WORKING PAPER NUMBER 32 J U L Y 2004 The Anarchy of Numbers: Aid, Development, and Cross-country Empirics by David Roodman Abstract Contemporary econometric literature has generated a large number of stories of the relationship between how much foreign aid a countries receives and how it grows. All the stories hinge on the statistical significance in cross-country regressions of a quadratic term involving aid. Among the stories are that aid raises growth (on average) 1) in countries where economic policies are good; 2) in countries where policies are good and a civil war recently ended; 3) in all countries, but with diminishing returns; 4) in countries outside the tropics; 5) in countries with difficult economic environments, characterized by declining or volatile terms of trade, natural disasters, or low population; or 6) when aid increases in countries experiencing negative export price shocks. The diversity of results prima facie suggests that many are fragile. Easterly et al. (2004) find the aid-policy story (Burnside and Dollar, 2000) to be fragile in the face of an expansion of the data set in years and countries. The present study expands that analysis by applying more tests, and to more studies. Each test involves altering just one aspect of the regressions. All 19 tests are derived from sources of variation that are minimally arbitrary. Twelve derive from specification differences between studies, what Leamer (1983) calls “whimsy.” Three derive from doubts about the appropriateness of the definition of one variable in one study. The remaining four derive from the passage of time, which allows sample expansion. This design allows an examination of the role of “whimsy” in the results that are tested while minimizing “whimsy” in the testing itself. Among the stories examined, the aid-policy link proves weakest, while the aid-tropics link is most robust. The Anarchy of Numbers: Aid, Development, and Cross-country Empirics David Roodman1 Center for Global Development This draft: July 2004 Abstract: Contemporary econometric literature has generated a large number of stories of the relationship between how much foreign aid a countries receives and how it grows. All the stories hinge on the statistical significance in cross-country regressions of a quadratic term involving aid. Among the stories are that aid raises growth (on average) 1) in countries where economic policies are good; 2) in countries where policies are good and a civil war recently ended; 3) in all countries, but with diminishing returns; 4) in countries outside the tropics; 5) in countries with difficult economic environments, characterized by declining or volatile terms of trade, natural disasters, or low population; or 6) when aid increases in countries experiencing negative export price shocks. The diversity of results prima facie suggests that many are fragile. Easterly et al. (2004) find the aid-policy story (Burnside and Dollar, 2000) to be fragile in the face of an expansion of the data set in years and countries. The present study expands that analysis by applying more tests, and to more studies. Each test involves altering just one aspect of the regressions. All 19 tests are derived from sources of variation that are minimally arbitrary. Twelve derive from specification differences between studies, what Leamer (1983) calls “whimsy.” Three derive from doubts about the appropriateness of the definition of one variable in one study. The remaining four derive from the passage of time, which allows sample expansion. This design allows an examination of the role of “whimsy” in the results that are tested while minimizing “whimsy” in the testing itself. Among the stories examined, the aid-policy link proves weakest, while the aid-tropics link is most robust. 1 The author thanks William Easterly and Michael Clemens for advice, Craig Burnside, Lisa Chauvet, Jan Dehn, and Henrik Hansen for data and assistance, and Stephen Knack, Patrick Guillaumont, and participants in an August 2003 seminar at the Center for Global Development for valuable comments. Responsibility for the final product rests with the author. All judgments, opinions, and errors are those of the authors alone and do not represent the views of the Center for Global Development, its staff, or board of directors. Introduction In the early weeks of 1981 economist Edward Leamer gave a speech at the University of Toronto, in which he bemoaned the state of econometrics. Econometrics sought the status of a science, with regressions its analog for the reproducible experiments of chemistry or physics. Yet an essential part of econometric “experiments” was too often arbitrary, opaque, and unrepeatable. Adapting the speech for the American Economic Review, he wrote: The econometric art as it is practiced at the computer terminal involves fitting many, perhaps thousands, of statistical models. One or several that the researcher finds pleasing are selected for reporting purposes. This search for a model is often well intentioned, but there can be no doubt that such a specification search invalidates the traditional theories of inference. The concepts of unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency, maximum-likelihood estimation, in fact, all the concepts of traditional theory, utterly lose their meaning by the time an applied researcher pulls from the bramble of computer output the one thorn of a model he likes best, the one he chooses to portray as a rose. … This is a sad and decidedly unscientific state of affairs we find ourselves in. Hardly anyone takes data analyses seriously. Or perhaps more accurately, hardly anyone takes anyone else’s data analyses seriously. Like elaborately plumed birds who have long since lost the ability to procreate but not the desire, we preen and strut and display our t-values. (Leamer, 1983) The way out of the quagmire, Leamer argued, was for econometricians to explore large regions of “specification space,” systematically analyzing the relationship between assumptions and conclusions: [A]n inference is not believable if it is fragile, if it can be reversed by minor changes in assumptions. As consumers of research, we correctly reserve judgment on an inference until it stands up to a study of fragility, usually by other researchers advocating opposite opinions. It is, however, much more efficient for individual researchers to perform their own sensitivity analyses, and we ought to be demanding much more complete and more honest reporting of the fragility of claimed inferences….The job of a researcher is then to report economically and informatively the mapping from assumptions into inferences. (Leamer, 1983) One econometric debate that has worrying hallmarks of Leamer’s syndrome is that on the 1 effectiveness of foreign aid to developing countries. Since Griffin and Enos (1970), econometricians have parried over the question of how aid affects economic growth in recipient nations. Prominent in the contemporary work, Burnside and Dollar (2000) concluded, “aid has a positive effect on growth in a good policy environment,” presumably because good policies increase the productivity of aid-financed investment. Their evidence: the statistical significance in crosscountry panel growth regressions of an interaction term of total aid received and an indicator of the quality of recipient economic policies. The work of Burnside and Dollar has brought corroborations (Collier and Dehn, 2001; Collier and Hoeffler 2002; Collier and Dollar, 2002, 2004) and challenges. From the ongoing debate have emerged several stories of the relationship between aid and growth, each of which turns on a particular quadratic or cubic term involving aid. The stories are not incompatible, but most papers support only one, a few two. Hansen and Tarp (2001) find that entering the square of aid drives out the significance of Burnside and Dollar’s aid×policy, and makes the simple aid term significant too: aid works on average, but with diminishing returns. Guillaumont and Chauvet (2001) also fail to find significance for aid×policy, and instead offer evidence that aid works best in countries with difficult economic environments, characterized by volatile and declining terms of trade, low population, and natural disasters, perhaps because aid finances institutions that help cushion the shocks. In the same vein, Collier and Dehn (2001) find that increasing aid to countries experiencing negative export price shocks raises growth. Meanwhile, Collier and Hoeffler (2002) offer a triple-interaction term: aid works particularly well in countries that are recovering from civil war and that have good policies. Last, Hansen and Tarp, along with Dalgaard, tell a new story: aid raises growth outside the tropics but not in them, low latitudes apparently being associated with some combination of inhospitable natural environments and poor 2 policies and institutions (Dalgaard et al., 2004). These papers naturally differ not only in their conclusions and policy implications but also their specifications. Within the group, there are two different choices of period length in the panel data sets, three definitions of “policy,” three of aid, and four choices of control variable set. Though probably none of the choices are truly made on a whim, these differences appear to be examples of what Leamer called “whimsy.” From Leamer’s point of view, the studies taken together represent a small and unsystematic sampling of specification space. Without further analysis, it is impossible to know whether the results reveal solid underlying regularities in the data or are fragile artifacts of “whimsy.” In this paper, I therefore examine the possibility of fragility in this literature systematically. Since by the laws of chance any regression can be broken with enough experimentation, it is essential for credibility that the testing suite itself be un-whimsical. I derive my tests therefore from three canonical sources of variation: the “whimsy” already present in the original specifications; doubts about the appropriateness of the definition of one variable, the Collier and Dehn negative shock variable; and the passage of time, which allows expansion of data sets. Each test ideally involves varying just one aspect of the regressions, although sometimes additional changes are made so that the modified regressions pass specification tests. In all, I subject 8 regressions from 7 of the most prominent studies to this systematic test suite. The rest of this paper runs as follows. Section I places the recent empirical work on aid in historical context and reviews the approaches and conclusions of the studies that are tested for robustness. Section II describes the testing regime. Section III reports results. Section IV concludes. I. History It can be said that foreign aid for poor countries was born on the steps of the U.S. Capitol just 3 after noon on January 20, 1949. At that moment, the re-elected President Harry Truman gave his inaugural address, in which he enunciated a historically novel vision of the relationship between the democratic west and what is now called the “developing world.” The poorer nations were no longer just colonies or sources of raw materials for the West to exploit, but potential allies in the Cold War, which must be won over to capitalism and democracy. By sharing its capital and technical know-how, the United States could make poor nations richer and expand the sphere of freedom. As Truman spoke, American assistance for the rapid, aid-financed redevelopment of Western Europe was already underway, and would soon succeed unambiguously. But the effectiveness of aid for development in poorer countries has for decades been a point of intense controversy. Bauer (1976), Hancock (1989), Easterly (2001), and Reusse (2002), among others, have pointed out how foreign assistance has been undermined by geopolitics, pressures from domestic commercial interests for contracts, arrogance and perverse incentives within aid-giving institutions, and the sheer difficulty of fostering development from the outside. Against these criticisms, defenders have pointed to successes such as the eradication of smallpox, the widespread vaccination of children against other diseases, and support for family planning that helped slow population growth. The hope has often arisen that a turn to the numbers would shed light on the contentious questions of whether and when aid works. Starting in 1970, cross-country empirics were brought to bear to examine how aid affects macro variables such as investment, growth, and poverty. In the view of Hansen and Tarp (2000), this literature has gone through three generations. The first generation essentially spanned 1970–72, and mainly investigated the aid-savings link. Influenced by the Harrod-Domar model, in which savings is the binding constraint on growth, aid-induced 4 saving was assumed to lead directly to investment, thence to growth via a fixed incremental capital-output ratio. Not considered were the realistic possibilities that some aid is consumed and that some invested aid has low, zero, even negative returns. The second generation of studies, which ran from the early 1970s to the early 1990s, avoided the simplistic assumptions about savings by directly investigating the relationship between aid on the one hand and investment and growth on the other. Hansen and Tarp argue that the preponderance of the evidence from these first two generations says that 1) aid increases total savings but less than one-to-one, partly substituting, partly complementing other sources of savings; and 2) that aid increases investment and growth. They suggest that studies with more pessimistic results, such as Mosley et al. (1987), have gained disproportionate attention despite being in the minority precisely because they are contrarian. The third generation commenced with Boone (1994) and continues to this day. It has brought several innovations. The data sets cover more countries and years. Reflecting the influence of the new growth theory, regressors are typically included to represent the economic and institutional environment (sometimes together called the “policy environment”). It has become the norm to address methodologically the potential endogeneity of aid and policy to growth, usually with two-stage least squares. And, finally, the aid-growth relationship is allowed to be nonlinear, through incorporation of such regressors as aid2 and aid×policy. (Hansen and Tarp, 2000) The data sets are almost always panels. The studies I test for robustness all belong to the third generation. Burnside and Dollar disseminated their first results on aid effectiveness in 1997, as a World Bank working paper that eventually appeared in the American Economic Review (2000). 5 They test whether an interaction term of aid and an index of recipient economic policies is significantly associated with growth. Their data set is a panel drawn from developing countries outside the former Eastern bloc, covering the six four-year periods in 1970–93. They incorporate some controls found significant in the general growth literature, namely: initial income (log real GDP/capita) to capture convergence; ethno-linguistic fractionalization (Easterly and Levine, 1997), assassinations/capita, and the product thereof; the Knack-Keefer (1995) institutional quality variable, called “ICRGE”; M2/GDP, l to indicate financial depth, lagged one period to avoid endogeneity (King and Levine, 1993); dummies for sub-Saharan Africa and fast-growing East Asia; and period dummies. Burnside and Dollar use a measure of aid called Effective Development Assistance (EDA), as computed by Chang et al. (1998). EDA differs in two major respects from the usual net Overseas Development Assistance measure (net ODA) tabulated by the Paris-based Development Assistance Committee (DAC). First, EDA excludes technical assistance, on the grounds that it funds not so much recipient governments as consultants. Second, it differs in its treatment of loans. Net ODA counts disbursements of concessional (low-interest) loans only, but at full face value.1 It nets out principal but not interest payments on old loans because it is built on a capital flow concept. In contrast, EDA includes all disbursements of all development loans regardless of how concessional they are (for example, near-commercial rate loans by the World Bank to middle-income countries such as Brazil), but counts only their grant element, that is, their net present value. To express EDA as a share of recipient GDP, Burnside and Dollar convert it to constant 1985 dollars using the IMF’s world Export Unit Value Index, then divide into real GDP from Penn World Tables 5.5 (Summers and Heston, 1991). 