the scholar are presented, his
classification of professional principles for various types of professional
activity is considered, the doctrine of
main management elements is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the analysis of six operation groups, making up according to Fayol the most substantial functions of any business regardless of its size and
operating mode. Fayol’s extensive experience allowed
him to draw a range of very useful conclusions with regard
to the degree various principles may be necessary for each
category of business agents. The article provides analysis
of the table in which he presented quantification of ratio for
each principle in qualification of various employee and executive groups in business. The concluding part of the work
provides comparison of Fayol’s doctrine with Taylorism.
The article links improved productivity and increased efficiency
with overcoming the ongoing financial crisis plaguing the world. In
this regard, it suggests the ideas in
Fordist doctrine as a means of understanding these economic problems. At first, the document considers the place of Fordism in the
postwar decades and the transformation of the Fordist
model of entrepreneurship during that time period. In
covering the history of Fordism, from its initial rise to
its later decline, the paper identifies the strengths and
weaknesses of the doctrine, which it claims also create
preconditions for its use in modern economic policy. In
parallel, the paper reveals how Fordism can explain
the nature of change in the investment cycle and in economic policy.
Semenov A.A.
The Formation and Development of Fordism as a System
of Organization and Regulation of Mass Line Production
// Finance and Business, 2012, No. 3, p. 176-186.
The article analyzes the spread
of ideas and practices of Fordism in
the twentieth century. Assessments of
basic concepts of H. Ford are given, highlights the social nature and
methods of implementation of his
organizational purposes. The work
contains also factual materials shedding light on the character of spread
of Fordism management scheme in the modern economy.
Serova L.S., Churakova I.Yu.
Micro-enterprises: A New Unit of the Russian Business Landscape // Russian Entrepreneurship, 2012,
No.12 (210), p. 38-43.
Micro-enterprises in Russia has
long existed, but they only gained
official status in 2009. Than what
is the difference between microenterprises and economic operators
of other types? What are their
characteristics? Read about it in the
presented paper.
Research Book 2012
Faculty Publications
Volkov D.L., Nikulin Ye.D.
Current State and Prospects for Research on Firm’s
Working Capital Management // EJournal of Corporate Finance, 2012, No. 3, p. 61-69.
Yuldasheva O.U., Yudin O.I., Prokoptsov V.E.
Marketing Strategies of Business Modeling //
Problems of Contemporary Economy, 2012, Issue 4,
p. 235-238.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state and prospects of
research on financial aspects of firm’s
working capital management. On the
grounds of differences in managing object, the original classification of working capital management levels is stated.
Three main levels of working capital
management are singled out: the level
of elements of working capital, the corporate level and
the supply chain level. The review of the main research
papers on the topics belonging to each level of management considered is presented, the main results obtained
are depicted and some current topical issues are stated.
In the article suggests marketing
approach to the development of
business models of entrepreneurial
activity. The essence of this approach
is to integrate the customer value
model in the business model structure
as its basic element. The methodology
of business modeling Is disclosed.
Business models the consumer goods
market are classified.
Faculty Publications
Other Russian Academic Journals
Kryukova A.A.
Strategic Management of Industrial Business // Topical Issues of Contemporary Science, 2012, No. 2, p.
Article is devoted to the development of strategic management
in industrial enterprises, focuses on
the relationship of organizational
management to finance and prices.
Stresses the need to compare markets,
assessing entry barriers asimportant
conditions for competitiveness.
Serova L.S., Churakova I.Yu.
Microenterprises as Organizational Form of Innovative
Business // Innovations Management, 2012, No. 4
(20), p. 278-285.
that of EU countries which set aside microenterprises as
a separate category of business entities at the beginning
of 21 century.
Yuldasheva O.U., Okolnishnikova I.Yu.
Marketing Communications Personalization as a Landmark of the Marketing Mix Adaptation to the Requirements of Consumers under Conditions of Informatization Society // Marketing Communications, 2012,
No. 4 (70), p. 204-212.
Society informatization causes decrease in the efficiency of mass marketing communications, which give
way to personalized communications.
Such communications are aimed at
customers involvement in the interaction with the company, formation of
an ongoing dialogue with each individual customer to
identify his/her unique needs, customer value customization and marketing mix tools adaptation.
The paper analyzes the results of
microenterprises, innovative entities
that have recently appeared on the
Russian business landscape. The authors use native actual statistical data
to compare Russian indicators with
Research Book 2012
Faculty Publications
Publications in Professional Journals
Andreeva T.
Virtual Teaming. from Monocultural to Multicultural //
BizEd, March/April 2012, p. 28-35.
Want your students to learn to
resolve confl ict, leverage technology, and develop cultural awareness
while managing a globally distributed
team? If so, consider adding a virtual
collaboration project to your next
business course.
Blagov Yu.
Responsible Leadership and “Shared Value” — The
New Russian Experience // EuroCharity Yearbook
2011/2012: Leadership for Sustainability, p. 80–81.
The development of CSR
in Russian business is generally in line with the global
trend of CSR principles being gradually integrated into
corporate strategy and the
transition to a social investments approach that matches the long-term interests of
both society and business into the “shared value”. Nev-
ertheless, even for the national CSR champions, the very
idea of sustainability still looks self-contradictory, as it
is interpreted by the business community mainly through
unconvincing instrumental arguments. Our research on
social investments in Russia, carried out in 2008, demonstrates that an overwhelming majority of these companies (83%) view CSR as a means to achieve longterm competitive advantages. At the same time, about
76% of them feel that social investments by business just
substitute governmental social expenditures and do not
serve as any strategic goals. It is responsible leadership
that can be a right way to overcome such a contradiction through raising awareness for CSR related strategies and actions.
Gladkikh I., Starov S.
Asahi Beer Enters the Russian Market // ECCH, Recent
features (Quarterly Newsletter), 13 March 2012.
Professors Sergei Starov and Igor
Gladkikh, Graduate School of Management, St Petersburg State University talk about their case, Asahi Beer Enters the Russian Market, co-authored
with Professor Ken Matsuno, Babson
Faculty Publications
Baranov I.N.
At the End of the World Rankings // Russian Council
on International Affairs, 2012.
For several years already
the Russian society sadly follows the annual publication
of the international university
rankings where Russian universities took place far from
traditional views on the high quality of training in national higher education. The question of Russia’s place
in the global education system is directly related to a
dispute about its role in basic and applied scientific research, and, consequently, the effectiveness of the institutional organization of Russian science. What measures
need to be taken by Russian universities to improve their
positioning in the world?
Denisov A.F., Smorodintseva A.D.
Is It Тecessary to Have Tuning of Relations in a Company? // For the Personnel Officer, 2012, No. 8, p.
timize the corporate style of relationship? Is it necessary
to install traditions in a team and if so - what are they?
And whether or not the already established ones should
be modified?
Shirokova G.V.
Entrepreneurship Education in Russia: Factors of
Students Entrepreneurial Spirit Development //
Business Education, 2012, Issue 1, p. 35-41.
The interest in entrepreneurial research in Russia is driven by the increasing role performed by SMEs
in the economic development of our
country, as well as by the relevance
of the transformation of the business
model of a firm at the stage of development and growth. The issue of growth
management of small businesses attract special attention to the creation and dissemination
of knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, based on
the Russian realities.
We spend a third of our lives at
work. And during this time we not only
improve the skills, but also «acquire»
colleagues. They can be our friends or
just stay acquaintances with whom we
do not communicate outside work. Today we’ll talk about congratulating a
colleague on the significant date in his
life. Are there common recipes to op-
Research Book 2012
Faculty Publications
Panibratov A.
Russian Multinationals: From Regional Supremacy to
Global Lead. – NY. : Routledge, 2012. – 226 p.
Russian multinationals are playing
an increasingly important role in the
world economy, particularly in some
key sectors such as oil, gas and metallurgy. At the same time, Russian multinationals differ in many respects from
multinationals from other countries in
that they often receive special treatment from the Russian government, and, because of past
experiences, international investors are often reluctant
to invest in them. This book presents a comprehensive
overview of Russian multinationals. It discusses the rise
of Russian multinationals, examines Russian multinationals’ activities in key sectors, analyses the relationship
between Russian multinationals and the Russian government and between Russian multinationals and international investors, and concludes by assessing how Russian multinationals are likely to develop in future.
Bukhvalov A.V. (ed.)
Corporate Governance: Issues of Application and
Ealuation of Russian Companies. – St. Petersburg :
Publishing Centre “Graduate School of Management”,
2012. – 328 p.
The multi-authored book comes
out of theoretical and empirical
years of work of the authors in the
field of research of interlink between
company’s value (and other
performance characteristics) and its
quality of corporate governance.
Theory and practice show that there
is a significant relationship between various aspects
of corporate governance and company’s value. It
is important to understand, that relationship between
various aspects of corporate governance is bilateral in
the sense that not only corporate governance influences
value, but also company’s value influences corporate
governance. The study considers the problem of choice
of adequate governance form for legal entities, which
is of present interest for Russian companies, as well as
issue of how the concept of value can be implemented
for companies, stocks of which are not traded on market
(in Russia the stocks of vast majority of companies are
not traded on market).
