Christine E. Eibner

Updated February 2014
Christine E. Eibner
Senior Economist
Director of the COMPARE Microsimulation Modeling Initiative
RAND Corporation
1200 South Hayes Street
Arlington, VA 22202-5050
(703) 413-1100 Ext. 5913
Ph.D. Economics, University of Maryland at College Park, received August 2001
M.A. Economics, University of Maryland at College Park, received May 1998
B.A. Economics and English, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, May 1995
Senior Economist, RAND Corporation, Arlington, VA, June 2012-present
Economist, RAND Corporation, Arlington, VA, May 2008-May 2012
Associate Economist, RAND Corporation, Arlington, VA, August 2003-May 2008
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Center for Health and Wellbeing, Princeton University,
September 2001-June 2003
Intern, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (formerly AHCPR), Rockville, MD,
summer 1999
Health Economics, Health Care Costs, Simulation Modeling, Military Health Policy
Cordova, Amado, Frederico Girosi, Sarah Nowak, Christine Eibner, Kenneth Finegold, “The
COMPARE Microsimulation Model and the U.S. Affordable Care Act,” International
Journal of Microsimulation, Winter 2013, 6(3):78-117.
Benjamin F. Mundell, Mark W. Friedberg, Christine Eibner and William C. Mundell, “US
Military Primary Care: Problems, Solutions, And Implications For Civilian Medicine,”
Health Affairs, Nov 2013, 32(11):1949-1955.
Miller, Amalia R., Christine Eibner, Carole Roan Gresenz, “Financing of Employer Sponsored
Health Insurance Plans Before and After Health Reform: What Consumers Don’t
Know Won’t Hurt Them?,” International Review of Law and Economics, Oct 2013,
Price, Carter C. and Christine Eibner, “For States that Opt Out of Medicaid Expansion: 3.6
Million Fewer Insured and $8.4 Billion Less in Federal Payments,” Health Affairs, Jun
2013, 32(6):1030-1036.
Christine E. Eibner
Eibner, Christine, Dana P. Goldman, Jeffrey Sullivan, Alan M. Garber, “Three Large-Scale
Changes to the Medicare Program Could Curb Its Costs but also Reduce Enrollment,”
Health Affairs, May 2013, 32(5):891-899.
Cordova, Amado, Christine Eibner, Raffaele Vardavas, James Broyles, Federico Girosi,
“Modeling Employer Self-Insurance Decisions After the Affordable Care Act,” Health
Services Research, Apr 2013, 48(2p2):850–865.
Griffin, Beth Ann, Christine Eibner, Chloe E. Bird, Adria Jewell, Karen Margolis, Regina Shih,
Mary Ellen Slaughter, Eric A. Whitsel, Matthew Allison, Jose J. Escarce, “The
Relationship between Coronary Heart Disease and Urban Sprawl in Women,” Health
& Place, Mar 2013, 20:51-61.
Osilla, Karen C., Kristin Van Busum, Christopher Schnyer, Judy W. Larkin, Christine Eibner,
Soeren Mattke, “A Systematic Review on the Impact of Worksite Wellness
Programs,” The American Journal of Managed Care, Feb 2012, 18(2):e68-e81.
Eibner, Christine, Carter C. Price, Raffaele Vardavas, Amado Cordova, Federico Girosi,
“Small Firms’ Actions in Two Areas, and Exchange Premium and Enrollment Impact,”
Health Affairs, 2012, 31(2):324-331.
Dubowitz T, Ghosh-Dastidar M, Christine Eibner, Slaughter ME, Fernandes M, Whitsel EA,
Bird CE, Jewell A, Margolis KL, Li W, Michael YL, Shih RA, Manson JE, Escarce JJ, “The
Women’s Health Initiative: The Food Environment, Neighborhood Socioeconomic
Status, BMI, and Blood Pressure,” Obesity, Apr 2012, 20(4):862-871.
Shih, Regina A, Bonnie Ghosh-Dastidar, Karen L. Margolis, Mary E. Slaughter, Adria Jewell,
Chloe E. Bird, Christine Eibner, Natalie L. Denburg, Judith Ockene, Catherine R.
Messina, Mark A. Espeland, “Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status and Cognitive
Function in Women,” American Journal of Public Health, Sep 2011, 101(9):17211728.
Kilmer, Beau, Christine Eibner, Jeanne S. Ringel, Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, “Invisible Wounds,
Visible Savings? Using Microsimulation to Estimate the Costs and Savings Associated
with Providing Evidence-based Treatment for PTSD and Depression to Veterans of
Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom,” Psychological Trauma:
Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, Jun 2011, 3(2):201-211.