1 DAC considers a loan concessional if it has a grant element of at least 25 percent of the loan value, using a 10 percent discount rate. 6 To represent recipient economic policies with a single variable, Burnside and Dollar first run a growth regression without aid terms, but with all controls and three indicators of economic policy—log (1+inflation), budget balance/GDP, and the Sachs-Warner (1995) variable measuring openness to trade. The coefficients of all three policy variables differ from 0 at the 0.05 level in this regression, so Burnside and Dollar form a linear combination of the three using the coefficients as weights. This is their policy index.2 When Burnside and Dollar run their base specification—containing the controls, the policy index, aid, and aid×policy—on their full data set, the term of central interest, aid×policy, does not in fact enter significantly, whether in OLS or in 2SLS with aid and aid×policy instrumented. However, they find that it becomes significant after either of two possible changes. Five outlier observations can be excluded (Burnside and Dollar’s preferred specification). Or a cubic term can be added—aid2×policy, in which case both aid×policy and aid2×policy appear significant, the first with positive sign, the second negative. Burnside and Dollar famously conclude that aid raises growth in a good policy environment, but with diminishing returns. Burnside and Dollar’s work triggered responses in the literature, some critical, some supportive. Hansen and Tarp (2001) make one prominent attack. They modify the Burnside and Dollar 2SLS regressions in several ways, most importantly by adding an aid2 term. Aid×policy is not significant in their results, but aid and aid2 are, the first positive and the second negative. The implication is that aid is effective on average, but with diminishing returns—regardless of recipients’ policies as far as the evidence goes. Hansen and Tarp then criticize both the Burnside and Dollar regressions and their own 2SLS regressions for failing to handle several econometric problems. There may be unobserved country-level effects that correlate with both policies and growth. Failing to purge or control for all such effects could give spurious explanatory power to 2 They also add a constant term to the index, but this has no effect on the regression results of interest here. 7 policies and aid×policy. Also, variables other than aid and its interaction terms, such as fiscal balance, could be endogenous and ought to be instrumented. Thus they deploy the ArellanoBond GMM estimator. This estimator runs in first differences, which purges country effects, and it allows the instrumentation of many variables, using their own lags. In switching to this “difference GMM” estimator, Hansen and Tarp also modify the regressor list. They drop fiscal balance as a policy variable. And they add ∆aid and ∆(aid2). Hansen and Tarp’s key results on aid and aid2 hold. And ∆aid and ∆(aid2) are significant too, again the first with positive sign and the second negative. Guillaumont and Chauvet (2001) tell a third story of aid effectiveness. They hypothesize that the economic vulnerability of a country influences aid effectiveness. They call economic vulnerability the “environment,” not to be confused with Burnside and Dollar’s “policy environment.” In this story, aid flows stabilize countries that are particularly buffeted by terms of trade difficulties, other sorts of external shocks, or natural disasters. In the spirit of Burnside and Dollar, Guillaumont and Chauvet build an environment index out of four variables: volatility of agricultural value added (to proxy for natural disasters), volatility of export earnings, long-term terms of trade trend, and log of population (small countries being more vulnerable to external forces). Their specification is unique in this literature in using 12-year periods, and in its set of controls, which are partly inspired by Barro (1991) and Mankiw et al. (1992). They control for population growth, mean years of secondary school education among adults, a Barro-Lee measures of political instability based on assassinations and revolutions, ethno-linguistic fractionalization, and lagged M2/GDP. In their OLS and 2SLS regressions, aid×environment appears with the predicted negative sign, indicating that aid works better in countries with worse environments. The term also drives out the significance of aid×policy. 8 Other papers have reached conclusions similar to those of Burnside and Dollar. Collier and Dollar (2002) corroborate them with a quite different data set and specification. They use OLS only. They include former Eastern bloc countries, the Bahamas, and Singapore. They use net ODA rather than EDA. They study 1974–97 instead of 1970–93. They drop all Burnside and Dollar controls except log initial GDP/capita, ICRGE, and period dummies. They add region dummies.3 And they define policy as the overall score from the World Bank’s Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA), which is a composite rating of countries on 20 aspects of policies and institutions.4 In a paper that takes the Collier and Dollar core regression as its starting point, Collier and Hoeffler (2002) analyze how aid effectiveness is influenced by whether a country has recently ended a civil war. Sticking to the four-year panel arrangement, they create three dummies to indicate how recently civil war ended. The dummy for “peace-onset” is 1 in the period when a country goes from civil war to peace. “Post-conflict 1” takes a value of 1 in the following period, and “post-conflict 2” in the period after that—assuming civil war does not recur. In Collier and Hoeffler’s preferred (OLS) specification, aid×policy×post-conflict 1 is significantly different from 0: aid works particularly well in a good policy environment a few years after conflict has ended. Also corroborating Burnside and Dollar, Collier and Dehn (2001) hew more closely to the Burnside and Dollar specification and data set, and tell a story that synthesizes elements from Burnside and Dollar and Guillaumont and Chauvet. They find that adding variables incorporating information on export shocks renders Burnside and Dollar’s preferred specification—the one 3 The regions are Europe and Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa, Southern Asia, East Asia and Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean, as defined by the World Bank. 4 Collier and Hoeffler (2002) make a small correction to the Collier and Dollar data set, excluding 5 observations where a missing value had been treated as 0. I test the Collier and Hoeffler version of the Collier and Dollar regres- 9 with aid×policy but not aid2×policy—more robust to the inclusion of Burnside and Dollar’s five outliers. First, they add two variables indicating the magnitude of any positive or negative commodity export price shocks. Aid×policy is then significant at 0.01 for a regression on the full sample. The negative-shock variable is too, with the expected minus sign. Then Collier and Dehn add four aid-shock interaction terms: lagged aid×positive shock, lagged aid×negative shock, ∆aid×positive shock, and ∆aid×negative shock. The first and last prove positive and significant in OLS, and the last, ∆aid×negative shock proves particularly robust in their testing. But including the four raised the significance level of aid×policy to 0.08.5 Still, the study provides some buttressing for Burnside and Dollar, and suggests that well-timed aid increases ameliorate negative export shocks. This matches the Guillaumont and Chauvet result in spirit. But where Guillaumont and Chauvet interact the amount of aid with the standard deviation of an index of export volume and other variables, Collier and Dehn’s significant interaction term involves the change in aid and the change in export prices. Most recently in the peer-reviewed literature, Dalgaard et al. (2004) tell a novel aidgrowth story. They focus on the share of a country’s area that is in the tropics as a determinant of both growth and the influence of aid on growth. This variable is indisputably free of the endogeneity worries that beset other variables advocated as determinants of aid effectiveness, such as inflation and export volume volatility. It surfaces as a growth determinant in the work of Jeffrey Sachs and others (Bloom and Sachs, 1998; Gallup and Sachs, 1999; Sachs, 2001, 2003). And the causal links between tropical location and growth may include institutions and economic policies (Acemoglu et al., 2001; Easterly and Levine, 2003). Dalgaard et al. thus see tropical area as an sion. 5 I am able to reproduce exactly the results of the specification with the four interaction terms, in which aid×policy is marginally significant. That is the one tested below. But I am not able to reproduce their results for the variant including only positive- and negative-shock terms. In my results, aid×policy has a t statistic of only 0.42. Yet the R2 10 exogenous “deep determinant” of growth. In OLS, 2SLS, Arellano-Bond “difference GMM,” and Blundell-Bond “system GMM” regressions6, aid and aid×tropical area fraction are quite significant, the first with positive sign, the second with negative sign and similar magnitude. For countries in the tropics, the derivative of growth with respect to aid (the sum of the coefficients on aid and aid×tropical area fraction) is statistically indistinguishable from 0. Thus, on average, aid seems to work outside the tropics but not in them. The authors report that their new interaction term drives out both aid×policy and aid2. There are other third-generation studies. Hadjimichael et al. (1995), Durbarry et al. (1998), and Lensink and White (2001), all find evidence for Hansen and Tarp’s story of aid effectiveness. Svensson (1999) finds a positive interaction between aid and recipients’ level of democracy. Chauvet and Guillaumont (2002) enrich their earlier analysis, in draft form. In a working paper, Burnside and Dollar (2004) defend their earlier analysis with a radically different specification, a cross-section of countries rich and poor in the 1990s with minimal controls and a different definition of policy. In the present paper I focus on the studies already highlighted as being among the most influential and, with two exceptions, having been published in the peer-reviewed literature. The two exceptions are Collier and Dehn (2001) and Collier and Hoeffler (2002), which are pillars of the peer-reviewed Collier and Dollar (2004). From 6 of these 7 studies, I test the single regression that appears to be the authors’ preferred one. From Hansen and Tarp (2001), I take two regressions. One, an Arellano-Bond GMM regression, seems to be their preferred regression. I in- and sample size match theirs exactly. 6 Blundell-Bond “system GMM” augments Arellano-Bond “difference GMM” by creating a system of equations, half in first differences, half in levels. In the difference equations, predetermined and endogenous variables are instrumented with lags of their own levels while in the levels equations they are instrumented with lags of their first differences. See Blundell and Bond (1998). 11 clude one of their 2SLS regressions too because it is most akin to the core specification in an important new study by Clemens et al. (2004). II. The Test Suite A. The Tests There is some robustness testing in the recent literature on aid-growth connections, albeit focusing almost exclusively on Burnside and Dollar (2000). Lu and Ram (2001) introduce fixed effects into the Burnside and Dollar regressions. Ram (2004) splits the aid variable into the components coming from bilateral and multilateral donors, and also tests alternative definitions of policy. Dalgaard and Hansen (2001) modify the choice of excluded outliers. Easterly et al. (2004) extend the data set to additional countries and an additional period, 1994–97. All these tests eliminate the key Burnside and Dollar (2000) result. The present study expands Easterly et al. work along two dimensions. It applies more tests. And it tests more studies. Table 1 details the regressions chosen for testing from the publications highlighted above. The regressions vary in type of estimator, control set, countries sampled, length of periods within the panel, overall study timeframe, definitions of aid and policy, and treatment of outliers. They do appear to contain “whimsy.” 12 Table 1. Regressions tested Regression Estima- Former East tor bloc? Burnside & Dollar 5/OLS OLS No Collier & Dehn 3.4 ““ ““ Collier & Dollar 1.21 OLS Yes Collier & Hoeffler 3.4 OLS ““ Hansen & Tarp 1.2 2SLS No Hansen & Tarp 3.2 Difference GMM ““ Dalgaard, System GMM et al. Yes Definition of Study Years/ Outliers Key significant Aid Policy Controls period period out? term(s) LGDP, ETHNF, ASSAS, BB, EDA/real ETHNF×ASSAS, 1970– 4 Yes INFL, aid×policy GDP ICRGE, M2, SSA, 93 SACW EASIA, period dummies aid×policy, 1974– ““ ““ ““ ““ No ∆aid×negative 93 shock LGDP, ICRGE, 1974– ODA/real aid×policy, ““ CPIA ““ policy, period and 97 GDP aid2 region dummies ““ ““ LGDP, ETHNF, ASSAS, ETHNF×ASSAS, ““ ICRGE, M2, SSA, EASIA, period dummies LGDP, ASSAS, ETHNF×ASSAS, 1978– 93 ICRGE, M2, period dummies LGDP, policy, pe- 1970– riod dummies 97 ““ ““ ““ aid×policy× post-conflict 1 ODA/ BB, exchange INFL, rate GDP SACW ““ aid, aid2 ““ ““ ““ ““ INFL, SACW ““ aid, aid2, ∆aid, ∆aid2 ““ EDA/real GDP2 BB, INFL, SACW ““ aid, aid×tropical area fraction GuillauLGDP, ENV, SYR, aid, ODA/ mont & POPG, M2, PIN- 1970– 2SLS No 12 exchange ““ ““ aid × environChauvet STAB, ETHNF, 93 rate GDP ment 2.4 period dummy 1 As revised in Collier & Hoeffler 1.1. 