The book is addressed to both, theorists and
practitioners. The monograph also may be brought up
for the purposes of teaching courses on Master Degree,
MBA and EMBA programs, especially for the courses
“Corporate Governance” and “Company Valuation”.
Kazantsev A.K., Kiselev V.N., Rubvalter D.A.,
Rudensky O.V.
NBIC-Technologies: Innovations Civilization of the 21
Century – Мoscow : INFRA-M, 2012. – 383 p.
The book presents the research of
the present state and possible ways
of development of breaking through
high tech activities: nanotechnology,
biotechnology, information and communications technology and cognitive
technology. These technological activities, due to their synergetic and convergent properties, are also known as
NBIC-technologies and have already gained one of the
central positions in research programs of leading scientific schools abroad and in the Russian Federation. Authors also consider basic concepts of new institutional
economics, as well as the present state of national innovation systems of leading developed countries. The
book addresses not only scientific and economic aspects of development of NBIC- technologies, but also
social, philosophic problems that appear as a result of
synergetic effects and formation of innovative economics of the 21 century.
The book is devoted to a wide audience: researchers, professors, PhD students and senior students of natural sciences and economic specializations.
Faculty Publications
Collections Scientific Editing
Medvedev A.G., Latukha M.O.
Cross-Border Strategy and Operations: Finnish Companies in Russia. – St. Petersburg, Publishing Centre
“Graduate School of Management”. – 2012. – 196 p.
The aim of this book is to develop
an understanding of strategic and operational decisions in internalization
process of Finnish companies entering
the Russian market. The case book reflects on experiences of several Finnish firms doing business in Russi and
provides insights for the various challenges, objectives and decision-making alternatives
companies face in real internal and external organizational settings. The presented collection of cases reveals
the main managerial functions to be applied in the field of
international business, in particular, strategic management, organizational design, marketing, and operations
This book is recommended for students of Bachelor,
Master, and MBA levels at business schools as well as
professional managers in decision-making on entering
foreign markets.
Petrosyan L.A., Zenkevich N.A.
Contributions to Game Theory and Management. Vol.
V. Collected Papers presented on the Fifth International Conference Game Theory and Management. – St.
Petersburg, Publishing Centre “Graduate School of
Management”. – 2012. – 412 p.
The collection contains papers
accepted for the Fifth International
Conference Game Theory and Management (June 27-29, 2011, St. Petersburg University, St. Petersburg).
The presented papers belong to the
field of game theory and its applications to management. The volume may
be recommended for researchers and post-graduate
students of management, economic and applied mathematics departments.
Research Book 2012
Faculty Publications
Doctoral Thesis
Oksana Ezerskaya, Deputy Director for MBA Programs GSOM SPbU
Maksim Storchevoy, Senior Lecturer of Strategic & International Management Department GSOM SPbU
The Relationship of Corporate Control Mechanisms
and Processes to Generate Operating Cash Flows:
Models, Metrics, Monitoring System
Management Decisions under Ethical Dilemmas
Supervisor: Dmitry Volkov, Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor of Finance & Accounting Department GSOM SPbU
Specialty: 08.00.05 – “Economics & Management of
National Economy“ (Management)
Date of Defense: 29.03.2012
Dissertation research is devoted to the key issues in
corporate governance related to the search for a model
and managerial decisions efficiency evaluation criteria
for policy of operational cash resources management.
In the literature the problem of separation of capital belonging to the owners, and capital controls exercised by
managers is called the agency problem, or “principal agent“ relationship problem studied in the framework of
corporate governance.
Research topic relevance is determined by the necessity to fill the gap in theory and identify the role of
managers in managing the processes of operating cash
flows generation in emerging market countries (the case
of the Republic of Belarus).
The aim of the research is to develop a system for
monitoring managers’ operations as part of the mechanism of internal corporate control based on an integrated model of operating cash flow management.
Supervisor: Yuri Blagov, Candidate of Science (Economics), Associate Professor of Strategic & International Management Department, GSOM SPbU
Specialty: 08.00.05 – “Economics & Management of
National Economy“ (Management)
Date of Defense: 29.03.2012
Every manager faces ethical dilemmas — situations
where the decision made increases welfare of some
people and decreases welfare of others. There are no
obvious “right” choices in such situations where everybody wins. Instead, we have here a conflict of interests
that may be resolved only through application of some
moral principles. What principles should be used by the
manager of the company to develop a right decision in
such cases? Should the manager take care only about
the efficiency of the decision or to put the ethical issue on
the first place. If efficiency has crucial meaning, then efficiency – of company or of the whole economy – should
be taken into consideration. If ethical side is crucial then
what ethical approach should be used as a ruling norm?
All these uncertainties may significantly hamper the process of decision making, imposing extra costs and causing conflicts, and eventually leading to unethical results.
The purpose of this thesis was to develop theoretical
framework for making managerial decisions in ethical
dilemmas that would be based on the objective criteria
for ethical evaluation.
Faculty Publications
Anastasia Krupskaya, Alumni Relations Manager,
Alumni Association, GSOM SPbU
Dmitry Kucherov, Consultant, Alpha Personnel Consulting Group
Core Employees Identification and Management
Employer Brand in Company Human Resource Management System
Supervisor: Vera Minina, Doctor of Science (Sociology), Professor of Organizational Behavior & HR Management Department GSOM SPbU
Specialty: 08.00.05 – “Economics & Management of
National Economy“ (Management)
Date of Defense: 26.04.2012
In modern economics human resources present special value. Success and well being of the business depends on the quality of human resources. The reason for
this is that at the present time competitiveness of companies, reachable during continuous development, is mostly provided by the capabilities, knowledge, skills and
abilities of the personnel, for that reason it is accepted
to talk about human capital of the company. As soon as
human capital is not equally distributed among all of the
employees, managers of modern companies recognize
the necessity of employee differentiation: the higher the
human capital of a certain employee, the more valuable
he is.
The process of solving the problem of attraction and
retention of employees generate the necessity in estimation of human resources quality from the perspective
of human capital, its size and structure that in practice
means that the differential approach to employees is
used. However, this approach has risks, which, first of
all, are associated with the violation of the principle of
social equity of organization and labor remuneration.
That is why many companies fear to implement differential approach to the personnel, and thus, lose a competitive advantage with the respect to a parameter “quality
of human resources”. The development and approbation of the methods for identification of the most valuable
core employees of the company will help to mitigate the
The goal of the PhD thesis is to develop theoretical
and methodological approaches to the identification
problem of core company employees, as well as practical recommendations for managing employees.
Supervisor: Elena Zavyalova, Doctor of Science (Psycology), Professor of Organizational Behavior & HR
Management Department GSOM SPbU
Specialty: 08.00.05 – “Economics & Management of
National Economy“ (Management; Marketing)
Date of Defense: 26.04.2012
In modern information economy, firms competing for
leadership in markets, have to continuously innovate by
introducing effective and advanced technologies in all
areas of its activities. Managing and leveraging intellectual capital and non-tangible assets can become an essential factor in achieving competitive advantage. As a
response to environmental challenges, companies have
started to exploit technologies borrowed from related
areas of management both from academic and practitioner’s experience. One of the examples of such borrowed technologies is the phenomenon known as “employer brand”, which appeared at the end of the last
century, the first among practitioners, and then attracted
attention from scholarly research. Today, understanding
of “brand” concept has considerably changed. Before
the term “brand” was applied exclusively to products or
services and was used mainly in the area of marketing
research. However, now the concept of brand is extended and has become an umbrella term. The understanding of concept and practical applications of “employer
brand” principles that are based on forming, sustaining
and positioning organizations as an attractive employer
both for potential and current personnel, will give the
company competitive advantage in the conditions of socalled “the war for talent”.
The aim of this dissertation research is to investigate
the relationship between employer brand and human
resource management system.
Research Book 2012
Faculty Publications
Margarita Gladkova, Assistant Professor of Operations Management Department, GSOM SPbU
Olga Alkanova, Assistant Professor of Marketing Department GSOM SPbU
Service Quality Level Choice of the Supplier on the Basis of Game-Theoretic Modeling
Development of Integral Model of Goods and Services
Branding Performance
Supervisor: Nikolay Zenkevich, Candidate of Science
(Math.), Associate Professor of Operations Management Department, GSOM SPbU
Specialty: 08.00.05 – “Economics & Management
of National Economy“ (Management); 08.00.13 –
Mathematical and Instrumental Methods of Economics
(Economic Sciences)
Date of Defense: 24.05.2012
The growth of the complexity of external environment
and conditions of business management, namely, high
development of information and communication technologies and competition boost, predefines the identification of new sources of development of companies’
competitive abilities and ways to increase management
effectiveness. This fact causes the necessity of innovative
approaches to strategic decision-making, instruments
and tools that help them to reach the leading position in
mid-term and long-term perspective. One of the instruments that allow increasing company’s competitiveness
is the improvement of the service quality. Contemporary
approaches to company management are based on the
analysis of the adding value framework. The value of the
service for the consumer is highly defined by its quality.
This means that from consumers’ point of view the correlation between price and quality of the service is the
key factor that influences their purchasing decision and
they stay loyal to the service provider only if the service
responds their needs and expectations. In the case when
the price levels are close to each other, companies direct their efforts mainly to the quality level increase.