Shih, Regina A., BA Griffin, N Salkowski, A Jewell, Christine Eibner, CE Bird, D Liao, M
Cushman, HG Margolis, CB Eaton, EA Whitsel, “Ambient Particulate Air Matter and
Venous Thromboembolism in the Women’s Health Initiative Hormone Therapy
Trials,” Environmental Health Perspectives, Mar 2011, 119(3): 326–331.
Eibner, Christine, Peter S. Hussey, Federico Girosi, “The Effects of the Affordable Care Act
on Workers’ Health Insurance Coverage,” New England Journal of Medicine, Oct
2010, 363(16):1393-1395.
Ringel, Jeanne S., Christine Eibner, Federico Girosi, Amado Cordova, Elizabeth A. McGlynn,
“Modeling Health Care Policy Alternatives,” Health Services Research, Oct 2010,
Christine E. Eibner
Hussey, Peter S., Christine Eibner, M. Susan Ridgely, Elizabeth A. McGlynn, “Controlling US
Healthcare Spending—Separating Promising from Unpromising Approaches,” New
England Journal of Medicine, Nov 2009, 361(22):2109-2111.
Eibner, Christine, Terry L. Schell, Lisa H. Jaycox, editorial comment, “Care of War Veterans
with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury,” New England Journal of Medicine, Jul 2009,
Zawacki, Alice, Christine Eibner, Elaine M. Zimmerman, “Older Workers Access to EmployerSponsored Retiree Health Insurance, 2000-2006,” Journal of Labor Research, 2009,
Eibner, Christine and M. Susan Marquis, “Employers’ Health Insurance Cost Burden: 19962005,” Monthly Labor Review, 2008, 131(6):28-44.
MacDonald, John M., Andrew Morral, Barbara Raymond, Christine Eibner, “The Efficacy of
the Rio Hondo DUI Court: A 2-Year Field Experiment,” Evaluation Review, 2007,
Eibner, Christine, Andrew Morral, Rosalie L. Pacula, John MacDonald, “Is the Drug Court
Model Exportable? The Cost-Effectiveness of a DUI Court,” Journal of Substance
Abuse Treatment, 2006, 31:75-85.
Eibner, Christine and Roland Sturm, “US-Based Indices of Area-Level Deprivation: Results
from HealthCare for Communities,” Social Science and Medicine, 2005, 62:348-359.
Eibner, Christine and William N. Evans, “Relative Deprivation, Poor Health Habits, and
Mortality,” Journal of Human Resources, 2005, 40(3):591-620.
Eibner, Christine, Roland Sturm, Carole R. Gresenz, “Does Relative Deprivation Predict the
Need for Mental Health Services,” Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics,
2004, 7(4):167-175.
Eibner, Christine and William N. Evans, “The Income/Health Relationship and the Role of
Relative Deprivation” in Kathryn Neckerman, ed., Social Inequality, New York: Russell
Sage, Jul 2004.
Saltzman, Evan and Christine Eibner, Evaluating the “Keep Your Health Plan Fix”:
Implications for the Affordable Care Act Compared to Legislative Alternatives, Santa
Monica, CA: RAND, RR-529, January 2014.
Nowak, Sarah A., Christine Eibner, David M. Adamson, Evan Saltzman, Effects of the
Affordable Care Act on Consumer Health Care Spending and Risk of Catastrophic
Health Costs, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, RR-383-CMF, October 2013.
Eibner, Christine, Amado Cordova, Sarah A. Nowak, Carter C. Price, Evan Saltzman, Dulani
Woods, The Affordable Care Act and Health Insurance Markets: Simulating the
Effects of Regulation, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, RR-189-DHHS, August 2013.
Christine E. Eibner
Price, Carter C., Eibner, Christine, The Budgetary Effects of Medicaid Expansion on
Pennsylvania: An Expansion on Previous Work, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, RR-256/1RC, June 2013.
Price, Carter C., Julie M. Donohue, Evan Saltzman, Dulani Woods, Christine Eibner, The
Economic Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Pennsylvania, Santa Monica, CA: RAND,
RR-256-HHAP, March 2013.
Eibner, Christine, Carter C. Price, The Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Enrollment and
Premiums, with and without the Individual Mandate, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, TR1221-CMWF, 2012.