2As extrapolated to 1970–74 and 1996–97 in Easterly et al. (2004). Abbreviations: LGDP=log initial real GDP/capita; ETHNF=ethno-linguistic fractionalization, 1960; ASSAS=assassinations/capita; ICRGE=composite of International Country Risk Guide governance indicators; M2=M2/GDP, lagged; SSA=Sub-Saharan Africa dummy; EASIA=fast-growing East Asia dummy; ENV=Guillaumont & Chauvet “environment” variable; SYR=mean years of secondary schooling among adults; PINSTAB=average of ASSAS and revolutions/year; BB=budget balance/GDP; INFL=log(1+inflation); SACW=Sachs-Warner openness; EDA=Effective Development Assistance; ODA=Net Overseas Development Assistance. The tests applied to these regressions constitute a systematic sampling of a larger region of specification space than has hitherto been examined in the aid-growth literature. To limit complexity and avoid whimsy, each test ideally involves changing just one aspect of the estima- 13 tions at a time. The tests are summarized in Table 2. The first four groups of tests, relating to the controls, the definition of aid and policy, and period length, transfer one specification’s “whimsical” choices to the others. Next are the tests relating to the definition of export shock, which are motivated not by differences among studies but concern about the appropriateness of the original authors’ definition. Last are tests that modify the sample by dropping outliers (copying Burnside and Dollar’s “whimsical” choice) and/or expanding to new countries and periods. Following are more detailed descriptions of the tests: 1. Changing the control set. In his discourse on whimsy, the specification choice that Leamer worries most about is the choice of regressors. The first set of tests is in this spirit. The studies examined use a variety of control sets, by which I mean regressors other than aid, the variables it is interacted with, and the interaction terms themselves. Burnside and Dollar, Collier and Dehn, and Hansen and Tarp control for initial log real GDP/capita; ethnolinguistic fractionalization, assassinations/capita, and the product thereof; the ICRGE governance variable; M2/GDP, lagged; being in sub-Saharan Africa or fast-growing East Asia; and fixed period effects. Dalgaard et al. control for about half of those—log real GDP/capita, ICRGE, and sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, and period dummies.7 Guillaumont and Chauvet control for a different but equally rich set of variables, namely initial log real GDP/capita, mean years of secondary schooling, population growth, ethno-linguistic fractionalization, the Barro-Lee political instability variable, and period effects. Collier and Dollar opt for a simpler set: initial log real GDP/capita, ICRGE, period effects, and—uniquely—region effects. These four sets of choices give rise to four robustness tests. Each test substitutes a given 7 Dalgaard et al. actually use the listed control set for their OLS and 2SLS regressions. For their system GMM regression, they use only log real GDP/capita and period dummies. But the fuller set is more appropriate for testing the regressions from other papers because all but one is OLS or 2SLS, and that one—the Hansen and Tarp GMM regression—is a pure first difference regression in which the additional controls all drop out because they are constant 14 control set for the original one and examines the effect on the significance of key terms. One important comment is in order, which applies to other robustness tests as well. I always use all complete observations available for developing countries (including the countries of Eastern Europe). Because different variables are available for different subsets of countries, changing the regressor set changes the regression sample. One could perform variants of the tests that are restricted to the intersections of the old and new samples in an attempt to distinguish the effects of changing sample and changing variables. But this would add to the complexity, and the approach I take aims to answer the hypothetical, “What would the results have been if the original authors had used alternative controls?” The authors almost certainly would have used all available observations. over time. The slimmer control set causes widespread autocorrelation. 15 Table 2. Robustness Tests Test Changing aid definition EDA/real GDP ODA/real GDP ODA/exchange rate GDP Changing policy definition INFL, BB, SACW INFL, SACW CPIA Changing controls BD controls CD controls GC controls DHT controls Changing period length 12-year Description Effective Development Assistance/real GDP, as in Burnside & Dollar, Collier & Dehn, Dalgaard et al. Net Overseas Development Assistance/real GDP, as in Collier & Dollar, Collier & Hoeffler Net Overseas Development Assistance/exchange rate GDP, as in Hansen & Tarp, Guillaumont & Chauvet Inflation, budget balance, and Sachs-Warner openness, as in Burnside & Dollar, Collier & Dehn, Hansen & Tarp 2SLS Inflation and Sachs-Warner, as in Hansen & Tarp GMM Country Policy and Institutional Assessment, as in Collier & Dollar, Collier & Hoeffler Control for LGDP, ETHNF, ASSAS, ETHNF×ASSAS, ICRGE, M2, SSA, EASIA, period effects, as in Burnside & Dollar, Collier & Dehn, Hansen & Tarp Control for LGDP, ICRGE, period and region effects, as in Collier & Dollar, Collier & Hoeffler Control for LGDP, ENV, SYR, POPG, M2, PINSTAB, ETHNF, period effects, as in Guillaumont & Chauvet Control for LGDP, ICRGE, SSA, EASIA, period effects, as in Dalgaard et al. Aggregate over 12-year periods, as in Guillaumont & Chauvet Changing shock definition Pooled distribution Use one threshold for all countries, rather than country-specific thresholds, that the unpredicted component of commodity export price index change must exceed to be a shock Shock/GDP Express shock magnitude as share of GDP rather than price change Shock/GDP, pooled distribu- Combine above two changes tion Changing sample and data set No outliers Remove Hadi outliers in the partial scatter of the dependent variable and the independent variable of greatest interest Expanded sample New data set. Carried to 2001, except shocks data end in 1997 and Guillaumont & Chauvet environment variable not updated Expanded sample, no outCombine above two changes liers Expanded sample, ARUse new data; use 5-year periods to eliminate higher-order autocorrelarobust tion; instrument almost all variables with one-period lags; cluster standard errors by country Expanded sample, ARSame as previous but removing Hadi outliers robust, no outliers Abbreviations as in Table 1. 16 2. Redefining aid. All the studies take total aid received as a share of recipient GDP. But there are differences in defining both the numerator and denominator of the ratio. Burnside and Dollar, Collier and Dehn, and Dalgaard et al. use Effective Development Assistance in the numerator while the rest use net ODA. On the choice of denominator, there is also a split. Hansen and Tarp and Guillaumont and Chauvet use GDP converted to dollars using market exchange rates. The others use real GDP from the Penn World Tables. A country’s relative price level strongly correlates with income per head, with the poorest countries having a price levels 20–25% that of the United States. Thus, using purchasing power parities instead of exchange rates will cause the GDPs of the poorest countries to be measured as relatively larger and aid to them as relatively smaller as a share of GDP. It is hard to know a priori what effect this change could have on regression coefficients for aid and its interactions, but it could be significant. The use of exchange rates seems more appropriate. One way to see this is to ask what the local-currency cost is to the recipient of not receiving a quantum of aid. If the aid would be spent entirely on tradables, which cost about the same everywhere, then the cost to Sri Lanka of not receiving $1 million in aid is the exchange-rate equivalent in rupees. The opposite extreme would occur if the aid would be spent on the representative consumption basket for the country, including tradables and nontradables, with all goods and services purchased at donor-economy prices. In this case, the recipient government could purchase the same goods and services for far less, so that the value of aid would be greatly inflated going by exchange rates, and the PPP adjustment would be appropriate. This case, however, seems quite unlikely. By definition, donors must purchase nontradables locally. They may pay abovemarket, but probably do not pay close to the donor-economy prices that can be 400% higher 17 or more.8 In fact, studies of the “tying” of aid—which is when donors require that it be spent into the their own economy, on their own tractors or consultants—put the cost increase at only 15–30%, not 400% or more (Jepma, 1991). This argues for exchange rates. At any rate, with two options each for measuring aid and GDP, there are four possible combinations for aid/GDP. The literature includes three of them (all but EDA/exchange rate GDP), and these are the bases for three tests.9 In fact, EDA/real GDP and ODA/real GDP are highly correlated (Dalgaard and Hansen, 2001), so switching from one to the other may not stress results much. Switching between real and nominal GDP can be expected to impose a more difficult test, because the correlations are lower. (See Table 3.) Table 3. Simple correlations of aid measures, four-year periods, all available observations EDA/real GDP ODA/real GDP ODA/exchange rate GDP EDA/real GDP 1.00 0.97 0.78 ODA/real GDP ODA/ exchange rate GDP 1.00 0.82 1.00 3. Redefining good policy. Three sets of “good policy” variables appear among the tested regressions: 1) Burnside and Dollar’s famous combination of budget balance, inflation, and Sachs-Warner openness; 2) inflation and Sachs-Warner only (Hansen and Tarp GMM); and 3) CPIA alone (Collier and Dollar, Collier and Hoeffler). These generate three robustness tests. Using Burnside and Dollar’s coefficients to form policy indexes (6.85 for budget balance, –1.40 for inflation, and 2.16 for Sachs-Warner), I find that the first two policy definitions are highly correlated, but the third varies more distinctly. (See Table 4.) Switching between the first two definitions is probably a mild test, but switching between them and CPIA a more severe one. To apply the tests, in each case I rerun the Burnside-Dollar–style index8 If the overall price level in a donor country is five times that of the recipient, but the price level for tradeables is about the same in both countries, then the ratio for nontradables must be well above five. 9 The published EDA data (Chang et al., 1998) cover only 1975–95. I extrapolate EDA to the rest of 1970–2001 via 18 forming regression, which includes all regressors except aid and its interaction terms, then use the coefficients on the policy variables to make the index.10 I include all candidate policy variables in the index regardless of their significance in this regression. Table 4. Simple correlations of “good policy” measures Inflation, budget balance, Sachs-Warner Inflation, budget balance, Sachs-Warner Inflation, Sachs-Warner CPIA Inflation, Sachs-Warner CPIA 1.00 0.52 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.53 4. Changing periodization. All but one of the studies use four-year periods, the exception being Guillaumont and Chauvet’s, which uses 12 years. Since I lack higher-frequency observations of the Guillaumont and Chauvet environment variable, I cannot test their regression on a 4year-period panel. But I test all the other regressions on 12-year panels. Notably, key studies in the broader growth literature use periods of 10–25 years despite the small samples that result11 (Barro, 1991; Mankiw et al., 1992; Sachs and Warner, 1995). a regression of EDA on net ODA, which is available for the whole period. 10 I compute the constant term in the policy index in the same manner as BD. It is the predicted growth rate in the model when the policy variables and the period dummies are zero, and all other variables take their sample-average values. 11 The question of whether the effects measured in four-year regressions are “short-term” is not straightforward to answer. On the one hand, very little of the aid in a given P-year period is disbursed right at the start of the period and very little of the growth record occurs right at the end. In other words, assuming that aid disbursements are spread evenly over time within the period, the average positive lag between two point in time within the period—the first when aid is disbursed the second when a quantum of growth experience occurs—works out to be: PP ∫ ∫ (s − t )dsdt 0 t P P ∫ ∫ dsdt = P . 3 0 t For P=4 years, this is 16 months. On the other hand, aid is significantly autocorrelated. I find that the three aid variables used in this literature have a serial correlation of 0.80–0.85 with 4-year periods. Thus, information about current-period aid flows conveys a good deal about previous-period aid. Among the tested regressions, only the Hansen and Tarp GMM regression controls for previous-period aid, so the coefficients in all the other regressions actually 19 5. Changing the definition of shock. This test applies to the Collier and Dehn regression only. Their positive and negative shock variables are built from a data set of commodity prices for 113 developing countries (Dehn, 2000). The definition has two parts: a rule for determining whether a change in a country’s aggregate commodity export price index is large and unexpected enough to constitute a shock, and a formula for measuring the size of the shock. To determine which price movements are shocks, Collier and Dehn examine the residuals from a regression based on the following forecasting model: ∆yit = α 0 + α1t + β1∆yi ,t −1 + β 2 yi ,t −2 + ε it where yit is the commodity export price index for country i in time t and εit is the forecasting error. The regression is run separately for each country over 1957–97, and those forecasting errors at least 1.96 standard deviations from the mean are considered shocks. The magnitude of a shock is then the full price change ∆yit. Two aspects of this definition deserve comment. First, the threshold that the unpredicted component of a price movement must exceed to be a “shock” varies by country. This arguably makes sense in that an “unexpected” 20% price change might be routine in one country and once-a-century in another. Countries that experience large price changes more frequently may adapt to them, so that the effects on growth and poverty would be systematically different. On the other hand, this leads to the odd result that countries that are in fact more shockprone (in lay terms) do not necessarily experience more “shocks.” To take two extreme ex- reflect effects of past aid too. One can estimate the true average aid-growth lag in these regressions as a weighted average involving not just P/3 but terms such as P, 2P, 3P…, with weights ρ, ρ2, ρ3…, where ρ is the autocorrelation coefficient. It can be shown that the average lag is then: P + Pρ + 2 Pρ 2 + 3Pρ 3 + ... P 1+ ρ + ρ 2 3 . = 3 1− ρ 1 + ρ + ρ 2 + ρ 3 + ... For P=4 and ρ=0.81–0.85, this equals 17.3–22.9 years. 