Therefore, the problem of quality level choice under
competition is a very important element of the strategic
management. The appropriate choice of service quality level and price provides a company with necessary
conditions to maintain high competitiveness and stable
development. The evolution of theoretical and applied
methodology of quality management under competition
is not possible without studying the consumer satisfaction
and companies’ strategic interaction in the market.
The goal of the research is to develop theoretical basis (models) and practical methods of the service quality
level evaluation and choice which is made by the service provider.
The scientific novelty of the research is the suggested
game-theory approach to the definition of service quality levels under the condition of the competition between
service providers when they optimize their economic
Supervisor: Starov Sergey, Candidate of Science
(Economics), Associate Professor of Marketing Department, GSOM SPbU
Specialty: 08.00.05 – “Economics & Management of
National Economy“ (Marketing)
Date of Defense: 31.05.2012
The presented thesis is devoted to the research of the
indicators system for goods and services branding performance.
Considerable production growth due to the rapid
technological development, consumer society formation
and human needs differentiation strengthening led to
major structural changes in the economies of developed
and emerging countries in the second half of 20th century. Over the past two decades, research focuses more
and more on branding issues. In the new market conditions, brand has become the key strategic company
asset and source of its sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore the need for the development of brand
management theoretical foundations and their practical
application has increased dramatically. Therefore dramatically increased the need for the development of the
theoretical foundations of brand management and their
practical application. In modern economy brand ceases
to be an object of only marketing office management
and becomes a “mediator” in building relationships of
the company and its stakeholders, creating additional
value and allowing relational rents extraction. The reported trends explain the need for greater investment in
a brand as an important intangible asset contributing to
extra profit generation and thus stipulate the significance
of these investments effectiveness assessment.
The aim of the research is to develop an integrated
model of goods and services branding goods and services performance based on the investigation of brands
promoted by Russian and foreign companies in the Russian market.
Faculty Publications
National Reports
Verkhovskaya O., Dorokhina M.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Russia 2011. – St.
Petersburg, Publishing Centre “Graduate School of
Management”, 2012. – 62 p.
“Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Russia 2011” is the sixth Russian
report for “Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor” (GEM). The first annual report was delivered in 1999 and prepared by 10 countries. Since then,
the number of participants has grown
continuously: from 20 in 2000 to 55
(including Russia) in 2010. At present the GEM project is one of the widest research initiatives on entrepreneurship. The goal of this report is to acquaint Russian
businessmen, experts in entrepreneurship, and other
stakeholders with the outlines of the project and general
results from research on 2011.
Germain R., Günter A.
Contract Logistics and Outsourcing in Russia: A Report
by the Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Center
for International Logistics and Supply Chain Management. GSOM SPbU; EBS University, 2012. – 34 p.
The global recession of the late
2000s and early 2010s has added
pressure on organizations to find ways
to improve productivity, reduce cost,
and improve service. Manufacturing
firms in industrialized countries engage contract logistics service providers and outsource functions and activities as a means to control productivity, cost, and service
and to provide a greater focus on core competencies.
Their organizational behaviors, managerial beliefs, and
related performance outcomes are relatively well documented and understood through research projects undertaken by academic institutions and consulting companies and through case studies. Less well understood
are the organizational issues of businesses engaging
contract logistics service providers and in outsourcing
that operate in developing countries.
Contract Logistics and Outsourcing in Russia: A Report by the Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Center
for International Logistics and Supply Chain Management was written for the purpose of providing managerial insight into contract logistics and outsourcing by
manufacturers operating in Russia. The Deutsche Bahn
and Russian Railways Center for International Logistics
and Supply Chain Management designed a survey that,
with the aid of a research agency located in Moscow,
was completed by 780 manufacturing companies with
production facilities in Russia. We hope that the report
provides insight to managers operating in Russia and
Research Group of PricewaterhouseCoopers Center
for Corporate Social Responsibility
Analysis of information disclosure on the implementation of the commitments made in the non-financial reports of major Russian companies in 2007-2009 (Part
II, 2.4.) // A.N. Shokhin, L.V. Alenicheva E.N. Feoktistova, F.T. Prokopov, M.N. Ozeryanskaya. Increasing Business Transparency through Corporate Sustainability Reporting Development. Analytical Review
of the Corporate Sustainable Reports, 2008-2011.
– Moscow RSPP, 2012. – 102 p.
This mini-study is the result of analysis of non-financial reports about
information disclosure on the implementation of previous commitments of
several leading Russian companies for
the period 2007-2009. The data of
15 companies that submitted reports
for all three of these years has been
Mixed industry characteristics of the studied sample
as well as the diversity of the reports submitted do not
allow to raise the issue on the identification of the stable trend to disclose information on the implementation
of the commitments. However, this mini-study allows to
confirm the hypothesis that in general leading Russian
companies consistently disclose information on the implementation of the commitments, although this process
is characterized by some peculiarities.
Research Book 2012
Faculty Publications
Working Papers
GSOM SPbU Working Papers Series
Zamulin A.L.
Leadership in the Knowledge Age
No. 1 (R)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 537
44 p.
The transition to a knowledge
economy is changing the nature
of organizations and staff working
for them. Focused on the creation,
preservation and reproduction of
knowledge companies increasingly
rely on knowledge workers. Qualitative
changes in the internal environment of
organizations and information society development are
not accompanied by a clear understanding of what
leadership styles are best for the new situation. This
paper analyzes the capabilities of traditional leadership
approaches and outlines the direction of formation of the
new types of leadership in the 21st century.
Baranov I.N.
Quality of Secondary Education in Russia: Between Soviet Legacy and Challenges of Global Competitiveness
No. 2 (E)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 538
41 p.
In this paper we examine determinants of the quality of secondary
education for making informed policy
decisions at the levels of student / family, school, country’s education system
institutions and macroeconomic indicators. The quality of education is estimated by the outcomes of the latest round
of PISA from 2009 on mathematics and science skills of
15-year old students from 67 countries. After regression
analysis for the pool of countries, we estimate the same
determinants for Russia in order to reveal in what way
the Russian secondary education system is different from
other countries, with a special attention paid to possible
explanation of a surprisingly different performance of
Russian students on TIMSS and PISA tests. We conclude
with the discussion of the limitations of analysis based on
international tests and possible policy issues related to
the factors of quality of secondary education in Russia.
Serova L.S.
Micro-enterprises in the Russian Economy: Current Situation and Development Trends
No. 3 (R)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 536
38 p.
Micro-enterprises in Russia exist for
a long time, but have acquired an official status only in 2008. What is the difference between micro-companies and
economic operators of other types,
what are their demographic characteristics – these research questions are the
subject of this article.
Shirokova G.V., Knatko D.M., Vega G.
Separation of Management and Control in SMEs from
Emerging Markets: The Role of Institutions
# 4 (E)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 550
41 p.
Demand by growing owner-run
SMEs for specialized manage-ment
knowledge is resolved primarily
through the separation of ownership
and control, using top management labor market and agency contracts. Under certain environmental institutional
conditions, owners of Russian SMEs
face difficulties separating ownership and control. Using
a dataset of 500 companies from fast growing industries
in St. Petersburg and Moscow, this study analyzes how
various perceived characteristics of the institution-al environment influence the probability of separation of ownership and control.
The work on this paper was supported by an individual grant № R10-0702 from the Economics Education and Research Consortium, Inc. (EERC), with funds
provided by the Global Development Network and the
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
Faculty Publications
Shirokova G.V., Storchevoy M.A.
Influence of Social Networks on the Entrance to Foreign Markets: Evidence from Three Russian Entrepreneurial Firms
No. 5 (R)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 549
51 p.
The paper is devoted to the influence of the social networks on entrance to foreign markets of Russian
entrepreneurial firms. Although the
majority of researchers assume that
social networks play a key role in the
process of internationalization of small
and medium enterprises, the authors
made an alternative claim questioning that influence. For
answering the research questions the case method was
used. On the basis of analysis of three cases of Russian
entrepreneurial firms we found that social networks do
play a much less important role in the internationalization process than it is usually assumed in the literature.
The most important factors in expanding international
business networks are honest business practices that establish trust and commitment in the relationships of international business partners.
Kazantsev A.K.
Innovative Development of Universities: Top Russian
Universities Survey
No. 6 (R)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 548
50 p.
The report presents results of research on the state of the educational,
scientific and economic activities of the
new cluster of Russian entrepreneurial
type universities – national research
universities (NRU). The research studied the national practice and international experience of the analysis and
rankings of university complexes. Recommendations
on the modalities of the system, indicators system and
comparative analysis of the NRU were developed. The
result of an analytical study of the NRU development
programs implementation is presented. As an empirical
data normative documents regulating RNUs activity and
results of the special survey were used. The study was
conducted as a part of a research project which involved
scientists from GSOM, MSU М. Lomonosov and Center
for Science Research and Statistics Ministry of Education
of the Russian Federation.
Muravskii D.V., Smirnova M.M., Alkanova O.N.
Brand Equity in Modern Marketing Theory
No. 7 (R)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 547
47 p.
In this paper, the prevalent approaches towards defining and measuring brand equity are discussed and
systemized. The resulting classification
allows matching particular types of
brand metrics with coherent approaches to defining brand equity, which contributes to the convenience of making
and justifying the choice of brand equity measures.
