Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
04/2009 – 11/2013
04/2007 – 03/2009
10/2006 – 04/2007
10/2003 - 08/2006
07/2005 – 11/2005
08/1995 - 07/2003
Work Experience
Since 04/2013
Dr. Lisa Freudenberger
23. January 1984
Heppenheim, Germany
Cooperative Graduate Program „Adaptive Nature Conservation under
Climate Change“ of the University for Sustainable Development
Eberswalde, Potsdam University and Potsdam Institute for Climate
Impact Research
Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat) Dissertation „Adaptation of large scale prioritysetting and planning in nature conservation to global change”
Georg-August-University Goettingen - Goettingen/Germany
Bi-national studies in “International Nature Conservation” in cooperation with
Lincoln University (New-Zealand), Master Thesis on Habitat Modelling of Kea
Nestor notabilis Nesting Sites, Double degree M. Sc. and M.I.N.C. (Grade 1.0)
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen - Giessen/Germany
Studies in Environment and Resource Management
University of Osnabrueck – Osnabrueck/Germany
Studies in Biology of Organisms with an emphasis on animal behaviour and ecology, Bachelor’s degree (grade 2.2)
Bachelor thesis on “Breeding Success and Chicks’ mortality of Lapwings
Vanellus vanellus and Black-tailed godwits Limosa limosa ” (grade 1.3).
Participation in the VERONA Program for additional qualifications and skills
University of Waikato - Hamilton/New Zealand,
School of Science and Engineering, Study Abroad Semester
Albert Einstein School - Gross Bieberau/Germany
Degree: Abitur
11/2012 – 03/2013
01/2012 – 11/2012
04/2009 – 12/2011
Center for Development Research – Bonn/Germany
Senior Researcher WASCAL project (West African Science Service Center on
Climate Change and Adapted Land Use), project controlling, proposal writing and teaching.
Center for Development Research – Bonn/Germany
Scientific Assistant in the administration of the WASCAL project (West African
Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use), completion of project reports.
Potsdam University – Potsdam/Germany
Scholarship for the completion of the dissertation.
University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde/Germany
Research Associate in the Department Forest and Environment, Publication and presentation of research results, GIS data generation and statistical analysis, collaboration with external partner institutions, participation in teaching activities, supervision of bachelor and master students, project management and publicity work.
10/2007 – 12/2007 Management of the Korup National Park – Mundemba/Cameroon
Internship at the National Park Management, compilation of an ecotourismconcept for small villages located around the park, Rewriting of tourists guides, participation in research on feeding ecology and social structures of drills
09/2007 – 10/2007 Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety - Bonn/Germany,
Consultancy for the campaign preparing the 9th conference of parties of the
UN “Convention on Biological Diversity“ in Bonn in 2008, spokesperson for the ministry for press conferences and interviews
08/2007 – 09/2007 Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety – Bonn/Germany
Internship at the Department for international Nature Conservation, member of the German delegation at the 8th meeting of the German-Russian working group for nature conservation, public relations work and elaboration of speeches and drafts for the head of the ministry
01/2006 – 04/2006 Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear
Safety – Bonn/Germany
Internship at the Department for international Nature Conservation, investigation and publishing of articles, writing of final reports for research- and development-projects, Participation in conferences such as the
“Symposium for Ecology and Protection of meadow-birds in Middle Europe”,
Business-Trip as a Member of the German Delegation to the 8 th
Conference of
Parties of the Convention on biological Diversity of the United Nations in
05/2006 – 10/2006
Selected Publications
University Osnabrueck - Osnabrueck/Germany
Student assistant for data collection and evaluation of an agro-environment scheme in the Stollhammer Wisch, radio-tracking and GIS based data analysis
Dolgener N., L. Freudenberger , N. Schneeweiss, P.L. Ibisch, R. Tiedemann (2014) Projecting current and potential future distribution of the Fire- bellied toad Bombina bombina under climate change in northeastern Germany. Reginal Environmental Change 14:1063:1072.
Dolgener, N., L. Freudenberger , M. Schluck, N. Schneeweiss, P. L. Ibisch, R. Tiedemann (2014).
Environmental niche factor analysis (ENFA) relates environmental parameters to abundance and genetic diversity in an endangered amphibian, the fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina). Conservation
Genetics 15:11-21.
Freudenberger L.
, P. Hobson, S. Rupic, M. Schluck, J. Sauermann, S. Kreft, N. Selva, P.L. Ibisch
(2013) Spatial Road Disturbance Index (SPROADI) for conservation planning: a novel landscape index, demonstrated for the state of Brandenburg, Germany 28:1353:1369.
Freudenberger L ., P. Hobson, M. Schluck, S. Kreft, K. Vohland, H. Sommer, S. Reichle, C. Nowicki,
W. Barthlott, P.L. Ibisch (in press) Nature Conservation: Priority-setting needs a global change.
Biodiversity and Conservation 22(5):1255:1281.
Freudenberger L ., P. Hobson, M. Schluck, P. L. Ibisch (2012) A global map of the functionality of terrestrial ecosystems. Ecological Complexity 12:13-22.