20 amples, in South Africa, where the standard deviation of the forecasting error was 4.8% during 1957–97, the 11.0% price index increase in 1988 (with a 13.2% forecasting error) is considered a positive shock. But in Laos, where the standard deviation of forecasting error was 24.9%, the 32.7% percent drop in 1987 (forecasting error of –48.1%) is not considered a shock. Second, the magnitude of the shocks as defined by Collier and Dehn does not take into account the economic significance of commodities exports for a country. The growth impact of a commodities price shock is probably related to both its magnitude and the share of commodity exports in GDP. But the Collier-Dehn definition is purely a measure of price change. In contrast, Easterly and Rebello (1993), for example, gauge terms-of-trade shocks relative to GDP. I test the Collier and Dehn regressions with two changes that modify these aspects of the shock definition—first separately, then together, for a total of three robustness checks. To address the concern about the country dependence of shock definition, I pool the forecasting errors for all 117 countries in the Dehn (2000) data set, and choose a single 1.96-standarderror shock threshold, which turns out to be a forecasting error of ±29.5%. To address the concern about economic significance, I express the price changes as shares of GDP, using 1990 data on commodities exports, total exports, and total exports/GDP from Dehn (2000).12 6. Removing outliers. The Burnside and Dollar specification I test excludes five observations that are a) outliers in aid×policy.and b) highly influential with respect to the coefficient on that term. This raises a general question about the extent to which significant results in this 12 This implicitly assumes that the share of exports in GDP remained fixed at 1990 levels throughout the study period. This assumption is not completely realistic, but it allows use of Dehn’s data, with its broad coverage, and re- 21 literature are driven by outliers. To investigate the role of outliers, I rerun the reproductions of the original regressions after excluding outliers. I do the same for the expanded-sample versions of the regressions. (See below.) The process for picking outliers is different from Burnside and Dollar’s, but less subjective. I apply the Hadi (1992) procedure for identifying multiple outliers to the partial scatter of growth with a regressor of particular interest, such as aid×policy, using 0.05 as the cut-off significance level.13 In instrumented regressions, I use the variable of interest after projection onto the instruments. I even run this test on the Burnside and Dollar 5/OLS regressions, from which one set of outliers is already excluded. Fundamentally, regardless of the genesis of these regressions’ results, it is still interesting to determine whether they are driven by a few observations in the remaining sample. Outliers are not synonymous with influential observations. Why then focus on outliers? For one, even outliers that do not have a high influence on coefficients of interest—what standard tests for influence measure—can substantially affect the standard errors of the coefficients, which is at least as important for the present study. In addition, outliers are the observations most likely to signal measurement problems or structural breaks beyond which the core model does not hold—both of which seem better reasons than high influence for exclusion. That said, outliers do not necessarily signal measurement problems or structural break. This is especially possible when the variable of interest is highly non-normal, such as the Collier and Dehn export price shock variable, which is usually 0 but occasionally takes large values. In such cases, outliers may contain valuable information about the development process under rare combinations of circumstances. Still, on balance, regression results driven by a duces any endogeneity of the modified shock variable to growth. 13 Applying the Hadi procedure directly to a full, many-dimensioned regression data set typically identified 20% or 22 few outliers need to be interpreted with care. The method I use for identifying outliers does not extend straightforwardly to GMM because the two-dimensional partial scatterplot is a construct without a perfect analogue in the GMM setting. Moreover, in system GMM, with parallel equations in levels and differences, the notion of an observation itself becomes fuzzy. For these reasons, I do not attempt to identify and remove outliers from difference and system GMM regressions. Ideally, the combination of extensive instrumentation and GLS-style reweighting trims and deemphasizes outliers. 7. Expanding the sample. Easterly et al. (2004) develop a new dataset that extends that of Burnside and Dollar from 1970–93 to 1970–97 and adds six countries. For the present study, that data set has been extended to 2001, pushed back to 1950, expanded to include variables in other studies and the literature, and given better coverage of post-Communist Eastern Europe. (See Appendix.) I use pre-1970 data only for lagged regressors and instruments, or for computing first differences for 1970–73. This data set allows a net expansion in both years and countries for all but Guillaumont and Chauvet regression, whose 12-year periods and unusual environment variable make extension difficult. (See Table 5.) For example, in the case of the Hansen and Tarp 2SLS regression, although 16 of the 231 observations complete in the original data set are incomplete in the new one, the new set has 194 novel observations, for a total of 409. More sample size information is in Table 14. more of observations as outliers. 23 Table 5. Overview of differences in regression samples, original and expanded data sets Regression Burnside & Dollar Collier & Dehn Collier & Dollar, Collier & Hoeffler Hansen & Tarp 2SLS Hansen & Tarp GMM Dalgaard et al. Guillaumont & Chauvet Countries unique to the regression sample Original set Expanded set Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Somalia, Hungary, Iran, Jordan, Myanmar, Papua New Tanzania Guinea, Poland, Republic of Congo, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Uganda ““ ““ Angola, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Jordan, Liberia, Mongolia, Mozambique, None Myanmar, Namibia, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Republic of Congo, Romania, Russia, Somalia, Suriname, Uganda Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Guyana, Cyprus, Hungary, Iran, Jordan, Mali, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Somalia, Tanzania Republic of Congo, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Uganda Angola, Burundi, Benin, Burkina Faso, Barbados, Bulgaria, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Cyprus, Hungary, Iran, Jordan, Somalia Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Republic of Congo, Romania, Rwanda, Singapore, South Africa, Uganda Bangladesh, Czech Republic, Guinea-Bissau, None Russia, Singapore, South Africa None None Study period Original Expanded 1970–93 1970– 2001 1974–93 1974–97 1974–97 1974– 2001 1974–93 1970– 2001 1978–93 ““ 1974–97 ““ 1970–93 1970–93 B. Testing the validity of the modified regressions I apply up to three specification tests to the modified regressions. The first, which applies to all the regressions, is for autocorrelation in the residuals. Autocorrelation can bias coefficients as well as standard errors. In the OLS and 2SLS regressions I test, many of the regressors that are treated as exogenous—inflation, governance quality, etc.—are potentially affected by past growth (predetermined), which would render them endogenous in the presence of autocorrelation and bias results. In the GMM regressions, few regressors are treated as exogenous; they are instrumented instead. But the instruments are lags of regressors in levels or first differences, which can themselves be rendered invalid by autocorrelation of certain orders. To check for autocorrelation, I use the Arellano-Bond (1991) test for AR(), which is a flexible test designed for linear 24 GMM regression on panel data with arbitrary patterns of autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity.14 Since OLS and 2SLS with robust standard errors are special cases of linear GMM, the Arellano-Bond test is appropriate for all the regressions I run. For the GMM regressions, I follow the usual practice of applying the test to first difference residuals, which can detect autocorrelation in the error component that is purged of fixed country effects (Arellano and Bond, 1991). I use a significance threshold of 0.05. The second specification test, which applies to all the instrumented regressions, is the Hansen J test of overidentifying restrictions—also using a significance level of 0.05. Failure on this test indicates that an excluded instrument may in fact be a significant growth determinant and that its exclusion may be causing omitted variable bias. Unlike the Sargan test of overidentifying restrictions, the Hansen test is consistent in the presence of heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. The third specification “test” is a check on whether the number of instruments in instrumented regressions is large. As the instruments become numerous relative to the sample size, they can overfit the instrumented variables, biasing the results toward those of OLS (in the case of 2SLS) or feasible GLS (in the case of GMM). In the extreme case, where instruments match or outnumber observations, the results will match those of OLS or FGLS. However, the literature provides little guidance on how many instruments is too many (Ruud, 2000 (p. 515)). Proliferation of collinear or nearly collinear instruments can also cause the two-step estimate of the covariance of the moments, which is the basis for the optimal twos-step GMM weighting matrix, to be singular.15 14 I apply the test to OLS and 2SLS regressions using my “abar” module for Stata. The two-step weighting matrix is (Z'HZ)-1, where Z is the instrument matrix and H is a robust proxy for covariance of the errors. Normally in Arellano-Bond/Blundell-Bond estimation rank(H)=N, the number of individuals in the panel. This is because H is block diagonal, with one block for each individual. Each block is an outer product 15 25 Indeed, this appears to have happened in the original Dalgaard et al. regression, and this “test” is only relevant for that regression. In Arellano-Bond and Blundell-Bond GMM regressions, one “GMM-style” instrument is generated for each instrument variable, time period, and available lag (Holtz-Eakin et al., 1988; Arellano and Bond, 1991). Instruments can easily number in the hundreds. Where the Hansen and Tarp GMM specification covers 4 time periods and uses at most 1 or 2 lags of 6 instrumenting variables, the newer Dalgaard et al. one covers 6 periods, imposes no lag limits, and uses 12 instrumenting variables, leading to 303 instruments for 371 observations in my reproduction.16 In performing the “test” of excessive instruments, the rule of thumb I use is that the number of instruments should not exceed the number of countries in the regression.17 Typically there is an average of 6 observations per country in the variants of the Dalgaard et al. regression that I run, so this rule is equivalent to requiring that the ratio of instruments to observations not exceed about 0.17. If a modified regression fails one of these specification tests, the question then is what to do about it. One possible response to an invalid specification is to simply not report the results. Another is to report the results but document that they come from an invalid specification. A third is to make judicious additional changes to the failing specification so that it passes. I sometimes take the second approach, sometimes the third. On the one hand, searching for additional modifications that can allow the specifications to pass tests can rapidly raise the complexity of the testing and open the door to whimsy. On the other hand, minimal changes sometimes can eiei', where ei is the column vector of one-step residuals for individual i. These blocks have rank 1. As the number of columns in Z approaches rank(H), the risk of singularity of Z'HZ rises. 16 In their own paper, the authors note this problem. But they report that limiting the number of lags does not affect their results significantly and prefer to report the results from the unlimited regression as simpler, apparently not noticing the singular matrix problem. 17 I thank Henrik Hansen for this rule of thumb. 26 make invalid tests much more meaningful. For example, it useful and relatively un-whimsical to limit the number of instruments in variants of the Dalgaard et al. regression. And autocorrelation of various orders turns out to be endemic in the results from the sample-expansion test; some effort at overcoming it makes the results from this important test more useful. To be precise, I make three additional changes in order to reduce the number of modified regressions that fail specification tests. First, I add the log of initial population as regressor in all robustness tests, except for the test that simply drops outliers from the original regression. All the 2SLS regressions I test use this variable as an instrument for aid because of the well-known bias among donors toward small countries. But perhaps because of the economic performance of China and India since the early 1990s the variable has picked up significance for growth too, especially under the sample-expansion test, which extends most of the regression samples to 2001.18 This change not only allows many of the modified 2SLS regressions to pass the Hansen J test, it also eliminates some occurrences of AR(1). Second, I perform a version of the sample-expansion test that incorporates several changes to remove or accommodate autocorrelation. I call this the “AR-robust” sampleexpansion test. Autocorrelation of up to order 4 occurs in many of the expanded-sample regressions. For example, the Arellano-Bond test results for AR() of various orders in the Burnside and Dollar regression on the enlarged sample are: Order z p 1 2.64 0.008 2 1.65 0.098 3 –1.77 0.076 4 2.32 0.021 where z is the (normally distributed) test statistic and p is the corresponding two-tailed probabil- 18 Except that the data set is only extended to 1997 or the Colliar and Dehn regression, for lack of the shock variable after 1997, and not extended at all for the Guillaumont and Chauvet regression, for lack of their environment variable after 1993. 27 ity. The source of this autocorrelation is not obvious. It may be a statistical artifact. Indeed, the first change I make to deal with autocorrelation in the sample-expansion test, switching from four- to five-year periods, eliminates all the autocorrelation of concern, except for AR(1) in the OLS and 2SLS regressions. Having restricted the problem to AR(1) in OLS and 2SLS, I then instrument almost all right-hand-side variables in these regressions with their one-period lags in order to make the regressions consistent even if these variables are predetermined. I exempt only the Collier and Dehn price shock variables, the Collier and Hoeffler post-conflict 1 variable, and interaction terms involving them. The shock and post-conflict variables are quite stochastic and hard to instrument, and at least the price shock variable should not have a large predetermined component. Finally, I report standard errors that are “clustered” on the country identifier, making them robust to autocorrelation.19 The third change I make to pass specification tests is to limit the number of instruments in the Dalgaard et al. regression. In standard difference and system GMM, sets of “GMM-style” instruments (Holtz-Eakin et al., 1988; Arellano and Bond, 1991) embody the expectations: ∑w i ,t −l ∆eit = 0 for each t and l , L1 ≤ l ≤ L2 i where w is an instrumenting variable, e, is the residual vector, i is the panel index, t the time index, and L1 and L2 define the range over which lags can be taken. (Typically L1=0 or 1.) Thus there is one column in the instrument matrix for each w, t, and l. In testing the Dalgaard et al. regression, I find that even setting L2=1 allows too many instruments. I therefore group together columns of the instrument matrix that are for the same w and lag distance and combine them by addition in order to generate a smaller set of moment conditions, which work out to imply the expectations: 19 An alternative approach would be to increase the period length until all autocorrelation disappears—in practice 28 ∑w i ,t − l ∆eit = 0 for each l , L1 ≤ l ≤ L2 . i ,t I find that when instruments are combined in this way, L2 can take a value of up to 3 without violating the rule of thumb. So in all tests of the Dalgaard et al. regression, I “collapse” the instruments and set L2=3.20 C. Theoretical issues in interpreting the results If Leamer’s (1983) extreme bounds analysis is applied to the results of this testing, then a coefficient will be deemed robustly different from 0 only if it is significantly different from 0 in every test. However, as Sali-I-Martin (1997) argues, this definition of robustness may be too extreme. For example, I could test the robustness of a regression by averaging together all observations for each global region, generating a sample of some 6 observations. Presumably almost no regression would pass this test. One