Samuylova E.B., Muravskii D.V., Smirnova M.M.,
Alkanova O.N.
The Role of Brand Characteristics in Brand Alliance Engagement with Different Types of Partners: An Exploratory Study
# 8 (E)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 546
52 p.
Although there is plenty of work, in
which co-branding is studied from the
point of view of the consumer, there is
a lack of empirical studies from a firm
(managerial) perspective, which is important for the comprehensive understanding of co-branding. The goal of
this research is to gain a better understanding of what determines the choice of brand allies
and whether particular brand characteristics effect that
choice. Therefore, the relationship between focal brand
characteristics and brand alliance engagement with different types of partners is explored using a sample of
62 Russian and international brands. As a result, the
existence of the relationship between focal brand characteristics and brand alliance engagement with different
types of partners is revealed, a model, describing the
firm’s alliance behavior depending on focal brand characteristic is created and directions for further research
and practical implications are presented.
Research Book 2012
Blagov E.Yu.
Factors of Multi-Sided Networks Pricing: Current State
and Perspectives of Research
No. 9 (R)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 545
32 p.
Pricing strategies in multi-sided platforms are a considerably interesting
object of research due to the complexity of pricing for different sides of the
platform and due to the presence of
network externalities. The paper analyzes the current state of the art of research of the factors lying in the foundations of the criteria of choosing the pricing strategies
by the managers of the companies using the multi-sided
platform business models. On the basis of the analysis,
suggestions of the key potentially fruitful directions of
further development of research in the area, considering both methodological and theoretical development
Zavyalova E.K., Kosheleva S.V.
Assessing the Efficiency of HRD Technologies in Knowledge-Intensive Firms
# 10 (E)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 544
28 p.
The paper presents the results of
a comparative study of human resource management peculiarities in
two groups of knowledge-intensive
firms: those working in IT field and in
advertising/PR field. 100 Russian medium size enterprises were the object
of research. The questionnaire made
on the basis of the European quality standard «Investors
in People» was the research tool. The differences in HR
practices aimed at personnel development and relevant
to various human resource strategies have been proven
to a statistically-valid degree. IT companies tend to realize the high performance strategy, whereas advertising
and PR companies prefer the high involvement strategy
Faculty Publications
Zavyalova E.K., Kosheleva S.V.
Human Potential as a Factor of Developing National
Competitiveness of Brazil, Russia, India and China
# 11 (E)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 543
28 p.
This paper is devoted to the issue of
the role of human capital in developing
national competitiveness of BRIC
countries. The authors analyze the
basic concepts (human capital, human
potential, national competitiveness).
The article puts forward a hypothesis
about the interrelation between
the peculiarities of human capital and national
competitiveness. Relying on the widely accepted indices
and using regression analysis as a tool, the authors
prove the rightfulness of this hypothesis. Supplementary
analysis of the dynamics of Knowledge-Based Economy
Index within the period of time under study (1990 2009) allowed to draw a conclusion upon the difference
in the efficiency of using the human potential in the BRIC
countries: despite the fact that Russia and Brazil dominate
in terms of the level of human potential development and
in particular concerning the level of education, they lag
behind China and India which use human potential and
knowledge most efficiently.
Muravskii D.V., Yablonsky S.A.
Determining Disruptive Innovation Potential of Multisided Platforms: Case of Digital Books
# 12 (E)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 540
56 p.
In this work, disruptive innovation
theory is applied to studying multisided platforms (MSPs). It is argued
that a successful MSP is one that is
capable of making products, which
are likely to disrupt the current market.
The authors develop a mechanism by
which it is possible to determine the
disruptive potential of an innovation. Its application is
then demonstrated on the case of E-publishing and digital
books. Based on the study, we suggest that determining
disruptive potential should be a key strategic question,
when creating and managing MSPs.
Faculty Publications
Archavski A.Yu., Okulov V.L.
An Experiment on Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty
No. 13 (R)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 541
52 p.
Muravyev A.A.
On Classification of Russian Journals in Economics and
Related Fields
No. 14 (R)–2012
Research Papers in Economics № 551
60 p.
We asked the participants of our
controlled experiment to solve the
Newsboy Problem. In this work we describe the design of the experiment. We
analyze results of the experiment and
emphasize the difference between the
theoretical solution and the solution
chosen by our subjects. We test several
hypotheses including the hypothesis of learning. We also
suggest a possible algorithm that could have been used
by the participants. Using the assumptions of the probabilistic algorithm we compute the stationary distribution
of the solutions.
In this paper we attempt to classify
Russian journals in economics and related disciplines for their scientific significance. We show that currently used
criteria, such as a journal’s presence in
the Higher Attestation Committee’s list
of journals and the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) impact factor, are
not very useful for assessing the academic quality of journals. Based on detailed data, including complete reference lists for 2010-2011, we find significant differentiation of Russian journals, including among those located at
the top of the RSCI list. We identify two groups of Russian
journals, tentatively called category A and B journals,
that can be regarded as most important from the viewpoint of their contribution to the economic science.
Research Book 2012
Faculty Publications
Working Papers Published at Social
Science Research Network
Agranov M., Archavsky V., Zhao C.
Signaling Quality Through Horizontal Disclosure in
a Hotelling Model
Social Science Research Network, 03.10.2012
SSRN working paper series; № 2156113, 22 p.
The paper studies the role of advertising in markets with products differentiated both vertically (different quality) and horizontally (different personal match)
where the producer is not able to credibly communicate
the quality of the good. We create and analyze a model where the producer chooses whether to advertise or
hide personal match and this decision depends on the
second dimension, which is internal quality of the good.
We show that under certain assumptions there exists a
separating equilibrium where the company that produces high quality product chooses to advertise ‘match’
(horizontal characteristics), while the company that produces the standard quality product chooses to hide the
horizontal characteristics. By advertising the horizontal
characteristics the company creates additional differentiation in the valuation of the good by consumers. We
assume that by advertising ‘match’ the company does
not create additional value in aggregation, however,
creates extra value for some customers. A certain group
of consumers understand that this product is designed
specifically for them, while others realize that there are
characteristics they do not like. As a result, the valuation for some consumers increases while the valuation of
others decreases. In other words, the ‘match advertising’
leads to the rotation of the demand curve. The choice
whether to advertise the match or not is endogenous and
based on the quality of the good the company produces
and on the production cost. We first show that the firm
with high quality and high production cost benefits more
from match advertising because it needs to concentrate
on a narrow market with a very high price. Advertising
will further increase quality for a narrow group of customers, and will allow the manufacturer to charge higher
price. At the same time, the firm with low quality will concentrate on a wide market, because market contraction
will hurt this firm. Second, we show to separate itself from
the low quality firm the high quality firm might need to
increase the price higher than the perfect information
price. If the price is low enough the possibility to mimic
the behavior of the high-quality firm may be attractive for
the low quality firm. The customers will believe that this
product is of high quality and will pay more. To separate
themselves from the low quality firm the high quality firm
needs to increase the price, forgoing some profit due to
loss of customers. However, mimicking the company that
concentrates on a very narrow market will be unprofitable for the low quality firm, and, therefore, the separation is achieved. Third, we find the parameter region
where the separation is achieved without any distortions.
Contrary to other results we show that high quality firm
sometimes does not have to set its price higher than the
perfect information price in order to signal the high quality of the product.
Arсhavsky V.
A New Rationale for Debt Covenants: The Trade-Off
between Short-Term and Long-Term Debt
Social Science Research Network, 15.03.2012
SSRN working paper series; № 2022237, 27 p.
When a debt covenant is violated the lender has the
right to demand immediate repayment of the loan. Using this right, the lender can extract certain concessions
from the borrower (manager), which may be inefficient.
I propose a theory that explains why, despite this inefficiency, tight and often violated debt covenants may be
optimal. In a repeated moral hazard problem combined
with an incomplete contract set-up, the debt overhang
prevents the manager from exercising optimal effort.
I deviate from the standard incomplete contract set-up
by allowing outside market participants to observe the
uncontractable outcome. I model the manager’s outside
option as the opportunity to refinance his debt on a competitive loan market. In this situation, the market independently evaluates the manager’s performance based on
observable parameters. The value of the outside option
has an important impact on the covenant design. A strict
covenant will severely punish the manager if his outside
option is low. If the covenant is violated the lender will
have control over the manager’s assets and the manager will face a renegotiation game in which the lender
has all the bargaining power. In this case a high outside option allows the manager to retain some rents. The
manager will exercise effort to increase his chances to
have a high outside option.
Faculty Publications
Arсhavsky V.
On Debt Overhang, Non-Contractibility, and Endogenous Refinancing Possibilities
Social Science Research Network, 13.09.2012
SSRN working paper series; № 2145566, 6 p.
In this paper I consider an incomplete contract model
based on a debt overhang problem. I introduce a possibility of refinancing the existing debt from an outside
rational investor. I show that depending on the parameters value this possibility may either by itself restore the
efficiency or with additional requirements from the borrower like very strict debt covenants.
Baranov I., Sklyar T.