Eibner, Christine, Federico Girosi, Amalia Miller, Amado Cordova, Elizabeth A. McGlynn,
Nicholas M. Pace, Carter C. Price, Raffaele Vardavas, Carole Roan Gresenz, Employer
Self-Insurance Decisions and the Implications of the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act as Modified by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act
of 2010, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, TR-971-DOL, 2011.
Auerbach, David, Sarah Nowak, Jeanne Ringel, Federico Girosi, Christine Eibner, Elizabeth
McGlynn, Jeffrey Wasserman, The Impact of the Coverage-Related Provisions of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Insurance Coverage and State Health
Expenditure in Connecticut, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, TR-973/1-CSG, 2011.
Auerbach, David, Sarah Nowak, Jeanne Ringel, Federico Girosi, Christine Eibner, Elizabeth
McGlynn, Jeffrey Wasserman, The Impact of the Coverage-Related Provisions of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Insurance Coverage and State Health
Expenditure in Montana, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, TR-973/2-CSG, 2011.
Auerbach, David, Sarah Nowak, Jeanne Ringel, Federico Girosi, Christine Eibner, Elizabeth
McGlynn, Jeffrey Wasserman, The Impact of the Coverage-Related Provisions of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Insurance Coverage and State Health
Expenditure in California, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, TR-973/3-CSG, 2011.
Auerbach, David, Sarah Nowak, Jeanne Ringel, Federico Girosi, Christine Eibner, Elizabeth
McGlynn, Jeffrey Wasserman, The Impact of the Coverage-Related Provisions of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Insurance Coverage and State Health
Expenditure in Texas, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, TR-973/4-CSG, 2011.
Auerbach, David, Sarah Nowak, Jeanne Ringel, Federico Girosi, Christine Eibner, Elizabeth
McGlynn, Jeffrey Wasserman, The Impact of the Coverage-Related Provisions of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Insurance Coverage and State Health
Expenditure in Illinois, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, TR-973/5-CSG, 2011.
Eibner, Christine, Federico Girosi, Carter C. Price, Amado Cordova, Peter S. Hussey, Alice
Beckman, Elizabeth A. McGlynn, Establishing State Health Insurance Exchanges:
Implications for Health Insurance Enrollment, Spending, and Small Businesses, Santa
Monica, CA: RAND, TR-825-DOL, 2010.
Eibner, Christine, Federico Girosi, Carter C. Price, Elizabeth A. McGlynn, Grandfathering in
the Small Group Market under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:
Christine E. Eibner
Effects on Offer Rates, Premiums, and Coverage, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, OP-313DOL, 2010.
McGlynn, Elizabeth A., Amado Cordova, Jeanne S. Ringel, Christine Eibner, Federico Girosi,
RAND COMPARE Analysis of President Obama’s Proposal for Health Reform, Santa
Monica, CA: RAND, RB-9519, 2010.
Eibner, Christine, Peter S. Hussey, M. Susan Ridgely, Elizabeth A. McGlynn, Controlling
Health Care Spending in Massachusetts: An Analysis of Options, Massachusetts
Division of Health Care Finance and Policy, Boston, MA, Publication # 09-219-HCF01, August 2009.
Eibner, Christine, RAND COMPARE: Understanding the Effects of Health Care Reform from a
National Perspective, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, DB-584-HLTH, 2009.
Girosi, Federico, Amado Cordova, Christine Eibner, Carole Roan Gresenz, Emmett Keeler,
Jeanne Ringel, et al., Overview of the COMPARE Microsimulation Model, Santa
Monica, CA: RAND, WR-650, 2009. Available at:
Harris, Katherine M., James Galasso, Christine Eibner, Review and Evaluation of the VA
Enrollee Health Care Projection Model, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, MG-596-DVA,
Eibner, Christine, Invisible Wounds of War: Quantifying the Societal Costs of Psychological
and Cognitive Injuries (Congressional testimony presented before the Joint Economic
Committee), Santa Monica, CA: RAND, CT-309, 2008.
Eibner, Christine, Jeanne S. Ringel, Beau Kilmer, Rosalie Liccardo Pacula, Claudia Diaz, “The
Cost of Post-Combat Mental Health and Cognitive Conditions,” in Tanielian and
Jaycox, eds., Invisible Wounds of War: Psychological and Cognitive Injuries, Their
Consequences, and Services to Assist Recovery, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, MG-720CCF, 2008.