could argue that this test is “unfair,” which is to say, too demanding to generate meaningful results. But there is no bright line dividing fair tests from unfair ones. Indeed, in this test suite, the 12-year-period test destroys every regression it can be applied to. It is not obvious a priori whether this means the test is too strong or the regressions too weak. For this reason, as Sali-I-Martin suggests, robustness should be thought of a continuous rather than dichotomous concept. Results can be more or less robust. Sala-I-Martin offers his own procedure for assessing robustness. In essence, he estimates the cumulative distribution function for a coefficient of interest by running a large number of variants of the regression it comes from. The robustness of a coefficient is then the fraction of the cumulative distribution that is on one or the other side of zero. For example, a coefficient would be robustly different from 0 at the conventional level of significance if 95% of its cdf is above or below zero. about eight years. But this would destroy more information than the approach I use. 29 The validity of this inference is based on the assumption, however informal, that the set of regressions actually run is a representative sample of all possible variants of the original regression. For the collection of tests assembled here, that assumption does not seem valid. Consider the set of tests that involves varying how total aid receipts are measured. As described above, two of the three aid definitions are highly correlated in practice. So regressions that originally used the third definition are subjected to two nearly identical aid-related tests. Sala-iMartin’s algorithm would treat these two tests as distinct, giving them nearly equal weight, rather than as what is essentially an unrepresentative oversampling of one test. Similarly, one subset of tests, those expanding the sample, cannot be applied to the Guillaumont and Chauvet regression. It does not seem plausible that the test suite is representative both with and without this important subset of tests. In sum, the sampling of specification space that is made here is minimally arbitrary, but cannot be assumed to be representative of all possible tests. Thus while Leamer’s definition of robustness may be to harsh for this context, Sali-I-Martin’s has its own limitations. This would be true even if I performed every possible combination of tests in the suite rather than just one at a time. In the end, it seems that human judgment applied to the full set of results must substitute for mechanical definitions of robustness. This in turn argues for keeping the number of tests small enough for the human mind to embrace. III. Results In the first step of the testing process, I use the authors’ data sets to reproduce their original re- sults. (See Tables 6–10. The dependent variable in all the regressions is average annual real GDP/capita growth.) All of the reproductions exhibit the same pattern of results as the original 20 I use the “collapse” sub-option of my xtabond2 module for Stata. 30 and all but one have the same sample size.21 The Burnside and Dollar, Collier and Dehn, and Hansen and Tarp reproductions are perfect. Since the purpose of the paper is to test robustness, the inexact matches are not a major problem. If the results from the tested regressions are robust, they should withstand whatever minor changes in data or specification cause the discrepancies in my reproductions. I discovered two important specification issues in the original regressions. One was a multicolinearity problem in the Collier and Hoeffler regression. In their preliminary regression 3.1 (not regression 3.4, which is reproduced here), they include the variables post-conflict 1, post-conflict 1×policy, and post-conflict 1×aid2, along with post-conflict 1×aid ×policy. These four terms involving post-conflict 1 all have absolute t statistics of 0.5 or less. Collier and Hoeffler then search for a specification iteratively, by dropping the least significant of these terms one-by-one and rerunning the regression. But in my reproduction of 3.1, post-conflict 1×aid×policy has a partial correlation of 0.985 with post-conflict 1×aid, making the two statistically indistinguishable. Thus the Collier and Hoeffler results ought to be interpreted as pertaining to either post-conflict 1×aid ×policy or post-conflict 1×aid. Occam’s razor argues for the latter. The second has already been mentioned. In the Dalgaard et al. regression, the two-step estimated covariance matrix of the moments turns out to be singular.22 I avoid this problem in my reproduction by reducing the number of instruments exactly as described above. My reproduction has their key terms still quite significant, and with larger magnitudes than in the original. 21 The Dalgaard et al. regression was executed with the DPD for Ox package. It turns out that an undocumented limitation in this software—incomplete observations that create gaps in the time series must always be included in the data file rather than deleted—led to a slight mishandling of the data. I use my xtabond2 module for Stata, which does not have this limitation. This explains the difference in samples. 22 The DPD for Ox package computes a generalized inverse in such cases. 31 Table 6. Reproduction of Burnside and Dollar, Collier and Dehn results Regression Log initial real GDP/capita Ethno-linguistic fractionalization, 1960 Assassinations/capita Ethno-linguistic fractionalization × Assassinations/capita Sub-Saharan Africa Fast-growing East Asia Institutional quality (ICRGE) M2/GDP, lagged Policy Aid/GDP Aid/GDP×policy Positive shock Burnside & Dollar 5/OLS –0.60 Collier & Dehn 3.4 (OLS) –0.77 (–1.02) (–1.32) –0.42 –0.35 (–0.57) (–0.45) –0.45 –0.37 (–1.68) (–1.27) 0.79 0.63 (1.74) (1.31) –1.87 –2.08 (–2.41) (–2.83) 1.31 1.21 (2.19) (1.90) 0.69 0.67 (3.90) (3.57) 0.01 0.02 (0.84) (1.12) 0.71 0.86 (3.63) (4.23) –0.02 –0.16 (–0.13) (–1.23) 0.19 0.10 (2.61) (1.70) 0.00 (0.18) Negative shock –0.03 (–2.38) ∆Aid/GDP ×negative shock 0.04 ∆Aid/GDP ×positive shock 0.00 (3.17) (–0.01) Aid/GDP, lagged×negative shock 0.01 Aid/GDP, lagged×positive shock 0.02 (1.23) (2.40) 270 234 Observations 0.39 0.46 R2 0.54 0.88 Arellano-Bond AR(1) test (p value) Period dummies and constant term not reported. Heteroskedasticity-robust t statistics in parenthesis. Entries significant at 0.05 in bold. 32 Table 7. Reproduction of Collier and Dollar, Collier and Hoeffler results Log initial real GDP/capita Collier & Collier & 1 Dollar 1.2 Hoeffler 3.4 0.70 0.69 1.13 1.11 Institutional quality (ICRGE) 0.12 0.14 0.73 0.93 CPIA 1.16 1.15 2.89 2.88 0.14 0.12 2.15 1.88 –0.03 –0.03 2.20 2.20 Aid/GDP×policy (Aid/GDP) 2 0.18 Aid×policy×post-conflict 1 3.92 Observations R2 344 0.37 0.63 344 0.38 0.61 Arellano-Bond AR(1) test (p value) Period and region dummies and constant term not reported. Heteroskedasticity-robust t statistics in parenthesis. Entries significant at 0.05 in bold. Reproduction is not exact, but exhibits the same pattern and matches in sample size. 1 As revised in Collier and Hoeffler (2002), regression 1.1, where five erroneous observations were deleted. 33 Table 8. Reproduction of Hansen and Tarp results Regression Average annual GDP/capita growth, lagged 1.2 (2SLS) 3.2 (GMM) –0.37 (–7.09) Log initial real GDP/capita Ethno-linguistic fractionalization, 1960 0.09 –3.56 (0.14) (–1.05) 0.11 (0.12) Assassinations/capita Ethno-linguistic fractionalization × Assassinations/capita Sub-Saharan Africa –0.46 –0.53 (–2.02) (–2.31) 0.92 1.00 (2.17) (2.75) –2.25 (–2.98) Fast-growing E. Asia 1.52 (2.42) Institutional quality (ICRGE) 0.81 (4.57) M2/GDP, lagged 0.01 Budget surplus/GDP 9.12 (0.55) (2.49) Log (1 + inflation) Sachs-Warner Aid/GDP (Aid/GDP) 2 ∆(Aid/GDP) –1.13 –0.19 (–2.30) (–0.30) 1.70 2.83 (3.36) (4.37) 0.24 0.90 (2.34) (4.22) –0.01 –0.02 (–2.38) (–3.83) –0.70 (–4.91) ∆(Aid/GDP) 2 0.01 (3.64) 231 213 Observations 2 0.38 R 0.76 0.12 Arellano-Bond test for AR(1) (p value) 0.81 0.39 Hansen J (p value) Period dummies and constant term not reported. Robust t statistics in parenthesis. For GMM, t statistics are autocorrelation-robust too, and Arellano-Bond test is for AR(2) in first differences. Some coefficients differ from original by a factor of 100 because of scaling changes. Entries significant at 0.05 in bold. 34 Table 9. Reproduction of Dalgaard et al. results Log initial real GDP/capita 2.03 Budget surplus/GDP 0.09 (1.67) (0.55) Log (1 + inflation) –2.98 (–2.88) Sachs-Warner 1.57 (1.80) Aid/GDP 1.47 (4.02) Aid/GDP × tropical area fraction –1.33 (–2.62) 371 Observations 0.37 Arellano-Bond test for AR(2) in first differences (p value) 0.21 Hansen J (p value) Period dummy and constant term not reported. Unlike in original, to limit the number of instruments, at most 3 lags of instrumenting variables are used, and sets of instruments are combined by addition, as described in text. t statistics (in parentheses) are heteroskedasticity- and autocorrelation-robust and include the Windmeijer (2000) finite-sample correction. Entries significant at 0.05 in bold. Table 10. Reproduction of Guillaumont and Chauvet 2SLS results Log initial real GDP/capita –2.51 (–3.11) Mean years secondary schooling among those over 25 0.93 (1.16) Population growth –0.83 (–2.64) M2/GDP, lagged 0.07 (2.64) Barro-Lee political instability, lagged –2.03 Ethno-linguistic fractionalization, 1960 –2.13 (–1.08) (–2.04) Environment/low vulnerability 0.53 Aid/GDP 0.78 (1.91) (1.47) Aid/GDP×environment –0.15 (–1.68) 68 Observations 0.63 R2 0.08 Arellano-Bond test for AR(1) (p value) 0.98 Hansen J (p value) Period dummy and constant term not reported. Heteroskedasticity-robust t statistics in parenthesis. Entries significant at 0.05 in bold. 35 I run 86 robustness checks in all. Full results are at <>. Here, I report full details only for the Burnside and Dollar regressions, as an illustration, and results on key coefficients for the rest. Table 11 shows the full Burnside and Dollar test results. Note first that the testing is not nihilistic: some regressors survive all or most of the tests. Dummies for Sub-Saharan Africa and fast-growing East Asia, the governance and policy indexes, and the newly added population variable are usually significant at or near the 0.05 level, frequently enough that these do appear to be true regularities in the data. But aid×policy, the essential term for Burnside and Dollar, is more fragile. Switching to the stripped-down control set of Collier and Dollar raises the significance level of aid×policy above 0.05. Adopting the Guillaumont and Chauvet controls depresses it further, albeit with AR(1). Only the Dalgaard et al. control set, not so different from Burnside and Dollar’s original, leaves the key term significant. Changing the definition of aid does reduce the coefficient and, though not dramatically, its significance. Switching to the Collier and Dollar definition of policy as CPIA completely eliminates the result. 23 Going to 12-year periods also erodes the t statistic. In a counterpoint to the focus of Leamer (1983), Levine and Renelt (1992), and Sali-IMartin (1997) on the choice of regressors as a source of fragility, it appears that modifying the sample affects results much more than modifying the regressor set. Strikingly, removing seven additional outliers (Botswana 1978–81, 1982–85, and 1986–89, Gabon 1974–77, Mali 1986–89, and Zambia 1986–89 and 1990–93) completely eliminates the result, sending the coefficient on aid×policy slightly negative. Expanding the dataset to 2001 and to new countries also gives aid×policy a negative but insignificant coefficient. (Easterly et al. (2004) get the same result when extending to 1997.) Excluding outliers from the expanded-sample regression actually 36 strengthens this contrary result, so that result is not itself driven by a few outliers. Unfortunately, the expanded-sample regressions exhibit autocorrelation of order up to 4. So the final two columns show the results after switching to five-year periods to expunge the higher-order autocorrelation, and after instrumenting all variables with their lags and clustering the standard errors by country to make the results robust to autocorrelation. Aid×policy remains insignificant. The results from the original regression and the “AR-robust,” expanded sample regression are illustrated in Figure 1, with and without the outliers picked by the Hadi procedure. Each graph in the figure shows the partial scatter plot of GDP/capita growth versus aid×policy in the 5/OLS regression. The two digits in the data point labels indicate the first year of the period for each observation. Outliers are marked separately, and two partial regression lines are shown, one for the full sample, one for the sample excluding outliers. Note that the second line is not the best fit to the non-outlier data points as plotted. Deleting observations causes the estimated coefficients to shift and all remaining data points in the partial scatter to move. The second line therefore is the best fit to the data points in their post-exclusion positions, which are not shown. Figure 1 shows that in Burnside and Dollar’s original regression, Botswana had very high aid×policy and fairly high growth throughout the 1980s, controlling for the other regressors, while Zambia was opposite on both counts in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Their experiences seem to drive the original 5/OLS result on aid×policy. Moreover it seems quite possible that the Botswana observations are a case where reverse causality plays a role, with high growth (and perhaps good policies) attracting more aid. When aid and aid×policy are instrumented they cease to be outliers. (Results not shown.) Table 12, Table 13, and Table 14 report results on key terms in all the tested regressions. Because not all tests were applicable to all regressions, some cells are blank. The test involving 23 Ram (2003) performs a similar test. 37 the definition of aid as EDA/real GDP, for example, is not applicable to regressions that originally use it. Using 12-year periods does not work for the Collier and Hoeffler regression, because the definition of their post-conflict 1 variable assumes 4-year periods. Some regressions do not have a policy variable and so were exempt from policy-related tests.24 Lack of higher-frequency data for Guillaumont and Chauvet’s environment variable prevents short-period tests. Table 12 has results for most of the tests inspired by “whimsical” differences among the original regressions. It turns out that the first test, switching to the Burnside and Dollar control set, generally reinforces regressions that did not use it in the first place. The Dalgaard et al. subset of the Burnside and Dollar controls has a similar effect, except that it undermines Collier and Dehn. The slim Collier and Dollar control set is more destructive, leaving only the Hansen and Tarp 2SLS and Dalgaard et al. results significant at 0.05. These, along with Collier and Hoeffler and Hansen and Tarp GMM pass the Guillaumont and Chauvet control test. Overall, the Collier and Dehn results are most fragile to control changes. Altering the definitions of aid proves to be a mild test. As expected, in the first four tested regressions, which use real GDP in the denominator of aid, switching between ODA and EDA in the aid/GDP numerator has little effect. Changing the denominator turns out not to be a much harder test. But changing the definition of policy proves tougher. The Collier and Dehn, Collier and Dollar, and Hansen and Tarp regressions are all vulnerable to it to various degrees. Aggregating variables over 12 years is uniformly destructive. The drastic reductions in sample size may be the reason, and may make this test “unfair”; on the other hand, several regressors not involving aid pass this test easily in the Burnside and Dollar test results in Table 11. Overall, the Collier and Hoeffler result on post-conflict 1×aid×policy (or the collinear post-conflict 1×aid), the Hansen and Tarp 2SLS coefficients on aid and aid2, and the Dalgaard et 24 However, I do take license to stretch their definition of post-conflict 1 to 5-year periods in the “AR-robust” tests. 