Lazy Monopoly vs Competing Organization: A Case
of St. Petersburg Health Insurance System (in Russian)
Social Science Research Network, 25.02.2012
SSRN working paper series; № 2010610, 8 p.
The paper analyzes the activity of medical organizations in Russian health insurance system. A conception
of “exit”, “voice” and “loyalty” by A. Hirschman is used
to reveal the position of health care consumers . On the
basis of researches that have been conducted in 2003,
2005 and 2007 the paper proves the idea that the majority of public health care organizations presents “lazy
monopoly”. In a market without competition, consumers
who do not express their dissatisfaction by exercising
their right of “exit” (in this case by changing doctor or
provider of health services within compulsory medical
insurance system) or of “voice” are encouraged to go
to another market – either to pay for services at public
institutions or to turn to private organizations. As a result,
public clinics do not lose money and are not motivated
to improve performance and quality. The paper includes
analysis of some tools which could make health organizations to become less “lazy”, such as introduction of
competition between health insurance organizations,
increase of physicians salary, etc.
Baranov I., Sklyar T.
Consumer Behavior as a Factor of Change in Russian
Health Care System
Social Science Research Network, 25.02.2012
SSRN working paper series; № 2010612, 22 p.
The paper addresses efficiency and inequality issues under the conditions of increasing competition in
the health care sector in Russia. Co-existence of statefunded mandatory and market-based voluntary medical
insurance as well as high proportion of direct out-ofpocket payments create the unique settings for analysis
of causes and forms of competition among providers of
medical services. Due to more than 10% annual growth
of real income over the last six years, we can also observe tremendous changes in consumer behavior in
health care and medical insurance markets. The authors
make their conclusions on how all these changes effect
the efficiency of health care provision and access of different groups of households to medical services. The paper is based on the results of two general public surveys
and series of in-depth interviews with hospital and insurance organizations managers organized by the authors
as part of Ford Foundation and USAID projects in years
2002 and 2005. The study focused on the two Russian
regions with different potential for developing competition in health sector. We show that the conclusions are
similar for both regions and, therefore, could be used
for further development of health care sector in Russia in
general. We also note that many trends are common for
transition economies where health care reform is still on
the agenda.
Berezinets I., Ilyina Yu., Muravyev A.
CEO and Board Characteristics as Determinants of
Private Benefits of Control: Evidence from the Russian
Stock Exchange // IZA Discussion Paper No. 6256
Social Science Research Network, 08.01.2012
SSRN working paper series; № 1981212, 53 p.
This paper investigates whether and how various
characteristics of CEOs and corporate boards are related to the severity of corporate governance problems
within firms. The latter is proxied by private benefits of
control, which we measure for dual class stock firms using the voting premium approach. Our empirical analysis is based on data from Russia and takes advantage
of the extreme corporate governance problems in the
country, considerable variation in corporate governance practices across firms and over time, and presence
of a large and exogenously created (during the process of privatization) group of dual class stock companies. The data are assembled from the RTS, SKRIN and
SPARK databases and include over 200 firms observed
in 1997-2009, with over 1000 observations in total.
Our econometric analysis suggests a quadratic relationship between private benefits of control and CEO ownership with a minimum at about 4% CEO ownership, a
positive association between CEO tenure and private
benefits, and a quadratic in CEO age with a dip in private benefits at about 52 years of age. There is also a
quadratic relationship between private benefits of control and board size, implying the optimality of mediumsized (about 9-10 directors) boards. We find no gender
effects on private benefits of control.
Research Book 2012
Biavaschi C., Eichhorst W., Giulietti C., Kendzia M.J.,
Muravyev A., Pieters J., Rodriguez Planas N., Schmidl
R., Zimmermann K.F.
Youth Unemployment and Vocational Training // IZA
Discussion Paper No. 6890
Social Science Research Network, 07.10.2012
SSRN working paper series; № 2158300, 106 p.
This paper focuses on the determinants of the labor
market situation of young people in developed countries
and the developing world, with a special emphasis on
the role of vocational training and education policies.
We highlight the role of demographic factors, economic
growth and labor market institutions in explaining young
people’s transition into work. We then assess differences
in the setup and functioning of the vocational education and training policies in major world regions, as an
important driver of differential labor market situation of
youth. Based on our analysis we argue in favor of vocational education and training systems combining work
experience and general education and give some policy recommendations regarding the implementation of
education and training systems adapted to a country’s
economic and institutional context.
Dermanov V.
Development Management as Structural Transformation Management (in Swedish)
Social Science Research Network, 08.04.2012
SSRN working paper series; № 2035983, 19 с.
The article offers an approach that allows in terms of
substance to demonstrate the difference between such
notions as ‘economic growth’ and ‘economic development’. In the presented concept the notion of ‘development’ is reflected in the growth, structural changes, as
well as in the uneven growth of both the whole and its
Faculty Publications
Dermanov V.
Time and Life as Forms of Oscillating Process
(in Russian)
Social Science Research Network, 08.11.2012
SSRN working paper series; № 2171275, 11 p.
The article deals with a set of ideas associated with
such fundamental notions as ‘time’ and ‘life.’ I think that
life and time are forms of oscillating process. There is no
life without time. There is no time without life. Besides,
life is always spatial, and space - is vital. This article is of
scientific character. However, I deliberately made it as
popular science paper.
Lehmann H., Muravyev A.
Labor Market Institutions and Informality in Transition
and Latin American Countries // IZA Discussion Paper
No. 7035
Social Science Research Network, 15.12.2012
SSRN working paper series; № 2189773, 47 p.
This paper analyzes, using country-level panel data
from transition economies and Latin America, the impact
of labor market institutions on informal economic activity. The measure of informal economic activity is taken
from Schneider et al. (2010), the most comprehensive
study to date. The data on institutions, which cover employment protection legislation (EPL), the tax wedge, the
unemployment benefit level, unemployment benefit duration and union density, are assembled at the IZA (transition countries) and the World Bank (LAC countries).
We find that a more regulated labor market (higher EPL)
increases the size of the informal economy. There is also
evidence that a larger tax wedge increases informality.
The tax wedge elasticity of informal economy, when
evaluated at the sample mean, is rather modest, around
0.1%. Our results are broadly in line with the literature,
which identifies labor market regulation and the tax
wedge as important drivers of informality.
Faculty Publications
Scientific Editing of the Russian Translation
Baranov I.N.:
Forbes M., Lynn L.E. How Does Public Management
Affect Government Performance? Findings from International Research // Russian Management Journal,
2012, Vol. 10 (1), p. 85–116.
Originally published in Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2005, Vol. 15 (4), p.
Despite the growing importance of public management reform around the world, relatively little scholarship
evaluates the contributions of public management to government performance, that is, to the character and consequences of service provision by public agencies. One
study (Hill and Lynn 2005) evaluated over eight hundred
American empirical studies that address issues of public management effectiveness in a wide variety of fields,
subfields, and disciplines. In this article, we employ the
analytic framework of Hill and Lynn a polycentric “logic
of governance”- to evaluate 193 research articles published in English that use non-American, or what we will
term international, empirical evidence. Our evaluation
reveals more similarities in American and non-American
public management research, and in the determinants of
government performance, than one might expect, given
the distinctiveness of the American politico-administrative
system. These similarities may be deceptive, however. International investigators exhibit somewhat different modeling strategies, tending, for example, to favor more linear managerialist hypotheses changes in structure lead
to changes in outcomes, for example than American research, which is more concerned with intragovernmental
complexities. The fact that the use of a polycentric logic
of governance revealed highly suggestive similarities and
differences in the determinants of performance in public
organizations suggests the potential value of this kind of
analytic strategy in both single investigations and in meta-
Baranov I.N.:
Hood C., Peters G. The Middle Aging of New Public
Management: Into the Age of Paradox? // Russian
Management Journal, 2012, Vol. 10 (1), p. 65–84.
Originally published in Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 2004, Vol. 14 (3),
p. 267–282.
As “New Public Management” enters middle age,
scholarly attention has moved to some degree from descriptive mapping and a priori critiques to the analysis
of surprises and paradoxes associated with recent and
contemporary public service reforms. Some standard
analytic lenses for examining such paradoxes, explored
here, are the Mertonian tradition of analyzing unintended effects of social interventions, cultural theories of surprise, and the analysis of discontinuities and unexpected
couplings in the operation of complex systems, though
the New Public Management literature to date has employed the first lens more intensively than the other two.
We conclude by exploring features of New Public Management reforms that may have contributed to paradoxical effects and argue that the analysis of such paradoxes
can help advance administrative science and the understanding of public sector reform.
Blagov Yu.E.:
Freeman R.E. The Politics of Stakeholder Theory: Some
Future Directions // Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series, 2012, Issue 1,
p. 117–135.
Originally published in Business Ethics Quarterly,
1994, Vol. 4 (4), p. 409–421.
The purpose of this paper is to enter the conversation about stakeholder theory with the goal of clarifying
certain foundational issues. I want to show, along with
Boatright, that there is no stakeholder paradox, and that
the principle on which such a paradox is built, the Separation Thesis, is nicely self-serving to business and ethics
academics. If we give up such a thesis we find there is no
stakeholder theory but that stakeholder theory becomes
a genre that is quite rich. It becomes one of many ways
to blend together the central concepts of business with
those of ethics. Rather than take each concept of business singly or the whole of «business» together and hold
it to the light of ethical standards, we can use the stakeholder concept to create more fine-grained analyses that
combine business and ethics; or more simply, we can tell
many more, and more interesting, stories about business.