Tanielian Terri, Lisa H. Jaycox, Terry L. Schell, Grant N. Marshall, Audrey Burnam, Christine
Eibner, Benjamin Karney, Lisa S. Meredith, Jeanne Ringel, Mary Vaiana, Invisible
Wounds of War: Summary and Recommendations for Addressing Psychological and
Cognitive Injuries, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, MG-720-1, 2008.
Eibner, Christine, The Economic Burden of Providing Health Insurance: How Much Worse Off
Are Small Firms?, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, TR-559-EMKF, 2008.
Eibner, Christine, Maintaining Military Medical Readiness During Peacetime: Outlining and
Assessing a New Approach, Santa Monica, CA: RAND MG-638-OSD, 2008.
Mariano, Louis, Sheila Kirby, Christine Eibner, Scott Naftel, Civilian Health Insurance Options
of Military Retirees: Findings from a Pilot Study, Santa Monica, CA: RAND MG-538OSD, 2007.
Christine E. Eibner
Gates, Susan, Christine Eibner, Edward Keating, Civilian Workforce Planning in the
Department of Defense: Different Levels, Different Roles, Santa Monica, CA: RAND
MG-449-OSD, 2006.
Bird, Chloe E, Regina Shih, Christine Eibner, Beth Griffin, Mary Slaughter, Eric A Whitsel,
Karen Margolis, Jose Escarce, Adria Jewell, Charles Mouton, Nicole Lurie,
“Neighborhood SES and Incident CHD among Women,” JGIM 24:S127, 2009.
Eibner, Christine, Alice Zawacki, Elaine Zimmerman, “Older Workers Access to EmployerSponsored Retiree Health Insurance, 2000-2004,” Center for Economic Studies,
Working Paper #CES-WP-07-12, US Bureau of the Census, 2007.
Eibner, Christine, Kanika Kapur, M. Susan Marquis, “Snapshot: Employer Health Insurance
Costs in the United States,” Chartbook prepared for the California Health Care
Foundation, 2007.
Eibner, Christine, Kanika Kapur, M. Susan Marquis, “Snapshot: Employer Sponsored
Coverage,” Chartbook prepared for the California Health Care Foundation, 2006.
“FMAP Income Conversion Refinement,” US Department of Health and Human Services,
$674,999, 9/12-9/13, Principal Investigator
“FMAP Claiming and MAGI Income Conversion Methods,” US Department of Health and
Human Services, $1.4 million, 9/11-8/13, Principal Investigator
“Simulating the American Health Benefits Exchanges,” US Department of Health and Human
Services, $250,000, 9/11-3/15, Co-Principal Investigator
“Stop-Loss Sensitivity Analysis and Health Plan Assistance Study,” US Department of Labor,
$200,000, 9/11-6/12, Principal Investigator
“Current Health Benefits for Workers with Low and Moderate Incomes,” The
Commonwealth Fund, $235,022, 4/11-4/12, Principal Investigator
“Affordable Care Act—Technical Assistance,” US Department of Health and Human Services,
$784,227, 9/10-9/13, Principal Investigator
“Large Group Study,” US Department of Labor, $1,098,036, 9/10-9/11, Co-Principal
“The Implications of a National Health Insurance Connector for Small Business,” US
Department of Labor, $249,887, 9/09-9/10, Co-Principal Investigator
“Women, Neighborhoods, and Coronary Heart Disease: A Prospective Study,” National
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, $2,481,383, 7/07-4/10, Co-Principal Investigator
“The Effect of a Pharmaceutical Benefits Change on Health Process Outcomes,” Mid-Atlantic
Permanente Group, $66,514, 9/06-8/07, Principal Investigator
Christine E. Eibner
“Health Insurance Costs For Small Businesses: How Much Do Benefits Substitute For
Wages?” The Kauffman-Rand Institute, $60,486, 1/07-9/07, Principal Investigator
“Trends in the Distribution Of Employer Health Insurance Costs,” California Health Care
Foundation, $224,481, 6/05-5/07, Co-Principal Investigator
The Journal of Human Resources
The Journal of Health Economics
Health Affairs
Health Services Research
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved
Medical Science Monitor
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
Social Science and Medicine
Health Policy
Forum for Health Economics and Policy
RAND President’s Choice Award, 2013
RAND Silver Merit Bonus Award, 2012
RAND President’s Award, 2011
RAND Gold Merit Bonus Award, 2009
RAND Bronze Merit Bonus Award, 2008
Graduate Fellowship, University of Maryland, 1996-1998
Magna cum Laude with Honors in English, College of William and Mary, 1995
Phi Beta Kappa, 1995