38 al. results for aid and aid×tropical area fraction persist most under tests inspired by “whimsy” in the literature. They are the most whimsy-robust, one could say. Interestingly, except for the Hansen and Tarp 2SLS coefficients, all of these relatively strong results center on highly non-normal variables. The Collier and Hoeffler post-conflict 1 dummy is 1 for only 13 of the 344 observations in their original sample. Only 38 of the 234 Collier and Dehn observations have negative shocks. In the Dalgaard et al. sample, 233 of the 371 observations have tropical area fraction=1 and 68 have it 0, leaving 70 in between. Evidently regularities involving such variables are more resilient to specification changes. The Guillaumont and Chauvet result on aid×environment is also persistent, but is frequently marred by autocorrelation in the tests. (Indeed, the p value for the Arellano-Bond test for AR(1) in my reproduction of the original regression is 0.08, as shown in Table 10.) Only Collier and Dehn’s regression included export shocks per se, so only it was subjected to the sensitivity tests relating to that variable. (See Table 13.) The result on ∆aid×negative shock is robust to the two modifications of the shock definition whether applied separately or together. Results from sample-modifying tests appear in Table 14. The first two results columns are based on regressions on the original authors’ datasets—first for their full sample, second for the sample excluding outliers picked by the Hadi algorithm on partial scatterplots. The next pair of columns are analogous, but for the expanded data set. Autocorrelation is prevalent in the expanded-sample results. So the final pair of columns shows the results from making expandedsample regressions “AR-robust.” Except for the Guillaumont and Chauvet result, all the original OLS and 2SLS results depend on outliers for some or all of their significance. The dependence is particularly heavy for 39 the regressions involving aid×policy. On the other hand, the lack of significance of most of the coefficients under the sample-expansion test is not driven by new, wayward outliers. Excluding them does not restore significance. (See Figures 1–8.) The weakest results again are those on aid×policy, from Burnside and Dollar, Collier and Dollar, and Collier and Dehn. The Collier and Dehn coefficient on ∆aid×negative shock is stronger—arguably stronger than a glance at the table suggests. The coefficient is dramatically reversed by the exclusion of outliers from the original sample. So it would seem that, leaving aside extreme observations, increasing aid to countries undergoing such shocks slows growth. However, shocks are by definition outlier events. The 10 outliers identified in the Collier and Dehn original-sample regression include 8 of the 38 negative shock episodes in the sample. It may be inconsistent therefore to draw conclusions about the role of shocks in growth having excluded many of the most dramatic examples. On the other hand, 30 shock episodes remain even after excluding outliers. Two regressions without such stochastic terms go relatively unscathed in the first four columns of Table 14. The Guillaumont and Chauvet result goes relatively unscathed but also relatively untested because I am not able to expand its sample. I do nearly double the sample of the Hansen and Tarp 2SLS regression, and it does comparatively well in the first four columns. The coefficients on aid and aid2 achieve similar values and t statistics in the expanded sample as in the original, and the significance is not dependent on outliers. However, all these expanded-sample results are in some doubt because all fail autocorrelation tests at 0.05 or 0.06. In the face of specification problems that can bias results, one can err on the side of inclusion—taking the regressions as they are, caveat emptor—or exclusion— purging the data of biasing information, but along with it, probably, information that is both rel- 40 vant and non-biasing. Table 14 does both. Specifically, its final pair of columns shows the results of making the sample-expansion regressions “AR-robust”—using 5-year periods and autocorrelation-robust standard errors, and instrumenting most variables with their lags. All the OSL and 2SLS results that can be put to this test fail it. But again, though tough, the test is not inherently nihilistic. In the Burnside and Dollar regression, both the Sub-Saharan Africa dummy and the institutional quality index survived this test. Meanwhile, the two GMM regressions are, if anything, revivified by the AR-robust sample-expansion test. Of course for these regressions, which already instrument most right-handside variables and have autocorrelation-robust standard errors, the AR-robust test consists only in switching from 4- to 5-year periods in order to expunge higher-order autocorrelation that can render instruments invalid. So the test for these regressions is arguably less severe. Nevertheless, the overall pattern is striking. The most methodologically conservative regressions tested produce coefficients in the expanded sample that, though smaller, are significant at or near 0.05 and consistent with the authors’ original results. Of these, the Dalgaard et al. results also pass almost all the “whimsy”-inspired tests (Table 12), the only exception being the 12-year test. 41 Table 11. Robustness tests of Burnside and Dollar regression Changing controls Log initial real GDP/capita Ethno-linguistic fractionalization Assassinations/ capita Ethnic × Assas. Original CD GC DHT –0.60 –0.37 –0.05 –0.43 (–1.02) (–0.65) (–0.11) (–0.78) (–0.52) (–0.57) (–0.69) (–0.90) –0.42 –1.10 –0.86 –0.93 –0.93 –0.83 (–0.57) (–1.62) Fast–growing E. Asia (–1.90) (–1.14) (–1.39) (–1.90) (–1.75) –0.36 –0.54 (–1.06) –0.80 –0.72 –0.51 –0.41 (–1.12) (–1.18) (–1.21) (–1.15) –0.45 –0.50 –0.47 –0.47 –0.36 (–1.68) (–1.88) (–1.74) (–1.74) (–1.22) (–0.99) 0.79 0.87 0.82 0.77 0.51 (1.74) Sub–Saharan Africa Changing aid Changing sample Changing Changing policy periods OrigiODA/ ODA/ New data New data, AR-robust nal, no Full No out- Full samPPP XR INFL, GDP GDP SACW CPIA 12-year outliers sample1 liers1 ple1 No outliers –0.30 –0.32 –0.39 –0.50 –0.61 –1.01 –0.39 –0.49 –1.16 –0.90 (–0.73) (–1.19) (–1.09) (–0.47) (–0.39) –0.30 –0.40 (–0.34) –0.39 –0.39 0.19 0.05 (–1.41) (–1.65) (–1.62) (0.44) (0.14) 0.49 0.69 0.26 0.24 –0.84 –0.44 (0.68) (1.50) (0.41) (0.38) (–0.77) (–0.51) –1.71 –2.28 –1.20 –1.37 –1.83 –1.77 (1.98) (1.85) (1.68) (0.98) –1.87 –2.28 –1.68 –1.48 –1.80 –1.81 (–2.41) (–3.58) (–2.38) (–2.06) (–2.55) (–2.76) (–2.00) (–3.26) (–2.20) (–2.56) (–2.74) (–2.73) 1.31 0.89 0.78 0.82 0.84 1.55 1.09 1.04 0.74 0.65 1.64 1.37 (2.19) (1.53) (1.31) (1.36) (1.37) (2.51) (1.48) (1.81) (1.45) (1.27) (1.69) (1.56) 0.43 Institutional quality (ICRGE) M2/GDP, lagged 0.69 0.67 0.71 0.63 0.63 0.15 0.64 0.67 0.38 0.36 0.44 (3.90) (0.71) (3.48) (3.41) (0.74) (3.30) (3.74) (3.56) (3.38) (3.02) (3.21) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 (1.01) (1.01) (0.75) (0.69) (1.84) (0.62) (0.54) (0.86) (1.03) (0.99) Policy 0.71 0.91 0.92 0.80 0.81 0.80 0.79 0.78 0.89 1.34 1.40 0.45 0.77 (3.63) (3.93) (4.16) (3.84) (4.31) (3.07) (4.53) (5.65) (5.92) (0.74) (1.56) –0.02 0.17 0.01 0.16 0.14 (3.71) 0.01 0.04 (0.84) (2.68) (4.66) (7.57) Mean years secondary schooling Population growth –0.01 Political instability, lagged Aid –0.61 (–0.04) –0.01 (–0.06) (–0.94) 0.16 0.04 –0.24 0.07 –0.12 0.06 0.31 0.41 –0.89 (0.73) (0.80) (0.72) (–0.73) (0.46) (–0.52) (0.26) (1.15) (1.40) (–0.98) (0.18) 0.19 0.13 0.06 0.19 0.14 0.05 0.15 0.00 0.12 –0.05 –0.15 –0.28 0.39 –0.19 (–0.13) Aid × policy (2.61) Log population (0.88) (1.73) (0.07) (2.27) (1.95) (1.63) (2.32) (0.01) (1.31) (–1.04) (–1.54) (0.97) (–0.45) 0.18 0.49 0.35 (1.06) 0.39 0.36 0.40 0.27 0.17 0.40 0.40 0.10 0.22 (1.18) (2.50) (2.44) (2.52) (1.67) (0.85) (3.19) (3.25) (0.41) (1.06) (3.73) (2.28) (–0.45) Observations 270 278 262 278 275 272 268 264 97 263 430 420 287 276 2 R 0.39 0.43 0.41 0.42 0.46 0.46 0.43 0.38 0.61 0.41 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.34 0.32 0.36 0.92 0.31 0.19 0.08 0.13 AR(1) (p value) 0.54 0.48 0.05 0.24 0.01 0.04 1 Regression fails Arellano-Bond test for AR(1) at 0.05 for either the full regression sample or that excluding residual–lagged residual outliers. Period dummies and constant term not reported. All t statistics are heteroskedasticity-robust; those in last two columns also robust to arbitrary patterns of autocorrelation. Entries significant at 0.05 in bold. 42 Table 12. Coefficients on key terms under specification-modifying tests (original data set) Changing controls Specification Key term Aid × Burnside policy & Dollar Aid × policy Collier & ∆Aid × Dehn negative shock Aid × Collier & policy Dollar Original BD 0.19 (1.73) (1.06) (2.27) (1.95) (1.63) (3.02) (0.01) (1.31) 278 262 0.03 0.02 278 0.04 275 272 0.06 0.02 296 0.09 264 0.15 97 –0.02 (1.76) (0.46) (0.51) (0.61) (1.02) (1.33) (1.65) (1.07) (–0.16) 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 (3.17) (1.11) (1.21) (0.93) (2.83) (4.41) (1.93) (0.83) (1.03) 234 242 227 242 281 281 256 268 51 –0.01 0.20 0.17 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.19 (–0.24) (2.71) (1.72) (1.65) (1.44) (1.19) (1.64) 374 349 349 347 351 388 119 0.111 0.161 0.30 0.04 0.15 0.181 0.14 0.21 (2.15) (2.87) 344 337 Hansen & Aid Tarp 2SLS Aid2 (3.92) (3.54) (2.70) (3.46) (3.64) (3.93) (3.03) (4.13) 344 337 374 349 349 347 351 388 0.24 0.32 0.38 0.391 0.74 1.00 0.24 0.113 (2.34) (2.75) (1.85) (2.99) (2.61) (1.45) (1.13) –0.01 –0.01 –0.011 –0.08 –0.09 –0.01 0.003 –0.01 –0.01 (3.27) (–2.60) (–2.94) (–1.16) (–2.33) (–2.51) (–1.31) (–1.14) 232 206 1.04 1.12 232 231 1.04 –0.05 231 2.20 264 50 0.91 216 1.01 (4.22) (1.64) (1.64) (1.59) (2.01) (1.46) 0.06 –0.13 ∆Aid –0.70 (3.04) (–3.07) 0.20 231 0.90 –0.02 Aid (3.81) (–2.38) Aid2 ∆(Aid2) EDA/ ODA/ ODA/ INFL, real real XR BB, INFL, DHT GDP GDP GDP SACW SACW CPIA 12-year 0.14 0.05 0.00 0.12 0.19 0.26 270 0.10 0.18 0.16 Hansen & Tarp GMM Changing periods Changing policy (2.61) PostCollier & conflict Hoeffler 1 × aid × policy Aid CD GC 0.13 0.061 Changing aid –0.02 –0.02 –0.02 (–3.83) (–0.03) –0.02 –0.02 (–1.04) (–1.45) (–0.49) –0.52 –0.71 –0.52 –0.83 –1.79 (–1.07) (–2.41) (–1.07) (0.16) –0.80 –0.86 (–4.91) (–1.50) (–1.93) (–1.50) (–0.96) (–1.92) (–2.51) (–1.88) 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.11 0.01 0.01 (3.64) (0.97) (1.62) (0.97) (0.10) (1.15) (1.87) (1.00) 213 213 181 1.47 1.37 1.47 1.34 213 214 214 0.76 0.29 213 215 (4.02) (3.50) (2.99) (2.69) (4.20) (3.32) 0.15 (0.02) Dalgaard Aid × –2.30 -1.33 –1.73 –1.70 –1.55 –0.87 –0.23 et al. (-2.62) (–4.10) (–2.80) (–3.15) (–4.27) (–2.37) (–0.14) tropical GMM area 371 354 371 315 371 365 116 fraction Guillau- Aid × –0.15 –0.16 –0.15 –0.12 –0.491 –0.351 –0.161 –0.151 –0.14 (–1.79) (–2.01) (–1.88) (–1.82) (–2.03) (–1.96) (–1.91) (–2.30) (–2.38) mont & enviChauvet ronment 71 73 73 66 66 66 68 69 68 1 Regression fails Arellano-Bond test for AR(1) at 0.05 significance level for either the full regression sample or that excluding residual–lagged residual outliers. 2Regression fails Arellano-Bond test for AR(2) at in first differences at 0.05. 3Regression fails Hansen J test of overidentifying restrictions at 0.05. All t statistics are heteroskedasticity-robust; those for GMM regressions also autocorrelation-robust. Except for original Hansen and Tarp regression, all GMM standard errors include the Windmeijer (2000) finite-sample correction. Entries significant at 0.05 in bold. 43 Table 13. Coefficients on key terms in Collier and Dehn regression under tests of shock definition Distribution of forecasting errors used Country- Countryfor shock definition: specific specific Shock measure- Price ment: change Aid × policy ∆Aid × negative shock 0.10 Share of GDP 0.07 Pooled Pooled Price change Share of GDP 0.06 0.04 (1.76) (1.06) (1.00) (0.91) 0.04 0.18 0.03 0.50 (3.17) (1.96) (2.35) (4.25) Observations 234 234 234 234 Heteroskedasticity-robust t statistics in parenthesis. Those significant at 0.05 in bold. First results column is for original specification. 44 Table 14. Coefficients on key terms under data set–modifying tests Specification B&D 5/OLS key term Aid × policy Observations Aid × policy Collier & Dehn Collier & Dollar Collier & Hoeffler ∆Aid × negative shock Observations Aid × policy Observations Post-conflict 1 × aid × policy Observations Aid Hansen & Tarp 2SLS Aid 2 Observations Aid 0.19 –0.05 –0.151 –0.281 0.391 (2.61) (–0.45) (–1.04) –0.19 (–1.54) (0.97) (–0.45) 270 0.10 263 0.11 430 0.031 420 0.011 287 0.16 276 0.35 (0.58) (0.05) (1.39) (1.81) 0.031 –0.161 0.01 0.03 (–1.75) (0.64) (0.32) 388 364 0.001 –0.022 297 –0.03 279 –0.03 (–0.30) (–0.43) (–0.58) 521 506 1 0.08 –0.102 296 0.09 291 0.22 (1.70) (1.11) 0.04 –0.06 (3.17) (–1.33) 234 0.14 224 0.07 (2.15) (1.06) 344 0.18 341 1.18 (3.92) (2.12) (2.12) (–0.29) (0.96) (0.43) 344 0.24 333 0.15 521 0.181 495 0.181 296 –0.01 287 –0.02 (2.34) (1.82) (2.35) (2.54) (0.06) (2.13) (–0.07) (–0.20) –0.01 –0.005 –0.011 –0.011 0.00 0.00 (–2.38) (–1.90) (–2.28) (–1.43) (0.27) (0.38) 231 0.90 229 409 0.163 406 294 0.29 293 (4.22) (0.81) (1.86) –0.02 –0.0023 –0.01 (–3.83) (–1.01) (–1.95) –0.70 3 –0.30 (–4.91) (–1.12) (–2.43) 0.01 3 0.01 (3.64) (1.08) (2.19) Observations 213 Aid 1.47 516 0.194 381 0.41 (4.02) (2.60) (4.39) Aid Hansen & Tarp GMM Expanded sam- Expanded sample, Original ple AR-robust Full No outFull No out- Full sam- No outsample liers sample liers ple liers 2 ∆Aid ∆(Aid2) –0.18 0.002 Aid × tropical –0.104 –0.39 -1.33 (-2.62) (–1.30) (–3.73) area fraction 371 Observations 450 343 Aid × environ–0.15 –0.11 (–1.79) (–1.96) Guillaumont & Chauvet ment Observations 68 67 1 Regression fails Arellano-Bond test for AR(1) at 0.05 for either the full regression sample or that excluding residual–lagged residual outliers. 2Fails same test at 0.06. 3Regression fails test for AR(3) in firstdifferences at 0.002, rendering several instruments invalid. 