Research Book 2012
Bukhvalov A.V., Katkalo V.S.:
Teece D.J. Market Entry Strategies for Innovators:
Avoiding Pyrric Victories // Russian Management
Journal, 2012, Vol. 10 (4), p. 83–104.
Originally published in Teece D.J. 2000. Managing
Intellectual Capital. Oxford University Press: Oxford,
p. 91–114.
This article is a translation of chapter 5 from Teece D.
J. 2000. Managing Intellectual Capital. Oxford University Press.
Bukhvalov A.V., Katkalo V.S.:
Teece D. J., Bercovitz J. E., de Figueiredo J. M. Decision Making Process and the Rate and Direction of
Innovation // Russian Management Journal, 2012,
Vol. 10 (4), p. 61–82.
Originally published in Teece D. J. 2000. Managing
Intellectual Capital. Oxford University Press: Oxford,
p. 69–90.
This article is a translation of chapter 4 from Teece D.
J. 2000. Managing Intellectual Capital. Oxford University Press.
Fedotov Yu.V.:
Boussofiane A., Dyson R.G., Thanassoulis E. Applied
Data Envelopment Analysis // Russian Management
Journal, 2012, Vol. 10 (2), p. 63–88.
Originally published in. European Journal of Operational Research, 1991, Vol. 52 (1), p. 1–15.
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a linear programming based technique for measuring the relative
performance of organisational units where the presence
of multiple inputs and outputs makes comparison difficult. This paper introduces the technique and focuses
on some of the key issues that arise in applying DEA in
Fedotov Yu.V.:
Reiner G., Hofmann P. Efficiency Analysis of Supply
Chain Processes // Russian Management Journal,
2012, Vol. 10 (2), p. 89-116.
Originally published in International Journal of Production Research, 2006, Vol. 44 (23), p. 5065–5087.
Faculty Publications
We present an integrated benchmarking approach.
To analyse the performance of inter-organizational
(supply chain) processes at company level we combine
dependency analysis and data envelopment analysis
(DEA). DEA has been proven to be a powerful tool for
benchmarking processes and for identifying the most efficient ones. Before using DEA analysis the inputs and
outputs as well as the relevant dependencies have to be
identified. To support the determination of input and output variables we propose to use dependency analysis.
We illustrate the application of this integrated approach
by analysing the results of an empirical benchmarking
study of 65 European and North American companies.
The study shows that make-to-stock is still the predominating manufacturing strategy of the analysed industries.
Therefore, we utilize different DEA models with weight
restrictions only for companies with a make-to-stock
strategy. The results support our basic hypotheses that efficient supply chains lead to high financial performance.
Furthermore they indicate improvement potential for the
benchmarked supply chain processes.
Medvedev A.G.:
Holtbrügge D., Kreppel H. Russian Multinationals in
Germany: Brand Image and Employer Attractiveness
// Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University.
Management Series, 2012, Issue 4, p. 3–21.
The article describes an analysis of brand image of
products made by Russian firms as well as employer
attractiveness of Russian firms in Germany, based on
a sample of 193 responses received through a crosssectional mall-intercept survey and on a sample of 218
responses collected through an empirical study of the
working population. It has been argued that the negative country-of-origin effect induces Russian firms to
concentrate on those market segments where the negative image is not so strong and to apply appropriate
marketing tools to create a positive brand image of the
firm’s products. This study shows also that the employer
attractiveness of Russian companies differs significantly
among industries. The automotive and consulting sectors
are ranked at the lower end with regard to Russian employers. Most respondents would like to work in Russian
firms in the transport & logistics industry. Another result is
the higher relevance of compensation and job security
as HR practices, while the relevance of career advancement and training is much lower.
Faculty Publications
Shirokova G.V.:
Covin J., Slevin D. Strategic Management of Small
Firms in Hostile and Benign Environments // Russian
Management Journal, 2012, Vol. 10 (3), p. 73–90.
Originally published in Strategic Management Journal, 1989, Vol. 10 (1), p. 75–87.
This paper reports the results of a study designed to
investigate the effective strategic responses to environmental hostility among small manufacturing firms. Data
on environmental hostility, organization structure, strategic posture, competitive tactics, and financial performance were collected from 161 small manufacturers.
Findings indicate that performance among small firms in
hostile environments was positively related to an organic
structure, an entrepreneurial strategic posture, and a
competitive profile characterized by a long-term orientation, high product prices, and a concern for predicting industry trends. In benign environments, on the other
hand, performance was positively related to a mechanistic structure, a conservative strategic posture, and a
competitive profile characterized by conservative financial management and a short-term financial orientation,
an emphasis on product refinement, and a willingness to
rely heavily on single customers.
Shirokova G.V.:
Lumpkin G.T., Dess G.G. Clarifying the Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct and Linking It to Performance
// Russian Management Journal, 2012, Vol. 10 (3),
p. 91-126.
Originally published in Academy of Management Review, 1996, Vol. 21 (1), p. 135–172.
The primary purpose of this article is to clarify the
nature of the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) construct
and to propose a contingency framework for investigating the relationship between EO and firm performance.
We first explore and refine the dimensions of EO and
discuss the usefulness of viewing a firm’s EO as a multidimensional construct. Then, drawing on examples from
the EO-related contingencies literature, we suggest alternative models (moderating effects, mediating effects,
independent effects, interaction effects) for testing the
EO-performance relationship.
Research Book 2012
Faculty Publications
Cases Rregistered at ecch
Alkanova O.N.
Komarovo Equestrian Club: Give Way to New Favourite?
Case (21 p.): ecch No 512-125-1
Teaching Note (7 p.): ecch No 512-125-8
This case study is based on an analysis of the
problems associated with the activities of Komarovo
Equestrian Club (Komarovo EC, KEC) on the sports and
recreation services market of St. Petersburg. As one of
the first equestrian clubs in St. Petersburg, Komarovo EC
took full advantage of the «first step» benefit by holding
the position of market leader for a considerable period
of time. Komarovo EC has positioned itself as a premiumclass equestrian club focusing on professional equestrian
sports (or, at least, on those willing to pursue equestrian
sports professionally) and amateurs alike. Over the
past few years, however, and despite the post-crisis
economic landscape, Komarovo has been confronted
by two strong new competitors targeting the premium
market segment – Priority Equestrian Club (opening in
2009) and Derby Equestrian Club (opening in 2006),
both belonging to a single owner. The main advantage
of these clubs rests not only in their modern infrastructure,
but also in their ability to offer separate areas for training
at a professional level while, by virtue of their expansive
space, simultaneously engaging amateurs. Yet another
premium-class equestrian club is slated to open next to
Komarovo Equestrian Club (in Repino Village, 4 km from
the Village of Komarovo, where the club is situated).
The increased competition, which places Komarovo at
a distinct disadvantage in terms of facilities, has forced
Komarovo to pay more attention to its own development
strategy and evaluate available strategic alternatives
under tough budget constraints imposed by the specifics
of the business.
Cherenkov V.I.
K-RAUTA: Expansion in Russia in a Time of World Crisis
Case (31 p.): ecch No 512-120-1
Teaching Note (5 p.): ecch No 512-120-8
In 2005, Rautakesko, the Leading Retailer of Home
Improvement Products and Services well-known in the
world market as an international rather than diversified
and networked actor, entered the Russian home improvements market under the K-rauta brand by acquir-
ing St. Petersburg-based Stroymaster, one of the Russian
DIY store networks based in St. Petersburg. Before entering the said market Rautakesko had successfully used
many different entry modes into Sweden, Norway, the
Baltic countries and Belarus. The present case describes
how the pre-crisis time as a time of economic growth and
high demand on Krauta’s items was drastically altered
in 2008. Having developed St. Petersburg as a platform
market K-rauta stated Napoleonic plans to capture the
Moscow Region and many others remote regions. The
world crisis (2008) was a point of bifurcation: to continue or to cease the K-rauta’s expansion. Relevant data
and data sources as well as opinions of those who are
skilled in the art (K-rauta’s top-management included)
are presented to help readers to estimate after-crisis
K-rauta’s situation and its strategic decisions.
Gladkikh I.V.
Football Club Zenit
Case (3 p.): ecch No 512-121-1
The case was written for studying a company’s pricing strategy in the following courses: Pricing Strategy
and Marketing. The football club Zenit runs the Petrovsky
Stadium in St. Petersburg, Russia, and determines ticket
prices at football matches. The football club executives
managed to conduct the segmentation of the spectators.
The next task was to develop the pricing strategy, and
acknowledge problems, which could be solved with the
help of prices, find opportunities for differential pricing,
and agree on the pricing decisions, including decisions
within marketing mix.
Gladkikh I.V., Glazunov O.R., Domnin V.N., Starov S.A.