4Regression fails test for AR(3) and AR(4) in first-differences at 0.05, rendering several instruments invalid. All t statistics are heteroskedasticity-robust; those in last two columns or in GMM regressions also autocorrelation-robust. Except for original Hansen and Tarp regression, all GMM standard errors include the Windmeijer (2000) finite-sample correction. Entries significant at 0.05 in bold. Dalgaard et al. GMM 45 Figure 1. B&D regression 5/OLS: Partial scatter of GDP/capita growth versus aid×policy Original data GAB74 GDP/capita Growth -5 0 5 10 CMR78 ZMB86 ZMB90 SYR74 DOM70 EGY82 NGA70 PRY78 EGY74 GAB70 ECU70 SYR78 MEX78 SYR90 BRA70 LKA82 NGA90 PAK82 ARG90 MLI86 KEN70 EGY78 KOR86TTO78 BOL82 PAK78 URY86 BRA86 IDN90 SEN82 URY78 KOR82 CMR82 SLV90 THA86 NGA74 DOM86 NGA86 PAK86 LKA90 ARG74 TUR90 IND86 KEN86 ETH86 MAR82 SOM74 MAR74 NIC74 TUN82 CMR74 CHL90 GAB82 THA90 IDN78 SLE78 IND82 ZWE82 GUY74 PAK90 PRY74 PER78 HTI78 NER78 KOR90 NGA82 BRA82 ZAR82 GMB74 GTM70 COL78 IDN86 TZA82 ZWE86 GTM74 GAB90 IDN82 KEN78 CHL86 TGO78 SLV82 MWI82 CRI70 ZAR70 PHL78 CHL78 LKA78 ARG82 GMB82 MYS90 URY74 KOR74 BRA74 ARG86 COL70 LKA86 MEX70 COL82 TTO74 SLV74 GHA78 COL90 GHA70 VEN90 TZA86 ARG70 PHL86 BOL90 COL86 GHA86 SLE86 PHL74 KOR70 PER90 DOM78 GHA90 URY90 LKA74 MAR78 TUN90 THA82 SEN74 HND78 HND86 PRY70 SLE90 EGY86 SLE70 KEN82 BOL74 SYR70 IND90 DOM74 PER70 DZA74 GUY78 MYS78 PHL70 GTM78 HND70 ZAR86 PER74 TGO74 HND74 IDN74 MEX82 ZMB70 HND90 DZA70 ARG78 HND82 BRA78 PER86 BRA90 SLV70 PRY86 MDG86 TGO86 HTI74 PAK70 GHA82 GUY70 NIC82 CRI90 DOM82 MAR86 CRI74 MEX74 GTM86 ZWE90 SLE82 ECU82 GTM90 KOR78 SLV86 DOM90 IDN70 COL74 MWI78 MYS82 ZMB78 IND78 PAK74 GAB86 HTI82 ECU90 TTO70 HTI70 TGO82 JAM82 THA78 PER82 ECU78 IND74 LKA70 MWI90 EGY90 MAR70 ECU74 ECU86 MYS70 KEN74 VEN74 MEX90 GMB78 ZMB82 BOL78 GUY86 NIC70 CRI86 MYS86 KEN90 MWI86 CRI82 BOL70 TUN86 BOL86 SEN70 SLE74 CRI78 VEN70 SOM78 URY70 ZAR78 GUY82 ZMB74 VEN86 HTI86 PRY82 MYS74 GTM82 THA70 CHL70 PRY90 GMB70 MDG90 JAM78 CIV78 MDG70 NER74 THA74 NGA78 MEX86VEN82 PHL90 TTO82 MAR90 SYR86 SEN78 IND70 CHL82 MDG74 CMR86 CHL74 PHL82 GHA74 ZAR74 URY82 SLV78 VEN78 TTO86 JAM74 BWA78 BWA82 BWA86 -10 CMR90 GAB78 NIC78 ETH82 -10 -5 Non-outliers Outliers 0 Aid*Policy 5 10 Fit to all data, coef = 0.19, t = 2.61, N = 270 Fit excl. outliers, coef = -0.05, t = -0.45, N = 263 10 Expanded sample, AR-robust NGA70 BWA80 JOR75 BWA85 GDP/capita Growth -5 0 5 CMR80 ARG90 DOM70 UGA95 ECU70 PAK80 GAB80 PRY75 BRA70 CYP85 SYR90 CHN90 UGA90 PNG90 NGA85 SYR75 IRN90 MMR95 KOR85 LKA90 MLI95 CHL90 DOM95 IDN90 LKA80 SLV90 TTO95 URY85 GMB80 TTO80 THA90 THA85 CHL85 GHA85 POL95 URY75 MMR80 URY90 SLE80 IDN80 PAK85 KEN85 LKA95 IND95 MAR75 HND75 BOL90 BWA95 ETH95 KOR90 CMR95 MYS90 MAR85 CHL95 BFA95 CIV95 CHN95 PER95 GMB75 GTM75 IND80 GTM70 SGP70 ZAR80 ZWE85 UGA85 PER90 CYP90 GHA70 SYR80 JAM85GAB75 IND85 PRY70 KOR75 TGO95 MMR90 MAR80 NGA90 GHA95 TUN95 GAB90 BFA85 TUN90 TUN80 LKA75 GHA90 ZWE95 CYP95 KOR80 SGP80 PRY80 MEX75 MEX90 TUR85 GTM95 SGP90 IDN85 TUR95 IDN75 HUN95 GTM90 KEN75 TGO85 HTI75 COL85 TUR80 URY95 IND90 SLE70 TGO80 EGY85 CRI95 MEX80 COL90 LKA85 IRN80 SEN80 TUR90 TUN75 SLV95 BOL95 COL70 DOM85 ZAR70 MMR75 KEN80 EGY95 PHL75 MYS80 JAM90 BFA80 BOL85 ECU75 BOL75 ZMB80 ZWE90 NGA95 COG95 DZA95 CRI90 IRN95 GTM85 PRY85 KOR70 PAK90 HND85 SEN75 THA80 SLV85 ARG95 BFA90 ZAF95 NIC80 PER70 VEN90 ARG80 BOL70 KEN95 PAK75 THA75 ECU90 DOM80 BFA75 HTI70 CRI75 COL75 BRA75 MAR70 PRY90 MEX95KOR95 HTI95 PAK95 SLV70 ARG75 COL80 CHL75 MDG95 TUR75 SGP85 HTI80 SLE75 DOM75 CRI85 ZAR85 JAM80 MLI90 NGA75 SLV75 MWI90 CIV85 MAR90 GAB85 SGP75 ETH90 MYS70 EGY90 MYS75 SYR95 PAK70 VEN75 GHA80 PHL70 HND95 PER80 HND70 MWI85 HND90 DOM90 MYS95 URY70 GTM80 PHL85 ECU80 CHL80 ZAR95 VEN70 TUN85 SGP95 COL95 SYR85 MEX85 IND75 KEN90 LKA70 JOR90 ECU85 VEN85 SLE85 MAR95 CMR85 HND80 PHL80 PER75 BRA80 PHL95 THA70 PER85 PNG85 HTI85 PRY95 MYS85 GHA75 URY80 VEN95 MMR70 PHL90 BOL80 CRI80 JOR95 JAM95 TGO90 ZMB75 MDG70 ECU95 CIV90 PNG80 IDN95 PNG95 MDG90 VEN80 CHL70 THA95 SLE90 NGA80 IND70 IRN85 CIV80 SLV80 ZAR75 HUN90MMR85 JOR85 CMR90 SLE95 NER80 HTI90 EGY80 BRA95 BWA90 -10 NIC75 ZAR90 -2 -1 Non-outliers Outliers 0 Aid*Policy 1 2 Fit to all data, coef = 0.39, t = 0.97, N = 287 Fit excl. outliers, coef = -0.19, t = -0.45, N = 276 46 Figure 2. Collier and Dehn regression: Partial scatter of GDP/capita growth vs. ∆aid×negative shock GDP/capita Growth 5 0 -5 10 Original data CMR78 SYR86 GMB90 GAB74 EGY82 PRY78 BWA78 SYR74 EGY74 MEX78 SYR90 NGA86 BWA82 NGA90 ARG90 PAK82 TTO78 SEN82 SLV90BOL82 SLE78 LKA82 PAK78 CMR82 KOR86 URY78 KOR82 ARG74 PAK86 GAB82 BWA86 IDN90 BRA86 GMB82 URY86 LKA90 NIC74 GUY74 KEN86 IDN86 ETH86 NGA74 TUR90 TZA82 ZWE82 TGO78 MAR82 TUN82 CHL90 PRY74 KEN78 GAB90 CMR74 IND82 THA86 GHA78 MWI82 HTI78 IND86 GTM74 BRA74 PER78 BRA82 ZAR82 THA90 BOL74 PER74 KOR90 CHL78 NGA82 KOR74 URY74 GMB74 COL78 PAK90 LKA78 DOM86 ZWE86 IDN78 NER78 SLV82 SYR78 GUY90 TTO74 MAR74 IDN82 ARG86 GAB86 CHL86 ARG82 EGY78 EGY86 PHL78 TZA86 MYS90 COL82 LKA74 COL86 SLV74 HND86 ZMB74 GHA90 VEN90 DOM74 BOL90 GTM78 DOM78 PHL74 LKA86 GHA86 ZMB86 COL90 SLE90 MAR78 GUY78 HND78 URY90 HND90 CRI90 TUN90 PER90 ZMB90 GTM90 THA82 PHL86 MWI78 HND82 HND74 GMB78 TGO86 BRA78 MEX74 ZMB78 MYS78 NIC82 CRI74 MEX82 ARG78 GTM86 SLE82 IND90 GHA82 ZWE90 TGO82 MDG86 MWI90 PRY86 ZAR86 DOM82 COL74 HTI74 PAK74 ECU82 KOR78 VEN86 ECU86 KEN82 MYS86 TUN86 SLE86 MYS82 IND74 DOM90 VEN74 ZMB82 CRI86 IDN74 PER86 HTI82 SOM78 IND78 ECU90 BRA90 MAR86 ECU74 SLE74 THA78 ECU78 KEN90 PER82 EGY90 CIV78 MEX90 BOL78 CRI82 CHL74 SEN74 CRI78 JAM82 NIC86MEX86 DZA74 MDG90 MYS74 ZAR74 KEN74 PRY82 JAM78 GTM82 THA74 MWI86 PRY90 HTI86 GUY82 SEN78 ZAR78 NGA78 TTO82 CMR86 VEN82 GHA74 CHL82 GUY86 MAR90 TTO86 TGO74 PHL90 NER74 GMB86 MDG74 PHL82 URY82 SLV78 VEN78 JAM74 MLI86 SOM74 NIC90 SLV86 BOL86 CMR90 -10 NIC78 GAB78 ETH82 -50 0 50 Change in Aid*Negative Shock Non-outliers Outliers 100 Fit to all data, coef = 0.04, t = 3.17, N = 234 Fit excl. outliers, coef = -0.06, t = -1.33, N = 224 GDP/capita Growth -5 0 5 10 Expanded sample, AR-robust JOR75 BWA80 NGA70 BWA85 DOM70 NGA85 ARG90 CMR80 UGA95 EGY80 PAK80 ECU70 PRY75 BRA70 GAB80 SYR90 CHN90 PNG90 MMR95 CYP85 IRN90 LKA90 SLE80 MMR80 DOM95 CHL90 IDN90 KOR85 TTO95 GMB80 PAK85 URY75 THA90 TTO80 POL95 URY90 URY85 MLI95 JOR80 BOL90 CHL85 GHA85 MAR75 IDN80 LKA95 ETH95 KOR90 GMB75 THA85 IND95 LKA80 IDN85 KEN85 GTM70 NIC95 SLV90 HND75 SYR75 MYS90 CMR95 CHL95 BWA95 GHA70 PER95 BFA95 CHN95 CIV95 MAR85 ZAR80 CYP90 PER90 BFA85 BOL85 UGA90 MMR90 SGP70 GTM75 EGY85 SYR80 IND80 UGA85 ZWE85 BOL75 PRY70 LKA75 GAB90 NGA90 TUN90 MAR80 TUN95 KOR75 TGO95 ZWE95 COL85 TUN80 PRY80 IND85 BFA90 ZMB95 CHL75 SLE70 MEX90 CYP95 KOR80 GHA90 HUN95 TGO80 SGP90 GAB75 SLV85 GTM90 HND85 GTM95 ZAR70 SGP80 MMR75 TUR90 URY95 GHA95 PRY85 KOR70 COL90 TUR85 JAM90 CRI90 IND90 TUR95 BRA85 GTM85 PHL75 TUR80 MEX80 BRA95 SEN80 GAB85 ZWE90 TGO85 BOL95 HTI70 IRN80 CRI95 IDN75 LKA85 SLV95 SEN75 COG95 MEX75 ZMB80 COL70 JAM85 BFA80 NGA95 ARG95 MYS80 VEN90 THA75 EGY95 IRN95 ZMB85 PAK75 ECU90 NIC80 ECU75 KEN75 SLV70 BRA75 KEN95 DOM80 THA80 DZA95 SGP75 CRI85 NIC90 PRY90 HTI75 ZAF95 BOL70 MLI90 SGP85 PER70 CRI75 HTI95 DOM75 DOM85 PAK90 MEX95 MDG95 SLE75 KEN80 COL75 MEX85 VEN85 GHA80 TUN85 HTI80 ARG80 PAK95 TUN75 MWI90 COL80 TUR75 ARG75 HND90 PER75 BRA90 KOR95 BWA90 ETH90 HND70 MAR90 ZAR95 EGY90 ZAR85 SLV75 ECU85 SYR95 MAR70 DOM90 CIV85 BFA75 PHL70 PER80 MYS75 PAK70 MYS70 LKA70 URY70 JAM80 CMR85 ECU80 NGA75 MYS95 CHL80 GTM80 VEN75 MYS85 KEN90 SGP95 HND80 IND75 PHL85 COL95 MAR95 ZMB90 THA70 PHL95 BRA80 JOR90 PHL80 PRY95 HND95 MWI85 ARG85 HTI85 PNG85 MMR70 PER85 GHA75 VEN70 URY80 VEN95 IRN85 SLE85 MDG70 PHL90 BOL80 CRI80 JAM95 ECU95 TGO90 CIV90 MDG90 PNG95 IDN95 JOR95 PNG80 SLE90 CIV80 VEN80 CHL70 IND70 THA95 NGA80 ZAR75 HUN90 SLV80 MMR85 CMR90 NIC85 SLE95 HTI90 JOR85 NER80 SYR85 ZMB75 -10 NIC75 ZAR90 -100 -50 Non-outliers Outliers 0 50 Change in Aid*Negative Shock 100 Fit to all data, coef = 0.01, t = 0.64, N = 297 Fit excl. outliers, coef = 0.03, t = 0.32, N = 279 47 Figure 3. Collier & Dollar regression: Partial scatter of GDP/capita growth vs. aid×policy 20 Original data GDP/capita Growth 10 0 GAB74 SDN94 SDN74TGO94 BWA78 BWA82 PAN90 PRY78 CMR78 NIC94 SYR90 BHS82 BWA86 SYR74 CMR82 ARG90 EGY82 BHS78 ETH86 SDN90 EGY74 TTO78 GUY94 MEX78 GUY90 MLI74 CHL78 SLV90 THA86 DOM86 JAM86 ZWE78 HTI78 BWA74 MLI86 IDN78 KOR82 KOR86 THA90 PER94 IDN90 CHL90 PAN78 SEN82 SYR78 NGA90 CHL86 ETH94 DOM94 DOM74 NIC74 DOM78 ECU74 KEN86 DOM82 VEN90 LKA82 PAK78 SLE78 SLE86 ECU78 PAK82 MAR82 PRY86 GTM90 CRI90 HND86 BGD78 TGO78 DZA82 GMB82 NGA86 EGY78 HTI74 PRY74 MWI90 LKA90 ZAR82 COL90 SLV82 URY78 ETH90 IND94 SDN86 CMR74 URY86 IDN94 URY90 HUN86 HUN82 MWI82 ECU90 IDN74 GAB94 BOL74 COL86 MWI94 NER78 GTM74 BOL90 BGD82 BRA86 MLI82 IDN82 CHL94 CIV94 JAM90 MYS90 SLV86 BRA94 ZWE94 CIV74 GTM78 BGD90 HND90 IND82 GMB74 BWA90 TZA90 KOR90 NGA74 THA94 EGY86 ZMB86 CRI86 THA82 GHA90 DOM90 HUN94 PER78 SEN94 IDN86 TTO82 TZA86 NER86 TUN90 IND86 SLV94 MEX90 NGA94 GAB90 ZWE82 ZWE86 BRA82 COL78 KOR94 MAR94 BOL86 PHL86 MLI94 GAB82 SLV74 MAR74 BRA74 MYS94 GUY74 HTI82 ECU82 KEN78 NIC82 MAR86 PRY90 GHA86 COL94 GTM86 PER90 SEN86 GTM94 ZAR86 PAK86 SDN82 PAK90 EGY90 URY94 GUY86 HND74 MWI74 BWA94 TUR94 URY74 KEN94 SGP78 PAN82 EGY94 ECU94 GHA94 ZAR78 KEN82 COL82 HND78 LKA78 MDG82 KOR74 NER94 SLE82 MYS78 SLE74 BGD74 HND82BOL94 PER86 THA78 MYS86 SEN74 IND90 DZA74 BRA78 GHA78 GMB86 TZA94 LKA74 BGD94 LKA94 TUN78 SEN90 ARG74 GMB78 GMB90 MDG86 NGA82 ZAF94 MLI90 TTO94 PRY94 THA74 CHL82 ARG82 TGO86 MYS82 TGO74 TUN82 SGP82 ARG86 BRA90 LKA86 BOL82 HTI86 GHA82 KEN90 TGO82 CMR94 ARG94 DZA78 BOL78 TUN74 BGD86 ZMB90 NER74 ETH82 PHL94 CRI82 ZWE90 BHS86 TTO90 GUY78 MAR78 PHL78 MEX82 PAN94 JAM82 ZMB78 GTM82 TUN94 ARG78 ECU86 CRI94 MEX74 SYR82 MLI78 IND74 IND78 NER90 PER74 MDG94 PAK74 ZMB82 ZAR94 CIV86 JAM94 PAK94 CRI74 MDG90 PHL74 GAB86 CIV90 MWI86 HTI94 MWI78 VEN86 NIC90 SYR86 MDG78 MAR90 COL74ZAR74 DZA94 PER82 MYS74 MDG74 MEX94 PRY82 JAM78 MEX86 KOR78 HND94 HTI90 KEN74 ZMB74 VEN94 PHL90 CRI78 PAN74 HUN90 SDN78 GUY82 GMB94 BHS90 CHL74 CIV78 SGP74 TUN86 SEN78 CMR86 PAN86 DZA90 DZA86 CIV82 NIC86 SLE94 NGA78 GHA74 SLE90 NER82 TTO86 CMR90 PHL82 URY82 GAB78 JAM74 SLV78 TGO90 NIC78 ZAR90 -10 ZMB94 -15 -10 -5 Non-outliers Outliers Aid*Policy 0 5 10 Fit to all data, coef = 0.14, t = 2.15, N = 344 Fit excl. outliers, coef = 0.07, t = 1.06, N = 341 Expanded sample, AR-robust 10 COG80 -30 GDP/capita Growth -20 -10 0 LBR95 BWA85 GUY90 BWA80 SYR90 PAN90 AGO95 SDN95 CMR80 SLV90 UGA90 ARG90 MOZ95 CHN90 EGY80 UGA95 CYP80 DOM95 CYP85 NGA85 GAB80 CHL90 THA90 CHL85 SDN85 PNG90 ROM80 SOM85 CHN85 IDN90 MWI95 KOR85 MMR95 PAK80 GHA85 THA85 GIN85 SLE80 MYS90 MLI95 IDN80 SDN90 POL95 URY90 TTO95 CYP90 TTO80 GMB80 KEN85 ETH95 LKA90 BWA95 URY85 BFA85 ZAR80 SUR90 CMR95 BOL90 KOR90 SEN95 DOM85 GIN90 UGA85 MMR90 JAM85 ZWE85 GTM90 CRI90 CIV95 MAR85 GAB90 JAM90 PER90 GUY95 BHS80 GHA90 CHN95 MMR80 BFA90 BFA95 NGA90 TGO85 MOZ90 TUN90 BWA90 GIN95 SDN80 LKA80 GHA95 BGD80 TUN95 CRI95 PRY90 IDN85 TGO95 TZA85 PAN95 ZWE90 ETH90 EGY85 SLV95 CHL95 PAN80 NER85 BGD90 SEN85 SUR85 GTM95 COL90 GAB95 EGY90 PAK85 DOM80 EGY95 HND85 SLV85 SYR80 OMN85 HUN95 MEX90 PRY80 BHS85 ZWE95 HTI80 HTI95 HND90 GUY85 BFA80 PER95 ZMB85 BOL95 OMN90 TUN80 DOM90 MAR80 VEN90 ETH80 PRY85 NIC80 SEN80 SGP80 GTM85 MLI85 LKA95 TUR85 MAR90 DZA80 KOR80 ZAR85 TUR90 BRA85 ECU90 COL85 TTO90 TZA90 TZA95 GNB80 COG95 TGO80 T UR95 MDG85 THA80 MWI90 DZA95 MDG95 BGD95 BOL85 TUR80 POL90 KEN95 CRI85 ZMB80 IND80 URY95 IND85 KEN80 NGA95 IND95 SEN90 MYS80 MNG95 GAB85 HTI85 COG90 NER95 MLI90 JOR90 MEX80 GMB95 SGP85 PAK90 LKA85 IRN95 KEN90 JAM80 ECU80 GMB85 GNB85 HND95 ECU85 SOM80 ARG95 MEX95 NIC95 MWI85 BGD85 NIC90 MWI80 IND90 BRA95 ETH85 CZE95 JOR95 MLI80 CIV85 HUN85 SLE85 SYR85 COL80 GHA80 HND80 COG85 GNB90 BHS90 ROM95 ARG80 BRA90 PRY95 KOR95 CHL80 PHL95 PER80 MAR95 PHL90 TUN85 MDG90 GTM80 JAM95 PHL85 CMR85 ZMB90 MYS95 COL95 MEX85 TGO90 CIV90 PAK95 BGR95 ROM85 SLE90 BOL80 GMB90 GUY80 PER85 MDG80 DZA85 MYS85 PNG85 BRA80 LBR80 PHL80 VEN95 ECU95 PAN85 ROM90 NER90 ARG85 ZMB95 ZAR95 DZA90 URY80 CRI80 IDN95 THA95 TTO85 HTI90 HUN90 PNG95 NGA80 CMR90 SLV80 PNG80 NIC85 CIV80 MMR85 SLE95 LBR85 AGO90 NER80 GNB95 SOM90 ZAR90 JOR80 JOR85 LBR90 -10 Non-outliers Outliers 0 10 Aid*Policy 20 30 Fit to all data, coef = -0.03, t = -0.43, N = 296 Fit excl. outliers, coef = -0.03, t = -0.58, N = 291 48 Figure 4. Collier & Hoeffler regression: Partial scatter of GDP/capita growth vs. Postconflict 1×aid ×policy -10 0 GDP/capita Growth 10 20 30 40 Original data GAB74 SDN94 SDN74 TGO94 PRY78 PAN90 BWA78 CMR78 BWA82 SYR90 CMR82 BHS82 EGY82 ETH86 SDN90 ARG90 BHS78 SYR74 MEX78 BWA86 TTO78 CHL78 MLI74 ZWE78 EGY74 GUY90 THA86 MLI86 NGA90 SLV90 GUY94 DOM86 KOR82 HTI78 KOR86 CHL86 PER94 IDN78 CHL90 THA90 IDN90 PAN78 JAM86 NGA86 DOM94 ETH94 VEN90 SLE78 SLE86 SEN82 NIC74 DOM74 DOM78 ZAR82 ECU74 KEN86 DZA82 PAK82 MAR82 BWA74 GTM90 PRY86 ECU78 PAK78 SYR78 URY78 URY86 DOM82 SDN86 TGO78 ETH90 PRY74 URY90 COL90 LKA82 CRI90 HTI74 HND86 IND94 COL86 HUN82 MWI90 BGD78 NGA74 IDN94 GMB82 EGY78 ECU90 HUN86 SLV82 CHL94 CMR74 IDN82 GTM74 MWI82 LKA90 ZMB86 BOL74 IDN74 IND82 MYS90 BRA86 CIV74 NER78 NGA94 MLI82 ZWE94 KOR90 MWI94 BGD82 BRA94 GTM78 PER78 GAB94 THA82 TUN90 IND86 IDN86 BGD90 COL78 DOM90 SLV86 THA94 TZA90 MEX90 JAM90 BRA74 EGY86 BRA82 ZWE86 MAR94 SLV74 HUN94 TTO82 ZAR86 ZWE82 NER86 MAR86 ZAR78 BOL90 TZA86 GHA90 GMB74 MAR74 CIV94 HND90 COL94 KOR94 MYS94 PRY90 COL82 SLV94 SEN94 CRI86 PHL86 PER90 URY74 GTM94 GUY74 SDN82 BWA90 KEN78 ECU82 GTM86 URY94 PAN82 PAK86 HTI82 TUR94 KEN94 PAK90 GAB90 SGP78 NIC82 GAB82 NGA82 SLE82 HND74 KOR74 KEN82 MDG82 MLI94 MWI74 SLE74 GHA94 EGY94 GUY86 ZAF94 GMB86 BWA94 THA78 MYS78 IND90 BOL86 GHA86 NER94 SEN86 ECU94 HND78 DZA74 GHA78 BRA78 ZMB90 EGY90 TZA94 LKA78 PER86 MYS86 TUN78 TUN82 CHL82 TTO94 SEN74 GHA82 BGD94 PRY94 THA74 DZA78 BGD74 SEN90 MDG86 GMB90 ARG74 HND82 SGP82 MLI90 LKA94 ARG82 LKA74 HTI94 TGO74 ETH82 MYS82 BRA90 ARG94 ARG86 TUN94 KEN90 HTI86 PHL78 ZAR94 NER90 BOL94 PHL94 BOL82 CMR94 TTO90 PAN94 BOL78 MEX82 TGO82 BGD86 ZWE90 MAR78 MEX74 TUN74 PER74 LKA86 ECU86 GTM82 BHS86 TGO86 GMB78 IND78 NER74 CRI94 ZMB78 ARG78 IND74 ZMB94 MLI78 MDG94 CRI74 GUY78 PHL74 COL74 SYR82 PAK94 CRI82 VEN86 CIV86 MAR90 MDG78 ZAR74 ZMB82 JAM94 MDG90 JAM82 DZA94 PAK74 PER82 MDG74 PRY82 MYS74 CIV90 KOR78 MEX86 SYR86 MEX94 GAB86 NIC90 MWI78 KEN74 ZMB74 MWI86 HTI90 VEN94 CRI78 PAN74 JAM78 PHL90 SDN78 HND94 HUN90 GUY82 CIV78 TUN86 CHL74 BHS90 SGP74 GMB94 DZA86 CMR86 CIV82 DZA90 PAN86 NGA78 SLE90 SEN78 SLE94 NIC86 GHA74 URY82 TTO86 NER82 PHL82 CMR90 GAB78 JAM74 SLV78 TGO90 ZAR90 NIC78 0 10 NIC94 20 Post-conflict*Aid*Policy Non-outliers Outliers 30 40 Fit to all data, coef = 0.18, t = 3.92, N = 344 Fit excl. outliers, coef = 1.18, t = 2.12, N = 333 20 Expanded sample, AR-robust GDP/capita Growth -10 0 10 COG80 MOZ95 UGA90 NIC95 -30 -20 BWA85 GUY90 BWA80 SYR90 PAN90 SDN95 SLV90 AGO95 CMR80 ARG90 EGY80 CHN90 UGA95 CYP80 DOM95 GAB80 NGA85 PNG90 SOM85 SDN85 CYP85 CHL85 THA90 CHL90 MWI95 ROM80 CHN85 MMR95 PAK80 IDN90 LBR95 KOR85 THA85 GHA85 MLI95 MYS90 POL95 SDN90 IDN80 GIN85 SLE80 TTO80 TTO95 KEN85 ZAR80 CYP90 LKA90 GMB80 URY90 SUR90 SEN95 BOL90 BFA85 CMR95 BWA95 DOM85 URY85 ETH95 PER90 CIV95 GIN90 JAM85 MMR90 KOR90 CRI90 GTM90 JAM90 ZWE85 GAB90 MAR85 UGA85 BFA95 CHN95 BFA90 GHA90 MOZ90 MMR80 NGA90 BHS80 GUY95 GIN95 TGO85 BWA90 BGD80 SDN80 TZA85 LKA80 TUN90 TGO95 PRY90 GHA95 SUR85 EGY85 IDN85 CRI95 ETH90 GTM95 PAN95 SEN85 BGD90 ZWE90 EGY95 NER85 DOM80 TUN95 EGY90 PAK85 PAN80 GAB95 HND85 COL90 SYR80 CHL95 MEX90 SLV85 SLV95 HUN95 OMN85 HND90 ZWE95 HTI95 HTI80 PRY80 BOL95 BFA80 GUY85 BHS85 PER95 DOM90 ZMB85 VEN90 SEN80 NIC80 OMN90 MLI85 TUN80 MAR80 TZA95 GNB80 BRA85 LKA95 ETH80 TUR85 GTM85 JOR80 PRY85 ZAR85 TZA90 TUR90 TTO90 TUR95 ECU90 COL85 COG95 KOR80 DZA80 SGP80 TGO80 MWI90 BGD95 BOL85 POL90 TUR80 MDG85 MAR90 MDG95 DZA95 THA80 IND80 KEN95 SEN90 CRI85 ZMB80 IND95 IND85 NGA95 URY95 GMB95 MLI90 KEN80 GAB85 NER95 HTI85 MNG95 MEX80 COG90 GNB85 JOR90 MYS80 GMB85 ECU80 PAK90 JAM80 LKA85 HND95 ARG95 MEX95 KEN90 ECU85 IRN95 SOM80 BGD85 SGP85 NIC90 MWI85 BRA95 MWI80 GNB90 JOR95 IND90 MLI80 CZE95 SYR85 ETH85 ARG80 HUN85 SLE85 ROM95 CIV85 GHA80 COG85 BRA90 HND80 COL80 PER80 BHS90 PHL95 CHL80 KOR95 PHL90 PRY95 MAR95 GTM80 PHL85 JAM95 MDG90 ZMB90 MEX85 TUN85 TGO90 COL95 CMR85 BGR95 PAK95 MYS95 GMB90 BOL80 CIV90 ROM85 PER85 SLE90 PNG85 GUY80 MDG80 BRA80 MYS85 DZA85 VEN95 LBR80 ZMB95 ECU95 PHL80 ARG85 NER90 PAN85 ROM90 ZAR95 DZA90 URY80 IDN95 CRI80 TTO85 THA95 HTI90 HUN90 PNG95 NGA80 PNG80 NIC85 CMR90 SLV80 JOR85 CIV80 MMR85 SLE95 GNB95 LBR85 NER80 AGO90 SOM90 ZAR90 LBR90 -10 0 Non-outliers Outliers 10 Post-conflict*Aid*Policy 20 30 Fit to all data, coef = 0.09, t = 0.96, N = 296 Fit excl. outliers, coef = 0.22, t = 0.43, N = 287 49 Figure 5. Hansen & Tarp 2SLS regression: Partial scatter of GDP/capita growth vs. aid 15 Original data GAB74 GDP/capita Growth 0 5 10 CMR78 SYR74 PRY78 EGY82 BWA78 ARG90 SYR78 MEX78 SYR90 LKA82 SOM74 BWA82 KOR86PAK82 EGY78 SEN82 TTO78 TZA86 TUR82 KOR82 PAK78 BWA86 ETH86 BRA86 URY86 THA86 DOM86 CMR82 URY78 TUR90 BOL82 MWI82 IND86 PAK86 NIC74 KEN86 SLV82 GUY90 SLV90 LKA90 NER78 NGA74 MAR82 CHL90 MAR74 GMB82 ARG74 GAB82 IDN90 TZA90 THA90 IND82 TUR74 PRY74 HTI78 ZAR82 TUR86 