“Squirrel: Here I Come!”: Paradoxes of the Brand
Case (8 p.): ecch No 512-122-1
Teaching Note (5 p.): ecch No 512-122-8
In spite of complete absence of advertisement and
any official information input from the liquor manufacturers, appearance of “Squirrel: Here I Come!” vodka
caused wide public reaction. The mass media responded to it as to a noteworthy event. Gossip and bloggers’
comments snowballed on the Internet, the sales growth
rates breaking all records previously set in the alcohol
market. How did one make shift to create, under the
over-saturated conditions of the Russian vodka market,
Faculty Publications
a new brand capable to sell itself on the condition of
critical reduction of advertising opportunities due to antialcohol legislation stiffening?
The case is intended for discussion of issues related to
a new brand positioning and promotion in competitive
markets. It is based on the story of the entry of “Squirrel:
Here I Come!” brand in the Russian market which coincided with the launch of a social anti-alcohol advertising on the Internet built on the consumer’s associations
cognate to the brand name. The analysis of the causes of
the brand successful launch with absolutely no advertising expenses incurred, inclusive of a deep psychological
substantiation of the positioning concept, may be used in
the Marketing course, while discussing social and ethical marketing problems.
Kazantsev A.K., Serova L.S.
Baltyisky Zavod JSC: Information Strategy
Case (10 p.): ecch No 612-051-1
Teaching Note (8 p.): ecch No 612-051-8
The case is aimed at teaching to build up a strategic
concept for formation system development at the enterprise, its functionality and magnitude for the enterprise
to hold its leading position. JSC Baltiysky Zavod was
one of the first industrial plants in Russia that launched
a modern transnational integrated information system
BAAN IV encompassing all business processes from production planning up to financial monitoring. The implementation of a multifunctional system was followed by
elaboration of a long-term strategy for the development
of information system by production units and to form a
sequential program to extend the functional content of
the system. The case study contains a description of organizational and economic features related to the plant
performance as well as prior experience in application
of information technology and includes data on longterm planning and development of information systems.
It is aimed at improving analytical skills in terms of information environment in the company, assessing condition
and development problems of information systems as the
core strategic resource of the enterprise, and searching
for alternative information strategies for the enterprise.
Laptev Y.V.
Baltic Leasing: the Success Story of the First Russian
Leasing Company
Case (12 p.): ecch No 312-294-1
Teaching Note (7 p.): ecch No 312-294-8
Leasing (licensed by the Ministry of Economy of Russia
No. 0001). Originating in the Soviet Union (in 1990),
the company has gone through all the stages of a difficult history of establishing business in Russia over the
past two decades. Created by a group of enthusiasts, research associates, aka experts in logistics, it has grown
into a steadily developing universal leasing company,
which has always been one of the top ten leasing companies in Russia (8th place in the 2010). The case is
designed for discussion in the Strategic Management
course, but it could be successfully used in the following
courses: General Management, Finance and Change
Latuha M.O., Panibratov A.Yu.
International Clinic: Is It Required to Be Russian Healthcare Leader?
Case (13 p.): ecch No 412-068-1
International Clinic, a leading clinic operating in the
premium segment of the Saint Petersburg medical services market, having successfully survivedthrough the
stage of growth and establishment of a strong competitive standing, was challenged by the fact that the ensuing attempt to come as close as possible to world
standards (in both therapy and management) failed to
result in increase of the firm competitive ability (regarding both provision of services to patients and work with
the personnel). On the one hand, the Clinic potential clients were often prepared to purchase cheaper (though
inferior in terms of quality) medical services, from diagnostics to therapy proper, at other medical institutions of
the city. On the other, the Clinic was challenged by the
impossibility to attract top doctors and leading specialists due to their reluctance to work on a wholly official
basis while their employment at other institutions (including state ones) opened for them wider money-earning
opportunities. The above facts significantly restricted the
firm capabilities to arrange a network of branches and
explore new regional markets. Finding that the situation
requires taking a series of strategic decisions on further
development, the Clinic management encountered a
number of new managerial tasks related to marketing
and work with the personnel.
The case deals with the history of establishment and
development of the first Russian leasing company Baltic
Research Book 2012
Latuha M.O., Panibratov A.Yu.
School Merger: a New Approach towards Gymnasium
Case (15 p.): ecch No 312-295-1
Panibratov A.Yu.
Skanska: Withdrawal from the Russian Market
Case (18 p.): ecch No 512-123-1
Teaching Note (10 p.): ecch No 512-123-8
In spring 2010, Inessa Petrenko, Director of
Gymnasium 261 in St. Petersburg, was notified of the
decision made by the District Administration to merge
the gymnasium under her charge with a nearby school
No. 257. For two last decades, gymnasium 261 has
consistently held leadership positions in rendering highquality education services mainly for pupils from socially
advanced families where children and parents are highly
motivated to acquire good education. School 257, on
the contrary, has created a negative image in recent
years. It had an insufficient fill rate, with the majority
of its attendees being from socially disadvantaged
families. Inessa, who has been empowered to Director
the newly emerged establishment, felt enthusiastic about
new opportunities arising from greater spaces, more
staff members, an increase in the number of pupils, and
consequently, enhanced financial support. To make
these glowing prospects a reality, however, it was
required to elaborate the gymnasium’s post-merger
development strategy as well as to solve a number of
problems associated with joining together pupils with
different social backgrounds as well as teachers with
varying professional competences.
The Finnish construction firm Skanska activity in
the Russian market is considered in the case which is
dedicated to the problem of the strategy development
for the Russian market. The company’s active investment
policy in the 1990s – first half of 2000s led to the
growth of its brand recognition in the construction
market and allowed for the creation of a strong brand,
the result of which was the company acquiring a highly
competitive position in the Russian market. Despite the
rise of attractiveness of Russian market for construction
and investments, the company left it in 2007. Does this
not mean that the local company’s management was
confronted with an inability to continue to follow the
Skanska course of competitiveness and strategic stability
of its business in emerging markets and that Skanska other
operations should draw a lesson from this experience?
The case study is devoted to a problem of a choice of
strategic priorities related to the regional expansion and
local partnerships in the Russian construction market.
Minina V.N.
The Missing Link
Case (12 p.): ecch No 412-067-1
Reforms taking place in the Russian system of
education, bring to the agenda the issue of education
quality management. The quality of education has
always been the focus of attention of both the state and
the educational institutions. But now the problem is getting
new shapes. Along with the formation of the education
market, universities, colleges and schools make quality
education a key factor in the competitiveness of
educational institutions. Therefore, the establishment of
an effective system of quality management education
is one of the biggest challenges the leaders of these
institutions. The case deals with a particular situation
of establishing an education quality control system at
secondary school. The basic elements of the quality
assurance system adopted at school, are taken for the
analysis. The case study provides the opportunity to
make the diagnostics of the existing model of quality
assurance, to identify its strengths and weaknesses, and
to identify the problems associated with the creation of
an in-school education quality management system and
to offer a solution.
Faculty Publications
Storchevoy M.A.
Blanket Licensing
Case (8 p.): ecch No 212-060-1
Teaching Note (4 p.): ecch No 212-060-8
The case is based on secondary data and describes
the problem and practice of selling music (i.e. performance rights) on the music market. Various pieces of
music (songs, instrumentals, etc.) have different value for
various customers, and, moreover, represent a problem
of experience goods, i.e. the real value for a particular
customer will be revealed only in the process of consumption. Therefore, there is a difficult problem of pricing
for music. This problem exists for both old as well as new
tracks. The quality of old tracks is already known but the
industrial user (i.e. radio station) may not know the precise commercial effect of using this music in a particular
business project (i.e. broadcasting a program). For new
tracks the effect of “experience” good adds – nobody
knows what real utility may be derived by a particular
customer from a new music track. As a result, we may
observe various contractual problems in this market –
high transaction costs, excess search problem, underinvestment problem, adverse selection problem.
Faculty Publications
Storchevoy M.A.
Patent Licensing: Royalty and Other Terms
Case (11 p.): ecch No 212-061-1
Teaching Note (4 p.): ecch No 212-061-8
The case is based on secondary data and describes
the problems of pricing of a good with unknown value
– a new technology or know-how. In particular, we discuss many issues with defining a proper royalty rate for
licensing contract. Are there any rules for calculation of
the royalty rate? What should the base of calculating
royalty (revenue, profit, etc.)? What is better: per unit
royalty or royalty rate? What is the purpose of various
side payments (upfront payment, minimum royalty rate,
etc.)? How patent enhancements should be managed?
Why royalty rates are renegotiated after the contract
was made and how this process should be institutionalized?
Storchevoy M.A.
Used Car Market
Case (11p.): ecch No 212-062-1
Teaching Note (3 p.): ecch No 212-062-8
The case is based on secondary data and illustrates
the adverse selection problem at used car market. The
main question is what hidden quality issues may arise
when one is going to buy a used car and how they may
be solved. Special attention is paid to three supplementary theoretical issues: 1) strategies and instruments that
are used by mala fide sellers who want to hide the real
quality of their cars, 2) the role of intermediaries; we describe functioning of two automotive web-sites and Cars. Com and pose several questions about
their effect on the adverse selection problem; special attention is paid to a similar Russian web-site and
its comparison with American counterparts; 3) the role
of special databases like Kelly Blue Book or Carfax that
may help to reduce information asymmetry, 4) the role
of special contractual terms like “certified pre-owned
car” warranties (CPOs) in preventing adverse selection
effect, 5) empirical observations of adverse selection effects received in various academic studies.