TGO78 PAK90 KOR90 GAB90 GUY74 GMB74BOL90 ZWE82 SLV74 BRA82 CHL86 ZWE86 GTM74 MWI90 PER78 IDN78 COL78 SLE78 CHL78 LKA78 KOR74 IDN86 PHL78 KEN78 ARG86 ARG82 IDN82 GHA86 COL90 BRA74 NIC90 GHA90 LKA86 MYS90 URY74 PHL86 HND86 COL82 HND90 VEN90 COL86 TTO74 TUN90 HND78 GHA78 PHL74 SEN74 HND82 ZAR86 URY90 ZMB86 TGO86 BOL74 DOM78 TZA82 SLV86 HND74 MAR78 IND90 PER90 THA82 PER86 SLE90 ETH90 ZMB90 NIC82 GUY78 SLE86 CRI90 KEN82 HTI74 ZWE90 GTM90 GTM78 DZA74 PRY86 DOM74 MYS78 GAB86 PER74 IDN74 LKA74 TGO82 GTM86 PER82 MAR86 GHA82 BRA78 DOM82 ARG78 MEX82 EGY86 DOM90 BRA90 KOR78 ECU82 ECU90 CRI74 HTI82 GMB78 MEX74 IND78 JAM82 KEN90 BOL78 CRI86 ZMB78 COL74 MYS82 BOL86 SLE82 IND74 BWA90 ECU86 THA78 TUR78 ECU74 PAK74 MEX90ECU78 ZMB82 MDG90 SOM78 HTI86 EGY90 MYS86 NIC86 CRI82 GUY82 KEN74 VEN74 TUN86 PRY90 GUY86 ZAR78 PRY82 GTM82 CRI78 ZMB74 VEN86 MYS74 GMB86 JAM78 SLE74 PHL90 THA74 SLV78 MAR90 GMB90 MWI86 SEN78 MEX86 TTO82 CHL82 NGA78 VEN82 CMR86 PHL82 CHL74 MDG74 ZAR74 GHA74 URY82 VEN78TTO86 HTI90 NGA90 -10 -5 NGA86 NGA82 ETH82 -10 -5 Non-outliers Outliers CMR90 NIC78 GAB78 0 Aid, instrumented values 5 Fit to all data, coef = 0.24, t = 2.34, N = 231 Fit excl. outliers, coef = 0.15, t = 1.82, N = 229 10 Expanded sample, AR-robust GDP/capita Growth -5 0 5 NGA70 -10 NIC95 JOR75 ARG90 DOM70 PNG90 CHN90 BWA80 CMR80 URY85 NGA85 SLE80PRY75 BRA70 IRN90 SYR90 EGY80 UGA95 PER90 UGA90 PAK80 BWA85 ECU70 URY75 GMB80 NIC80 GAB80 URY90 LKA90 MAR75 GMB75 BFA95 UGA85 TGO95 IND95 CHN95 IDN90 TTO95 LKA80 KEN85 MLI95 HND75 KOR85 THA85 TTO80 ZWE95 THA90 POL95 DOM95 PAK85 CHL85 SYR75 ZMB85 CYP85 LKA95 SLV90 MMR80 MYS90 JAM85 BRA85 GTM70 GTM75 ZAR80 PRY70 NGA90 IND80 CHL90 KOR90 IRN80 ZWE85 BWA95 NIC90 IDN80 CMR95 ETH95 DOM85 GAB75 TUN80 HTI95 TUR95 GHA95 BOL85 LKA75 CIV95 CHL95 TUR85 HUN95 IND85 ZWE90 ZMB80 GAB90 TUR80 BOL80 BFA85 PHL75 SGP70 DZA95 GHA85 IRN95 SYR80 GHA70 PRY85 KOR75 SEN80 JOR80 TGO85 HTI75 SLE75 MAR80 TUN95 SGP90 ZMB95 CYP95 JAM80 SGP80 COL70 TUN75 MEX75 GTM85 BFA90 LKA85 SLV85 MYS80 BOL95 CRI95 HND85 PER85 SLE70 CRI75 PAK90 BFA80 MAR85 CYP90 IND90 PRY80 PAK75 IDN75 GTM95 PAK95 ARG80 MEX80 NGA95 KOR80 PER95 BFA75 KEN75 ECU90 ARG95 SEN75 BTUR90 RA95 ARG75 MMR75 KEN80 TUN90 IDN85 HTI70 BRA90 ZAR95 NIC85 CHL75 EGY95 VEN90 KOR95 DOM80 URY95 SLE85 PER70 COG95 COL85 EGY85 ZAR70 MEX95 PHL70 THA75 GTM90 PER80 SGP95 MDG95 THA80 SLV95 CRI90 GHA90 BWA90 SLV70 MAR70 COL75 MEX90 ZMB90 PHL85 COL80 COL90 KOR70BOL90 ZAF95 SGP85 BRA75 MYS70 URY70 MWI90 SYR95 DOM75 ZAR85 GAB85 CRI85 TUR75 BOL75 MWI85 MYS95 HTI80 SLV75 JAM90 MYS75 HND70 ETH90 VEN75 KEN95 PAK70 TGO80 ECU85 HND90 PNG85 GHA75 LKA70 HND80 PHL95 EGY90 CIV85 PHL80 ARG85 GHA80 BOL70 HND95 KEN90 VEN85 ECU75 GTM80 CHL70 PER75 TUN85 DOM90 VEN70 SGP75 MMR70 PRY90 MEX85 COL95 IND75 MAR95 BRA80 HTI85 MAR90 MLI90 PNG80 NGA75 CRI80 SYR85 THA70 CIV90 ECU80 URY80 PNG95 ZMB75 JOR95 JAM95 VEN95 CMR85 MYS85 MDG90 JOR90 IDN95 TGO90 PRY95 THA95 PHL90 MDG70 ECU95 CHL80 SLE90 IND70 VEN80 CIV80 SLV80 ZAR75 IRN85 ZAR90 MMR85 NGA80 HTI90 CMR90 SLE95 NER80 JOR85 NIC75 -10 -5 0 Aid, instrumented values Non-outliers Outliers 5 Fit to all data, coef = -0.01, t = -0.07, N = 294 Fit excl. outliers, coef = -0.02, t = -0.20, N = 293 50 Figure 6. Guillaumont and Chauvet Regression 1.2: Partial Scatter of GDP/Capita Growth versus Aid×Environment 4 Original data GDP/capita Growth -2 0 2 GMB82 GMB70 IND82 THA82 TTO70 DOM70 KOR82 PRY70 PAK82 ECU70 GTM82 GHA82 IDN70 MWI82 BOL82 SLV82 SYR82 EGY82 MYS82 DOM82 IDN82 HND82KOR70COG82 BRA70RWA70 KEN82 VEN82 COL82 JAM82 PAK70 PRY82 CYP82 HND70 URY82 MYS70 CRI82 MUS70 SLE70 CHL82 GUY82 MUS82 SLE82 MEX82 ARG82 PHL82 GUY70 PHL70 TGO82 VEN70 RWA82 BRA82 URY70 COL70BOL70 ECU82 TTO82 THA70 CHL70 LKA82 MMR82SLV70 GHA70 NIC82 -4 SEN82 CMR82 JOR82 ZAR82 -15 -10 Non-outliers Outliers -5 0 5 Aid*Environment, instrumented values 10 Fit to all data, coef = -0.15, t = -1.79, N = 68 Fit excl. outliers, coef = -0.11, t = -1.96, N = 67 IV. Conclusion Each of the papers examined here embodies a set of choices about model specification and data. Aid is measured a certain way. A certain epoch is studied. Periods have a certain length. And so on. Some of these choices imply certain assumptions about the world, such as, say, that aid is not endogenous to growth. All limit the scope of a strict interpretation of the results. To wit, the Burnside and Dollar results can be stated more precisely as follows: Aid was associated with higher GDP growth in a good policy environment during 1970–93, on average, in countries and periods where the necessary data was collected, except for outliers (unless aid2×policy is included to allow for diminishing returns to aid), when aid is defined as “Effective Development Assistance” as a share of real GDP and polices are defined by inflation, budget deficit, and the complex Sachs-Warner “openness” variable, controlling for log of initial real GDP/capita, assassinations per capita, ethno-linguistic fractionalization, the product of those two, money supply/GDP, and period effects, assuming that no unobserved country-specific effects simultaneously and substantially influence aid, policies, and growth, and no variables other than aid aid×policy are endogenous to growth. 51 This is not quite “aid has a positive effect on growth in a good policy environment.” In fairness, such qualifiers could be tacked on to the conclusion of any study in the crosscountry literature on aid and development, or in econometrics more generally (though perhaps not always quite so many). Moreover, Burnside and Dollar did test some of their assumptions, such as the exogeneity of the policy variables. Nevertheless, a question of great scientific and practical importance remains, and it is how many of such implied qualifiers in studies of aid and growth can be dropped without harming the conclusions. This study attempts to contribute to answering that question. The test results reported here suggest that the fragility found in Easterly et al. (2004) for the case of Burnside and Dollar is common in the cross-country aid effectiveness literature. In surveying the results, it is tempting to ask which results are robust and which are not. But the test data are best seen in shades of grey. The results tested here break roughly into five groups, ranging from weakest to strongest. The weakest group consists of the results on aid×policy in the Burnside and Dollar, Collier and Dollar, and Collier and Dehn regressions, which lose significance at 0.05 in all but the weakest tests. In the second division I put the Collier and Dehn result on ∆aid×negative shock, which passes more tests but is quite sensitive to changes in the control set, as well as to removal of a minority of the negative shocks in the sample. The Collier and Hoeffler result on post-conflict 1×aid×policy (or the collinear postconflict 1×aid), the Hansen and Tarp results on aid and aid2, and Guillaumont and Chauvet result on aid×environment seem stronger. They generally pass the “whimsy”-based tests at or near 0.05. Most survive the sample-expansion test, but with autocorrelation—and then fail the ARrobust test meant to address this problem. The Guillaumont and Chauvet result could not be put 52 to the sample-expansion tests, so the degree of its robustness is less certain and I add it to this middle category. In the fourth and fifth categories are the GMM results of Hansen and Tarp and Dalgaard et al., respectively. Both fare well under the sample expansion. The Hansen and Tarp GMM results, especially those on aid and lagged aid, generally persist through the test suite, though not always significantly at 0.05. The only test that completely eliminates the Hansen and Tarp GMM results is that of defining aid as EDA/real GDP, but this is a misleading measure of aid. As for the Dalgaard et al. results, they come through powerfully in all the tests but the 12-year aggregation that reduces the sample size to 116. Does this mean that the statistically weaker stories of aid effectiveness should be dismissed? Are recipient policies, exogenous economic factors, and post-conflict status irrelevant to aid effectiveness? No. There can be no doubt that aid sometimes finances investment (Hansen and Tarp, 2001), and that domestic policies, governance, external conditions, and historical circumstances influence the productivity of investment. Why then do such stories of aid effectiveness not shine more clearly through the numbers? The reasons are several. Aid is probably not a fundamentally decisive factor for development, not as important as, say, domestic savings, inequality, and governance. Moreover, foreign assistance is not homogenous. It consists of everything from in-kind food aid to famine-struck countries and technical advice on building judiciaries to loans for paving roads. And some aid is poorly used. Thus the statistical noise nearly drowns out the signal. If there is one strong conclusion from this literature it is that on average aid works well outside the tropics but not in them. But just as it would be a mistake to conclude that the other stories of aid effectiveness contain no truth, it would also be mistaken to conclude that this result 53 is the wholly, simply true. Indeed, the Dalgaard et al. result is more of a question than an answer. Presumably distance from the poles is not a direct determinant of aid effectiveness. Rather, the causal pathways are complex, and so it cannot be assumed that no kind of aid will work well in the tropics. Much the same can be said about the more optimistic, but somewhat less robust, Hansen and Tarp result on the overall positive effect of aid on growth. Even accepting it as true, it gives little guidance about where aid ought to be sent, and in what forms. Perhaps further econometric work will disaggregate aid by types of program and recipient and unearth more robust answers to the fundamental questions of aid policy. Or perhaps researchers have hit the limits of what cross-country empirics can reveal about aid. The search for truth may need to rely more on the particularistic case study approach. Van de Walle and Johnston (1996), for example, synthesize conclusions from case studies on the use and effects of aid in seven African countries, each jointly conducted by researchers from donor and recipient countries. Of course, the lessons that emerge from case studies are particular to the country studied. But they can be generalized. Killick (1998) provides an excellent example by conducting a systematic survey of case studies that feeds into a trenchant analysis of the effects of IMF conditionality. Nevertheless, robust generalizations will not come easily. 54 Appendix. Data set construction The new data set used in this study is based heavily on that for Easterly et al. (2004). Some variables in that set have been slightly revised. Others have been added to match the data sets of the tested regressions. The period of coverage has been pushed back to 1958 and extended forward to 2001 for most variables. All data were collected from standard cross-country sources, expect for countries’ export price indexes, which were provided by Jan Dehn (see Dehn (2000)). (See Table A–1.) Following are notes on the data set construction: (a) • • • • • (b) • • • • Revisions since Easterly et al. (2004) Some observations for inflation were completed by using wholesale inflation where consumer price inflation was unavailable. The update of the Sachs-Warner variable was slightly revised under the influence of the independent update by Wacziarg and Welch (2002). The full update will be described and published separately. Some missing values for Effective Development Assistance during 1975–95, the period of the EDA data set, were filled in in the same manner as missing values outside this period already were, via a regression of EDA on net ODA. ICRGE now varies over time, rather than taking 1982 values throughout. Observations before 1982 were assigned 1982 values. In addition, the variable was revised in order to extend it beyond 1997. In 1998, the PRS Group stopped reporting two of ICRGE’s original components, Expropriation Risk and Repudiation of Government Contracts. So these were dropped entirely from ICRGE, leaving Corruption, Bureaucratic Quality, and Rule of Law. On annual data, the revised ICRGE has a 0.97 correlation with the original. Missing values for ethnolinguistic fractionalization were filled in from Roeder (2001). Expansion of period Data was collected for all available years in 1958–2001. However, the Collier and Dehn shocks variables were only updated to 1997 because the underlying data on export prices from Dehn (2000) cease in 1997. The Guillaumont and Chauvet environment variable was not updated at all, for lack of underlying data on its four components. The 1998–2001 values for the updated Sachs-Warner variable are based on 1998 data only. Currency Data International, the long-time source of black market premium data, which is one component of Sachs-Warner, shut down in 1999. Table A–1. Construction of data set Variable Per-capita GDP growth Initial GDP per capita Code GDPG Data source World Bank, 2003 Notes1 LGDP Summers and Heston, 1991, updated using GDPG Natural logarithm of GDP/capita for first year of period; constant 1985 dol- 55 Ethno-linguistic fractionalization, 1960 Assassinations/ capita Political instability, lagged Institutional quality ETHNF Roeder, 2001 ASSAS Banks, 2002 PINSTAB–1 Banks, 2002 ICRGE PRS Group’s IRIS III data set (see Knack and Keefer, 1995) M2/GDP, lagged one period Sub-Saharan Africa East Asia M2–1 World Bank, 2003 SSA World Bank, 2003 Budget surplus BB World Bank, 2003; IMF, 2003 Inflation INFL World Bank, 2003; IMF, 2003 Sachs-Warner, updated SACW Positive (and negative) shock POSSHOCK NEGSHOCK Sachs and Warner, 1995; Easterly et al., 2004; Wacziarg and Welch, 2002 Dehn, 2000 Positive (and negative) shock/GDP POSSHOCKGDP NEGSHOCKGDP EASIA lars Probability that two individuals will belong to different ethnic groups Assassinations/capita Simple average of ASSAS and revolutions/year Revised version of variable. Computed as the average of the three components still reported after 1997. Codes nations in the southern Sahara as sub-Saharan Dummy for China, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand, following Burnside and Dollar World Bank primary data source. Additional values extrapolated from IMF, using series 80 and 99b (local-currency budget surplus and GDP) Natural logarithm of 1 + inflation rate. World Bank primary data source. Wholesale price inflation from IMF used where consumer price data unavailable Extended to 1998. Slightly revised pre-1993. Full description will be published separately Shocks are % price index changes. “Shock” threshold country-specific. Reconstructed based on underlying index data for 1957–97 Shocks are shares of GDP, computed using 1990 data on commodity share of exports and exports share of 56 Positive (and negative) shock, pooled basis Positive (and negative) shock/GDP, pooled basis Effective Development Assistance/ real GDP GDP from Dehn 2000. “Shock” threshold countryspecific Shocks are % price changes. “Shock” threshold universal Shocks are shares of GDP. “Shock” threshold universal POSSHOCKPOOLED NEGSHOCKPOOLED POSSHOCKGDPPOOLED NEGSHOCKGDPPOOLED AID Chang et al., 1998; DAC, 2002; IMF, 2003; World Bank, 2003; Summer and Heston, 1991 Net Overseas Development Assistance/real GDP ODAPPPGDP Net Overseas Development Assistance/nominal GDP Dummy for end of civil conflict in previous period ODAXRGDP DAC, 2002; IMF, 2003; World Bank, 2003; Summer and Heston, 1991 DAC, 2002; World Bank, 2003 POSTCONFLICT1 Available values for 1975– 95 from Chang et al. Missing values extrapolated based on regression of EDA on Net ODA. 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