Storchevoy M.A.
Videogames: Developers and Publishers
Case (7 p.): ecch No 212-062-1
Teaching Note (4 p.): ecch No 212-062-8
lishers through a contract. The terms of such licensing
contracts represent the main problem of this case (initial
investments, reward conditions, other rights, etc.). Beside
this, alternative mechanisms of financing and distributing
games are discussed. The case is intended for master
students or MBA students who study Business Economics, Managerial Economics, Organizational Economics, Economics of Strategy, or similar courses. The students should understand the concepts of opportunistic
behavior in contracts (esp., strategic misrepresentation
of information, moral hazard and hold-up). The case is
designed to help students: get an illustration on the real
problems of contracting for resources that have unclear
market value, because they are unique (artworks, patents, mineral deposits, etc.); analyse a real dilemma of
choosing the best reward mechanism that would create
incentives for efficient behaviour of parties to the contract; analyse alternative models of value chain organization in the video games industry in particular and in
the media industry in general.
Yablonsky S.A.
Yandex: The Russian Google
Case (39 p.): ecch No 912-041-1
Teaching Note (13 p.): ecch No 912-041-8
The case is based on the analysis of a range of problems associated with the Yandex search network multisided platform long-term strategy development in the
search engines market in Russia and globally. The Yandex company is the leading internet company in Russia,
operating the most popular search engine and the most
visited website. However, in the recent time, the competition in the Russian and global market sharpened.
The attack of competitors has certainly pushed Yandex
to improve continuously. Company aspires to win significant market share in countries outside the CIS by offering superior value and choice. The case is recommended for discussion on the following courses: Multi-sided
Network Platforms Strategy, E-business, E-marketing.
The aim of this case is to provide students with a broad
understanding of the challenges related to the ways of
advancing management of multi-sided platforms within
national and multinational firms that have subsidiaries
spread across cultures and economic regions and the
means of innovating through their use.
Usually video game publishers are vertically integrated companies and develop their games themselves.
However, there are also independent developers who
produce games and then license them to the large pub-
Research Book 2012
Yuldasheva O.U.
What You Call a Boat so It Will Float: AFITConsulting
Repositioning and Rebranding in Financial Brokerage
Case (24 p.): ecch No 512-124-1
Teaching Note (5 p.): ecch No 512-124-8
Exposed in detail in this case is a methodology for
arrangement of surveys during consulting companies repositioning and rebranding. Consulting business is one
of the least stable spheres of entrepreneurial activities
due to high dynamism and volatility of demand for consulting services. Additionally, in Russia the difficulty of
consulting business proceedings is associated with a low
Faculty Publications
entrepreneurship culture in the field of consulting usage
which manifests itself in the fact that most entrepreneurs
try to solve problems independently and resort to consultants’ assistance most frequently upon recommendation of people belonging to their reference groups. The
case objectives are: shaping students’ skills and competences dealing with substantiation of repositioning and
rebranding strategies through demonstration of AFConsulting specific practical material; development of competences dealing with application of the technique for
transformation of services into ready decisions; shaping
students’ competences in the field of consulting services
Faculty Publications
Textbooks and Manuals
Bukhvalov A.V., Smirnov M.V.
Corporate Governance: Introductory Course. –
St. Petersburg, Publishing Centre “Graduate School of
Management”, 2012. – 186 p.
The textbook covers focal points
of considered problems in the field of
corporate governance and considers
principles of power structuring and
realization in the company. In the
textbook fundamental principles of
theory and key practical elements
of corporate governance, evolution
of theoretical perspectives for analyzing corporate
governance, analysis of country systems and problems
of present interest of effective corporate governance in
companies, including Russian companies, are addressed.
In the textbook the theory and companies cases are
combined. The book is designed for the students of
Bachelor degree Program 080200 “Bachelor of
Management”, and especially for the participants in a
course of “Corporate Governance”.
Petrosyan L.A., Zenkevich N.A., Shevkoplyas E.V.
Game Theory: Textbook [2nd ed., revised] – St. Petersburg, BVH Publishers, 2012. – 432 p.
The textbook is intended for both
initial and in-depth study of game
theory. A systematic study of mathematical models of multiple parties
decision-making in conflict is conducted. Presented is the sequential
description of a unified theory of static
and dynamic games. All of the major
classes of games are considered: finite
and infinite antagonistic games, non-cooperative and
cooperative games, multi-step and differential games.
To consolidate the material each chapter contains tasks
and exercises of varying degrees of complexity. The second edition expanded sections on the static theory of cooperative solutions and dynamic cooperative games as
well as games with incomplete information. Evidence of
some statements has been refined and modified. A new
holistic approach has been applied to the study of the
optimal behaviour of the players in positional and differential games.
Gavrilova T., Zhukova S.
Knowledge Engineering: Learning and Application
Guide. – St. Petersburg, Publishing Centre “Graduate
School of Management”, 2012. – 133 p.
Knowledge Engineering is the
discipline of mapping intellectual
assets. By this guide, students are
introduced to major practical issues of
knowledge engineering techniques.
Developing business information
structuring skills ate the key to successful
knowledge representation and sharing
in any organisation. Students are trained to use Mind
Manager and CMap software in order to support
understanding of highly multidisciplinary horizons of
knowledge engineering. Applications of recent advances
in information processing and cognitive science to
management problems are introduced in a variety of
interrelated exercises designed to form an e-portfolio.
The design of an e-portfolio makes it possible to reveal
the tradeoffs in visual knowledge modeling, invent and
evaluate different alternative methods and solutions
for better understanding, representation, sharing and
transfer of knowledge.
The guide is written to support “Knowledge
Engineering” delivered to students of the “Master of
International Management” graduate program.
List of GSOM SPbU Research Areas
Appendix 1
The List of Research Areas *
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility concept evolution
Corporate social responsibility and strategic
Managing corporate social performance in the
Life cycle of organization and firm growth
International entrepreneurship
Intrafirm entrepreneurship
Associate Professor Yury Blagov,
Corporate Finance
and Corporate Governance
Real options and strategies
Labour economy
Transition economy
Applied microeconometrics
Professor Aleksandr Bukhvalov,
Associate Professor Aleksandr Muravyev,
International Logistics
and Supply Chain Management
Manufacturing processes simulation Methods and
models for Operational Efficiency Measuring
Associate Professor Yury Fedotov,
Professor Galina Shirokova,
Strategic Marketing and Innovations
Relationship marketing
Network approaches in marketing
Marketing in high technology industries
Professor Sergey Kushch,
Strategic Management of the Firm in Global
Knowledge Economy
Management of scientific and technical and innovation activities
Operations and industrial management
Knowledge management
Knowledge engineering
Intelligent systems
Corporate information systems
Professor Anatoly Kazantsev,
Professor Tatiana Gavrilova,
*Main research areas of GSOM SPbU and their leaders were approved at the meeting of the Academic Council
of GSOM SPbU on March 14, 2012
Appendix 2
Membership of GSOM SPbU Faculty
in Journal Editorial Bords
International journals
Faculty mamber
Journal title
Category А of the ABS list
Tatiana Andreeva
Management Learning
Richard Germain
Journal of Operations Management
Richard Germain
Elena Zavyalova
Tatiana Andreeva
Richard Germain
Valery Katkalo
Sofia Kosheleva
Elena Zavyalova
Tatiana Andreeva
Yuri Blagov
Tatiana Andreeva
Igor Baranov
Tatiana Gavrilova
Sofia Kosheleva
Sergey Kushch
Marina Latukha
Galina Shirokova
Nikolay Zenkevich
Category B of the ABS list
Journal of International Marketing
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Category C of the ABS list
Human Resource Development International
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
Journal of Business Logistics
Industrial and Corporate Change
Human Resource Development International
Human Resource Development International
Category D of the ABS list
Journal of Change Management
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business and Society
Other international journals
Baltic Journal of Management
ICFAI Journal of Public Finance
International Journal Information Theories & Applications
Journal of Leadership, Management & Organizational Studies
Scientific Journals International
International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets
Decision Science Journal of Innovative Education
International Journal of Organizational Learning and Change (IJOLC)
The Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research (JGER)
International Game Theory Review
Research Book 2012
List of GSOM SPbU Research Areas
Russian journals
Faculty mamber
Igor Baranov
Irina Berezinets
Yuri Blagov
Aleksandr Bukhvalov
Dmitry Volkov
Tatiana Gavrilova
Igor Gladkikh
Elena Zavyalova
Nikolay Zenkevich
Yulia Ilyina
Valery Katkalo
Anatoly Kazantsev
Sergey Kushch
Andrey Medvedev
Aleksandr Muravyev
Nikolay Raskov
Marat Smirnov
Journal title
Russian Management Journal
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
EJournal of Corporate Finance
Russian Management Journal
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Russian Management Journal
EJournal of Corporate Finance
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making
Artificial Intelligence News
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Mathematical Game Theory and Applications
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Russian Management Journal
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Business Education
Production Manager
Russian Management Journal
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Russian Management Journal
Vestnik (Herald) of Saint Petersburg University. Management Series
Russian Management Journal